THE LEGENDARY BOBBIT WORM DRONE BUILD! Massive Planet Destroying Worm! - Nimbatus Beta Gameplay

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he's ready to strike something comes by let go [Music] what's up everybody mi GP and welcome back to name ba tests finally my voice is back so we're back with some regular videos man I still sound a little sick and that's okay but anyway we're back with Nimbus you guys seem to really enjoy the series I do too and I have an idea for today today we're gonna be doing something a little bit creepy I'm gonna be building as you can see something with teeth kinda I mean it doesn't actually have teeth I don't think but if you guys remember debris if you guys remember debris you'll remember the bobbitt worm which I didn't know what it was at the beginning even though it's not as big as it is in debris in real life that the bhavat worm is ever so creepy it is this long worm like thing that sits on the ground it has like spikes all on its side so it can drill through the terrain which is perfect for something for Nimbus and it springs out of the ground to attack its prey and bring it back in to eat I guess so we're gonna be replicating that the best we can today not only are we going to be replicating the aesthetic of the body worm which is a handsome fella if I do say so myself we're gonna have to do the open and close of the mouth and we're also gonna have the drills kind of being able to dig its way through whatever it needs to so this is going to be super fun huh what an awesome creature anyway if you guys are still enjoying nimbus let me know in the comment section below and keep in mind the tournament is coming up soon so if you haven't already the link is in the description below to the Kickstarter page you don't have to donate anything for that you can just get the demo pick it up start building up some drones because there's gonna be a tournament later on you should get your drone ideas out now anyway we'll set that up in a future episode let's focus on this one the bobbin warm this is what I've gotten so far it kinda doesn't look as it should but it's kinda it's pretty cool-looking and let me let me show you what I've done so these are hinges and I've set them to be the working the opposite actually haven't done that yet this needs to be queue and this needs to be e and look at this so we can press E to open and Q to close it BAM so we can grab our prey whenever they come close now the things are kind of wobbly cuz there's oh goodness okay cuz there's no like actual limitation to how much I can press this so like there's no return value although we did get some new items here we got some springs dude I want to see what it does the spring strength okay all right let's see what the heavy spring does it just bounces right oh my goodness I just destroyed myself okay not gonna use the spring we're just gonna hope and pray that this works okay but I do kind of want to push this out a little bit so it's like right up here then we can build around this because we're obviously going to need some power and stuff the hinges work on their own without using power which is kind of nice but let's go ahead and fill this up with some drill power because we're going to need that pretty bait okay let's see if this works yeah that kind of works so I probably should surround this with one with one block right I should probably make this a little bit protected there we go there's the Bob and and with this now that I made it a little bit bigger I'm gonna have to make these a little bit bigger so let's actually move this around let's just duplicate this okay well that looks pretty cool open it oh yeah that's the Bob it worm there we go you know this is cool and all but I don't really see how this can work we're well protected we've got some energy so now we can use our drills so now we got to create a little body so we're going to extend it and then attach from here and in the middle of each of these we should probably put some fuel right actually let's do double of these there we go and then from here this that and that okay so that'll be the first part let's see there we go now these should be loosely hanging right so I should have some free free hinges yeah free hinge okay so I might have to do that first so the hinge will be here actually this should be attached to this and then this should be attached to that there we go okay okay that's actually perfect there we go okay that's that's pretty nice man except that's that's getting a little wonky don't worry we'll fix that so on the sides of these guys we're gonna have to have the drills now the bobbitt Wharram is relatively the same size we might actually have to make this a little bit bigger I will attach this one to this one here and that should be wide enough okay so that looks pretty good maybe I shouldn't have this hinge here though I'm just trying to make this look the best it possibly can look okay this kind of looks good a little bit I guess so it does get kind of skinnier at the bottom but I'm not gonna worry about that let's just get over here and get these these drills ooh those are big the drills can be spaced that'll be fine with me there we go and now we can open this cool that's like the top of it yeah you know I'm going to actually get rid of this bring this down get rid of this and bring this down let's duplicate these there we go that kind of looks good that's pretty good I like it okay now we can do the free hinge from this point and then we can create the one that we're going to just duplicate which will be this guy and in the middle we need some fuel there we go and then we will close this off actually you know it might be better it might be better if I have yeah let's do that okay I'm sorry I messed up all right I think I have the first appendage down kinda using a lot of energy but we have some extra batteries we got some extra batteries there should be an awesome drilling machine okay well I have to add some thrusters right so we have to be able to go forward this might prove a little difficult the hardest part is to getting is to get us to be able to turn all right let's see all right that's not bad that's not bad at all so we go forward the appendages seem to follow and we can drill pretty well actually want to see if these spikes work oh no you can ruin my spikes dang it bob worms getting rekt okay so it moves okay I'm gonna have to play with that later but I'm thinking I should have the the boost jump thruster on all the appendages to shoot myself outward right I'm just trying to figure out where I can put them so what I'm thinking is that the thrusters the Boost thrusters can go here and that could be shift for me to attack we'll try it out okay so if we turn and boom oh my god that's gonna be amazing oh god this is gonna be so good okay that's it this is basically it isn't it then we just got to figure out maneuverability and we got to try this thing out in the real world all right so let's just duplicate this so this we're gonna copy and paste attach it to this one and right there paste attach it to this one BAM paste attach to this one BAM let's just see how this works so shift yes I'm gonna need some up front though I'm gonna need some up here it's gonna be hard this is going to be very hard I can give it to this one perfect and now we can have four of these bad boys just right here all right let's see if this works so hold down shift and boom oh my god I hold down shift open up the Klaus and Bram oh it's so good that's amazing okay so now we can just duplicate this right okay so the baba worm is pretty long whoa did not mean to do that I can't actually see what I'm doing can you stop Oh God look at this thing dude that's amazing okay so we got a work we got to work on the front here I want to test the boost out again look at this boom and it comes out and attacks its prey all right the drills are using up a lot of energy we're gonna run out for real oh no you know I realized I may have to redo all this so if I do this delete okay ah damn it so I might to put these guys in instead of these two batteries one of these batteries to go here that's going to be the best thing you can ever do that's amazing let me make sure it works all right looks good enough oh yeah I forgot I can just click this and copy and then paste and then it's even better and then do it again and now we can copy for over oh dude save me so much time there we go let's test this oh I hit something are we almost out of power are you serious oh no we have just enough we have just enough power that's amazing we could make that oh okay we can make that even better right we can make this thing shoot an unbelievable amount like this right here doesn't need to be there this doesn't need to be there because it's gonna be protected by the drill we could do another one of these thrusters and burn YUM all right let's let's actually kill ourselves see what happens Oh doesn't do that much but look at this snake dude that's amazing the bobbitt worm I am very pleased with this okay so I'm gonna have to have some kind of terraforming thing in the front this isn't gonna work out so well I also can't turn that great I mean it does a decent job we're gonna just charge into these guys oh it didn't work no come here come here I'm going to hurt you okay so as much as I love these spikes we're gonna have to have something a little better drills that's just how it's gonna have to be man okay I think this looks I think this looks scary enough ooh can you imagine that'd be crazy okay that should be fine right test it out there we go and now we open and then we can close them oh it takes so much force but that's pretty awesome okay so we're officially out of power with this we're gonna have to add some power somewhere okay I think I'm at a point where I'm happy I'm kind of happy this is a mess I know it looks like a mess but I promise this is pretty this is pretty awesome this is as close to a bobbitt warm that I can come up with right now we're gonna test it against the planet and then we're gonna see if there's any changes that need to be made so I'm gonna save this here and I'm gonna call this bobbi and we are going to launch this drone and give it a go I think you guys are gonna really love this one we don't get a spaceship because we're so big but here we are here's our worm we get to move forward I have thrusters on all of our parts so this makes it easier to move around probably should get some some better side-to-side movement but here's our claws that I can open and close at any time now this kind of looks like a mouth but it is the baba worm has a mouth and i put the springs back there to prevent it from you know hurting too much i'm gonna go ahead and drill some of this stuff because we could just kind of sink into this there we go we got rid of that guy so now we're gonna try and move we're gonna try and move I don't think I have enough to move the gravity I think I might be stuck somewhere all right the only problem is that I was trying to open these up to then go down all right I'm gonna have to boost I'm gonna have to boost for it ah crap all right I'm not to restart this good lord I don't even think I can get this right and he stopped talking I got to turn to be able to open my mouth and then drill a hole that's what I got to do are we gonna turn we're gonna open our mouths whoa whoa whoa oh whoa turn there you go and we're gonna go straight down whoa whoa whoa slow down it's a little much come on Bobby come on Bobby let's go Bobby hey no stop it oh no he doesn't have teeth in them in the in the middle crap ooh one of my appendages is breaking off okay so the the one problem with having the Jets or or the boosts on all of them means that if it's curled over clearly we're gonna have some issues so we're gonna have to try this again dang I thought I had it working okay so the only problem is straight down see what I want to do is come up I got to get myself buried inside the core and then come up from the other side so from here I should probably go ahead and put another drill on the edge here just kind of both right there that works we also need some more power so this is hard all right so I'm gonna get rid of this maybe if I move these over right we can then have power like this can block this move this over and then we can have some more power right there we go that should work right now we copy and paste and now it kind of looks a little bit more full like a bobby worm should all right now save oh why is it not saving you need that you need to save Bobby all right I saved it to file hopefully that works let's launch it open this up come on come on and we just need to go straight down and dig let's do it let's go oh no I forgot the middle I forgot the middle so the only thing I can think of is just putting one right in the middle right best thing to do okay that should cover all of it right that should be really good looks good to me let's go rotate come on just the rotate there we go that's good and now we go forward you never go forward and we hold this down come on drill no drill drill my dude just drill in it's okay it's okay we're gonna lose what's happening right now all right y'all need to yeah come on come closer hard right there dude God dang it okay so we need to have some drills right on the outside of the thrusters here okay so have those sticking out like this because as I'm looking at this picture of this bobbitt worm it looks at me it has a bunch of appendages sticking out it's all good for the aesthetic purposes and for digging through the damn planet we got it all right let's go forward come on let's go up up up up slow down slow down there we go there we go dig through that planning dig through that planning that's what I'm talking what come on it no I don't have any drill I don't have anything on the back of these I'm not gonna lie this is kind of done hey I'm actually getting myself back out do you see that hey look at that or no no no no I need you to come on come up there we go oh yeah there we go that's what I'm talking about all right not too fast now not too fast oh I'm stuck on it ah Bobby is the worst bothered worm ever all right i'ma have the bus through this boom oh I'm stuck seriously no come on get through it's just so Dom oh my God look at this mess this is so dumb I'm stuck on something like right here I can't tell what it is oh we almost got through come on come on yes yes bust through it bust through we got to get here quicker though we're gonna get through it quicker come on come on man gravity is pulling my tail down okay at this point I could pretty much turn around right all right so there's my tail I'm a pretty good-looking I'm a pretty good-looking body warm that's fine oh there we go oh oh digging through digging through holy crap let's go dude can we get can we go through the core of the planet and then turn around that'd be amazing if I just go a little bit forward oh dang it I'm stuck on this little thing come on Oh dudes that's gonna sever me right there come on dude I'm almost there oh no I blew myself up oh it's over it's over look at that holy crap no I made it so far are we gonna do this again haha so I have some trouble areas clearly and that is right here so I'm going to get rid of I'm gonna just put it right here I don't even care that one can go right there still looks like a bob at worm to me it's also very clear they don't have enough thrusters to handle this but you know what that's okay Bob that worm is ready to go oh no we got this guy come on destroy him come on yes oh no see oh this is the problem this is the problem all right come on all right come on people I gotta be able to spread my wings and fly do you see my predicament here my mouth is closed all right come on there we go yeah just get out of there get out of there so I can open up come on yes we're good we're solid oh wait no no no keep going just keep going keep going keep going keep going all right open up that mouth there we go oh yeah eat this planet my dude oh no I'm stuck again how does this keep happening how yeah that thing's gonna that's gonna just get destroyed bad yep and it's gone wow I'm completely separated yay how happy am i oh I don't know why this has to be so damn complicated it's just a bobby worm man it is just a bum or maybe my method maybe I shouldn't have chompers maybe I shouldn't have chompers at all okay you know what this is actually starting to piss me off I'm just gonna charge straight in just straight down with thrusters and everything I got to create this hole okay being a bobble worm it's not an easy life oh my god why why do you have to be here go the luck the absolute luck with that oh it's the springs it's the springs I don't need them I don't need them at all they're just they're just causing trouble and I should probably put multiples of these just kind of like right here right all right here's our chance to do this right just drill straight down please what what come on are you serious you know what I'm gonna have to ruin the aesthetic but there's nothing I can do about that I have to put stuff right here nothing I can do man it's not gonna work otherwise all right basically all over the place right this is not even legit it's not even legit oh that looks freaking awesome I mean it doesn't even look like it doesn't look like a bobble worm anymore this is so dumb why can't I just work once you add enough weight to it the problem becomes that the things are too heavy to move on these hinges and they start stretching out for some unknown reason all right we're just gonna open up of course no why would I why would you not be here just curious I'm gonna eat you know I'm dum dum dum dum yum yum yum okay now we're gonna open it and we're gonna go just nice nice and smoothly down oh dude that's great here we go it's just what I wanted hold on slow down there slow down there we got a there we go what happened excuse me what happened hey what is happening all the gravity's changing okay cool well can we get to a nice little position where we don't have to worry about this so much there we go open the mouth just slightly yes yes hang on we just got to dig a hole straight up so if you could turn to the left that'd be great this ba bit warm all right we're doing pretty well actually at eating stuff the only problem is I'm trying to align myself in the center because we got to do this properly and we only have one shot all right we're here we're here we gotta just get rid of this stuff get rid of this stuff okay all right so we got to get up to the top right and we're gonna set right on the edge I'm gonna open our mouth up and then we are going to charge for an attack fully charged and let go oh it didn't work well I got a time all this together okay all right charge we got our drills going let go in dude this likes it's like slow motion I can I can get behind this I can totally get behind this hang on let's do this again he's ready to strike something comes by three two one let go is snap oh dude this is so cool three two one and no it took forever to do I I wanted to get at least three of those shots off dang it all right I'm gonna go out into space what happens when I do this bring him oh hello uh okay do we just free roam at this point whoa okay the swarm is going straight out in space no we're still getting pulled by the gravity but that's weird you know we're still getting pulled this is really weird all right time to go down all right well this warm this blob of worm is done I'm gonna say it's done we're leaving the planet again I'm gonna save this as Bobby I don't know why it's not saving properly but Bobby and that's the bobby worm I hope you guys enjoyed if you did be sure to hit the like button let me know in the comment section below would you would like to see in the next episode again stay tuned for that tournament I'm still trying to organize it I'm trying to work with the developer to kind of see how this should take place but I will let you guys know as soon as I do so thanks so much for watching again I hope you enjoyed the video I love you all and I will see you in the next one bye bye
Channel: IGP
Views: 1,687,326
Rating: 4.7806644 out of 5
Keywords: Nimbatus, Nimbatus gameplay, igp, igp Nimbatus, Nimbatus bobbit worm, Nimbatus worm, Nimbatus worm gameplay, Nimbatus biggest, Nimbatus biggest worm, Nimbatus biggest drone, Nimbatus snake, Nimbatus longest, Nimbatus longest drone, Nimbatus giant worm, Nimbatus world destroyer, Nimbatus huge worm, Nimbatus best drone, Nimbatus best creations, Nimbatus best drones, Nimbatus new, Nimbatus update, Nimbatus release, Nimbatus full game
Id: -YTb1VM4HZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 38sec (1418 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2017
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