Changli Gameplay Overview Guide - How To Play Changli Explained - Wuthering Waves

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the next two five-star characters coming to watering waves after the yinlin banner is over are going to be jiny and Shang Lee I have already covered the whiteair dragon magistrate in great detail in my previous video but today we're going to be taking an in-depth look at Chang Lee as we already have quite a lot of gameplay and information on her kit I'll be talking about how she is going to play What role she is going to fill into your party as well as what may be her best teams and Echo to use and of course I'll be adding some new information and any updates that we may get to these characters or any new characters that we get in the game in future videos do keep in mind that all the current information is taken from the closed beta test server so a few things might be subject to change but given the precedent set by Kuro games we likely won't see huge gameplay changes so there might be some minor number tweaking hello everyone my name is dark hero and let's get started so first of all here you can see Chang Le's upgrade materials in case you would like to go ahead and farm for her in advance though the new red flower and the sentinel's dagger are going to be new items added only in watering waves update 1.1 and let's take a look at Chang Le's core kit starting of course with her basic attack combo her basic attack combo consists of four consecutive attacks after which changle will enter true site which will last for 12 seconds I'll talk about what exactly is true sight in a moment as for Chang Le's heavy attack it will perform an upward strike that will leave her in the air and you will then be able to continue the combo in the air because that's right Chang Le does actually have a midair combo and so as for Chan Le's midair attack she's going to consume stamina to perform up to four consecutive attacks in the air and after performing the final fourth attack she will enter through sight once again which will last for 12 seconds additionally Chen Le also has a midair heavy attack where shortly after holding the basic attack button while in the air or using the basic attack through side charge while in the air she will perform a plunging attack which will deal heavy damage and if you follow it up by using the base basic attack within a certain timing you will be able to resume the combo from the third hit of the basic attack combo now what exactly is true sight true site is tied to Chang Le's resonance skill which after using it Chang Le will rapidly attack the enemy and enter true sight which will last for 12 seconds and it essentially is this plunging attack that Shenley does that looks like a phoenix that does a lot of fusion damage now one thing to note is that the skill through side capture the one that you use by pressing the resident skill button actually has two different charges that each have a cool down of 12 seconds and then there is the true sight that you are able to get after you perform a basic attack combo so whenever changle uses her ground basic attacks she releases the true side Conquest which will Gap close to the enemy dealing heavy Fusion damage and finally there is the true side charge which is this midair lunge that Chang Le can perform while she is in the air so after doing the midair combo or after using the heavy attack that once again will deal heavy Fusion damage and keep in mind that all of the TR side damage is going to count as resident skill damage up next we have Chang Le's resonance Liberation this will deal heavy Fusion damage to nearby Targets in an area of effect and afterward Changi will obtain four stacks of inflam and enter fiery feather these four stacks of inflam will be represented by Chang Le's own unique gauge and while Chang Le has the fiery feather effect active after using the new modified heavy attack flaming sacrifice Shang Le's attack will be increased by 25% for 10 seconds after which which the fiery feather effect is going to end but there's actually a few more things regarding the stacks of inflamate and fiery feather and that takes us to Chang Le's for a circuit inflam allows Chang Lee to hold up to four stacks of inflam and she will be able to obtain one stack for every basic attack trite Conquest on hit so that is the basic attack combo followed by the trite and Shang Le will also be able to obtain one additional inflam stack for every basic attack through side charge and finally Chang Le will be able to obtain all four stacks of inflam and instantly max out the gauge after using the resonance Liberation Radiance of falty and as I explained before whenever Chang Le uses her residence Liberation and whenever Chang Le has all four stacks of the inflam gauge she will be able to consume all of those attacks by using her heavy attack to release the modified heavy attack flaming sacrifice to deal a lot of fusion damage which will be considered resident skill damage up next we have Chang Le switch skills starting of course with the intro skill obedience oft rules using it will cause Chang Le to a pyramid Air Attack the Target and enter through side lasting for 12 seconds as for the outro skill strategy of Duality Chang Le will increase the switched in resonators Fusion damage by 20% and their resident Liberation damage by 25% with this buff lasting for 10 seconds or until you swap to a different character so much like Yan Lin is a sub DPS that can help improve the damage output of Electro characters Chang Le is a sub DPS that will improve the damage output of Fusion characters on top of helping those that want to deal as much damage as possible with their resonance Liberation like the Havoc Rover or calaro but I'm getting ahead of myself let's continue on with the passive skills Chang Le's first inherent skill the secret strategist will increase Chang Le's Fusion damage by 5% each time she uses true side conquest or true side charge as for the second inherent skill sweeping Force Chang Le's Fusion damage bonus will be increased by 20% and she will ignore 15% of the target's defense when dealing damage which of course is going to lead to a much higher damage output now if you like everything that you have seen from changly so far and maybe you want to invest into some of our resonance chain then let's go over all of changle sequences with the first one making it so that your skill tripar flames and heavy attack flaming valve will increase Chang Le's damage output by 10% and give her resistance to Interruption being able to receive a 10% damage bonus on top of everything that changle is going to do is already a pretty fantastic but then you add on top the resistance to Interruption and that is really going to make Chang Le a lot more fun and comfortable to play with that being said Chang Le isn't the character that is designed to excel as a main DPS and so she is not going to spend a ton of time on field which means that the resistance to Interruption is not going to take effect as much as for the second sequence filling up the inflam gauge will increase changi's crit damage by 30% lasting for 8 seconds and given how you're easily able to do that by simply using your ultimate this sequence will once again allow Chang Le to deal a lot more damage and while those 8 seconds might seem like a very short amount of time it's actually going to work in Shang Le's favor because again she's going to work like a burst DPS now the third sequence is very simple it's quite simply going to increase the resident's Liberation damage by 80% as for the fourth sequence this one is going to act more like a support buff as after using the intro skill with Shang Le you will increase the attack of all of your team members by 20% Which will last for 30 seconds which would give enough time for Chang Le to do her entire rotation and swap out to a main DPS that would still take advantage of the 20% attack buff the fifth sequence is going to increase the heavy attack flaming vales multiplier by 50% and after using that same special attack Chang Le's attack will be increased by an additional 50% so this one is just going to allow Chang Le to deal tons of damage and now we have realized planes the final sequence for Chang Le's resonance chain and this one is honestly crazy and much like Yin Lin is going to allow Chang Le to essentially play like a main DPS with the sequence the heavy attack flaming vow the residence Liberation Radiance of FIY as well as the resonant skill tripar flame are all going to ignore an additional 40% of the enemy's defense when dealing damage so this is going to Skyrocket Chang Le's damage output and given how much more damage you'll be able to deal you can actually play changly as a main DPS although of course all of these sequences are also going to benefit Shang Le's performance as a sub DPS but like every single five star limited character you don't have to invest into their sequences for them to feel powerful and useful although in Chang Le's case if you really want to go for a certain sequence I would say that going for the first one is going to be a good investment now given that Chang Le's damage rotation is going to be a very quick one and that she can also provide a meaningful buff to the next teammate while she may be able to perform as the main DPS she is going to excel as a sub DPS much like yinan with a very focused burst window to de damage and so Chang Le's damage rotation is going to be focused on trying to use as many cool Downs as early as possible try to get everything into rotation and then swap into the main DPS to take advantage of all of the Buffs that she is going to be able to provide so ideally you would start off combat by using the ultimate right away which would not only deal a ton of damage but would also immediately fill up the inflam gauge and also give Chang Le the fiery feather buff which is going to make her do a lot more damage and also gain a 25% attack increase so by starting off with the ultimate not only are you going to be able to use flaming sacrifice the modified heavy attack by the way but you are also going to be getting the 25% increased attack for the whole rotation and from there you're either going to want to go with the basic attack combo into the true sides to deal more damage or the heavy attack combo into the true site and keep in mind that you can also perform these same combos in the air so it may be more beneficial to go into the midair combo and do the midair heavy attack to go into the true s side and by doing this you will be able to fill up the inflamable gauge once again at which point you will do a second modified heavy attack flaming sacrifice to deal a ton of damage and by that point and maybe even before you will be able to use your outro skill which would allow you to swap to a different character and provide them with a 20% Fusion damage increase as well as buff their resident Liberation damage by 25% which would last for 10 seconds now given that this buff duration is only going to be 10 seconds I feel like Chang Lee is going to excel in a quick swap team rather than on a hyper carry team that is focused on a main DPS that likes to stay on the field for a very long amount of time but I'm getting ahead of myself let's talk about the signature weapon and the best Echo for Chang Lee before we go over her actual best teams but of course we should also talk about Chang Le's weapon and just like every other limited five star character in the game Chang Le's best ins slot weapon is going to be her own unique weapon in this case being the Blazing Brilliance five star sword which comes with attack percent as one of the main stats and whose effect will increase your critical hit rate by 8% and upon dealing damage with this weapon you will gain searing feather Stacks gaining one of these the first time you deal damage and gaining one other stack every 0.5 seconds using a resident skill will give you five additional stacks and each of these searing feather Stacks will increase the resident skill damage bonus by 4% stacking up to 14 times totaling in a 56% resonant skill damage bonus increase and after reaching 14 Stacks all Stacks will reset within 10 seconds so this weapon is of course going to allow Chang Le to deal much more damage with her skill which is what she already wants to do during her burst window and given how many times she actually uses her own resident skill she's going to be able to max out the stacks very very quickly additionally this weapon is likely going to be very useful for a handful of characters and I can see it being very powerful on Havoc MC for example that has two different resident skills that they can use it's a shame that the weapon's main stat is attack percent and not crit rates but I would say that this is a very powerful weapon that at the very least is going to serve as a good stat stick for a lot of characters I will be making a damage comparison and ranking the Changi weapons once I make my full Changi guide so look forward to that but now that we have gone over changi's best weapon let's go over her best Echo and there's actually quite a few different ones to pick from here now if you purely want to focus on damage output with Chang Le you are of course going to want to go with the molten Rift set that is going to increase Fusion damage by 10% and an additional 30% % after using the resonance skill for 15 seconds and given how easily you're going to be able to use the resident skill with Shang Le and especially given the fact that she has access to two charges realistically you're never really going to run out of this buff now that being said given that changle is going to excel as a sub DPS this may not be the optimal set to go with her and so you are met with two other choices for a more supportive play style you can either go with the moonlet clouds which are going to provide energy regen by 10% and also provide a meaningful 22.5% attack increase to the next character after using the outro skill or alternatively you would go with the lingering Tunes which are going to increase Chang's attack by 10% with an additional attack increase that is going to ramp up to 20% with how much time she spends on the field and on top of that her outro skill damage would deal an additional 60% now me personally I don't love the lingering tun set unless you are playing on a dedicated quick swap team and you have everything optimized to be able to get in and out of each character very quickly that way you would be able to abuse the extra outro skill damage but given that it takes 6 seconds to ramp up the attack increase to an additional 20% it means that Chang Le would be missing out on a big portion of it while she does most of her rotation so that is a big downside so me personally I would prefer to go with the mullet clouds but again if you want to focus on Chang Lee the molten Rift is going to be the option for you and then of course for the main Echo you would want to go with The Inferno rider for the fusion set and try to focus on getting as much crit rate and crit damage as possible for the the wed Cloud your main Echo is going to be the Heron which is going to deal a lot of damage and can be casted very easily and on top of that we'll boost the next character's damage output by 12% which is fantastic and from the lingering Tunes your main Echo would be the mech Abomination which is going to deal a lot of damage and increase your characters attack by 12% for 15 seconds so if you are going with this one make sure that you use the echo before you use anything else but now let's talk about what exactly are going to be the best teams for Chang Lee and frankly there's actually a lot more characters that are going to work very well with her than I first expected now of course the number one character that is going to pair the best with Chang Lee is going to be none other than Anor given the fact that of course Anor is a fusion character so she is going to benefit from the additional damage output that Chang Le is going to provide but the fact that Anor is currently the only character in the game that can contest the number one DPS spot along with Gian despite not having a proper dedicated support character means that the introduction of Chang Lee a character that can buff Fusion characters is going to allow Anor to deal even more damage and also given that Chang Le buff doesn't last for a very long time it's going to work very well with Anor even that she likes to play in a quick swap team now following Anor there's also a few other characters that are going to heavily benefit from having changle on their team and as you might have guessed they're going to be the Rover and calaro specifically the Havoc Rover and this is because the biggest portion of their damage output is all going to come from resonance Liberation damage especially in the case of calaro where after you use his ult every single thing you do becomes residence Liberation damage and as for the Havoc Rover their residence Liberation is essentially just a One-Shot button nuke so being able to increase the damage output of that button is going to do wonders for you so despite these two characters not taking advantage of the fusion damage buff the extra 25% resident Liberation damage deepen that they're going to get from Chang Lee is heavily going to benefit them now this also opens up a couple of doors where there is a potential to have a team where you would take calaro or the Havoc MC and you would have both y Lin and Chang le as your two sub DPS characters that are focused on increasing The resence Liberation damage of your main DPS now I am uncertain if you're going to be able to stack the resonance Liberation deepen from both characters but in the case that you might not be able to stack both of these Buffs you would essentially be able to have a much more aggressive quick swap team where you would go from yinin into calaro for example and then you would swap back into Changi and then back into calaro and then back into yland and keep on repeating the cycle and this way you would be able to take out your main DPS a lot more often in your rotation and they would get to enjoy the 25% extra resonance Liberation damage deepen for a longer period though of course this team has the caveat of having no dedicated support so it may be a bit risky however if you wanted to play Chang le as a main DPS then by far one of her best companions is going to be none other than sanwa because she's going to be able to increase Shang Le's basic attack damage output and if you wanted to go with a quick swap play style Chen Le's outro skill is also going to heavily benefit sanat since most of our damage output comes from the residence Liberation and no I'm not recommending Mori because while he does increase heavy attack damage keep in mind that the modified heavy attack flaming Sacrifice from Chang Lee is going to count as resident skill damage which means that Chang Lee would not benefit from the outro skill from Mori but overall much like Yan Lin Chang Le is going to fit into a ton of different teams even if they don't benefit from the fusion damage buff and this is likely going to make Chang Le a very good investment for your account long term because whenever they do decide to add a new limited five star character that uses the fusion elements you will already have a character that is going to be dedicated to helping them do more damage now when it comes to talking about whether or not you should pull for Chang Le we should also talk about the characters that are going to be present alongside her banner and the featured four star characters are going to be baiji Mori and toi now baiji is of course a very important character currently in watering waves since she is one of the two different healers that are currently available in the game so given how limited it is to get a dedicated support that can heal your party getting some extra copies of by that everyone gets already one for free is certainly not going to be a bad thing though in the long term of watering waves we're likely going to run into the instance we having multiple byes is likely not going to do much for us because she's likely going to be power crapped by some limited five-star healer now in regards to Mori he is currently one of the best fourstar characters in the game as he is able to Output a lot of damage while being off field very much in the same way that fishal is able to do do so in genin impact and thankfully Mori only gets better with the more copies of him that you get with his fourth resonance sequence being absolutely insane basically allowing him to deal twice as much damage while being off field and the final sequence providing a meaningful attack buff to everyone on the team whenever he uses his ultimate that being said mori's outro skill doesn't really benefit a lot of characters in the current cast of watering waves as it increases the damage output of heavy attack damage so unless you have Gian you're not really going to benefit from that outro skill a whole lot and the final character is toi which is a nice and reliable defensive character that can provide some Shields and with her ability to Parry any incoming attack she can actually carry you through a large portion of the mid game content now that being said she is lacking in a lot of different other categories such as dealing damage providing energy to the team or any other meaningful buff for that matter and so ultimately whilei may be a character that you can use to help you clear some of the harder Hollow stages she is rapidly going to be outpaced by a lot of other characters so I don't think that you should try to get many copies off her so overall I would say that this is definitely a nice Banner not as bad as the inland's banner which don't feature any good fourstar characters but also not quite as good as Gian or Jin C's banners overall I feel very strongly about Chang Lee as I really do believe that she is going to excel as a sub DPS that is going to support a lot of teams and will be able to stand the test of time not only due to her ability to deal lots of damage very easily but also because of how she's able to increase the damage output of her teammates all the while having a very simple kit with an easy to execute rotation I think she's going to turn out a lot more flexible than most people are expecting and I personally cannot wait to get her on my account I will of course be releasing my updated guides once these characters release in live servers so that I can offer you guys a proper damage comparison for everything with these characters and how they are actually going to benefit your account the most with that being said let me know if you guys are going to be summoning for Chang Lee and if you are subscribe for better luck on your polls as always my name is dark hero and thank thank you all so much for watching
Channel: DarkHero Gacha
Views: 152,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wuthering waves, wuwa, ww, jinhsi, yinlin, calcharo, changli, wuthering waves new character, wuthering waves guide, wuthering waves how to, honkai star rail, hsr, genshin, genshin impact, jinhsi guide, jinhsi gameplay, jinhsi gameplay explained, how to play jinhsi, changli guide, changli gameplay, changli gameplay explained, how to play changli, changli explained
Id: qB5Y6uC-gNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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