I CANNOT BELIEVE this is an actual Poly Bridge 3 custom level!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to poly Bridge three today we do something a little bit different in that we're gonna head into the workshop because recently I asked you guys to make some levels for me so if we type RC up there we got a load of levels that people have built for me and I mean immediately my eyes are drawn to this one Extreme Engineering because oh my goodness it's almost made my face so this is by papra Ninja now we've got 500 Grand we've got pretty much all the materials we don't have oh good we don't have hydraulics we don't have springs either oh man there's just loads and loads of cars everywhere though this might be a bit too complicated uh but if I press plate look look at me I look a bit old actually I mean I am getting old so probably accurate that is absolutely incredible though Fair Play Man fair play that's so cool I forget Patty in his heart out as well anyway let's start from the left so we've got car a to find so car a down here of course it's me and Paddy in the G-Wagon what we gotta do we got to oh my goodness we've got to get over that can we how do we get over that that is huge but the flag is down that side so yeah basically first car we just got to get up and over whilst avoiding these Jets now I'm not gonna worry too much about Budget on this but let's start with a curve up to there we'll unlock the tangent then I know the G-Wagon has power like that's why I picked the G wagon of course but does it have enough power to get up that I don't know all I do know is okay so from here I think I'll just work in should I work in steel it's probably the most sensible thing to do if I just do like big trusses like that then I can just copy those up and then we can see does that hold itself oh it does it does does it hold the G wagon oh stress went up high there okay so that piece broke I will try just making these bigger I feel like I'll probably need to reinforce like let's actually turn the stress on oh it's red it is red I think that did better late let's see is that work okay that's working that is working we get up to the top and then oh my goodness okay so I'll try copying this to the other side my only concern is we're just gonna like flop down smash through that I feel I feel like man Paddy like really judging me like if you let man Paddy and the G-Wagon die you're in trouble oh that's good that's good okay it wasn't good for that matter buddy so yeah we give that one a bit of a nudge so how do we get across there oh that seems fairly easy right we've just got to get over to there whilst avoiding the boat and we have foundations in the middle lovely so what I'm thinking of doing if I just shove a load of rude in along there and I've built a pillar up to that point then I'm thinking let's go with something a bit more stylish for this one it's what I'm thinking if we take these up to each of those then just trust between them with steel so I do that sort of thing then on top I do like little triangles like that and then I just join them all up with more steel then we end up with something like that which is oh my opinion pretty filthy um the question is though when Matt and Paddy come flying down that Hill are they gonna nudge this one so hard onto it that it breaks oh no we're good we're good oh man he has some speed there's some G-Wagon speed right what's the next oh my God what the okay so next oh this is gonna be a strong Bridge required so we've got a flatbed truck with a school bus on it with a dump truck on that with Matt and Paddy and the G-Wagon on that and we gotta get those across to here that's actually a massive span so I would want to use an arch because they're nice and strong but I don't think I'll be able to because everyone will just fall off so you probably need to keep the road flat although maybe maybe I can get away with like a little curve is that going to add any strength I think it's worth a try worth a try so let's just fill that in with the road and then we've got loads of anchors under here which not gonna light pretty thankful for it so what I'm thinking we do like a nice Arch Bridge you know like the Gorge Bridge I built in the real Bridge episode yeah oh yeah I'm not gonna like that could be tasty um what I might do though I might do this line above first and then just adjust those so we're in between the nodes like that I think that's pretty good so I want to fill that with wood then I want to do the one underneath so we'll come up to thereish then using steel I want to go between all of these like that sort of thing so just made a very nice little truss and then if I just connect with the bottom ones together replace the wood on the top with steel copy to the other side then we have a nice big arch which should be pretty strong and the reason I offset these is because I can do quite a nice little truss between all of those like that so all that middle bit is supporting on the arch and then I can probably get away with perhaps a support a bit like that so that will sort of take the corners because yeah that is standing I may need to do a bit a bit of work in there let's just turn the stress on it's not too bad it is not too bad oh but it did not hold it did not hold what broke oh down there okay this is gonna need quite a lot of reinforcement then I mean or I could it may be worth trying to take some of the load off the arch right so it's a way oh no they're falling off okay I don't know if you saw that but that was not enough to keep them on I mean what I could do I could just build like a little support so you wedge a bit of Road in there I hope that that's these on the back I mean it might do it might be trouble is our nose full enough it's full enough already okay I think what I gotta do I gotta make this road flat oh that's annoying okay with Matt and Patty watching on look we have the bridge is it gonna be strong enough oh my goodness not in the slightest okay I may I may require a little bit of tension here so if I bring that down to about their ish then that should help support the arch oh my goodness oh there's a lot of stress okay so that broke yeah so maybe it would be worth trying to support some of this Edge on the on the arch I was trying to avoid it if I'm honest but all right let's try that I've got the stress turned on so we can see where it goes right all right we made it no didn't make it oh game you lied to me okay what bro just that bit of a tiny bit of road I mean if I add a bit of a truss to the top that should make the road A Little Bit Stronger okay please please please no oh man the truck reefs so fast yeah that got annihilated what I may need to do is add some extra like supports down to the arch all right and I've also turned the speedway down look at that Paddy up there they're like oh yeah G-Wagon G wagon G wagon all right stress up to went up to 92 over there send up to 97 we have fixed it though excellent so now we've got the final G-Wagon to get across and there is this in the weight so I feel like two choices I could um it was my original plan I was gonna try and hang a bridge from the arch Above This goes up to 97 stress late so I don't think that's going to be possible so instead I'm thinking we try and banana it now I'm not the biggest fan of a banana bridge I will say that but banana close relative of the strongest shape so I think it's acceptable in this circumstance okay so the way that these banana Bridges work is basically you want your cable to be tight and then the road to rest on top of it however you'll notice when we press play here the road just completely shatters now that's because as gravity takes effect all these Road pieces are being crushed together so if I just delete like one at the end you should see see that as the cable takes tension the road is fine now because it's not being crushed or pulled apart yet so what I may do is just like flap a bit of Road up on that oh no there's no oh there's no there's no node okay let's just do that instead so hopefully that cable Has the strength to take the G wagon as it drives across uh we've just gotta wait for these other Bridges so we got that one done we got the double Arch we've then got the massive one on top the only thing I'm worried about this is the speed of the G wagon it is powerful no we're good we're good we finished with the banana bridge and we completed Extreme Engineering for 387 quid let's have a look in the gallery someone's actually already done this level who's this Lord drizzle Bob oh well I'll tell you what pretty similar designs they use wood down there went for a little Arch on top and huge side supports oh does that happen on mine do they just drive off the edge do you guys drive off the edge or do you stop oh I never noticed that no man Patty no anyway that was a really fun level Fair Play Let's have a look at another one real civil engineers Rainbow Road I get America flashbacks hopefully this rce real civil engineer guy enjoys even though I don't know his channel I mean there's only one way to find out it does look fun though so let's have a look I mean he's got for someone that doesn't know my channel he's he's included the Matt and Paddy G wagon um so whatever oh no they move oh no oh this is gonna be a nightmare I've only got 10 bits of road as well and it's got to come back and it's got to come back okay so what I'm thinking we're probably gonna have to do stuff like that so as we drive over yeah tell you what can I just get away with like 10 of those what two three four nine ten man this could be the easiest complete ever oh come on Matt you are genius oh look at this look at this it's actually working in your face rainbow root or this end could be tricky no we're good we turn around oh we're actually doing it Matt and Paddy in the G wagon howdy out the wheel Matt riding shotgun oh we actually did it first time boys yes gets in that is the power of engineering there is a gallery solution to this oh someone did it for eight grand that looks like the cheesiest thing ever look at that anyway that was really fun I like that one intrigued by this level six nine nice uh I'll see you for the win I can get behind that by the way not all my levels are like this what does this entail there's quite a big budget all right so what do we have here we've got motorbike we have a load of nodes we've got uh it's not just gonna pass itself so it goes up there does a backflip complete the level but no no budget okay cheers mate all right so I found this one by varg dog because I just want to know what's going on with the buildings and stuff let's have a look at this so we gotta get this fire truck across that Gap and then across that gap which I think is fairly easy to be honest so I've made a couple of simple Bridges we just got rope cables here but look at this level look at the buildings they're all like falling over and stuff but we made it across there are we gonna get around this building yep look at the road underneath it's crazy my bridge does work though and then oh I didn't do a little tunnel cool all right we then have this level which oh my goodness how tall is that is it meant to look like a knob I'm seeing a knob so we've got you down there we've got to get you all the way to the top there is the flag so oh man how do I go about this there's no anchors anywhere apart from at the bottom we have a hydraulic controller but there's only one hydraulic phase I'm not actually sure I can I can beat this I don't even know how to go about doing it I mean actually actually I do have an idea it depends on what this collides with like if I put a load of cable like that sort of thing go over that way oh it does it does slide okay okay I think I think I know a way of doing this maybe thing is how does the line tool actually work so if I say go from there in a straight line up to thereish how small can I make the cable is that small enough like if I fill that in oh wow that is a really weird noise sounds like I'm In Like a Star Wars laser battle I feel like that might get caught in that corner but my thinking is we go over this way it's all the way over to here but then potentially I can just put like a massive weight and in order to get this to work this weight has to weigh more what does it weigh 18 polygrams it's got away more than all the cables on this side which are they only weigh 2.7 polygrams and more than man Paddy which is 5.5 polygrams as well as the road needed to lift them up like that sort of thing so what I'm hoping as I press play that should oh no the weight the weight no well the cables landed on their head okay so let's slow this right down and try and work out why does that snap I'll turn the stress on is it because oh I might be because the nodes get stuck okay so if I add more nodes at least just for this first start bit that should help right because they're going to be less likely to get stuck I think all right so this time a lot more nodes so they should slide oh no they've been stuck again oh it's just hang is it stuck this end or is it stuck it might be stuck that end I think I need I need way more nodes on my cable I think though the theory is like sort of there so if I go from there to there which is a lot smaller can I then make oh it won't go any close I'm gonna have to draw them by hand okay well if I just Mark a node I can probably I don't even know how I go about making these small I guess just do that if I just copy one piece uploads and loads of times and then just keep copying the whole thing and then copy the whole thing again yeah this way take too long I don't think so I've just gotta do this to the top right and then I just take this cable over this direction and then maybe that will work better oh no oh no something snapped okay so what happened that oh I still getting stuck all right it might be worth as well actually trying to get these to leave flat but I do that sort of thing there's going to be less movement to start with then oh my goodness are they stretching wait what the cable stretch I didn't know cables did you see how much they stretched hey look at these key look how close they are look how pulled apart they get so perhaps I can add just a bit more weight to this side the trouble with adding more weight is the cable is gonna do that tell you what I wish this corner wasn't square if it was curved I'd probably be okay I'm not sure this is the way to do this I am just wondering could I if I go back to a much smaller weight could I then do a chain of hydraulics down to like down to here-ish then with cable underneath that could start pulling all of that so I just it's just completely obliterates we're not getting any movement around this corner okay not gonna light I'm not gonna lie I am struggling with this I mean I know I could do a line of hydraulics up but they need to go twice as high at each hydraulic can only shrink by half its length so that would mean building a tower as tall as that pillar on top which just ain't gonna happen so let me just do a little test up here I don't think cable interferes with road so that will just drop straight through let's have a look does it drop straight through the rodeo it does so I can't make the curves with Road there oh actually actually what if no I don't know I thought I had an idea then I thought it came to me but it didn't hey let me just disconnect that and maybe see if I were to just pull from like this point does that oh look it is actually pulling it up it is actually pulling it up look man Paddy they're actually suspended almost okay so I'm wondering if I can get I feel like if I can get movement first off then maybe I can still get it to to go down here but yeah this definitely works round one corner it's just trying to get it to work around two corners or is it just having the bit of road that stops IT going back right one more thing to try then what if I copy this entire cable onto this side so when we Press Play We got perfectly balanced cable now I can just add weight add it down this end just I don't know just let you go mental then is is that working I can see these cables going down these ones aren't going up what's going on there there is no movement just lift this weight up a bit okay well perhaps I could give it a bit of a bit of a head start if I put a piece of road there and then do an arm coming off then with these Hydraulics go to like that piece that should oh if I can get it to State I should give it a bit of a heads dot maybe if I add a bit of weight to this side I straight it's trying but it's not working very well all right what if I try and grab like way down this end like that piece it's pulling it I think the cables just got stuck it's not it's not falling off very nicely I may need to add like just some sort of random weights just oh there you go there you go oh it started moving no it keeps getting stuck like what if I pull some of the cables with that come on just get moving all right ready ready yes yes yes oh stopped all right if I fast forward this weight on the right is just going deeper and deeper underwater it's now off my screen so I think the cables are just stretching but it's not it's not moving all right well this weight I've raised up it's now springing up and down maybe oh no and maybe the second drop could do it but I think it just snaps yeah oh my goodness well the other thing I've noticed I do have foundations how far out can I can't build over here wait I can't I literally can't build Foundation anywhere on the level oh yeah cheers that's really really useful I guess next up if we know we can go horizontal I guess that's just what we do right we do hydraulics over this way then we just try and build some sort of arm like something like that it's not gonna be it's never gonna be strong enough I don't I don't think I can complete this level although to be fair I haven't actually tried the simple just do your Hydraulics up I know I know that this won't work because the hydraulic can only shrink to like half its half its length so this oh this literally can't work but let's just see what happens if I go up to I don't know there we'll fill in with hydraulics and let me at least just prove that it won't work so I've got that on the top I've got a little a cable support there so that should just lift up so if we head to the bottom yeah you can see the G wagon is going up in the air but if we speed up to normal speed we get we only get halfway oh I've just realized I've got spring I haven't used Springs in poly Bridge 3 yet is that what I do if I do a spring straight down put that on stretched the memory press play oh it's gonna be Springs doesn't it so I just want to copy these all the way down now I can't believe I've spent this long I didn't even think about Springs the thing is these might just break I don't know we'll see what happens so if we press play oh what every single spring broke is that because I stretched too much should I've just done like 50 or something oh this is going to be really annoying to copy all these every time all right so I've just got a couple of Springs up top they're at 50 stretched so at the bottom it's just connected with a cable let's just see okay so it does lift up so the concept is there let's copy a few more of these down ready oh it doesn't move very much it does not move very much yeah so with half of it being cable it lifts up not very high at all I don't know how to do this what if we for some reason do hydraulics and springs oh it's going let's get nice it's nowhere near close all I can do is build a massive Tower like as tall as this I don't think I can build a tower that tool it'll just collapse well let's just try it what else have I got to do oh you cheeky oh no way there's anchors in the sky there's anchors in this oh why didn't I see those why didn't I see those so literally just I don't know just do like cable like that that's gonna work now isn't it that's gonna work oh I worked oh I'm an idiot I can't believe I didn't see that sooner oh there's two people have done the gallery let's have a look at the gallery so this one oh yeah it looks like they did exactly the same thing and this other one probably the same as well just looking at the budget 150 Grand oh I can't believe that that was so sneaky I had no idea that was there I spent so long on this right well thank you people that made levels that was really really fun yeah if you want to make me love yourself try and make it not too difficult but be sure to add rce to the description so I can find it easily and use the G-Wagon vehicle of course hope you guys enjoyed that but for now I'll say peace love and elevators bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 433,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poly bridge 3, pb3, new poly bridge, bridge building game, rce, real civil engineer, real civil engineer poly bridge 3, professional plays poly bridge 3, engineer poly bridge 3, polybridge3, pro engineer plays poly bridge, real engineer plays, real engineer poly bridge 3, poly bridge 3 number 1, poly bridge 3 #1, poly bridge walkthrough, poly bridge guide, poly bridge 3 guide, poly bridge 3 walkthrough, bridge, poly bridge, pb3 foundation, new material, pb3 new material
Id: e2zfkluh6TM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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