Exploring a $10,000,000 ABANDONED Mansion with EVERYTHING Left | Luxury Items Still Inside

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just a second ago I walked through these doors and last time I came here I did not film what's back there and I saw and I so I am so so happy that I'm refilming this because I think the best bedroom in the house is right back there [Music] [Music] [Music] yo what is up everyone it is your boy big Banks and we are back again for another adventure today we are here in France at an abandoned mansion and I'm walking up through right now walking up on the back side this is actually the gate that you would drive into this place so I'm gonna give you a little rundown of this place we already did come here before but I wanted to give a better history lesson on this I wanted to show you more in depth and I wanted to show just have a better Vibe at this place so this Mansion is like a 10 million dollar mansion okay the man that owned this he was from Switzerland him and his family lived here and the man owned a very large zinc company out of China but in 2008 his company suffered a blackout in the town and ultimately it shut down so he sold his company off took all of his money came back here retired and lived in the mansion with his family until he passed away in 2016. so everything is left inside this place it is an absolute Time Capsule it's so beautiful in there and basically what happened after he passed away his family just wanted to move back to Switzerland wanted to move back to their Hometown and everything and they left this place behind they took what they could but it you know unfortunately there's still a lot of stuff left in here so we're gonna check it out today if you're new hit that subscribe button comment down below where you're from where you're watching this from and go ahead and leave a like so let's get right into this adventure so guys just walking up the driveway right now looking at the mansion and it is absolutely stunning the architecture on this is unbelievable place is magnificent out here in France beautiful countryside of France this was like a garden out here as you can tell it's raining we have a gazebo right over there and of course we have the main attraction itself the mansion I believe this thing was worth about 10 million dollars I could be a little bit wrong but look at it it is a massive house and we're going to take you inside today but right here they had a garden they had this big wall this barrier that goes all the way around the property all the way down to the road and up here is even an own personal Pond and everything at this mansion check it out it's a beautiful day I don't think it's raining anymore I think they're it's just caught falling on the from the trees so before we take a look inside we're going to do a little Montage of this place and tell you a full rundown history I know I gave you a little brief summary of what it was but before we come inside let's check it out [Music] thank you [Music] what's up everyone we have made it inside of the Mansion guys if you are familiar with this Channel and you've been watching for a long time your regulars you've probably seen this place before we went to this place on our last France trip and I don't feel like I did the video enough Justice I know we already talked outside a little bit but I just wanted to bring you back inside and check this place out again this Swiss millionaires Mansion Who owned a scene company that went under in 2008 during a blackout in China this place is still magnificent not a lot has changed since I've been here and I'm ready to show you guys this whole place again so if you're new and you haven't seen this place you're really in for a treat if you've already seen this video guys we're gonna go more in detail and see what else is left in this place and I hope you guys enjoy this video today it's a much more beautiful day today and we're actually going to get to fly the Drone we didn't get to fly last time because it was raining but without further Ado guys we are going to check out this Mansion again this is the second time I normally don't film places twice but I feel like I didn't do this by good enough Justice some people have also made rumors that this place was owned by a serial killer and I just don't know if I believe that you know what I mean either way we're going to go to this place and I hope you guys enjoy so let's get right into it so we just started in this room inside this is where we're going to start out and we're going to move upstairs is the best rooms of this entire place and you're going to want to stick around to see that because it is absolutely amazing drop dead gorgeous rooms everything is left behind this place is an absolute time capsule Left Behind around 2014. so I'm going to start you guys off in the master bedroom it's not the best bedroom in the house but they just keep getting better and better I'm just going to keep showing you room to room until we get to the best of the best in this house we're in the master bedroom right now and this guy like I said he owned a zinc company in China so there's going to be some Chinese type themed things in here like this carpet and this pillow in here and I love love how big this room is it's so spacious in the bed very very nice and neat type of bed frame here put the pink floral check out that there's that Dragon pillow it's sad to see the stuff that's still left in here though even his shoes that he used to wear are right here looks like he would just sit in this chair to put his shoes on in time very beautiful fireplace I really really love this fireplace a lot of them in France look like this that's just beautiful wow it's like photos of birds in here different wildlife so maybe this is wildlife in Africa in the Congo there's a giraffe these look like actual photos and some actual photos very cool but this room is the largest bedroom of the house and look at that there must be there had to have been some sort of chandelier hanging up in here look at how ornate that is I wonder what happens to the chandeliers if people take them if family members take them what happens to them but this is the master bedroom I wonder if there's anything in these Jordans for if we came to open them because a lot of furniture here they're just missing from this there's the lamp and your beautiful bed now from the bedroom you know it's always with the bedroom it's a closet now we're going to enter this really big master closet here still a lot of clothes left behind now they took a lot of their stuff when they left they took a lot of their clothing things that they would need like that you see I'm also stepping on fur coats and what not that they didn't take here's old shirts that are still hanging up in here some Linens these are some sheets and pillowcases check that out more the same this closet also is much larger than it looks it goes all the way around to the back here and we'll see let me open this some shirts are still hanging up some jackets I don't know what but this is top top text Pro looks like this guy wore my size look at that shirt this is one funky shirt right here and the closet doesn't stop there just going around to the back it kind of gets cluttered back here though so it makes you wonder makes you wonder how hard it was to actually like maneuver around this closet and yes I know we see a chair here later on in his life he became more disabled where he couldn't Get Around Much Anymore and this is what he had to use it around see this is actually button that moves the chair up and down lays it down and whatnot and it's just sitting back here in the corner well I've forgotten and get back here to these closets there's not much clothes life there still is some but for the most part it was taken out here's your cleaning chemicals and whatnot more the same so you can see how instead of it being like a built-in closet to a house they would bring in these big cabinets here and use these as closets so this would just be one big room but they turned it into the closet space and then of course I come to the bathroom and check that out this is like a handicapped type of type of a tub and it has a handle here so I think well it doesn't want to open you would open this up like that and it would be easier for you to scoot in the water would come in here you can tilt this up and down to get yourself a full bath if you're more disabled not able to yourself and then there's kind of a more modern looking shower here I wonder if water no no water but look at that this looks like different nozzles here's I wonder if you would just sit here and it would just spray you I haven't really seen a shower like that and there's even a fireplace in the in the bathroom it's really weird but I don't know if you guys can see but look at the spider webs that is a lot and I will tell you guys something one of my biggest fears is spiders the other day we were in the Airbnb and I felt something crawling on my neck and I reached over and like you know did that and it was a huge spider like I'm talking like probably like I don't know it's hard to put inside it's not as big as my hand but big enough to freak me out and I see so many spiders here in France it's crazy how many spiders are here let's keep walking through this this is a quite an amazing house I'm glad I'm showing you this more in detail and more in depth but we're still in the bathroom and one thing I noticed last time is there is a washer and a dryer here with your toilet and this is one of those fancy toilets that also acts as a bidet so you get both it's a two in one then you have your washer and dryer and this is also a washer it's a manual type washer you put your clothes in here and I believe you is it there's a way to like spin it but it's it's like a manual type washer you throw your clothes in there it's water and there you go now this guy wants some Switzerland so some of the stuff written on the walls it's all written in like a German so see how they took they took a lot of things but it still left quite a bit right here is a hallway that goes straight to the staircase straight to your front door and then right here is another little bathroom so you got your toilet here looks like somebody has used it recently very gross you have your bathtub the walls are always yellow in here I wonder what this was for let me use this thing for I don't know I'm not sure it also looks like they were gonna try to renovate at one point in time but they didn't and I just noticed this floor look at that I'm a big geek on these floors these different tiles I love it so much like one day when I have a house I'm going to like go crazy with the floors like I might do like a resin floor maybe like a checkered floor maybe something like this I just want my house to be really unique I really like tacky stuff honestly like it's better to be unique and weird than to be plain and boring now I'm serious about that so right here they left a lot of razors quite a bit of razors and their toothbrushes and stuff are still here scared of opening drawers but I don't want like a spider to be in them we'll come back out there's some like skis in here for on the licks and stuff and some got in a golf club bag but there's no golf clubs so this guy was definitely outdoorsy but check this out there's this beautiful orange door here that was it's you know it's arched and everything and it comes into this big room right here which I believe was the family which we're gonna like not open that door now we're gonna go around the other way so let's continue on this side before I show you the front right here I'm going to show you what's in this room because this is right next to the master bedroom so I'm assuming this might have been maybe a more formal living room or maybe even that formal dining room of some sort it's very beautiful in here there is still actually a chandelier which is very nice to see love to see that the floors are very beautiful you have a very nice fireplace and all these books 2012. we got a band in Nashville in the house what's up guys or Jeremy Nash Whatever It Is by the time this comes out I'm gonna lie this room looks a little bit cleaner than last time I saw it which is not a bad thing one thing we always have to be careful about in these buildings is this right here if you guys don't know what this is in the corner that is called black mold that is very toxic don't want to stay in this room very long it's not in a lot of the house it's mostly just in like this room and a room back there I know you guys are going to comment me in the comments for not wearing a mask I'm so sorry guys I'm so sorry me and Jeremy they were like immune to this stuff all right as far as we think right now we'll probably find out in 30 years or so but there's a whole collection of books here all written in German must have been a big painting right in this too but I'm assuming this is more of a formal dining room of some sort this this is what it gives off in here there would be a big table here you know the chandelier hanging above it chairs and everything yeah I can I'm just trying to picture it back in the day and I bet it was amazing but this just really gives off Vibes that they were going to try to renovate it at one point [Music] thank you [Music] all right guys so as you can see I came through the room with the orange door here it's hard to tell with this room might have been I think it's more of a family room the couch this got a watch out for the floor it's look how warped it is so let's check out this room this is also dubbed as like a dining room and like a breakfast area kitchen's right next to me there's a lot of stuff left in there there's a lot to see in this room so let's get into it so like I said I believe this is like a family room of some sort like I know there's no TV or anything in here but I mean the couch is here looks like they would have had breakfast you know here's like a dining room table so and the kitchen's right next to it I mean so this is definitely where they would have had more casual eating and stuff like that but I do think that room we saw a little bit ago was the formal dining but there's two areas over here so maybe ones from more like family night like board games and things like that so if you guys can see this floor is very warped so much water damage has gotten into this place nice black mold like all on the ceiling up there black mold all right here like these are the this is the worst room for the mold so I'm not going to try to be in here very long but beautiful couch look at that beautiful I love couches that look like this you have a very very nice fireplace it has the two pillars on the side it has the ornate details right there and then right above it you have this painting of a bird dog looking at some ducks in this beautiful field and like the Autumn and like Autumn and there's one thing I remember from last time we came here is these books these books written in German definitely an older book for sure see all of the floor just falling apart and decaying and the roof that is falling right here but one thing I do love about the ceiling is how like you know different it is not just flat it's got some you know details in it and another chandelier that is still here so that's amazing to see and then here's this table where I think it feels more like a game night type of table like you could just sit here maybe drink some drink some beer play some board games with your family and whatnot maybe play some Checkers but it's hard to tell it's hard to just tell what people use things for you know just by seeing it as a as an abandoned place you know because like I don't know these people I didn't live their lives I never knew what they could have used this for for all I know they could have played board games right here but I love I love these carpets these frogs that are all in these houses all over France and all over like just Mansions everywhere they have this is like a common theme to see rugs like this there's actually drawers in this too he's just painting in it it won't even open look at that see we've been sitting here so long that it's just stuck these are definitely fake flowers guys made of plastic so there's that and it looks like we were outside let's take a look they had like a garden out here too so there's like a wall that goes around the property this is the gate they would have drove in at and they had this little Garden area right back here the back side of the house but this room is the largest room this is like one living space eating space all that in this house and just so much Decay is coming in look at that it's just been open to the elements for so long that you know the floors have just warped because of the water so I got a bookshelf a lot of different books in it all written in German again down here I wonder what it's a map for if it's for France Paris Macon Leon Claremont yeah that's cool maybe they use that with that van out there so they could get around because they like to travel a lot that's for sure here's some China still hanging up here and you can see all the debris the black mold that's on the wall is just like touching it all yeah look at that and this is like a long cabinet that might have had like plates in it looks like it has plates in it I can see but I don't want to walk on that floor there that floor looks really sketchy you got the beautiful table here and just take a look at this room how large it is so let's see what's in the kitchen it was a bit different I mean it looks exactly the same as last time except this whole cabinet full of magazines Has Fallen smells very bad in here the kitchen looks like it was going to be under renovation but look at all these old magazines that were here the kitchen is just not very interesting there's like tools in here and whatnot they were definitely going to renovate this and they just stopped so I think what had happened is it was it was mid-renovation and the guy passed away of an unfortunate death and the family just could not keep up with it so they left and left all this stuff behind we got Steve Ronan in the house everyone what's up guys you know just flower vlogging flower vlogging because people water these plants right yeah bro someone must come here every day water the plants those flowers there too yeah even fruits I've seen fruits in a band places I'm just like wow wow they're just here how are they not rotten they're not rotting like there must be something in the air in a band places that just preserve them I think so yeah I think so like yeah it's magical what do you think of this place oh it's cool it's like it's a nice little Cozy home but feels good like there's still stuff left behind I like it a lot it's like kind of unexpected because of how easy it is yeah just walking in and like all this stuff is still here yeah it was very easy to just explore this place yeah so guys if you don't know on this trip we're rocking with Steve Ronan we're rocking with the band in Nashville he may or may not change his name by the end of this we'll fight we'll figure it out but if you guys are not familiar with them check them out down in the description and yeah they see some amazing places they go on their own trips other places around the world but this time we're teaming up and we've been seeing some cool stuff so let's continue to explore and let's see what else is in here so guys we just explored that room in there and now we're in this room where there is two very nice sofas left behind this really funky looking lamp I'm not really sure what that's all about it looks weird this room has a bar in it I did get this wrong last time I said it was like some kind of Pulpit or Pew or something but this is actually just a bar probably would have had some alcohol chilling back here there might even be some I don't see anything right there is a record no alcohol left which is very surprising for France usually there's a lot of alcohol Left Behind got the very nice stone fireplace very beautiful look at this this is from China right here probably got this as a souvenir while he was there but he spent a lot of time in China I've seen quite a bit of mirrors that look just like this but this one oh my goodness I love it to see it in a different country it's just amazing these French doors go all the way to that side where we explored earlier and this is just almost like a living room I think of some sort just a second ago I walked through these doors and last time I came here I did not film what's back there and I saw and I so I am so so so happy that I'm re-filming this because I think the best bedroom in the house it's right back there maybe we'll see but it's absolutely incredible and I cannot believe I missed the last time so let's go check it out so I think what I thought this was was I thought this was like a closet and it didn't wrap around like this so wow look at this is like a doll from China have her head is knocked off but we come through here and check it out oh my goodness like look at this bedroom it is a complete time capsule I like I didn't even see this last time I was here look at the bed oh my lord it's so pretty the pink it's plush it's got all the pillows the mattress is still here unlike the rest of the rooms the mattress is still here look at that wow this bed just looks like so comfy and cozy like I just want to sleep on it look at that wow has a nice wallpaper in here too and there's nothing in the wardrobe as you can see but there is more things in here like this cabinet that could be things in the drawers looks like everything is kind of empty though like I said they took a lot of things but they also left a lot as well so I I'm sure they took everything of value is worth like jewelry and whatnot but they left this amazing Furniture I love it so much this room also has its own sink and everything so you could get up brush your teeth in the morning wash your hands everything like that another amazing fireplace I just love the theme of these rooms definitely was not expecting this wow all right it is time to go upstairs so decayed it almost feels like it would just collapse but it's it's actually pretty sturdy for what it is but it is this spiral staircase that goes up it looks like the amount of wallpaper but now it's just concrete let's go upstairs let's check it out all right everyone well we've made it upstairs check that out goes up to the third story which is just the Attic we're gonna start on this side of the house my right side come out of this bedroom here not much going on in here honestly but there is a really cool looking lamp here it's really tall it's about six foot tall and this looks like one of those areas where I bet it would have went right in here would have curtains that hangs up so you have your privacy when you sleep but there's no bed left of course it's got its own fireplace I believe every single room this house has our own their own fireplace and guys I don't know if you hear that but just like last time it's about to start raining and we haven't even got to fly our drones yet it's a very unfortunate so let's hope that it doesn't rain when we get outside I'm gonna fly the drones and everything will be good and we'll get some cool shots this place because that's one thing that I missed showing you guys I was like the whole overview of this magnificent property here in France so let's just hope and pray dear God please let the rain stop for just a little bit so we can fly the drown hey man all right let's continue to explore but this room has its own sink just like a couple other rooms in the house look at this second electric toilet but this is a this is what I mean it's like a bidet mixed in with it so how's that picture through this little room right here the balcony but look at this yeah it's starting to rain there's a train track right there behind it I imagine nobody would want to live right behind a train track maybe that's another reason they wanted to leave so like I said before in the other video I don't know if this was like a little bedroom or what because it's very very small but there is like a small headboard here like a little blue headboard and footboard but it could have been it definitely could have been a little room or it could be like a closet kind of like how the other rooms have really large closets they just put like you know cabinets in here but they're closed we're gonna come right through here so look at this one first won't be in here very long just because it's not as good oh my gosh it's a dead cat oh it looks like it's a mummy like a mummified cat oh I feel so bad for it oh that's so sad smells really bad in this room it's just been laying there for years that's very sad very unfortunate let's get out of this room we'll come to our next bedroom here and look at that I love this bedroom and I actually love this bedroom so much that at my house I have my computer where I edit all my videos this is my background photo I love it so much the bed is looking like it's falling more and more apart every day it looks in a little worse condition than even last time I saw it but it's still sitting here so that means nobody's really messed with it it's just been naturally falling apart look at the headboard in the footboard just magnificent details very fancy love seeing stuff like that and then you see this crazy looking wallpaper throughout this entire room right here I never really got to look at what it was exactly looks like some angels guy fishing families dancing around a tree and their dog farming sheeps it's a whole lot of different stuff but it looks absolutely amazing it's going in this room they have your chair here and your little table with your books on it so you can read you have a swan and I never really looked what was inside of these drawers look at this we could probably use this like I'm being 100 honest this is something we could probably use on this trip but we're not We're Not Gonna Take It but here's this room I love how the wallpaper is kind of falling off right there chandelier still hanging up I just love love love love this room it also has its own bathroom and its own little desk right here this desk did have more books on it last time I saw it but this is like their little desk skeleton keys and going on on it a lot of just papers and letters and whatnot but this room has its own bathroom so we'll take a look at it you can see this is like what I was saying before this uh bathtub is really modern um either they were going to put this in or they were going to take it out but it looks very nice like it's a very big jetted tub I would love a tub like this honestly but yeah the wallpaper has been kind of stripped I gotta say hi to Jeremy we've got Carter over here what's up Jeremy what up what up everybody if you don't know Jeremy's been on this trip with me for a while so yeah man we've had some really good times made some good memories on this trip for sure bro but yeah I just stepped outside and enjoy the rain yeah too bad to play drones I know that's I was I was thinking that like how we're gonna fly the drones hopefully it stops and you can just fill it up for a little bit yeah and I bet the clouds are gonna look amazing out there oh my gosh all right we're going to continue down the hallway on the other side of the house now we're gonna see these other bedrooms looking at this door right here it kind of protrudes a little bit just a little different and I think this room was in the process of being renovated all the wallpaper is stripped the cabins are pulled out and all that stuff on to the next and I think this is one of the rooms I really love oh yes it is check that out so I really love this bed the one thing that's a bit different this is what I mean by things with abandoned places this painting was actually in another bedroom over there so guys if you guys are familiar with this channel like I said and you've seen that other video you know this was not in here so the thing about Urban exploring and abandoned places is there's a lot of people that do this there's a lot of people that come and change things up change things around we'll move things stage uh different photo shoots and everything like that and they put this there and it doesn't really go with it I don't feel like I think it looked better than the other room but either way we're shooting it how it is and that's what we're gonna do so this room is one of my favorites look at the like the gold bed still made it's just here in the corner it's very very ornate very fancy looking here's a photo of the actual guy that used to live here I'm gonna blur his face out but this is actually right outside this is actually here at the house even look at this this is like a little study thing you can like sit here and read I have a little desk right there almost and it actually sort of matches the bed kind of the color is a little bit off but maybe one is just more faded than the other over time and here's one crazy thing I've noticed here is him in China some of the people that he worked with that is from the 1970s I believe that photo there's actually another one we're going to look at here in a little bit and I actually hear that this painting right here is a it's like a famous painting I know it's not like uh this isn't the original one ever but I mean I I hear people have the same like lady right here so if you do let me know in the comments that'd be really cool to know that and of course this one has its own bathroom as well it has a little bit of a different uh style right here but right thoroughly enjoy this looks like somebody's been using the toilets really nasty and this is a very uh strange tiling in here it's like all copy and paste copy and paste type thing made it look like marble but it's not really Marvel very nice bathtub though in the rain has started come and take a look honestly the rain makes for a very cool and communist vibe and I'm here for it all day every day I want you to comment down where you're watching from I want to know where everybody is from maybe you're from France maybe you're from you know Japan maybe you're from China maybe you're from America I want you to comment down below where you're from because I want to know where the people that watch these videos where they're watching it from because it is amazing to see people from all around the world connecting and seeing beautiful things like this and as you can tell we are in the next bedroom this is probably still my favorite bedroom of the whole house I can't even lie like look at it I love the red oh my gosh the wallpaper the the chairs this this room is my favorite by far this bed is so fancy looking it matches with the red carpet here the red chairs everything that is red in here it just looks so fancy and even with the touch of red that is all on the wallpapers just makes this room look very cool very nice I would love a bed like this and here's the other photo of him in China Mr Lang is his name and then one really cool thing about this room this cabinet right here so in this cabinet you know there's looks like there's holes punched out I love the colors of it but I want you to see this so right next to this window these are actually the pieces that went inside of that cabinet right there so it is a man and a woman this manager is very fancy in a top hat this looks very well hand painted I love this so much and then on these other panels is like buildings and water and swans and whatnot but just take a look at this room again I love how kind of eerie and dark it got in here makes it look so fantastic so imagine the fire was going you're in your bedroom you sit here you read a book you drink your tea your coffee or whatever and you just have a nice beautiful night here in France we have beautiful weather outside I just love that it's raining trying to get everything to focus but there is a van down there that I do want to check out I want to go more inside of it last time I didn't go like fully inside the van I just kind of peeked in but I wanted to look what's actually in there there could be some cool things left behind now this guy oh he definitely had good taste I love this place it just you know I I really really really love taking a step back in time and seeing how other people live their lives because obviously it's a lot different than mine maybe even yours so I just love the feeling of this it's like it's like living history you know all right so we're gonna leave the red bedroom now come out into this room right here and this room has a pink bed here there's not much else left in this room and look at the wallpaper it looks like it's just been ripped off so it looks like they were stripping this room there's not like hardly any pieces of the fireplace left right here we have one of those books still sitting here the rain is just making this place so cool I wonder if this was just a box full of cigarettes or if it's it probably was what am I saying so one thing I noticed about Europe too a lot more people smoke cigarettes here not like hating on anybody but you know it's just uh I don't know I'm just not a cigarette person I'm more of a you know foreign I can't say it but I think we've seen just about everything I'm gonna check the upstairs last time I didn't check it we'll see if it's anything interesting stairs are a little bit shaky yeah we're in the Attic now I didn't see this last time I was here so you guys are seeing new things just like me this looks like where they stored everything stinks really bad in here probably shouldn't be in here very long yeah just a lot of stuff we got one more room right over here oh a couple actually I don't know if there's like a bedroom up here if it could have been still goes a little bit it's a little bit more eerie up here honestly yeah this is the very top of the house this is the attic well I think that's the house so let's go meet up with my friends and we'll I will say our goodbyes and not for each other but we'll say goodbye to you and yeah let's go see where they are [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] all right guys I think it's time that we go check out the van that's out here look at this front door thank you oh the floor is actually kind of uh not so safe in this thing but it's a Ford there's no bed in here but maybe something laid down but yeah this is it this is the van unless you use this to travel all throughout Europe and everything that's really cool all right everyone that's going to be the end of today's expiration I want to thank my friends for coming along with me Steve Ronan I've been in Nashville or Jeremy Nash whatever it's going to be in the future we don't know Johnny Nash everyone vote Jeremy Nash right now yeah if you like Jeremy Nash give it a thumbs up but yeah we're gonna get out of this place I hope you guys enjoyed I know it was a like a part two type of thing but it was still amazing we saw some rooms that we didn't see before and I quite enjoyed this so thank you guys so much for watching if you enjoyed hit that subscribe button leave a like comment down below and we'll see you next time big Banks out
Channel: BigBankz
Views: 216,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mansion, exploring an abandoned mansion, exploring abandoned millionaires mansion, abandoned castle, abandoned mansion with everything left, abandoned beach mansion, abandoned places, abandoned mansion usa, abandoned places in america, abandoned mansions, abandoned celebrities mansion, abandoned glass mansion, urban exploring mansion, abandoned family mansion, abandoned water front mansion, mansions abandoned, abandoned hospital, exploring abandoned, urbex, bigbankz
Id: M9w6qNOKWa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 49sec (2929 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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