UNION LEVEL 50 SUCKS? UL50 vs UL40 Comparison (Wuthering Waves)

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union level 50 wuthering waves level 50 so let's  start with comparing what people actually care   about which is the echo experience or the Tazer  field drops so in un level 40 we got a guaranteed   15 yellow tuners which is in my opinion already  pretty good and un level 50 we get even more   so it's a guaranteed 20 yellow Tunas which I  think is amazing already because we're going   to get even more in future Union levels however  you may have noticed already in the union level   50 screenshot we get less purple tubes than we  do at unit level 40 we do get one extra yellow   tube I'm going to assume that it's three to four  RNG yellow tubes because if it's only three every   single time that's a huge problem because that  means on average you actually get less XP at   unit level 50 then un level 40 so I'm praying to  every God out there that Union level 50 gives you   three to four RNG tubes because otherwise that's  a massive problem they have to fix it however I   believe there's still a pretty big issue here at  un even if we can RNG four yellow tubes because   look at the unit level 40 screenshot two yellow  tubes that's 5,000 each five purple tubes that's   2,000 each so that's 10K plus 10K equal 20K XP  in total and this is a pretty lowend scenario   like you can actually get three yellow tubes in  un level 40 so I'm on the lower end so 20K lower   end Union level 40 now look at the union level 50  add that up 3 * 5,000 15K for the yellows 3 * 2K   6K for the purples although this is also pretty  low end right but add this up so 15K plus 6K   21k for lowend unit level 50 that is barely an  increase over unit level 40 so I believe that   they should have just given us the same amount of  purple tubes as you're in level 40 because this   is just really really low like really really low  increase I am aware of the fact that they did say   they were going to be buffing XP after patch 1.1  but in my mind I think it's unlikely that they're   going to be buffing Tassa XP directly I'm not  saying that it's impossible that they'll just give   us increased amount of tubes on every Tassa field  level I'm not saying it's 0% chance I'm saying   that some people think that it's 100% chance  they're going to buff it I'm just saying that it's   not it's not a guarantee just don't get your he  your hopes too high up is what I'm saying so what   do I think about Tessa Fields level 50 overall so  I think the tuna tuners from 15 to 20 is the best   part about it but the XP increase is really really  underwhelming but I understand why they don't want   us to get too much Echo XP because Echo XP is  like the number one time gate in this game for   account progression so it's understandable why  they'll want to limit it by a lot unit level 50   tasa fields not that great overall now let's  move on to comparing other content so forgery   which drops the skill upgrade materials so looking  at forgery Union level 40 we see one purple drop   four blues and seven greens the purple is not  a guaranteed drop in my experience it's more   more like a 50/50 whether it drops or not four  blues on average sounds about right and about six   Greens on average also sounds about right there  is apparently a chance of dropping yellows in   unit level 40 but I haven't seen it a single time  I've done well over 10 runs so I think the chance   of it is really really low now for you in level  50 we see one purple we see six blues and seven   greens still so for blues it seems like a pretty  substantial increase like two which is like a 50%   increase over 40 which is nice the purple there's  not enough runs to be conclusive yet but I have a   feeling that it's a guaranteed purple drop which  is also a pretty nice upgrade and for the yellow   drops obviously not guaranteed and I'm assuming  it's just going to be a big drop chance increase   over the unit level 40 like you can actually  expect to see it drop because I haven't seen   it drop a single time in unit level 40 yet so  I'm going to expect people to actually drop   Union level 50 yellows from now on overall for  forgery not a bad upgrade like increase in blues   it's pretty significant increase and guaranteed  purple drops if that's the case then it'll be   pretty pretty good upgrade and now we move on  to the overlord boss drops so you can see in the   unit level 40 we get two or three it's RNG for the  actual boss upgrade material and in your level 50   we actually get four in the screenshot although  I don't think it's going to be four guaranteed   I think it's going to be three or four still  we haven't done enough runs to see it yet but   I don't think they'll just jump up straight from  two to three RNG to four guaranteed straight away   but since I was personally just expecting it to  become three guaranteed on un level 50 seeing a   chance of four being dropped as well that's a  welcome upgrade I'll take it and for the other   bus drops we get guaranteed extra shell credits  nice I guess and for the XP tubes for the echo   XP resonator weapon XP we seems to be still RNG  between two and three drops each however I believe   there's going to be a higher chance of getting  three drops for everything in unit level 50   obviously so overall for Boss drops I think it's  a pretty big buff because we're jumping straight   from 2 to three RNG boss material drops to 3 to  four RNG which is really nice so now looking at   the weekly boss drops for unit level 40 we have  two for the main drop the skill upgrade drop and   we have a chance of getting the weapon crafting  material the cube and for the other drops which   is the weapon and Echo XP it seems to be 5 to six  RNG variable drops and looking at the union level   50 bus drops it seems like it's still a minimum of  two for the skill upgrade material of course the   weapon crafting cube is still still not guaranteed  so still RNG and it seems like for the echo XP   and the weapon XP drops it's a variable 6 to 7  instead of 5 to 6 so an overall average of plus   one for each of those so overall for the weekly  bus drops a really really small increase but it   doesn't really matter that much honestly because  not only can we only Farm it three times a week   we're already getting like too much of the skill  upgrade materials at this point like we can't even   finish all of the ones that we have already  and finally for the simulation challenges so   I haven't actually got screenshots for the runs  at Union level 50 for these however based on   the patterns we've seen from Union level 30 to 40  it's basically just one increase in yellows so you   can expect the same thing so two you'll see two  drops of yellows in Union level 40 so expect to   see three yellow drops in your level 50 for Shell  credits it's simply a 4,000 increase from 76k in   unit level 40 to 880,000 in unit level 50 so it's  just about a 5% increase in credits overall nobody   really Farms simulation challenge that much anyway  so although it's a small increase it doesn't   really matter that much so for all of the level 40  wave plate Min Maxes what should you actually find   now funnily enough I think you just be farming  tcid Fields when you're still Level 40 because   they got the smallest buff out of everything at  you in level 50 but if you're a 1.1 tacet field   buff believer and you don't want to farm T field  because of that then I think should just Farm the   skill upgrades the whole time because they got  even though they got a pretty decent buff at   level 50 it's like the only other thing that can  really Farm that's not the boss challenges and I   don't think you should pre-farm your Ascension  materials now because we saw at level 50 you   have a chance of getting four dropped per run  which is like a massive increase so if you're   really Min Maxi then you should stop pre- farming  this and only Farm it once you hit Level 50 for
Channel: vaizaGG
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Keywords: wuthering waves union level 50, union level 50 wuthering waves, wuthering waves level 50, level 50 wuthering waves, wuthering waves ul50, ul50 wuthering waves, ul50, wuthering waves union level 40, union level 40 wuthering waves, wuthering waves level 40, level 40 wuthering waves, wuthering waves ul40, ul40 wuthering waves, wuthering waves, wuwa, vaizagg, wuthering waves union level, union level wuthering waves, wuthering waves fast union level, fast union level wuthering waves
Id: q01sMV7OoeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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