Russo Family Just Vanished At This ABANDONED MANSION No One Wants To Live Here Hidden In The Woods

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hello explorers and welcome back to a brand new video in this week's video we headed up into the mountains into the deep forest areas to explore a huge mansion now this didn't feel like any other Mansion I've explored before definitely a very uneased feeling like something seriously happened here the family completely vanished leaving personal things behind such as clothing photos and loads of various bits so in 2011 where did this family go still puzzles me today but the weirdest feeling is after I explored this place it felt like something was attached to me a very negative feeling every room I wandered felt like Summit was watching me if it wasn't the wild boars outside trying to chew us up Summit didn't want us in the house either let me know what you think guys put in the comments below and if this video Hits 10 000 likes I will go back and personally stay the night this house dates back to the early 1900s and had the same family all through the generations here so what really happened here will we return to tell another story so we just drove this literally literally fear all the way out here check out Steve's car make sure you give them a light help them tools a new one and let's get on the video so welcome back obviously we've got over the intro bit tripping everywhere today um see ya we're gonna go up and explore this Mansion so I look like tired it's like absolute Hell in a minute to be on the road 12 diet 12 days in a lack of sleep we've been eating pretty good though last couple of days due to radic so I can't complain gotta admit his pasta was lovely he had three bowls of it so Josh if you see this video trust his cooking it's good um anyway we need to Snoop around this place and uh thank you again for all the love and support you've shown at awe just by watching the video but yeah if you do wish to contribute in any way buy us a coffee um thanks for the PayPal and channel Ship Channel memberships around the back of this place you can just feel it's been on love for a long time it is completely wide open but this isn't the bit we've come to see but we're going to go check it out afterwards anyway guys if you imagine living on this ground how beautiful it is you can see literally there's a power line there completely gone down [Applause] well hopefully we don't find the dogs to these Kennels guys check that view out looking all over Italy huge Outback see the barbecue area there so I'm talking very quiet at the moment because when exploring properties in MMO if you're in the right bit or in the wrong bit let's see all the little table and chairs outside family gatherings this is why we're here guys look at the size of this it's huge you can see it's just a massive property you can see the fear on Steve's face see I wasn't lying guys I love the jokes and videos no to be fair though it is scary what we do any minute we could get shot we could get fed to the pigs we could be part of the ground there's me laughing of that's not a good sign already Steve that's probably the creature walking around here someone chopped his head off dude foreign Steve at his home address I see you live here yeah this is uh I bought this place it's gonna renovate it and make it all nice and tidy and I bought this party seriously you guys are divided but I gotta get rid of the wild boars for sleepovers everyone's invited come through when I went down there to check if there was anyone you know coming up to you know come get us uh did you see all the trails those are all the more trails and so you see the tree I know they can kill people if you see me eat a bacon sandwich you know I've done one that's Joe's guys I'm seriously um yeah let's just film this quick so yeah this place is literally so remote you can hear us people talking like miles away and it keeps freaking us out I'm gonna take a little man take the kitchen yeah to come straight into the living area what is that it's like a little Stone structure it's really wonderful people do in the middle of nowhere I know what was kept in this tank here so my exploring is about living the past it's having that feel when you walk in these places seeing families coming around the fire imagine a big roaring fire here I mean we're in North Italy it's so it's pretty damn cold up here she looks like that kid that didn't get a Christmas present and you can see our structurally damaged this place really is a drawer full of bulbs I left when they used to put this like material inside the drawers now this place is so cold in here I don't even know what this was I've dried up the leaves say it's cold you're probably gonna laugh at me now since let's put that right away okay I said temperature in it it's actually seven degrees that's pretty cold for a house I love this look at this little boot that's so cool a little frog that is incredible this painting okay so these are bits they've just decayed and fell off it's like a 3D concealer horsebacks it's like a big barrel it's a little extra you can imagine the cigarette smell it's in Christmas time in this huge front room that's a kid growing up in my living room pretty much I'll be the size of here it's so far to the fireplace squared a lot to the five to all the sofas here it's from my living room can you imagine five of us growing up in that small space all open our presents Christmas Day oh it's actually a picture there looks like Grandma and daughter uh mum and daughter sorry I call the Crockery staying there all the little teacups what's this foreign skin of an animal what the hell yeah it's animal skin oh yeah that sounds ridiculous that we're being quiet but I've never seen a giant glass cigarette container like that John players special filled with cigarettes 50 in that it's definitely been abandoned for a long time this place so guys look at the table still completely set up so sealed wine bottles sat on the table here this is a 1965. still sealed bro paintings literally Berry holding onto the wall covered drawers just full of little knickknacks a bit like my kitchen drawer no oh wow he's in the butterfly dude right no way it's like The Alchemist mansion some crazy preservation there's a little leg I do like butterflies there's a dumbbell there oh we've got an EVP makes you wonder what's on there if we can find some batteries foreign [Applause] stuff everywhere in this place [Applause] loving this painting here look at this as we move to the fire said you can imagine the people like the heat pouring off here these are incredible look at them real Dutch clogs listen [Laughter] I'm just trying to see the maker in there it says clump incredible see the Hi-Fi system here as well opera music wow I've never seen one of these in a long time as if the young ones know what it's called bro would you what that's called this is cool however what do you think it is so this is a cassette that's a CD yes yes this is called an eight-track I remember like the old American cars used to slide it in the front and it hangs out a little bit to play some music [Applause] there's no date on that whole 1973 10 years before I was born I'll let you do the mass guys see the light but it's just falling from the ceiling these little logs there still waiting to be put in the fire a really huge kitchen and as I said you can imagine being in the middle of nowhere you know they're gonna have to I'm shocked there was electricity here but there is I think these are so cool these lights they're on a can of Weights you can lower it and hire it so there's a gas main there but it would be probably out to an old gas bottle somewhere or gas cooker all the utensils still sitting on the wall I should wonder what was the last meal cooked here spices the sugar pop that's how long it's been here her Sugar's gone like rock hard to see some salt in there the old pasta for lasagna that's a very good quality because I feel the weight of that I hate everyone like leaves everything open in these places sure that's why it was open a little cooking dance I still actually food rotting in jars I wonder if any of these got a date on them actually give us a kind of time frame this is 2008. he obviously tends to tuner I don't know if it's tuna you know tin food last a good couple of years normally in a tin there's no date on that one I could see small Pines hot chili sauce There it went off for 2007. pretty good date on this place even if we said 2006. I'll wait as a calendar let's see how far I'm from 2011. wow I'm shocked so it's still 11 years I love seeing all this stuff still laid out exactly how it was left there's a newspaper sitting here as well this date 2011. [Applause] I mean that's a pretty good that's a good steady date there we've got we have open fridges slightly good luck stinks the phone there or whatever a bit locked like that on the door foreign [Music] [Applause] guys it's very so creepy down here look at these wines 1977. assembly free 61 64. this is absolutely incredible Oh my days look at it all can't get over how much Wine's here so much different types here see as I said we are in Italy they love their wine [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] makes my heart go walking around these places the door to the other bit because I can't wait to show you upstairs it's amazing this place [Applause] sounds so weird the flooring as well listen foreign buried under there I'm not even joking you never know who these places it's literally in the middle of nowhere I don't even want to talk about that either just don't get right out the big door there maybe if someone breaks in the basement they can't get into the main house maybe they were keeping people in the basement this mansion I don't know why there's not many places I feel exciting but in here I just don't feel right at all the first bedroom smell you're getting here guys are very old look I don't know it's hard to explain all the towers still stacked all the outfits all the trousers neatly pressed and hang out I don't know what the hell happened out here oh it's just Kitty's toys left seeing if there's a date on them in a hotel a little wallpaper in here as well oh this is very trippy and when I mean trippy it kind of I think if I was drunk and I walked in here I'd probably be like whoa the tiles the Shavers still there there's a toothbrush still in its backpack there Colgate is still there to use what is this [Applause] oh wow guys this room is truly like a time capsule he looks so old there's a little pouch always quite steady must be like metal in them or something imagine if that was real we could quit exploring right now who says it's not I still wouldn't ever take nothing guys as much as people watch this and probably think oh they must have loads of money out of this but we never ever take nothing guys foreign all the books guys looks like a pencil portrait all the different colognes still there look at this in the detail of that bowl top another one here is a drinking flask really so cool another this marble top on top of here as well because that one does that not look like a really comfortable chair so you've got the old this leather chair though look oh it's so soft and eight tracks there the Dave Burbank take five blues for new pulp I don't know these songs but it's amazing though isn't it it's hard tiled floor so I'll have a bathroom guys everything stood here [Music] foreign it's medicine covered Band-Aids from the quality of that and then pull standing mirror I think that's beautiful I'd love to have that in my bathroom foreign to bedroom number three look at the size of that headboard and see the bed literally just collapsed foreign overgrown part of these houses as well I didn't want to touch that bed I feel like it's just going to collapse to spot the Golden's gene on the side I love the ballerina portrait these are I love these tart curtains I don't think I've ever seen a floor standing light like that it shows you how cold it freezing in here and every 20 minutes just dropping and dropping [Music] still smell like the soap in this bathroom it's like him and her this is like I don't know everything like for all a lady it shows you how cold it is a plug-in heater in the bathroom I love these oil type paintings you can just feel the quality on it as well paint okay this is like your storage covered it's maybe a little bedroom it is oh it's an office with bedroom family memories here an old certificate if you can translate what that's for guys oh I look at the airplane imagine sitting up here looking over all the views obviously the trees have overgrown that but doing all your typing look at this family memories this is all at this property as well do you think the generation of the family that grew up here wow the memories they created in this house there it is you think this is probably the dogs that were that kept at one point in the cages but as a side here and there's the house there looking up the hill [Music] foreign [Applause] again at the property it's an amazing Italian family no when the moon hits your eyes it's a married day so this is the couple that I believe was living here because I see the same guy all the way through like this specifically doesn't change much it's this couple built their entire life and a business at this address because the shoes next to the bed oh no way guys so the Fiat one two six Uno it must have been a one owner car and this is probably the registration document only purchased this time I'll cover the address they purpose in 1989 for a free 397.5 hours Italian old money that is incredible oh wow so when this car was first ever purchased quickly got the second floor see the king here and the dog I'm not going to be able to get in there guys [Applause] another bedroom so we came here and a dog outside this bathroom looks incredible look at it really 70 60s feel in here so weird this is upstairs but another like living Seton area is that nutcrackers there see if you can translate this guys if it's at a property [Applause] look at the old tape recorder never seen one like that place is huge and there's a load of eight tracks here David Bowie probably worth money some of these I don't know a loving bits of art like this I think that's a print but still beautiful though I'm gonna head back downstairs guys because we don't have a dog's literally going to bowl in in a minute any minute ah see a lot of photos of the family in a function so I think this was here Steve with our deaf hearts and stuff all right there's the old organ sitting over there the speakers standing in the corner yeah this is where the this is where the magic happened look at the old deck system oh this is like the tape recorder for Evil Dead look at this rabbit can everybody say hey amazing look at the little golf cart sat here abandoned just like the rest of this property so cool though abandon completely forgotten if in the fun times I had in here playing games with the old cigarette cards I think these are maybe not oh it's all these Imagine The Fire Burning there look at all the books just left you've seen the fun times they had in this room I love stuff that's old like the old cars come with the old silver ashtrays in the back just like the snooker table smothered in golf balls explains a golf car I'm guessing uh sex and Zen wow loving the sailor's heart look at that VHS the old cats that's just so cool isn't it look at this snooker counter really old retro 70s feel probably a Gambling Man Who played a smoking a cigarettes so looking at the back hole and drinking the uh drink I was not expecting this in here I had a snooker table yeah I'm not sure what these are I don't know if it's maybe out of a little game or something it's the old Italian money look at the homes up there it's amazing it really is not sure what all the collection of doors are in here oh look at the scene so the patterns around there I didn't even see this look at this light how retro is that it's so cool amazing guys do love them lights about that snooker table though proper Workshop loving it it's like a surveyors drawing board there some lockers oh look at this table and chairs there's like 70s Space Age style furniture and under here guys it's a huge bandsaw look at that [Applause] really loving these old steps and it takes you off from the old barn looking over to the house there honestly expecting that up there look at this room guys all the portraits everywhere dude I was not expecting this no way was I sorry guy from other Mansion it looks like it didn't it oh the Wine Place and there's a lot of light here this could be a link to the other Mansion dude sorry look at this photos memories outside this huge property look at all the taxi damage yeah the heads come off rotten away I'm not a massive fan of Taxi down this guys the artwork is absolutely incredible in here this is why I called upcycling look at this she turned the TV into the whole I don't know like a little village going on this is real look at the r izzle hand carved as well I have a piece of wood oh that beautiful bits unfinished very beautiful looking woman I wish I could draw I really do numbers portraits are little babies another person from another place we explore this is incredible I cannot get over this being out in the bar but what a beautiful area to work look at it these are is unfinished he was sitting on the board just make sure you wanna touch in some bits sad in it I think this is probably his last bit of work here and look at the palette the painters palette how'd you even hold these just like that it's so amazing dude I feel like this is my favorite room of the house now I look at the stone floor me [Applause] it's incredible work [Applause] into people's loved ones that he's painted in the dream charcoal drawing [Applause] a little baby yeah and so look at that love Steve but I've made it look a bit older it seems like an issue about Ancient One oh this is the mouth bro this is my house bro this is ancient Steve this is a Greek Studio Greek Steve uh Roman Stephen has no expecting that guys in here it's a beautiful art in here Nature's coming as well just working its way through growing over this place everywhere you look there's even memories of photographs I can't believe it's incredible though I feel like this was place away from everything and the chain on that door he didn't want anyone coming in here when he locked this place up let me show you how high volt it's Heating so now if you're into art and you'd love your own Studio I'm imagine having this it's crazy I'm actually really amazed with this place just to quit peeking the garage guys it is getting dark I love that smell the old oil smell the workshop smell cutting disc the pillar drill this is my kind of Workshop I love making stuff love the shadow board there and I've never ever seen a forklift on a banner building first time that's pretty cool do you realize I've ran a bit of diesel Turner new battery on it his finger bounced into life would expanding foam exploded out everywhere having the old motocross crash helmet so sorry girls this is proper like a dirty old man's Workshop isn't it have you ever seen an abandoned forklift no in a building yeah a picket culture yeah [Music] scuba divers and this man was the oldest Craftsman and I feel like I feel like this is Harry disposed of everyone um wait look all the expanding phones all right I'm gonna jump out of here now there's not even a guard on that cold a chopped bench saw this is a pillar drill [Applause] we already said all this dude he made pizza [Applause] I've done this for pizza in here all right let's head out and send this video in a minute a little pizza area sitting area barbecues the table there probably imagine just having a barbecue so dude why don't we cook our own Pizzeria today I was trying to imagine all everyone here all the laughs they're having a family events the fresh pizza coming out the oven there I love the table legs out of the old wood branches hey look I've got an aprily there and also they've had birds in there so you imagine that the trees are at the windows this is the family View this house is literally so remote oh wait there so right quite a way over there looks like the nearest house it's literally nothing I'm not pulling your leg I'm not exaggerating it's true see all the old Barns and garage bits foreign these are really cool with these old outdoor seating I'm guessing something out of a horror movie completely Stood Still everything yeah are you driving yeah yeah nice car just get in hey Dave you can get on my lap guys before we all get on there and head back down the hill I just want to say thank you so so much for watching and all your support to awe give Steve some love as well go and check him out if you don't know of him but I'm sure you do my man Braddock in there as well I'm sure he'll give me some kind of link to put in description somewhere but anyway guys it's out from me out from Steve out from Adam love to you all and thank you so so much for all your patreon support Channel memberships and buy us a pizza honestly guys thanks all the support guys lovely loads from the bottom are and Steve and everyone else take care God bless see you soon
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 513,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -zWwDsUibaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 11sec (3011 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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