MILLIONAIRES HOUSE FROZEN IN TIME | No One Knows Anything Leaving Everything Inside!

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so walking through the gate up this cobbling driveway to what's known as Belgium's billionaires row and my first glance in this beautiful house and trying to visualize the family that once walked this driveway to their home or even drove there into their garage now this place is situated in a very beautiful small village we 've one shop even the locals I've spoke to and try getting some information on this place said they do not know where the family disappeared to there's one shop that the lady's been there for 26 years and she doesn't even know where they went to she said they were a beautiful loving family locals contacted the authorities and never got any answers back and it was sad walking around seeing these beautiful memories hanging on the walls a drink bottle sitting beside the bed with teeth [Music] and then trying to visualize the noises that are coming from the bedrooms the kids playing or watching TV the radio from the sinks where their husband may be shaving his face or the woman's putting her makeup on [Music] to narrow place that sits in absolute silence Decay and unloved so hello Explorers so welcome to another Explorer we are currently in Belgium I'm back with Jeff Stakes you're what's up guys sorry man I forgot your name so I've been talking to Jeff for quite a while and we did say about clabbing I think last year wasn't it yeah and we finally got to meet and we're into some amazing Villa I don't know a lot of the story at the moment we're going to try and find out as much as we can so do you know anything about it or um it's about a four or five years now and the family just up and left because they just disappeared just disappeared which is kind of sad because of all the finishing on the scene in the video I'm just gonna literally chill out on a glass of mold ah before we drinking here delivered well okay so it's just like a Belgium drink yeah it's a Belgium brands we actually probably live forever yeah this is the water of eternal life I think this would probably kill us in a few seconds so guys hopefully you can enjoy this we're going to see Jeff as we go around this building anyway and obviously Rodney um but yeah guys stay tuned love you all and yeah yeah I got it if you just come through the front door with this abandoned Villa and that's fear wise absolutely amazing wait till I spin this camera around if you think I've hit good spots already this is absolutely probably one of the best I've ever done in Belgium it's absolutely incredible guys you're gonna love it let's go let's go coming through this door as you can see it's not been open for a long time and as I slowly pan around look how beautiful this beautiful hallways it is absolutely incredible it's so beautiful what I'm going to do is I'm going to head upstairs first and then we're going to check out all the lower levels ready look at this cast iron staircase right I don't know it's got a little sort of Tassels and look at these marble staircase so bear in mind guys this is Billionaire's room for the UK this property would set you back three and a half million euros in the UK there's probably about 2.8 million I'd imagine look at this chandelier wow and just feel the quality as well the weight of these crystals this absolutely beautiful and look at the chain going up to the ceiling looking back down this beautiful staircase look at that imagine that being your hallway at home imagine a family when they live there the story is literally incredible like they're just up and left I've had so much money just to up and leave your property and the wallpaper it's like a smaller furry [Music] wow so I'm stepping into one of the first bedrooms but this is absolutely incredible I'm gonna head further away I mean I want to I'm going to show you this room all right as I said this is this is a millionaires Villa how can the family just up and leave it's like she's looking at me saying why are you here I can assure you we didn't break in we found a property like this and exactly how it is is how we're going to leave it it's a pack of a van some furry camel so maybe the Vince Cairo so the bedside I was going to say is I sound very bummed up so please bear with me guys um so I've heard two stories in this property one that the family just disappeared and the second one is that two daughters and a son and after the passing of the Sun the mother apparently suffered with serious problems I just couldn't live here anymore she struggled day by day so the family just had she had to leave but then why didn't they sell it why didn't they do something with the house they don't even come here apparently it's like five years now in abandoned you know like this is something that are becoming sort of obsolete but how beautiful is that you know the mechanism [Music] [Music] standing here as well check out the hoodie guys um again absolutely beautiful photos the family pictures we keep finding and it's like a negative here and just about tell it looks like a young girl it's incredible so you can see like it's like they've left in a hurry or someone's been in there and obviously gone through it all oh there's just so much stuff left [Applause] it's like a compass set I don't know what this is and it's gorgeous flavor thing is this is why stuff like this is irreplaceable you know and like it only takes the wrong person to come in here to start a fire or do some damage and all these memories have gone forever had the ironing board still set up there's still some clothes left this is very like class or funky garment clothes and everything okay there's nothing in that one but it's always close another sort of really sort of funky colored jacket there look just everything's still left very pink [Music] so the bed's still made and as I said the beautiful cross hanging above the door there [Music] really is this is like the second room of the house look at this it's like the actual it's like office how cool is that and I've just noticed here on my left as well this photograph now what do you see wrong with it's not Rumble this little girl looks this looks like she's really sort of cursing me really not happy it's just a beautiful looking family there very well dressed you know the little girl's got probably real clothes around her neck a little bow got a nice gold chain on the lady I'd imagine these two I don't know do you think that maybe like uh like sisters very alike this could be a family the Providence sisters may be here or husband and wife and sister-in-law or sister-in-law sister-in-law or husband and wife it's absolutely beautiful and the silver here you know like stuff like this but when you look at the back here see it says goes home garage that goes right underneath the house and I'm guessing this bit maybe a swimming pool at the back yeah the driveway there done and where the car goes Land look at the land so you always try and visualize when I'm in these properties trying to think what it was like to live here for these people it's probably his last book he's maybe read sitting at his desk working on her desk doesn't have to be him [Music] I know the property just keeps going I just think it's incredible I really do I have so much stuff it could be just left why oh books here so much beautiful things left and these books could be given to schools you know I would say like even some of this furniture in here could be given to like less for like fortunate families you know there's some there's people out there with nothing would love to have somebody stop saying as well I like this I love it it looks like it like in a water jug or something that's been sort of made to look distressed with a hole in the side and then the beautiful artwork inside just going over the desk that's all weird insects maybe a holiday that went on it's true Maybe just incredible how many memories look at the child's jacket but hanging on the little wardrobe the free bunny rabbits oh look foreign so I'm getting it wrong maybe it was a little door because I know a child passed away but one of the guys downstairs said he thinks it's the sun starting to think it's a little girl as always little girl clothes just left in here some more books as I spin this camera around very slowly look at this painting you can see another man in bits there was just come off the wall it's got a damage incredible foreign furniture that is so well made as well so I'm starting to think this is definitely the guy that was living in younger photos same guy in that picture the old Caravan thank you and it's here like the beautiful dresser just so many memories how beautiful are they 1959 guys [Music] absolutely beautiful this is such a gorgeous spot hours in here look at the bed and the rugs this is what makes me think the family just disappeared it's like a ghost story because the teeth are still there it's incredible it really is it's kind of like a 70s maybe like oh decoy kind of light I don't know is that what you call it there's some medication still there so this room kind of like it's really sad so just as they're coming to this room straight away to my right it's all these kids like books maybe some school work you can translate that [Music] a little calm maybe the little Child's favorite tour complete Time Capsule now every day it just sits and decay the kind of rhyming didn't it every day sits in decay another beautiful cross there it's like a little Villa we're in I love all these like shabby chic sort of cracked a lot of effect natural eyes it's like a that's like a mirror Cube or box you can see that we're quite close to the main road here this is the front garden it's completely overgrown it's a little wicker chair so maybe there was an expensive light in here but it's completely gone it's probably someone's coming and stole it this is what makes me upset that the family should or someone should come and save this before everyone comes in and starts stealing stuff and they're vandalizing essentially everything's still here okay maybe bracelet and I don't want to indulge too much in people's lives and into their stuff wow this room is literally floor to ceiling and these cool little tiles quite like it I don't know if I'd like to be drunk here I think I'd have to cover it you realize that all this stuff's here you imagine the last 80s we use the toothbrush was putting in the mouth and hair dryer [Music] okay I love everything even the wall lamps look at these beautiful mirrors obviously as I said I'm with other explorers and with a couple of photographers so I do excuse the background noise sometimes but another beautiful room kind of looks like someone's still laying in there a very small person but I've just been in your bedroom as well on that beautiful summer's day and you've got the window open the beautiful Breeze blowing above you wardrobes and look at that beautiful mirror paneling surrounded by these Oak trims I'm guessing it's a it could be a soft wood and I think it's Oak as I always miss as well like you can see it's a villa as well by all the stone flooring and tile floor maybe like family projectors there where they're projecting the old photo screens up to the screen to just stand in this side Louis Amir 1987. everyone could translate what that is I'm not sure so I'm gonna try this app out it's called Google Translate okay so this is through congratulate the birth with your great joy from their daughter Elise born January 4th 1987. [Music] so I'm gonna try this app out the basic this card is to announce the birth with great joy from their daughter at least January 4th 1987. that's pretty cool I use the translator I did notice on the bottom of it there's an address that came up so I don't want to show you that how cool is that it's like a little writer's desk which obviously this bit here I'm not going to move nothing but this bit of here would fold up shut and then it pulls down to a beautiful writing desk I mean look at a coffee table actually study it's gorgeous look at the end of this corridor I'm gonna pull the ladder down I'm going to go up two chairs so beautiful hey I said we'll meet again in the video bro yeah yeah I told you honestly this place is incredible I've just gone through most of the top rooms I'm just about to go in here which I can see to my left looks a bit like a bit of a store room maybe there's a little too much to see unit is for flooring actually we need to get downstairs as well man I need to check this stuff out yeah thank you so obviously this room does look like it's been sort of pulled out of it but look at the old sunbed yes the 12 000 h 1200h I need to get a suntan guys wow I'm loving the I love the old retro stuff look at that metal and what cassette were they last listening to so you imagine laying here now you're learning this on bed you got your old killer uh if anyone knows who this is put in the link below Jeff knows who's these gussets good songs it says oh sorry kinda because Kinder's child isn't it yeah Charles right okay yes it's child music yep I should have known like the Kinder chocolate kinder child here we go the grand success imagine laying in the sunburn in there chilling out record music so it hasn't changed because obviously this is your second time here isn't it has it changed actually it's going to be horrible messed up a little bit [Music] okay the bathroom there it's like the first time like homeless people are sleeping and seriously so guys you hear that there's obviously been homeless people here but they've actually tidied it up apparently because Jeff said the first time you come it's a little bit more messed up was it yeah so yeah incredible so there's some good people out there it's not only the ones that coming across these places so there you go so as I see just walking around on the floors little children's toys Little Kitty books in there you can see like there's mold appearing on these cupboard doors I think these are like screen nets for the doors maybe upstairs for stop insects coming in maybe Gran Turismo 4 the real driving simulator so this probably would have been playing the old PlayStation one I believe their Lincoln Park there look at this TV is so cool I love these it looks like a cabinet with a tube I think they're calling like the CR TV CRT or something and you know what actually really good so this probably would have been the top of the range TV back in the day it's got bang and Olsen surround sound incredible little children stories uh bits written beside the drawings [Music] it's incredible all the way through she's realized a little child here has lived here grown up here doing the little drawings in there maybe it's really sad and again I've just noticed above the door there again across very very religious families live here some kids videos so maybe this was like the playroom cross kind of sun bed hanging out room I don't know Dr Doolittle now so lovely Spanish uh sorry the uh so obviously in the UK this is called Homeward Bound as I say this place is incredible I'm gonna head downstairs now I'm gonna check out the rest of this place I'm so amazed honestly I would say I'm speech this behind shut up oh yeah what an incredible place it's one of our photographer people Dave what do you think really cool so as I said standing back in the hall look at all the gold leaf it's all around the top of these the architecture in is absolutely beautiful this is like is it this is a wood that actually fought in a stone that it's actually wood I don't know what room this would have been used for it looks more like a sort of sort of party sort of venue room hello chandelier is absolutely gorgeous another plane painting I've seen you know I like that that's one of my favorite things curtains with the swags hanging up loads of memories another day guys another Explorer I love this as well on top of the doors let's do this a lot and in Italy I notice as well again the gold leaf finish the coach still hanging on the hooks wow this kitchen look at the size of it my fuse watching Americas is probably an average sized kitchen I don't know but mine's a lot smaller than this I'm loving the older dinner lights like at the breakfast bar look at how beautiful everything is mold appearing everywhere at the moment it's a problem you leave a home it doesn't matter how long if I left my house tomorrow and stayed away for a year did dramatic change in a year would be incredible just for dampen all those it's like a perfume foreign couch this Larry is date in 1984. thanks of August us was one day uh sorry nine days and one year old I was when this letter was written so obviously they owned a Mercedes the classes the guy's eyes look through these and now people changed from The Young photo downstairs till then is that hard I should probably loved this place see when bad things happened left foreign work I see like their books and tractors It's just sad that some people have come in and just hold everything out said sometimes we're not the first ones in this is like another room just off the kitchen again this is like a Guess Who Cluedo loads of kids toys Barbies Cindy's baby you can see it's like an office-shaped desk onto a table maybe like a main desk clothes there as well we can do I think we call that kaplunk so much guys this place it just keeps getting it's huge the shoes look how moldy they're going to buy it yeah I'm just getting over flu guys this is one huge basement so obviously that's would have been where you drove your cars down into the garage how many guys watching this now thinking I'd love to have this garage Ride Along lawnmower chainsaw got the tables soccer and moldy doll you think guys it's just one property look how many logs there are just I hate this place such a shame that this beautiful Furniture left right in the basement that dress is gorgeous you work it out yeah I need this tune man who still works he's doing his old uh doing the gym exercise this furniture absolutely gorgeous hi everyone this is Dani I've not been saved foreign expensive furniture just left look how cold it is all the tools and stuff still on the racks no it's Shadow bald two shoes hanging up it's obviously I've kept the food down here and stuff for his eyeballs and huge [Music] a lot of tennis balls all right I'm gonna head up I'm gonna check the last room that upstairs so coming out the kitchen uh the function room into soccer party Lounge Cara's not having much fun I was just freezing it's done away pictures so it's so sad though while the family's just or no one comes here and just takes the stuff yeah because they already put their own ball just gets a lot to drink how entertaining I guess it's an incredible place though it's not a living room area let's imagine sitting here now we could do with this fire on it's absolutely freezing here imagine the family sat around watching TV entertaining guest music going up and dancing let's see how the back as I said they're overgrown it is it's just literally Nature's taken oh look at the seed oh this is incredible I love this place this guy's standing at the back of his property back outside his property should I say this is incredible literally just our nature just takes over proves and makes you think like how the world would be if man just disappeared in some ways obviously the world probably would be a better place how gorgeous is it though completely just left it's probably one of the most incredible places I've ever done so remember when I was down in the basement obviously there was there would be your driveway you take your car down and I love the little archway so this is like what we call in England that's the same here but they're like the annex um it's completely secure we don't break in entrances okay so it is unlocked so again it's just an empty garage but that double garage space just guys standing at the front of this beautiful Villa absolutely gorgeous would you think the places like this are completely abandoned obviously I started inside the house then worked my way out because we got here really really early we didn't want to upset any neighbors so literally we just got here we're finished we're gonna get out as you can see the front garden is just completely taken so what would have happened is obviously your driveway would have come round and obviously all the way around here axis through the double garage to take your car around the back so you would have drove under that beautiful archway which is there you couldn't even get a car it's just a bit hard enough to get a person through there now absolutely stunning guys hope you enjoyed that explore is absolutely amazing we just literally spoke to a resident which you can see just there and um he said the same thing that he finally literally just returning there and again and then um having basically before the family return they have a gardener and stuff doing the work and then they would move back in but they haven't been back for five years he said someone hit the gates with a car and the wall was falling down and no one's just literally returned since anyway guys hope you enjoyed that video I actually enjoyed it feel guys stay safe see you soon next adventure so just a clip of a mistake a cinematic that went wrong [Music] [Music] love come to my table come to my bed go easy [Music] easy in my head
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 411,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 30sec (2850 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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