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this stunning 19th century mansion was the filming location for the christopher nolan movie batman begins it was used as wayne manor bruce wayne's multi-million pound mansion and all interior and exterior shops were filmed here it also housed artworks during world war ii including the gold state coach of the royal family [Music] yo guys today hopefully we are scouting out a massive location which is way mountain thanks ray which is wayne manor from the batman trilogy the chris nolan trilogy with uh christian bale um so it's not guaranteed this one but we are um holding our fingers crossed because it will be epic this one but joining us today exploring within and hidden history with ray look at these orange bits fungus see we've got a bit of a mission gonna stick to the bushes and the trees because we don't want to be spotted if there is anyone in the manor so incognito is the best way i wonder if batman's cave was in the grounds imagine that it's worth a look now you've said it yeah jack and he's got his uh garage for his battle bill well it was in the caves wasn't it batman i was born in a dark all right so guys there is in the distance so we've got a little bit of a walk yet but yeah i think this is going to be a no-go but it's never guaranteed these places you rock up to so yeah we're hoping guys look at these guys some deer over just he's gone right there it is in the distance guys there's a huge old building we're going to see how close we can get to it anyway i caught myself before i went over there i just went at all so we're going to need to stick to that yeah yeah so what we're going to do is we're going to hug the tree line um to the right hopefully approach the mansion like that yeah let's do this me looking at it is uh it's definitely a little bit well kept this weird stone there but yeah we've got some shrubs there so that's not a brilliant sign if it was a walkway that wouldn't be left like that either someone could trip on that hopefully steve no he missed it yeah well guys we've reached the driveway yeah should i fetch the batmobile blue blue peter an houses and the size of this driveway and the good thing is there's no cars look at this wow do we stick to this main road would we if they've seen us let's do it now in it so i can see bull cameras on the left this building there's ball cameras on the left yeah i can see another one as well yeah so we need to stick to this side which steve's just pointed out there's a old church up over this hill yeah well that red one oh yeah private keep out probably you will be shot at the ground here oh well too late for that we're in there as well yeah so let's just check this out it's just like a brick pillar right yeah it's a bit weird that probably is it mate no so these yeah these are there's an old outhouse there that's derelict it's there is just through there we're going to make our approach now i think wow oh is that a center oh did i walk past that that's what well i didn't know but i don't know it's like an old 80s telephone didn't it yeah do you know if it went off yeah what is it well because there's another one over there yeah so it'd be one of those a bit like um a bit like it the bunker bunker yeah wow anyway ray's doing it that's something like you to go first right he always goes first that's what the french did i was in a rush any cameras on this front i can't see any yet oh yeah well spotted what was that probably birds in there or an old gate yeah going to the right yeah but that's where the cameras are so we're going to try this way around that yeah that's the back i wonder if we could crawl through here oh wow that's cool wow look at this that's the whole walls caved in yeah so it would have been like a little it's just a self-contained thing you know unless it was a water feature or something but it could have been actually it could have been yeah because all these trees car [Music] oh yeah should we just try this set like that wow it's gonna have to be a squeeze all right so this is where we've got into i'm not sure if it leads anywhere yet but like steve said there is there was a camera above where we've just got inside another bit like uh bat cave yeah there's lots of electronic equipment and stuff i'm just looking out for sensors and yeah i'm just going to use watch the wire in front of your eye so we have still got a meter i don't know if it's running still it is seen look at that east wing main switch yeah main supply that's just a power switch so yeah that's where we're trying to get to there's a light on over there so nothing through there then um all right so we're just gonna get out again and try and find another way in [Music] no cameras up this front there apart from that big ball cam we're up there in the circle just start there this is huge this place look at it where's where you've gone what did you slip as well it's well yeah before we check all the other entrances look at this door should we ring the bell no that's the just keep on looking at [Music] i think it's the bat cave lads yeah oh lads there's a spoiled staircase that goes up no way yeah yes why do you want me to go up there first to have a look or yeah look at this so this is this is an old part yeah there look there we go do we need to close it steve i think it would be quick no point okay right ray's going up first which means he'll go oh it's bulldog [Music] well there's another room through there failing everything else i've seen a hole in the wall steve what is it open no way oh my god look there's a camera on the wall over there straight ahead pointing out is that charles the first in that yeah probably the size of that oh right oh yeah there it is yeah what have we stumbled upon batman's ass batman what do you think yeah i'm already blown away good mirrors man let's just see if we can go any higher yeah what's that right well there's another door i don't know if it's open though [Music] it's locked it's locked steve i think it's gold leaf or something because it looks very rough does it come on or no but it might not have a lot honestly right wow look at that i'm wondering if this is actually gold leaf but this is crazy already this is the first room look look at this old furniture we've got well that door's locked really so we're stuck yeah so we're stuck in this room this grand room even if that's it look at that bloody wardrobe all that display case this is crazy i can't get over this so there are cameras in here as you can see above that doorway bar and there i am what oh it's another way okay steve found another way but yeah look at this elaborate painting look at that for a frame so they've got some serious money these people you've got this huge display case with the look at the size of that panel that glass panel and these marble and gold with velvet cushioned inlay they would have held some really ornate jewelry maybe wow so apparently this is padlocked so i've seen some fireplaces steve but look at that that marble fire bracelet they don't make them like that anymore they got some serious money chandelier all right what's through that door then i'll have a little look quick okay so yeah this is as you can tell the state of the place very well this was what i was imagining all of it to be like completely derelict like this but as you can see it's seen better days and that rug probably costs quite a bit as well so sensors all around and there is the view we had these very ornate gate so yeah size of that window panel crazy absolutely crazy shut that behind me and let's i think the guy's going back out now to try and find another way in there's a hole in the wall though yeah i did see that did you want me to have a look through there yeah it's too dusty make that proper i'm gonna have a look because that might be the way through well just wait there and i'll uh let you know so i'm just gonna go through there to uh have a look for is so yeah let's just show you i'm now underneath the house so there's another hole at the end of the walkway sorry crawl space so i'm going to uh check that out please don't be a dead end there's pipe of pipes and cables but yeah as you can see no further way in so yeah worth a look guys all right let's get back out and see the guys so now we know that the cameras are working but no one's came here is it really is he you up oh that's yeah that's the big wooden panel because that's the other room yeah above here's these gates yep yeah that one's probably gonna work well so i've walked this way around or where the cars are just do it yeah ray's got the balls we come in peace wow oh jesus that is unreal that's the room we were in no yeah let me see what steve's on about he can hear alarm it's like a solid alarm like at one pitch i'm sure you ain't got tinnitus steve i can't hear it that is unreal this marble floor and everything in there probably can't look up oh my god never say never right i mean we've gotten one bit so far fine this place just yeah one straight above us i'm just going to show you guys because i can't see it just goes on and on so that's the east wing that was a bird sure it was it could be it's a bird okay yeah after you don't oh okay we'll walk around then yeah we've walked around so many cameras now no one's coming how long have we been here for now so we just go take this path here right this doesn't need to where we thought i keep the noise down smash my nose someone's left their karcher i mean i could get through there do you want me to have a look i can do let me make sure there's no one setting my car first too late now there's a camera right in front of you as well alex a camera right in front of you i did see that i was gonna say but we've uh spooked a lot of cameras yeah but we haven't done something silly like this look at that that's fine that's some that's that is someone whistling yeah yeah but someone is over there there's a hole in the wall over there though guys right into the building you need to get over quick quickly let's do all it's now or never guys you could even climb through the middle bit rather than going over the top what [Music] the guys have run off and i'm just gonna have to sit here for a little bit all right so guys just turned up ryan steven talking swim and i'm hidden here so all right so i think the guy is getting on the golf cart there he goes now i presume he's going to go and scout out the uh area so this is probably my chance to break so he's open the gate left open so do i try now so there's the gate open just over there let's make a break for it yeah this would have been the old courtyard coast is clear right unfortunately guys i've just had a phone call from ray um guy is driving around and he's threatened to call the police on ray and steve so still what an amazing building from what we did get to see there is a small chance we will come back to this one but for the minute i'm just going to keep recording and i'm going to try and avoid the security yeah he's just gone down there okay i'm gonna have to go past this sensor i think just since they're looking away from my camera sensors let's go out this way i think but yeah there is wayne manors he's locked the gate up now so the course should be up there there they offer that that's why and steve just casually sat in the church gate right i walked up to it to get you and this guy just walked towards us and he was like what are you doing here i'm gonna call the police and i'm like wait we're just there like filming documenting because it's about the building and he's like no no you gotta go and all that so we had to go and then he was driving around in his golf yeah i see him leave he left the gate unlocked and that's how all got out did you hear the alarm in the end yeah yeah i was saying it was really loud as he came out but then after i squashed the phone to you another vehicle come past here did it rain driver i thought oh you've just been caught that's why i stayed in the water get from there to here i think that's what i did quick i hid in the hole in the wall you get our coats off and start walking down the main road to the cars yeah yeah yeah right so we've got out alive we've got no police presence so yeah brilliant that's all we could have wished for really yeah and a place like that they could have set back yeah could have sent bane after us so yeah i really hope you enjoyed that video guys i know it was a short one and we could only do a little bit but it's something so yeah if you did enjoy that please leave us a like leave us a comment i'll always return your comments and consider subscribing if you haven't already and turning on that notification bell we will catch you in the next one guys see ya [Music]
Channel: VacantHaven
Views: 2,300,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: batman, batman begins mansion, batman begins, abandoned mansion, abandoned mansion uk, abandoned uk, abandoned places, urbex, vacant haven, derelict mansion, millionaires mansion abandoned, abandoned millionaire mansion
Id: PZxlr1MieLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 34sec (2254 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 09 2022
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