United We Stand "Live Original Tour" Part 1 | Sadie Robertson

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hey how we do it tonight are we good yeah y'all are awesome my gosh hello thanks for coming out well guys I'm so excited for what God is gonna do tonight he has been absolutely blowing my mind and here's the thing of our God he goes from glory to glory to glory so how many of you know that God if I could do something awesome in this room yeah so the theme of this year's tour is united we stand divided we fall which is like this super huge theme right and I'm in like so excited about it because I'm so excited about this concept of unity and what it looks like when the family when the body comes together and we were actually doing our little Divo earlier and the tour pastor he said isn't it so awesome that when we come together those are the times that we see God the most because when the body of Christ comes together when the family comes together we get to see so many aspects of who God is and it's not not true for us like how many of you have personally been just blessed by unity coming together as a family yeah yeah okay so I got to ask you a question I you see I like the crowd involvement I like to know where you guys are at so how many of you have a desire for unity in your life yes okay okay see y'all are good crowd because like sometimes I'll come out here and I would be like yeah God is good and there's like one mom in the back she's like yeah I'm like okay really here's the thing if we want to see unity happen it's gonna take every single person in this room saying I want to be a part of what God's doing and this is just really cool to me because Jesus literally the son of God his last prayer that he prayed on earth which if if this is Jesus's last prayer you probably think this probably matters to him right the last thing he prayed was this he said Holy Father protect them by the power of your name the name that you gave me which is the name of Jesus he says protect them by that name so they may be one as you and I or one then he goes on to say I am them and you and me so that we may be brought into complete unity I just love that Jesus's last prayer it was that we would be in unity and so I was thinking like I want to come out and I want to give these people this message on unity but I don't want it to just be like an encouraging message because doesn't everybody want to be United yes but then there's obvious reason for division like I don't want to come out here and just be like you know like no be like yeah we all love Troy Bolton enough forever crush but like how does that help anybody in real life real I need practical not just practical but like very real things that bring unity into our life and so I was thinking God like I just want to go and I just want to bring your word and so I was thinking if you've ever like done a school project or maybe for your job like if you're about to give a pump up a message or whatever but you want it to be genuine the first thing that you would do or what I would do is I would look up a really good story to tell right and I'm like man if I could just find a good story on unity that would be awesome because then I could prove that like hey if they did it we can do it here's the problem I could not find a solid story for unity and it wasn't that there wasn't good stories on people United it was that it always dissolved at some point it was that maybe people United for a certain point in time or maybe people you not have for a certain project it was then over and over and over again somewhere along the way there would be division and it would fall and I'm like God like this is not really what I'm going for like I don't want to come out to everybody like you today yeah they did it and then it failed but we can do it whoo like no is like not a great message since I Cali show me when there is unity show me the story that that I want to go after and Here I am looking for a story on Google my 19:40 unity there's like no girl you got to go a little bit further back than that so I'm like 18-49 I know girl keep going back 17 oh the garden like we're going way back so next thing I know I'm in the Bible written about the garden because that was really the last time that there was perfect unity that was a time that God the Father the Son the Holy and mankind were in perfect unity and all things were good it was the beginning of creation it was going real smooth everything was good and I look at that and I'm like okay well if that's the last time that there was unity surely you want to against her god what can we learn from the garden from the original creation that maybe we've kind of missed at this point in our life and one of the things that I would recognize that was in the garden that like we don't have that actually was not in the garden that we do have a lot of now that I think is maybe the first thing that has to go if we really want unity and that is comparison like let's just go straight there comparison gotta go because somewhere along the way if comparison wasn't a part of creation somewhere along the way the enemy got us to look at each other compare ourselves to one another and compete with our own creation and I don't know how that happened but it happened because here's the thing comparison like I said was not even a part of creation when God began to create he was not comparing his creation he was creating creation for its own specific good like when God created the Sun he said it is good when God created the trees he said those are good when God created humans he said those are good it's all about that does that not make you feel pretty good because like every other thing he created he said it was good and he said I was good - there was no comparison or wasn't like oh he makes the Sun and he's like wow this is so amazing and I'm like make the trees and he's like those are so awesome and then like make humans and he's like hey good enough which is really awesome that he didn't do that but I don't know why we'd do that you see cuz I would never want past a tree and be like oh I just wish I was as green as the leaves like that would be the weirdest thing ever nor would I ever like wake up in the morning go out like open the window and be like oh my gosh why do I even try to be a light the Sun is always gonna be brighter like know how I just never do that but why would I never do that because I'm not in competition with the Sun I'm not in competition with the trees they were created the same time as me and God said they're good and so I see them as good so why don't we look at each other and just say hey you're good God created you for a specific reason for a specific purpose like that is what's gonna unify us so there's some real fast like let's just break the ice with your neighbor I want you to look at your neighbor and I want you to give them to solid reason don't be like your eyes are green and they're great like look at the neighbor and be like hey you're good because this reason in this reason just go ahead just go ahead all right all right are we arguing are we good are we good everybody here is good we are good I love that let me ask you something who in here feels good yes okay now who would here feels strengthened yeah stronger yes okay this is like what how easy was that so easy and how good did every single person feel so good and how strong do we all feel so good don't ever let that stop like if you see something good call it out and call it up if you say something good say it why would you hold it back it only strengthens we were a part of a very very good creation by a very very good creator and so let's step into the goodness gosh it would just be we would be so strong I love that this is what the garden was like this is what creation was like unity with the father unity with the Creator with the Sun with the Holy Spirit and everything was good didn't we get introduced to this other word and the word was evil and like how about y'all but to me I'm like why do we want to know what the other word is all about because the Lord gives clear instructions he's like hey listen guys we're all good huh everything's good right yeah okay awesome there's this tree and this tree has the knowledge of good and evil do not eat from anything of this tree because everything is good and you don't want to know evil so why in the whole world would you think that Eve would get it in her little brand like you I would just love to know with this whole evil things about I really don't know and like I don't know about y'all not even trying to be funny when I was a kid like growing up in Sunday school and you hear like Eve a to Apple I would always play why did she eat the apple it's just an apple they're not even that good my mom makes me eat Apple like if it was something else give me a pizza might be tempted and Apple are you kidding but like you know what that just represents mankind like that's just what happens when you see something that you think is gonna satisfy you more than what you already have in unity with the father so you break connection and you take a bite and you're like oh that is not good that might be what evil is about and here's what the Lord showed me okay how many of you are fans of Wi-Fi got any Wi-Fi fans in the house all right I see some on you y'all like 20 years old you're not raising your hand you lyin in the church so I ask you again how many of you are fans of Wi-Fi yea yea yea yea ok we all like Wi-Fi if you don't like Wi-Fi seriously hello but Wi-Fi is great Wi-Fi is like if it's mean that connects us to the world these days we get to you know connect we get all accessibility to all things it's cruising here's the thing when I was growing up in my family I always knew like the wife at my house is just the best you know like my dad set it up for us we got that Network Robertson hey oh there we are like as soon as you get to the house I would know as soon as I connect Robertson that's me and all of a sudden I had this great connection I have all accessibility to the whole internet I can talk to all my friends I can communicate with anybody I don't have to miss out it's like safe network it's reliable it's great this is the Wi-Fi at my house and then I would always know like I don't know if any of you have parents like this or your parents have said this to you but my parents would always say if we were gonna go out of town or go to the airport they would be like now kids here's the thing when we get to the airport nobody try to connect with any server that you don't know of because you never know if there's gonna be like a hijacker and they're gonna steal all your stuff and we're all just like ha ha ha yeah ok and as soon as you get to the airport what do you do you're like me which one's the least sketchy you know like you just cruising out your options making sure you know oh that doesn't sound that bad right Airport like you're like yeah I got this and why did we do that why did we used to connect with something knowing that it might be a hijacker until herself because we didn't want to miss out on what was happening we didn't want to miss out on that connection that would give us accessibility to what the world is doing we didn't want to miss out and so here's kind of how I see it this garden this connection with God the original design like all of this this is like the Wi-Fi at your house like this is good stuff right here it's safe it's reliable literally you have full connection with God if you ask anything it will be done it's great you have everything you need with this connection you will not like any good thing with this connection but sometimes you're looking out in the world and you see some other options and you know you start going about your life start getting in those middle school years as high school years those college years and then you said looking at this connection that you have with God and you're like this has been great but I'm really interested in this so I'm just gonna disconnect with God choose to connect with the world because you really didn't want to miss out now you're in this connection you're like yeah this is awesome we having fun whoa and then you're like oh oh I didn't really realize that all my stuff was gonna be stolen like I didn't actually know that my joy was gonna be stolen I didn't actually know that my piece was gonna be taken I didn't even realize that my confidence was gonna be has anybody even seen my confidence I didn't know that my stuff was gonna be stolen and you might be sitting here right now and you're totally in this connection with the road you totally just say broke connection with God just to see what this has to offer and you're sitting here and you're like oh my gosh it has been seven minutes and I am swiped well let me encourage you let me encourage you here's the thing about this connection you know how like talks about that Wi-Fi your house being the best one of the best parts is if you were once connected honey you're always connected because you're a part of the family here's the thing we got this little nice password password hey yo Jesus and Jesus connects you back with the Father because here's the thing this word says that the thief comes to kill steal and destroy but the Lord says Jesus comes to give life and give it to the full and so tonight you might have thought all of this has been stolen from you you might have thought that it was all gone but tonight in the name of Jesus your life is coming back to you your joy is going to be restored your peace is about to surpass all life's understanding your confidence will not be a self-confidence it will be a bold confidence and who your God is like everything's about to change because everything's about to be restored everything you thought was gone is about to be found why because that is who our Jesus is that is what he does and you see here's the great thing you can always know that and you can always claim that and you can always say that because he never fails because he always does what he says he's gonna do and so I'm happy to share that with you tonight I'm happy to say that and know that I know that I know without a shadow of doubt that that's what he's gonna do and so if you're sitting here in this room and you really need him to do that I just want to say let your faith rise up tell your heart to believe as that song says tell your heart to believe that he is who he says he is that he's gonna do what he says he's gonna do and it's coming all back so in this garden what happened was she's the apple she breaks this connection and this is kind of where that theme come came from united we stand divided we fall why the tour is called that because the minute Eve got distracted and took a bite of this Apple this moment of division literally caused the fall of man so we were united and we stood and it was great and it was good in the division and we fell and after this fall of man what and is this a whole Old Testament book it's just about us trying to find our way back to the presence of God so they had temples they had like the Holy of Holies they had all of these things that it was very hard to get back to the presence of God they built towers they built walls they did all types of things to try to restore that unity with the father but they just couldn't do it and it was very frustrating but there's this book and it is an amazing story on unity and I was reading it and to be honest it had been quite a hot minute since I had picked up this book but it was so good and I want us to read it because I wanted to occur encourage us with unity but also learn from some of the reasons why division took place and the book is a Lulla drum roll please Nehemiah whoo bet you weren't expecting that but I'm telling you it is so good this book Nehemiah he is a legend y'all like I'm telling you this guy's faith was like what I hope all of us can become after tonight so Nehemiah if you don't know anything about Nehemiah Nehemiah was just a cup bearer for a king and if you don't know what a cup bearers job was let me just tell you if you came in here tonight a little ministry moment and you've been having a bad job situation your boy Nehemiah can relate because the cupbearers job was literally just to taste the wine before the king drank it to make sure it wasn't poisonous real good like here we go going whatever you go and diet your job today like that's that's a rough one so that's what Nehemiah did but Nehemiah did it with all his heart he was there to serve and he did it well well in this particular story where we picked up in nehemiah's life Nehemiah just got word that the Babylonians had just come in and completely destroyed the city of Jerusalem set it on fire the walls of Jerusalem were down I mean destruction and Nehemiah heard about this and he was so broken by it because if you know anything about Jerusalem these are God's people like this is God's city these are God's people and Nehemiah loved the Lord and so Nehemiah broke for what he knew was breaking the Lord's heart and so Nehemiah took this information and I said he begins he'll weep because he knew that this was the Lord's place these are the Lord's people and he just was so fresher than that upset about what the enemy had come in and done and so it said Nehemiah took this emotion and he began to fast and he began to pray on behalf of the Lord's people and just not alone guys like that inspires me so much because I want to ask us and I really want to encourage us and challenge us as a church family whether you are 11 years old or you are ninety one years old in this place I want to encourage us and challenge us are we so broken and so bothered by what the enemy is doing in our generation to the Lord's people that we are choosing to take on what's breaking the Lord's heart and fast and pray for our generation for our people for the Lord's people and I know that every time I say that there's like this like silence in the room because it really challenges us because if we're all being so real we're not but I really do believe that it's that kind of passion it's that kind of prayer that begins to move the power of God and we really get to see this with Nehemiah because he takes us on and it says that Nehemiah continued to work as this cup bearer but one day as he was fasting and praying it said that the Lord's hand was on Nehemiah and Nehemiah goes up and you know he's testing the wine that he's giving it to the king and he's testing the wine he's giving it to the king and all of a sudden the key notices the cup bearer which doesn't really happen and the king looks at Nehemiah and he says Nehemiah what is this face that you have on you this burden on your face he took notice of Nehemiah's posture and Nehemiah looks at the key and he said King the City of Jerusalem is in ruin the Babylonians had comments they just completely destroyed it in the king looked at Nehemiah and he said what can I do to help and Nehemiah was able to tell him listen if you would just equip me with the things that I need to go and rebuild these walls and I'll take this on myself and I'll go build these walls and so the King bless Nehemiah with everything he needed to get back to the city of Jerusalem the King even sent an army with Nehemiah to get the job done there's so much we can learn from this but the first thing I just want to take away is Nehemiah was just a cup bear he wasn't even the King and so I say that to say that you don't have to be the king to make a massive change in your generation you don't have to be seated at the top of the palace to be able to make a massive change you just have to have the heart and the passion and the prayer for the things that the Lord wants to get behind and I'm telling you the hand of God will come on you to get the job done and you don't even have to do it alone because something God's really good at is sending heavens army with you and I just love that this is the character of our God somebody the other day they asked me this is Sadie how do I know if it's like my purpose for my life or like the Lord's purpose and plan for my life and I said well normally you can tell by this if it's your plan and your purpose for your own life at the end of the day it's only going to affect you there's gonna be a lot of striving you're never gonna feel content or satisfied however if it is the Lord's plan and purpose for your life what it will prosper too it will affect all of the Lord's people not just you three the Lord will get behind it and get the job done and you'll never feel like you're like any good thing he sends an army with us so Nehemiah takes his passion takes this prayer takes his pursuit and not even worried about hey maybe I'm just a cup bearer and I don't know how to build the wall like I love how that wasn't even a thought he's like yeah we're doing it because he knew that the Lord was in it and so he takes his passion all this back to Jerusalem and he gathers all of these people all of these Jews and all of these people and he's like guys we're gonna rebuild this city we're gonna rebuild the walls and we're gonna make this happen and it says in chapter 3 literally just like a long list of names and I know sometimes it would be real we skip over these parts of the Bible but not maybe it's just me okay I'm just being honest for the sake of vulnerability just kidding but for real like this is such an amazing chapter because you actually get to see how many different people were working on the same purpose because it was something that the Lord had you get to see this act of unity come together and you see there's musicians coming just to play for the people as they work you see that there's people coming to build the massive you gate but then you see there's people coming just to build the doorknob everybody is bringing their strength to the table and saying I want to be a part of what the Lord is doing and it's just so beautiful it's such an act of unity well then as everything's everyone's excited everyone's gathered everyone's unified and they're like yeah this is awesome gods in this we see like the most classic situation happened chapter four we get just classic hater shows up on the scene and I'm kind of funny but it's true Nehemiah had haters too but here's the thing like I think that just like comparison is one of those things that is a real reason for the vision I think another one is that we let the haters stop the things of the Lord is wanting to do in our life and how many of us have ever had a hater in our day yeah yeah okay if you never had a hater that is awesome but they are real and they are out there don't look at my Instagram comments just kidding but for real no but seriously there are haters are just a part of the story sometimes and here's the thing it's so just like almost predictable that's a minute that everybody's excited for what the Lord is doing the minute they like we're building this wall we're doing it they all come together I mean don't you know that in your life to be true the minute you're so excited for what the Lord is doing you're finally gonna apply for the job you're finally gonna take the class you're finally gonna start the Bible study you're gonna start the group you're gonna write the book you're gonna make the t-shirt you're finally just gonna go for it none other no 1 behold a hater shows up and chapter 4 we can't reduce to the hater of the day and his name is Tobias it's a strong name he shows up on the scene and I'm going to read the scripture exactly how mr. Tobias says it I am NOT gonna make it any more dramatic than it was because it is clearly dramatic enough this is what Tobias says what are they even building even a fox climbing up on it could break down their wall of stone like I don't know if he could to laugh but it sounded necessary because my gosh like how annoying is that but how real is that like as soon as you're doing somebody shows up in their life really at you what are you even trying to build huh even a fox to come and break that down and then sometimes you're just like you right why do I never try to build a fox could break this and like that's whenever a lot of us are sitting down and stopping but that's not the time to sit down that's actually the time to rise up and become stronger because here's the thing I love how he said it a lot of times the angle that the haters are gonna go at is like really you what are you even trying to build and in those moments the reason why I love it is because here's the thing if somebody were to come up to me and say really you you're 21 you can't do this you I'd be like you're absolutely right I can't do this I have no idea what I'm doing that's how good my god is like how come I got it like when you start doing what the Lord has for your life when you start building these things when you get passionate when you get prayerful he's going to ask you to do things that are way out of the things that you know how to do like it's gonna be insane and what you're gonna have to do is just say yes and start building because and when people come up to you and they see something built and they know honey you do not have all the requirements to build that that's when they're like whoa this god of yours must actually be fighting for you this god of yours must actually be real and that's whenever he gets all the glory when you literally cannot take credit for what's being done it's amazing and this is the way that they were positioning themselves to build because it was so for the Lord it was not selfish at all it was so for the Lord and I love what happens right after this all the people that heard them say that it says after they heard - by his comments they all begin to work with their whole heart how many of you know that we need to become a people who are wholehearted for what the Lord wants to do and you know what one of my favorite things about the word wholehearted us there is a synonym that goes with wholehearted and guess what it is unqualified that's true go google it and when I saw that on Google so Wow God because here's the thing you don't have to be qualified to be wholehearted praise the Lord like you don't have to be qualified to be whole right and then some of you just need to hear that if your whole heart is beating for what the Lord like is going for let me tell you he does not need your qualification he just needs your heart to say yes and this is what these people are doing so then Nehemiah as this group leader looks at them and he's like hey y'all don't be afraid of them and I love that he's just like don't be afraid of them who cares he says remember who our Lord who is great and who is awesome he is fighting for our families and he's fighting on our behalf then he goes on and he gives them this little new instruction and he's like y'all worried I have to like shift a little bit we're a new strategy he said cuz our enemies and I love how he says our enemies they knew that like they're all working together so anything that comes against and that's all of their enemy and I think that's an important detail for later because our enemies are about to get frustrated about what we're doing he said so those who carry materials do your work with one hand and hold your weapon and the other and so that's what they begin to do then he said to the rest of the people he said a man who sounds the trumpet is going to walk around with me the work is very extensive and it's very spread out we are going to be wildly separated among us but whenever you hear the sound of the trumpet rally together and know that our God is going to fight for us so here's the thing back in the day when they were building this wall around the city of Jerusalem it was not like a wall like around the stage it was like miles and miles and miles away and so Nehemiah is basically saying hey I know that the work is very spread out it's very separated among us but please remember that we're all building the same wall we're all working for the same mission and he says just keep working with your whole heart have your weapon a ham but keep working with your whole heart and he said what I'm gonna do as the leader is I'm gonna walk around with a man with a trumpet and this man with a trumpet his position and his purpose was this anytime Nehemiah being the overseer of this project if he saw the enemy coming to attack Nehemiah would signal the trumpet man to go around to where the enemy was attacking and to blow the trumpet as a signal that hey this is where the enemy is attacking us let's rally together and let's fight off the enemy together but also know when we're fighting that we don't have to be afraid because the Lord is also fighting for us which was just so much confidence that he gave these people it was so beautiful and as I was reading that I felt like the Lord was like that's the story like that's your encouragement and that's your analogy to inspire the church because what if we hide this like modern-day Nehemiah scenario and all of these people from all of these different places came together kind of like right now and we just were able to go around the room and we were like hey what's everybody good at hey like what's the strength that everybody can bring to this table but instead of just building a wall and instead of just building this one project we're actually building the kingdom on earth with the gifts that we've been given and we begin to build and we begin to build the kingdom of God on earth with the gifts that he is so intentionally originally made in each one of us and we would recognize that the person beside us the fellow worshipper and the fellow worker beside us is not our enemy in fact we share the same enemy right are you tracking with me yeah so here's the thing if we begin to see the one working beside us and worship me beside us as our enemy we are going to take out our own self and that's a scary thought we have to remember that we're building together and that sound of the trumpet what that is for us is the sound of our worship it is how we fight our battles it is the thing that we get to defend the enemy with it's the thing he can't even stand against when we released the sound of worship the enemy must go and not only are we fighting for each other on behalf of the church and on behalf of the family but God is fighting with us when we call upon his name in worship such a beautiful thought and I think that literally that can happen if we just begin to do it the next thing that happens like we're continuously learning from Nehemiah and just how he led and how these people work together and how they went all-in with their whole heart and all of these things the next thing that we get introduced to is old Tobiah comes back on the scene and so by his first plan didn't really work his whole hater game wasn't so strong so he realized that like his commentary wasn't stopping this massive move of God and so Tobias like okay plan a didn't work Plan B let's kill him simple take out the leader like that was the plan it's not like capture the flag or something like he's just like go after him and so Tobias plan was he's just going to invite Nehemiah out on the land he's just gonna kill him his why not and when I read this strategy that to abaya had I'm not kidding you I laughed out loud did I really laugh out loud reading the book of Nehemiah yes I did and I am not embarrassed by that because listen to what Tobias says he sends his little invitation to Nehemiah you know ready to kill him and he goes come let us meet together on the plane of oh no really like can I tell you something huh let me just let me just say it exactly how to buy it if the enemy ever invites you to the plane of oh no you probably should not go okay like it's kind of like a sound to it like here's the thing that you have to no distractions have a ring to them like most of the time distractions have a ring to them oh no probably you know like I think Nehemiah just heard it in the sound like I just should not go to the plaintiff oh no and you know what's your plaintive oh no is you know the sound of your distraction like cannot be for real with y'all like every time you get on your phone if you know that snapchat is a problem for you and it's hindering your relationship with the Lord oh no delete it like oh like if you know that Instagram is causing you to lose confidence in who you were created to be and have negative thoughts and edgert emotions oh no delete it it's a distraction you don't need it it's fine like if there's a party that you know come on mama and you know if you know it's not gonna get it for you it has never been a good idea for you to go to oh no choice don't go like everybody hear me clearly when I say this because a lot of you just need to hear this you actually can decline the invitation from the enemy like you get to say not a good idea you can decline his invitation you have the authority in the name of Jesus to say no I'm not going to that because that is a distraction here's what some of us do we get invited you know we're just at home and also we just open the mailbox we're like Oh invitations to the plaintiff oh no and we're like well I got invited so I guess I gotta go no no no no you don't have to go don't go it's a distraction I love honey and Maya handles this situation oh man he is a legend like here's the thing if you don't know what to say next time you get invited just like copy and paste Nehemiah because like it was so strong he goes I am carrying on a great project and I cannot go down why should the work stop while I leave it to go down and meet with you hmm that is just so subtle but so strong here's the thing like next time you know you get the invitation you like the point of oh no oh no this would you say I'm sorry I'm carrying on a great project and not gonna be to make it why would I stop everything that the Lord is doing in my life to go in to meet with you it's just not gonna happen you see I declared this earlier and I'm gonna say it again the Bible says that the Lord goes from glory to glory to glory the Angels who surround God day and night the only thing that they can say about him is holy holy holy what that tells me is God is a God of movement he's a God of consistency he's not gonna stop moving the question is not is God gonna stop moving in my life the question is will I get distracted like will I get distracted and will I stop moving because he's gonna keep going keep running the race keep running that race with him here's the great thing about running a race with God you won't grow weary you won't faint you won't lose strength you will only gain like it's so opposite of everything that the world can offer you it's just who he is so move with them build with him create do it all with him and you would not run out the next thing that happens in the story and it is just so so so cool to me it's so opposite of everything we know like I just said basically what happens is they build this wall fast like this wall it goes up and double the time that they expected it because God was in this and this verse when I read it it just stopped me it said when all of the enemies around heard about what God had just done and building this wall they lost their self-confidence and became afraid when I read that it was a WoW moment not the enemies saw what God was doing and they lost their self-confidence and they became afraid not the other way around because how many of you would say not just a comparison not just the haters but it's also the very very real spirit of fear and the very very real insecurities and self-confidence issues that I'm facing that's the very reason why I'm not going after all that the Lord has for me is it not true I mean I remember like my own story if you ask me city what kept you from going after the Lord one I would say my fear too I would say my self-confidence and insecurity and I think that that represents so many of us in here it stops us from doing what the Lord wants to do because we're intimidated by the enemy we're intimidated by the haters we're intimidated by the world in the world's gifts and what the world is doing and so we shrink back and we're like yeah I'm just gonna sit this one out oh here's what I want to encourage you and I want to challenge you to do if it's the fear if it's the insecurity if it's a self-doubt in the name of Jesus will you lay it aside and will you just actually start doing what he called you to do it's as simple as that start building start speaking start texting the scripture to everyone in your grade because you know that the Lord's put that in your heart to do like start doing the things that he's asking you to do and what you are going to begin to see is ask that confident trust builds and as it rises there's gonna be a boldness in you that the enemy himself will lose his self-confidence and become afraid because of the authority that you're walking in in the name of Jesus that is what happens it's amazing and it's gonna start having and like supernatural time because time is like just so like it's just so crazy to God like I thought when I said yes to God I'm thinking like yeah maybe about it sound like I'm like 40 I'd be like speaking and like 1 year later and he's like hey go and you know what did I think I had it all together no I knew I didn't have it all together but I just kind of started talking about how I don't have it all together but how good he is and he just kept working with it he just keeps working with you he'll get you to the point but really it's not even about getting to a place it's just getting to a place that you're so consumed and so in love with him that you'll say yes to anything he asks you to do and that's what's gonna take you to the next level of faith and so anyways they build this wall and it's just amazing what offense and then they literally gathered around each other and Nehemiah's giving them this incredible message about this is whenever it says in the Bible the joy of the Lord is our strength Nehemiah is the man that said that he was just praising God for what God was doing and what he had already done and Nehemiah was stoked tell what was happening and something that I take from this book then I really want us to do today in this room is whenever they built the wall the Nehemiah was so encouraging he would always say things like the joy of the Lord is our strength he would always say things like our God is fighting for us he would always say things like don't be afraid Nehemiah he never panicked he never felt like I don't have something that I need to build or I don't have something I need to fight the enemy and as I studied this book when I noticed it anytime there was a threat to Nehemiah or anytime Nehemiah there became opposition or they became like a big task Nehemiah wouldn't go looking around Nehemiah would stop where he was and he would ask everybody he would say let's just pray and he would say Lord would you strengthen the hands that we've been given would you strengthen the hands that we've been given to fight would you strengthen the hands that we've been giving to build because what Nehemiah was recognizing is that they had everything that they need among each other and we kind of talked a little bit about how sometimes what we have done is we've stepped back because we just kind of let the world go home with their gifts and their talents and we cheer them on from the sidelines because the world is really good about celebrating gifts they're really good about broadcasting gifts I mean think about it are like TV it's all like sports related or it's America's Got Talent or American Idol and all of these things and we celebrate the gifts that people have been given we celebrate the talents that they've been given and that's great there's no harm and that there's no hate in that but what I'm saying is if the world is doing it why isn't the church because if the world is just having this epiphany that while we're gifted so we're going to see well we're dicted so we're gonna play sports well we're gifted so we're going to show our talents in there yet knowing that those talents will eventually run out and they are a temporary why in the world is the church not doing it when we have gifts that are promised to us that go beyond talent that go beyond gifting that actually have purpose and meaning and value that go into eternity and I think that reason just is because of the thing that we've been talking about that fear that self-confidence that maybe fear that it's not gonna be enough maybe it's of the lie that you believe that why does it matter it's just me I'm just this age or I'm just one person no let me just speak against every single one of that and let me just say would the Lord strengthen not only your hands but are you strengthen your face to believe that you are a part of building Kingdom on earth let the family date we need you to show a new side of our Creator that the very way that somebody else is going to experience God is through the way that you begin to love on them through the gifts that you've been given first John chapter four and tonight I just I don't want to miss that so just right now let's just do it right now I just wanted to have a call if you're in this room and like you're so ready to just like go after what the Lord's doing you're not gonna wait on your circumstances to change you're gonna ask today that your heart changes you're ready to ask him for the strength that you need for the joy that you need for the peace that you need for the confidence that you need and you're ready to say no more fear no more insecurity no more self-doubt no more lie that I'm not worth it no more lie that my circumstances get to dictate what my situation is then I want you to stand up to your feet right now and I want you to put your hands out like this awesome I love it yes so good y'all I mean only Santa's like you're really you're really gonna go for it I mean this is beautiful and I just want us to all just have this moment right now where we look around this room and we just recognize that you know sometimes we're like it's God really moving is he really doing things yes he really yes tomorrow is gonna be a lot different because people are actually saying yes to everything that he has I want you to just notice that everything everyone in here is about to have something really awesome in common that they're about to start going wholehearted for what the Lord is doing and so I'm just gonna pray over us just a prayer that we would be strength in god I just thank you so much for these amazing people in this room god I thank you for the ones who are standing to their feet so boldly and so confidently believing that there is more for them in life God God I feel like the people here that are saying they already believe in you but they believe in who you are enough to know that you go from glory to glory to glory that you are holy holy holy and as there is always more so god tonight I ask for the more gotta ask for them more in their life god I pray that they know without a shadow of a doubt that you are there with them that you were the one that will fight on behalf of their family that you were the god of provision and you will provide all of their needs that you were the god of their strength and you are their refuge that you are the God that keeps them in a safe place god I speak right now in the name of Jesus and I say that fear no longer has any authority over their life it has to go in your name god I speak to self-doubt that shame to all of these things God that are not of you would have to go in the name of Jesus they're no longer gonna be a burden to them guy cuz right now I believe in this moment that you're taking that from them and God I pray that you give them a new spirit a spirit of praise a spirit of joy of strength of dignity and God right now in this place with hands lifted all around the room god I pray that you strengthen the hands in this room to know that they have everything they need just in your name to build Kingdom on earth and to not have to fear the enemy god I also pray for their hearts God would you strengthen the hearts in this room to believe that you are who you say you are and that you're capable of doing all that you say that you can do we thank you Lord for movement we thank you Lord that you are good and the church says together a man now y'all just stay standing for a minute because here's the thing I want you to do because I want you to hear you say it so from me I remember being at a conference in my life it was the first time I said yes to God the first I was like you know I got like not just yes Lee I was already a Christian already believed in God I'd already been baptized but this moment my life I was like God I'm gonna say yes to actually speaking your word because I believe that that's what you're calling me to do I'll remember this was four years ago and I remember like so vividly just being like yes God I'm doing it and like after that I remember like every day when I would get her when I would start to feel like did I really do that but I really say that I would like no yes I really did I really did say yes and I was like pushed me to keep going and so tonight I want everybody in this room when I counts it three to say yes that way tomorrow when you're like did I really did not really yes you did and you all heard it like I wanted to be so loud in this room like you're saying it not to me not like you're saying it to the person beside you like you're saying it to the Lord for him to hear and keep you accountable to the yes that you made in this room tonight so the category would you just lift it like you were just praising him in this room one two three yes awesome I love you I love you are y'all can sit down this is amazing how many of you feel that God is already doing something in your heart tonight yeah [Applause]
Channel: Sadie Robertson
Views: 141,189
Rating: 4.9460359 out of 5
Keywords: Sadie Robertson, Sadie Rob, Duck Dynasty, Sadie Robertson Live Original, Live Original, Live Original Tour, Faith, Sermon, Christianity, Sadie Robertson Messages, Speaking, Worship, Tour, duck dynasty, live original, dancing with the stars, legitsadierob
Id: uQHrdj0ZxF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 40sec (2920 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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