Breaking Poly Bridge 3 by Making a Working Bicycle

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polybridge 3 is coming out on May 30th and the developers graciously gave me Early Access here to show it off for you guys now I've already seen quite a few people check out the campaign so I wanted to be a little bit different and try making a working bicycle in the sandbox now load into the sandbox here I could see things looked very different than poly bridge too but I still decided to start out by pushing the islands together and the first thing I wanted to try out was if this glitch engine from polyridge 2 still worked in poly bridge 3. now the basic way this engine works is that you have a bunch of Springs under tension and whenever you attach a bunch of these up to a central node they seem to start spinning around it and after completing the ring here I wanted to try tensioning the Springs but for whatever reason it didn't really seem to want to move at all now apparently this is just a minor bug but fortunately there is a very easy work around for this now starting out though I do need to brace the outside of this wheel together and let's play that you can see it deleting all of the springs on the inside and I'm replacing them with much smaller ones by doing this I can add in some Hydraulics to tension up the springs and by doing this I should get a lot more attention than if I just tried pulling apart the Springs normally while all the Springs didn't end up getting pulled I noticed it really wasn't rotating that much at all there was a slight rotation but I couldn't really tell what it was coming from and it seemed like they ended up patching out this engine now I was also thinking of one more type of engine that might work really well here I've used this only a couple of times in the past but you can see what I'm doing is attaching up a bunch of hydraulics at the top of this wheel the plan is to have them expand the contract and spin around this wheel in the center now trying this out though once they expand they seem to just instantly snap the steel and not really want to rotate the wheel now even trying to add on some roads here to spin it around a little bit to get it started still caused it to break and get this work I did need to turn on braking mode that seemed like a pretty good start but I noticed it wasn't really going far enough so to hopefully fix that I had another set of height drawings now this you can see here I'm able to push down and actually rotate the wheel all the way around this was a good start and what I want to do is add on one more set of hydraulics on the bottom here to pull it back up now with this of course I'm doubling the amount of power I can drive this around with and trying this out now I noticed there were a lot of problems one of them you can see here is that it just wasn't really spinning around all that fast and also it would occasionally completely stop so the next thing I wanted to try doing here was making a more normal engine for this to see here I'm building up another ring but this time I'm using a bunch of roads on the outside now in the center of this I wanted to put down a monster truck to spin this around and power up my vehicle the problem though is that the monster truck is a completely different design in this game and there wasn't a really good way to latch onto it and keep it in place now I could see here though that this little car actually did seem to be pretty good and while it did kind of break it first just lowering the amount they pulled in seemed to solve the problem and I could see here year was holding it down the cars seemed to start to move forward but it was going really slow and what I wanted to do is try buffing its stats and making it go a lot faster now this did improve things a little bit but you can see here it still seemed to be getting stuck now lowering the tension once again in the Hydraulics seemed to solve the problem and see now it was actually spitting up this wheel it would still break the Springs if it got going too fast though so to hopefully fix that I did another fixed joint in the back and a couple of more Springs this wheel of the front though seemed to cause some problems as it was bouncing around and the wheel totally disintegrated and I tried lowering the speed of the car to hopefully fix that and I did seem to get it working here this should work great since it's honestly going at pretty good speed and I don't really see any hitches or anything as it spins so now with my power source sorted out the next thing I wanted to work on was the legs so that probably sounds a little weird but I wanted to have sort of humanoid like things sitting on this and to get the pedaling effect that I want I need need to add in a couple of legs now to start out here you can see I built up a couple pieces of Steel like this and while it doesn't look too much like a leg at the moment once I had it in the foot I was hoping it was going to be a bit more clear now to do that you can see just a bit more steel here and I tried bracing up to part of the leg this already seemed to be a lot better but I noticed the foot was angled up a lot more than I wanted and just moving it down a little bit more this was looking really good this was exactly the effect that I wanted here and once I saw this I added a second leg but I offset it by 180 degrees this gives the sort of pedaling effect that I want here and overall this isn't looking bad at all now I added back in the truck here to see how it would look while it's moving around and overall this was pretty good I noticed the truck was getting caught a little bit more often now but I figured once I had it in the wheel it should smooth things out and speaking of the wheel it's actually the next thing I wanted to work on here now for that I'm actually using a very similar design to my first hamster wheel but I'm changing it up a little bit now of course it deleted all the stuff on the inside that holds on the truck but you can also see I'm building off of the outside and I'm getting pretty far away from the center now once I finished up a quarter of those spokes here I copy these all around and you can see now I'm using a couple of roads on the outside to finish up the tire now once those were copied around here you can see I deleted off a lot of the steel and what I want to do is just make a thin Rim around the outside this is going to serve pretty much exactly like a normal rim and to hold it onto the center here I wanted to use cables now of course these are going to look exactly like the spokes of a wheel and let's get all these in place here I was actually surprised at how well it was working there even seemed to be a little bit of suspension as the wheel hit the terrain and now that I had this I wanted to try connecting it up to the power source now to make this work I used four ropes here to make a four bar linkage and now with the wheel connected up while it is spinning up a lot slower it is actually seeming to spin up here and overall I thought this might actually just work the thing is though I really didn't like this four bar linkage here and what I wanted to do is make an adjustable gearing system now to make this work here I wanted that in a custom shape and you can see to start out I pinned it in place and I'm building a lot of spokes on it this is gonna work like a gear and once I had that all made up now I changed its texture here and you can see it actually looks pretty good and I moved it to the bottom here and told it to collide with vertices and you can see now as the wheel rotates it's spinning around this gear this was exactly what I was looking for and with this what I wanted to try doing next was building up a chain now to make that here I built up a bunch of roads like this and you can see I'm slowly making them go around the wheel now after getting that gear half surrounded I started to build straight down with more roads now this of course can allow me to copy this over one more time and added a second gear on the bottom now just trying this out here it seemed to be holding together just fine and I can see that both of the gears were intersecting with the roads to actually get this moving though I turned up the power and the speed of these gears and I can see at a really slow speed it actually was working even making it go a hundred times faster it still seemed to be working fine although I could see that the chain was having a little bit of trouble now calming things down a bit and going down to 20 degrees per second it was looking pretty good but notice that the chain was a little bit loose and I wanted to try tensioning it up now to do that I'm adding in another custom shape here and you can see I'm putting it on the outside of the wheel after that I added an attachment point and you can see after putting on a hydraulic I'm able to push it into the chain to tension it a little bit now this seemed to be working pretty well here and I can see a lot of the slack was already removed now making it go even tighter here I can see the bottom gear was now always fully grabbing onto the chain and this was looking great this though is only a single gear ratio and I really did want to make an adjustable gearing system so to do that I copied over one of these gears and deleted off a lot of the teeth now after doing that here I rounded off the bottom a bit and see it added on some joints now with this I used some steel pieces to hold it onto the middle and you can see here I get part of my gear now now I copied four of these in place here and it's see it's fundamentally the same thing that I had before but there's one big Improvement This Time by adding in Hydraulics to the center I'll be able to push out these sections of the gear and make it appear larger trying this out though the game didn't really seem to like this and I thought that maybe I encountered a bug so I tried using some Diamond Hydraulics instead to push these apart but it still seemed to be freaking out now I even tried switching away from Hydraulics entirely and using seal to brace this all together now I finally realized here I forgot to delete off the static joints for the gears so they were permanently being held in place now of course once I had that I copied it over to my gear system from before and I had to rebuild part of the chain this was kind of annoying but once I got it all in place again here I wanted to give it another test and you can see now it still spins up fine when it's really small now telling all the Hydraulics to engage though you can see it expands out a lot more and tensions the chain a lot but it actually does still seem to be getting driven around now in fact here I can see that it's spinning slower than the drive gear and that means that it's working exactly as it should but now with the system fully developed what I wanted to do is copy this over to the back wheel and start to build it up you'll notice now I'm actually using those four sections of Gears but I'm pinning them permanently in place this just gives me a very easy attachment point on the back wheel and once I had that in place here I also want to attach up a gear inside the power wheel now of course I was able to copy it in here just fine and once I saw that I added on some anchors here and attached it up to the wheel this though is kind of where I noticed the problem because there's a lot of nodes that need to go back and forth through the center of this wheel and since that gear in the center has collisioned with those nodes and ends up completely binding up the mechanism and stopping it from working now to fix that I deleted it off and you can see here I put my adjustable gear on the outside of that wheel Now using a four bar linkage here I was able to connect it up and get it spinning just as I wanted now with this everything was looking great and now what I had to do was make that chain all the way to the back now I started out by surrounding this gear in the center here and I can see that it was holding together so with this now you can see what I'm doing is finishing up the whole thing this took me quite a while to get it working the way that I wanted but you can see here the car in the center is still able to spin and I'm still able to drive up that back wheel now I also noticed it really wasn't even going that much slower than before so it seemed like there weren't really that many losses and using a chain and I also noticed that the truck in the middle was kind of bouncing around oddly and didn't seem to making great contact with the wheel now to fix that I decided to switch over to a tractor instead which is a little bit easier to brace and with this I seem to be making much better contact this should let it perform better once it gets on the ground but of course to do that I'm gonna need to add in all of my trussing now to do all that I'm using a lot of Steel pieces and connecting up all of the main parts that I've raced together now after adding all this in though I noticed something a little weird the wheel didn't seem to spin up anymore and seemed to get stuck now I figured it was probably just nothing and what I wanted to do now was try to get the wheel to fall down onto the ground this did seem to work and the fact that it wasn't spinning now did make sense since there's going to be a lot of friction now I went ahead and unbraced everything else except the legs and what I wanted to do next is build up a nice long track to ride across now you can see testing this out it looked pretty good here and finally now what I wanted to do is add on a front wheel now after getting that paste it in place here and deleting off all of the things that I needed for the back I ended up just using some trusses here to connect up the legs and you can see once I did all that I also wanted to change the legs to be solid Hydraulics this is for no other reason that I wanted them to pop a little bit more and I thought that it actually looked pretty good and I also wanted another support going all the way to the back and you can see now used to trust going to the front wheel now giving this a try it was very bendy but it did actually seem to be mostly holding together but I noticed it still was getting stuck now rather than investigate the issue I was just hoping he was gonna go away at this point so what I did now is use a couple more pieces to brace up the front better and I gave it another try this did seem to help with the bending quite a bit but it still just wasn't moving at all and I really was getting worried that the engine wasn't going to be able to drive the bike across the ground now I tried deleting off the chain here to stop driving around the back wheel and this actually did seem to let it move now this was kind of the bad sign because it did point to the fact that the engine probably just wasn't strong enough so next what I wanted to try was holding up the back wheel using some fixed joints this also meant I did lead off part of the trussing and I noticed now while the trusses were heading into the wheel it did actually seem to be working here now the truss slamming into the wheel though did make me think that maybe that was the problem before and I tried crushing it in a bit closer and I could see now it definitely was hitting up against it right here now the only way I could think to solve this was to add in some Hydraulics and have them expand out to get the nodes further away from the gear team now this actually seemed to be working really well here and once I had that I deleted off all of my joints holding this up in the air and I tried it out on the ground and sure enough testing this out now it was slowly able to get up to speed here and move across the ground now of course though I'm not quite done yet and what I want to do next was finish up the body of the person sitting on the bike I did this mostly in Hydraulics and I only used a couple of ropes to hold it all together now finally for the arms here I used a couple of diamond Hydraulics going straight to the front this was a pretty decent look here and while the Blake did sag a lot here maybe arms stick up a bit it overall looked pretty okay now the final mechanical component I want to add on to this bike is brakes this is actually surprisingly easy to add on and you can see here what I ended up doing was using some hydraulics on the front to push against the front wheel to lock it in place but now with the bike pretty much finished what I did here is designed a nice little course for it now you can see at the start here I made a little slope for the bike to get all the way over and once it does that that it reaches a mostly flat section before it hits into these rocks these should be a little tricky but once it gets over all these it's gonna end up hitting into a checkpoint that switches it into the high gear and allows it to go downhill faster and after that it runs into this little divot here goes up a little slope and has to break really hard to prevent from going over the edge and now you can see I'm trying out the whole thing now the bike was slowing down a lot of the top of the ramp and I was worried the Rocks were going to stop it entirely but through some careful tuning I was able to get it over it and you can see now it's switched into the high gear and it's starting to go downhill now I had to turn down my simulation speed a lot here to keep it from just flying away but you can see here once it gets down the brakes end up engaging and it does a pretty good job stopping on the edge now finally I lowered down the checkpoint for the tractor and with this that lets me get my full level completion and my final build here but guys hope you enjoyed the builds and it's definitely a lot more poly Bridge 3 content coming soon so if you guys have any suggestions of what I should make definitely make sure to leave down the comments below also make sure to subscribe so you don't miss any polybridge 3 stuff but otherwise till next time
Channel: Reid Captain
Views: 267,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CveH2eaRLWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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