Noob vs Pro vs Legend, But It's 3 Idiots

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i mean i'm wearing glasses for corrective vision or like to block the sun to block the sun probably but that's important to military people too probably okay so i'm on the platform and i'm coming for you that sounds hot all right exciting are we after good start are we winning the entire platform i just came in to check on you that's what military people do they assess the situation he's a scout oh so close don't hit me i can hear you being sad down there i'm not sad oh hold on i'll come pick you up get in the car oh no oh no i'll cover you though are you on foot i am i might be i'm still assessing the situation let me know how it goes oh that was a bad jump that was a really bad jump this is actually good this is it's like whack-a-mole it's amazing no joke i'm like i've almost fallen off this platform about a hundred times so far oh that was such a bad jump i don't want it yes i like it change car yeah you'll never see it coming i need a fresher i'm looking for someone in a black insurgent the perfect crowd i don't never know who's in this one i just want to say i literally got out and walked to the vehicle and didn't get shot yeah it worked doing so well i felt bad for uh for kevin because he was just spectating so but that's true that's that's totally what happened yeah you are such a good person that's what the game is all about yeah this feels weird because now i'm gonna get like double penetrated this is just makes me sad because it's only one guy isn't that what you signed up for i i mean i yeah i guess i did i was gonna say i'm not the one who joined this but i did this is all your idea yeah there's a lot more room inside of this car though i feel like i shouldn't be alone just keep spamming the buttons erect hit i feel like it's mean to shoot him when he's upside down so i'm gonna do it wait do we have limited rockets no they respond we're good if you can't kill me by the amount of rockets that you get that sounds like a challenge what's he doing over there trying to learn how to close the door what is my guy doing he's having a little dance i feel like i should be throwing ones at you or something kevin this is it you've gotta you've gotta pull this out oh no oh no no no no no no i believe in you i'm running out of floor space here excellent i got a really weird angle of kevin so this is gonna either look really cool or really bad this will work the gatling gun up there how are you oh where's he going i don't like when he goes behind the scenes he's up to something yeah it always makes me uncomfortable when he disappears trading this car in for a new model oh now it lets me switch cameras there we go it's go time i'm not gonna lie there's a lot of trunk space in here sure throw df in the trunk there bring it around for the ride it'd be more useful that way okay this is very cinematic oh that's not good that's every time i land i'm right next to ds body it's so cool i get to say i get to check up on him i'm just here keeping it real i like how they put you in the family guy pose where your one leg is broken sideways yeah i had a rough game oh that was good oh i'm fine that's why you got the helmet on oh no it's starting to feel like fall guys up here i'm really running out of space just aim for the pink mosquito i'm getting stressed out and i'm just watching i don't know the rules like am i even allowed to change cars or are you supposed to just keep the same car and be like a man about it or how does this work i don't know to be honest with you i don't think there are any rules oh that was limp idea hi welcome i never really thought that this uh that this verses would would be so long yeah heaven's doing such a good job i'm sweating and i'm moist which part of you is everything the works this pink bodysuit isn't doing many favors really seals in the flavor do you have to call it flavor he's so accurate i'm getting there now i'm getting used to it i well the problem is he gets me on my way up so i can't even take any of the uh the wood out oh of course i'm trying to beat kevin's wood but i can't i hate you so much there we go you took some pallets from me stuck to landing took a big bite out of kevin's wood tastes like success i hate this do you think when the time runs out that i win i keep this up for 23 minutes 23 minutes i didn't know there was a timer yeah pressure's on now yeah i still have a bit of a path but you're kind of cutting me off now you've made a big hole in the center my job is to make the hole bigger and that's what i'm going to do this video is going to get so demonetized this is actually starting to get calming like kevin just fires a rocket walks to the other side fires a rocket grey's just struggling entirely dislike you oh my god honestly i feel like i did better than curry at this point i'm not i'm not i'm not changing cars i'm using this i'm going to keep this until you blow me up or i kill you there wow directed i'm on fire in the freeze frame oh that game mode is stressful yeah i'll say i didn't have to do anything and i was stressed out no joke i almost baseball bat swung myself right off the platform that would have been actually really fitting good good this is good hey i got a good feeling about this one come on wow oh this is not great i've been in better positions now i know how it feels it just stops your momentum entirely yeah that's the problem how many hits can these take before they explode i like three or four oh super good then we were good oh i to get out of the bad time did you just jump out of the car no let me get in oh you're coming in yeah we're gonna go together yeah we're gonna have more mass this way well now you can try and throw one of you out and just kill me up here that's true that's that's true i just want the real df experience like what goes on in the car when this man is behind the wheel oh i think we're gonna get him no oh no he's aiming oh yeah that's why i'm not worried though what's gonna say you don't have to worry it'll be fine trust me all right i think we can get him i don't know what side he's on so we're guessing oh he's way over there hi nice platform you're doing a good job of ruining the platform that is a massive hole in it it's really all i can do so we'll keep an eye on him is he gonna drift left or right oh that's not bad come on oh so close the other way to kevin really helps i'm just here for moral support are you doing a good job driving less than ever you do need to try and get out flying tackle i don't know where gray is right now oh there he is yeah my confidence is way higher than it should be right now excellent it gets very tricky because you just keep falling through the hole in the middle it's very hard to time it anywhere else you don't hit the platform the platform hits you but either way that would be okay by me but okay we're gonna hit gray or the platform no in between all right i'm ready i'm liking this run up confident competition go go ahead with the newscast on this i am from florida so this works out fairly well i think we're taking a bite you'll never see this one coming holy suck i saw this straight in the middle that was a good one things are i'm starting to actually have to parkour to get anywhere now good thanks this is good i'm just going to ride this vehicle out from here on out sudden death oh man that was high barrel roll i looked sick you're so limber i won't lie to you i just realized you're the first time i can kind of control the vehicle in the air wow well now you're really in trouble what happens when two inept participants struggled to get anywhere i will eventually fall off this i know it's going to happen i'm just going to die oh this thing's not going to take very many more hits that was a good shot he moves oh i feel like that one was lined up the freeze frame here is so good because you're killing me after the win i could feel that one it was so good good job you did get me all the way in the end it only took 45 minutes whoops please stop i can always tell like when df shoots a rocket and then kevin shoots the contrast it's the difference between feeling in control and feeling like you're about to die whoa that was close i'm not changing cars i'm just like taking a second to turn around and we know it's one car that's all i'm using oh nice shot and that was yeah so three hits a race it looks like kevin blows himself up did he die he pulled into my feet but then he died pure rocket action i mean we do start with a baseball bat we could use it yeah that'd be a great idea oh this was a bad job oh did he get him oh that had to be close i couldn't even shoot you because i would have blown myself up okay we're going for a train oh no oh yes let's do it what did you just say we're going for a train that's what i thought you said all right never mind you heard me i hope you're ready for this oh wow we had such different jumps i got df's undercarriage i gave him a quick uh a quick check you have hernias that's alarming thank you two hits eight bits he's getting more powerful we have to stop him he's figuring it out i'm super gray in three now okay criss-cross i'll go up the left ramp you got the right one okay you're lying aren't you do you think we can coordinate anything more than that you're giving us way too much credit capable of mind games oh oh you better get ready because boom better dude yeah he seems to be well don't name for me he's the one trash talking you both look the same until you get close enough for me to see your names oh that would have been you oh oh that could be it yeah he got him oh no i'm still alive what i live he lived he took a direct hit from an armored vehicle the idea is don't wear a helmet kids that's a lesson to take away last forever oh yeah it's all up to you kevin our mvp is gone well he's only got a little wood left i know you can take care of it oh don't you touch my wood at least if i'm speculating i can be your eyes and let you know where the rockets are there's one coming directly at you right now thank you for the shout out welcome communication like this we can't lose oh there's another one uh another one's coming in [Laughter] watch my back your back just got rocketed twice i was a little slow in the second one i'll admit it i feel like nobody's a winner in this game you're closer you're closer now than you've ever been you shared a vehicle together that's true we had that moment can't take that away from us all right i need to do this real quick i'm going to speed run this round this is something that i've i've wanted to do for a long long time okay i'm kind of scared now ever since i saw kevin do this he's putting so much pressure on himself now you taught me you taught me this you're my role model this is your fault i've taught someone something this doesn't sound good oh he's already struggling oh no where'd he go he's using the mole strategy oh he's a mo man come on get it the same way it ended for me great strategy i like how the game gives me more money dying that way than i get in any other way it was a good try though bold strategy that's awesome that was the final round too i think yeah when someone comes out of you with that kind of confidence you don't know what to do why does it say i got second place i guess next to kevin because i got zero kills i get it i shouldn't have looked at that now i feel bad i have six kills but probably like three of them are me self kills you're wearing underwear right no oh no my helmet's off oh didn't do any good last time naked all right he has begun he's at the very first square no or i guess that may be a rectangle that was somebody else i'm so scared to do this now oh the thing didn't go i'm just i'm not trying to hit you i'm just trying to make you afraid uh-huh you're doing a good job these pants make my legs look good okay we made it all the way to one now we just gotta make it a few more well now we have to shoot your balls though wait is there armor here yes you can pick up health and armor oh okay good that makes me feel better gotta protect my balls uh so okay i see how this works as soon as they step out though cause yeah i can't even see you guys we're not gonna shoot you it'll be fine wait did you just shoot at us all right now this this is where the real the real trial begins yes because that wasn't stressful enough so how good do you think you are i mean out of 10 probably a solid 10 but bring me back down to earth what was that ah okay that was like a little barrel thing in the air oh so they do fall oh that's really cool oh interesting don't mind me oh no oh i got fired what did you get him was it it's a graded yes does the fire stream kill me i think i jump through the fire stream oh yeah the i penetrated the the tank and then the flame came out of the hole i got killed by penetration i just thought i could probably jump through the flame without it hurting me i was trying to get past the exploding part of things not you know okay this will be better just gotta shoot them in the everything i heard the sad little plink ow did you get shot i did get shot he's after getting better he's hustling us oh god he almost shot me again i don't it's hard to get you know that's okay i like how stressed they're getting now i've fallen over oh i should have shot him there my bad we're good at this game oh no he's panicking oh did i get it no i got shot again man you are like maybe you shouldn't have worn pink i was thinking it's so much easier to see i gotta get more ammo okay you guys get a little break i'm not wearing this for camouflage i'm wearing this because i'm poor i've unlocked a grand total of nothing in this game so whereabouts are you guys right now can i have a little hint a player oh i've fallen over again are you at the balls i'm waiting for for kevin definitely it's hard to see when the thing goes up though can i get him i got him that was amazing that was good timing i did not really mean to do that all right now i get to take revenge on gray at the exploding barrel yeah i have a feeling i'm going to be eating a lot of fire yeah that's my goal but we'll see entirely sure this part works i'm fine where where is he did he fall what do i do here you just wait please you did it oh i got a mid-air shoot me in mid-air i think i did you picked me in mid-jump you were a 10 this whole time you lied uh yeah that was completely accidental though that was completely fake confidence don't say that i'm gonna dub something else in for you so uh i'll go again as a runner in this time yeah sure yeah yeah well good news my confidence is even higher now just gonna do a few little jumps to confuse them i think they have to get ammo at the beginning anyway now that i know how good you are bow i'm i was gonna sell aim a little bit how do you uh oh yeah you can take cover so i could sit here and you guys can't do anything about it you're not like wolverine i don't think you're gonna regenerate well it was wishful thinking i'm just really paranoid now oh this is actually so stressful made it oh oh that hit me i think you can get i think you can get some health now right is there little things up there for you oh yeah i needed it because i'm at like 15 health yeah there we go back to full which ball is he hugging i'm trying to get rid of them wouldn't you like to know oh god he's going to shoot back my opportunity to take you out oh you sat back i was waiting for that well done but i'm pretty sure these are for this oh and i missed entirely yeah there we go oh to blow them up the molotov cocktails to take out the tanks i don't think it actually works though that's right you don't have a choice you have to go i just gotta go for it oh no oh no run i think i hit you with the bullet i was shooting at the tank yeah i think i hit you i got kneecapped there pretty hard how'd it feel we're okay uh you know i've been through better things in my life but i've been through worse i think this is like bulletproof glass surrounding it oh yeah i was wondering about that because you can't shoot through it until you're like right at the jump point right about here oh that was close and oh i hit the wrong button no yes [Music] i accidentally clicked instead of jumping so i punched don't feel bad i fell down that hole by like 40 times around yeah i get to do the pelvic thrust yeah my life is complete you earned it i do not feel like a pro i'm dressed like one i think you look like a pro your your gta level is higher than my credit score all right oh and you're a runner okay so we both get to snipe him this is gonna be uh it's gonna be bad for him this is great i've always wanted to shoot someone named kevin it is a pretty hateable name i get that a lot people trying to shoot you where ireland's a tough place man oh really it is oh no i feel bad now i could let him get a little bit ahead i don't know what happened to my sniping but suddenly i can't miss can i shoot gray on the bench don't fall don't oh won't even let me just shoot me the leg if you're gonna shoot me yeah i tried to shoot you in the foot because i you have two of those anyway if you hit the right side of the balls we can try and get the balls in the hole oh like tug it oh i think i'm going the wrong way then pushing the left side you know what this way is good too because then he has to walk farther to get to them that's true and if they're two together they might get like a little bit jammed up okay the walls are a little close oh there he goes no no no no no this is nerve-wracking is he behind a ball or no he's he's at the next obstacle oh he's safe there i'll get him right here got him ow oh yeah there's this thing yeah see he's learned his lesson after the first time i'm not doing that again so also if you stand on where the gun spawn it'll just continually give you ammo oh pro tip yeah i just accidentally learned that because i'm standing on it always up top that little rascal that was too close did not like that what happened there oh i might have shot that one early oh okay yeah oh my god they're starting to spontaneously explode that would make it more interesting if it was kind of like randomized yeah just randomly blow up oh oh that was a hit just shot me there that was great that was df totally yeah i was out by four miles is he gonna go up the ramp now where's he gotta go from here yeah he's going up the ramp he's up the ramp he's weaving me he's wide open i got him in the knee do it oh my god my health it's literally like one i wish i could take credit for that so those next barrels up above do they drop to where he is now or those like if i shoot that one where does it go no yeah that was that was the up top one so that's the next the next level no no no no no no no no no does it get them oh oh i think i got him did you get him i think so how i don't know what happened like what what killed you was it the explosion yeah it gave the kill to df i think i shot him but i'm not really sure like he's such a little heart attack i'd have to watch the replay i don't actually know where i shot him that's the only part i need hell of a shot that's what he was aiming anyway he particularly hates me okay you go first you got it yeah where are you at kevin i feel good now fighting my time i do feel badly since there's two of us oh wait why are people here what oh you didn't yeah they're always here really oh burn them i i can't get over this works too we all get rain done sometimes all right now this is this is the day i've waited for hold on i'm gonna take care of this you ready uh he's probably like you know the center quarter or like three quarter mark you know what i mean i can't see him though it won't render yeah it won't render all right whatever i was gonna try and you know what hold on oh actually there's something else you could use this gun for hold on oh yeah get rid of that there we go huh yeah looking up barrels last time i wasn't sure if he noticed oh that was you doing that okay yeah you're a brave soul juice [Music] all right i'm only using the environmental things i'm not gonna lie i ate a lot of fire to get to this point you got a bullet hole in your shoulder that was there before we started oh yeah oh we're running it now and it looks good doing it how much protection does this give me so where am i supposed to go with this i guess just out of the way crap i good news kevin i haven't lost yet well i it might be inevitable never mind now i've lost what's going on back there i didn't know that that was a trap i was like oh clearly i'm supposed to get inside of this and now i'm gonna eat this asphalt he took the shortcut to the ground good round loser so the trap worked uh just instead of dropping it on me it was more like uh you know dropping the carrot in front of the in front of the horse i was like oh car i must get in it it's all mind games on such a high level even though i don't know i'm doing them oh no i have to go again now it's so stressful being the runner especially when you're one runner like there's two of us firing at you the whole time yeah that's that's tough i feel bad like having both of us shoot at him maybe i'll aim low i'll only shoot you from the waist down provided i can i'll just make it last longer it's slower and more painful death the inevitable as i'm running oh he's just going for it okay here's where the real stress starts yeah this part's tough because it's like what do you do right because you gotta go i will say if you take a little bit of fire you can definitely survive it's more of a matter of not being there when it blows up yeah i was gonna say the fire knocks you over though and then if if we know you fall over we're gonna blow that tank up how about this i will not shoot at that first tank this is all udf i'll only shoot the second one okay perfect he's trying to fake me out i think i got him in the tank oh he's going for him oh he has the he's uh oh good good job outsmarted again the jump though is so scary he's got the pistol oh of course i forgot about that already might have got him in the knee stop touching me where would you prefer we touched you touch each other that's the first thing we did you ruined my pink jumpsuit it's riddled with bullet holes this makes it more aerodynamic oh shoot the tank shoot the tank so good though when you're doing it do i look cool in my pinky you do rolling around oh no no no okay that was a bit too close for my liking oh jesus christ uh what are you gonna what are you gonna do yeah so you have full bulletproof glass the whole way across oh they're slower to fall than you think oh oh man okay i can do this i'm oh coming one falls away over there oh that's good to know all right i didn't know that yeah we were trying to touch him instead at that point so where where is he now i i don't know he's just he's one with the course now what'd you get assimilated like the borg because last time he was here he spat out like close to us at the end of this tunnel wait what i haven't been up there i i lose track of everyone at this point too i don't know like that but how like i can't tell where he is there's no it's like a total yeah i don't know we're supposed to do here to be honest he's gone yeah that was with the explosion he's gone quiet and that always makes me nervous because i don't know concentrating oh that's right for the beginning isn't it wow yes i guess these ones too yeah look at the map look at the mini map yeah that's a problem that's a problem uh yep that's a problem please stop oh yep there we go the tables have turned the tables turned all over my body and now so we still have the other map too if you you're part of the cmk gang oh call me kevin what could cfk or cmk mean how can we decode this you know what i'm betting on uh i'm betting that's a beautiful thousand a thousand dollars i'm going to bet a thousand on df and then sabotage the team ah wise that's thinking ahead i appreciate the american flag just flying behind us is it is it an irish flag for you unfortunately not does ireland have a flag we're working on it we'll have one soon i wanted to be super flamboyant pink with stars and just what what's this come at me or something let's do this on our national flag it's go time just gotta dodge all the rockets and hit the idiots incoming oh oh i let off the gas too much i killed myself oh no grace committed suicide is he down here somewhere where's his corpse are you up top no i'm laying next to i'm laying next to kevin oh teammates till the end hold on there i am i've got both my arms up in the air as if to say kevin you can do this i believe in you oh oh oh oh did i win did you win i lost we me and kevin killed each other that pretty much summarizes our entire gameplay together so far i like how in gta there's no like draw it's just loser you all lose yeah all right so i get to rock at you guys now where are you oh you're on the other side aren't you on the other side do you want to come help me pick a car whatever matches my outfit okay let me just make a call no no i'm coming over there okay this is clearly a good idea you going to see him i'll supervise well the closer you get the quicker the rock is going to hit you though and i missed anyone that was super close yeah you know wait where's he going you getting over there i don't know what i'm doing i don't know what i'm doing hey i'm sorry i'm bad with directions take your time i'll be here all right what are you thinking for my outfit i want to look really hot as i try and kill him in that case well purple is the color of royalty okay but does it go well with the pink yeah oh yeah and now it's it's like a giant bruise at this point here i'm getting into oh here we go here we go direct yes that is disappointing and they both survived though didn't they oh i should have followed like 10 of our car left right now that's all you need purple anyway i think we should do a costume change yeah that's fair careful watch out for the rock there's a rocket following us that would look so cool man his pants are so tight it was really breezy in this car and then i realized we lost all of our glass all right this is it i'm getting out this is happening make sure you pay what's happening who keeps firing the flares at me they're not really helping oh no i committed suicide i hit you guys so hard that i died yeah i blew myself up off that impact i jumped and i just ricocheted off i felt like a winner let me tell you i sure didn't i hit you guys directly and i'm the one that died they give us flares too i'm like what happens if you flare a car let's find out what happens if we flare each other oh nothing oh that i was just spamming the flares and then i nearly shot at rocket launcher the floor coming through goodbye oh then right up completely backwards that was kind of cool now that right there vin diesel would be proud what just happened to captains i saw you spectating he's dead what happened to me what happened to you i did get back in here wait come in no you committed suicide it was very easy to kill yourself i won yeah i feel like it's mostly whoever's holding the rockets loses so i think the i think the plan here is you got to stay like way on the back of that platform yeah that's true because you got to be as far away from the uh the explosion as possible so let's give that a shot luckily it gives you i think seven rounds on this which is probably good a little bit of a feeling out process first four don't count i'm tipping i'm picking the baby food color car you have to feed babies oh i wanted the baby food you wouldn't you wouldn't shoot a baby would you i wouldn't waste the ammo okay there okay there was a lot of consideration going on there it's always a gamble which side yeah i like how you like all right stick to the back of the platform as there's two cars coming at you like there's no back of the platform double trouble i'm just gonna go like over here because that was our plan you got me oh yeah yeah you absolutely got me oh yes i uh yeah i don't want to talk about it good job i want to talk about it you tail whipped me into oblivion what do you want to do you want to do uh one more dfu you'd host this next one you want to do this one again it was a short or you want to do a different one uh whatever you guys want i'm easy that's all good oh you're gonna hate yourself in this are you talking to both of us or oh did i say that out loud created by don't call me kevin mow those lawns mow those lawns for some much needed pocket change okay so it's utility vehicles but you have to choose the lawnmower because otherwise you you won't be able to reach the checkpoints they'll be too big is there more than one lawnmower or is it just the game only has just one one lawnmower but it allows you pick like a service boss or like a dumpster truck as well i think right but just go for the lawnmower i feel like the whole point of us playing now is so that kevin could show us his lawnmower of course like that's the whole reason we're doing this today it's what i've been waiting for oh another pink one hell yes oh you guys are doing it i imagine you call the service to mow your lawn and you saw these three num skulls rocking up how come i started so far back wait if you're going the wrong way are you gonna get to the chat oh i thought we're going down the road [Music] i think i'm mowing this guy's house more than anything i'm about to mow this lady come here she just slowly jumped away these lawnmowers just aren't that intimidating what are you supposed to what the hell is this yes off-road almost did a full flip so what kind of what kind of grasses is this bermuda or with zoysia you know way more about grass than i do out of the way lawn plan oh what's that curb are we going over that get out of the way you have to stick up your middle finger at me hi get out of the way please we going around i don't oh i get it you're cheating bastard oh no oh no oh no i'm stuck give me a point give me a push hold on i gotta hold on i gotta help dia i uh it feels even more lame coming from the last game modes because they were so intense and all over the place what are you talking about this one's great hold on let's try and tag team this individual i want to see if you can kill someone with a lawnmower oh yeah yeah there we go yeah she pushed me away i'm stuck again one second not literally impossible but almost impossible that's what i do where do you where do you go bring grey's round now because not only is this an awkward little route to get to the ramp but the thing doesn't really have enough power to go over the ramp and even if you do go over the ramp you will most likely topple and respawn and then you have to do it again are you okay man so yeah this part's very ugly okay here we go uh uh-huh thanks your help once you get back oh never mind it's just like a chain we all push each other over you want to play the grass shoot up are you trying to see those pro strats yeah i like it that's actually kind of cool hold on i'm helping oh i like it i like it can i help you eating dirt a lot what happens if you get in the pool hold f um i think you gotta hold that beautifully oh i know how to do this hold on we've been doing this the wrong way the whole time kevin he's doing it backwards yes those big tires [Music] i think i repressed that patch but i think you're right all those years ago when you were a young man the problem is i'm stuck i i'm i'm caught on this because i'm going to bump you out of it here how did this happen are you he's balanced help me there we go oh come on just i'm wrong here let me help you get in the pool i'm trying floridians need their pool there we go okay now i gotta rescue kevin i'm still alive i failed get out of the way i can't even move i think it's my favorite course so far you like it please tum it off at the end i need to get that to above 90 percent approved well let's definitely get a thumbs up we gotta get you off the wall though oh i'm rocking oh that might actually do it oh he did it he entered first actually did it oh my god well that's okay no man left behind what gets you off there oh i think i just pushed you further down that didn't help at all i hope they still pay me for doing their lawn kevin can i have a push hold on i'll be right with you oh with a little momentum maybe here we go you yeah you can't half-ass it you got to go the whole way man to have enough momentum to you got to start from the bottom basically and go all the way up well i feel pretty good if kevin gives me a little bump i think i'll probably it won't be graceful but i might make it come on big push plump yeah no all right full speed you you need to do this lean forward forward did you go like right from the edge by the wall where the as far as you can get okay i don't know why you're giving me a tutorial on my race did it work ah he did it he's got it it was real clean too oh [Music] all right do you have you gotta we gotta make this work coming in hot no okay what's what's the lean forward button eight on the numpad when i do it it doesn't do anything is my no i think like it's just when you're airborne and the car it's kind of a little air so it resets it down i gotcha okay i think i got this now honestly getting into the position to reverse is harder than the reversing yeah there it is that's nice coming in yeah god no did it work yeah well did it oh my daddy got it got the checkpoint okay this is the finish line folks the pure drag race now at this at this point everyone's a winner yeah i think so we're all losers again like earlier i prefer that you have to go through the water yes this is out of the way don't worry gents the torture is not over the engines struggled oh no it just doesn't go anywhere it stops how do you oh hold on you gotta snake it you gotta like you gotta just kind of sideways the whole way you gotta pretend like it's a mountain and switch back it pretty much this is actually pretty brilliant don't lie you gotta be kidding me you bastard i'll remember this day oh no i didn't even mean to do it that time you got like turbo on your mower shoots all messed up tires are going bald yeah we made like 15 bucks up there mowing those lawns uh we'll have to split of course but oh no oh he's powering out oh this is can we go to either side yeah give me a push oh this isn't gonna work at all oh you gotta be kidding me oh no oh no i'm stuck in the thing i'm going in no no he's going to the water oh you can't get out of here it's a trap oh no he's gone around can he go that way i don't know i don't know how you've made this chest of course designer i love how he's like what did i do you can't it's a lie there's no way out in this race is torture that's okay i found it yeah we did it did you get hamming speed oh yeah i'm all the way i like going no survivors all right all right ready yep level up one two three go go go slow down a bit i think we got this stop swerving who won what happened oh i got first i've sucked it how okay my time was 119 985. oh i've got to vote this up thank you so much i mean i really like that i had great fun with that one how do you uh how do you vote it's not like you gotta enter gotcha one like there we go like yes i wonder what it's up to now
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,168,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C51HsnJc8gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 0sec (2580 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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