Duck Dynasty: John Luke Gets Hitched - Full Episode (S8, E9) | Duck Dynasty

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We are so glad to be here tonight honoring John Luke's birthday, so we thought... [laughter] and all sorts of other things, so, uh... So, John Luke, what happened tonight? She said "yes." [cheering] She said "yes." I knew from the beginning that I was gonna marry Mary Kate. Two weeks into dating, her dad asked me, "John Luke, what is your plans for my daughter?" And I said, "I'm gonna marry her." When John Luke told me that he was ready to get engaged, I could see that he was totally in love with her, and so I wasn't surprised. It was a lot like us, where you find the right person, and you think it's right, and you just go with it, you know? Like, what are you waiting on? When you find the right person, you kind of think, "Why wait?" [Man] All right. I think we know what you need. That sounds good. My groomsmen-- they're gonna need to be measured too. Okay. All of 'em are? All of 'em. What's up, girls? [chuckles] How you doing? Tom Baker. Good to see you. Hey, Tom. How ya doin', man? All right. What's up, Ranger Rick? How's it goin', brother? You work here? Zac. Nice to meet you. I actually live in New York. Yeah, this is Zac. He's my stylist. How are you? [chuckling] John Luke, I didn't know you had a stylist. I met Zac on Instagram, actually. He commented on my picture, and I looked, and I was like, "I like this guy's style." [camera shutter clicking] One thing led to another, and I asked him to come down and to style me, which Dad doesn't understand at all. This guy. Tight pants. Are you styling for all the people in the wedding? All the menswear, so... Oh. Styling for you. Let me tell you something. I don't want any pants that look like any of you all's pants. [men chuckling] You look like an Amish attorney. An Amish attorney. [chuckling] [men laughing] I don't even know what that means. [Willie] Like a little boy band. That's what we're going for. That's why I don't have a stylist. We gotta get you wearing something fresh, so... Uh, I do have a camo suit that I wanna wear. You have to match us. I'm the preacher. The preacher doesn't have to match. What were you saying-- You were giving an idea about possibilities of, like, customizing the jacket or-- You can put anything, as far as the lining's concerned. You can put anything you want on there? On the inside? Anything you can send down on a PDF. Huh. Mm. First good idea he's had. I have plenty of good ideas. You just haven't asked. First good idea. He's my stylist. You know what'd be awesome? American flag pattern. Now, that is filthy. That's-- That's different. [John Luke] That's something, Really? Heck yeah. [laughs] You know what, boys? I've decided I'm going to get measured for a jacket. That's all it took? [John Luke] Guess that was it. Measure me up. [Zac] You want a pocket square? Measure me up. I can get you a pocket square. <i> ♪ [rock]</i> [ducks quacking] I mean, styles have changed. You know, we have my dad there in a pair of-- [muttering] What are those called? Corduroys. Corduroys. Al, my older brother, was sporting a mullet. [Missy chuckles] You know, really put a damper on the wedding. [laughing] It did not. He just ruined our pictures. [laughs] I mean, my thoughts on a woman's wedding dress is really just accessibility, like-- What? quickly can you get that sucker off. Oh, my goodness. 'Cause some are way too elaborate. What about those wedding dresses that are, like, a hundred tiny buttons. 'Eh, they'd be picking them suckers up off the floor. If I were going to give Mary Kate any advice, choose something you really like, but it's more about you starting your lives together and spending the rest of your lives making each other happy. Right? It's a good point. That's what I would do. Or why not mix it up? Why not have the guy look awesome and the girl just kind of be, meh. Bride always has this long awesome dress and all this. Why don't she just be like real plane Jane, and then he comes out in something crazy awesome, long tux that drags the ground. That's a terrible idea. That's the way River's gonna do it. No-- [laughing] Oh, no. Oh-- Oh, mm-mm. I've already planned this out, and it's gonna be awesome. What was your wedding dress? I got married in '92. Uh-huh. So it had the shoulder pads. It had, like, a really deep, like, "V" of lace right here. Oh, yes, that was popular. It was. My dress was funny, but so was the flower girl's, too, and all the bridesmaids'. They wore, like, black velvet tops-- You can't throw them under the bus. ...and then the white-- You picked it. It's your wedding. [laughter] Oh, here she comes. Hey! Mary Kate! Oh, my goodness! That looks pretty. Come model for us. I don't think I really want, like, a straight gown so fitted, but I do like the neckline on it. We're getting super close to the wedding, and everything's just becoming a lot more real, and I'm just very ready for it to be here. All right. What do you wanna try next? Something a little more, like, flowy, I think. So, we have been in touch with Miss Sherri Hill, and she has come from Austin, and is coming to help us try to find a dress. I love that. Love that back. That's really pretty. I still like the high neck, though, on the other dress, I think. [Sadie] Mary Kate has actually been my best friend for longer than her and John Luke have been dating. I am the one that set them up. I made John Luke ask her out on a date 'cause I knew that she had a crush on him. And so, he finally listened to me and did, and now they're getting married, so I am taking all the points for this one. Why don't we have your bridesmaids put on their gowns so you can kind of get a visualization? Because I'm thinking the next one might be it. [overlapping chatter] It's crazy, but it's so exciting. To have the first wedding in our family is really exciting. So, how does it feel to see Mary Kate in a wedding dress? I never expected it this early. Yeah. And so now, seeing her in the dress, it really makes it real. Yes. How old were you when y'all got married? We were the opposite of y'all. We got married-- I was almost 32. So, I guess you were a little surprised when she said she was gonna get married at 19. Yeah. That was a big difference. 'Cause it was normal for us. 'Cause I was 18 and Mom was 18. Right. But for y'all, yeah. Getting married when you're this young-- it's just like a whirlwind. I mean, you kind of, like, don't remember anything. Then all of a sudden, you're married. I mean, it just happens so fast. It was surprising, but I know that it can work out. Yes. [Korie] I look back at that time and look at the pictures, and it just felt like a fairy tale. I think it's gonna be hard for her dad when he sees her in the gown. Is he gonna cry on the wedding day? He probably will. It feels like yesterday. I cannot believe we're here, and our baby boy's getting married. Willie's gonna cry. I'm sure Willie will. Willie will cry. Yeah. [Korie] I just feel really honored and blessed that we have so much family around to be a part of it with us. Okay, here they come. Oh, my goodness! So pretty! Okay, it's not even the wedding, and I'm gonna cry. [laughter, chatter] Ladies, I think this is it. This is the one. [gasping] [women exclaiming] That's the one. The Robertson men's look is pretty much just if it grows, let it grow. But I didn't think you were gonna be like that. Willie was, like, the preppie Robertson. You were kind of doing your own thing. Shaving, cutting your hair. Showering. Yeah. I'm trying to remember, Miss Kay, the last time I had a haircut. I know exactly. It's been, like, over 30 years ago. Look, if I shave right now, I'll look 20 years younger. Wouldn't that be something. I'm serious. They would say, "Good-- Good-- Who is that?" Well, what I fell in love with is not what you look like now. Uh-oh. Yeah, I had, like, a crewcut, no beard. It was great. I told you I don't want you to ever cut your hair short, shave your beard. But I still want dreads. No. No perm and no dreads. It wouldn't look good on you. It looks good on some people, but not you. How would you know unless you tried it? I just know. It's like those fedora hats on you. Terrible. All right. So what I was thinking is trim up the sides a bit. What we're gonna do is fade it in, and then keep it a little bit longer on top. It's gonna need to be trimmed a bit. John Luke, you're getting haircutting advice from a bald guy. Kind of ironic, isn't it? Ouch. That hurts my heart a little bit. [chuckling] Let's go. [electric razor whirring] All right. Easy, easy. I mean-- Let's take this slow, okay? You're gonna see a lot of hair fall. Are you ready for this? Is there any way to keep the man bun? Just in this last week, I got this man bun, and I'm super excited about it. And I finally got to this point. I've waited so long. So this is devastating to have to cut it off. Are you sure you wanna do this? This is for Mary Kate. Let's do it. All right. Let's go. I guess marriage is about sacrifice. So this is my sacrifice going into the wedding. [Willie] John Luke, are getting your hair cut yet? Not yet. About to. John Luke, you nervous? Dad, stop talking. We're in it together, all right? For the first time in 11 years, I'm cutting my hair short. [exhales deeply] Think I'm ready. You're gonna see your dad with short hair. You're really doing it, Dad? Here we go! ] For the first time in 11 years, I'm cutting my hair short. You're really doing it, Dad? We're in it together, all right? Are you sure you wanna do this? This is for Mary Kate. Go for it, John Luke. You only get married once. Hopefully. [electric razor whirring] Here we go! It's all coming off, boys. [no audible dialogue] [Willie] This is what guys have to do for their future wives. You say, "Yes, ma'am, I'm gonna go get it cut. How do you want it cut? Show me a picture." Ooh, John Luke, they fired up the Weedwacker on you, hadn't they? But once you're married, all bets are off. You can basically look like this. [grunts] All right, John Luke. Mine's pretty short. Mine too. Are you kidding me? I'm not kidding. But are you kidding? I just got my hair cut. Dad tricked me. Told me he was getting his hair cut, and he didn't. You said you were getting it buzzed off. That's what your-- That's what we... [exhales forcefully] John Luke's haircut is hideous, let's face it. Have you seen yourself? You look like Demi Moore on<i> Ghost,</i> but a little more girlie. I'm going through kind of an identity crisis right now. You look like you're 12 years old. But I'm sure I'll get used to it. Well, it's not done yet. Oh, man. You need to fertilize that thing, grow that mess back out. Jep is probably the worst planner I've known, ever. I'm a wing-it man. I know. And I'm a plan-it girl. So that's why we go perfect together. I know. I'm your wing man. Hmm? Hmm? Wing-it man. Have you ever heard the phrase, "Love is in the details"? It's like the details matter. The details show that you care-- I've never heard the term, "Love is in the details." ...and you took time-- I've never actually heard that. It's a term. I don't even agree with it. Somebody said it. They probably weren't a good party planner. I'm kind of like more of the spontaneous type, I would say. What do you think? Yep. That's true. I did write one note. I said, "Miss Kay, I love you. I always have, and I always will." So she taped that on the back-- The headboard. The headboard of the bed. That's been years ago. Twenty years ago. The note is still there. John Luke is not the world's best planner. He's pretty much just a spur-of-the-moment kind of guy. I plan really quickly. In short bursts. Which is not really considered planning. Ah... [Woman] So here's the layout. We'll have the ceremony set up here. Okay. We're gonna walk from the house, and then have chairs on either side. I just don't want anybody having to stand up, because it's gonna be hot. I just wanna make sure we have plenty of chairs. We will make it happen. That'd be awesome. Yeah. I think, you know, this day and age, the grooms are at the meeting, and, you know, really involved in choosing the cake and the flowers, and every aspect of it. That's very exciting. And your bridesmaids dresses are what color? They're, like, pink, but not, like, a bright pink. Like a cranberry? Soft. Blush. But a little darker than blush. Definitely a pink. I just think it's really great that John Luke's even here, because I don't think Willie did anything but just show up at the wedding. So the fact that John Luke's really involved in this wedding planning process is pretty cool. I wanna incorporate dried flowers, too, so we have live and dry. Kind of the idea that your love will last forever. Oh, that's neat. That is neat. That'd be really, really sweet. [John Luke] I haven't gotten a whole lot out of this so far. I love that. That's cute. It's a great idea. I think so too. They're talking about dresses and flowers and colors and all that stuff. All I'm really concerned about is-- Hot dogs. No, we're not having hot dogs at our wedding. Enchiladas. Ribs. Chimichanga? Those big old turkey legs. Well... Snowballs. Churros. A lot of meat. Or, like, a cute little taco. A mini taco. Mini taco. Mary Kate, that is a really cute idea. I love that idea. That's a good idea. This is why I keep out of the planning. Doesn't that sound so cute? That's really cute. That's cute. That'll be good. That'll be cute. That's really cute. So cute. I think it'll be cute. Yeah. [John Luke] What about the chimichanga? [Women] No. I mean, what do you even do at a bachelor party? Most of them I've been to, I was not impressed. What I did on my bachelor party was, we crammed the boat full of my friends and brothers, and we went frog hunting. [scoffs] Now these people go on, like, bachelor, like, trips. That's people that get married at, like, 30. They have money. When you're older, you got money. You can do that. When you're 18, you're like... [scoffs] "Maybe we can go to the mall." [both laugh] I've never attended a bachelor party. And you never will, I'm sure. [woman] So, we're gonna just celebrate you and your bridesmaids, because they're the people that have kind of shaped you to who you are today. And your family that's here. It's gonna be a transition going from having a girlfriend to being your number one, but go into it head first. Sacrifice it all. Love him with all abandon. [Mary Kate] John Luke and I decided we wanted to do something different other than your traditional bachelor party, bachelorette party. So I went with a luncheon for my bridesmaids. And John Luke decided something a little different. Against my better judgment. Oh, yeah! John Luke, there's a one in a one million chance that you're about to lose your life. Me and my groomsmen are about to jump out of a plane at 10,000 feet and just hope the parachute opens. Yeah! Mary Kate's worried that I'm gonna get hurt, but I've told her time and time again. I'm not just gonna get hurt. I'm either gonna be okay or not. Which didn't help the situation. Dude, this is so high. Oh! Let me get in the middle so I'm like the mom. Yeah. ...two... That's so cute. I love it. [screaming] [Korie] Oh, my goodness! Look how cute. For y'all to get ready and, like, do your hair and makeup and stuff. Whoo! Whoooo! Oh, there he is. There he is. Whoo-oo! That's cute. Those are darling. And they're made in the United States. So cute! Whoo! [grunts] We're just so thankful for everyone that's here and what they've done in shaping Mary Kate into who she is today. Whoo! In His name we pray. Amen. [women] Amen. Whoo! Whoo! Yeah! That was awesome! Yeah! [whooping] If I had to do wedding vows now, it would be so awesome. What would they be? Tell me some. Talking about how your hair is like golden braids. It's not even braided. It's a metaphor. Just golden locks. And I would just go on about all your good features, and... What about heart? I'm not gonna look like this forever. You're not? Remember when we said 'em on the river? You can't even remember that, can you? When we redid the vows? Yeah. I remember that. That's was actually a better wedding than the first one. The one we remember the most. Yep. Yep. All I remember is that I was waiting, hey, for Al to say, "You may kiss the bride. Let's eat." My promise to you is I'll love you forever. I promise you that I will always put the seat down. What seat? The toilet seat. [chuckles] [Willie] Okay, so, here's what I got. I got a few notes. I'm basically gonna talk about marriage being a house. Okay. Yes, sir. So your marriage is gonna be a house. You cool with that? Mm-mm. So John Luke and Mary Kate asked me to officiate the wedding, so I guess I'm the preacher. I'm gonna try to keep it super short. Hopefully ten minutes. What I like to do is bring the couple out and kind of ease the nerves up a little bit, talk about the vows, and just get the brain thinking, because once they get in front of all the people-- I've seen it before-- most people just lock up. So, do you have vows, or-- Um... I have mine. "Blank, I love you." [chuckling] Did you just steal these off line, or did you write 'em? Off line. But I went through a lot. That ain't gonna work. John Luke, did you write 'em out, or do you want me to-- They're in my head. Let's go and hear them, then. Right now? Yeah, they're in your head. Run 'em through that mouth. Mary Kate... I love you... and you are an amazing person. This is a vow. This is not just talking about her. That's not a vow. That's just saying stuff about her. A vow is like, "I promise I'll do all this stuff." Mary Kate, I vow that I will love you forever, and... I vow to-- I don't know that you gotta keep saying, "I vow." Just-- We got it. Like, it's a vow. Okay, the vow-- Continuation of the vow. I will love you through sickness and in health-- Mm... That's overused, I think. Too old? Too old? Stick with the love. Like, "I love you." All right. "I vow to love you." Um, uh... "I cannot vow that I'll be the perfect husband, but I vow that I will try." Ooh. I cannot vow to be the perfect husband. And everybody goes... [gasps] But I vow that I will try. Try. "That I will try." I will try. "That I will... die." I will die trying. Nah, nah, nah. I'm just-- I'm spit-balling. Spit-balling. Um... Trying to... "That I will"-- I vow that I will die. Let's leave out death. Leave out the die part. All right. Yeah, that's stupid. for this rehearsal dinner-- r it's gonna make for a different sort of situation. My family is a little bit different than John Luke's family. My family is a little more... out there. I don't think we had a rehearsal dinner. Did we? I don't think so. I think we did. I do. I think we had a little run-through. Was that when we had the wrestlers there? No. That's the reunion. [mutters] [chuckling] Who brings wrestlers to their wedding? Yeah. Always view the rehearsal dinner as the moment where you're declaring to them, you know, "We got your back." <i> ♪ [classical]</i> Oh, that was mud. Okay, if we can get everybody just kind of seated, and then I'm gonna position you. Everybody just looks so sweet all holding hands like that. Get all the goofiness out today. I'm doing this tomorrow too. Oh, no. No. [Willie] Here come the flower boys. First one that gets here gets a big prize. The first one here. [people exclaiming] ♪ Mmm, we're getting married ♪ Yeah. [with accent] Who giveth this lady? Me and my wife. [laughing] So, we now pronounce you man and wife, so y'all can walk that way. We're married! Let's just leave. Let's just keep walking. [chuckling] And when they get to about the second row, then you two come together. I think you nailed that. [utensil tapping on crystal glass] [Willie] All right. Welcome, everybody. We're, uh, thankful that you all showed up. We've got food. Korie's already prepared it all, and... [laughter] Slaving away all day. [chattering] Oh, that is heavenly. The scariest part-- After the parachute got out, it was, like, spinning us around. Hey, do we look alike? Yeah! Did you see how cute Big Kay and River look sitting at that little table? Hey, y'all just talking about kid stuff? I'm feeling good now. Okay. We have a quick little game for John Luke and Mary Kate to see how well they know themselves and each other. So pick up your Ping-Pong paddle. Stand up. You have to stand up. [Korie] So, the wedding's tomorrow, and it's gonna be beautiful and perfect. But I want Mary Kate and John Luke to know that the first year of marriage might be a little tough. All right. Here we go. "Who is the better driver?" Oh, hands down... [laughter, exclaiming] No way. No way. Willie and I actually fought like cats and dogs our first year of marriage. "Who is more stubborn?" [guests] Ohh... One, two, three, go! [laughter] So, after the wedding, know that there's gonna be some difficult times. "Who says 'I'm sorry' first after an argument?" [murmuring] Tough one. Oh! Aw, that's good! [imitates buzzer buzz] But you're gonna get through 'em, and it's gonna be great on the other side. It's the last one. "Who do you love the most in all the world?" [guests] Aww! [applause] We're gonna go ahead and push to the champagne, and we're gonna have some speeches. Family dinners have been such an important part of our lives. All men and women have quirks. Suck it up and live with it. [laughter] That's the tamest speech he's done in five years, so let it go. It's a time when we come together and sit down and acknowledge that we are family. "No secrets." So, you got a little less than 24 hours to work that out. [laughter] And this family dinner is probably the most important family dinner that I've ever sat in in my entire life. From the time Mary Kate was born, I began praying that God would send a Godly young man, and somebody that would honor her and provide for her and protect her and cherish her, and along comes John Luke. 'Cause not only is it my family, but now it's Mary Kate's family sitting at the table, and all of us sitting here acknowledging that we are about to be one big family. One story that I wanna think about is-- We went on vacation, and we all had to walk in a line 'cause here wasn't enough room. You know how that is. And guess who was the last in line. And so, I was coming along, trying to keep up with everybody. And all of a sudden, I looked up, and you know who got behind me. Well, watching John Luke grow up, he was always such a cute little boy. He really was. But he was more than just a regular little boy to me. He always had a kindness about him. And I said, "John Luke, you don't have to stay back here with me." And he said, "Ma-maw Kay, I want to. This is the place I wanna be." Who else would think about me trying to catch up with everybody else? [Willie] Me and Phil and other people. [laughter] That is a joke! [Miss Kay] For John Luke to find his soulmate for a lifetime makes me so happy, because I know they're just like Phil and I. They're committed for life. Mary Kate, when you sent me just a sweet little "thank you" note, it was the sweetest card I ever got, so I just started crying. Phil said, "Why are you crying?" Al said, "It's Mary Kate's card." I said, "It makes me see why John Luke loves her so much." Mm... [laughter] One card made that much difference. And that's the end of my talk. [chattering] Whoo-hoo! So, I wanna say to Mary Kate how I've always prayed and said that John Luke needed someone that would laugh at all his weird things he did. Mary Kate is that person. Like, she just laughs and thinks whatever he does is cute, and I love that. And that's how I remember feeling about Willie. All the weird, strange things he would do I thought were so cute. [laughter] And I still do. Mary Kate is unselfish and kind and loving and patient and gentle, and all those things that you would want in a spouse. And, um, I think he's found that in Mary Kate, and I'm really, really excited about that. Cheers to a long and happy marriage full of fun and laughter-- [Willie] Cheers. ...and strange, weird things that you think is cute. [laughter] [Korie] Advice I would give to Mary Kate is grow and change together. And that's kind of what Willie and I have done. And I think that John Luke and Mary Kate will do the same. [Willie] All right. I just wanna say I'm super excited about John Luke and Mary Kate's upcoming wedding. It's insane to think that we actually have children that are getting married. So I wanna thank really everybody that's here tonight. It literally took all these people to raise, you know, these kids. And so, people had to help out in a lot of ways. So, um, thank you so much tonight. And, Chrys, um-- so thankful to them for all the many things that they've done. Thank you to, um... [guests chuckling] [laughter] [Korie] Get it out tonight so you can make it through tomorrow. [laughter] [Si] Let him breathe. I've committed... [laughs] I've committed to not cry tomorrow... [laughter] [laughter continues] [clapping] Oh, shoot! I got the bad gene in the family, so... [laughter] That's the best gene you got in your family. I know. I need Phil's gene. I'd be like, mm... [laughter] Ma-maw, Pa-paw, um, everybody that's been involved in John Luke's life, we're so thankful. The Robertson's' side of the family-- Ma-maw and Pa-paw, Phil and Kay, Jase, Al, Jep, the whole family, love you all. Love to the new friends that we've met, new family. Um, we're so glad that you're the guy that you are. What a unique friggin' person that you are. [laughter] [Korie] Did you just say "friggin'"? He did so many things, like, as a teenager that I wanted to do, but I was scared to do, and he did it, and, um... I would never total my dad's truck, 'cause I would think that would be bad for me. But you just did it. Yeah, you just did it. [laughter] Jase did it, but, you know... Mary Kate, we're behind you. We love you. And, uh, it's gonna be a great ride. So, uh, there'll be no crying tomorrow. [laughter] For me, at least. I don't know about y'all. But, uh, we're so thankful that y'all came. Cheers to all of you. In my mind, that was gonna be so much cooler. Our wedding day-- I mean, you wake up just so excited. I was thinking, "This is it." But I had no misgivings, no "I don't know about this deal," nah. I love the woman. I would say the biggest concern the day of my wedding was probably my hair. It was. I mean, we had some big hair back them. I had to make sure it stayed up. My biggest fear is that when I'm saying my vows, I stumble over my words. 'Cause I've seen those videos of people who mix up their wedding-vow words, and I do not wanna be one of those people. My other fear is that I don't get to eat at the reception. I think pretty much, brides are probably thinking, "Mm... [sucks teeth] I pray I don't have a bad case of diarrhea." And that would be awful in a white dress. It would be devastating. And for your honeymoon too. Wouldn't be good. Ooh, that would not be good. [thunder rumbling] So, I just checked the weather, and it is actually saying 100% chance of rain. I hope that it doesn't start raining, 'cause that would be a little bit of a damper, but that's okay. We're just ignoring that and pretending as if that didn't happen, and we're just going with it. [Mary Kate] So many people-- earlier, they were commenting, and they were like, "I can't believe you're not nervous. I hope I'm like that one day." And I'm like, "I'm just so relieved that it's here. We made it, and"... But today, it is what it is. Like, I hope we just... It's gonna be beautiful. That's right. All comes around. This is gonna go over the top, and then underneath. Yep. Yeah. So that's it, man. That's really pretty. That's pretty. [Korie] Today's the day. All the hard work and preparation leading up to the day will be over in just a few hours. But, you know, it's gonna be a little emotional for Willie and I, because this is our first child to be getting married. But we really feel like, you know, the saying that you're not losing a son, you're gaining a daughter. And we really feel like that. So we are beyond excited about tonight. All right, guys, we got about, like, ten minutes till photos, so we really gotta get moving. I can't believe John Luke is getting married. I mean, like, to me, he's still like a little boy. [voice breaking] But I'm really excited. Yeah. All the siblings, I think, are a little sad, because they are gonna miss him, for sure. This is so weird. I cried for, like, three hours last night. We have planned this for, like, eight months now, and now, like, today's the day, and they're about to move. [gasps] And everything's gonna change. It's a good thing we have so many siblings so we're not left alone. [Zac] Are you nervous? You're not-- You're ready? [Man] What are you feeling right now? I feel like how I felt before I jumped out of the plane. It's like my heart's kind of racing. Yeah. But you know, like, you're doing it. You jump out of the plane. That's kind of how it feels. Do you think you'll cry? I'm telling myself I'm not, but... Bets. Bets. If you guys think he will cry at some point today, raise your hand. Oh, yeah. [laughing] He's a soft guy. He's a soft guy. I remember you came to the house for something that day, and I was pulling out. And we saw each other in the cars, remember? We weren't supposed to see each other that day. Yeah, that's right. 'Cause you said it was gonna be bad luck. Yeah. But we just, like, saw each other through the car windows. Yeah. That was it. But that was kind of cool, I thought. [chuckling] I said, "Well, "she's still in town. [laughing] That's good." <i> ♪ ["Here Comes the Bride"]</i> [quacking] [Korie] It's gonna be great. No rain. I know. Awesome. I'm feeling good. I'm getting ready. My heart's racing, but my mind is telling me it's okay, it's fine. My body is just-- I'm ready. Let's go. [claps] Let's go. ♪ From the setting sun ♪ ♪ To the breaking dawn ♪ ♪ Through the darkness though the night is long ♪ ♪ If you ever need somebody, I'll be the one ♪ [Willie] You nervous? [John Luke] I'm a little nerv-- I mean, good nervous. Ah, you don't need to be nervous. Taxes shall make you nervous. ♪ If you ever need somebody, I'll be the one ♪ [Korie] Oh, look. I'm always gonna be your little girl, Daddy. You better be. Not to make you cry by saying that. Want to pray a little bit? Let's do. Heavenly Father, I just want to praise You. Thank You for this great day that You've given to us. Thank You for John Luke and Mary Kate, and both of them looking to You to find their mate, and You bringing them together. You ready? Okay. I'm ready ready. [Korie] Here she comes. [Willie] Oh, my God. [gasps] Oh, my goodness. [Missy] When I rounded that corner and started coming down the aisle, I did notice you got a pretty big smile on your face. Oh, I was like... [imitating heart thumping] [laughing] [laughs, mutters] Oh, my goodness. Yeah, I was-- I was, uh-- I was excited. I remember when I saw you the first time in your wedding dress. I thought, "That is my future baby mama." That's what you thought? That's what I thought. Seriously? Yeah. Pretty awesome. And you have delivered. Well, it's always a good sign when your bride is walking down the aisle with two spiffy little rat terriers with her. That's a good sign. Here comes my woman and my dogs. Walking down the aisle-- I'll never forget seeing his face. He was just, like, beaming. You cried when I walked down the aisle. Yeah. Shocker. You ready? Okay. I'm ready ready. [Woman gasps] [Willie] There she is. Aw, she looks beautiful. [John Luke] Oh, my gosh. Oh, my goodness. I'm so excited. [John Luke] Wow. [Korie] Oh, my goodness. [Willie, with accent] Hear ye! Hear ye! Who giveth this young lady to my son? [laughter] Her mother and I shall. Step forward, young lady. [chuckling] We are assembled here in the beauty of God's creation to join John Luke and Mary Kate in holy marriage, blessed by our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. [guests] Amen. [Willie] You may be seated. You know, marriage is a lot like building a house. It takes work. It can be stressful. So, welcome to marriage. [guests chuckling] Unless you're Uncle Si, you probably don't talk to your house. [laughter] [mutters] But you would never get angry with it. When something happens in your house, what do you do? You immediately try to get it fixed. Our house receives us every time we walk in. It keeps folks out that we don't want in, and it welcomes those in that we love. We care for it. We clean it. We keep it nice. We're proud of our house. Build it on the Lord, and it will last. Okay. Now for the vows. "I, John Luke." I, John Luke. "Take you, Mary Kate." Take you, Mary Kate. "To be my wedded wife." To be my wedded wife. "To have and to hold." To have and to hold. "From this day forward." From this day forward. "Till death do us part." Till death do us part. "I, Mary Kate." I, Mary Kate. "Take you, John Luke." Take you, John Luke. "To be my wedded husband." To be my wedded husband. "To have and to hold." To have and to hold. "From this day forward." From this day forward. "Till death do us part." Till death do us part. Rings. Okay, so each one of you, start with, "With this ring." John Luke. With this ring. With this ring. "I promise to be patient." I promise to be patient. "I promise to be kind." I promise to be kind. "I will not envy." I will not envy. "I will not boast." I will not boast. "I won't keep a record of wrongs." I won't keep a record of wrongs. Mary Kate, you may wanna get that one too. I won't keep a record of wrongs. [laughter] I'm just saying, that's a big one. "I promise I won't be perfect." I promise I won't be perfect. "But I will never stop trying." But I will never stop trying. All right! Ladies and gentlemen, by the powers... of the great state of Louisiana, we pronounce you... man... and wife. Bruce, you think they can kiss each other? It'll be okay this one time. You may kiss your bride! [laughter] [cheering, applause] Mr. and Mrs. John Luke Robinson! [boisterous cheering] Ah, see? Who cried? You did awesome. You were perfect. Can you believe that? I get-- You're my husband. I've your wife now. [laughing] I know. My wife Mary Kate. Look at that. That just happened so easily! I know, it was so good. [Willie] Make sure you get a shot where we can't see Jep's bun. Why? Right. Cut the top of his head off. Right, quit talkin', Si. I'll try. I'm so happy, happy, happy. I love it. It was beautiful. It was simple, the weather was perfect-- I couldn't be happier. Bunny picked her. Bunny? I had the bouquet-- I'm the one who caught the bouquet! It's the best day ever. Yay. Best day ever. Yeah. My advice to John Luke. Nine words. "I'm sorry, I love you, I was wrong." It's the same advice that I would give to anybody getting married. You have no idea what the future holds. There's no way to know, and so that's where the commitment part comes in. You just decide right then, no matter what, you're gonna do it together. Love the other one more than they love their self. If each one did that, and put the other one first, I'm telling you, it's gonna work. No doubt. Become best buddies. That's good advice! Love will win the day. Just live in the moment, and enjoy it. That's what I want them to do, you know? At our age, I can look back at being 19 and 20, and I'm thinking, "Wow, you know, you shouldn't be worryin' about anything." Yeah. They're gonna have a lot of cool experiences together, and they'll look back and be tellin' their kids about stuff they did. Nothin' like a redneck wedding. [laughing] ♪ I wanna love you ♪ ♪ Forever, I do ♪ When you saw Mary Kate coming down that aisle, and then I looked back and saw John Luke's face, it was the most perfect moment I think I could've ever imagined. It was lovely. ♪ And be the wind that shall abide ♪ ♪ I'm gonna spend ♪ ♪ My forever ♪ ♪ Forever like that ♪ [cheering] Whoo! [Woman] ♪ There's something on my mind ♪ [Mary Kate] This looks amazing! It's awesome. Are you ready? Ready to go. Mm. Mm. My first reaction was, "They're so young," but then I remembered how old we were, and I thought, "Pfft!" Yeah! Worked for us. It worked for us. It was hard at first. You were 18? Nineteen. You were 19-- I was 20! ♪ Roses are red ♪ ♪ Violets are blue ♪ ♪ I know a man... ♪ Korie and I been married 23 years, and uh, seein' our oldest son gettin' married, uh, you know, it just gets-- it's fine, you know? We're havin' all our friends here, and family, just bein' around, and-- Pretty special. Pretty special night. ♪ [electric piano] ♪ [ends] Thank you! Congratulations! Congratulations! <i> [Willie] To John Luke and Mary Kate: I'm so proud of you both,</i> <i> and I wish you all the best in life.</i> <i> May you be blessed with many children, wealth and prosperity.</i> <i> But most importantly, the kind of happiness</i> <i> that can only come from the love of God and each other.</i> <i> The Book of Romans tells us that good things happen</i> <i> to those who love each other and God.</i> <i> So be patient, 'cause in the end it's all worth it.</i> <i> Even though you had to cut your hair, and get stylin' tips</i> <i> from that guy, just remember to love each other deeply.</i> <i>Because at the end of the day, it's just like the song says:</i> <i> "Love is all we need."</i> I feel like the luckiest man in the world right now.
Channel: Duck Dynasty
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Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, duck dynasty, duck dynasty clips, duck dynasty full episodes, duck nation, robertson family, robertsons, hunting, ducks, duck hunting, lousiana, west monroe, duck dynasy season, full episode, duck dynasty full episode, willie robertson, uncle si, si robertson, duck dynasty season 8 episode 9, duck dynasty se8 e9, duck dynasty s8 e9, duck dynasty 8X9, watch duck dynasty, watch duck dynasty full episodes, John Luke
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Length: 43min 26sec (2606 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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