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foreign [Music] Countryside there sits a magnificent Hundred Acre estate with over 300 years of family history preserved within its old walls we are greeted by Decades of overgrowth creeping up around and inside the house casting a constant green Hue [Music] as we venture through his Warren of aged hallways we pass portraits that peer way back through the generations [Music] elegant rooms remain untouched stacked with Irreplaceable furniture and artwork yeah we're surrounded by fragments of days long gone the experiences interests and passions of all of those who once called this place home so much time has passed the building now sags around its contents yet nothing here ever changes join us as we discover a forgotten collection built over 40 centuries of life [Music] so we've arrived our next Airbnb and that's right we're staying on a boat yeah for two days even got a little decking area hello dog oh no baby you are baby don't come in here dog go to your own boats please come in yeah [Laughter] oh so here we are a little kitchen it's really nice so light and Airy more space than you'd think on a little boat like this we've got the captains area do you think it's cool if we could actually drive it it's got a little bar area this roof actually goes back I saw on the listing so you want to open our area let's have a look in the other room foreign little mini bedroom toilet and a little shower room it's so cool are you liking the boat I love it dog spot there Sam rudely shut him out the dog's gone oh you wanted to see the best what's going on everyone hope you're good welcome back to the Belgium road trip but if you've noticed we're not in our boat right now we had a bit of an incident in the boat last night we had to flee we had to flee the boat we had to book another hotel which was super annoying because the boat was so nice I was gutted I was absolutely so that's why we didn't film I think we were both like it was so stressed out it wasn't it wasn't a moment it wasn't those thoughts at the moment when you film it was like so we went out for dinner came back or whatever chilled out had a little walk down the river came back again and the whole boat was filled with hundreds of spiders yeah like all dropping from the window you can see like spiders coming down yeah looked in the bedroom there was spiders in the corners massive ones in the lounge everywhere literally no human being in their right mind would stay in that room you would just be getting cruelt all over wouldn't you yeah because I couldn't even count them there without me I didn't like spiders anyway but you're not as bad as me and even I couldn't stand them it was great so we got hotel but we got some good karma Bad Karma and we got to the hotel and they said that they didn't have the room we booked available so they upgraded us to an apartment for free so this is our bedroom TV is a bit of a mess we just woke up got a nice shower and bathroom another bathroom and uh and we've got this living room with a cooker and stuff so I'm pretty happy I mean it's not all bad we're gonna start the boat though yeah we're gonna go back to the Bone here we're gonna have dinner on the boat yeah so yeah use it as like a dinner but this is our last day exploring on this trip so we've got one day left here in Belgium and then tomorrow we head to Amsterdam for a little break we're announced on three days having a break so you might see some Vlog footage you might not who knows but anyway we're catch you on the flip side so we've arrived back in a boat to have breakfast and stuff just got to go in I'm scared to go in but hopefully because this is warmer outside now they've probably all gone outside over the boom they all came in last night it was bad was it they all came in at night try and keep warm look there's only a small one man and covered in cobwebs is it yeah there's a small one there where's that other one from the corner there was a massive one in that corner where is it everywhere all over the roof thing what is that and behind that yeah look one two in their little ones there was one behind here all the big ones aren't here so they've left all the babies this is the major area where they're coming in well I know so we've come back to the spider boat to have lunch but I think we're gonna open the roof oh my head well hold on a minute what oh oh yeah I forgot yeah I was close call wouldn't I thought yesterday as well [Music] you want to break the boat man then we will be in trouble we might sink It's Gonna Knock the butter over no [Music] wow it's hot it's really hot today so we just finished lunch some of this which is really nice I've never had before I've never seen in England it's like Olive pesto with whole olives in there Peppers avocado some vegan chicken baguettes really nice I'm gonna have dinner here tonight hopefully watch the sunset but yeah it has taught me life on a boat involves spiders which I'm not too fond of hopefully our van isn't the same because I have to try and block them out with something [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] so what's going on everyone and welcome back to the channel and welcome to the first episode of the Belgium trip we've made it to Belgium and we're kicking it off without buying this location it's phenomenal it's massive it's massive it's like a castle but it's a farm in this place that was owned by prominent people of that area you know high up rich Nobles it's frozen time more or less I think this might be one of the best locations of the trip yeah fingers crossed anyway here we are at the front door I think this would be the main way in yeah I mean compared to the house it's not super Grand but wait until you see this place it's like a museum it really is a start over here this is just one of the living rooms I think there's about five little rooms in here and this is like the most basic one just goes on like this in every direction I wonder how long this one's been abandoned it looks like forever this beautiful form very nice this place is filled with rare paintings as well it looks like a little auctioning the stuff off oh yeah it's all stacked up and stuff yeah foreign maybe it's a Belgium artist yeah another Nikki it's ready to go I mean all the good stuff we've seen so far is that over there yeah ceilings Courtyard anyway in that so it could be a person wow so I used to keep the face warm with a quick sound from these areas uh kitchen's like 70s I think so much to see here I know yeah I'm excited to show you guys the good part of this place yeah I think it's one of my favorites we were circling it for ages and it really didn't seem like there was a weigh-in but it is massive we didn't think that's a way yeah but the problem is it's the courtyard isn't it it's like the biggest fence we've ever seen oh my God hey look they're in water pump and the overgrowth actually is what stopped us quite a lot because well going to the basement at the end this is scary basement yeah look I bet this is so overgrown the door's not what is it it goes downstairs again no it doesn't does it not that's just because the stairs are like the artists I reckon we go to the other half of the building yeah I'm excited to show you guys this room here let's do this house there's a lot of old clocks everywhere maybe he was repairing them like all the broken ones oh yeah really strange but there's all bits and Bulbs down there for that one unless these were spread about the house maybe and then they brought them down for auctions but maybe maybe it was a parent what the hell is this oh yeah this is yeah canteen I think that's just a little bathroom oh I wonder where the smell was coming from proof I love these floors let's get some good parts anyway yeah that whole oil changed green oh yeah it's got one of the nicest Greenhouse conservatories I've seen abandoned one anyways yeah look at this old baby cop too I'm guessing that's another way to the basement it looks like it foreign I mean most of them are furnished but this is like some of it stuck up to me yeah at least put the furniture here architecture wow they had some serious welfare oh yeah so much stuff look at that Cannon it's a real metal one serious piece of cat noise there's a real kind of normal actually got a waste of all this beautiful wood and every floor has different tiles wow hey look family photo Sam my over there they look rich don't they mm-hmm like a different breed of it definitely will tell this place probably still in the same place no wait as well because it seems like it's been delish golf booze oh yeah different types I must have liked the golf what does that say machine gutty 21st of May 2017. all right it's been before then yeah coolest stuff you think if nobody bought it in auction they could donate some of this because this has literally just been left to right now I don't know they can't be bothered towards the main staircase then I love that green clock the store is everywhere wow there's a camera up there but I'm not sure if it's on or not if you know without any angry Belgium people turning up my friend this part is beautiful it still looks like a home hey a cart full of paintings it's a lovely car oh beautiful coat stand as well with a mirror oh who's that foreign that is beautiful out there false rock walls and stuff foreign [Music] it's the biggest wooden chandelier I've ever seen in my life this one oh my gosh look horse riding hats and a horse hey look that's creepy the most prominent part is the eyes I'm blown away by this room this wallpaper everything wow relax some stuff behind 1927 . Christmas stuff Christmas sparklers maybe oh yeah look at these bow knives wow and carved beautiful look you can see his hand called look how curved in yeah wow look at that woodworking um like Luxembourg Germany Belgium you get that really nice like dark wood it's beautiful things yeah it's actually got that on top I didn't even notice foreign that's that's a lot of people that could be family [Music] uh-huh I can't even read it from here and I can't get any closer I am I got it on the camera so we can probably zoom in and read it after it doesn't make sense and it would have fallen before this could clean pretty much that's 1880 isn't it outside the house probably all the workers there oh god wow look at this never seen one like that looks like one of the HillBilly Barbecue it's like some stuff in here is like a fairly modern but some of it is yeah let's even got the old sweet that is an old one I wonder how many times I've soon used this is the coal box of this wow can I get rounded let's look back at this room oh no I'm blocked in quick look at these look I've seen him quite a lot there were obviously military yeah Noble sort of that was how you were Rich back in the day yeah there's so much to see [Applause] there's even more over here it's very special to see these swords portraits and pictures and stuff because this is when the house is so old and like been lived in for Generations otherwise they wouldn't be here still what I'm wrong so let's head out into the greenhouse wow I think this is my favorite part you know I've never been in like a big abandoned Greenhouse like this I've made it look fairy tale like a cave of all the rock everywhere so beautiful it looks even cooler because everything's overgrown wow it's cool like this stained glass at the top so look that's where that photo was taken oh looking at those Gates look at it now it's a jungle out there so he's probably sit as a family so this is the only way into the other parts of the house is Frugal oh and through there so they're like separate houses because I went upstairs and I'd love to wait until you saw this how strange so this is for the family that's the basement to link up and this is servants I guess it's the either end no wonder it's too big from outside I was thinking how have they got so many rooms yeah yeah especially if they had some sort of business under the great civil ferns growing this is so cool if I had this in my house I'd be out here all the time abundant like let's just spiders on yeah yeah I don't think this yeah look this is actually just clear it's the content of green so head into this next room and then we go upstairs in the main house and then with split yeah do them separately the other house parts cut this everything in here I've just been taking clips of this room for so long so beautiful in here Junk and Stuff you see the old floor under all this Decay too wow oh yeah so small I guess maybe just a piano room there play music for the yeah yeah we play out into the greenhouse wouldn't it look at this little thing lovely I'm going to go straight through this so gardening things I think look how old this is I'm so excited to be here right now this is my favorite location look at this one now this would have been another like dining room whoa Chandelier even though stuff is out of place it's just amazing to see cigaros old old China look at that beautiful there's always like give me easy Bites yeah thank you here inside can't even look past anything in here everything they had was beautiful and an actual violin still left they're usually gone it's not a violins that was it oh it's a cello oh yeah yeah sorry violin's much smaller some of these are really really old to the point they've faded it's got a pencil drawing yeah so weird to think about how long ago that lady was alive what actually is this anybody know who does look like a hat for something I think it's a Willy Wonka a chandelier the crystals hanging down beautiful these would have been big pitches more Cigars Cigars everywhere Almanac this is cool there's a pictures in here [Applause] all sorts tarot cards look upstairs and I think yeah it's been some old ER I think so I can't get very close but they were taking a long time ago when it was sepia I'm excited to see what's upstairs mum me too I'm just gonna oh I'm just gonna look back into this room from here ah so nice what place [Music] foreign [Music] Lounge dining room and the conservatory see what else is here oh [ __ ] all right I really hope this doesn't get cut short oh yeah hey that that's about these other little stairs come up big empty rooms looks like it was modernized up here how weird wow that's these bedrooms yeah it smells different but different smells from France yeah clogs ah Splinter oh no the first ones are the trip anyway yeah and well worn kid's room hey I used to have a rug like this and when I'm in Grandad's sheepskin yeah I need to lie on it it'll sink in the corner that is like a 60s scene in there beautiful chest look at the tongue card as well [Music] it's so strong that smells banging wow foreign desk it's very smart for the child I have to do that homework who like the stuff still even out yeah look there's our revision books as well don't worry Christmas reward from 1973. oh Sam's making the bed it's a lovely bed here a teddy poster it looks better yeah much better it's in the cupboard oh yeah have a look I think it might be empty oh yeah wow next picture empty empty how strange that some of it has been taken oh yeah but I just went upstairs I went up the stairs and you can actually access the children's parts of the buildings from upstairs in the bedrooms I've seen blew my mind first time capsule bedrooms there's even more living rooms up there as well look it's all waffle pan and they made it into a white Foods I've seen one of them before no I may have never seen nothing out before I've never seen that before that's so Belgian yeah I like that it's a creepy baby phone huh yeah it is let's get up and see the real stuff which way should we go first floor first yeah yeah and then what I think we'll do is we go up that staircase there you can go left and right into the other half so cool all right this is empty and all this down here wow it smells like a old Museum didn't it it does it's Greek Britain yeah it's would have been huge bedrooms we're keeping the piece up a bit to the good parts because we really don't want to get caught and not be able to see it all right it's weird because it looks like a hospital room what the hell is this boobs huh pinning with boobs that goes straight through to that other room yeah fairly modern isn't it I think some parts were done up for obviously whoever lasts lived here oh wow another living room what there's got to be like eight living rooms in this house look at this 60s live right there this is like the kids playroom it's playroom yeah rich kids this is so cool a toy box do you still have a toy box like that I would that wooden once in our room now oh yeah I still have a big green one it's a table runner is to get inside the toy box herbs and spices this is like a big I don't know some sort of game yeah yeah a lot of land I wonder if these are all family members man you look similar to someone downstairs look this is an old this is speakers foreign even got an ink pop wow I've never seen one like that no seized really see how big it is it open yeah that's just a piece of wood it's a ruler oh look and it has a chalkboard oh yeah pitchfork grab your pitch balls just goes on and on both ways as in having this is your play area oh me I'd have so much cousins and brothers and stuff yeah you hope they have like brothers and sisters foreign just looking around here more and everything is from so many different eras we don't recognize from like personally yeah 60s but you can just see yeah all the different things yeah no way I was having a closer look at this as well and it's all attached never seen one like that Jack and they were homeschooled could have been yeah where's the kids oh that's that's empty attic space okay oh yeah you can see it's just these in this takes you down to the kitchen I mean the kitchen that we filmed oh yeah that takes you down there oh that was the first little staircase we saw foreign foreign [Music] you want to go up there and then turn right I love this part sewing machine wow that's a nice thing online still set up hey 1948 whoa another living room oh and it smells different it smells so old do you think this might have been the servants now I guess third floor maybe the woman's room or they had different rooms didn't they back in the day oh wow a box of postcards look at the handwriting on that Hmm this is a short message there's loads yeah the whole box is just postcards I think it's the only way people could get in contact with each other when they were traveling yeah they all look friends it's like Romania or something that does yeah it doesn't say Paris yeah right French small gloves lots of little Diaries it's another thing that people don't do much anymore that's old man this is just [Applause] kids outside the dog [Music] how many is that two my dog this is blowing my mind this place what the hell yes the Nativity oh yeah it's a rotten Nativity in the morning there still looking newspaper cut off must have been some sort of Interest to them 54. see that must be some sort of Aerodrome some sort of interest to them hmm it's a bunch of curtains in here they had so many cigars when it was Christmas do you think yeah so it was just like I keep seeing little Christmas things Here There and Everywhere hey look we're above the greenhouse yeah that's just his stomach if you're wondering what we've had since six this morning there's a bowl of cereal so and I've had a plain wrap oh yeah pesto you just stock up a more snacks do we wow proper French looking Frozen Belgium are you really might be in French cigar boxes everywhere yeah I see what you mean yeah I've seen it in like a lot of different rooms Christmas it's Christmas time in the muncho let's go nothing weird oh my belly some more family photos here I feel like someone getting married but I think it's a kid and the grandparents movie a bunch of clocks it's like four o'clocks on this one fireplace Loser books foreign yeah where did this even come from so many newspapers too it's been just collected for years so it's very interesting old religious magazines just the younger brother says magazines magazines come help your life you're watching right now no date from this angle whoa what a crazy room look at the stained glass and the the level is halfway through the look there's a nice bathroom yeah it is bathtub with all the stuff there all their clothes hang in look at that double sink everything's here we had a lot of stuff didn't they a little toilet in the corner brush is still left what the hell happened to that one what is that one I don't know it's a different thing right Combs look at that mirror so old so much stuff in it the old tank I wonder what's up there then do it takes up half the room must be the water tank no I feel like yeah that was Crush you as well um cool it's looking a lot worse out here now this is sevens that's still the main building yeah and yeah Carla that's so bad you can just see the sky it must have been abandoned before 2017 though there's no way they could go yeah yeah surely cool of this medicine you can smell it yeah I can't read any of them can't make it all so I got a date on it 28 but it's the address size coins I wonder if that's the last time I ever lived here oh yeah it looks a lot more modern than that really bad glare they look like the royal family yeah they do don't they ask what I thought which piece for the medicine listen to me so someone's part of that quick peeking hex that's where the medicine come from look on the floor look at it in here it's a big storage room or medicine I feel like we stepped back to even further in time do you think maybe they lived in the main house obviously for longer and just left this they left the servants course yeah right there so I mean this is a time capsule yeah this is from a long time ago look at that bed oh they're coats very overcrowded desk it's old school like me it's like babies look at the size of it it weighs a ton I thought we should start using them hold it up oh it's heavy yeah it's a little heavy you look pretty cool with that wouldn't you [Music] looks like a ghost catching machine I'm just walking in these cobwebs are like really strong too they stretch around you look at those like steampunk glasses more medicine sort of stuff um it's lovely here I still got the bone cold winter and then I'm gonna walk through that box it's got that brown like yeah Belgium this is probably Belgium bats again from the last Belgium trip they're like boots aren't they yeah it's got suitcase perfume Nivea hecka it's a really old shampoo that's like booze 2001. watches lighter there's no glass on these look at that look at this oh yeah candles hey look I recognize that guy isn't it that's Napoleon yeah no like Napoleon yeah the first Dynamite yeah what's he doing he's holding his belly oh yeah he's got bad he looks pissed whoa another bedroom it's these servants rooms are attached to each other honestly this is just mind blown in there everywhere you look there's something to it matches yeah collection of matches from different places it's not they're not even open to me I'm literally just the collection and if there's any collectors now out there but they'd love this one like a chateau oh yeah different hotels hotels yeah Holiday Inn Belgium not England see the other side please Hotel move so holidays [Music] the Ramada that's pretty cool used ones come on ain't covered okay look I wonder if these are famous ladies or that ladies I'm not sure it is how funny is this Justin's just saying that she wants to get a photo in the washing place oh yeah look at that that's obviously maybe this wasn't after all right who knows it's just it's weird that it's so much older but I guess maybe they just didn't put things in here as well though yeah maybe they just didn't they didn't need all the rooms whistle this train tickets tons of them whoever room this was they collect they saved things I'll call down there look at that foreign isn't it imagine having so much money and stuff that you needed a will book like that look at this corner that's so cool serious Rock coming in right above it dry rot at the worst place it could have been right above all of these it's gonna be like American Vibes I don't know why it's called a proper Farm yeah little cigars and stuff that is cool the bed chewed up by rats it's almost harder isn't it I can't really even go over there I like this room I like I like it as well it's in this big box nothing much keys it's actually a car outside in there oh yeah yeah we'll go back to it wow so I think we need to go to the other side all we do is we go to the other side on top floor okay explore that then go down and do underneath for both sides yeah [Music] foreign [Music] x-rays in it lungs look oh yeah that one looks way bigger than the other is that normal I don't know maybe I'm not sure drop it down in the comments any doctor's watching so I guess whoever is in this room maybe I maybe I'll back out of these two rooms this hallway is just so abandoned isn't it [Music] okay go to the other side yeah and check what's up there first looks risky for some reason [Applause] plates watch your hands are covered oh man it's so abandoned compared to the other bit wow all the Plastics come down on top of it oh no full of rocks and cobwebs legs and face so no one's even come up here look at that they're getting without getting cold these newspapers that's such an old attic yeah then look at that wind the windows I know they've had the windows redone I noticed that must have been so bad they had to look at all these chests a bunch of garlic over there hung up some sort of mushroom yeah Hey look it's even writing on the wall yeah that's it that's good I do like a really old attic like that yeah me too you gotta try and remember what you've done here because there's just so many roots to take I mean this is the biggest house of the trip yeah yeah this is the biggest house we've done in a while oh it was a bedroom where's all this stuff come from I don't know it smells weird oh there's so much stuff in here it's been peed all over it's the smell here yeah you go over your balance get through oh cool yeah what does the size of this how did somebody even move that that's really weird it's like they've propped it up like it's gonna fall over yeah it looks like it's gonna fall over everything might even go through the floor when that happens look over there Zone you can't get to didn't see this in the way past the perfume and makeup table books and letters there mini letters I've been getting that in the post you'd laugh at them but it's not the letter on the side as well wow look at Peters Hospital they're all tiny but they are foreign [Music] 's quarters on the other side and go down that way do that half and then make our way across I thought that would have been some of the thus the doors into the greenhouse look oh yeah I know looks so cool out there what area is this it's like a weird little sort of area too maybe like the potting area it's much smaller so all the shirts are still hanging up here as well all their jackets ready to go out somewhere another big pump look at that for a tough Jesus all right let's see this bathroom this is a weird little area actually it is so tired as well outside yeah hello go around the corner basement wonderful these basements will link I wonder pop your head around the outside too oh yeah I know where we are now there's a little Courtyard there's the um the other kitchen yeah so we need to go this way okay look another dining room you've got a bed like a hospital bed it's maybe in the last years they were down here only in this little room more cigars literally everywhere so and stuff yes it's outside in there it is yeah look at that old chair that's seriously old it's been used a lot used and abused The Vines look amazing oh yeah it's so overgrown out there [Music] oh that makes you cringe it's got a lady on there fireplace the kids boys dining table seem better days sewing stuff and plants some more family pictures so more modern that one brain desk foreign more soldiers it's postcards absolutely loads of postcards they probably used to travel the world didn't they because they've owned a place like this they must have been super wealthy yeah they would have just been sending postcards back like everyone that ever lived here they went on holiday would have been sending postcards you know there's thousands of them here I think all the messages and the stories aren't there I mean we can't read any of them but there's so much history here oh she's so lovely trash to be honestly [Music] oh kitchen another one oh wow look at that it's like rubber Farm kitchen it's even got the red checkered table cool it's obviously the servant's kitchen is much smaller it's so basic and old-fashioned put some buns left that's a nice heat and yeah a little grinder really old stair uh radio I guess yeah I'm washing stuff God is called what being there super cool really look it's the zombie spiders web site before he died another cooker could cook for a lot of people man hold down oh that's really bad imagine if not fit on your head I'll kill you that much another kitchen what the hell is under the line for this site though oh it sounds really weird it smells dumping it man look this is obviously where all their water came from yeah there must be like a spring outside but coffee Cafe 1500 oh yeah I think it's time to head into the other half now and see what else it's in the other half of the servants quarters you might like this before looks got like a little porthole oh yeah let's even watch his stuff oh it's seized you can cross above the oven this is time to head into the other side of the servant's cause I'm excited for this me too I don't know what to expect on this side actually unbelievable how fast movies have come they've literally grown all the way across the room to the house it's crazy isn't it yeah I guess it helps them grow faster because it's it could have been a greenhouse yeah we've just been taking some awesome photos in here so if you want to see them photos make sure to head over to our Instagram some just explore the link is in the description all right hmm go and dress your choice did you go left first all right let's do left first it feels like an amusement park just outside oh so this is just this just goes upstairs oh let's see have we done up to that that no we haven't done up there look at this we'll do right first and then we'll go left and up oh no we did do up didn't we yeah we did both yeah we did both up levels oh yeah wow oh my God oh my God what was that oh it's like a room of antiques foreign boxes it's like in an office apartment old air rifle yeah maybe man to ask the same young lady old stereo look the wooden the wood look on the TVs it's so nice build books it's like modern in here actually oh yeah oh yeah that's the same fruit isn't it blown up no no the other one's on an angle not on the slope the people that fill in the hole wait some more family photographs over here as well oh looks like the proper baby boy the chickens outside oh my God here's the whole photo it was a panoramic photo and that's the outside there's the hull so we're in right now mansion and look at that who this is stuck in this all the family and then like the servants family and their kids and stuff maybe this is what it should look like out there yeah all of this is Bush there's the main house it's the first servants bit we did this is where we are now oh yeah crazy man and behind this there's even more like it's mostly oh yeah but empty Barnes who are these people crazy mum hey look a whole red collector oh no documents at some point yeah all right let's head upstairs foreign [Applause] these are like wobbling the whole oh my God her roof's coming down that's all like crazy antiques wow the classic two wizards old posters and stuff maybe they just use this half as storage Maybe oh no here we go wow look at this it's just even this part is just like from this part's like a museum written music maybe this was the kids rooms like posters on the wall and stuff I'm not sure if we should go into the attack you know it's like a treasure Trove in this room wow 2001 wow Roman I don't even know it's a start in there funky lamp the whole pipes and stuff I am to stop didn't you looks like a proper classic Belgium lamp we haven't seen one of those yet smoothie oh no it was actually something oh just what she found a cigar [Music] maybe they were doing art in there as well something simple yeah yeah [Music] 1996 a year old born there's loads of calendars there's a 1996 calendar there as well oh yeah naked ladies might have been a boy's room hopefully we can find out there's like a big bit of history when it's now I think we'll be able to find out what I reckon they must have been pretty prominent especially in this area the family food is like the whole of Belgium yeah and also like this oh my God another bedroom wow man place is insane 97 things like these TVs are old man yeah and that's like 90s that's not like 2005 or whatever that date was we've seen because that you got remember that was just when the auction was so realistically it could have been abandoned a long time before that then they decided to auction stuff so could this could be abandoned for like 30 20 30 years maybe wow it seems like it yeah it does bed is just covered in stuff absolutely covered Playboy calendar or her oh yeah 1983. yeah there's loads of like oh my God sexy women things this is a man's room yeah I swear that is Princess Diana Diana that is yeah that's who's in the other photo we've seen earlier before the Royals in there weird correct us if we're wrong we're probably wrong that is Diana that is yeah yeah this is a boys room commands room office yeah crazy see if we can make our way into the horde just a little bit it's a little Shrine Corner the Nativity again maybe a diploma of some sort of massive cupboards what are you reading why truth so we're gonna head downstairs now and into the basement see you downstairs yeah we need to be careful now man I can see there's nothing up there thanks it sounded like it was this man we should be fast about this and make sure we didn't bounce around too much one person on the stairs at a time I think did you hear that it's upstairs sound like a geek s oh we made it so it's based on time should we end up through this door yeah I'm intrigued to know whether it's just one Big Smoke don't go first zombie spiders already it smells weird that smells and smoke for because they're dead animals down here or live ones someone's been down here no because there's footprints nothing oh yeah let's go how deep is this much it's all right it's gone hard that means there's multiple places lots of little sellers like this isn't it let's check the main ones in the um when you first come in the front door it's very crunchy in there yeah why oh sheesh have you coming back into her ah so lovely coming back into it pretty sure it's down here did you see it uh no that's a cupboard I think it was here and then left that's a basement oh yeah absolutely but there was another door yeah I saw another door to the basement there it was the first one where I said is this gonna be the basement and it was a problem where were we foreign it's weird because oh when I'm watching the edit back I'll be like oh yeah there it is kubard sorry um that door looks spooky oh it's like wedge or something bugs mosquitoes what oh it's water I thought it was a hole in the floor in the basement floor down there it's good maybe this is going to be the wine wine time drinks it's your lemon yeah is it it's like it got flooded didn't it he's really old [Music] that's what this is me oh yeah yeah do you reckon yeah I mean smell it smells like actual turds gross awesome let me jump Jesus on this way oh it's huge down here too is this really poo don't smell that bad down here like when you get down here oh next season get past that means but it's pretty it's pretty deep mud Booth oh man wine yep this is The Wine Cellar foreign yeah just one I'm just getting stuck it's like sinking mud should take everyone outside and show them how it would burn itself I just gotta have one more look for that last door because oh amazing oh I mean it sticks to the floor yeah it's pretty sticky you just found the old door mat my first shoes on running through the house that was pretty muddy we decided we don't know where the other doors it's probably just going to be an empty basement as well the other two are yeah all right we'll see you in the jungle the jungle you have to go for so the photos you were seeing were pretty much like this but a bit took a bit further back so you can literally no longer even see the front of the house which is absolutely crazy [Music] oh yeah just there that's that really old bedroom with the oh yeah see the The Sheds they had farming equipment 's falling apart all right let's go and look at this car on the barn before we wrap this video up no number please I'm going to spindle God this thing's a carpoon I don't know it's full of poo it's cold oh yeah on the side of the building is a massive barns well it's actually filled with hay that Barn tickets for animals and then maybe it's quick Vehicles yeah into that farm in it so this place is actually built like a fortress you can't I'm surprised we got in we didn't think we were going to get in actually no we're about to walk away from her you can't get to the house you can't get within no until you're over all of these walls or a gate like that at the other end of the wall there's like maybe the person who looked after all the barn stuff there's like an empty house the entrance to the garden and then we just realized there's actually a moat all around the house he's built this new bridge because all carries on going all the way down there so it's surrounded it does its own Mountain yeah they made that a house yeah we've got Belgium Castle man it's so cool so where are we going Jess Amsterdam yeah two hours and let me say 39 minutes let's do this how long has it been it's been it's 2019. the last time three years four years almost how many times have you been driving stuff now this is our fifth or fourth fifth or sixth something like that anyway but I feel like this time I'm gonna appreciate it more than ever I think this time is our time in Amsterdam so we've arrived in Amsterdam nice work Jess nice bit of driving there driving through the center of Amsterdam is pretty crazy because you win the bikes and trams started oh yeah we made it but we made it we're just gonna go out we're gonna leave the camera at home today we're just gonna go out and chill and then tomorrow we're going to carry on and show you where we're going tomorrow because we're only staying in this room for one night check out The View very amsterdamish very nice we're right near bundle Park uh good morning I'm gonna take you out real soon and show you around Amsterdam it's supposed to be nice sunny day throughout one o'clock when the cloud comes over but I'm super excitatory wrong because it's so picturesque it's beautiful around there look how tired this is ah so we arrived at our camper site but we arrived here a little bit earlier so we can't actually get inside to where we're staying at the minute so we're just gonna walk into town I think it's about an hour's Walk we're gonna see how bad the walk is then if it's if it's bad we're gonna get the tram tomorrow and the next day great here though yeah it's a really nice time so let's see yeah nice so we're on our way we just walked over like a massive bridge I went over a river and stuff but it was super windy so we couldn't film it but yeah it's gonna take us an hour it's still an hour we've been walking for five minutes just light it was like an hour and five minutes time we've got 20 minutes left that was a long walk how you feeling dressed yeah it's quite long that was long tires yeah it was nice it was rude for most of them no no but still really like to see you looking here there's not enough we're not in the good parts of Amsterdam yet where are we just we're so hungry we've got to actually film what we got but we've just got cinnamon pancakes over vegan barbecue chicken they've arrived at the Museum you've watched this Museum because there's like a phenomenal library in here that we want to check out [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] wow [Music] that was phenomenal and so is this [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] everything [Music] hello thank you [Music]
Channel: Samandjessexplore
Views: 162,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, Untouched abandoned house, Abandoned houses, abandoned places uk, Urban exploration, Urban decay, Abandoned, Bros of decay, abandoned house with everything left behind, Abandoned house uk, Abandoned house france, Abandoned mansion, Abandoned mansion everything left behind, exploring abandoned places, Abandoned places 2022, Abandoned château, Abandoned castle, Untouched abandoned château, untouched abandoned mansion
Id: rs02nBxQ4rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 56sec (5756 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 14 2022
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