Spending Millions BEYOND Max Upgrades

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more coffee and bigger dreams let's do this steady stream of red balloons to start nice and easy lots of money we've got 60 rounds to go today and I'm making double money so we're gonna see bigger upgrades now that I'm looking at it I realize the balloons probably actually follow the path all the way along so I simply know where they're coming from and where they're going I really want a banana tree though so I'm going to keep saving up because if I don't have 1250 I don't have enough money that round was fine that we're starting to see blue balloons so I'm gonna have to work harder and harder to make this work lots of Blues coming in so we're gonna have to uh really work hard to stop all those out of existence luckily they have a long ways to travel before they're gonna start to be a problem so I can just slowly work my way around murdering each and every one of them 1142 after that wave I think we're gonna be okay just need to work really hard on this wave the wave is almost done this costs 1250 I'm not gonna have enough or am I okay if I pop one more then I get my yup banana tree so now when I kill these I get a bonus whoops I guess if I do get overwhelmed I can do that I can Kamikaze myself into them but but there's lots of money for now I'm gonna buy quick shots and sharp shots I can't sell these anyway so for now that this can help me catch back up one round later I'm gonna upgrade the banana tree twice maybe double money was too much money we're gonna get like all the upgrades but the extra popping power really does help I don't have to move back nearly as far now and I'm popping many more balloons every single time we are starting to get some greens that turn into blues and they move extra quick but there's still not going to be much of a problem so the banana trees take you some 366 all the way up to 1166 so 800 every round okay but say I wanted a simple tax shooter for only eight hundred dollars I've gone ahead and put it right there uh it might be a little bit in my way but it's gonna get the balloons that go around this Bend I think that's what the coffee told me to do anyway well see it in action actually the balloons aren't going to be that uh dangerous yet does attack shooter help is it shooting too low no it seems to be getting them that's okay I'll wait for them here I'll just sit here like this and I'll get whatever it doesn't but it is actually thinning them out a lot like it took care a lot of the greens and the greens are the most annoying ones so far it won't carry the load by itself but it's actually doing a pretty good job at thinning them out so we have a thousand dollars to spend on more tax then I'm not going to touch these until we're coming back around this way because I want to see what that's actually capable of and yeah it's actually doing a lot at least in these early stages obviously things are going to be a little bit more intense but I'll take that kind of progress for now that round's already got me almost two thousand dollars so we're gonna make money quick for now I'm pretty much just gonna play Sniper I'm gonna sit here and pop down the line of balloons when they get closer the attack shooter will also help and I don't know if we actually spawned any greens there but that was an easy wave so far first I realized I could just kind of sit here and throw over the tops of the Reds and hit the blues mostly because attack will definitely take care of Reds look at all the money we're getting enough to upgrade our banana tree so that's not going to give us even more every round and we still have uh 49 rounds to go when you say it like that it really sounds like a long ways but that banana tree will basically carry us through by itself because it's gonna make so much money by the time that's done so that rounded up this with 570 plus bananas 20 170 so let's try a triple shot and we have Seventeen hundred and seventy dollars so let's buy faster shooting as well for our tax shooter yeah this looks a little better three at a time they spread out rather ugly though I don't know if this is meant really for like a path of balloons I guess it kind of works anyway but they spread out too far too fast like if you're doing this or something it might actually be better it is still objectively better to have three darts rather than one plus when you make this much money it really doesn't matter what you do next week these are gonna spawn Camp you actually if I sit here kind of like this I can really thin them out the tax shooter will take care of the rest so this is a good strategy by itself really a green one did get through but I mean I know where he lives this wave is making me nervous it's a lot of Reds which make me think maybe there's some camos or something in there or it's just gonna be a confidence building round that's fine too but I don't need confidence I've got coffee oh here come the yellows look at how quick they're going I'm up to 6 500 so we're gonna buy camo detection maybe we should buy a monkey ACE also that's gonna help thin things out with rapid fire I guess we can turn this guy into attack sprayer also yeah that's a little better plus we got him up there to help us out uh he already did Drive Badness Bloom so yeah I can mostly to sit here so far I didn't realize how powerful that thing was I wonder if I could just not do anything now I might have actually got that many upgrades uh we're getting the purples pinks whatever they are yeah I literally didn't have to throw one set of darts that time and that's fun and all but I can't wait all day for these balloons so I'm gonna manually help to get this over with quicker they all must die and when did the regrower balloons these are simply just gonna regenerate Health if they don't die but we're probably up to the task of killing them at least so far so far these waves really aren't stressing me out that bad but I do also have a Super Attack shooter wave 19 of 60. we have ten thousand dollars to our name already oh this one's gonna be a little bit harder I'm gonna back up and hope that my attack shooter is doing its job it's nice of the game to give me a warning though that things are going to get harder I really just want the max level 3 upgrade uh we're getting black balloons too which I think have two pinks so that's gonna be harder but again there was more of a warning round to say these are coming this is how you deal with them just drink more coffee and keep throwing those darts so far my weird little system is working super super well this thing's well ahead of the upgrade curve apparently and this is will be the last wave before we get our tree upgrade we might even be able to buy it during this then we can see how much it's worth hey you guys take care of the rest I'll be over here trying to buy this nope it's not gonna work out but I'm very happy of that thing so far it's destroying everything for me okay now finding the most expensive upgrade ever seventeen thousand dollars whoops I accidentally started to wave didn't I I did okay now we got blue uh bananas for some reason but you're apparently better we'll figure out how much it was it worth after we do this we still destroyed that wave and that's gonna take us around let's call it 2100 wow look at that money dad made a six thousand dollars that's absurd so the tech shooter deserves an upgrade because he's carried the load so far we still got four thousand dollars left over so we can upgrade the monkey plane well that looks better alright let's start this way and watch things go uh so far the fighter jet is actually carrying the load all by itself even the camel balloon oh that was the end of the wave that's kind of sad because I want to see this guy over and he's not even fully upgraded yet okay that thing is probably gonna carry us all the way to the end just like that that's insane Nothing's Gonna Get By these guys but we can still upgrade a long long ways okay I'm gonna sell my Dart monkey setup which put us up to 16 000. I kind of want to try sniper okay I bought the sniper with everything you see here all the way up to large caliber and we're just gonna start with that for now to see how good it is so far pretty good because we're popping purple pinks uh in one shot like all the way to dead zebras yeah we've been popping zebras this is fun and every time we do that we're rewarded with a massive amount of blue Bananas twenty thousand dollars just go again I think we're gonna have a stupid amount of money by the end of this I can't even you're killing them too fast can you save some for me yeah it's a good problem to have when I can't even shoot them because the plane kills them all in a hurry they haven't even made it to that thing yet oh I can actually use my scope too that's kind of neat for when um you know it's hard to hit balloons that are floating down a single track this is a long way but it's making me laugh out of money so I'm not going to complain I should probably upgrade that plane though because I'm pretty sure that plane by itself can carry me through this entire 60 rounds round is over more bananas twenty eight thousand dollars well the tax Zone's only 21 Grand so why would we not buy that I know the balloons haven't made it here yet but they're going to regret when they do oh the balloons are coming out faster this time look at him go the plane can't quite take them all but the giant attack monster sure can wave 30 is sure to be a little bit harder I'm gonna sit back here and snipe them all with delightful Glee because if I combine it on this will this the balloons will make it anywhere at all the regener coming out I don't think I bought regen blocker I don't think it's gonna matter but not taking them seriously is how you let them win okay I'm gonna buy semi-auto and then pull auto so I now shoot like a machine gun but it is still a sniper rifle so it's firing stupidly quick I'm starting to feel like any one of these instruments that I'm using would carry me through this entire thing by itself and we currently have three of them and we're making more and more money as we go we can just sit here and go like that yeah I'm not gonna fire it anything we're on Wave 32 I'm just gonna sit back and let everything do its power so far it's working pretty good considering I really don't have to do a single thing at all but we do have uh 33 000 and I'm pretty sure we can buy the Specter for 28 000. not entirely sure what he does but oh okay he's rapid firing right to their spawn point that's absurd I think he's actually firing explosives too but the balloons didn't even make an appearance there at this point I feel like I should be launching 10 waves at a time and even then I'm not sure it'd be his challenge considering I don't even have to fire at anything my upgraded tack shooter doesn't have to fire at everything where are these even trying to go they're just trying to wander off into the mountains that was a really long wave and I let the plane do all the work okay what about a personal hero that can follow me around 2000 for the Hero 3 000 to give a machine gun 8 000 for armor-piercing shells which obviously are important so now he's gonna follow me around also shooting things you wanna you wanna shoot some balloons there big fella since you're here there we go he's just got to get close enough to balloons man he knows how to set himself up he's firing Right Down the Line these banana trees are really the key to my success because they're making me such a stupid amount of money I can do things like this they've got everything under control I'm just gonna screw around for a while if I fire right on them especially no balloons ever gonna get anywhere they're gonna die right there for eternity well I can uh maximum upgrade my sniper to Elite Defender and if I've seen this correctly it turns my sniper into a minigun and this is exactly the kind of thing we needed to get the job done now I just sit here on fire like this and I'm firing like a million sniper bullets every second that absolutely destroy everything the balloons are starting to make it just a little bit further but that makes sense we are getting through the waves they still can't get anywhere close to me but they're getting closer so I'm gonna try another wave but I'm not gonna do a single thing this time we're gonna let my tank Gunner take over and so far this is the result nothing can get anywhere and there's only two different things attacking them so far one of which is only halfway upgraded I'm hoping that after wave 40 things they didn't get to be a little bit of a challenge which is good because we'll be ready for it with her twenty thousand dollars as of the end of the wave that's closer to thirty thousand dollars so maybe we'll upgrade Our Heroes some more Moab barrage large ammo capacity I mean large caliber ammo I know how to read I'm not stupid uh oh we are getting one of those okay we absolutely destroyed it good thing we bought you I do hope we get more things like that though because that actually survived for long enough for us to see it I guess I could also just sit back here and Fire Down the Line this way and then I'm safe from damage from the balloons it really doesn't matter what we do the balloons can't win the waves are getting longer and longer though and if my tank isn't shooting on them they do like spawn and live for a second the plane still destroys them but they live longer so let's try like this we're gonna pull my little tank front all the way back here then we're gonna see if uh the plane can take out the balloons oh the attack shooter actually had to engage there because the balloon's overwhelmed this is a good sign okay Tank come back over here he'll follow me this way hopefully no he's caught up in killing balloons wait we can call in a barrage apparently pressing e we can call in a barrage tip okay we'll figure that out soon we need tank upgrades thirty six thousand dollars buys a 30 000 battle tank so you know looks like that even has a scope on his eye uh let's try this barrage thing does that work I don't understand that that works I guess it doesn't really matter though everything's dying anyway so I think I think we're gonna win banana trees are maybe a little bit overpowered especially on Media mode they're probably more designed for harder difficulties but I did also push pretty hard and save all my pennies at the beginning to get this investment rolling early I'm really impressed with these guys though the tank and the plane by themselves are enough to take out every balloon this is a long wave it feels weird because like I don't have to do anything the balloons are surviving for Just a Touch longer so this is a good side okay I pulled the tank all the way over to the back side to um well that was a short wave I'm pretty sure there's Ceramics or whatever so they're supposed to be hard to kill um we've overpowered ourselves early so it wasn't really a challenge so let's try that again so get the plane by itself is still taking care of the Waves all by himself you know I guess I did put double money on so that would also make us overpowered early on well the balloons are starting to come back out again they may get further but the tanks arrived again too under the boomerang monkey there's something called a dark lord and I kind of want to see what that's all about because I feel like that would be something really strong I think I also want to remove him for now oh I've removed myself can I not sell these okay well I'm back to a basic Dart monkey but that's fine I guess take that balloons there's no way you're getting past these defenses well they are making it farther and further uh my Tank's also here helping but yeah double money kind of uh made me a little bit too strong too early oh but look at all my money though I'm up to about eighty thousand dollars so Boomerang Monkey Fast throwing improved range plasma range plasma sword plasma sword master which Edisto lightsaber is great who doesn't want to throw lightsabers take that balloons uh I do think I am actually popping some down there but the plane kills them all so quick that it's hard to know what's happening so I throw a lightsaber out it comes straight back to me it probably pops a lot of blooms along the way I wonder if my tax shooter is getting bored and lonely over here he gets so very little action we've got about 10 waves left I've also decided to move my tack shooter back here uh not only is it just kind of a better spot overall but that means that the balloons actually get past their spawn point we'll get to see them for a little while and enjoy them I feel like it's been so long since I've really taken a close look at one they all just sort of Pop right away round 49 is really really long though but that plane is just really really strong he's just constantly bombarding that nothing can survive oh there we go if I pull the tank away now yep then suddenly the balloons can actually survive a little bit not for long but they do survive we just gotta stand way back here I don't know if our lightsabers can reach that yeah looks like it might be getting there there we go that's better so I think this would be red now when you throw it yep and it's just even more powerful look how far it goes I guess it does make a lot easier that the balloons are coming down a single path because then the other map they come from all sides so you can't this fire in one spot and kill them all you've got to deal with them from all sides and move oh here we go oh they died already I didn't expect those to die so quickly this is why I can't replace things we'll see how far they make it though the plane by itself is gonna carry us through this okay that round ended I feel like before it even began the tank did turn to shoot from way over here too so he's got some serious range on him all right balloons do your worst I'll wait right here and laugh at you as you die horribly take that this thing actually is really strong though like I can see when it does Hit And it hits such a wide area blooms this probably would be good for uh the maps where they're coming from all sides because look at the big area you would mow down kind of gets nervous having him following around always aiming his Cannon directly at me oh there we go here comes the big uh moabs whatever they're called we have more of those though I feel like those are the key to actually being able to see some balloons this works too though we get to sit here and rain down on them there we go I need to see some bigger ones of those I've got too much money I've got 65 000 and nothing really to spend it on anymore I've had these guys upgraded forever already not that I'm complaining I mean we're clearly doing it I think we're gonna make it through round 60 but we shouldn't put the cart before the horse all right give me another one no it's rainbow balloons lots of camos uh the rainbows must be full of cameras but cameras aren't really a big problem because we've had camo detection forever because it's a pretty cheap upgrade considering we have 82 000 the uh blimps mobs whatever they're called actually do last quite a bit longer they are very tough round 57 are we gonna make it I've got a pretty good feeling about this one oh here come a bunch of those and they just get wrecked by both of my things this is where we get to have them to smoke because we just keep going and going and going into the whole game collapsed in on itself or we could just play it harder whatever difficulty I assume those come with more rounds probably up around 100. speaking of 100 we have a hundred and twenty thousand dollars to our name around 59 of 60 we're in pretty good shape we're just gonna keep mowing down the balloons I don't even have to help I just like using my lightsaber here and there I think any one of these by itself could probably carry us like the tech shooter hasn't even been used in a while she's sitting over there and it's super dangerous by itself my only hope here we go is around 60 has some actual defenses or challenge or whatever well it was a bigger balloon but yeah I guess double money is maybe a bit too much money because we were able to just exploit that into a compound interest [Music] [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 892,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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