IT chapter 2 explained by an idiot

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okay this movie is nearly three hours long she's gonna make keeping this long-ass video short incredibly hard especially cuz I have this thing in a top left corner cuz I predicted a lot of things in this movie - alright let's go baby it chapter two and the events of this movie take place 27 years after the first one and all the little kids are going up now Billy is the famous sweater that's married to this actor [ __ ] who sometimes doesn't believe in his writing germ boy or Eddy is now a risk analysis dude and he's married to this fat for protective naggy [ __ ] glasses AKA Richie is now bigshot comedian fat Couture Ben is now no longer a fat kidney instead is hot and ripped and apparently very rich Stanley is yeah I don't know he just Stanley about growing up still a [ __ ] whatever the homeschooled kid Mike still lives in their units library and he's possibly slightly a bit local or paranoid and Beverly I got no clue what's going on in our life except for that she's married to this [ __ ] who's very similar to her father and apparently anybody who got married in his well we got married to a person that's very similar to their parents I don't know why the movie does this maybe it's to point out that nothing ever changed because they never really killed it properly or that they never really grew up or maybe there's a saying in general debt you always know your parents and I think every changes in life I don't know why I'm reading into so much it's not a [ __ ] Shakespearean novel who cares no time moving on the movie starts out with this shot and I can already tell from this shot alone and don't ask me how I can do this that this one's gonna have some serious homosexual themes slash vibes and characters to it and sure enough we got two gates being gay in there and there it keeps up with its theme of having a very violent bullies and some bullies show up and they beat the [ __ ] out of two gay dudes for me in game but it's not she this guy I know they throw me into the [ __ ] river and then Pennywise shows up and eats him then the news breaks out that there's a dismembered body in the river which confuses the [ __ ] out of me because I thought he could eat them and swallow them whole if he so pleases why the [ __ ] is there any trace of this body left I mean I know it's to draw Mike over so he can find out that Pennywise is alive and he can bring all the gang back so he can eat them but still anyway as I said Mike went over then he found out that it was Pennywise so he proceeds to call all the pieces back because they made a promise that if it ever comes back they're gonna come back too and they're gonna kill apparently and upon calling them they all freaked out on their own little way and Stanley literally [ __ ] kills himself wait a minute where are the scars on his face whereas scars on the bite marks on the last movie they should have scarred dammit so this is about the time when we find out that the bully from the last movie is alive he got washed away in the sewers and flushed out along with a bunch of other half-eaten corpses and I must say that half-eaten is a very generous thing to say for me because look at this he barely nibbled on them sucks at eating what the hell also this [ __ ] got thrown on a very [ __ ] narrow well and it's fairly deep I suppose and he didn't hit his head on anything he didn't drown and he survived doesn't matter after he got flushed out the [ __ ] sewers he walked his home at what she was promptly arrested for killing his father and he was thrown in the loony bin for 27 years till now where Pennywise shows him a red balloon inside his loony bin signaling that he's once again recruiting him to kill people then after he gets dragged back to his room he sees a revolutionist bed and I bet you that balloons gonna pop her revealing some spooky [ __ ] behind it and it does and that spooky scary [ __ ] is his old pyromaniac friend and that friend gives him his old knife now cut back to the main gang and they're in a Chinese restaurant and they're bonding and [ __ ] and it's mentioned by Mike that the further away gift was town the easier memories of this place get and once you come back everything starts getting clearer and clearer and you start remembering more and more my question here is how the [ __ ] does Mike know about this memory loss [ __ ] he barely ever left town but he does mention that he read a lot of books so any [ __ ] Mike speeds up from now on I was gonna tribute to the fact that he would all the books laughter they all realized slash remember why they're here because Pennywise isn't dead they have to kill him they'll have a little freaked out 100% those fortune cookies are gonna have some creepy [ __ ] in and what do you know they do because all their fortune cookies together spell out guess Stanley couldn't cut it then some freaky [ __ ] happens with the rest of the fortune cookies exactly what the [ __ ] is that so they all leave the restaurant and they call Stanley's wife and they find out that he committed to Doku and then they all collectively decide to get the [ __ ] out of there but Mike stops Bill to convince him that he is a way to kill it and then we cut to it the very little girl and I could totally let this part out because it's completely unimportant to the story and helps it in no way shape or form but I really wanted to come on this dumb [ __ ] of a mother that didn't know is her child leaving her sight [ __ ] bland [ __ ] now cut back to Mike and Bill amicus like yo dude I did all the drugs I read all the books I saw the Native American dudes and they showed me how to kill it and they showed me how it started I showed me everything just let me show you then he drugs bill the same drugs that the Native Americans for dudes it's a name chakra gave him so he can visualize the [ __ ] they explained him now how much time is playing this [ __ ] to you which is a momentous task because I have no idea what the [ __ ] I just saw so three big lights come from sky long time ago three big lights turn to creature creature eat people and that's what I got that's our import what is important is the ritual of truth which is the ritual they're going to use to defeat Pennywise and to perform said ritual of food must all get their art effects what are their artifacts their artifacts are the things they were attached to the most the time they first appeared up anyways they must go to do three dead lights then you know three big nice cameos by their culture dead lights they put the Box down they put the [ __ ] in the box they burn the [ __ ] in the box then they chant some [ __ ] and then the lights go into the box and they close the box and then supposedly they have to heat up anyways at least it's held his chakra people explain it to Mike so Mike and Bill go back to the gang and bill explains the gang that what he saw was real and it's possible and they can kill it so they're just like hey when we wait this cycle out till he goes back to sleep and then we went out in 27 years and just rinse and repeat what's the problem turns out they can't do that because never lis dreamt of Stanley dying the way he did and she also dreamt up them all dying before if they do try and keep postponing this they will not even last another 20 years and she's the only one dreaming of this stuff because she's the only one that saw the dead lights when they were kids so they go over to an underground club house that been built in the woods when they were kids and they go get Stan's artifact which is a shower cap because they he didn't want them to get in their hair when they were sitting down there then they all split up to get their own artifacts and Beverly ghosts her old home and takes the poem that Ben wrote for her when they were kids out of a secret hole in the wall and that is her artifact and then she gets attacked by Penny white in the form of this teddy swinging grandma but she escapes then Ritchie goes to an old abandoned arcade and he gets his artifact which is an old arcade coin slot machine thing you know and then he has flashbacks from when he was a kid and he was playing there and wait a minute is the movie hinting that rich he's gay oh my god it is I don't get myself another point for that I was really on the money with that gay prediction from earlier anyway Pennywise crazed I'm in a parka and he gets away - now it's Billy's turn after buying his old bike from a pawn shop or something at a ridiculous price he rides over to his throwing and drops his bike in the middle of the [ __ ] world like dude seriously you're walking over to the curb why can't you park it there what the [ __ ] wrong with you this is a road for cars and [ __ ] what's wrong with people in these movies driving their bikes in the middle of [ __ ] Road whatever Billy talks to penny wise to the storm drain he gets the boat that he made for his brother back after almost getting sucked in by a gajillion arms then Ben goes back to their old school and he really lives a scary moment that he had as a kid when Pennywise chased him through the halls of the school and he hid in his locker and that is a [ __ ] scary guy shows up behind you moment if I've ever seen one [Music] how did he get away you were in a locker with Pennywise and what the [ __ ] is wrong with Pennywise you you had him in a [ __ ] locker this is at a time where you had them split up and the point was to get them individually what are you doing so the point of all this was to get his artifact which was the signature that Beverly vote for him in his dear book which he tore and put in his [ __ ] wall it was in his wallet the whole time this was [ __ ] useless it's not like he forgot about either because he was clearly written about in the beginning of the movie so why the [ __ ] are you here dude once you go buy weapons or something to have an easier time defeating penny wiser than in the movie your jobs done dude why are you here don't matter next up we got Eddie Nichols to his old pharmacy to pick up an inhaler and that's his artifact and then he lives in Emory that he had in the basement of that place where Pennywise in the form of this fucked-up dude tried to shove his tongue down his mom's throat tried he succeeded clearly then he tries to scare a grown up Eddie and I'm not gonna claim this jump-scare as a prediction because just too easy so he tries his choke Pennywise out and he's having some [ __ ] success in that because he feels like penis is getting smaller and he's killing him but then Pennywise throws up in his face and doesn't really scare him up he more like disgusts him up after that they all get back to the place that they're staying at and they're all soaked up and [ __ ] and Ritchie wants to leave again then the [ __ ] bully was escaped the loony bin she was up behind Eddie and he stabs him in the side face in his cheek so Eddie steps into the bathtub and then closed the curtains and if I were him I would use the element of surprise and take the knife Adam and she can step through the curtains holy [ __ ] he actually did it also the believe isn't I from this he gets stabbed in the [ __ ] chest and he just chugs away like who do my insane he's keeping me alive anyway this was happening upstairs but downstairs really finds out that Pennywise is planning to kill the kid that now lives in his old house at the carnival so he rushes over there to save him and maybe just maybe if you use your cars have your old ass bike to automate it in time to save the kid yeah I spoiler alert the kid dies I know I'm saying spoiler this entire video spoiler now cut to Mike in the library and he gets attacked by the [ __ ] bully but then which he shows up and he acts his him and question get it cuz the axe in his head then the rest of the gang shows up and they find out that Bill is fed up and he wants to go and kill Pennywise alone and they're like nah so they go and catch up to him at the will house and they entered the well house and the usual penny wise mind [ __ ] he happens we're severed heads turn to spiders and he tries to write it what seems like an entire [ __ ] novel on Ben's stomach but they somehow wear all of it and they go down to where they previously defeated Pennywise which is a bit flutter right now and definitely here's something in the water and she's gonna get dragged into the water right yep there she goes she could strike in the water by the city swinging grab my diamond but no worries I cut around and then they find a creepy-looking manhole and then they go down that manhole and they get to where the lights descended or landed okay then they begin the ritual chewed and they throw all their artifacts in there and then they bird the [ __ ] and then they chants some other [ __ ] in the vagina and the ceiling opens up and the three dead lights descend into the box and might try to close it but no will balloon starts to emerge from it and it goes huge and it pops and then Pennywise emerges out of it and he is now or it is now in a giant spiral like form and they're like what the [ __ ] Mike you told us this will work and honestly it's their fault for believing him because the first thing they should have asked when they heard the Shocker people told me I don't feed it is and why the [ __ ] didn't they defeat a [ __ ] dumbasses so the ritual doesn't work I'm pretty boy starts to chase him around and manipulate the world and their minds and trying to scare them a bit what River lead almost draws in period blood been almost gets buried alive bills shoves his hand up his own brother's ass any it Ritchie are forced to choose between three equally scary doors and Mike God no what the [ __ ] Mike is doing he's probably hiding somewhere but they all somehow escape or defeat their fears once again and Eddie throws a spear at Pennywise to protect Ritchie from the dead lights and he does succeed in hurting Pennywise so in retaliation Pennywise steps Eddie and throws him around and kills then they somehow find out that they can bully him into a smaller size so they can defeat him which they do and he turns into a feeble little ball sack and Mike reaches into his chest and rips his heart out and they all collectively crush it together which is crazy to me because they all defeated this huge form of Pennywise by literally going you mean you're stupid you are you are you a clown you nothing but a stupid man you a main man what is wrong with you you stupid old lady you bathe them no one likes you you boost you bathe what does [ __ ] Pennywise just look at yourself look at them just bite them eat them like you can I'm pretty sure you can get them all one bite come on dude whatever the play starts falling apart so they get out of there then they go for a swim and then in Beverly kiss and I guess they're finally gonna be a thing now and by the way she completely forgot google that poem for cuz all the memory lasts [ __ ] but now obviously she remembers then they all go home and get a letter from Stanley post-death saying that the reason he killed himself was because he was too afraid to go back and he knew that they had to be together to defeat Pennywise so we did the only logical move and took himself off the board this movie gets a two out of a long [Music] [Music]
Channel: High Boi
Views: 6,599,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IT chapter 2, IT chapter 2 recap, IT chapter 2 review, IT chapter 2 explained, movie recap, movie, recap, spoilers, funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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