Abandoned Barbara Mandrell's Mansion (FULL TOUR!) | Found Indoor Gun Range, Neon Bar, Pool, Library

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what's up Rangers welcome back y'all are not ready for today's episode because I am standing in none other than Barbara Mandrell's abandoned mansion I'm going to explore this place from top to bottom tell you the story why she bought it why she abandoned it and with that being said let's get at it and explore in the Smoky Hills of Whites Creek Tennessee lies an abandoned mansion sitting on 186 Acres once owned by Barbara Mandrell featuring pondscapes walking trails and zip lines outside Barbara Mandrell a famous country singer with prestigious Talent she had a string of hit singles like I Was Country When Country Wasn't Cool sleeping single in a double bed and married but not to each other along with many other hits she even had a popular television series and arguably one of the biggest stars in country music in the 1970s through the80s after many years of her country music success she and her husband Ken bought this 30,000 ft blog home mansion and named it the fontell Mansion she named it this because the word fontell means the soft spot on a baby's head and she wanted this to be the soft spot for her family and bring them all together believe it or not this Mansion Remains the largest log home in the world yes you heard me correctly that's right in the entire world it features a helicopter landing pad outside an indoor pool an indoor gun range oh what the heck this was a target range yeah and that's like the backdrop she had a gun range in here what the heck this is random look at that what is back here five bathrooms a 50s themed soda fountain room with neon signs and a dance floor and this is where people used to sing on stage right across from the bar you had this a massive great room and many other rooms we have yet to explore on this journey but speaking of the great room this massive log room boasting 2300 square ft featuring massive wooden columns but these aren't just any wooden columns these wooden columns were autographed by many many celebrities so I guess we all wanted to know what Hollywood stars graced their presence inside this Mansion but more importantly who autograph gra these enormous wooden logs how about TV show host Dick Clark actor Bob Hope Full House actor John Stamos singer Gladis Knight and radio talk show host Rush limo but I'm not done just yet the house was even featured on a reality TV show on the country music TV station called gone country one and two starring John rich and many other celebrities she lived in this house from 1988 through 2002 but with time passing by and her children growing old she and her husband decided to sell the mansion and downsize the property eventually sold to many other celebrities one of those names being none other than Kid Rock but in 2019 the home was bought out by investors envisioning the recreation of the f now imion and bringing it back to life by Building 151 bedroom cabins Bungalows and Yurts throughout the property but remember this was back in 2019 and the property has been abandoned and vacant ever since so now it's my time to shine and show you my subscribers what she left behind I tell you this fantastic back up in here y'all Rangers welcome back I am so excited because look at this this is indeed Barber man's drill's abandoned mansion now don't be confused it is a wedding venue currently but you'll see some look at this you'll you'll see stuff like this along the way this was indeed her abandoned mansion that they renovated into a uh a wedding venue and you'll see traits like this left Left Behind women's bathrooms men's bathrooms this was the pool area right here they took out the pool and they added look at that that that's water down there they're trying to drain and they added this part too to protect any guest that actually might fall in so on this episode this is going to be fantastic because like I never filmed an abandoned mansion that was like a log cabin before this will be my first and I'm thankful for you guys joining me right now cuz I want to show you everything about this place I mean look at this I'm actually lost for words look what's behind my head right now this is great I love the you know what I love I love the Cozy feeling of this place when you get in here it's a very cozy feeling I love that so this floor plan I don't like floor plans that are very choppy but this one gets a pass it's choppy but I love it now as you can see right here we're in the pool room I want you guys to follow me in here CU I really want you to understand this floor plan it's kind of confusing it's almost mazike actually it is kind of it's huge and it's massive now this is the kitchen look at this this is gorgeous might need my light on it for this this is miraculous guys this is this is what Urban exploring is all about look at these countertops let me turn off my light again look at this this is what it's all about seeing stuff like this this is great I love this now what do we have in here I don't want to get too Carri it all right that looks like a BS room that looks like uh where the air conditioner vent is I don't think is anybody is interested in that not quite because regular guests would not go in there it's more like the back room area we got this what is this oh this looks more whoa what the heck the heck is that what is even back there I don't think nothing's back oh what the heck this was a target range wait you could shoot guns back here you can actually shoot weapons back here look at this you got Bullet Hole wait yeah look at that let me zoom in a little bit more so you can see what's going on yeah and that's like the backdrop she had a gun range in here what the heck this is so weird this is random look at that what is back here yeah she had a gun range in this Mansion what the heck and what what is this this sounds like an electrical room oh yeah oh we're Underneath It All right we don't want to be down here this is this is for somebody else all right but yeah that's like totally random all right let's go back to the mansion but this is look at this it's like a steel prooof door here yeah with sound insulation that's exactly what this room was made for a gun range what the heck this is totally random so we're coming from the left hand side I decided to do the left hand side because it was short of sight let's go to the right side it's going to be a doozy watch your step here this place is full of like mud and everything I don't know why but it is like traces a mud ooh that actually scared me I thought there was a real person right there it was me look at this fireplace this is insane I love this I don't want to leave like I'm gathering some Mall Vibes in here I guess because of the ceiling it's all open and stuff this is gorgeous now what is back here this look like a like a little miscellaneous room or something credit card machine got like little musical instruments back here Dana romanello never heard of her looks like a country singer we got some stuff in here y'all not on that one what do we have in here Music Festival nothing too crazy what is this it says credit card machine in here there is none all right let's keep it moving you know me guys I don't like to waste any time look at this this is an old paper from 2018 with Dolly Parton on it this is cool I love this this is great dancing shoes tired feet so they don't miss a beat that kind of rhymed a little bit got a cast register machine wow this is nuts this is absolutely nuts what is the what I don't even know what this room's used for Oh I thought this was a Nintendo GameCube at first but it's not kind of looked like it what is even in here nothing nothing all right so nothing's in there I like that piece of furniture though now I have no idea what this long hallway was used for I don't think I want to go down there because I'm I'm hearing a bunch of power so I do believe that this was like part of the power room so I don't want have nothing to do with that um what is back here I forget oh no we got to go to the other side in order to get to the other side we actually have to go up here to do it it's like we have to go upstairs to come back down so let's do that believe it or not this is actually the front door the front door is right there and when you walk in you're greeted by more log cab and stuff this is gorgeous this is absolute Insanity Barbara Mandrell you did a very good job on your log cabin mansion look at this is this even real actually that is solid wow that is heavy duty wow they didn't cut any corners on this Mansion all right I'm not ready for the third floor yet this is actually the first slash second floor just like that I know this room's a little dark do we have any switches or power on here let me see we got this I don't want to leave it on too long though oh yeah we do have power it's going it looks like with the power on this is beautiful guys look at those chandeliers oh this is beautiful this is so beautiful let's see if we can blow on them yeah they move a little bit had to give it the blow test and what is all this stuff this is this looks expensive this looks absolutely expens can we open this is this push or like how do you open this well we don't have to but look at this looks Japanese all this stuff looks very expensive wow and then we get a shot from inside looking outside that's kind of what it looks like that's the driveway you see that right there that kind of scared me at first because it looks like bears but it's not those are fake bears but they're standing right there on those logs but uh we are uh in the mountains right now and I could picture like black bears being out here grizzly bears and all that good stuff so we won't disturb any of that oh it's getting dark back here what's back here looks like cleaning supplies and whatnot thank you for all that you do stormy all right give a shout out to uh stormy we don't know who that is but we'll give her a shout out anyway look at this this must be a back kitchen for something maybe like a little bar area or something look at these gold spoons wow all right so me this is kind of like the boring part of the Mansion but I want to show you what the hell was that I think that's the elevator is this the elevator I just heard a big beep noise all right like I was saying before this is the boring part of the Mansion I think this was for like oh yeah this is just basically some backro areas for the guest bathroom areas it stinks in there kind of smells like cement like cement glow blue I can't get over the woodwork in here good gracious this is beautiful we have a handicap door that leads to the elevator for the handicapped I think that's what I was hearing please keep door closed yeah not a good idea if I open that so we'll leave that part alone I don't think that was for the guest anyway so I don't think nothing nothing uh worth taking pictures of is back there now what is back here oh it's just another bathroom what is that noise hello oh my goodness oh this has got bad news written all over it what says please change battery yeah this has got bad news written all over it um I don't even know if I want to be in this room this looks like very expensive equipment why do they need all of these monitors back here you got one desk two three four four desk with walkie-talkies all over the place look at this all right um wow this is amazing why did I leave all this stuff behind this is like a complete office back here what the hell is that all right guys so remember we're still kind of on the first floor SL second floor so you're just as confused as I am oh look you get to look out look at the squirrels look you see them oh they're like play fighting what are they fighting over for what is that oh he's got an acorn in his mouth all right let's keep it moving what is back here wow this looks amazing this room has oh this room has like a fireplace in it with fans and stuff what the heck does this turn on yes it does oh this is beautiful all right well we won't mess with those but look look at the light in here this is gorgeous look at that piece of furniture my what the hell oh this is so much money this is worth so much money when they got that gloss finish on it like that oh my God I can just imagine the amount of money that's being put into this place or that was put into this place look at this oh look like Barber mandro spying on people I don't want to mess with any of this stuff like I'm not touching buttons or anything cuz they got like power on in inside of this place right now as we speak so I will not be touching any buttons sorry let's keep it moving this looks like an old this actually looks like an old alarm pad that is not armed hall light can we turn on this light oh o I want to turn it off and turn it back on again because I want to show you guys the full effect watch this so it is off it's going off one two three oh my goodness oh wait no no no one two three ah you can raise and lower the light this is beautiful I'm excited y'all look at that I like how the uh the light shines through the glass like that oh this is this is nuts this is probably the nuttiest Mansion I've ever been in and nutty meaning a good thing what is this for oh this is the garage we have a garage wow you have a one two 34 car garage in here wow what is even bad it just looks like storage and stuff geez all right we're going to save this part for the last this is this too much what is this classic country culture looks like got old country singers there I guess yeah there's really nothing special in here anyway it's just a blank garage with no cars or anything like that we do have some leftover beer all right let's keep it moving oh hey what's up Regina we are going into Barbara Mandrell's abandoned bathroom master bathroom can we cut on some lights in here oh my goodness that is bright one two three four five goodness gracious that is extremely bright why is it so bright bber what barara loved bright lights I tell you she liked a big time that's for sure this is great this is so beautiful in here wow and look at the blocks that's cool oh this is cool well you have a urinal like that that's for guys look at this this is some serious Woodwork in here I love super love this bathroom because this jacuzzi right here look at that you got one faucet two faucets and control them on each side this is fantastic look and it's made out of real marble this is cool I love this place I don't know man this is this is up there this is absolutely beautiful do we have any water um kind of what about on this side so we do have water here but um not clean water all right let's turn these lights off one two three four five six now we're going to go back out here and now let's move on one thing that caught my attention was this room right here what is this oh my wait a minute what do we have here oh this is Barbera man dr's walk-in closet this is absolutely insane look how big this is you have clothes that's left behind and shoes what in the hell it's the wig right there well you got women's shoes right here who's this even made by an and Michelle this is cool this little garment right here is worth $99 oh wait this one is you know how I know that price tag is still on there 99 bucks this we got Christmas trees left behind and look at this a fur coat I can only imagine how much this thing cost do we have any name tags on this thing or anything I don't see any name tags or any clothing brand tags at all it's just kind of it is what it is but um this is beautiful guys write it down in the comments if this kind of clothing looks familiar to you how much would this go for these animal print coats like that I don't even know write it down in the comments this is indeed Barber man's drill's closet look at this I wonder what is in here this Miss whoa what the hell was that oh it's light it's oh it could light up I didn't know there was lights in here what's in this this one more clothes oh yeah those lights come right on too they didn't in the other one do we have anything in this one nothing in that one but look at this look the closet wraps around and she's got like a little vanity set right here what is this wait a minute hold on what am I even looking at let's get the power on on this so you can see what's going on in Congress July 4th 1776 look at this the Declaration of 13 United States of America is this worth something here presented by the Anderson satoma Club I don't know all right so follow me real quick this is where we came in at this is the room with the fireplace we're going to go down this hall right here see what's up this is creepy as beautiful and as cozy as this place is it's really creepy I guess CU I'm the only one here oh my goodness this is beautiful look at all this jeez this is a kitchen here a beautiful looking kitchen I'm afraid to cut on the power I mean you can I'm sure it will work but I think I'm going to keep the lights off but look at this I'll just turn my light on so you can see what's going on got some deep fryers right here and everything oh this is for music this is the way they control all the music what did you even have playing back here born to roome rail Benders haven't heard of this before but write it down in the comments if you did guys check this out attention to detail I love the Bears this is made out of all wood you got a bear right here climbing up the log and you got another one right there how cool is that look at this table what is that noise I think I hear a raccoon crawling on the roof y'all hear that I think a raccoon is like right behind this wall right here sounds like he's making noise I don't know if you guys can hear that on camera but I do that's what outside looks like this is be this is a gorgeous looking place I love this beautiful yeah this had to be like a gentleman's lounge or something look at this oh I'm actually lost for words right now I can't even think this place is so beautiful look at the dining room set with these red bar stools what are these even made out of it's kind of like plasticky this is wooden glass the chairs are kind of heavy too look at this wow and look where we ended up at oh give a shout out to the fireplace for sure look at this definitely give a sh look at this we just ended up in back in the pool room but this time on the second second floor if that makes any sense gorgeous we got to go up there too this we're still in the dining room as you can tell but look at this this is a fireplace if you can imagine that or either a fish tank no it was a fish tank in here look at all the Rocks I thought this was a fireplace at first but no this is actually a fish tank go back up here now I usually don't like to jump and hop skip around all my explorers I usually like to film the first floor first second then third but the way this Mansion is laid out I have to do it this way so we're kind of hopping and jump skipping around because this is the closest area I can possibly find to where I was coming through and it just makes sense to do it like this since we're so close you have a crescent moon-shaped sofa look at this beautiful beautiful windows and can imagine this if you were a guest you would stand right here on this patio and just kind of Outlook and Overlook the mountain we have this long hallway that I'm kind of intrigued by are these things even open oh yeah they're open what were these rooms for oh this was the guest rooms yeah she had a massive amount of guest rooms in here look at all this we don't want that to close no no no oh wow this is cool look at all this stuff in here jeez just found another guest room this is cool look at this these guest rooms are absolutely massive in here and the coolest thing about them is you can look out the windows and see all the pretty foliage and inside these rooms or showers this is a closet this leads to outside that's pretty cool I love that what's up with the long hallway so creepy guys look at this this is by far my favorite room upstairs anyway you got a Christmas tree right there give a shout out to the Christmas tree look at this this is badass this is so cool and look at this we have a colored bathroom it's all blue blue wallpaper everything now here it looks like a bar see if we can turn our lights in here what does that say pool table light doesn't come on what about these lights bar okay so you got some lighting in here but it's not a lot looks really cool though looks like a light is kind of burning out up there but this is what we got behind the bar very cool so so cool got your beer on tap and everything oh look at all this look at the gumball machine all this stuff has to be worth crazy amount of money what do we have in here pool table sticks look at that and guess what we have a pool table right there and this is where people used to sing on stage right across from the bar you had this and it looks like to me we had some Collectibles right here by Pepsi today and look you got another one right here Pepsi Cola this looks cool like Collectibles and you had these two stage chairs right here for whatever reason it looks like for they were setting up interviews maybe who knows but they're there if you want to take a look at them Barbara's blg Bad Banana Boat that's what that light says I'm wondering if I could turn these on can I turn these on balcony light neon signs let's go look at them guys just turn on the neon lights they're so beautiful look at this that is cool I love that says Barbara's blg Bad Banana Boat look at this this is amazing over here on this side it says Nathan's uh Nast wait Nathan's nasty what is that say nachos that doesn't sound appetizing whatsoever oh and that's cool look at that he's got a little drink in his hand he's drinking his drink this is awesome and as we look down from the bar you can see like a little dining room area oh yeah that's where we came in at sort of very cool I wonder why we have these movie posters all over the place framed for murder and fixer upper Mysteries Hallmark fixer upper shot from the outside look how the roof just Slants like that like a crescent moon shape I love that that is so pretty beautiful what's up with this you look in this cabinet right here and it's got a skeleton on the inside what the what we got a tip jar right there y'all leave some tips okay now we're on the third floor this is walking in Back to the where are we at oh this is the front door this is part of the Mansion right here wait the front part of the Mansion yeah that's it that's the front door I'm pretty sure but right now we are on the third floor just kind of moving and Ticking along here oh yeah that's the pool area so that's pretty cool least we know where we're at now but as you can see this mansion's very choppy I don't like that but I like it anyway just because it looks so cozy in here that's what I love now what is this room good gracious this Mansion just keeps giving and giving huh doesn't quit whoa do these lights turn on in here one two three oh they do turn on we'll turn those off though I want to turn these on where's the light switch for that uh but this is okay too this is great looks like they have some Machinery in here got the little fans this looks like a a library had to be a library right let's go downstairs and check guys here we are I just made it into the library I keep calling it a library I don't think it's a library I think it's something else but it kind of looks like a library seeing all these books and everything back there in that corner let's go take a look oh look at a spiral staircase that's awesome this you can move this what is that noise yeah you can move this ladder it looks like I keep on hearing children outside what are they even doing they're going to get me in trouble but look at this this is beautiful look at this you have thousands of books that are left behind I wouldn't say thousands but definitely hundreds that is nuts look look at all this stuff shout out to uh did in the water look at the spiral staircases I kind of hate these cuz they made me dizzy going up but we got to see what's up there this is the outside deck patio area there's a telescope for looking at the moon at night that is a heavy duty it's got to be worth a lot who is that what are he even doing back there looks like kids what is going on yeah what are they even doing oh that's where the hiking trail goes okay all right I didn't know that but uh we'll keep that in mind who there's a zip line back there I didn't know that either what the heck you back on track here all right this is the spiral staircase leading down into this massive Great Hall look at this this has got to be a GRE hole look at the fireplace that makes a statement like no other look at this this is insanity this is so cool up here wow final floor I think this is the attic is it let's turn on light no wrong light there we go oh wow it is the attic sort of oh look at that found a Christmas tree what is even back here uh just Christmas tree stuff nothing nothing important some guitars is anything in here no but that is a beautiful looking case how about this one nope nothing damn we got more Christmas decor back here Master Wing family room atrium soda fountain wow oh my goodness we have hundreds of thousands of women's garments and clothes back here this stuff has got to be worth so much money look at all of this oh my goodness what in God's green earth is even back here what did I just find look at this we got women's shoes what the heck more women's garments ladies I tell you this is fantastic back up in here y'all good gracious what is this oh this is a sewing machine that's weird to see that in this type of place it's [Music] funny [Music] a
Channel: RangerRickTV
Views: 837,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vu1XTTfXqO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 59sec (2279 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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