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foreign Chateau somewhere in Belgium has sat dormant for almost half a decade silence Rings through its impressive lofty hallways still full of the fine furnishings that once accompanied the wealthy family that called this place home memories peer way back into the past showing us that this was a beloved home for so many years [Music] go on yeah [Music] we're all leaning to the side right now foreign [Music] welcome to Belgium Jess is currently making some sandwiches we've just driven from Amsterdam but yeah welcome to the buff of the Belgium car buffet buffet here we finally made it here yeah is that like an hour detour would you call it yeah we had an hour detour but uh we're here right now we're about to we're about to explore some amazing abandoned houses so what is going on everyone and we've made it to the second location of the Belgium road trip and this big one this is a big one this place is phenomenal it's a castle it is it's like a chateau wouldn't it well we got free floor three maybe four floors in a basement and there's Halloween decoration decorations I'm super excited to take you on a tour of this place because some rooms are like trash but most rooms are like unbelievable yeah on this hallway wait until you see this hallway so coming back from the front door down the corridor this is what you're greeted with and look at it phenomenal looks like a palace it does like the marble tiles on the floor Grand curtains I asked what the Belgian flag as well and the chandeliers in the space I don't think we've ever seen so many nice chandeliers in one place on the on the channel I think it's the first as well yeah no just perfect it's like a nice amount of decay in here so before we head down the beautiful Corridor we're going to do this back room first it's like a little office study room maybe filled with stuff though number one Halloween decoration it is like they had a Halloween party and then left yeah Halloween party and then maybe they did something maybe something happened on that Halloween party yeah I'm never going back there again recognize this if my mom's watching right now she'll recognize that as well look at these beautiful cabinets and like stained glass like lead work around the beautiful man the desk it is looking at maps and um it's about a big business yeah definitely cool look at this old-fashioned like trolley wow drinks trolley and survive Grand fireplace it's a fun place almost every room down there a spirit of peace that's what it says on the homes legs half a mannequin totes [Music] Pam there's a kid's toys and stuff it's obviously like a big thumb you know hmm oh yeah it's accidentally it's ruined it's just quite old yeah not very well done it's even got a Little Acorn lots and lots of toys all going to race aside because like some kids in the world would love these toys people are playing all day everyone's full of toys yeah some old nights who's the city there there's a suit you sir I should look up straight away we've just come into this place and run around like kids yeah we've run around the whole place we've already been like oh my God look at this thing yeah we're out breath wait until you see the turret of this place you're in for a special treat like it's gonna blow your mind oh my gosh what it's gonna be a window look at this it's a room full of stuff what make our way down it's a nice hallway look at that trimming in the top crazy I know imagine if this is your Castle is it the front door King of the castle yeah those are the original front doors hand painted yeah it's just like uh storage nothing interesting in here mostly modern stuff oh yeah that's actually a really nice bathroom man and a big mirror oh nice Belgium lamp shade is a big mirror you come straight in the front doors and you just see yourself where's that yeah it's really thick whoever it is called leash man it's a fortune on the walls look at this room this is probably the main dining room Halloween so yeah it was a massive Halloween party yeah like you're saying so you're about to see some Halloween stuff Jess's favorite type of stuff look ready Halloween party that's so funny beautiful nice Onyx table as well oh what is that I can't do animals from it's really yeah it's definitely real okay they're pretty cool it's a little golf boot we could see uh Red Devil Phil ripping news look at this table it's like almost again but it's more like onyx and this is the uh one of the mean creeps for the house yeah they're 60s in this room I think I actually prefer to the last room it's like the little dying in rum yeah really nice let's get back over here and you can look looking at the table and chair as well like you'd think someone was living living in there yeah dinner just perfect didn't it still set yeah it's nice isn't it look at that fireplace it's a tiny little one sorry some sort of battle but they look like real flowers as well don't they it's like like if you've seen it you just think this would like open as a hotel but they're all fake wow that's an old one that's really old flip it back around I thought she had a Zimmer frame but it's like a table hey look great day I wonder if this is um in here yeah oh yeah look it's actually in this room at that table yeah it is different different um chandeliers though it's really strange look it's the exact same people but in that photo that's a grown person and then that one it's a child oh yeah maybe they recreated that's the same people yeah yeah it's the exact same other people it's nice in here it's like an ambient light for the curtains you can see they'll probably be paintings or something electrical actually is electric things coming out there and there they usually have like a light and then the pitch should blow it don't they oh yeah yeah they obviously took some stuff with them yeah and just left left all the stuff the inexpensive stuff yeah they left they went all out for this party I'm bad at that in the attic I know what am I talking about that would probably stop my heart if someone did that so leaving this beautiful room probably one of the nicest rooms in the house actually there's not really many Halloween things in here except from that but back into the beautiful Corridor looking up that mean staircase man yeah red carpet is all it's like real grand That's The View back down the corridor so here's like it's all blocked off I think we go try and get around there I don't think there's anything around there but here's some more interesting rooms kitchen I love the floor in there such a nice kitchen it's quite modern schools banana yeah like that doesn't look old no I think this has probably been abandoned in the last five years or so I think it might have even been abandoned then brought and then abandoned again this is old you can tell okay yeah it's like 80s two Radars I bet it gets cold it's cold as hell yeah look look dinner service yeah this is what I meant about me Motel because it's because maybe I think how many people will live in here though and they would have had maids and all that sort of stuff you know or if they're guests I guess no there they are these are all from the 1970. checks wow 1971 so that's all that's been there for a while this is a funny little room it's like a conservatory oh yeah I bet there's loads of that yeah loads of tucks yeah definitely like a hunting lodge look at this beautiful bright room look that's the lady yeah that's her from that photo oh look there she is there and she's there oh and that's in 2018. oh yeah so 2018 then that's probably the date you know look at all this stuff what has been going on in here in here oh whoa careful dress yeah look this actually had a little balcony out here as well it's just all crumbled in on itself [Music] yeah we'll have a walk around the garden after wow look yeah family photos get like modern cots and I wonder if they gave it to their children yeah that's a good shot they inherited that maybe you just thought about too much the party that Halloween party ended the castle [Music] coming out the kitchen there's this absorb area of stuff oh so I could just a little um I'm not sure what the utility room cool sorry you have to excuse if it gets a little bit dark guys because we actually left our light in the car looks pretty good still chemical in it it stinks in there would have been there so look Cut litter tray there as well but in the cut that lived here cat Mansion what's in there it's more of this Vim we're trapped upstairs we go the royal red carpet oh yeah wow I just got like a cold air like breath come on my mouth yeah oh yeah let's see into the garden me a little while little storage room probably for food and some people upstairs wouldn't it yeah um you can see the decay in the mold is really setting in the stairs too yes walking to the left as I walk up the left so wow I've been so tired it's much more abandoned up there yeah got a lot of rooms up there a lot of rooms let's go in this one first it's giving me 70s up here yeah it's 75. look at like the floor and stuff look at that window yes it's not as Grand as it up here so let someone's got through the hatch onto the flat roof ah yeah that's a nice cheers this is your bedroom man lots of his old suits upstairs kitchen look how sweet that is like a miniature one huh at least with the with the light of all you guys are pretty much seeing exactly what we're seeing right now they have all the beams of light coming through and stuff this is so Random isn't it no they never did the washing up oh Jess we can add spices and everything up there everything's left I like it could someone they could rent this remote and someone had everything yeah look at me I can't they don't shut what the hell it's like we've broke the seal yeah there's actually like a bunch of different medicine left here antibiotics I know some people like to research these try and find out what might be wrong with the previous owners get out of this room so Grand in here yeah yeah it looks so abundant at the same time I love it in here wow look at that that's an abandoned office scene yeah that's beautiful oh the Vine's coming in it's funny I always say beauty in that yeah some people it's strange isn't it they'd come in there and they'd be like oh this place is a mess but I don't like it it's like a fossil it's a rare thing yeah it is so that's like mid 2000s isn't it there's we found 2018 so I reckon that was a good year look 82. this file is huh like Health stuff human anatomy that is oh just what the hell how can it even it's grown so far wow in this typewriter still set up doesn't do Joe Norseman wonder what they did have all this money in this house maybe clients look clients commission like annotations French Belgium in France for a second because on a castle ancient Egypt Japan China they probably travel a lot more files Construction yeah yeah look quite more clients and stuff all the documents literally yeah I just kept it oh it's hard for that sort of thing I guess you're supposed to keep it aren't you 1985. obviously and then yeah it just ends up like this one day out of the office room back into the lovely Corridor I actually like it for one out there light on like look just you see all the Shadows we'll have to boost the brightness a little bit maybe this is probably some of the original stuff yeah look I bet it was a hunting lodge back in the day wasn't it old ornaments but I thought it was broke that's actually how it's supposed to be under the ocean under the sea more hoofs oh yeah it's a stick in your hoof it's a matching part another room of things wow gosh it's like a little workshop area got so much stuff yeah screws and wall plugs and stuff this is probably the maintenance man of the uh of the castle nothing too interesting random stuff isn't it drunk that's the same movie as downstairs I think but when she's really young uh no in the office oh yeah big fireplace foreign that's probably even in here somewhere look at the cars that you start off it's so cool that baby's probably like full grown or even dead old or yeah so weird in there they're really nice I wonder if there's any more maybe there's a there's a book somewhere maybe it's called minor someone's doing knitting and sewing I think look at all the different layers of wallpaper I'm not surprised that the most recent family just couldn't stay too much upkeep now if you inherited this place what really what could you do with it these are a bit later only like 60s maybe I don't know yeah they are yeah yeah maybe like 40s 50s or yeah is that in like Peru or something those Rainbow Mountains there he is having a little cigarette I have a roll up my son I think it's having a date oh yeah 1956 wild news around that's all the time whoa I fell over a can of Red Bull thank you look this is so in oh yeah just singing noticing my God I'm tired it's the sewing machine look oh wow look at all of the photos are cool holidays and stuff that's her mm-hmm these are lovely yeah gunshots outside [Applause] [Music] that you can see the kids are having dinner and there she is really like quite old yeah it's funny that people look back at these photos but me and you were just gonna look back at these weird videos yeah us going into like strange old decrepit buildings there she is a young look oh we've hit the motherload let's put them in the office I've got to cover looks a little dog look at them how young they are oh yeah theater show like Alice in Wonderland or Mary Poppins or something he's cute these are so nice I think they took all of these kept them safe and now that somebody just put them on a Model man cheers to have all these photos of yourself too it's like I wonder if they're always Rich oh yeah definitely born in Bloodlines and that's why they got this Castle hahaha yeah a little dog they're lovely to see there's a picture there's a picture of him all his homies cool guy but they're listening to old music and really cool music it's like The Wanderers so we've just found the family tree a family tree anyway whoa look that's look at the first person eating 50. these little animated characters okay I can't see them maybe it's not their family tree mum flip it round yeah that would have been and they're all buttons everywhere I almost want to put them somewhere safe but the next person who comes to do the same thing unfortunately so head out of this room see what else we can find there's a whole nother floor as well that's a better view of the garden huge wow look at this bathroom man clean it loud to go to the toilet oh is it about for the mold that one bit shall sink oh Jess just had to run out there but we both did after we opened the toilet [Applause] of course I was doing a lot of washing in there two washing machines two dryers yeah yeah Mr proper was it this is all over called Coral lovely it's smashed up a bit we just noticed as well that somebody's coming in made a fire with the matchsticks and even burnt some of the pictures which just sucks oh Covenant of Curiosities a couple of cloves it's a nice little jacket that is [Music] wow this is nice walking through here so he's got cutted it's not though two perfect vases versus the back Garden oh look how big it is it's got Forest on there oh wow an actual bedroom it's like a French Chateau uh bedroom I didn't expect that down here no the cheese more bed sheets more bed sheets and they're gone yeah that looks like a French uh thing that's a chateau we went to you know yeah with all the bats in it swear down that's that room because she never knows well dude like I mean actually could be yeah yeah but it's looking grimy though it is but it's got some like weird Japanese duvet on it someone's trying to cover up to make it look more authentic but really it's like that that's so Random I like it look at these crutches oh yeah the proper old stones it's pretty cool isn't it it doesn't seemed imputions I guess [Applause] read any of it no exception who knows what collodion is wow that's a bathroom you've got big Jacuzzi bath golden shower [Music] foreign guys drop down comments wow yeah fish fish tap that's so cool I thought that would probably be cold in it that is bat or owl yeah or maybe both who knows and if we both just look as soon as we see that yeah you look up them it's just still there so going into the room opposite that one it's a breeze coming through it's a big empty oh that's why Big Empty bedroom look at the mirrorless yeah that's insane a little wash corner I still got the earbuds in if only this place fully furnished not modernized yeah it would be insane it would be one of the best vacations in Europe I mean I love this still but you can just imagine what it used to celebrate through chance walking on that the other one oh yeah the other one's completely felt down on that so hang on take the risk but there's actually a secret part of this house and I'm going to show you now where's the staircase gone where is it there it is [Music] thank you go on yeah who that I wonder if this is how they used to do it when they lived here let me make a servants do it we don't go to bed so yeah that's the way up oh sorry sir there's the uh ghoul and then there's actually another secret error which we'll show you after through here and there's a little toilet set up so it's really weird yeah this used to be the third floor but they obviously didn't use it I guess and just build this wall between it look at that if you came in here at night and came through that hole and looked up there oh God hello it's strange up here though it's almost like an office block yeah a translator yeah oh yeah and you can go up that actually is where the exciting part is yeah we're gonna do that at the end I don't know [Music] oh yeah yeah I love the curtain on and then built a no roof it's weird this this layer no they obviously had a leak and they were here but it's very 70s and it's like they just trapped it in the 70s when you get to the top there you can see where they didn't want people oh yeah more hoofs yeah you can see why they didn't want people going up there because it gets it's dangerous this is weird this is almost like the Grosvenor Hotel in Bristol isn't it these just oh dank rooms yeah dank look at the cobwoof hanging off of that huh they're done this last corridor I think it's more of the same though just strange little rooms with cobwebs look at this like another office these signs are making me think where it definitely was a hotel and maybe this was where they uh I can't think of the word where they keep all the office stuff or checks can I see a date hmm it seems like offices as I was saying if it is if it was a hotel yeah oh yeah construction so maybe he had all of his workers up in here yeah look he had it all going on in his own house so yeah you can see what this floor consists of already really it's creepy you know yeah in the back rooms where's the real back rooms and another office and another set of stairs I haven't even seen these ones yet that's right underneath the tower it's so cool vaticon Fort sorrow looking out this window you can see where our little bird is made a nest way up a I'm just gonna go for it and check these stairs out on my own Sam's back down the corridor with a friend of us so teeny up there scary oh my gosh what is this room and up again I'm not gonna do that on my own at the other end you can do the same and into the highest tower so here we go it's Tower time look at this it's warmer up here man oh yeah thank you yeah it's pretty good here they come oh so the filming is gonna be really bad with this but uh yeah it's all right yeah Booyah and if you're wondering who this is this is our friend from Belgian urine so make sure you check him out on Instagram I'm gonna put all the links down below what's your page called man it's called the order just like my name my first name is Jordan and my last name is I can't believe this thing is about full off yeah it feels like I'm also we're all leaning to the side right now okay so that's where the other thing LED I guess oh yeah oh yeah yeah this one's better this is the one so we made it outside and that is where we've been sat up there chilling from down here it looks really bad so yeah it's what a nice place [Music] so after exploring that castle we thought we'd take you to our Airbnb our first Airbnb in Belgium and it's actually really nice it's actually in a big building the guy lives upstairs with his family this is the apartment down below nice shower toilet but yeah we got the TV what what so that is the end of that video what an incredible incredible house yet one place a lot yeah decorations oh yeah definitely the second best probably the second best sport we've done in Belgium it's really good yeah really good we enjoyable drop down your thoughts in the comments guys do you want to see more stuff from Belgium catch you next time [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Samandjessexplore
Views: 75,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbex, abandoned house, abandoned château, abandoned places, abandoned places uk, abandoned house uk, bros of decay, exploring abandoned places, exploring abandoned houses, The family vanished, Abandoned mansion, Abandoned mansion everything left behind
Id: xHfvHBhAs60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 27sec (2487 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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