I Spent A Day With The BEST PLAYER @Rexlent | Wuthering Waves

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oh yeah by the Y 4411 FP has no human rights subscribe hey guys Mr vogi here uh and today we have a very special guest the faker of waren waves is going to be coaching myself and Chad on how to improve on on your gaming experience in war waves so go ahead Faker hello I I've get so many identities now man it's like it's every wrong identity except for who I have first it's a young young young young cosplay and now it's Faker yeah the real Faker yeah um I I I'm rexland I originally played I mean I main pgr so it's a Kuro games a previous game still ongoing so uh I'm used to action games that's why when I transition to wering it's it's quite seamless yeah I I just play a lot that's why I I think like anyone can get to this level if you just put a lot of hours to it like it's like Dark Souls man like you just bash your head against yeah dude do you play any other like games like this like like Dark Souls El ring secure or yeah yeah yeah I I played AME yeah yeah okay SEO is good yeah wait yo wait CU I just finished SEO before War R objectively you think like it's your the hardest boss in seq it's all man for me secret secret yeah yeah yeah there's a there's a secret there a yeah there like the The Tunnel right the tunnel you go into the thing and you find in in the in the in the temple temple the fire temple yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh [ __ ] okay yeah yeah I I think his one is like tricky because he uses like Ninjutsu against you right right what about like demon of hatred and and isan uh I I think demon of hatred is more like a monster hunter fight like giant giant monster oh my God like less [ __ ] less technical I see I I like isan I like isan actually like oh yeah cuz is he kind of like makes you like learn everything you you've learned and just combine him yeah yeah was good yeah until he starts taking out the pistol and what the [ __ ] Glock say that's his name Glock say is [ __ ] locked oh my God what what of Elder you play yeah yeah I played oh oh man Elden ring I I Breck my my build like right at the beginning I full strength like great sword full strength holy [ __ ] it's so hard to play no but you can do the jumping the jumping a the jumping is really really good jumping attack was The Meta like that was the only way to like get damage in quickly yeah sh movement yeah are you playing the uh the thec right yeah I think so yeah yeah everyone I think even for master he was at playing today he's playing ring I'm like oh [ __ ] I think yeah he's prepping for for the DLC that will be pretty good yeah at least I I feel like Elden ring is easier than uh the the other Dark Souls entries because it's open world like you can cheese a bit using okay okay yeah I can use more oh I've never played like d i only if you play alen Ring I think you can play Soul game it's it's pretty much the identic similar okay okay would you say like watering waves like like all these like fights do you think how would you compare this to like take or likeing I don't think it's at that level for from soft games I think it's easier I feel like it's easier like uh like lots of people like you know lots of people play with ring and I see lots of people already cleared Holograms like if you can clear four right right you can clear five and six it's just the problem is that five and six has too much HP that's why you got to play differently like more aggressively I see yeah like if you can clear four you can clear all of it already like you already proven yourself yeah I feel I see I see okay okay great we can wrap the video yeah because you cleared five right like meis clear six but maybe it's the DPS check that makes you like going to play more aggressively that makes it like more dangerous maybe okay also like I also wonder okay I guess I guess this point I just kind of ask some random question so how bad is like going against an enemy with a rest for if I would use Zing cuz I use Zing for like five it does like no damage like how bad is the is the rest here oh it's almost like pointless damage that's why I try not to bring uh okay okay even is like S6 is like still pointless yeah yeah yeah yeah it's yeah it's the same for the other bosses like you don't bring a dungeon or Havoc Rover against the bird it's like a too much resist so actually I'm like really good at game right because I I I use y to beat five so that means I must beat six in like in 10 seconds uh I thought if you switch out you L to Mory maybe you can beat because G will get a lot of damage boost okay okay okay yeah actually I haven't tried yet okay wait wait speaking on Mor how much like er do you run with him do you run like er main or do you run like Fusion damage I I run ER I I I went like full full ER yeah o okay okay okay yeah they want subs just crit um doesn't matter for me I just need him to like quickly build conto I gave him the Cadenza okay gun yeah that's like the important one so that he switches out faster okay okay if not if not he needs like two switch Cycles which is cringe is there like a cut off like how much ER he he needs uh for this I'm not sure and you might need to check the spreadsheet people yeah I just because I I plan to make like a a shared uh ER set like energy main that cost Moon Yeah and just share up to all the intermediate characters all the second characters like San everyone okay yeah cost effective yeah damn wait are you are you 508 oh yeah I just hit it today D have you seen the the drw rate yeah yeah yeah it's cringe man I yeah so what are your thoughts cuz I just saw s like just now like oh my God yeah what your thoughts it's the same as when you hit 40 level 40 it's the same it's just very minimal increment so uh I I think I don't know GG for f2p G for f2p oh my gosh what I think is you should focus on one or two core teams and don't touch any more character because once your level once you the more uh unit level not unit level uh soul level you get the better your drop improves and then once once your drop uh improves like let's say level 50 level 60 you can start you can do that for other characters next time like uh it costs lesser but now you just you should just push your main team to like the maximum cap that's available to you yeah would you have like a like a stamina advice guy like what what where should players spend the stamina from like 30 to 40 then 40 to 50 on it comes St uh a 30 to 40 is for me it's like tested field all the way get the echo because everyone is like Echo starve M okay yeah yeah tested field for sure like no no other place to get Echo XP yeah yeah bosses give EO XP but it's like not enough wait bosses give EO XP yeah uh uh the the world bosses they give like a bit of echo XP a bit of weapon XP a bit of character XP like two each but it's not good enough oh I didn't oh okay okay okay [ __ ] yeah yeah but yeah it's like cringe 60 stamina yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I think the stamina cost these game is just really quite yeah usually I wouldn't prearm uh boss Ascension M for the next up uncap because uh you get more when you level up like the like at level 50 then you start farming bosses for the better drops like you can get three more consistently I see I see yeah then what are you going to be doing from 50 to 60 I'm going to first uncap all my levels like I I I barely have anyone done need to need to okay okay okay the 12 12 boss mats man per character 12 oh my God yeah that's quite rough who would you say is like the the best teams right now in water waves best team yeah uh GN uh GN GN mot finina and and the one you're looking at Verina Yin and uh C oh okay okay okay okay but okay if you can only choose one who do you think is like better like if you can only pick one like TN or or uh it's it's yinin Cur for me more control what do you mean by more control because GN is like like if you play Varina yinin and curo everyone uh can contribute like really fast like they they both charge really fast but if you play Vina Mori GN your Mory needs to be built enough so that he doesn't affect the the rhythm of the switching like you want to be Verina out throw to Mory outro to GN like in that order but if Mory cannot charge in time it's G to like waste yeah cu the Verina yeah but meanwhile like Yin Lin and cro is like constant up time DPS up time like non-stop DPS yeah more more fun in that way and you can also do the switching you know the Cal switching yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the quick swap yeah would you still say the quick swap is like good cuz I think now they remove the outro Buffs if you would so do you think yeah yes you DPS wise you do this for the uh especially uh Tower you know the level 100 monkey yeah if you quick swap yeah you can actually manage to get some stars from that the is just higher it's still worth it to Quick swap despite using debuff ah okay okay yeah because you're still emptying cool downs from characters like free damage yeah like yeah I whenever calro does something you quickly bring yinin in and just throw all her cool down and then switch back curro like keep everyone's uh coold Downs uh spinning like off M yeah yeah yeah yeah uh yo what are your thoughts about like he Rover and and dting you mean like use them together or as character I guess yeah like which one is better like if they cuz they both like have a DPS or should they just raise both so the the the full team is dungeon support Rover so dungeon comes in get the outro and switch to Rover and Rover just uh nuke right but yeah that's I see what most people do but for me I I'm not going to do that because uh just like raising two characters I rather share share the set use use one or the other I think Rover is good because Rover is like just drop drop an ultimate straight away like 50k or something yeah with v Verina buff yeah dungeon uh dungeon I don't really use her outside of hologram I just use her as a tool for hologram oh wow okay okay cuz I think one problem with like dungeon Rover is because dungeon is like a unit that wants to stay on F like she needs to spam her [ __ ] but if you stop the Rover then like she's not going to do anything other than the bu like a it weird yeah uh at the very least dungeon builds her outro pretty fast like once she does her her her her forte combo I think he she instantly buildt it then you can switch out to Rover yeah but then that means like you got to make two Havoc sets man like I don't no capacity it's yeah it's very very rough what about he R versus spectral R have you tried spectral yeah oh oh yeah I tried spectr oh like when I was doing a hologram clear spectr Rover and uh San together pretty fun oh because spectral Rover's outro puts the 3 second slow and then San can just cook with her ice yeah pretty pretty effective like they they outro a lot spectral Rover builds outro pretty fast oh another thing I that I don't like about raising Havoc right now is that the tower has Havoc resistance it's cringe man the right tower yeah right tower is like fire and Havoc yeah the burden yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's why I'm raising Ling right now to just try and see if he can f be a filler for the the tower oh my God that's crazy yeah what about Encore I haven't gone here but I think a lot say High super high damage Encore is like I think of the launch characters she's the hardest hitting launch character oh damn yeah yeah yeah she's like press one button and they they all die like press her e skill the one she does a machine gun yeah straight away everything dies ho sh do you have her at S6 or oh yeah I have her at S6 oh my God how how do you P so you went all in for T and ying and then you went all in for standard B is how it works bro I I I wrote the standard Banner for the purpose of like collecting characters and I got six uncore back to back not not back to back but all the yellow thing all the yellow PS were all Encore six times in a row I was like what the [ __ ] straight away at six onore [ __ ] that's crazy yeah I became an encore main overnight damn oh would you say she's like the strongest Stander yes for sure holy [ __ ] that's crazy she's also good because once she's done with her thing and you know her core right you can press and hold her core and she gets the headache and you can just switch to another character and it's like free damage yeah the charging up thing yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what's a what's a best right now huh what's encore's best team right now encore's best team would be it's always Vina it always starts with Verina and then anybody you want and then oncore you can it doesn't matter it doesn't really matter you can put uh yeah actually you can put anyone because on course like the main DPS like main carry yeah San San also works San also works basic buff San is really good San is really good San comes in does all her thing she can almost like finish outro like her outro buff finish charging you know some she has this um she has this skill like I think at E4 or E5 the thing exposed by like yeah so like because of this E5 not yeah like the The Ice Creations will explode even if they are not detonated would you just leave them there or would you still detonate them I usually will detonate because I don't want them to move away from the ice like sometimes they just like move away yeah it it blows up on nothing yeah just finish it okay I see I see just finish okay yeah yeah all right uh so just say is the it's the best team for temp meth best team for Dungeon man D solo wait for real Oh wait [ __ ] wait wait for I mean to me she has the most control dunging solo uh well you can put Verina and dungeon if you want Vina plus dungeon so this te is easier than T Mory okay okay for the the my my gripe with GN is if you don't know his first basic attack has a bit of DeLay So if you want to catch combo with it you need to be careful okay and when he goes into ultimate you you you still need to be careful not not just Spam because sometimes there there's still Windows where he doesn't hit during his ultimate but D dungeon is like her paries are very uh precise like you press e to Parry she catches a lot of it easily easily yeah and Vina would be Vina is good because she outros like super fast so it's like free free damage buff oh actually it seem out here tempers Memphis or thundering menhis on like Y and cero tempus or uh four usually it's Tempest because it's faster if you want it for damage but if you want to like try hard Calo like solo then you use thundering thundering gives a Liberation H okay okay yeah Liberation buff yeah but usually Tempest Tempest is like so fast nice wait do you do you actually spend your spend it on um weapon or do you spend on the uh right now I I spend on characters right because but this is like a like a whale thing but if you already have SS of a character and you get them again you get even more corals so I'm trying to like get corals to for easy exchange for duplicates what are some what are some things you wish you would change about this game a lot that s oh my God that s the E the echo system I already like complain a lot in CBT too but like they oh oh my God wait wait I know answer this okay so apparently I just realized from chat cuz you know there's this they announced in the death notes from like 1.0 they said they're going to give us double events all that kind of stuff yeah then I think there's this one segment in English event yeah yeah yeah so like in C it's like so it's like it's doing but I feel like I I I would trust the CN and JP over oh my God bro there is going to [ __ ] so many people up oh yeah people are actually Saving right saving for this so yeah because people think that it's doing like permanently I don't know like uh like I have to call it what it is like the translation of this game is like not up to standard it's like in almost like incompetent incompetent oh my God yeah it's like so many mistakes and like discrepancies what you think what do you think is that the worst draw bre cuz like I think Echo the XP is really like yeah XP dup like negligible like you know how we before we have Echo XP from uh Yen the NPC guy like dedicated Echo XP guy yeah they took that out and and put it into Testa field which is like 60 wave plate so expensive are you going to play zers by the way uh I don't think I will longterm it I played the CBT but I didn't really like the TV game G okay yeah I was like yeah I play for the combat I'm like oh [ __ ] it's like 70% TV so this is like your main game is say right uh yeah sort of yeah insane this is already like taking so much time yeah it is with you like just like per like over and all kind stuff huh like spam p over and all it um you mean like kill everything not not every day that's kind of tiring okay and the thing is I already have more Echo like I already have like uh Echo ready to level like the the right the right main stat but the problem is I don't have XP so it's like no point farming even more when I can't level any of them right now anyway yep no XP oh yeah by Yo 441 43 oh 433 for sure okay what what if the 43 has like like like just no subset like just the dark [ __ ] subset do for3 uh yeah because it's like multiplicative buff right like you have your attack you have your element like they all multiply with each other all right if if you do like four four you just get like crit crit and then like attack attack attack like no no element yeah three that actually psychopatic though all the memes that like 444 yeah it'll be funny if you make 444 and you start clearing all the bosses yeah oh but it's like super bad yeah because it's like crit like but why if you have like 85 2 80% crit damage on 44 but what about your attack and your element but are they high if they're if they're non-existent your crit wouldn't even like do damage yeah wait yeah he's on a p Lea oh yeah when you when you um next year two more two more weeks oh two two more weeks okay of end of this month yeah yipp why you going to do the first thing you job uh same [ __ ] man same thing same thing but more yeah do you think they release like more horr bosses yeah for sure because uh if you look at uh oh for sure you yeah you click on this hologram uhhuh and then you click on the oh no no like uh you you interact with that thing and then you click on the records on the bottom right challenge record and then you look at the bottom left it's it's like filtered by location oh okay okay okay oh that would be really cool yeah so one you world have like I don't know four B yeah damn damn yeah that would be really cool my mushroom oh yeah oh yo Rex is this a plant or is is a mushroom it's a shroom right because the name is called shro exactly exactly people are saying a goddamn PL because the word rast the actually my own M by the way Terra no that's a that's a like [Laughter] Ro funny fell it's both a flower and a shroom ter said that's definitely how it works oh do you think e6n is better or like is better in terms of General use is is GN he just throws the spear and everything dies like so good for a tower you can kill like bosses and kill uh tra like both of them will die like uh S6 Yin Lin is the after she uses ultimate she will drop lightning on everything in the map like around her that's really good for that that's what's good for her S6 at DN is like it just throws a spear it's like so much damage yeah true and then he goes like Dynasty Warriors you watch fre by the way frean no I only know the memes oh my God it's so good you have to I deliberately entered something full of things that I don't like and I I and and now I'm mad how could this be happening to me that's the meme what is it oh it's a meme of fan saying like the I deliberately entered a post full of things I don't like and now I'm mad how could this be happening to me what ref I don't even remember you basically use that Meme on people that just get angry at like you know you don't like watering waves and then but you're still they're still there and just throw this meme at them yeah Del really getting yourself mad CE existence what do you think about the I think there was this one post about like p drop you think there like a p drop what's what's pull like they don't give like enough oh [ __ ] they don't give like enough currencies to to um to players after the the first week oh yeah like 1.1 for saying like we might not have enough a for po or whatever yeah I haven't I didn't uh see the calculation like how much do we get per month I think okay I think there is this like [ __ ] going around I think roughly it's like 93 for fre play per one pitch 93 rolls yeah isn't that like enough for one hot pity yeah uh one soft Pia and like half a Pia yeah like you already can like guaranteed one yellow pull at least right like I think that's prob very good yeah okay okay free players bitching man choosing beggers FP has no human rights oh my God someone CL that [ __ ] I always say that I don't care man free if you're free you have to know your place oh my God and there it is guys yeah for the record it's like I have nothing against f2p players but some people are really just overreach overreaching mhm do you consider people who only buy Cosmetics f2p of course not f2p means zero top up in your account like that's black and white you buy monthly you're no longer f2p you're the vyon oh why have like people popped up for your account to me is as long as your account has never performed a top stop that's a f2p like yeah that's like very black and white to me okay there's no money in from no matter no matter what yeah some people really try to like reinvent the term f2p by saying oh I'm monthly and BP I'm still f2p like like f2p plus like what if you're free you're free if you're if you paid money you're no longer free f2p Pro Max how long do you just stream for minimum usually seven hours minimum seven hours in yeah I always get carried away wait but how do you okay actually how do you stream in when you are like doing your full time Jo a this so when I after I come home start at 8:00 p.m. all the way to like 2:00 a.m. holy [ __ ] and and and then go go to work yeah sleep and go to work oh my God that's why I don't stream very often yeah do you have editors no I have to do it myself damn would you would you ever get edit this yeah I've been considering it yeah I think it changes everything it's just that uh you know you need to find one that has the same wavelength as you yeah usually if you like get viewers from your stream you'll be really really good oh by the way are you a keyboard person yeah yeah I'm I'm playing this on mouse and keyboard no no as in like uh like do you like do those like custom keyboards when it comes oh oh no no no I'm very Normy very you do custom key caps uh I do a little bit I'm not super into it but my friend just help me be once so was that no nice oh this Blood forget about making outro I will make for him follow our Discord Channel and also follow twitch and YouTube channels see you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: MrPokke
Views: 32,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starrail, honkaistarrail, mrpokke, streamer, twitch, singapore, guides, mihoyo, theorycraft, game, mobilegame, blackswan, sparkle, imbibitorlunae, jingyuan, drama, funny, gaming, loud, cozy, vtuber, anime, penacony, firefly, wutheringwaves, robin, gachasmack, genshin, hsr, memoryofchaos, genshinimpact, arlecchino, firstplaythrough, serval, mint, openworld, chatting, acheron, askme, viral, aventurine, zenless, zzz, boothill, who to pull, tier list, wuthering waves, wuwa, yinlin, calcharo, jiyan, REXLENT90, best teams, f2p
Id: HWOIobbvXss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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