The Abandoned Manor Of The Mona Lisa | Full of Rare Paintings And A Letter From The Queen

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[Music] today we venture deep into the english countryside nestled away in the overgrowth sits its endearing thatched cottage inside we are greeted by a lifetime of collected items [Music] countless books clocks radios and paintings are on display within the beamed walls of this age-old home oh my gosh oh my god i've never seen anything like that before oh my god there's tons butterflies an extensive crowd of fascinating items surround us closed behind doors frozen in time what's going on everyone and welcome back to the channel today we are giving a unique tour of an abandoned house but this is a collector's house over many many years he's collected paint ins ornaments pretty much everything you can think of there's guns there's swords there's the mona lisa painting there's a replica of the mona lisa in here i'm excited to look around this place it's different it's 15th century as well yeah this is going again this is going to be a good one so this is the older front porch or even just this clock wow thomas that's incredible that's a warranty no way warranted good yeah that's crazy on there some of it's actually been taken but god i think he's like a clock builder it's like he repairs clocks and stuff like that oh my gosh i didn't notice this look old part of a rifle wow what's beautiful coat of arms in it whoa filled this is like a hoarder's house and yeah it's filled with stuff even the door everything's warped out of shape let's head into this uh office room then it's hard to walk around there's so much stuff more he was obviously a big fan of like radios club wow look at that drawing jesus this is probably like his work benchmade looks like yeah i wonder what this was used for guys if anyone knows what this piece of equipment was used for drop it down in the comments and let us know it's a safe safe yeah it's a radio of some sort oh yeah aerial trimmer range jesus is so old god i bet there's some crazy rare things in here yeah it's a shame we don't know more about antiques just look at the books they used to be beautiful didn't they yeah i wonder if these are first editions i bet you look at these books at the end it's a cowboy one oh yeah it's a treat to see an abandoned building like this in the uk there's only a few of them left and this is definitely a special one of these books i've seen it's unbelievable it's so weird to think that there's probably quite a few of these dotted around the uk there's many of them but you just got just something yeah it's like just wasted yeah festering it's weird it's like an old key cupboard or something yeah isn't it did you miss the newspaper 1975. new canal this is one little seat oh my gosh the book collection in here is just something else no i can't believe it i can't actually believe what's in here another like clock mechanism what's up night night hurt no i imagine the queen is graciously pleased to award you of your marriage services oh my god you don't really ever see that that is different from the queen that's from the queen i don't think i've ever met anyone that's actually been knighted no just look at that it's amazing beautiful artwork really in this and it's an art form in itself guys i wish i knew more about all of this like someone might recognize the imperial lexicon what are these if you've got any book guys watching this video right now let us know what these books are about the first editions if you recognize any of them drop it down in the comments below like a little desk and it's plastic i thought that was gonna be real then i was like oh looks pretty cool i wonder if that was um one of them was him probably is that fire brigade do you think oh yeah it does maybe that's why he was knighted heritage of heroes wow look at that underneath it's so old you can't really read the writing anymore wow about clocks is it yeah see look there's like clock things and dials and stuff everywhere yeah there's just so much to look at now that is something else like international library of famous literature whoa look at that encyclopedia it looks like if you touch that it would just fall to pieces lucky's got like all the volumes of the encyclopedia oh my god studded bookshelf yeah or maybe his dad or something maybe he looks like a priest almost no because he's definitely in some sort of yeah i bet that's all the guys in the other photo yeah yeah this is crazy so we just moved all the boxes off the chair and off here so we could have a proper look at what's left behind because the photos we've seen wasn't like that so someone's been in there rummaging around chucking stuff everywhere which is not on but now you can see it's like a bureau in it since at least you can see all the actual belongings now a pipe and everything mm-hmm wooden pipe empty what is it important facts about fat 2004 oh looks old what book is that the rover of the andes this is a lovely little desk i love it to matches look at the chair just sat there just goes through smoking his pipe in it with all this stuff [Music] more books everywhere you look in this room it's just full of books encyclopedias model power boats seamanship what collection nets sat here yeah this hot swamp i wonder who this is maybe this was him when he was young maybe or his father when he was young look that could have been a granddaughter and there's not an inch with not something interesting to look at it's mind-blowing it's like a it's like a antiques yeah antiques roadshow dickinson's real deal look these would be from the local area oh yeah fossil coral coral skeletons shells it's a spanish coat of arms oh yeah it's got quite a few isn't it it's just plastic though that's classic in it from the area we're in right now that is classic safety matches i bet that's so old even the record pillar has been left behind that doesn't have a record i don't know this is filled with records yeah all this look i think this is a record player look at that there's the records tangles with love the charleston evelyn lay let's listen to them these books look a bit more modern prairie gold flint brave cowboy what else have they got the junction with lawrence in arabia her majesty the queen patron and president this is just a certified having attended a course of lectures and demonstrations of first aid i stayed in 61. 1961 look at wow painting that's unreal wow this is the living room then yeah oh my god that is incredible big fireplace in there try and squeeze through all the stuff piano that's a nice piano i don't want to play it doesn't give you somebody hears us from the outside clifton clifton regent street that's bristol look at those indian dancers who's obviously travelled around probably yeah unless he's brought it as an antique or something and it just paintings everywhere photographs do you think that's someone's ashes in there oh it could be no i don't want to open look at that it i might have been the wife of the house child it's so crazy to be able to look into someone's family this is like stepping back in into the past you know it really is look at that oh that's a radio as well they look so cool don't they mm-hmm why don't they build radios like that anymore look there's like a turkey attacking those children oh yeah what the boy's like no things are like folders in there board games oh wow look at that it's like 3d oh yeah it's like um pottery inside i just can't get over this lump that's amazing i'd love that is it is that oh no no i think it was probably at one point though look at that chest that's beautiful word that is filled with blankets old wrappers and wrapping paper and stuff oh look at the batteries oh a lot of spanish sort of things actually yeah i think they might have been that spanish heritage or something actually there's another newspaper down here 1970. down here it might be the batteries oh yeah the cabinet in the corner do know i love that style lumps look that has like the glass bit for oil as well another radio another radio looks it's labeled and dated 93. i think it's older than that though maybe that was when he got it it's so cool he's got loads yeah start a radio museum this place is like a museum this place is so unique it's beautiful just walking around it's like wow everywhere i look there's something hidden in the corner yeah i don't think i've ever been in a house this full of interesting stuff and yeah the stuff that's in here is just unbelievable it's a different theme to wales houses welsh houses like the brass house that was filled the brass bungalow was filled with stuff but this is like different stuff yeah more bits and bobs from the area yeah it's nice so we just noticed down here's all coffee jars and look that's got a golly wok on it so you know that's old man robert robert is saying the top roberts robertson's he's really nice oh yeah classic old biscuit yeah i bet you had custard creams in there another full cabinet wow see he look that guy almost looks a bit spanish to be honest with you yeah that's when i see stones it's a good tin so it definitely looks like it's from like different places across the world those scissors are incredible more books holy bible a lady of quality that's what we like greek story stories and songs so you can actually see the mould growing off of that book oh yeah oh look at that one machine what gardens flower gardens gardening books i love those commentary they are all how to drive a car oh yeah you don't see books like that anymore do you just do it on their phone everywhere i look is i just see more and more stuff just this room in general the beam and stuff it's just beautiful room fireplace wow this is a board game but disguised as like a book oh wow i bet you that's collectible guys those cards aren't altered were they marker that's crazy yeah that is old short whistle whisper that obviously came with the box wow that is incredible i love the wooden beams that's an unusual shaped one yeah it's nice telling us a very like diy clip it's a very masculine vibe in this whole steel garden yeah oh look at the spiders i know this was for oh yeah oh yeah it's got like that's like bone with burnt bits on it it's got two bits two prongs look there's loads of tools and stuff behind yeah oh like a skipping rope wow i've seen one earth since primary school isn't this to like warm your bed up are you supposed to put coals and stuff like that put coals in that and then you put it in your bed sort of thing yeah i think i've seen it on a disney program the door cabinet more box these are more modern aren't they and that's glasses wow that's super old the paper is actually wearing away yeah it's like degrading in there another fireplace look at those brass gun ornaments that's cool i like that yeah i like that feathers it's like an indian man again and there's his friend that doesn't say it's broken off he's collected a lot of feathers oh look there's a calendar from 1947. wow oh my god july that's crazy god you're really careful where you stand in here it does have writing on it dreamy falls i wonder if that's real looks like a print actually another little clock oh look at that it's just disintegrating it's a shame i didn't even notice that on there either that's beautiful i just can't even decide where to look i know that's it yeah here we go behind look at that that was old look chandi this will give us a good idea unless this is from an explorer they didn't they looked pretty new though don't they 15 2015 but these would last a long time before just hanging on the corner you see the wires going going everywhere and the staircase wow before we go upstairs we're gonna do everything on the ground floor and look in every little corner because there's hidden secrets all over this place the door frame's handcarved it's tiny too isn't it it's small nice light switches different to the welsh ones on there look at these it's like the same set as the ones on the manual piece in it yeah a lot of it's quite similar that would go for [Music] oh i thought that was a real dead mouse that's disintegrating oh my god i was told one time the golf balls are actually filled with elastic buns yeah if you set them on fire explode everywhere but i've never tried it maybe we should try that out maybe you guys will see that in the next intro to the video so this looks like a bathroom area maybe it's all green into the loft oh you can actually see i forgot to say it's a roof wow look it's all hanging off by cobwebs that's crazy the inside of a patch roof i've never seen that no i've never seen that it's tough this was the main door i don't know yeah it's got to be yeah even the raincoat's still hanging of course a squeeze around here oh yes the kitchen oh my gosh it's full this was his workshop slash kitchen and the cooper's tools and stuff the walking sticks wow put that back where it belongs what an amazing collection of stuff this room is beautiful see all sorts of stuff hanging by this door fire extinguisher yeah you never see that do you in houses binocular case empty that's all that bungee ropes and stuff the farm's hat check out behind you oh wow look it's like a double oh yeah it's like a double image he used to hang his glasses there when he came in then i wonder if he did yeah all the pots and pans and the kitchen utensils still hanging i like a good kitchen in an abandoned house oh [Music] pilchard's me my daddy's doing this i thought sardines i thought was gonna be 2022. wow we sleep them it looks like some tough cleaner or something saves electricity this is so small isn't it everything's so squash into a small hoover oh it's from the hoover brand yeah remember there was one of those in the brass house what are these oh i can't remember now what people said they were is that a microwave and that's a grill it's a mini grill yeah there's a little binocular oh yeah that's cool wow this has even been a lot it's fun seeing really long distances i've never seen a few fuse box like this before eyes old school no even tells you kettle that is so old postcards and stuff smith salt and shake crisps i remember those yeah they were good guys if you used to eat smith's salt and shake crisps drop it down in the comments right now amazing china beautiful stuff biscuits i skipped 10. jacobs keeping those tools in there great never had them machine see that's all been on the floor lately wow it stinks in this part in there it does so it smells like burnt food there's a lot of tools a lot of strange bits and bobs have in your kitchen in it more books breeders digest magnifying glass two look they've got crocodile clips on them he's also looking at something detailed maybe you can read very well it's funny little light too it looks like a chimney pipe coming through there yeah look there's a couple heater here another fireplace whoa god there's so much stuff jammed in there yeah everywhere i don't know what that is pull it off go on no it might fall no this isn't oh yeah it is a reason yeah wow weird door that's a strange door looks like you made it yeah it is for ages you have to oh yeah you're right look at that cobweb looks like a piece of cloth whoa look at that plunger jeez do you know i reckon you're the first person to open that cupboard in wow it's like a little museum in there this is like an abandoned cupboard at its finest that is an absolute step back in time of cleaning products and i've never seen any i don't recognize any of them neither do i look at that extra strong tea double bag of mate right next to the upholstery shampoo and these kept all these old wires and stuff god light bulbs they look untrustworthy above the door batteries isn't sure just think that those teacups mugs just haven't been moved in many many years god how do you even get to them i know all the plates still on the drying rack oh look mushy processed peas that is not what you want to make from sainsbury's jesus they've got much better way of marketing than these days look at the old sink oh look at the cobwebs and if there's still water to this place i don't even want to try anything no what's that i think maybe hot water yeah oh look biscuits and stuff oh yeah they might be have a good day on them 2019 mashed potato oh look there's like a photograph of a lady there oh no jesus oh yeah wow it's unusual now just on top of the bin always noticed in the old abandoned buildings they have like rails through the kitchen where they could hang rubber gloves in the details good way to dry your stuff look at this whole one you probably hanged all this clothes up to dry look dorset bakery oh yeah how strange just look at receipts almost hmm another radio you can ever run out of radio and clocks in here whoa look at this pantry or pantry huh wow those cans do we do spaghetti wow loads of spaghetti butter and stuff that's gonna stink that little fridge yeah yeah this is so old look there's loads more stuff here as well spread domio mushrooms rice i know what's in the big fridge i'm getting covered in cobwebs right now eggs oh oh it stinks oh god step out there just do that another little covered arrows on oops dog balls oh no isn't it dog food oh yeah look at that ginger punch it's not even open geez check out the date on those beans because they look real old what those baked beans well the heinz one the disco ones look pretty hot it stinks in it right now beans last forever in the car oh cobwebs wow look at the cobwebs the that's the black mold yeah let's get over wow look at that little porthole through look normal cool boiling freezing us to control the temperatures look at that top it's almost like a shape of a jacket yeah and it's been just rubbed it's got no i used to dry his hands after the washing up for many many years yeah oh look 2017. oh yeah that's probably that's gonna be the last eight hundred percent 2017 so it's been left like this for four years wow a lot of decay can happen in four years kind of four years this feels like one of the oldest places we've i think it depends on who lived here doesn't it that's right it's been probably living here for years and just collected all this old stuff [Music] do [Music] do i think this is the hardest house to like move around and get around just tiny you have to go in the bathroom first oh my god it's like yellow it's like green in here creepy oh my gosh i didn't use the bath oh god oh the tea dentures there's always something creepy about that olive oil sole for me it smells very like pharmacy yeah it does look those oil lanterns white nymph wow this place is full a little the shampoo and stuff of the modern it's like a strange contrast in it like modern stuff like all this old stuff like a cigarette super cute i've seen these before chess smoking kills still good on there so i guess yeah he just stopped using this bath i guess so just a bath yeah no toilet totally not must be more upstairs look at that that's just wow that is something else oh my god this place is amazing and that is the mona lisa i've never seen anything like this no it's just stuff just paintings everywhere looking down looks awesome look at that [Music] so here's the toilet oh dude there no do you dare open it i wouldn't it's not going to be very interesting that's sealed this is so just had a bathroom and a sink and then just temporary toilet there oh my wow look at that paint in the airplane that's huge there's another one of those things it's like it's a strange type of radio that tunes into different stuff i don't know much about it another one there yeah god look it yeah look that's he's made out of a cupboard box just crazy i can't believe that i've never seen anything like a magnifying scope microscope wow look at these portugal what they are lovely yeah some more books some shoehorn yeah mirror got more and more books it's a neverending book please he had a massive it was actually quite big in this room oh yeah single bed yeah it's an incredible book collection isn't it more just more hidden away under the stuff look at that hobnob box it's classic fish promises all different it's like a series of books oh look all of his handkerchiefs my grandad used to always have a handkerchief in his pocket toys there's a tie ties and handkerchiefs tons of them very cool they are actually pretty handy but these are old some cereal boxes oh yeah yeah mirror left on the floor yeah the shame can't just tidy up a bit more isn't it really that strange little place it's a couple it just looks like a haunted cupboard still got the clothes in there oh it's like a woman's dressing gown nightgown like an asian one yeah like silk sort of thing i'll let you go first this is a jacket it's a nice jacket that is filled with terra lean into the master bedroom oh my god oh holy i think this is the nicest bedroom i've ever been in yeah in an abandoned building the dresser everything's just left in place some orange juice oh yeah robinson something satisfying about that oh that's beautiful it's like a fairy tale mirror yeah old farmer looks like the local area that doesn't it glass is still in the case silver falcon oh there's a mop oh oh my gosh oh my god i've never seen anything like that before oh my god there's tons butterflies what that's a sign i've never seen that don't try and open the windows man maybe they like in there i don't know look they're all wrapped up in the dead cobwebs and stuff that is that's a beautiful one they're amazing they're all here no do you think someone's look at that one it's almost turned through like a mushroom can you see that yes the fungus and the cobwebs and the dumb yeah is it worth opening up i think all of them are dead those aren't except from those ones i don't know windows [Music] i can't believe that i think they'll leave if i unlock it oh you ain't gonna go to another man they're stuck trying to flick him out oh he's gonna get stuck in the corner oh he's going the wrong way push it all right that's so nice maybe they're kind of stuck in here come on yes yeah you just flew away very careful hopefully the mold like hopefully they can sort themselves out once they leave something well that one just flew look they're just stuck in all of this they're still slightly alive so we've almost got them all outside now even the ones that look like they've turned to mushrooms are alive their legs don't work come on no i still got life that's a dead one come on it's the last one that's alive let's just move them out of the clock i think he's just hiding see just hold that ball out of the window man fly off yeah nice so after animal rescue oh no there's one left it's a baby come on he doesn't look like moldy either come on please wait in there you go nice whoa they're in the box as well that's a brand new one come on this is strange look how beautiful that is i've forgotten what these ones are called the monarch no go on fly free nice what was everyone's thoughts on that how did they get in here why so many i've never seen anything like that an abandoned building before right back to the explore fries chocolate box if fries is actually is it bristol fries chocolate the top actually yeah bristol london sydney wow make it to the green toolbox man little horses wow they're metal oh yeah more books some children there strange to think that they are probably really old or even maybe passed away yeah painting of a house not this house though this whole room is just beautiful in there it's just untouched bedroom high up the bed is massive it's a massive bedroom to jump on rock hard soaking wet though you can see the indent or the people were sleeping yeah there there's artwork everywhere oh look and like in um the musician's house a heater that hangs on top of the bed wow keep going give you a burnt head she didn't look very happy that's a beautiful painting as well oh brass clock another lady i want to see the darts of family members a photographer on in there so cool it's like a little mini 60s lamp oh wow all of his clothes nice it's woman's in it i don't know look at a stash of alcohol what a huge dresser coffee socks fire suits suit jackets yep it's true of western art yeah wow that's incredible that's real that is something else look at the trunk no it's a little movement this is so betty it's like a little mini sewing machine i better actually used to work as well yeah oh my god the fat's just coming through spooks yeah the fudge is just burst through the plaster that's so sad god i bet there's some serious spiders in this place yeah look at this it's like a little back room oh my god it's full as well wow that's another bedroom oh my god standard river's a bit more space oh that's the main road there yeah more butterflies oh yeah they must have some sort of attraction to fetch cottages or something look at these toy guns ah my bad finger oh no i got my first injury exploring yesterday i was an abandoned casino of living in urban luke and i shut my finger between a big safe and the wall and it crushed my finger look above the windows it's got like clocks mugs bugs with queen's face on it you know curtains do you mean the curtains actually look right is that cereal we're storing books inside of them oh he's done it here as well the bed it's just covered in boxes absolutely covered in stuff yeah this is strange to get to this bedroom you had to go through the master bedroom master bedroom yeah different little back room i don't know if there's anything in this cabinet whoa jesus christ yeah look oh my gosh that's like the biggest leather jacket i've ever seen it's like a proper motoring code oh my gosh wow i bet that was fancy back in back in its day about this whoever owned this house was a wealthy person definitely such a shame so much as you know just on the blog i want another radio mega it's just like a little mouse burrowed through there or maybe a thousand butterflies call the bow on that oh my god it's about to come down just keep moving man make sure it's stung by a wasp [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do our favorite place to the house which is this hallway with all the paintings on the walls and like a dried up plant down there it's beautiful i remember this i love this is what you think of when you think of the time capsule yeah that's right something like this this this has been frozen in time for many years and probably will be for many more you're just saying it's a very dark house very gloomy and dark yeah when you've got sort of one window on each side pretty small windows as well yeah nice though really nice house this is the outside you can see it's a beautiful fashion house didn't come across half of this very often see if we can get a view of it go back up there so sweet there's the front of the building beautiful i love fudge cottages so unusual amazing that's the little study room and that's that strange the old way in yeah because the front doors so we're gonna take a walk through the big garden it's like a jungle out here it's like jurassic yeah the kitchen in it smells amazing back here but you can actually see the old garden archway oh yeah this is just this is just growing out of [Music] have been control nothing goddess i've got its own woods on the back yeah oh yeah tripwire what house what a garden yeah tiny little shadow now another shed so shit's everywhere is that the third now the third shirt yeah still got all this stuff in there as well oh yeah hey that's like another house over there oh it's good this way it's a bit sketchy though look it's like a caravan [Music] look [Music] you can see inside will look how long look at the cobwebs in the window [Music] how's the window open here oh my god it's just filled with brambles i bet there's a time capsule on there as well though look the trees have actually like pretty much sealed yeah look at this it looks like they made it into a real outhouse it's got glass windows toilet a bet the trees actually just closed it i bet you there's a bathroom in there yeah yeah another weird shed how strange this place has got all sorts of hidden secrets yeah i just can't believe the size of the garden ah look at these trees this is a really weird little garden so the caravan creepy caravans open on the other side you're going to go in you'll be surprised if the full floor just falls down i can't open it i'm getting that though yeah oh my god it's rotted to help wow would have definitely been nice in here it's more like yeah static over there caravan well at least we got to see this hidden secrets this is sort of weird isn't it it's a bit strange in a completely perfect circle yeah all these trees in a perfect circle and a big pile i wonder what's under that they probably used to have fire's hair but think how long it would have taken for these treats to grow like this someone did this a long time ago maybe the owner of the house man do you know what i'm lost in this garden i don't know how we get out [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Samandjessexplore
Views: 61,480
Rating: 4.9321713 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mansion, abandoned house, abandoned places, abandoned mansion every thing left, abandoned house every thing left, abandoned places uk, abandoned places 2020, abandoned places 2021, exploring abandoned mansion, exploring abandoned house, sam and jess explore, mona lisa house, abandoned house rare items, abandoned house untouched, abandoned house in the woods, 15th century home, abandoned thatched house, abandoned england, abandoned english, mansion, urban exploring
Id: Yt7fecWSsHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 13sec (3553 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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