The TRIBE IS BORN! - Spore Gameplay

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everybody hamlets whoo welcome back to spore our giraffe things are still alive sort of after the last episode we got kind of alien abductions what is that I don't know how you guys said a couple things you guys are spoiling it for me I've never played this is like by far the furthest I played this game I need to fill up my pack and this will be the last evolution because we can go into the next stage now so I'm gonna try to find up a couple people here to get in my pack with me but that guy was singing hi oh these are my friends already you kind of you don't you don't look very exciting should I make you a no I'm gonna go try to find somebody oh then these guys he looks a bit oh these are the ones that didn't like me before we'll try them again I'll try it one more time because I have posed now right yes uh-oh more people coming in okay it's dancin I got the sweet dance moves yes oh please don't fill it up please don't fill it up I got one more I got one more sing me a song yes a song sing me the song of your people yes we did it we've impressed them finally I have orders and 71 additional stuff here okay so I want one of these guys may be on my team you I want you to be on my team come join me friend cuz he's got he's got like literally his uh his biceps I'd like having someone with biceps and then big spikes on his back sounds good to me there we go maybe I should have gone for an alpha whatever he's on my back yes you'll join me come on a little friend come on with me we must find another oh these things hahaha yes there's an alpha monkey boy come here alpha monkey boy I must see me this oh yes he looks like he can help out oh he's mad at me okay what do you got what do you got oh they're gonna sing my song moves will please them Wow maybe not how about my dancing skills and they please you how in the world am I supposed to please these guys those are my best okay well scratch that idea they don't like me they don't like me can I get that lute is that lute I want that lute what is it hey plated muscle speed alright oh oh chutes man dudes ripping me apart run run run I don't like you oh is this one Wow why am i what's going on here it's like I can't oh it's too high of a thing to run it these guys look cool I wanted to talk to you as soon as meanie faced me McGuirk face over here is done beating me up okay let's talk to this one he looks fine they're singing I'm about to get raided again by this guy monkey boy don't you dare come after me I'm dancing with your friends over here maybe it's this guy holding me back okay I literally cannot get a get a group in there whatever I don't know what to do besides eat I think I'm gonna eat and now I think I'm just gonna go to the next level I think I'm gonna do it let's do it cool there's that thing again hey Alfa epic let's get away from you like get away from you let's click the button whoo okay I'm still a social yeah I'm still a social butterfly kind of wish I would I pick maybe omnivore oh well I get to go to the tribal stage now is that this button look at all those things I earned is that it oh so I have to be specially careful here because how I interact here you guys said is how I end to game basically now I almost like this one better than that one well just see how this looks put that on his head oh wait a minute hey that looks like antlers in a way don't turn them oh it's kind of a moose he's evolving into a moose I got a new walrus nose too oh I only want it theory that looks alright so here's the question do I need these do I need that at all it looks goofy it looks like a platypus no I kind of like that we've evolved with we don't need a I need ears maybe elf magic we need regular ears that looks a little better let's make them a little bit longer there we go it's donkey mode turn him up a little bit that looks better he doesn't need defense anymore because he's got a bigger brain there we go the crustacean so this was the tail thing that we had before where I used that is that yours instead I don't have a tail well drop that out let's put this up here Oh about that there we go I like that so I've got sing five dance five charm five and pose for that's what the graspers I didn't get any other graspers in level five yeah I didn't get any pose five in these so I guess we didn't unlock those oh well I do what little tail thing cuz I think we need it let's slim them up a little bit like that maybe make it a little broader here in the shoulders that looks a little bit uh not right so you guys wanted me to put little wings on him too sure he was in his pupil stage but now he's got wings oh my word why maybe I need these as ears he's got big ears up here can I turn those a little bit no not that way no not like that there we go hey I need to turn it back just a bit okay and your weight oh my that's really weird okay looks like a boost there's some neat stuff in this one oh I guess that doesn't stack does that stack or no 104 health okay what is this another one here yeah might work uh brain upgrade yeah just like that maybe maybe this goes up here just one how about that it looks like he has a little crown on yeah I don't know there he gets a tail instead they're so used up most of my points I don't know I don't know I think it's good enough some of you guys may disagree I don't think anything's really gonna beat this oh that looks so good I'm gonna go through him just in case there's something I like better so I think we're gonna keep that yeah it looks really good I like those ears I'd like to use a lot turd nugget you will advance into the tribal stage as you're a six-legged six I don't know those aren't legs of the moose I was he gonna stand up he's got a stick he grabbed it with his amphibian paws Oh make fire make fire turn nugget turn duck a big fire yes nope are you what are you doing turd nugget make fire Pak Pak Pak Pak Pak he's not the smartest oh he's got an idea I love that mouth and nope still not working right uh-oh stick one in the air okay what does that even mean Oh knocked him knocks himself out Oh God Booga Oh what's now oh there we go we got a match we have flame we can cook our vegetables now oh he's got a tribal step that's kind of crazy you are now about to enter the tribal stage oh my word look at this guy that's a wobb wobb oh we saw that bird last time I didn't see what else was there ah are we bigger so I've never played this before you'll have to bear with me a little bit as we attempt this with the roof over your head and fight at your fingertips you enter the age of hand tools and drumbeats but beware soon rival tribes will form against across the globe beware be vigilant okay progress bar uh and to visit the tribe planner okay that thing oh okay what is this one do click on the hat icon ok hat icon and that's him to tribal outfit ok Thank You Nate and I can make different things maracas and flaming torches all right now you can move the camera freely around the world oh oh that's cool camera allows you control them over the camera alright check that out all right that makes sense we have abandoned Oh what are these people are you our friends waka waka check the height at icon three of six okay we have our different individuals here Dargo that looks good look at these guys this is this is saying that we are a tribe no blood stop Ian's tribe of giraffe of pusses platypus and draft together that's what we are click and drag a box we're a multiple get a group begin finding some food ok is that food it's a pet hey we have food Oh God Bongo oh we have a we have a pet that's so sad what do they do now pet I don't want to get attacked by neighboring tribes so we're gonna have to level up pretty good here these guys look like they want to eat us you want to eat us uh they're slightly happy with us that's good I'll take that add a baby for ten food how much food do we have said fifteen food or a tribal planner okay so maracas are twenty five and twenty yes we can make a baby let's make a baby add a baby Oh magic kamo to the hutt jabba the hutt take Pegasus you guys over here come this way there we go foods at 20 now nice okie dokie more foods coming in our pet is here can we eat him I guess we could what do they do okay now can you talk to him hey guys talk to the baby or something social stance refreshing store more fireworks there's a song about fireworks I'm not gonna sing it for you but there is a song 35 so I can get maracas now we don't need another baby instruments did you reduce oh so I click-and-drag flaming torches we're gonna make we're gonna make love not war huh I don't know if I like that spot okay that one works good go deep we made it whoa green thing hose it you just love luck that's it whoa what is this what's happening Oh No have them have they made war upon us they're stopping Oh a rival tribe of at Merck GaN is formed on your planet okay tribal chief and these your try your tribe can go to combat without its sheep but the chief is necessary for any of social encounters with other tribes okay order where those guys are should we take a brief look see around see all those guys are cool looking wobbles how far can i zoom out I need to conquer the globe I think that's actually the the idea behind this game I can't zoom out that far huh okay here you go over here play the maracas my man see play it play it play it there he goes he's got those dance moves happening what could I do next so we have gathering canes okay lar conquer other tribes and then we have the weapons here 25 more let's build the weapons over there as everyone does everyone get a smoke stick now maybe should we take our tribe let's see where our four members there they are let's go see what these guys have to say over here must go talk to the neighbors hello what do you want what are you doing dude okay what it's eating grass he doesn't have maracas whoa do we make friends of them you've domesticated a member we domesticated them there are pets come over here domestic one yes okay kid my wow that's it's weird he's bigger than me and we made him domestic do we need more food it is food time gather more food my peasants that's weird how you domesticate them like puppies I don't know if he looks like a puppy to me it's kind of a dangerous looking puppy I mean look at that mouth I don't think I'd like to eat it to be around him no thanks I like how they can add all the things together at this game no okay bring in the food my little dudes and we will we'll be okay where's that thing a pedal and then these guys kickers okay we're good we're good much food we get let's make a baby again and it's gonna pop out of the egg real soon yeah oh they have names now that's cool pond pudgy or plant an azo and maddened and Rydia and Moroccan Moroccan Kent's cool kid Moroccan man can he do things hey I want you to grab maracas grab a maraca there we go and I want the baby to grab a maraca - hey you guys need that you guys need to go gather more food ZZZ we have to get all the food Z's in our life maybe and then I want more I want to take out another clan I don't know where that other one was should we go look we'll go look not on our up not on our island it seems so how does one cross the ocean that's my question today I don't want them to swim with that giant shark thing in the water eating everything that's cool-looking tower I really have no idea where I'm at now oh what's that look like a dust storm or something wait there's I don't even see anything oh I have to slow down and then this bought-in okay go to this little thing it we can choose this and this changes the tribal outfit requires a lot of food which we don't really have oh that that's our budget oh is this oh we get masks so your combat and social I want social okay hey there we go put it over our eyes oh that doesn't look cool man how about on the chest that looks better and then we get what's this fanny a fancy Peck okay gathering gathering social so that's the social - so we're good on that what's the other thing I'm guessing social oh and health and ages on there and you're oh he's got like saddlebags what is this spore gears no idea I have no clue but it's gonna be a crown on his oh come on he turned you why can't I turn you that's too bad it's one of these work no I don't think these actually do anything I'm not gonna use them and so I have health - and speed five social - I want gathering three that's a good idea just so I can get more stuff faster let's put it on his back there I gave him a hat oh that's social an ultra Fez we need this on his head instead oh okay you come over here okay that's the social skills Wow that's stupid I don't like that but if I do that instead okay so I don't want to overlap too many things what was this one that's just social - well get rid of that mask we'll put on this on his chest instead that looks better and he's got the hat on he's got that little defense maybe we'll put that on his back instead or behind here there we go there we go it's looking good now okay he's got some higher social skills now that looks good to gather some more food people oh I have to accept it there we go there we go we got higher social skills so we've got some food for these guys having their hands are they little oh just a little basket for the food that's upside down hey why do you carry your food upside down you weirdos oh god Booga AHA that dude is trippin out like crazy I think it just grew up or something oh yes we're taking all the food for the blood selfie an empire of turd nuggets oh you're not doing anything grab a maraca please do we have maracas for everyone I think so let's go talk to the wobble wobbles I'm over here chief chief men where's the chief set the chief it looks like he is chief bend talk to the wobble wobbles can we become can you become our pet oh yes diamond oh he dropped a bone for him Oh little guy like the phone Hey yay domesticate and farm three different species hey how do you farm them you've investigated a new pet I like him okay come over here Willy I don't know what we're gonna do to you wait a minute wait a minute I pressed a button now everyone's running over here I'm not sure what this thing does Oh does it feed them don't don't let on where are you where are you guys going is that our food do we get more food or that it looks like it wait hold on a second our Wabble Wabble is making us food that's awesome okay so we got one guy that's collecting food there all the time we're gonna have to spread out and get more stuff whoa what's going on here what is that except it was invisible try to come into our base and we said no good job buddy you stopped on him like somebody's thumps on a wet pair of socks nice so our guys are eating what does that mean what what it I don't I don't really get what's going on here I'm supposed to go attack gift impress or attack another tribe Mike there's no other tribes around wait a minute there's a bunch of dead things over here eight monsters are you guys a tribe should we attempt to talk to them it's like oh here's the tribe here's a tribe I see you oka bougas let's talk to them let's talk to the lavendar villagers who they act they have a lot of armor run they look kind of cool my guys look like dorks where are my guys guys do they come oh we have our maracas we will come and impress you with our sweet dance moves I hope or we will enslave you oh god boga instruments allow you to respond to crowd requests by pressing matching buttons okay now do that yes I also have maracas I think they like me we're dancin oh you're doing it again yes oh man those sweet Moroccan skills in the background there this is one of the weirdest things I think I've ever done in my entire life oh they're scratching themselves 8:8 what in the world is that what are they doing okay we're not we're not getting too impressed with them they want money wild animals are coming to steal your food okay okay how do I give them things oh I bet I have to bring them stuff to gift where's my house there they are the little em things stealing my food that's an unpleasant place for a mouth down there totally unpleasant what is this guy doing over here at our base okay why is it oh we need our old tribal rear I'll that tribe come on over there he stole his food I'm gonna smash him up smash them to bits right I'll go chief didn't go he did it he took him took care of him okay I want you guys to grab food can you grab it and then we'll we'll take it to our friends no you're eating it it's not what I really wanted you to Raiders spotted another tribe is attacking what attacking us here grab weapons where are they coming from over here there there there they are okay attack mode attack whoa take them out what is that big thing over here oh I'm gonna go kill that after I'm done with these guys yes go go are we done nice don't attack my Hut I wanted to go attack that big thing you might get next P for doing this my guys might not have the best combat skills I probably need to add that I think there we go there we go there done and done they're dead I want to kill this thing EPIK send send something he's got 24 hit points remaining I think I could take that out I don't know what he is oh he's eating things we're moving in with our wooden torches oh he might kill some of us that's okay we're in attacking with our maracas oh we did it we took them out oh wow we have more guys attacking us flaming torches flame torches nice we lost a guy oh boy this might not be good let's take out this one first oh dude we don't have any good skills here protecting nice fire starter hey wait he's not dead yet why don't these guys not die okay I guess we went straight up murder mode this is retaliation oh we have more they're spawning in babies left and right let's go back home and we got this thing after us no bad animals what do you babies hey that little monster stole our food okay so maybe not the best at these this little tribal stage here let's turn it back wow guys their murderous monsters thank you grab that how many do I got there we go we got a baby coming in hey this guy's coming to bring me food just kidding he's coming to get my family okay I want to go talk to these guys over here hopefully they're not warriors I think I can gift them right I got a doorbell sound if I give them something oh they have fire starters - these are the ones that stole from me but I'm bringing gifts and some literally we're dancing dancing this is the weirdest thing man everyone's a higher level than me because I have no idea what I'm doing hello chieftain I brought you flowers stuff no no no no talk talk to them we must talk and make friends yes maracas time I don't have any maracas oh I need it ah are they trying to domesticate my friends over here oh look my guys can flutter because of their ears that's fantastic okay we're gonna impress this one well-well-well bad camera yes I'll hit the maracas you like me maracas again oh yes come on allies oh no no more maracas you love it you love it one more time please yes yes are they our friends yet 10 out of 10 good they liked it sort of okay let's go talk to their tribe up here here we go talk to the chieftain okay we're kind of happy we're on cordial terms I have lots of maracas you shall like my maracas dance yes you do Oh manifold II making peace in the real world with this easy there would be no Wars or anything because you just shake our maracas and people would dance show us a lie ship yes we did something cool 10 out of 10 yeah buddy okay let's go back home and we'll come back in there whoa whoa what happened did we get a bigger brain again I think wait I think we got a bigger brain oh no oh oh we got like a fire pot and stuff oh and our huts gonna get bigger Oh tribal you're made green village your allies to celebrate they have shared a totem piece as well as new tools and outfits with your tribe they've been added to your tribal planner okay you see that little monster there I can destroy him yay got a little bigger good we're gonna become the most powerful tribe what is this our fire is getting bigger spreading out more stuffs happening oh nice tribe has grown and prestige you have a larger Hut to show it you can try but sustain nine members all right come on home so what else can I build no healing rods equip a tribe member with the shamans staff their brethren and battlefield what's this one fishing Spears fishing Spears to maximize their fishing phone I wish we could fish but we don't can I can I go though the trip was this wooden horns okay instruments healing rods and we'll put that into we're not it looks good plus we can make some babies we can make one baby make baby tribal planter let's look at this guy where did we get on here - I like how we can just increase them at any time King bling social level for well we got to put that on get rid of the Fez we'll put this on oh that looks so dumb flatten it out yeah it's a little better you also got the GU level 5 social masks of course we use that instead we must gather more food pilgrims gather the food there we go we should have one person hey you go keep getting this fuzzy that's my that's my my stuff right over there hey there's these guys fishermen oh these guys are fishing nice they came all the way over to me to fish that guy is doing something dumb very very good I'll tell you white guys that's gonna do it for this episode I hope you've enjoyed it if you did let me know we might have to take these nerds out next time there's only like three of them here and they are mad at us they are mad so we might have to take them out or we can just talk to them with our maracas because they seem to like her maracas a lot anyway thank you for watching if you enjoyed let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 306,861
Rating: 4.8879395 out of 5
Keywords: Blitz, Blitzkriegsler, spore, spore game, spore gameplay, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, playthrough, walkthrough, lets play, simulator game, gameplay, funny, spore ep 1, let's play, game, spore 2, spore (video game), SporeS01, 2018, Jan2018
Id: YgeGyW3ikAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 52sec (1792 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2018
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