The Faster My Train Goes The More Money It Makes in Trainclicker Idle Evolution

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a train that's powered by clicking what more could i want the faster i click the faster it goes up to an incredible speed of two and a half miles an hour so let's throw an engineer named todd into the works he's pretty much gonna be my slave well forever and he's gonna look directly into your soul while he's doing it todd was born without the ability to blink that's why he's a train conductor but at least now i don't really have to click if i don't want to though todd needs the help he goes very slow without my assistance but i do earn money as i go back and forth it seems like every time i make it to the edge it spits out whatever those things are those are obviously going to be used for upgrades like whatever this is i guess it's like a bonus round for a minute and a half anyways right now we have a little over one thousand dollars and 208 trophy points so we're going to spend 500 of our dollars upgrading the train car and that means we're gonna get five plus five now or we've gone from one gold all the way up to five every time we make a trip across the map an extra five so i get the feeling our train is gonna get really big and ridiculous by the end of today all while locking eyes with todd as he slowly makes his way back and forth across the screen and he's earned a level up which means this i think he earns a little more money and he's a little bit quicker which is great because he couldn't really get much slower he's still moving at a hefty 0.5 miles an hour though we're going to give him a skill called overdrive which looks something like this that means he's moving at about 1 miles an hour that actually doubles his speed for a little while and that might not sound like much but it's going to make a pretty big difference you can see by the jet engine on it how fast it really is and since we've hit level 10 we can unlock a new engineer i'm sick of todd let's try annabelle she's a touch slower than todd but at least she has a smile on her face and now that we've hit 580 dollars we can buy another upgrade to our train car that means we're gonna get ten dollars per rotation and that's considerable because that's twice as much as we were just making and currently we're maxing out at about 31 miles per hour that's as fast as i can click but i was also able to level up annabelle so she gets one skill now which looks something like this it's gonna give me extra movement for as many taps as it gives me which i think was 60 and it also zaps her which is also fun so basically it gives me five percent extra speed for every tap that i do so we get 10 coins every time we cross this screen we currently have 200 we need 1 000 and i just realized for the first time ever that i could actually move on to stage six which is a fun desert so this entire time i should have been working my way through the levels but when you're stupid like me these are the kind of things that happen also i notice i'm moving a little bit slower i think that's just the effect of getting further into the game this one oh it's a challenge i get across in time i get it well luckily she's up to the challenge because we have three seconds to spare and we get two thousand dollars for that which i'm going to put directly into making her life even more miserable than it already is we're gonna add a rail car there's a lot of things we could have done she needs to be pulling you know let's add two rail cars max cart limit exceeded well if she's not up to the task we can just unlock radley who's probably a much better choice anyways i'm assuming they get better the higher level they are so we're just gonna take radley because at least i don't have to make eye contact with them but also we're gonna upgrade our first rail car to level four and then level five because look how much extra money it's gonna give me then radley's gonna struggle a little bit to pull all this but that's a problem for him every trip across the screen is getting me about twenty two dollars now which is a considerable increase we've earned another one thousand dollars so we're gonna upgrade radley because i think he's ready for it so that means he's adding extra money denimos is gonna spend five hundred dollars upgrading my level one cart because that's gonna go from making one coin per pass to four so it's gonna make five times as much money and then while we're at it we might as well upgrade it one more time so this one's making 10 this one's making 20 we'll be making 30 every pass plus radley's bonus to know we're making 33 every pass and while we're making bradley's slave away for our profit we're gonna move into a new change of scenery that way you have something different to look at this level is interesting you know because it's much wider you gotta go all the way over here to cross it and that's obviously not nearly as profitable because it takes extra time so let's go back to here and there's 2 500 that means we can upgrade our engine so it's going to go a little bit quicker at least in another 30 seconds once the timer runs out oh and idiot stick leveled up again how about that noways is skilled to increase overall gold yield by 10 and our little upgrade is complete now it looks like this so now he only has to shovel coal he doesn't know how good he has it so now it moves at about 1 mile per hour by itself and if i give it some help it's cruising along at 40 miles per hour so it goes 10 miles an hour faster so let's really put radley to work and start making our way through the hardware levels again the big money seems to be at every five levels where you get the bonuses so as long as he can physically do it we're gonna do it so this will be the big test can we make it all the way across in 18 seconds i think we probably can i haven't made bradley slave away for all this time for nothing yeah that was actually easy we're clearly ahead of the game there's an easy three thousand dollars so let's just keep on trucking to see what the next one has for us we should be able to beat that one too also i'm gonna use his power to get us some extra money potentially and we have some new scenery now we have radley shoveling coal in the rain and that really just makes me happy this one's got a lot of uphill which does seem to slow us down a little bit at times but we're just gonna keep on trucking here's level 20 so that means it's a challenge we have 17 seconds to make it across i think we'll be all right in fact i'm even gonna activate this thing along the way 10 seconds left i'm not sure yeah we're about three quarters of the way there that was still easy and we're gonna get the money four thousand dollars so we're gonna go ahead and add an entire second engine for five thousand dollars and that means i can add more cars but i need to add an engineer for that so annabelle's gonna jump on that one then i'm gonna add another rail car and hopefully be able to level that one up at least once that way it's making me some money twice so this one's making 10. that one's making 10 that one's making 20. now we have two idiots on a train and we're making almost fifty dollars per journey already and that number's only going to go up from here those sparkles really add to the magic and i love how they just don't have a choice it's a brutal sandstorm things are sparkly they're there just shoveling and pumping away nothing they can do they gotta make me money oh and looks like both the idiots are due for a level up so i'm gonna level up both of them because now his ability is gonna get us even more gold and here's the next challenge level 17 seconds to make it across and we're gonna make it look easy with three seconds left to spare that's given me another five thousand dollars so i'm going to add a rail car for two and i had another rail car cool i've got lots of rail cars now i'm gonna go ahead and upgrade those as i can because those are just gonna make me more money that one we can't do yet but soon now they have to work in this snow at least it's downhill but i do feel like carrying all this extra weight might slow me down a little bit less when i have a train this long you've got to wait for the whole train to get our screen before it's considered finishing the level before moving on to the challenge level i'm leveling this up that way they're all at least pulling their own weight and then hopefully this one is worth a ton of money nice and flat so far we're gonna make it but it's gonna be a little bit tighter than the last few we might be overdue for some upgrades at this point oh we might not make it we just made it in six thousand dollars so before powering through this blizzard let's go back to level like one where it's nice and short and we can make quick money here back and forth but before doing much of anything i want to make sure they're all making at least ten dollars per pass and probably also upgrading my other engine that's gonna take a minute to do but that's gonna help me move faster and add more cards which is gonna make more money quicker speaking of which one two three almost four which means at least an extra twenty dollars per pass and that's going to add up because we're doing a lot of passes because i don't believe in giving these guys breaks i'm now getting a little over a hundred dollars per pass so that's gonna add up really quickly and her new and improved engine is done so she'll move faster my clicking will move it faster plus we can get extra cars if you want them but they're pretty expensive so we're gonna hold off on that it looks like we can still hold fully 4142 miles per hour and that is realized i'm well past level 50 so i'm going to unlock carly who seems like she has a 5 money bonus and a 5 time bonus so we're going to remove annabelle and replace her with carly and i think with that little exchange we're good to keep on trucking we should be able to complete the next level thanks to our increased engine as long as there's not too many hills the hills slow me down a lot right now probably because of all the cars okay coming into the challenge level and i've got three thousand dollars so if we pass this we'll have quite a bit of money to play with afterwards so far so good luckily was mostly downhill for some reason so that certainly makes it easy and there's seven thousand dollars that's going to put us over 10 for the first time and currently leveled up so that means extra stats everywhere including extra click bonus and for now i'm going to spend fifteen hundred dollars to unlock another slot because i want an extra ability like this one gold reigns from above one percent chance to drop up to five gold coins per second and radley's gold boost has increased and i'm getting an extra 118 so we're gonna go back to the basic levels and levels and save up just a little more money and here's what it looks like when it's raining coins that's actually going to make a pretty big difference to my money i guess it has to hit the train for them to count i'm not really sure whatever the case that's a lot of money yeah so it feels like it's just a steady stream of money at this point and basically it is uh things are getting expensive so this is a nice touch and we've quickly made over twelve thousand dollars so i'm going to upgrade this locomotive to level three it's gonna take three minutes but it's gonna be worth it while we're waiting maybe we'll i don't know make more money and in the three minutes it took to upgrade this we made another eight thousand dollars already so we're making money at a pretty good rate but let's go ahead and add another rail car and level it up so it's actually gonna make me some money along with a few others i'm making money in the background right now because it's still raining money and my gold rain skill is ready to level up now there's a 2 chance to drop up to 5 gold so just like that we're making even more money and even with all of these cars we're heading up to 46 miles an hour and carly has leveled up again so that means even more everything and let's spend some of this five thousand dollars upgrading some more cars every click means an extra five gold per pass we'll start back at the front and work our way backwards again and i'm not really sure how much we're making per pass right now it depends on if it's raining gold or not but it's in the hundreds for sure this one for example was almost a thousand by the time the train passed across the screen it was one thousand dollars we pretty quickly saved up another twelve thousand dollars so that means i can upgrade another engine that's gonna make me move faster and you get the drill and in the three minutes that's gonna take the upgrade we're probably gonna make over ten thousand dollars again uh for some reason it just threw me into this because an exclamation mark uh popped up at the top of the screen so i'm not sure if there's a good limit as to how soon you have to do these things but it just kind of threw me in here because that was a lot of downhill but we might still not be quick enough uh-oh we failed okay so what happened there apparently is it tried to get me to do level 100 for some reason when i hadn't done anywhere near that yet we're still way back here somewhere i guess that's probably just because we hit level 100 so if we try level 60 there should be some money waiting for us at the end of this if we can do it and did that count level failed it was so close this time i am gonna use my auto clicker just to give me that little bit of extra speed i suspect we need two seconds left but i gotta get the whole train through there it's always so close and we did it twelve thousand dollars i also probably should have upgraded her train before doing that the next upgrades for these are gonna cost over well about sixty thousand dollars and that's really a lot of money i'm gonna upgrade the train cars for now probably a few times over because these are really just gonna start to make a lot of money for me so also let's try level 65 this should be worth even more money and with my other upgraded engine we should be able to squeak through this one considering it didn't add any other weight we just simply made the train more powerful and that's not so bad and it's giving me thirteen thousand dollars but since these are all easy money let's go back and do 55. it won't be quite as much money but it's still going to be many thousands that i can put right back into the train this one is actually kind of hard while we're at it let's do 45 that was easy and easy nine thousand dollars we're up to fifty thousand dollars now so let's make a little more eight thousand dollars and we've done level 35 already so we gotta wake our way forwards again but i can upgrade another engine it's gonna take me eight minutes and cost fifty eight thousand dollars but i think it's probably worth it and radley is once again ready to level up and we can unlock fred red's pretty good at everything yeah he gets a boost everything so he's gonna be pretty tempting to use but i don't really like his skills these two seem to make more money so we're gonna stick to them for now plus both of their skills get a level up increase overall gold yield by 173 percent and she's gonna get a three percent chance to rain gold now so for eight minutes while we're waiting for the engine to upgrade we're gonna sit here and just make a gross fortune on level one the coins that are falling from the sky seem to be worth a lot some of them are worth 40 with a plus 80 bonus so 120 per coin there was a time when i would have struggled just to make 120 dollars while we were waiting for a beautiful engine to be completed we saved up 67 000 the next upgrade for that thing is going to cost 283 000 that's gonna get expensive quickly so for now let's just upgrade our other locomotive and then we're gonna uh upgrade all of the cars at least one more time for extra money i should probably also be adding more cars in behind too because that's just gonna mean even more money though they are getting pretty expensive themselves fifty six hundred dollars for a single car next one's gonna be eight thousand but they will make that money back in no time so the train is now going up to 50 miles an hour and the coins are often giving me 45 plus 90 bonus so 135 each and i haven't even added another car yet now i have eight cars level 10 or better so that means the money is pretty easy at this point like i've already saved up another twenty thousand dollars and i don't even know what to spend it on and there's her upgrade now complete we made sixty five thousand dollars while we were waiting so let's start working our way forward again we haven't done level seven yet but we're about to pretty sure between these two upgraded engines we'll be able to cruise right across pretty well problem free we're holding 63 miles per hour when it's flat and 75 miles per hour downhill with three seconds to spare fourteen thousand dollars but that was still a little bit closer than i would have liked so i don't know if we're going to get all the way through 100 without upgrading the engines again level 75 so far so good the engines are making things move even this one's not going to be done with a great deal of extra time level 80 might be okay depending on how flat it is 65 miles an hour with a little bit of downhill so i think we'll be okay i hope so there's another sixteen thousand dollars for me and carly has once again leveled up i already don't like how level 85 looks when it starts with a hill that usually slows me down quite a bit the engines are fast but maybe not that fast kind of like a roller coaster i think we'll be okay on this one but not by a ton there's 17 000 level 90 we're hoping for the best i'm sad that it's not raining or snowing on them at any point in this and we're good level 95 might be a different story but we're going to do our absolute best holding 60 miles per hour that might be fast enough though i'm not really sure it's got to be close whoops didn't mean to click on that we did it 95 success that leaves only level 100 so we're gonna see if we can manage i did notice it only gave us 10 seconds to do this level so i'm not sure if it's a shorter level or there's just way less time oh it's got to be close did we do it it was so close i want to try that again just because i think we might be able to sneak it in with a few extra clicks i've got my auto clicker on and i'm clicking as fast as i can hopefully we can do this it was so close three two i think we got it this time we did it twenty thousand dollars so at this point we can prestige which gives us twenty thousand dollars and 105 diamonds which i don't know anything about or go to the next stage so it looks like we just start over i just assume the boss levels are even harder again and my gold brain has a level up so let's see what the level five boss level is like so far that's pretty easy it gives us way too much time to do that so hopefully there's a big reward okay so there's the same reward there was last time two thousand dollars since that's not a great reward i've got an idea how many cards do you think we're allowed to add right now one two three four five and now we can probably upgrade them quite a few times can we get all of them to level ten we can get them all to level ten now what's the highest we can get out of a single one 136 coins per trip just out of one car so now we're making even more money than ever before with a train that stretches all the way across the screen at least on the short levels look at that money jumping up already there's seven thousand as long as the money rain is on it seems like it's several thousand dollars for every trip across the screen at least so i'll maybe let this happen for about a week and then we'll see how much money we have
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,140,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rzBsZqNd4QM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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