Putting SAFETY FIRST in Poly Bridge 3!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to polybridge three now last time we were trying to complete these levels without the bridge breaking at all so it was sort of a first time stab if the bridge breaks the video ends somehow we got through six levels then I got greedy trying to chase the leaderboard and it broke but it was actually a lot of fun and made me think like an engineer again so we're gonna be taking on the same challenge if the bridge fails the video ends so this one is called Crossing streams quite a big budget 42 Grand what if we are okay okay I know what we gotta do here so basically these two cars they go at the same time and you can see the flags are in the opposite Corners so essentially they've got to sort of jump without hitting each other now that diagonal is going to happen on a bridge here there's quite a big gap and I'm a little bit concerned the force of the two cars crashing might make my bridge collapse but anyway if we take this road over there and then start ramping up perhaps like that oh I don't know actually I don't know would it be better trying to do like a cat flap I can't account facts they're going to be going too fast like they move 17 meters a second and that's a lot of speed so yeah I guess we'll try something like that I feel like this green card so it's gonna go straight up and then smash through the bridge me try and like steepen this side perhaps anyway we'll put that then and then I don't know where these cars are going to end up is this going to be strong enough I really don't know I'm actually really worried but uh let's press place that does a jump that does oh okay let's just watch that again in like slow emotion so this card does actually go first before that one moves so it makes that jump almost perfectly this one a little bit short okay so let's just have a look where does this one land there question we don't have Springs to use but could we get away with trying to land that rally car on this bridge I'm not gonna lie I feel like it's risky but I can't really see what else I'm gonna do oh okay it worked it worked I mean it nearly worked this guy isn't quite up so he better tweaking okay we made it but we're well over budget I'm in the bottom one percent but that's what Safety First does for you okay so good news is this works bad news is we are well over budget what I basically need to do is get rid of get rid of any steel I can so that when this lands it is oh quite an impact pretty sure the tea could be wood that one could probably be wood then I feel like it's just a case of like lifting these up I'm pretty sure that can be wood like I've still got quite a lot to save I got like over two grand to save I can probably get rid of that completely yeah that's nearly the whole budget can probably make that wood in there we're so close to being under budget let's just check that this works oh yeah it's fine it is fine I'll tell you what do I even do I even need that because that's well under budget we got a square there now which means movement no actually it seems to be fine okay it works it works I'm around the budget oh no it didn't work why did that happen again anyway that's what I'm going for I'm not trimming these down until I just want to fly through make sure they're safe here we're still 85 stressed not that great we'll have a look in The Gallery at the lowest budgets 12 Grand look at that that was so much movement pretty much the same design though just a point in the middle yeah all of these are fairly similar this is a cheap one that's actually quite a bit different look it's got a hole in the jump so if you look this this car on the left jumps over then ramps up and then the green car it goes through the Gap that's quite cool yeah there's a few similar to that this one's look how small that little bit of road is all right so this is the set although actually what's going on up there oh look okay so we'll watch this one again but look on the top right like look at this bit of rude it's like a flappy bit of road which actually allows the car to get up and do a front flip for style points if we sort by the highest budget we've got a fish and it's the Nifty sponsored solution coming soon to Nifty fish flavored tea mmm it's fishy and tea be on this one the the fish actually spits out the green car because it doesn't like that we've then got this one oh what what I should laugh I shouldn't laugh followed by the rce propaganda nice I don't know what was under there actually I should probably check what was oh okay it was one of those it was one of those things under there this one they did the jump but then they did like a little just like a little Bridge up in the air because the two cars they want separated roads they don't want to share all right then we got this one what is going on here wait what how's the other car not going oh no way okay we actually need to watch that again okay so look at the very start the the DeLorean is deflected up right look that can you see that it's deflected up on top to use a bridge and then it comes along and there's a catch which allows this car to be released therefore you only need one Bridge no jumps Zed that was absolutely insane pat on the back from Matt anyway the next level is called Powerline we've only got Road and wood but we got 20 grand to play with oh my goodness that is a power line and oh look the level was darkened out so if we look at this we've got to build over that power line I mean I guess technically we could go under oh this is actually going to be a test because we don't have rope or steel or anything okay well to start with I'd imagine an arch or the road will be the strongest way of doing this the question is though do I do I put like an under truss or do I put an over trust cause if I want to do an over trust I've got to bring the road down because they can't actually build Road like outside of the of the light Square I think we'll do an under truss I feel like a more arched Road will be stronger so if we go push onto that then we can build our trust underneath now what I'm thinking is I want to use a wall brace to how I can go quite low with that actually and obviously as we get to the middle we don't need to support as much road so it can probably reduce a lot more than that copy that to the other side how's that looking on budget 15 grand oh actually careful careful Matt look they've been very cheeky and they've they put a little cut in so that wouldn't have been a wall breeze so hence I've just got to move this node right down into that corner right and then do we think that's strong enough can I just press play I reckon it probably is okay it's strong enough it's strong enough how's the stress oh it's up to 50 but we're good we're good we're good oh that was good I was a tiny bit worried then what we were in the bottom 20 I feel like I should try and trim it so that so I'm in the top 50 at least although check out the stress top three percent of low stress but yeah in terms of a factor of safety I reckon I reckon we're way too high so let's bring these up and basically just do that then we'll copy that to the other side I've just lifted up that will race a bit just so it's above that Gap that's a lot cheaper I reckon it should still be strong enough starting stresses 40 or up to 65 oh man stress is still so low I could go really cheap on this one I reckon in the top 41 I could stop but I sort of want to keep trying now I know if I delete that that will make the bridge a lot less stable but it's also going to be a lot cheaper because I'm using one less part the question is does it still work yeah stress synopsis oh 81 but it worked and I'm pretty sure I could then reduce these even more okay so I've trimmed it down a bit more up to 13 306 quid I probably could go like quite a bit cheaper but I reckon I reckon let's not push it let's just let's just do that we'll have a look at the stress oh my God oh my goodness okay that that was quite a lot of stress 93.24 stress and we're only in the top 24 so yeah it was this piece in the mid look how bright red that goes oh same over this side those two pieces but yeah I feel like we've pushed our luck enough on the safety let's go have a look in the gallery oh look at that it was one of those dodgy dangling roads the new ones for poly Bridge three four thousand quid that cost any legit ones about anywhere I mean they're all sort of just dangly roads to be honest I mean there's a banana someone did a banana bridge out of road I mean oh man look at that look at that so yeah pretty much all of these go underneath this is the first one that goes over at 11 Grand oh wow the movement in there so that was similar to mine but if you look can you see down here they don't have a truss under that piece so it's sort of the the two wall braces and then there's like a span in the middle so the bit in the middle sort of starts at that point finishes at that point over there of course it made the bridge very very wibbly which is a technical term but it was a lot cheaper than mine and yeah basically it looks like I should have not gone as high I went way too high with my bridge therefore costing a lot more pretty much all of these over solutions they they sort of cross like just above the wires all right listen oh that's a bit of a build that is a bit of a built you've got like the I trust returning there everything or this one which is very very similar to mine and very very expensive as well though it's only a little bit more expensive than mine so I guess just not me two people have completed this level anyway the next one is called U-turn we got 55 grand and what is what what what's going on here there's buildings all over the place so what actually happens the car goes okay okay so the car is there it travels right but it's a car with wheels that are bigger than the body so it can travel upside down potentially so it looks like we've got to get it up onto here although then that is a spin around her how does that work I don't know for now let's do a nice curve like around like that so if I just trust this up like that I can then support it under this side oh there is actually I can I can put weight on that okay that's cool so if I just make all of this steel then we should be fine at least to see if it works so I'm just trying to think if we jump around we should hopefully end up there possibly upside down oh okay so I landed there well then it carries on going that way I guess because it's upside down the wheels would be trying to move right but then because it flips it goes left either way if we watch this with the stress or oh man look how high the stress Went to went up to like 90 a couple of times I was very close to failing that I just realized how big of a jump we're doing as well so I can probably get away with like bringing this down a bit so what if we try that or man and that stress goes high but it gets up there fine okay do I that's eight grand because look at my budget I've got I've got 14 Grand left really so if I can gain another eight I'm not actually sure that was doing anything let's try oh it worked it just about worked it did just about work okay so now we just need a bridge over here so if we do a straight line up to like there ish okay and then we'll use that cheeky little gap down there and I reckon uh over under Arch sort of thing sort of like that but obviously we'll use steel so that we can stretch make it down to there nice okay I reckon if I just I just steal this bit I can probably get away with oh I can't quite get rid of all those should I try and get under budget in my first attempt so surely I can just lower these middle bits okay there we go we are under budget Let's see we know the first bit Works will this bit hold oh it does oh man that's so fast where you going I'm in the bottom one percent of budgets oh no but yeah the speed this goes had us made me sort of think do I need an entire Bridge or are we better trying to like jump this because I want to get into the top 50 so I probably need to spend about 35 Grand I reckon so well I guess first place to save some cash is probably this side like I could definitely get rid of that and swap with a swap with an under support whether I need any of these supports at all not actually sure if I do that and that that should work better for the stress it's going to bring the weight of this down to this anchor so let's watch this as the stress goes round so yeah it actually doesn't get as stressed I don't think and it looks like I can probably replace these end bits with wood I mean do I even need those potentially not okay that worked we've saved like five grand I may be able to replace all of these trusses with wood as well this is risky this all those weird Awards went red oh gosh and I can probably get away with doing that I mean actually do I need that could we get away with that I might put steel back in there but yeah that's a shorter does that count as a break I like stopped it before it hit but it does look like it broke I'm gonna say that doesn't count because it wasn't the bridge breaking it was the car not jumping far enough but yeah probably want to try and make the jump a little bit longer because it didn't actually hit that checkpoint okay there we go okay that's good that is good so middle piece that muscle can also be wood I feel like that's probably as much as I want to do on this side although can I save 10 grand on that I don't think I can yeah I'd need approximately that much bridge in order to get to that top 50 place I mean I do actually have rope and cable but can I just do like a really smooth jump if we had a jump like that that could work so I'd probably want very pop to there and then rope to well maybe all of these probably do cable on that side maybe add a bit of under support oh do I risk that is that gonna break or me oh oh I did it it did it it actually worked let's just see how much stress this was actually put on though could I swap that cable with rope there it goes barely red what about this steel underneath does that go red not really potentially delete that and then swap that with wood because that's the 35 Grand Mark I was aiming for are we in the top 50 or in the top 34 well I'm gonna trust my engineering instincts we're going to delete that 32 Grand let's have a look I'm doing this in slow motion because I'm scared remember if the bridge breaks the video ends or it's good it's good and the jump is made we're now in the top 25 percent let's just watch this cable one more time can we make that rope I don't think it's worth taking the risk if I'm honest but I just have let's see what happens yes I read it it made it oh that's good top 23 okay we'll move on from there the cheapest prices were eight grand eight what did Tyler do it as 18. okay in the gallery lowest budget is what the frick is that what the tidiest jump man having unlimited tries allows you to save so much more money but you can sort of see it's all about getting the small coolest jump there and then a smallest jump but look at this one there's a tiny bit of Road there helping him to get up you know this one is that like Elon musk's son or daughter is that like one of their names I'm pretty sure it is anyway pretty similar setup it's all about shrinking the number of Road pieces you need shrinking your budget with it and oh look at this one they start the jump early because then their jump isn't hanging off the edge like these are because that needs to be quite strong they've got bits of Road under there stop it breaking yeah and the highest budget what have we got we got like ants oh no it's the Nifty sponsored solution Nifty now containing amps Nifty takes no responsibility for any answer may have escaped into your pants from drinking the product so this one oh they haven't I thought that was the strong oh it was the strongest shape it was RC coming down uh we got one of them yep and we have some quite dressy Solutions look at that from peaches but anyway on to the next level arch support now oh no look it's one of those darkened out levels so we can only build within the light area oh no we've only got 10 bits of Steel oh this could be the last level we do to day okay well as we know road is stronger in an arch so what I'm thinking let's go over to over to there with the road we'll go into place now we have this node up there so we could dangle is that the crane yeah there's a crane up there very convenient but what I'm thinking we've got a node down there so we probably want to use some form of wolves but I've just realized we've only got 10 bits of Steel though haven't we we could probably do that do another bit of Steel paste another one of those on and then maybe another bit of Steel I'm essentially just doing like a repeating pattern here of like that sort of thing and then from this point maybe if I try and do that yeah from there then we can do a truss on top and then hang that from up there by the way sorry if you can hear bang in the background Paddy's like he's asleep and his tail is wagging he's having like a good dream he keeps like wagging his tail as the ground really loudly but yeah right oh man I was tempted to try that but we're at we're only at 45 Grand of our 60 Grand budget so I'll tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna support these ends with root then actually if I delete those maybe put deal up to that point they're up to 54 grit I feel like that should work but if I missed something is this just gonna Flex I don't think it should I feel like all the joints are sort of locked because that is essentially a triangle oh I'm so scared to press play I don't know what to do all right and press and play with a 20 is okay it's okay I think it's okay it's okay we made it we did it oh it worked it worked all right aliens have got 13th on that one I am 6226 but my bridge has never broken so trying to save money here I think I just want to watch this with the stress on so you can see these rope are very very very stress I'm not sure if I were to get rid of like the middle one would that put more stress onto those probably if I were to delete those two that should put more stress onto the onto the structure underneath which I probably want because like we got steel down here may as well use it the question is though what do I I mean I guess the safest things to do first is try without the middle one so how's the stress that went up to 82 percent oh I stopped tonight seven percent oh oh no that was not good it went up to 97 am I in the top half yet oh not quite oh no I am top 49 that's in the top half well let's have a look in The Gallery at the cheapest options oh my goodness someone made someone made a swing a trapeze no wait how much was that 9400 quid someone did another one I think this one doesn't I think the last one broke this one doesn't break it's 20 grand look at the movement on that end as well so this one has a little bridge over to Trapeze and then another bridge on that end man that was definitely the cheapest way of doing I can't believe these uh oh the next one is you do suspend from the top from two cables as well I'll tell you what that Design's actually pretty similar to mine although obviously no steel underneath so much cheaper but yeah pretty much all of these they suspend from the thing in the middle so that was the cheapest way of doing it don't build a bridge where it tries to support itself although look this one does support off and it's cheaper than mine but only just anyway in the highest budget we've not another one but then we've got loads of like nice little Bill funds so check out that that is a lot of trust work I'm loving that this one very nice under a Nova Arch there this one what is that in the middle okay okay it's one of those cheers for that okay so for layers or layers as Mary Berry calls them it's got to be stiff enough to pipe we got 55 grand load of materials uh so essentially on this one I think you go and then you go afterwards okay so most simple thing to do obviously is lion's awesome Road over that way oh how do we do this actually I feel like we want Trust on the top but also underneath to make it strong yeah if we make all of these trusses really really big the idea is we wanna just turn the stress off we want to try and get the road on top so that just about works if we then do that is it gonna fit all the stress it up to 92 that was nearly video over okay so that worked that end was not ideal though I might move that back a bit and then do another piece like there because essentially you want to try and build a bridge like that so yeah that works we then just gotta oh kids you're gonna have a dodgy journey to school but yeah we've got to try and get a bridge over to there so they can come up and on the I'm gonna have to make this side a lot stronger in order to support these kids but I also want to do it for as cheaply as possible so add some wool braces in add an arch over the top so I got a bridge on that side I reckon that probably should be strong enough it's just a case of how to make this stronger so and I got us I gotta sort out that end as well because that isn't gonna work with the bus probably gonna need that sort of thing right so it might be worth if I remove that I can then steal that and that because then I can lift that to a bit of a better spot so it's a bit smoother this end probably want to do the same maybe steal those two just so I can make them nice and smooth because we're still pretty cheap question is do I think that will work I might just to play it safe let's just double support that okay let's try I mean uh should I that bridge looks risky I probably should have put some still on this side ah basically what oh okay but it's working it is working and now this one yeah stress oh oh I'm gonna say stress the spine but it went up to quite high level so if I sound like a monkey there I was uh I was pretty worried oh I'm in the top 25 already no way oh I'm gonna beat Tyler he hasn't even attempted this level yet okay right with the stress on can I get rid of those underneath maybe how stressed does that get pretty stressed to be honest yeah tell you what I'm not convinced I actually need those could I get rid of both oh 33 Grand oh okay I made it I made it I literally didn't say anything throughout that so there's actually probably no further you saw of it actually happening but it happened we're in the top eight percent I haven't even had a proper go at trying to trim this thing like do I need that piece it's looking good it's looking good oh I went up to 91 oh do I do this to myself right can I swap that that's a thousand quid if I swap it with that what does that cost 600 what if I muscle it as well 1100 okay it's the case of do I need steel there I'm gonna risk it I'm gonna risk it okay stays green good sign will it stay green when the kids come across oh yeah that is fine that is absolutely fine I'm gonna do the same on this end as well then really sure I can shrink these a little bit all right and then these bits of Steel can I swap them with wood just by doing that I mean I can but that went very very orange I feel like the bus is probably heavier oh this could be risky please please okay well before I got greedy I did get to the top five percent so we're in the top 500. let's have a look in The Gallery at the cheapest solution so it costs 12 Grand oh the stupid dangling roads but what is going on over here so wait wait I was trying to look at that your knob wait so it looked like did it just have a gap up there so the green car fell down and the school bus with a lot of patience I think this has sped up a lot but the school bus gets across the Gap interesting so yeah they all seem to follow that method of having a little Gap with that one because then you only need one bridge on the right so it's half as many roads as like what mine had oh and none in the middle as well so even fewer right this one doesn't have rude or double rude but uh how does this work then so I can see that above oh it hits a little catch oh that makes that go up which means the bus can drive straight over that's cool that's really cool so Ouija yeah looks like this one has a similar thing and it just bounces rather than having a catch though I guess the timing of the bounce May made the green cargo under and the bus go over wow oh this is one with a double bridge but done really cheaply and look at the look how it gets up so it's it doesn't go all the way to that mode like mine did it uses a lot less Road they've saved like 10 grand compared to mine fair play uh looking at the highest budget why why just why we then yeah okay we got that yeah oh and a cable stage solution so each Bridges sort of cantilever off the middle there but yeah since my bridge did fail I'm gonna go into this one and I'm just gonna have some fun with it so we're gonna do Tower Bridge all right so what have we got going on here so RV that will fall down and yeah okay so there's no anchors up the top so we sort of need to build up I guess that's why it's called Tower Bridge so four cheap solutions what I want to have a little try at doing if I bring a bit of rude up to there you've got that but it's not connected to anything so I think the only way to do that annoyingly would literally be like a stick like that yeah tell you what I'm gonna try a few different ideas which means it's engineering time good text what are they good for absolutely say it again y'all be good for absolutely right so I've got it down to 34 Grand and 69 quid nice if I turn the stress on you can see the road goes so red so it's not actually the pieces above though I have I have had to use steel for the most part but let's see where we are on here top one percent we were in the top two percent on our very first try at this now the top scores are like 13 16 Grand what so I'm pretty sure if we head to the gallery and do lowest budget it's probably going to be going down because they were quite cheap when I tried that oh no are they just cheesing yeah so it's all about trying to use gravity to get down and then build a bridge up oh wow I'm surprised it was that much cheaper going down as well I did do a bridge where I nearly made it going that way but it was just getting a bit too expensive so I thought maybe going up and over was the best shout even that's cheaper than mine okay I'm questioning whether I am actually an engineer why why did I do an arch bridge why didn't I use these supports anyway highest budget oh look at the trust is on that that is what we like to see we then we then got that we've got a word insane cable stay slash Mega trust under there this one cable stayed with the RC propaganda love to see that now very neat trusses under that and oh look these are quite tidy as well fair play oh man look at the trust work on that oh I'm getting all hot and bothered all right well next time we've got the final level of this world to do I might go back and like try and get some decent scores on this for when Tyler takes it on I don't want him thinking he's better engineer than me or anything but for now I'll say peace love and bridges bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 484,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poly bridge 3, pb3, new poly bridge, bridge building game, rce, real civil engineer, real civil engineer poly bridge 3, professional plays poly bridge 3, engineer poly bridge 3, polybridge3, pro engineer plays poly bridge, real engineer plays, real engineer poly bridge 3, poly bridge 3 number 1, poly bridge 3 #1, poly bridge walkthrough, poly bridge guide, poly bridge 3 guide, poly bridge 3 walkthrough, bridge, poly bridge, pb3 foundation, new material, pb3 new material
Id: o3h-3Or3B8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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