NEW FASTEST LEGENDARY CHEST FARM - 2 Seconds Max Level Chest Enshrouded Guide!

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I just spent some time building the absolute best fastest legendary F seems like we're going to have to change that title ladies and gentlemen because not even a day later we already found one which is twice as fast a new gutier legendary Farm if you will with the best legendary weapons and armor sets in the game within 2 3 seconds reach and now the Cherry of the pie this Farm doesn't even require a certain flame Shrine as it is not in the shroud you can start farming right here at level one after you've picked up the glider basically I know it sounds too good to be true let's get right to it in my previous guide I saw some people commenting like wow is this really the end game farming legendary chests with a Cheesy method well guys I honestly just really enjoy finding the most efficient ways to get stuff done and this is no exception as it's just really fun to get things to work very efficiently and for this specific guide I also want to give a quick thanks quick shout outs to fear 123 as well as Outlaw as they basically helped making this video possible this morning Outlaw shared the ornament golden chest location on our Discord while fear1 123 also shared an amazing trick with us put a grappling hook at the end of the run and grapple it from Spawn this clearly makes it twice as fast again guys thank you very much if you also have some nice tips and tricks basically to share with us be sure to leave them in the comments down below all right so here we are in the world let's quickly use our grappling hook and instantly get to that sweet Treasure Chest woo so here we have it the new fastest legendary chest Farm in asit only a couple meters away from the flame Shrine and the amazing thing is we don't even have to deal with the Shroud so if we open up the map for a second you can see that we have nothing interfering with this Farm the chest is above ground so all you need to do for this Farm is to place a flame Shrine right here which is very close to the chest of course and you want to have that Grappler hook at the very end to get to the chest even faster so it's very important you have this orange line right in between the buildable area and the chest itself so if we Now quickly get back to the main menu and reload our progress we can repeat this Farm get our hands on as many items as we want look at that this time we found a shadow Bane I've been doing this farm for a while right now and can confirm that it comes with the absolute best armor which you can find in and shrouded so not only will you find a lot of legendaries right here but also the Eagle Eye set the Elder set and also the radiant Paladin which are all level 25 and what I find really interesting is that I also came across this ring of the Ancients this one comes with a plus one for all the stats an epic ring which you don't come across frequently I mean I still have two times the Ring of rapacity so very curious about what else can drop at this location it would be amazing if you can also share your findings in the comments down below share which unique items you came across during your farming runs that would be awesome to see maybe there are more Rings we can come across but yeah it drops the best armor sets for the current endgame in a shrouded as well as those level 25 legendaries so what else do you need I already have complete sets of the best armor in this chest right here as well as a full one with a ton of different weapons still searching for a couple long bows but man this Farm Really slaps so you want to check out the blacksmith as right here you can go all the way to the bottom and this is where you will find grappling hook pull anchor and swing anchor you want to make this pool anchor so for that you first have to smelt some of the metal scraps which you come across during your adventures turn them into sheets so now with a copper bar you can make one of these of course without the pool anchor it's still going to work like a charm wow this time we found the gloves but to make it as quick as possible you basically want to put four block right here it really doesn't matter which material you use I like to place them exactly like so then switch to the pool anchor and place it right on top if you're standing on this height the prompt to open it up will be a little bit more difficult to get while if you're standing on top it's actually much easier you know what let's also place an anchor right here so yeah now we can pretty much teleport to the chest pick up the loot and easily get back to our storage to deposit our Treasures I already hear you guys think I'd LED cool for you now where is this place so I can start farming myself worry not guys I got you covered so if I open up the map you can see that I'm actually right in the middle between the pillars of creation and the Kindle wastes right above us we have the quick travel noad Highlands and to the east this is where the Tower of Kindle waste is you can tell that it is very close to the pillars of creation and the low Meadows quick travel with the ghost glider at this specific flame Shrine I think it's going to be no problemo to get across to the chest well if you don't yet have access to the ghost glider what you could do is also go to this specific place if we zoom out well it's south of the flame sanctum right here also the lupas layer and a ruined bridge this is where you will have different DTS or mountains sticking out of the Shroud which you can basically build on and then Glide from one place to the next to reach the chest before you make the trip though make sure you have one altar available to build the checkpoints so there you have it the new absolute fastest way to get your hands on the best legendary gear and armor sets in the game if you found this video helpful be sure to hit that like button you have no idea how much it helps out the channel but also other people farming for legendaries and yes if you're new to the channel be sure to subscribe as a lot more is coming your way this month also Nightingale very excited about that quick reminder I'm partnered with G portal the official server host for as shrouded if you want to have a sweet discount for your servers be sure to check out my ref Link in the description down below to not only save money but also support the channel while you're at it cheers right now though it's 4: a.m. out I want to wish you an amazing day I'll check you in the next video or live stream [Music] peace
Channel: 04AM
Views: 34,740
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Keywords: 04AM, Enshrouded Early Access, enshrouded, enshrouded need to know, enshrouded guide, enshrouded 2024, enshrouded tips & tricks, enshrouded tips and tricks, enshrouded legendary farm, enshrouded legendary weapons, enshrouded best endgame legendary, enshrouded legendary chest farm, enshrouded legendary, enshrouded best chest, enshrouded fastest chest, enshrouded legendary guide, enshrouded best legendary farm, enshrouded best weapons, enshrouded 2 second legendary chest
Id: 4sFHVIyj7X0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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