This Was My Strongest Team Ever

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so here i was just screwing around and i got a puppy on turn three these scale really hard with the new set because if you have three or more gold they get plus two plus two every turn and there's a lot of things that can also boost it so it's just a matter of feeding that puppy so right now given the opportunity i'm gonna feed it things like apples because those are also gonna boost my ladybugs we're obviously gonna have a more balanced lineup soon but i need to end with three gold so the puppy gets the boost and with a little luck he's gonna scale really ridiculously in towards the end of the game for now we just need to try and make it there because our lineup isn't super strong overall but this is actually really perfect the fact we already found a caterpillar that's one day going to match whatever the puppy turns into his stats there's also a snail here so i'm gonna combine those two ladybugs just to give him a little boost and the snail is going there to give everyone a nice boost then the puppy's up to eight seven once we end the turn he's up to ten nine already and we're fighting some strangely strong teams already uh the competition hasn't been this strong so far but we'll make do with a draw okay more good luck we found a tropical fish that gives the idiot on either side to them uh extra health so we're going to put that maybe right here so it's going to boost both the ladybug and the puppy for now then i'm going to put some garlic armor on the dog to help keep him a little bit protected that's also going to give the ladybug a temporary boost then we're going to roll hoping to find maybe some better boosters but we'll settle for this for now then the dog's going to get a boost there it's going to get a boost there and this team isn't particularly strong not sure what's going on with the matchmaking here but i'm not going to complain because that's an easy win kind of feel sorry for that team but i'm happy for the win that's going to unlock tier 4 animals and we also have a poodle which is going to replace probably the beetle who i've just been ignoring this entire time we sell him we put a poodle on that's also going to boost a whole bunch of everything along the way i'm maybe going to freeze this garlic and spin a few times just to see if we get anything interesting okay well i'm going to save the fisher now i'm going to boost the dog because i need something to start carrying me pretty soon tempted to also stack the caterpillar for now but we're not going to and we're going to hold on to that we can boost the fish uh also use the garlic for next turn but dog gets a boost uh everything gets a boost a bunch of things get a boost whatever the case uh already we're starting to scale a little bit ahead of the competition it seems because our dog took out their entire lineup their rophea number four then we're going to put this fish up here so now uh at the end of every turn it gives the jason friends to health so that dog's going to get mega boosted then we're going to spin one see what we get then we're going to end the turn does a poodle boost the dog right now he does not he only boosts these guys actually i need that dog to level up because when i fight teams like this we're gonna run into trouble uh we might still be okay here nope but it was close the caterpillar is almost level three though so he's gonna be copying whatever this is but as we found out last turn it's a little bit hard to survive still so hopefully we're going to get some interesting options here it's tempted to boost the uh shop pets but at the same time like we've already got a lot of strength we don't really need to add any of that this is kind of unfortunate rolling so far i'm just gonna go ahead and that's actually gonna help us a little bit because i can bring the caterpillar to level three or the ladybug up uh the ladybug doesn't really matter i just realized he's doing fine by himself but we're probably gonna exchange him for something like a board next turn then it's actually really going to help us a lot more end of the turn the dog gets a boost all the idiots at the back get a boost a dog gets another boost pretty strong lineup throughout well balanced and now the ladybug is also going to transform to match the dog we're going to lose a dog right away to a scorpion but we got the butterfly now to take place of dog number two puppy number two perfect i also have three roosters so i'm really tempted to also just get three roosters in place of the ladybug instead of that which is hilariously tempting to do i'm going to buy a boar i'm then going to give chocolate to my boar because he ultimately might be a better carry than the dog and since i just have extra money to spend anyway we're going to roll hoping to get yeah perfect we're going to have a level 2 bore after this also attempting to upgrade the poodle there's a puppy for next turn also so we're gonna be okay we're gonna upgrade everything just a little bit the dogs up to 22 29 boar is up to 10 10. it's just a matter of what we run into this is an annoying like counter attack team every time we hit them they're gonna do that that's actually a really effective thing to do but we're just a little bit more effective the octopus is actually really cool because it gains a skill at level two or three it starts out very strong i don't know if i have the patience or time to level that because uh we're gonna run out of room but for now we're gonna upgrade oh it's gonna upgrade the boar i guess we're gonna upgrade the dog now instead that's probably fine uh now he's gonna get a bigger boost every turn so i'm okay with that really should give some garlic to the boar start of next turn but we need this three gold to boost the dog in a big way then everyone gets another little boost then hopefully we don't run into anything oh that was the perfect counter to my team never mind because i killed my caterpillar before i get to chance uh before it could transform and the scorpion took out my dog before he could do dog stuff here's a very lazy build i just did where basically i've got a caterpillar that just hit level three i've got a mosquito now that's 18 and 21 he's getting fed by both the blue bird and the level 2 fish so if i go like that he's going to go all the way up to 22 25 on round nine the caterpillar is going to match his stats at the end uh correction the mosquito is now up to 24.27 after i end turn he's gonna go up to 25 29 so i'm gonna have two creatures at 25 29 now so i can almost stop boosting them and start worrying about creatures that are kind of more useful ability wise because as you can see we're gonna get ahead of the curve just a little bit here or just creatures that maybe have better boost i was thinking of building a spider we're not going to do that now i'm maybe going to throw a poodle down to do some other things which means you probably don't need the bluebird anymore i am going to freeze both of these in case i have to do another boost two caterpillars could be fun if i could get them leveled up but we need to find a better pet or two poodles might be overpowered we can combine them two later if we need to make space so we're gonna go like that then we're gonna go like that then we're gonna end the turn and see how strong everything gets the poodles are gonna boost everyone quite a bit interesting i feel like this might turn into a pretty tanky build uh as long as we get the strength before like round 20 we should be able to pretty much do this to every team that's already victory number seven and we're already this strong and we got a t-rex so i'm definitely gonna combine the poodles together i'm gonna put a t-rex down i'm gonna give you a boost because i need you to stay nice and strong and then we're gonna end it here with three gold because boosts for everyone basically i've got two tanky idiots right now everyone else is gonna get stronger but we need abilities more than strength they only have four players i i i guess you can get a boost if you only have four players sometimes depending on who you have one health we had a bumblebee also victory number eight i was just gonna say i wouldn't actually mind a warthog i don't think we need you anymore because we got enough buffs elsewhere so we're gonna throw a warthog into this mix uh i don't really know what i can do to immediately boost him so i'm just going to throw down those for now they're going to boost whoever they boost and we're going to go like that and the t-rex is certainly going to boost the warthog and everyone else gets a boost i'm going to flip the board in a caterpillar around i think because having uh him on the front line is a little bit scary because he's probably not going to defeat many things first up uh the rest of our lineup probably will though because it's pretty strong is that victory number nine already i kind of want wish this one to go longer just because i want to get my stuff more powerful should i throw around oh we also have a tiger cub if you put that behind a boar it's super super strong i'm pretty happy with this lineup mostly just because everything gets such super boosts even the boar got one there uh he only gets him because he's i guess level one whatever the case we have a 139 bore with uh melanoma leaving the charge so i think he's actually going to be able to take out you and then he's going to heal himself he took out two units all by himself and then um we're left with the 43-47 bee with honey okay well when you get this kind of lineup together it just works really well there was a stupid mosquito on the team okay on this one we're going into round five but i already have almost a level three mosquito with melon armor who's going to get a 5 5 boost every single round and we have another turtle to potentially give something else melon armor if we get that opportunity and there's also a caterpillar so we'll exchange the beetle for the caterpillar the swan would also be nice but this right here should carry me decently far for now and there's the other pill i need for the melon armor i will also need a better booster than the bluebird for now because he's not going to carry me very far by himself boost wise but everything else certainly will especially my mosquito with melon armor i did get a level up for my hatching trick and actually if this gets to level three it gives one experience to whatever's in front of it so i could potentially level up something stupid but also there's a level three mosquito which pairs very nicely with an aux now the aux is going to get a boost every single round and next round we're going to uh give it melon armor so that was a pretty good roll for me we're going to roll a few more times to see if we get anything interesting and we didn't but every turn now the bison is going to give himself a boost and i'm going to swap him to the backs of the bluebird boost him instead of the chick because that doesn't really matter but for now an 8 8 bison is pretty strong considering where we're at plus we get the tier 4 idiot so we got a poodle so the bluebird can definitely go the poodle does a better job than the bluebird but before doing that we're going to red pill a turtle giving him melon armor you come in then we take pretty much whatever we can get we could upgrade the caterpillar a little bit if you want mostly i want to upgrade one of these too you're going to be upgrading more now you're going to be further ahead so he gets a plus 2 boost you get a plus five boost and everyone gets a nice boost except for the caterpillar but he doesn't need to be strong until later it helps if he is now but until later it doesn't really matter the melon armor saved me there and now they've gotta get their mosquito with melon armor another victory five i should maybe actually be swapping these two now to give my bison the boost because he's stronger anyway might as well just make one guy super strong also let's start on some salad to give whoever a boost i'm gonna save that but i'm gonna roll a few more times because i would really like to get a better another level check because they'll give the bison a permanent upgrade but since we didn't there you go another two plus another two plus another plus five plus five plus another plus one plus one twenty three twenty three already and they only have four players on the team one of which is a dog that's not as strong as my bison is so cool melon armor really makes it too strong six out of ten i did get the chocolate i needed to give the bison a better boost we also got a dragon which is very good under the right circumstances uh we're just gonna roll for now because i'm already so stupidly overpowered that i think things are gonna have trouble stopping me so we'll enter in there the caterpillar next turn is gonna be emulating whatever my bison does so it's going to be like plus 25 plus 25 yeah which is better than five and seven uh whatever the case i think we're okay here because well they didn't even get to my mosquito with melon armor so the caterpillar just maxed out so now it's just a matter of whether i want to upgrade who so i'm going to roll once to see if i get any inclination of which direction i should go in and i didn't so do we upgrade the poodle the bison i'm going to go with the bison because it's only going to be two upgrades to get him there and if he gets there he's going to be super strong and wouldn't you know we did it so now he's going to get an extra plus 4 every turn we're definitely going to save the boar because that is stupidly strong then we roll again and we maybe freeze the poodle for next time maybe the bison also i don't know so he gets a plus four he gets a plus two plus two plus one plus one so he's up to thirty four thirty four and our caterpillar should be two unless it dies right away which it didn't so now our caterpillar's gonna start marching through things our butterfly rather they are stripping our melon armor by doing that but we've just got too much tankiness for them to really do anything about it eight out of ten so you get one of those uh you get one of those we'll save these guys for later right now let's just boost the bison because that's also going to boost the caterpillar we don't need any of that anyway enter and the bison's going to get a big boost so he's all the way up to 43.43 and that means good things for a caterpillar as well unless it gets salvoed right away which it's not they do have an octopus the octopus is so fun i really need to have a builder though in one day uh until then we still had a lot of hit points left for that team to get through victory number nine we won last one life not a lot of good options here i mean the boar is always a good option let's just give that to our bison because he needs to be strong the t-rex is an amazing option right now also because he's basically a better version of the poodle so if we do that then uh the melon number would be nice to throw in and we'll keep that in case we lose now if we end the turn everyone gets an even bigger boost than ever before thanks to rex and that looks something they said the bison's up to 50 50 now so that means the caterpillar is also going up to 50 50. that thing's going to respond as a 1-1 that's not a big deal and well that's a wrap for their team we still had 56 72 health for them to get through 72 health and that was round uh victory 10 on round 12. but that's a good thing about being a frontrunner you defeat the weak teams uh pretty much all throughout you don't get any strong teams the very next round after my victory and i've got something interesting going on again i already have a level three ant and it is turn five and as per usual i have no particular idea what it is i'm building here but that's never stopped me before so we're maybe gonna take out the rabbit for now not sure that was a great idea we're gonna put the chicken somewhere and we also found a caterpillar already so we're gonna put a caterpillar in because that's gonna level a long way so now i'm gonna put a uh that on you and i'm even gonna give you one of you you go there that way you boost the swan when that ant dies he gives a plus six plus three to whoever's behind it and with the chick there it brings the cat up to a 10-8 before it gets hit but uh again we're a little bit ahead of the curve already oh they did have some spawns but we were well okay the caterpillar's already leveled up i guess the ant is the most likely one to scale really hard on this one we're gonna speed up the caterpillar even then i'm gonna freeze that we're gonna skip that this is also very tempting to buy but instead we're gonna give some cupcakes to my super ant sometimes you just gotta try things and see what happens that turtle's gonna be annoying because you get melon armor now but i think we're gonna come out on top because that thing is super strong so the caterpillar is only two turns away from being able to copy something uh we don't really have a lot of good choices here but in saying that i'm gonna move the chick behind the ant for now just to give him a boost the caterpillar can copy that and we want the caterpillar copying well i didn't mean to press that twice well that's okay i guess we're gonna buy one of these and well you know i'm gonna buy one of these i should have done that the other way around but i hadn't decided till afterwards so whatever he's up to 14 13. and at this stage if i have two 1413s i should be able to go through most of anything though this team is gonna hand me my first defeat in a little while but i got the next trick i needed so now it's gonna give you a permanent boost we also have a rhino which is interesting i'm gonna replace the cat with the rhino hmm i thought about that after i did that but you know what that's probably fine we'll kind of sort this out we're gonna need garlic to the rhino that way he's hopefully destroying things before he dies and um not really seeing anything gray here we're probably gonna go for some tier five or six animals should we find them but this might actually be enough to carry me through we're gonna get a pretty good idea that right now okay we're in trouble already gonna need some stronger idiots oh and the boost went out of the wrong one oh i managed to win that thanks to my bumblebee but that was way closer than i want to be but the caterpillar leveled up so he's going to copy the ant we have a potential duplicator for the rhino we could also go with a hatching chick i'm going to try that that might be a little bit controversial and we did finally get her poodle so i'm going to replace the swan because this one is just a basic idiot anyways but he's going to boost everyone else up nicely and that's just going to contribute to everyone getting stronger so that's going to look something like that good enough we'll get some more scalable idiots that's a really strong ladybug okay that's going to be a little bit of trouble especially because i don't really have any melon armor that's a really strong worm okay that was just bad matchups for us okay anyways we're gonna give that to the ant we're gonna roll again we're gonna give you that i just realized how strong the rhino if you had a strong rhino with the chili he'd basically be doing damage to two things a lot and really it's a momentum thing not on like a rhino in real life okay those are definitely good for next round should we survive oh i missed the chick i wasn't paying attention i really want to get a level 3 chick behind an octopus i think that would be a fun combination oh there we go the rhino finally broke through not very hard but he did it and now we have the momentum to carry through but that was a little bit closer than you'd think okay so let's build you up a little bit and build the eu up a little bit because that rhino can still do us good these are all bad uh the boys are attempting to just straight up replace the rhino with so i might but we'll see there's also that and that which should actually get the chick up to level three oh and a t-rex oh dear we have too many good choices again so we could get a boar with melon armor else or rhino with melon armor i've got too many good choices i don't know what to do with this to be honest but my butterfly is now going to be 24 23 as long as nothing kills him right away and this is a pretty strong team actually i don't know if i love my odds here i like them a little bit better now so the poodle's coming out the t-rex is going in because he's basically a better version of it i want some survivability this round so the rhino is actually going to get melon armor instead and as much as i would like to bore he'd probably be better i want to make the rhino work so for this other bit of money i'm going to put you there and then you there oh i don't have enough for that never mind we're going to spin a few times and then we're going to get more experience anyway and another bore then then we're going to see if this build is going to work i kind of want to slow this one down to watch it because i want to see if the rhino can defeat whatever's in nope the rhino definitely can't defeat that but it can soften them up a little bit so we can start tearing into their team rather nicely oh that's a 50 50. okay never mind i was stopped dead by a stupid worm of all things one more turn though when i really could have put that build over the top so damn close you
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 807,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NLSfFcr2f3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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