Enshrouded - How to get the Legendary Level 25 Shroud Weaver! (UPDATE/PATCH CHECK PIN)

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hey guys how's it going today I'm going to show you how to get a level 30 legendary called shroud Weaver it is located in the Kindle wastes just south of the ancient spire and we're going to be flying towards the sun Temple and then we're going to make our way we're going to make our way east of there so let's go ahead and glide on over there and once we get there I will show you I'll show you the way from there okay once you reach the sun Temple here um you're going to head you're going to head east up this Little Mountain here and the golden chest containing the Shroud Weaver should just be right right there watch out for the Scorpions and the and the flying BBS they are dangerous and even with high level gear they can onshot you they hurt quite a bit but once we get over this hill we're going to come over to these rocks right here and we're going to jump on this one here jump on this one and then there it is inside of that chest is the Shroud Weaver it's a level 30 legendary you can upgrade it to level level 35 um you can also Salvage it for 205 ruins and you can place a flame alter right about here make sure the building area area is outside and if you wanted you can even Farm ruins cuz this chest will respawn every time you quit to the main menu but yeah anyway on that note I hope hope this helped you guys out and I will see you later
Channel: Njal Kaminari
Views: 4,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded
Id: 0N9id2ATXBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 35sec (155 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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