I Couldnt Stop Upgrading This Thing

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this isn't even a real penguin i don't want to crash this i want to crash living creatures maybe eventually we'll get the upgrade where we can launch real creatures for now we'll take our thirty dollars and buy probably a better sleigh the plank is only 25 which just increases speed and we're gonna need to pay attention to strategy today but that's perfectly fine i'm great at strategy and we have a kill list snowman so now sliding on a plank we're gonna go maybe just we left the plank behind but we set a new record for distance not altitude or duration though 43 dollars which means we could probably afford a kite 15 they're gonna get expensive fast we could also get a pingu balloon but i'm thinking a glider because i think if we have lots of initial high speed uh good sleigh and a little bit of weight we can just glide all the way across and i do have a bunch of challenges that are gonna be a good way to make money basically fly far enough fly high enough fly fast enough and long enough plus a bunch of other things that i assume are just crashing my penguin into stuff so penguin plus a kite and we gotta actually guide him a little bit oh this is gonna be way better it's not super quick yet but it's much further just kidding it's not further but it was for a higher duration that's 45 let's do that again because i know what i'm doing now or at least i'm gonna pretend to know what i'm doing if we go like that we're gonna fly just a little further i don't know what i'm doing i actually considerably worse than the time before so let's see if we can add some kind of boost i have the many kinds to choose from either the propulsor which adds the rest the air balloon which is a one shot type thing or the whistle rocket which just sounds like the most fun and it was also 175 dollars you have a boost use with space bar i don't need to read anything else i'm very natural at using explosives so we're gonna fly up that high and we got a challenge altitude completed then we're going to guide down to you know here there's a snowman coming up but that was definitely new record for distance see explosives make everything better we got so much better everything and 84 dollars plus an extra 60 for duration and altitude so then we're going to fill our penguin with sand and apparently that helps us with power and i didn't realize before but we could be upgrading ramp length ramp height and fuel as well but this extra weight should help us carry somewhere then we're going to use the booster about here and this should be another good run i still don't really know what the best angle for this part is but we're closer to the snowman never mind we're actually not apparently bigger rampite isn't that expensive so we're going to buy bigger length and height that by itself should give us a pretty big difference which means more money which means more upgrades again so we launch him up so far i think i'm seeing the difference kind of screwed up the angle there but we're going to boost him along yeah that's actually a really big difference i always say that though and then it's not because we're actually shorter but new max speed and duration so let's try this again with a better angle let's point ourselves forward a little more and then we're going to use the booster now to get us going forward and new record 87 less metal acquired so maybe we should upgrade past the plank i don't want to do these active things because then i have to time it and i want to be really lazy and just let the game do all the work so i'm going to go to the plank mark 2 which is going to increase my speed then i'm also going to increase the ramp height and length it only was really that easy in real life okay so now we're launching higher than ever before we got a challenge complete for speed already and we're hopefully going to smash right into that snowman so we're losing speed so let's see if we can get some of that back and nope earned over a hundred dollars for the first time though and we got the speed challenge so let's spend 200 on the old glider which is going to increase our flight and top speed so i've got a good feeling about this we're going to increase the boost here it's a little bit harder to tell what's happening now but hopefully we'll get that snowman yeah got it we didn't break them but we hit them wow we get almost eight dollars for touching the snowman so we have 180 dollars we're gonna upgrade to iron pellets we have five dollars left to our name so we're going to keep crashing this penguin into things maybe it really is a penguin in there it's just like a penguin in a suit it'd be very hard to be able to tell we're already at a boost but we're going to glide down something like well actually that kind of worked oink 130 dollars i'm just gonna do some grinding for some money but i've also already figured out that if i point this penguin straight into the ground i can hit new speeds and just crashing him into the ground i earn 120 and that's very quick and efficient and also probably really good for this penguin i just realized my booster is actually a four shot type i don't want to use four shot i want one shot so we're gonna switch over to canned air and this is just a higher quality booster altogether so well this new booster is going to be a bit of a learning curve of course it's not a very big booster but it's going to do the job for now and we're actually getting a pretty good run we went over the snowman by quite a bit and if we glide nicely we actually go a long ways that's a new record by quite a bit but it's only 150 dollars i can make almost as much just to crash into the ground very quickly so while we're at it let's increase our boost by that many no i never learned to count i play video games for a living okay this is a way better uh setup though i can already tell because we're going way past the snowman and we're carrying our speed uh yeah this is gonna work out way better it's probably still not more than a couple hundred dollars but it's a lot further three new records 221 dollars so let's add more ramp length ramp speed day 21 and that ramp's definitely getting big so we're gonna launch a penguin of that high this is starting to feel more like what we're looking for we get going very quick we're up to 50 or 60 there and we're just gonna glide it up pretty much like this and hopefully this works for me that was 302 feet for a new record 300 max speed 55 less than altitude bonus that i accidentally got 75. but that makes me think we should be going for a new speed record so let's put him up as high as we can and then straight down he should pick up some nice speed here 110 miles per hour and we got 167 dollars for doing that so since we now have 812 dollars let's buy good old sled available in natural finish wood brown and clear coating it looks like a walking cane and i i'm all about it whoops kind of went off in my trajectory but that should be fine wow we definitely destroyed that snowman though you get 40 dollars if you destroy the snowman you only get eight for touching them but an extra 75 because we finished our destruction bonus i just kind of need to figure out the best like launch trajectory i assume the ramp naturally kind of does it the best way possible but i could be wrong but if we go something like this that seems to work out not bad we're still 15 feet above the ground and we're gonna try and pick up a little bit of speed well that's good enough for me as long as we're consistently doing that we're making pretty good money and if i time this right i can actually get myself moving pretty quickly both uh speed wise and horizontal movement wise a thousand dollars to our name so we're gonna buy the hang glider for eight hundred dollars the next one costs five thousand so it's going to take a minute to get there but i've got a good feeling about this and we're gonna launch it something like that and then as long as i get my angles right yeah this is gonna go way faster because we're moving at a very high speed right now that we're getting close to the ground but you can already see the difference because we're maybe actually going to get to whatever this thing is and we touched it new record for distance nothing else so 400 less 75 for distance 2. one of the things that keeps throwing me off is every new glider has like a different layout for its altimeter and speedometer so you got to get used to it every time you change the glider but for now i'm just going to be happy to have flying icebergs again and again and with 1360. let's make ourselves a cast iron penguin then let's make that ramp height a little higher for extra danger so now we'll either go over or through the iceberg thing we're after a better lunch already we're gonna point ourselves down slightly to pick up some speed and then kind of level out so we can glide all the way to where we're going icebergs coming up we're still doing well about 25 and we busted through it new record for destruction new record for distance 525 plus a bonus 350 875 for a single run so let's get ramp length and maybe a little more fuel for our boost then the first thing we're going to do is see how fast we get this penguin going directly straight into the earth does that want a speed boost skull crusher new record for speed but it was only 120. so that's not working out as well as i thought we're just gonna point this penguin kind of out as far as we can then i'm gonna start lifting up at about 10 feet off the ground and try and balance it out to go over the iceberg then we can get a real extra distance record wind them down a little bit and this will be really good here there's duration two something i've never historically been good at five hundred dollars for a single run thanks to that super distance plus the challenge for 75 dollars though i think we're overdue to upgrade to the rocket firework which is considerably more thrust than the canned air it even says big bang on it so how do we oh i see we got it it's an entirely different key but i'm gonna like that even with the bad start this is gonna be a good one because there goes the iceberg we're still quite a bit off the ground and we're 50 feet up still and that's without knowing how the rocket worked we got new records everywhere for six hundred dollars so let's give more ramp height then we get a better boost and then once we start the rocket once we're in the air we're going to go extra extra far i don't get how this rocket works it's not it's like a timed thing it doesn't go right away we got to wait for it which is odd i just crashed my penguin into the ground because i gave up on that run and we hit 144 for a new speed record which is also a challenge for 350 dollars so while we're at it we're gonna increase the ramp length and in case we forget the sky is up there and the ground is down there i do get them mixed up a lot so this time i'm just gonna fly like i normally would oh i see the rocket has like a uh fuse on it you gotta wait well you hit almost a hundred there so i'm liking this rocket i just need to time it better there goes our iceberg friend i'm trying to hold it above 50 for now which is uh easy to do but we're losing altitude slightly and we appear to be coming up to a mountain which is one of my favorite thing to fling animals into new records all across the board max speed of almost 100 but a distance of almost 900 for 800 plus a challenge for an extra 350. and i just realized that under payload we've been following like metal and heavy things but there's actually options for dynamite uh this is c4 and then there's a nuclear warhead so i'm not even gonna really look into what this does i'm just gonna start buying them and then we're gonna give our rocket more fuel because that rocket is really propelling us forward can i start it now no i gotta be in the air before i'm allowed to use it but once the fuse starts going it really sends us high there's almost 100 again and uh this could be a good run maybe we'll even get to see the mountain this time though i'm losing altitude pretty quick oh there's the mountain and we exploded oh that's so much more fun new records across the board including including destruction probably because we blow up when we hit things now i'm not sure that's sending the right messages that we fly into things that explode but then again if you were into good ideas you wouldn't be here with me now would you this time we're going to go for a little more altitude we didn't get the same speed normally we had almost 100 there but i'm going to take a more measured approach because i want to dive down to see if i can get it over 100 which we can and then we're going to cruise horizontally and see what this does the idea is not bad overall i kind of screwed up the execution of that but we're still going to hit the mountain probably pretty hard that's bad news for the penguin but good news for us because we just get to watch it happen more new records altitude duration and destruction for 11 52 but we can also afford c4 for 1500 now that's gonna help us blow stuff up but another thing i want to do is get myself pointed up nice and high like that and then we're going to start using this altitude to gain some serious speed i do want to see how fast there's 150 right into the ground so we made 430 just for that because we hit 161 but it's all about finding that balance between going super fast and going super far though we'll go up to about here and then transition onto a nice glide slope coming up to the mountain though i want to try and hit it really hard like that yeah we destroyed the mountain though and apparently that's worth a lot of money almost a thousand distance but 1250 destruction because we use c4 to blow up a mountain for an extra eight hundred dollars three thousand dollar flight so what we're gonna do now is just go boost your fuel plus three that was really expensive but i'm hoping that's worth it somehow so now our rocket should propel us to new heights again uh there we go they're up and yeah that's actually much bigger wow that's almost stupid how much effect that had because now i can glide something like this giving up moderate altitude but i'm actually picking up speed slightly as i go then when i want to gain more uh distance again all i got to do is point myself straight but we might actually go over the mountain now because we're still 35 feet above the ground it's not a very big mountain there we go we went right over it but we made three thousand dollars for all of that thanks to these extra bonuses so let's go an extra two for ramp height and length that should push us even further and higher that's a really big ramp now coming in too so we're getting a really big ramp to get us initially to here and then we're going to use this super rocket to get us way up here into space uh it wasn't very peaceful but we went over 100 feet up for the first time ever and we're already past the iceberg and we're going just over 100 miles an hour which is pretty quick we're coming up to the mountain i'm gonna try and swoop over it okay we got over the mountain and we didn't hit whatever we had last time now let's pick up some speed and swoop in real low to the ground hopefully smashing into whatever's next for us i want to obliterate something oh it's water water's not as fun to hit that's much gentler on the animal i was hoping for like a plate of steel or something definitely got some new records there uh almost 2 000 distance now max speed 127 flight earns 1642 just to show you how big this ramp is getting it looks like that now i wish this rocket was a little bit quicker to start but it still kind of has the same effect we just take it way up here and start to transition over to a nicer slope and off we go once i get a better glider again we'll really be making something so now we're still losing altitude slightly but we're pretty much maintaining our speed so we're gonna go right over top of the mountain and we're still going very quickly i'm gonna wait till we're closer to the ground and then we're going to start skimming along again a little bit or maybe we'll just hit the water at this speed yeah there we go that's fun too because at some point as long as i'm earning pretty good money i'm just going to grind that up until we can afford the next upgrades also now that we can really start getting some speed going let's push our penguin way up into the sky let's just go for pure max speed on this one i'm very curious to see how fast we can actually go uh i don't know what that is but we're gonna aim for the ground i don't know how fast we're going there but it's probably pretty fast 202 and now that we've grinded up another seven thousand dollars let's go for a better glider high tech which is going to give us better flight but much better top speed and i really like top speed i'm a very busy person so the faster i can get things going the better off i'm gonna be there we're gonna take ourselves up nice and high and i gotta get used to a new uh thing but that's fine our speed is quickly climbed up to over 200 and i'm getting used to the new altimeter but yeah uh we're going much faster than before we hit 270 accidentally there and then we blew up the mountain for big money and we got paid eight hundred dollars for hitting that speed so let's try this again hopefully getting a little bit of a more uh better result so it shows you how much fuel so if we stop uh go horizontal there and then we just to pay attention to that altitude a little better but i'm pretty sure we can glide like this for quite a ways because i'm still you know 100 feet above the ground and i'm going 150 miles per hour whatever we're measured in getting close to the ground though so let's uh try and bring ourselves up just a little bit there does seem to be an iceberg coming up i don't know if i should hit it or go over it but i'm gonna hit it because that's just logically what i would do we didn't blow it up definitely made pretty good money though then a bonus of eight hundred dollars you made thirty eight hundred dollars for that things are already going super fast i can't wait to see how much faster they get this is gonna get fun this time i'm gonna try and go over oh never mind we went through the top of it though and well we bounced off the water i accidentally made that work oh look you can go minus 100 feet we'll try and get there eventually a new record for distance and destruction eighty seven dollars plus fifteen hundred dollars for giving global warming the big assist so next what we're going to do is upgrade probably to a cruise missile for extra thrust because that's the biggest of all the thrusters and considerably bigger than my rocket firework even the rocket is actually considerably bigger than my penguin now and it's instant power so yep this is uh we're going way high up into the sky we're 300 feet up going 150 miles an hour so we can even give up a little bit altitude here and we're already going over the mountain at light speed so we're going to level out here a little bit um probably maintain about 100 feet off the ground we're coming up to the iceberg already and it's gone i wonder what's coming up next though i guess i'll just kind of keep cruising like this we're still going over 150 so this will be worth a lot of money all it takes is a big rocket to succeed uh we seem to be coming up on the wall from game of thrones but we got a new distance record and we're probably just gonna touch the wall because we're losing altitude we're actually very close to the water it's just hard to see there's new records for almost everything but five thousand dollars for that flight plus twenty three hundred dollars in bonuses so while we're at it let's give ourselves the bobsled because look at that extra speed we're gonna get and then we might as well give maximum fuel to our booster that's going to be ridiculous this is looking like a pretty fancy setup now and we can use our booster straight away and look at that extra fuel we're actually going to run into the moon at this point uh so we're still boosting going over the first uh iceberg whatever that is and we got a bonus achievement for altitude we're going over 300 um we're 500 feet in the air i don't know what we're just going really fast so right now i'm going to sacrifice a little bit of altitude for speed but we're 300 feet above the ground going 250 miles an hour i don't really know what i should even be doing at this point except for hitting the wall as fast as we possibly can still didn't blow it up but there's three new records and sixty one hundred and thirty dollars plus an altitude bonus of fifteen hundred so let's increase the ramp length and height and those are getting expensive too but also let's see how high we can go let's point this thing straight to the moon it doesn't really like flip-flopping back and forth like that but we should get a new altitude bonus i think maybe it's not that efficient to go straight up but there's 400 we might have 500 not quite well let's see how fast we go straight down then pretty quick we hit a speed of 610 we got 2400 dollars for crashing a penguin into the earth at light speed and we got a bonus for doing it for 1 500. then we'll go back to the normal strategy of basically doing this get ourselves really high up going really fast and then we're going to see how far we've got but we do actually go higher this way because we just went over 500 there's 600 feet above the ground so we can turn all this into speed now because there's 500 feet above the ground and we're going over 200 still and we're quickly leaving the obstacles behind us it is fun to go about 250 though that's when it starts to kind of slow down again but we're gonna hit this wall fastest time maybe it's not a momentum thing still get eight thousand dollars for doing it but what might also help would be a nuclear warhead that's going to give considerably more power there we know a penguin flying through the air at incredible speeds with a nuclear warhead attached to us so if that doesn't move the obstacles out of our way i don't know what's gonna do it but we've got over 600 feet in the air so we're going to drop to about 500 and pick up some speed doing it which is quick because there goes the first obstacle and it's basically already off the radar and we're going to hit the mountain pretty soon but i want to hit it hard so we're coming up into it we can definitely pick up some speed i want to be at 300 when we yeah there we go destruction 2 and destruction 5 all in one shot and that seems to have taken care of the iceberg i'm always in support of the polar bears that completed story mode i wanted to go faster i didn't want to finish yet apparently it took me 280 days and 22 challenges but i was just getting started okay not to worry we can pick up right where we left off so let's give ourselves a little more ramp height because while blowing up that thing is all well and good i want to go over it now and i think this is going to be the best way to do it we're at about 600 feet in the air and we need to pick up some speed again i'm thinking about maintaining something like this 250 miles an hour uh we're losing altitude but that should hopefully give me the momentum i need to skip over top of this thing we're going to go way up in the air even if we go over it slowly that's still fine i just don't know how tall this thing is it's pretty tall but that's a bunch of new records and an easy eight grand and that's going to be good for extra ramp length i'm not sure if length matters but i'm not sure i care either all i know is this rocket booster is amazing it has this going ridiculous speeds at ridiculous altitudes i am kind of curious to see how far into the water we can go so let's go like this because i knew there was challenges for that and we just completed two of them and that was worth five grand to do it that way but i wanna see what these are worth okay that wasn't really worth it but we can max out the ramp length so yeah that ramp's certainly getting bigger every time we jump on it so i think this time we're going to give up a little bit of altitude early to really get into those red zones for speed which makes the penguin feel like it's moving at light speed now we're going to hit this iceberg at absolutely blazing speeds and blow it right up again because that's probably worth a lot of money yeah we got paid fifteen thousand dollars to explode icebergs which is more than anyone's gonna give you in real life so for ten thousand dollars it's by maximum ramp height which looks something like this that's like a never-ending ramp it feels like it just keeps going and going which launches us at very quick speeds and gives us lots of altitude combine that with my rocket and my super glider and we really got something special going on here that actually launches so good i could probably just hold it like this going 250 while you know losing a little bit altitude but we'll hit there we'll hit the mountain in no time here it comes so we're gonna give a little more speed and kablamo again but i'm kind of curious about something because this glider has a flight of two and a top speed of six this one's got a flight of two but a top speed of like seven and a half so let's try this apparently they offer less control than hang gliders but what if i ever cared about being in control well this is very bulky but it's gonna be able to hit higher speeds than ever before so let's see what this is like there's 300 400 feet in the air we're gonna start to level up a little bit there's 500 and we're gonna start to cross this threshold right about here we're 600 feet in the air and yeah we're redlining a little over 300 now so this is way quicker we already crossed the first iceberg we're losing just a little bit of altitude but we're still maintaining 300 miles an hour 305 so yeah this is way quicker uh yeah we're just gonna bury this thing now all the way down to the red zone and that was very satisfying i think we hit that going 330 new record destruction 15 grand 500 max speed i think we can do better speed wise than that we just need a little bit of altitude so there is 6700 feet in altitude now we need to turn that into speed at a gentle way though maybe this angle is pretty good because we're coming up to the red zone already but we can turn the rest of this into speed there's 300 400 500 i thought we could do better than that i think there's about 550 which isn't even a record maybe we just got a boost downward so let's take what speed we can and boost this way yeah that was like 650 that was actually better oh we can actually boost along the ground we can actually boost along the ground for a long ways we even build a snowman uh okay some kind of easter egg oh that actually boosted me again that's i don't know what's happening but it launches into the sky again so that's fun let's hit the mountain now i thought we missed it by a lot somehow that was still worth 16 grand i guess because my max speed was 2 44 somehow okay the only thing i have left to try now is to fly back around and hit the mountain we start on does that work no not really but we can also go like this again never mind well i feel my work here is done we got our max speed up to 2500 miles an hour and we destroyed a mountain with a nuclear bomb
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,774,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: s5vpq51wvww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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