Passion 2018 - Sadie Robertson

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[Applause] hey everyone how's it going that okay hi I'm Shelley you I don't care but but I'm here with my friend Sadie and you do care so can we can just give a giant yell for Sadie Robertson everywhere she's amazing she deserves a yell we are so thrilled Sadie and I to get to be here today we have just the most incredible opportunity to talk about how Jesus and culture mix and I love every single thing that's happened in the first two days of passion are you guys freaking out a little bit it's incredible you know Louie and I've been doing passion for 21 years and nothing has ever happened like has happened in the last two days and I the way I see that is only God he is the only one creative enough 21 years and to be coming up with new material and God is consistently God but he has a fresh way of always presenting himself in the last couple of days have just been full of that and so I want an a just say way to go god whatever you're into you in these days we're into two and we're so grateful just to be in the space with God it's incredible but also I think it's also important that we break down things so that we don't leave with things in theory we don't say hey it's really important to live for the glory of God without talking about how we can actually live for the glory of God how do we actually implement in our lives being in culture but not swallowed up by culture how do we actually implement living lives that matter for something more than ourselves they're absolutely not about ourselves and yet we can leverage all of ourselves into that moment and so I thought it would be helpful Louie and I both did and with our whole team to just spend a couple of minutes talking about those things and as you know Sadie has a lot of interest in the world she has incredible things that she's a part of I know you've heard of the little show duck dynasty you guys know about it her family is an incredible family Louie was introducing them earlier at Phillips and we'll get to see them there tonight but I love that her family basically went on national TV they lived their lives authentically and in such a way that Jesus was able to shine right it's incredible to watch but it's also in Sadie's heart to do a lot of other things and I want to give her one second just to talk about what some of those things are that she's involved in in culture and then we're gonna talk about how that mixes with Jesus and how we can be a light in every one of those moments so tell us some of the things you love tell us some of the things you're doing and if you don't mention this stuff I love then I'll bring it up [Applause] be real they have been the biggest champions and supporters and like without them I always tell my Shelly there is like one of the most special moments because I got to speak on the Winter Jam tour this year and y'all yeah I'll never win a job I was so nervous okay like so nervous because that's a little scary right and I'll never forget when Louie and Shelly were there and I'm like freaking out I think I prayed all day I'm not even kidding like I was on my knees all day I was so nervous which is a good thing but after I got on stage I'll never forget this moment Louie and Shelly were both standing there and they both came up and they just hugged me and they were just supporting me and encouraging me and I tell them all the time I'm like I won't never forget that moment it's one of my favorite moments in all of life because these two people who are leading this amazing charge who were like literally had generals of our generation leading this army for Christ came and supported me and hugged me and said I could do it and they just like meant the world so thank you for doing that it means a lot it really does um so some things I'm doing I guess I started the liver original tour and yes shout out to the view okay is so awesome it's our second year in and gosh I just loved every second of it that kind of started randomly but I wrote a book called live original and that was ironically I wrote the book because I was thinking I'm too afraid to speak and so I'll write a book and then I won't have to say anything I'll just write it all down well yeah really obviously didn't work out because I'm sitting here on stage right now oh but that's how God is he's so funny and I'm telling you it whatever our weaknesses he really will turn it for our strengths for him and so I wrote it all down and then it actually gave me more confidence to speak it because then I was like oh wait I really believe this God is really good he really is who he says yes so I should go speak it confidently and so every what the book then the tour came different things are happening with that I have a new book coming out called live fearless we're excited about that so just different things got us really open a lot of different doors some things with movies and different things like that and I don't know it's all been fun but have a fashion line yes I have that it's been crazy seriously you're like if you would have told me any of this would have happened I would have like not believed y'all but God has been so good and like she said she said I will intertwine it all but it really like you can't separate Jesus and everything that's happened because it makes no sense for it to happen without God like I'm a small-town girl from West Monroe Louisiana who grew up at a camp literally and like this happen so God is good and it all intertwined yeah be separated you're 20 years old yes which I think a lot of people in the room can relate to if you're 20 years old raise your hand anyone awesome what I love about Sadie too is that she's 20 years old and that she's a passionate ender so the last three years Sadie's been at passion in one of your seeds and now this year at passion she's in this seat and I think that's just the way God works you know he works in our lives all the time and occasionally he gives us an opportunity by putting a microphone in our hand or by putting on us on a larger stage to actually speak up for him but it's all the same whether Sadie's sitting right there we were just sitting right up there or if she's sitting right here she's allowing God to work in her life and I love that about her I also love that you have done a lot of what you've done in the first 20 years of your life afraid yeah right yeah I mentioned I didn't feel super confident I wasn't overwhelmingly sure but I felt like obedience was more important than my comfortability yeah absolutely can you talk about that yeah for sure this is huge um somebody told me actually one time I think it was my mom because my mom has spoken into the fear of my life like my whole life and she has just declared truth over me in that area and that has been a huge help but it's really crazy because I remember I'll go back to winterjam actually no I'll take it even back further because this is kind of how crazy of the situation I literally was in a seat just like y'all at this summer camp called verge now wet at the time I had gone I was like I see I was about to go into my senior year of high school I wasn't really sure if I was gonna be homeschooled or if I was gonna go back to school or what I was gonna do and I remember going into this praying like God like what do you have for me just like leave me in a direction here so I can know what to do I just finished Dancing with the Stars and honestly I was like kind of in this weird place of like I don't really want to be like famous and I don't see myself as a celebrity but I just got advancement start so how do you go back to high school this is like a weird spot and so I went to the summer camp and I was just sitting in the seat and all of a sudden this woman and Alex Seeley she is a church called the belonging in Nashville she gets up and she preaches this message and it was like the oh my gosh it was the craziest thing like it wasn't just what she was saying but it was how she was saying it the confidence she carried the boldness she spoke it with and as I was sitting there I was like that's it and I just felt the Lord say like that's what you're gonna do that's what you're called to do just speak my name and speak it bold speak it loud and speak it everywhere and I remember him showing me this vision it's kind of funny but it was like all these like it was Instagram okay and I remember him saying not your name but mine and so basically he's saying you know use the tools I've given you use Instagram use the different things use your life but it's not your name I want people to see it's not your profile it's mine so make sure you're being a demonstration of that and so I remember it sitting there and being like okay I don't know how this is gonna look I don't know what it's gonna look like but that's what I do and I remember call him along after that and saying like mom I'm gonna be a speaker she's like okay good luck what like literally guys like she's like knows me I'm terrified of public speaking like if you called on me to read at school I would like cry probably not really but like I was that afraid and so she's like okay and I remember her just like really like speaking life and Timmy for that so whenever I did winterjam I was so afraid and mom said okay just do it afraid just do it afraid and I remember I thought that was so interesting that she said do it afraid and just do it kind of made me do it but when I got there I realized that like you may not feel like you have like everything ready because you probably won't everything ready you don't have everything you need you may be a little afraid but the moment you step on the battlefield like the minute I stepped on stage like that's when God caught me he carried me and that's actually where I found my confident trust in him it was like at the place that fear was that's also the place fear of a shattered and it was like absolutely amazing so yeah it's just it's pretty crazy when you one of the first times that I ever knew you to speak was at passion city church to our college career that was beyond the room were actually there that night oh she did an incredible job let's just say you were slightly nervous yeah man I remember talking to you leading up to it and I was just asking you know kind of about what you were gonna be sharing and you were talking about sort of the what you felt like God was saying to you but also the fear that kind of came alongside of that mm-hmm talk about the process of how you got to I'm gonna say yes to you I'm gonna come actually come to your church and say yes to that yeah but I'm also gonna operate it between then I think that was two months yeah before you actually showed up and delivered what God had given you and just to mention I think that talk has been watched 617 thousand times on the worldwide web since that moment which wasn't very long ago and I think it's part of our obedience that actually leads to God's fulfillment of his optimist can you talk about your yes and how that worked absolutely yeah it's actually really crazy how this all happened because the only time I had ever like really spoken before passion City it was like winter gym at different events and all I did was speak for 10 minutes and it was like a little bit of encouragement and so when they asked me to speak at passive so I was so confused I was like okay like I've never even spoken before I'm gonna start at passion City are you kidding me okay god this has to be you and I remember and that point of my life it was not a fear of man and it was not a fear of like I'm speaking at a church with a lot of people that has big influence it was a fear of the Lord of the weight of like what this looked like and it was like god you're gonna allow me to stand and your church and speak about who you are to a generation who is desperate to hear you whoa that woman send you to your knees and I remember asking God every single day - like strengthen my passion and it really changed my whole life and it's kind of ironic that I literally found my passion through the process of praying for passion so I thought I thought I was just praying for this one night and this one event little did I know my whole life was radically changing through the through the power of prayer I was learning through how to like gain passion every single day in my life so remember as soon as they asked me I asked God to search my heart I said okay I need a surrender like anything that's gonna be a distraction for the next two months so for those two months that's the time I deleted my social media I got rid of like everything that was distracting like even for a few weeks I went without makeup and it was not too cute because of some a major break out but like I was like like literally whatever is distracting me from spending time that's useful and that's with you like take it away like I need to like fully surrender and it was like a crazy crazy thing and I always tell people like Christine Caine talks about God being like a rattle Co God if you want to see God be a radical God be a radical person like and be around achill for him because he will show up and radical radical ways I remember a Texan Shelley and asking her I said what's passion cities like Foundation verse and she sent it to me and you may could see it better than I do but it's basically it's in Isaiah and it's talking about how like every morning you longed to hear God's Word and every evening you like long to prayer that I I'm gonna Miran wrote it now you know your name you're an a so it's basically just how much he's the desire muscle so every single day I woke up and I said that and I just started like putting that into action and every single day God would show up in radical ways and it was so funny because like it's Helen so practical but I would just begin to read I had this dream during this time this sounds crazy I had a dream that Beth Moore told me I was so weird you got a love I got a lot of dreams your God dang so I said I remember Beth Moore told me in this dream she said Sadie you need to go read your Bible and I'm talking like she said and you need to go highlight your story in the story and I woke up I said that's actually really cool thanks Bess and thank you God so woke up and I started to read the Bible and I started to highlight characteristics of people in the Bible that I wanted to embody so I started to highlight things that I could see myself actually doing and then God started doing the same things he did for them in my life for instance okay in the book Genesis Toma Abraham sent his servant out to go find a wife for Isaac his servants on the way and he's thinking God listen you have really got to show up for me because if you do not then this is gonna be awkward so if I know it's you then you're gonna tell this woman to come and she's gonna not only ask me for water but she's gonna ask my camels too and as soon as he said that it says that Rebecca walks up and she asks for him water and the camels so okay well God answers you just like that so I began to ask God for specific things for specific words to speak at passion for specific direction and I would literally begin to hear him say or bring a person in my life say exactly what I needed to say or answer the prayer that I just had prayed so I'm telling you God is a radical God who does radical things you have to ask him in radical ways sometimes you have to get rid of the distractions you have to surrender at all and so through that night of praying for passion I literally found my passion in the Word of God and it's like crazy in those two months that is really what has changed my life so it's incredible so grow so one of the things I've seen you sort of deal with in your life because I think it's really fun when we're real yeah about this stuff and fear is certainly one of the things but self-image yeah so I think particularly in the culture every day there's a there's an opportunity to compete with people because we're looking all day at their Instagram at their Facebook feed we're interacting with people in different ways than we ever have before mostly by our phones and just sort of talk about self-image and how people can be centered on themselves still in self-image even if it's improvement hmm and God image yeah and how they actually differ from each other if we can actually see what God thinks about us instead of improving our image of ourselves that's so good well that's such a big question it's so good for me yeah I definitely have struggled with self-image and I've talked about that a lot and I wrote a blog about it done some videos about it but I think it's really important to look girls face to face and even guys too and be real about what we struggle with on a day to day basis and also not feed to that so first I want to said that because we talk about how Instagram we get on and it's like we get discouraged or we get disappointed or we get I don't know we immediately get sad and it's like let's not feed to that and let's make sure we're not doing that and making other people sad or making other people feel insecure and so I think it is gonna take us rising up and saying I know this might be cool this might be popular this might be what the world wants but we have to stand up and say we're not gonna give it to them because the more we feed the more the fire flame right know and so for me though I think what I had to realize is there's a verse in Hebrews 10:35 so so then do not forget the confident trust that you have in the Lord for it will be richly rewarded and when I read that various kind of everything changed for me because up to that point I was like trying to find my confidence like who I was what I looked like what social status was how many friends I have who my boyfriend was whatever but whenever I read that verse I realized because in that time I was not confident at all I was very insecure terrible self-image the whole nine yards really struggled with an eating disorder all I mean all of it because I was trying to find my confidence and things that doesn't promise confidence when I read that verse I realized oh wait a second God doesn't promise I'm gonna be confident in Who I am he never promises that but if you're confident in who he is you can be confident in who you are through the power of whom he is and so for me I my friend Laney she's awesome she sent me this the other day from a book and I loved it so I don't need anything from people that I already have from my god and I like to say I don't think anything for people that already have from my dad because if you think it has your dad and you're this daughter like you will not look at yourself the way you think that you do now I'm telling you it's a totally different perspective whenever find yourself through his eyes there's someone who radically loves you an overwhelming way and I know it may sound cheesy it may sound repetitive but I'm telling you what nothing like I heard that a million times but until I looked in the mirror and chose to believe it no matter what I saw chose to believe it even before I saw what he saw like it changed everything for me I remember being on my knees one day just crying because that finally clicked it just finally clicked so ask him look in the mirror no matter what you see like declare that over your life that no you are loved you are beautiful you are choice and you are a daughter even before you believe it sometimes it just takes speaking victory before you actually see it no good Sadie so good I think it would be really cool just because I know you and love you but I've also seen you in seats it like we said sitting out here and I think you have an opportunity because you're sitting here today to actually look the people who are in the seat you might have been in and to actually speak a word of encouragement to their life mm-hmm and I feel like 20 year-old speaking to 20 year olds is different than and I won't say my age 53 year olds to 20 year olds and so I think it's incredible when we get the opportunity to speak eyeball to eyeball face to face and we get to embrace people with words yeah and we get to say to them you know what your cherished daughter or son of the king and so if you could say and really pray is what we're doing one thing over people today what would that one thing be mana okay I may get emotional because this year has been so crazy for me um I have you know it's okay because um you know like Christine said she talked about how you know we can go to heaven with with chains you know and spiritually we don't have them but physically we do and we walk in this world heavy brokenhearted we carry it and when we carry that it kind of silences our voice in it and it makes us not fully believe what we're saying but kind of and we don't have confidence in it and this year for me back in April somebody asked me the same question she said somebody asked me who told you that who told you the lies that you're believing you need to locate that literally the same thing and I asked God to show me and I went back and I went through this process of literally just taking off the shame taking off the fear taking off the words and every single word I took off and every single amount of fear that I took off it was like I become I became so weightless and so free and the more free I became and the more weightless I became the more in love I felt with him because I was recognizing that he was the one taking these things off of me and it so shocked me because this year it was like finally everything in my life that I had been blinded from I could finally see and so I went back and I thought about the time I was sitting in a seat I'm at verge like I talked about and that day I don't know how many people can say that they remember the talk the Alex Ely gave at Virg four years ago but I do and it changed my life and I took that and it changed everything about the way I live I live original wouldn't be here I wouldn't be here nothing would have happened without that one moment of me saying yes to God in that room that one moment that one woman she used to talk to that one person and it just totally like shocked me that God would use her tell her because I know her now she only says yes to eight events every year that she said yes to that event and that God would use her to speak a word and spark a passion in my heart that day that would carry on he came after me and today when I was sitting here and I was up there and I was looking at y'all I saw the biggest pursuit of God after a generation and I remember asking God this year God what would you say to my generation if you came and just spoke and I just remember I'm saying that I love them I love them I'm coming after them I'm reaching out for them and all they have to do is reach back and say yes I radically love them all I need them to do is fall in love with me and the only way we're gonna fully fall in love with him is if you take off shame and if you take off fear so as Christine declared a shameless generation I just wanted to clear a fearless generation over us because we can't experience the fullness of God when we have shame we have fear bring it bringing us into hiding yep so come out of hiding get rid of the shame get rid of the fear and just say yes but the thing is it's not that things aren't scary and it's not that people haven't spoken shame but it's that I'm choosing to believe that my God is bigger my God is better my God has more promises and I'm not gonna stop until I find all of them because I know he's gonna fulfill them all you know and if if there was a prayer I'm praying and I said this in a video the other day then I'm praying for a wholehearted mentality a wholehearted warrior mentality for our generation and the word wholehearted when inspired this is from the book of Joshua and even before then I think it's in numbers when it's talking about Caleb and Joshua when they went and they were sent out with spies and as we know the story you know they come back and as all the other spies were trying to instill fear in the hearts of Israel and the Israelites Caleb and Joshua came back and they spoke freedom and they didn't speak fear and this year we came out of a year that literally as Christine said the New York Times said it was a year of shame I mean a shameful generation the New York Times just put out a post last week that said this was 2017 was the year of anxiety and I just think about that and just as Caleb and Joshua we saw it yeah we saw it we saw the fear we saw the big things we saw it happen but next year let's just believe and I have a wholehearted spirit that God's gonna do more and that's gonna be better and that's gonna be good and we don't have to be afraid and there's a word there's a synonym that goes with the word wholehearted that I absolutely love and I think y'all will too one of the meanings of wholehearted actually a synonym means unqualified I love that because I'm literally unqualified for about a hundred percent of the things I'm doing right now and that's okay and sometimes I do it afraid and sometimes it's it's and that's okay that you don't feel qualified because you don't have to be qualified God's not asking for qualification he's not asking for things from you all he's asking is that you will be totally wholehearted and absolutely ready to go out in the world and just devote your life to them and start declaring truth over this world that's all we need we don't need people who are qualified we don't need a generation who is qualified we just need a generation who is ready to say yes so just say yes and there will be amazed what spawned your yes good let's tell Sadie thank you pretty seller Thank You ceremony at home thank you thank you this guy's got a bank [Applause] you
Channel: passionconferences
Views: 104,893
Rating: 4.9343963 out of 5
Id: ULV6T-fCs8g
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Length: 25min 39sec (1539 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2018
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