Spending $100 To Cause An Unnecessary Amount Of Suffering

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they say this app is the ultimate stress reliever so let's find a way to make it ultra stressful for me and this little guy is probably also not gonna have such a great day himself so to start all we can really do is just throw him around which is a lot of fun and i do feel my stress levels going down but then we can do things like add blood which no doubt is going to cost us some money probably like anything we're going to do today and then we have layers of different toys we'll call them to help play with buddy a nail bed is nice and cheap let's maybe start with that but that means we're going to need some funds and now we've got the money we need so nail that let's give it a try oh i'm gonna like this game a lot and he's getting closer and got him well that didn't work out as i intended but i can see why this could release some stress and there's so many different ways we can make all these things work but every time we touch him we leave nails stuck in his head so if we let that go there oh what if we can actually dodge but let's also see how many nails we can get stuck in them and i've earned a gift for hurting things it's what i've always wanted good so the more we hurt him the more gifts we're gonna yeah that's what i'm taking away from this even gets bruised all right well he's there struggling under the weight of that let's find something else to hurt him with maybe like a rainbow axe yeah that's gonna add uh insult to injury it even sparkles when i touch it this is great does it feel good does it feel sparkly i'm kind of hitting him with the wrong side though i gotta swing it the other way that way it really gets the blade into them i wonder if they monitor the people that play these games and put them on a list somewhere this is kind of fun but it just kind of cuts through them it doesn't really give that feeling of impact does it and apparently when we're done we throw things in the garbage but i kind of want to throw him in the garbage or i can throw him into the weapons i wish i had thought about that sooner and i got the unicorn pickaxe stuck through his neck well that's kind of perfect what does a slot machine do purchase spins to get new items do we have spins now we've got five spins we get gambling in torture so if we get five of the same cards we unlock something new that was called explosive burden and i like the sound of that so we're gonna spin this a lot tremendous alien also looks fun and just like that we have 90 spins with which we're going to try and collect everything you see here we just got a card for something called the beheading death ray and i'm really liking this game more and more the more i play but the stressful part of it is spinning this 90 times and i feel like i finally did something good because this happened and it only took 55 spins every one of these cards just gets better and better though i mean look at that he's in a giant set of jaws trying to fight it but you know he's not gonna win okay this was spin number 90. uh here's what we got along the way and we come back to our hero so let's also see what the alien claws can do because apparently they're free if we watch an ad i'm just gonna buy them though because i'm lazy so apparently we can make him puke rainbows if we hit him with this enough too i didn't realize that there you go you hold that for a sec all right and here's what the alien claws look like do they feel good do they feel like an alien encounter oh they're doing something it sounds like a bomb are they gonna go off i hope they are yeah that's better we finally killed him i didn't actually realize he could die though that means we need to be trying harder we've been playing this for a while and he's only died once i didn't really mean to spawn another one of these in but since we did you stand on up for a second thank you now i'm kind of excited about a a big block that says 16 tons it costs almost 10 000 yeah that costs like all my money but i think we're gonna have fun with it yep that's an insta kill that's an insta kill anytime we want it i think we just won the game that's it i was gonna add another weapon uh but seems it really only wants one of these at a time i wanted more but we got a flat body maybe now we can add something else in seems limited to maybe one at a time when you crush them sideways or upwards there's so many questions in this game it's really the explosions that seem to do the best job killing him so far even dropping 16 tons on him doesn't seem to kill him it just kind of flattens him a little bit what if we drop him on 16 tons that's far less exciting than dropping 16 tons on him i don't know if he's intentionally dodging uh but we're gonna drop that on him and well it has a lesser effect when you don't drop it from way up high now i'm as confused as you are about this one we have a garden gnome not really sure i guess it's got a pointy end on it so maybe that's something oh oh we can have multiples it's a gnome party i'm deeply curious as to what these do they seem to break maybe that's it we cover them in glass i don't really know what the gnomes do i'm kind of thinking we're supposed to go like doink no well i mean it kind of worked but we could do better there's so many things to choose from that i really really don't know where to start just gonna take a little off the top oh there we go he just eats the whole thing well it's a really quick way to die it's a little too quick for me but i think we killed him oh if you get him from the lower side though he suffers longer so that's something so just carefully okay we got them all tangled up it's not that good to be tangled up with a shark buddy there we go and trump well we're just oh wait they got him anyway he looks really thrilled about that all right i'm gonna let those two be friends for a few minutes then when he spawns back in right on top of the shark again oh so while he's playing with the shark continuously where are we gonna find another animal for him to play with and there's a lot and that's just under animals there's bio weapons machines power of god nano weapons plants maybe plants will be fun a cactus would you mind holding up for me buddy or uh the cactus can hold you either way we're gonna have a good time with this and it's so big we can turn him into a porcupine you broke my cactus i wonder if we can entirely destroy the cactus so now it just looks like a spiky pickle and there's never been a more humiliating way to die than by a spiky pickle is it weird that i already spent basically all of my money there we go now that i got it stuck inside his body we've succeeded i kind of want to see what happens if we leave him to that if he can get that out of his body or not all by himself i kind of don't think so but he might be able to wiggle out of it okay he couldn't work his way free but uh while he was trying we've got one of these this is a witch's cauldron we can't really move it but i presume we can put him inside of it not really sure what this is gonna do so we'll start with just you know a piece of his body and did anything happen no we need to go a little deeper did that work get you all of it done fine we got to put all of them in i wanted to go just a little bit at a time but now he's a frog so we'll maybe give a black mamba then because i'm pretty sure they'll be happy to eat a frog oh he turned back whoops oh oh i see we can just kind of bite him a little bit that's fun it disap it just oh okay where's it going it disappears out of nowhere to bite him which has got to be horribly stressful for him and anxiety inducing because he never knows when it's coming i was kind of hoping to just spawn a snake and they could chase him around a little bit but we don't seem to have that luxury yet but we can just bite him like this let that venom slowly do its thing it actually looks like he's slowly dying so the black mamba oh never mind it's working pretty good maybe you gotta bite him in the face get that direct injection to the brain or the heart now i'm pretty sure there's going to be some fun machines like a vice oh it turns a whole level into a vice well that's got to be stressful it kind of reminds me of star wars but this one's not really going to have a happy ending at least not for him you see that look on his face that's a genuine look of concern we'll go just a little further now he's starting to twitch i wish we oh he popped wanted to add a snake or something in there can he respawn if we put it right there let him back in he's gonna have a short-lived life okay puts him back in here so let's see if we can get him uh upside down in the vice would that work you stay there he tends to write himself very quickly maybe if we oh devices oh we got him sideways does that work we're gonna pop him sideways now oh there he goes he's upside down perfect i do want to get him perfectly upside down though oh that wasn't as hard as i thought so i wonder what else we have to play with we have something called a big gun oh that is a big gun okay well good luck with that how do we uh do we touch the fuse i would like to set the gun off now do we stick him in the gun we do stick him in the gun all right that works too that's uh definitely an insta kill so left to his own devices he just kind of naturally wanders into the gun once in a while and that's great that way i can just kind of do my thing while he's doing his oh he just auto spawns right in that's what's happening he just dies again and again and i just realized i can go back an extra layer in the menu uh and then we can have decor okay so a background area like this just makes a lot of sense it gives a kind of a charming vibe and if you want we can even dress buddy up as all sorts of different things like a pumpkin head or a panda or a clown i think he works best like this though wearing just a shirt that way he's got as little armor as possible so maybe just a standard bomb for a thousand dollars but at that say choose a trajectory for the explosive how about we just drop it kind of near him how big is the explosion oh that was close oh we could drop multiples though do you think he's getting stressed yet he's probably getting pretty stressed oh we got him cornered now how many bombs can we have at once this is gonna be fun we're gonna find out how many bombs you can have before things start to break uh they're starting to disappear before they're exploding but we're just gonna keep tapping i was hoping for a bigger explosion nobody if you start to get stressed just look at your surroundings and you'll feel very calm to buy all the candy but probably avoid the bombs if you can so we clearly need a bigger explosion so let's try a holy grenade hopefully there it is a little bit bigger uh of an explosion oh interesting they're much bigger and i don't know if it matters where they are uh in comparison to him so we'll try and get him like here buddy sit on this for a sec right up close oh no he got away he's squirmy if you don't hold on to him very tightly there we go that's gotta hurt okay i don't really know what this is but when it's something that expensive you know it's got to be good so let's explore what exactly this is interesting oh it's like layers of bombs that makes sense it's just going to keep jumping toward him and exploding hopefully the last one really finishes him off but i bet he's really enjoying this all right that one was definitely a bigger explosion and it definitely follows him around oh i bet this little one's gonna be good right beside his head and he's already unconscious and the finale there we go not sure i can say that was worth the money but the banana bomb surely will be i accidentally summoned one of those oh i took it away oh interesting it's got a cigar okay good jump towards the bomb very intelligent oh interesting it's kind of the same thing it sends a lot of other little things around he's getting impaled by banana and that's maybe not what it sounds like so let's set him right on top of the banana if we can okay everything's so bouncy in his game whatever we're just gonna let him go then let him enjoy the bananas all on his own i cannot be a little bit curious about what a mega bomb is that's a big bomb all right buddy i'm gonna need to plant you right here for a maximum impact i can't really see the timer there it is one second left and goodbye i like how he always comes back we're never far away from buddy all right while he's left with his little friend there we're gonna find the next thing to torture him with maybe we'll go back to cold weapons because the swords and stuff were kind of fun although the power of god sounds fun also like a ball of lightning what do you suppose that does well we just kind of put a few of those out there in the world for him to enjoy how many of these can we have at once oh this is going to be fun it doesn't really kill him but it does make him hurt a lot and that's kind of the whole point of this as far as i can tell now i did spot some achievements in the menu so maybe we'll see what those are because i think we got one for actually killing him once and then we haven't really gotten any since just as soon as we see what the angels are for because most things in the game seem to hurt him at least a little bit i don't know what an angel is going to do though usually when buddy is knocked out but i don't i don't i don't get it we're supposed to hurt buddy not save them oh so we gotta have like 100 exploded grenades have a million dollars in the bank 500 games in total easy lucky chair well if you insist i didn't find it but i did get distracted by the spines so those just kind of come out of the ground it seems like uh oh i get to pick where here you go buddy i got you some spines you spines oh they don't well they kind of stab him but not that oh he sticks to him oh no we can take his head somewhere else okay hold on i'm gonna try and separate you into two parts you go there and well this is harder than it looks spike oh you can't oh yeah you can kind of stick up the two places at once there's so many strange experiments with such a simple little game would an electric chair be under appliances i'm not really sure where to look a microwave though huh all right microwave let's open it up put the buddy in enjoy your stay uh we'll just give a little grill start that way he just gets a little bit of a tan and probably a little bit of radiation poisoning also i don't know i got grill marks that's entirely unrealistic you get in there okay we're gonna crank it all the way up to 800 then we don't need to see the middle step it'll probably just explode from the inside out oh it was under machines of course it was all right well now that he's already thoroughly cooked you get in well you don't sit in here however you want it doesn't really make a difference to me all right let's crank it up wait did it work uh it doesn't seem to be working do we need the sponge i think you need them to sit properly in here though something about electricity making a circuit does that work oh we do have to put that thing down i feel like this is just putting him out of his misery at this point but we'll go ahead and do that anyway electro buddy not the first time we've been electrocuted but it's the first time we got an achievement for it so you wait there enjoying that we're gonna find the next thing to play with the most expensive thing i've found so far is something called a sun booth so we're gonna try that it's really just a tanning booth it can't be any worse than an electric chair or a microwave you wouldn't think i wonder if he's gonna come out with a nice tan i don't know if that's gonna stop automatically or not but we'll let him sit in there for a little bit while he enjoys oh he came out a little bit charred and also on fire he'll be all right though we have this good old-fashioned lightning wow that something really does a lot of damage to him he's not getting over that uh there was supposed to be lightning but i think we just knocked him unconscious which is probably helping him at this point because look at him okay we kind of figured it out you got to bring the lightning to him you can touch any part of the body you want with it but as long as it hits him it'll electrocute him pretty good that'll help keep him awake because he seems a little sleepy these past few minutes i also found a big hammer bonk bonk oh electrocute some end crushes them oh that's kind of fun and then we can also just go like that and let him go and he can hold on to that for a while bonk he can sure put up with a lot of abuse before he dies entirely i'm not entirely sure what's happening right now but he sounds like he's getting constantly executed despite the fact he's not so i do seem to have managed to broken the game though i'm not sure how like he's getting electrocuted but he's not but he's gonna play at the paradise plant for a minute and that's gonna eat him and hopefully shut him up nope okay i guess we're gonna have to restart okay we got everything back together so we're gonna give them some bacteria for nine thousand dollars i always go for the more expensive things assuming they're gonna work better that's not always the case okay i need to hold very still so we can see your pretty little face okay well we're gonna drop bacteria on you so hold still mist there we go got some onion i think we got it on him is that working are you getting bacteria yet yeah he's turning green slowly and then he's exploding there we go that seems to be taking care of buddy he'll be back though so we'll leave him some bacteria for when he lands whenever you're ready there we go you enjoy i found something called cloning uh i'm not entirely sure how this works oh we make many buddies come on keep cloning them we need more we need as many of these as we can for maximum torture i don't know how many of these we're gonna be allowed to have it gets really noisy with all of these oh they just fly right off the screen too okay we're gonna need a lot of these i think we might have hit the maximum amount that we're allowed oh i wanted to crush them all in the vice it didn't let me well that's okay we can still crush his buddy i was hoping for a whole bunch of little popping uh mini buddies but that's okay one buddy's still pretty good there's so many things to uh play with that it's almost overwhelming i hope he likes ants though are they gonna get him there yeah well he seems to be bothered by them i think this is the first thing he's been really scared by yeah he's enjoying that and i'm enjoying this we move on to the ant hill this isn't quick enough there you go direct to the source they're not gonna like that one a little bit i feel like dude is itching him though he's not really gonna get hurt by this no maybe i'm wrong oh no they're taking him right into the ant hill never mind yeah this is definitely gonna finish him off all right well there's his bones we killed him again is this legitimately supposed to be stress relief is torturing things supposed to relieve stress because if it is i have some questions we also haven't really explored the uh firearms yet so let's do a good old-fashioned musket i'm not really oh okay i think i see i'm like aiming it oh okay i gotta kind of go how do these work is it two fingers do i two finger buddy oh you gotta wait for it to like load you aim then you let go i was hoping that would do more damage to him but it doesn't do you like playing games yes yes i love playing games my favorite game is shooting body there's also a flamethrower the flamethrower is more fun than the musket because it actively lights him on fire i don't know how much he can take no i don't want to rape you right now i want to light this guy on fire for a while and he stays on fire after i'm done alright while he's keeping himself warm we're going to find something else a meat grinder sounds pretty horrible hmm well naturally we're going to put him in legs first that way he survives the longest and um i guess we're slowly going to grind him through the meat grinder there was a barbecue also whatever he could grill him next well that's pretty gruesome well this took a dark turn good thing i put him in legs first we've now turned buddy into some meat should that relieve stress i have very very many questions and i've actually run out of gold so that just means we need more because after all we put him through i think it's time to put him in a jacuzzi where he can relax though that kind of begs the question if we hold him underwater while he's drown he probably will eventually okay maybe he won't drown he'll just breathe underwater for a while all right well now he's just kind of in the way so you get back in there and let's see how cold we can make it yeah he sounds like he's enjoying that is he frozen we can't even bring him out he just there he is welcome back then we'll freeze him and then he dies then we'll make him hot then we'll make him cold and then we'll make them hot and then we'll make them cold and then we'll make them hot okay now that these nicely boiled we're going to try something called the mecca rack so it looks like we just go ahead and strap them in there and then i'm not really sure what we do well we touch the button it pulls them apart it goes a little bit too quickly though then we can play with his body parts this one's called a dental machine so for those of you out there that like the dentist this one's going to be extra fun whoops get in there come on there just tethers them down by the neck like any good dentist does even i'm a little apprehensive as to what this is going to do what oh it's just a drill here you go where's your mouth again i think it's down here open your mouth stupid this you're making this worse than it is how'd you get out of your chair you get in there heather down nicely and time for the drill is that getting it is that fixing the cavity i think he's dying hopefully we have a surgeon on standby i want to see if i can get his whole head off come on can we pop it off no i didn't mean to do that i thought the battery would just spawn in like the other tools do but this one's fun because it's heavy uh and can electrocute him and light him on fire oh i need to fire back again make more fire i'm not really sure how to make fire but if he touches both terminals he should electrocute or has a battery out of juice already you broke my battery idiot i'm starting to think that buddy's into this so oh we put it in his mouth now he wants it in his mouth he didn't like the dentist but he wants the air compressor that explodes them you there we go no the battery's working again we just needed a fresh one so you know there's our chance we could light them on fire and electrocute them oh it's easier said than done though he always tries to get away for some reason it's very strange well now that he's running around without arms on i feel like we've accomplished our goal here today and i don't feel any less stress than i did before but i had fun
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 2,523,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: F7v8Um6Ngnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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