Union Level 40 Stamina Guide | Wuthering Waves

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hey guys Mr pokei here back with another video and today we're going to be talking about what to expect when you hit Union level 40 as well as data Bank level 20 right so without further Ado let's get into today's content sub all right so spoiler alert you are not hitting level 40 at least not today not tomorrow probably not even this week as especially for most of the players who are not going to be refreshing their stamina or consuming their Crystal solvent right if you're not going to be consuming any any of this uh you're not going level I think the current Pace cuz you do get like a thousand is experience from your dies uh you should be able to hit Level 34 35 correct me if I'm wrong my free play Chatters C wrong I think it should be around level 34 35 if you are a day one free player with no refreshes whatsoever uh I believe that because the amount of experience you need they skill exponentially so for example right now I need 10,200 to hit Level 41 previously I believe it was 10,000 so I think it scals up exponentially uh for the amount of experence we need probably roughly 1ish or one and a half weeks more before players can hit Level 40 right so what can you expect when you hit Level 40 SL level uh 20 for your data bank so the most important thing is this right here upon on hitting level 40 you unlock the requirements that you can proceed with level 19/20 deing this is the absolute biggest change because it changes your drop rates from a 50/50 for your five star and fourar Echo to an 8020 drop Break um the reason why it is so important is because number one if you are a overr farmer if you kill a lot of mobs in the map on a daily basis right every single day you going around exploring and killing the mobs this will make your farming experience feel drastically more improved but that being said the drop rates for this Echo they still going to be at 20% but that as long as you get more five stars at least you will feel the difference right you'll definitely feel the difference of a 30% bump of five star drop rate the second reason or rather the another factor of why this is so good is that now even for casuals if you're going to be using these two functions it will also improve your drop rates so first function is going to be your data merch uh I've mentioned this in my top 10 beginner tips back then I made another separate video editors can kind of increase over here is that you shouldn't be using this function until you unlock level 19/20 because both of them is 80% drw right this is when if you were to further your random Echo you can get a 80% chance of getting a five star on top of this your data merch has a chance of getting double or even triple the drops and because of the way probability works it is compounded right it is compound every single time you get 80% drop 8 compared to if you were to do data brid now or in earlier stage it's either going to be 50% goal or worse if you do it like super super early it's going to be you can't even get go right so highly highly recommended to use this data Bridge function to get a lot more potential one cost and three cost main STS for the casuals this is infinitely important because the odds of you getting the right main set is very very difficult compared to the players who are farming the overw world on a daily basis right uh if you want to see my results for forming the data merch I think you can check it out here I'm not sure if my editor will bring this video up before or after but we just let's see how it goes but these are my results for using the data merch function right so that's number one number two is that these drw breakes they will also affect your tested Foods so if you're going to be farming tested futs which consumes stamina 80% five star drop rate will be affecting the number of five star you're getting from your Tesla Fields U I'm not sure if you guys have listened to the previous video which is devs listened again uh they will be improving your Echo drop rate in the future going into patch 1.1 I would recommend when you reach level 40 to not Farm echos first because they mentioned that they improving the drop rates for echo in tes Fields right so we'll see what are the improvements for version 1.1 but we know for a fact that they are not making any changes to your character traces uh your character experience uh your weapon experience and all that kind of stuff right so because we know that these drops bension they're not changing it would be ideal that upon hitting level 40 to spend your stamina first up on your traces your experience as well as your essential materials instead of spending it on Echo uh even without the update of version 1.1 uh you should still be spending it on these tracers first because like I mentioned way back then guaranteed progression will always take a higher priority over probable progression right your Echo they always probable right there's no guarantee they going to get the right Main right this are you know there's no guarantee you can get G tier subsets whereas for your guaranteed progression like your tracers your weapon experience your weapon levels as well as your unit levels they are all guaranteed so it is highly recommended to do those first instead of Echo and then wait until patch 1.1 which is roughly happening around 24 days from now I believe right it's the 28th of June then go ahead and spend your stamina on your Echo cuz by then it will be assumed that you have farmed up your tracers you have farmed up your weapon experience you found the unit experience you've ascended your team your team of three then you can now happily go ahead and farm up uh your your Echo from level 40 to level 50 the Gap from level 40 to level 50 I believe is also going to be quite long it took me roughly one week of Max refresh to get to where I am as well as a little bit of a the the little caskets right so level 40 to 50 is probably going to take assuming that they add up exponentially two weeks if not even more so for casual that's going to be even longer uh it will be ideal to just go ahead and just Farm your tracers and then for the remaining stuff like I mentioned don't preform because upon the next level you're also going to get improved drop so don't rearm and then you can dump a little bit on the Echo and see what 1.1 brings to you right so that's going to be that for the stamina allocation suggestion with regards to like Echo whatever so talking about the progression or like how much more do you get from your echos your tracers and your Ascension materials so if you go into any of the trace Ms right if you go into your Trace upgrades you'll notice that there are going to be a different levels and the one you unlock at level 40 is going to be level 70 so my editors you can include a screenshot over here of what we got from our one run uh of level 70 and then you compare with the one run of level 60 but basically you get one purple four of the blue ones and seven of the green ones as well as one additional blue ring right right I believe there is the direct upgrade from level 6 70 so there's also a chance that you might get two purples you might be able to get two PES because I only did a singular run um and take that into consideration so I would say the actual increase in drop overall since one blue is equivalent to like three is probably roughly around 20 to 30% assuming you can actually get you can also get a gold or you can get gold okay so there's a chance for you to get gold so yeah so I would say that that the tracers at level 40 they are very very appealing that's why I say do not prearm your tracers do not preform your B sension materials uh just go ahead and farm as much as you need then the moment you hit the next level up then you start spamming all this especially for tracers and bring me to the next point which is going to be how much you're going to be getting for your essential materials I'm going to refer to my very good friend Bob Master my man he has made a tweet about this uh this is going to be the tweet for okay let's talk about Echo one first right so this is the difference for your Echo so notice how you get additional five premium tuners um potentially more gold seal tubes and I guess a little bit more of the credits sh credits taking into consideration this is before we're getting the buff for the one. one pitch so I would say hold off on this for now because this is what you will be getting as of right now before the and the only Echo sorry the only thing that we're getting a buff for is the Tesa futes so I would say this as of right now is going to be change I would say it is not that significant because I think for mentioned sometimes the lowest drop for your level 40 test runs could be even lower than your highest drops in the level 30 test runs right the the amount of experience you're getting although you're guaranteed more tuners but the experience you could quite literally get lower experience for like a low Roll versus a Lev the hyro right so we'll see if we get any like significant changes by one for one but T is going to be what you're getting for your teser fields at level 40 and it is not recommended to fund them until version 1.1 when they improve the draw RS so the last thing that changes is going to be the boss drops so for all of your essential materials particularly this roaring Rock Fist from Monkey for example right uh to my knowledge as of Union level 30 you are guaranteed two of these purple materials but at Union level 40 there is a chance for you to get treat note the keyword is a chance similar to how in Union level 20 there was a chance for you to get two purples so in Union level 40 there's a chance for you to get three purples uh ultimately I think the increase for this is not as high as tracers because Tracer I believe you pretty much guaranteed to get more at every single run so if you're really really unlucky you just keep getting tws then the the difference is not a lot all right so this kind of brings us to the uh final conclusion of or rather just summation of what exactly should be farming before you reach level 40 right so now we know that Echo they're getting buffed so Echo drop rates are getting buffed you are definitely not going to be farming for Echo because they're getting buffed by 1.1 between your essential materials and your Trace materials it would be ideal for players to preform Ascension before they hit 40 and then the moment they hit 40 you go ahead and farm your tracers I believe in my opinion that would be the most ideal use of your stamina because there's a chance you don't even improve for your essential materials but your guaranteed Improvement for your Trace materials so by probability it will be more beneficial for your your stamina efficiency in order to preform Ascension than post Farm tracers another reason is also because the amount of stamina you need for your tracers is 40 you only need 40 stamina for tracers whereas you need 60 stamina for your essential materials which means that you would be able to do more Trace runs compared to boss runs right and therefore the impact of reaching level 40 the more additional loot you're getting from the tracers is going to be higher because you're dealing with more runs in the trace domain so final conclusion forget about Echo under version 1.1 preform essential materials for your main team and then when you hit Level 40 you dump everything into the Trac set right because not only do you need your Trace materials for your uh skills right your ultimate your basic your for circuit your intro skill basic every single one of this it will need this material it will also need them for your weapons so and your weapons is going to be a big proportion of your damage output as well so you also so will be using a tracers for weapons the treatment so generally it will always be a good idea to stock up a lot a lot of this and going into level 60 units level 70 units you also need um I believe gold upgrade materials you also need gold for your future traces as well right and you also unlock the third major trace and for a lot of these units the thir major Trace is very very so for example one DCH base recovers one res energy and this effect can be Tre once per second some of these third major tra it is gamechanging major traes right so for example vena's third major trace it is a revive yep she is basically Bou this revive is going to be really really really comfortable especially for the Casual player based who are probably facing a lot of issues even myself includ right sometimes even hardcore players if you get one shot vena's revive is going to be insanely aable maybe not from a DPS perspective but from a purely Comfort standpoint alone this traes will change everything about now this makes it really really good that's why I say a lot of units the major traes are like gamechanging reduce D maybe this is not that important let's just t for t tra is going to be increased crit damage by 12% for any attack so you basically have a permanent 12% crit damage buff so a lot of these ma Traders they they change everything may not change everything but like they change they do change a significant portion of a units kit right that's why tracers are going to be extremely extremely important for your upgrades when it comes to oh one I kind of forgot it's going to be your weekly boss materials so right now it's a Sunday if you are able to hit Level 40 in the next week so for example you at level 38 now right for example you're level dolphin you didn't max refresh refresh a little bit uh if you are able to hit Level 40 by let's just say the middle of the week or the end of the week it will be ideal for you to not do the boss domains until you hit Level 40 because I do believe you get increased drop rates from the um echo of War I'm echo of War cuz ech of War so you do get En similar to how H you don't want to do echos of War at the start of the week you want to do them at the end of the week so it will be good if you can save your chances until you hit Level 40 but if you can't get level 40 by the end of next week then you can just go for the week after right uh but the say something all three the play should save their boss next week they can hit Level 40 if they use cubes so uh viewers if you guys do not hit Level 40 by the end of next week you can feel free to destroy my mod sah right cuz my Sarah said you everyone hit Level 40 by the end of next so take it out with my mod I don't know I don't know if it's confirmed but take it as you will right okay cool uh so yeah I think one more point before we wrap up this video when hit Level 40 is what exactly do you do with your um Crystal s should you be saving them up or should you be using them now to hit Level 40 I think that's going to be our final question we're going to be addressing uh in my opinion in Waring waves if you are a non- casual meaning to say you farm the world a lot I believe it would be in your best interest to use them right now or rather as much as you can because the earlier you hit Level 40 the earlier you hit 80% five star drop rate and the ear hit 80% five drop rate is going to greatly increase your Echo farming um experience for someone that Farms echos in the overw world in the mob domains and everything right it will greatly greatly increase your overall experience not to mention we have discovered the echo hidden P system so if you're going to be farming bossers you know you have you guaranteed an echo drop every other boss hitting level 40 means you can get 80% gold drop rates but I do want to point on this one thing if you're doing co-op with your friends and they are not level 40 but you are the coop in this game it takes the lowest players un level which means if your Co-op teammates are not level 40 you will unfortunately go back to the 50/50 it is what it is right it is what it is so uh not trying to create like a elitist right a barrier right you are better but me personally I'm not going to be doing Co-op if they're not level 40 so for my future streams uh they got to level 40 and then we can do c together if not level 40 unfortunately I'm not going to be wasting my my my my odds on my time doing with 50-50 right so yep this just a small note right oh yeah but back to the the point ahe back to the point ahead if you are a casual player I would say there are benefits to saving them because of this right here if you are a casual player you will passively gain what is this 2,000 2,000 right you passively gain 2,000 experience from a DA alone which means the the graph for leveling up let me let me do a little bit of a pain here so the graph of your leveling up progress if you are a casual you'll probably be like okay so this is like your um level all right and this is going to be your days so because you're always guaranteed 2,000 experience right you always guaranteed 2,000 experience so if you are casual let's just say let's just give the Casual the green color every single day you are getting this amount of XP can I can I get oh my God okay yep uh excuse my uh inaccuracies but basically you're getting this am XP right so you're getting this amount of XP every single day so this is day one holy [ __ ] I can't draw all right this is day one this is day two this is day three all right this this is not level this XP all right you are basically guaranteed 2,000 experience every single day for the players who top up refresh use the sance or whatever it is right the amount of gain they do per top up is only slightly higher right it is only slightly higher compared to the players who only use their dieses which means to say the conversion of using your Crystal solvant now it doesn't exponentially increase the rate you're getting your level UPS so probably the if you at level like 30 now and if you go all the way to level 40 maybe you take like seven days maybe right maybe I'm just telling but if you do every single day you do a top up you do your refresh you do your solance maybe for the for the paying players maybe they only increase their progress by like Faster by maybe three days maybe it is not a one to one increase three four four to five days right because the amount you get from the dieses is very very high it's 2,000 experience per day so mathematically speaking it would do the Casual player base uh more good to save a little bit because you're going to be getting 2,000 experience guaranteed you get what I'm saying so since you are guaranteed 2,000 experience every single day you can then technically save up all of your solvant to when you actually hit Level 40 and then you can D them and farm at a better efficiency do I make sense type one if we make sense this Theory will will will be wrong if upon reaching level 40 you get even more daily experience I actually have no idea so this Theory might be wrong if at level 40 you get even more data experience because that was the case with hongi stario in hongi stario per Union level upgrade you quite literally get more Stell jates and more uh stuff at every single TR Blazer equium level so in it was in your absolute best just dump everything as fast as you can because you literally get more stats per level but in this case it's like if it's exactly the same then there's no much difference there's no much difference right so so uh that's going to be the case and hopefully this answers if you're hardcore player if you're a refresher you should D everything now level to level 40 as as you can so you can Farm a lot better if you are casual you don't really care about all that you can save it up because you're eventually going to hit Level 40 not too far behind anyways because you do get 2,000 experience every single day cool cool with that I believe we have come to the end of today's content at level 70 unit I believe you're going to have a much much much easier time clearing a lot of our endgame content such as hologram difficulty 5 such as your Tower of adversity such as your your elusive realm if you're having any difficulties levels will always be the end or be off of the direct upgrade in the G game right so um if you guys are getting stuck don't think because you have do relics or you didn't get a five star it's probably because your units are just not high enough level right so looking forward to my future content where we are going to be exploring at level 40 and yeah you want engage any F discussion comments below my that's all I have today all the best for your and Y and I'll see you guys next time take care [Music] [Music]
Channel: MrPokke
Views: 63,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starrail, honkaistarrail, mrpokke, streamer, twitch, singapore, guides, mihoyo, theorycraft, game, mobilegame, teambuilding, genshin, hsr, meta, tierlist, overpowered, best teams, cn, wuthering waves, wuthering waves gameplay, wuthering waves combat, wuthering waves tips, wuthering waves summon, wuthering waves beginner guide, wuthering waves tier list, wuwa, yinlin, jiyan, encore, jianxin, rover, calcharo, calcharo build, best calcharo, calcharo guide, calcharo combo, calcharo team, echoes, farming, building
Id: O7q05jCzP28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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