WHICH ACTIVE ECHO SHOULD YOU USE?? | Wuthering Waves Echoes Tier List

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hello beautiful people and welcome hi to an active Echo tier list now you might be thinking why would I need an active Echo tier list don't I just use the for calls for whatever set I'm using and um no actually there's quite a few situations where that's not the case and you actually end up using something different so we're not going to do every single Echo we're only going to do the ones where I think there's a an actual good reason to use them under some circumstances and so let's get right into it so first off we're going to be ranking the three glacio set one cost that deal a little bit of glacio damage as a summon on an 8-second cool down now the reason why these are worth a consideration is actually because the active Echo that is the for cost in the glacio set is really really bad now it does a decent amount of damage but one the animation for it is incredibly long so it's very likely that you're going to get hit while you're using it which obviously isn't good and two the fact that it's not really swap cancellable means that it's also in a lot of situations an actual DPS loss to even use it this puts you in a situation where it's actually kind of worth it to just use a summon Echo that doesn't have an animation time instead of using the for cost let's actually name our tiers first right so we're going to have goat very good feels okay to use usable because the Alternatives aren't great and we're going to have not a great idea now keep in mind even the echo that are going to be here you can still use them if I was doing an actual complete tier list there would be another tier below for the echo that I'm not going to be ranking because I just don't think they're worth considering so the three glacio one class Echo are going to be unusable because the Alternatives aren't great and the active Echo for cost is going to go in not a great idea now the main issue with all of these really is that the current only character that actually wants the glacio set sometimes is lingyang and none of these Echo can be used during his Forte when he's in the air they're just not usable like the button the button becomes grayed out you can't use them because you can only use these effectively once for rotation instead of two because you can't use it in the air it really doesn't feel very good to use them which is why later on we're going to see that there's another alternative for the glacio set that is a three cost but and we'll also get into that later on the lack of a good active Echo can actually be enough for you not to use the glacio set so stick around to find out why next up when it comes to one cost that are actually potentially worth a consideration is going to be the fusion Warrior Fusion Warrior is going to go and feels okay to use for a few reason reason number one the sets that Fusion Warrior can be a part of are the arrow set which has a pretty good active Echo and then the Electro and the and the fusion set which both don't have necessarily the best options for active Echo and that's going to leave you in a situation where you don't lose as much from not using the Alternatives and then the fusion Warrior can actually give you some pretty nice utility so what it does is you transform into the fusion Warrior to perform a Counterattack if the Counterattack is successful the cool down time will be reduced by 70% and you will deal 288 Fusion damage here's what it looks like when you're actually using it in practice to get a Counterattack can you please attack me and as you can see the cool down is pretty short against enemies that aren't like insanely aggressive you can pretty much use it on every single attack now the reason why this is nice is because there's a lot of enemy attacks that are a bit harder to dodge properly or to Parry the window for the Parry is with the fusion Warrior are a lot more generous than the windows of for a do so if you know there's an n that you're always dying to and you're using a character that is using the fusion set or that is using the electro set and you keep dying to that same attack you can put your character on Fusion Warrior and when you see the attack coming you just use it to to to avoid the damage the fact that it has a low cool down if you do Counterattack something also means that it can be used multiple times it does like okayish damage it's not the best but it it is it is fine it's far from being like an insane amazing Echo but it is definitely something that you know if you're doing a hologram fight that is actually giving you some some some trouble it can be worth considering to to help you out for that and honestly that's pretty much it for the one cause that you should be considering the rest of the one cause just don't really do very much there's some that sound like they could be useful like the whiff off for example that if you just read the description going to whiff wab that triggers an air explosion deing damage and producing a low pressure Zone the low pressure Zone continuously pulls enemies nearby towards the center for 2 seconds oh my God that's crazy and then you actually look at it in practice and not only is the area incredibly small but the pole strength is also incredibly small or incredibly weak through this house you can see how much that grouped now these guys are immune to grouping but these guys aren't this is how much they get pulled throughout the whole throughout the the duration it doesn't actually pull enemies in a in a meaningful way whatsoever there's another thing that can kind of be useful and that's the Tik Tac Tik Tac reduces vibration strength a little bit the biggest issue with that is that I think that if what you care about is reducing vibration strength as much as possible you're better off running Echoes that give you conero energy and I guess there's only one of them that does that and it's not available in in in all of the sets that Tik Tac is available but it is available in some of them and don't worry we'll get to the the echo that givs concered later on Tik Tac can also be like situationally somewhat all right but it doesn't do that much and also turns out that right now it's bugged and doesn't actually reduce vibration strength so so that's cool and then You' got other like utility Echo like xcr that gives you a long like 4ish seconds of of invulnerability which going to be nice in similar situations as Fusion Warrior next up we're going to move on to some of the three cost that can be that can be considered so first off is going to be the three cost in the glacio set effectively the main reason why you'd use the three cost in the glacio set is because again the same reason why you use the one cost in the glacio set which is that the myad the four cost just isn't that great now you can use tambourin and rosro as like fine options that do a bit of damage like they're also fine they're not really better than these because usually if you're playing glacio set you're going to have a lot of glacio damage and because these don't do glacio damage they're not real going to do as much and then the other option is the auto puppet Scout the main thing about the auto puppet Scout is that it is also a transform but it's a transform that is a lot less cringe to use than the than the myad however right you transform into this you do this uh but it is swap cancellable right so if you're if you're if you're in combat and this is the first swap cancelable Echo that we're looking at so let's actually explain what a swap cancel is uh and this doesn't just apply to Echoes but for the purposes of an echo tier list we only be talking about the ones the ones that you do with Echoes if you use an echo that has a long animation that is a transform uh you can swap into a different character during the animation and still get the echo animation on your off field character basically if I use my echo and then immediately SWS out you can see the echo still does its thing the main issue with the auto puppet Scout is that the reason why Marriott isn't good is because you don't want to you know use the whole thing but the thing is you can just use the first hit of the Myriad and swap cancel that first hit and you still get an amount of damage that is actually somewhat similar it's a little bit less but you do get a little bit of glacial damage and skill damage out of it 4% of each and you do get some utility with the freeze overall I think that the auto puppet Scout is honestly relatively similar to the Myriad All Things Considered maybe if you can do some some crazy stuff with the walls that it does if it helps you like block and attack or something maybe it's it's pretty good but generally it's not really what you're looking for and the main reason why both of these Echo are below these is because again right if you look at a character like lingang who is currently the only character that really wants the I set you realize that Ling Young's rotations don't really lend themselves too well to swap cancels you want to swap into him once you have your sonan stuff available right you trigger her outro flop into him get his intro use his ult your full Forte go in the air start bashing on the enemies and then swap out the thing is when you swap out you want to to do that in the middle of your ending animation of your Forte and you're still in the air when you're doing that which means you can't use an echo to swap out so if you want to be using either of these Echoes you'll have to add another swap into him in the middle of your setup and that generally doesn't feel too great to do you're also getting less stats overall during that because it means you don't have all the all the buff from um 5B Moonlight Cloud set from the Heron which means that in practice you're generally just better off swapping into him using a non- transform Echo and then using his old next up we can talk about the Heron The Violet Heron is very similar to the uh Fusion Warrior but instead of getting cool down reduction when you trigger your parrying you get conero now that's not very good on characters where you want to stay a little bit longer because you only get one of them every relatively long amount of time but if you're using it on a character where you're only SW into them once and not staying on them for that long it is usable still right you get the concero the main issue is you have to end up swapping into a character at a moment where you get attacked which won't necessarily be happening and then if you're not getting attacked then you don't get your value out of your Echo it is still usable but it's not really generally something you you feel that good about using next up is the geoy soran which is a summon right which means it has no animation you can use it in the middle of your attack in the middle of your combos whatever ever right I'm in the middle of my attack it doesn't even cancel my attack to summon it which means that don't characters that you know don't really have the best options to weave in with a lot of swap cancels this is definitely usable however the fusion Echo alternatives are stronger than the glacio echo Alternatives I I would probably rank this a little bit lower than the glacio ones looking at a character like enor for example or CIA or it's it's it's definitely usable on them but generally you're kind of better off using one of the other ones next up we move into the POG stuff so the next three call I want to talk about is the flest flest like many of the other active Echo is a transform that means you have to you know do the whole thing now if you just tap it it'll it won't last a very long time but you will only get three hits which is something that it doesn't actually say in the description you actually have to hold it to get all 10 hits one and if you do hold it the animation is pretty long however it is W cancel away what makes flst so good is that one 530 motion value that's a lot of damage two 10 conserto energy that's a lot of energy and three each hit from the flest also generates 0.83 resonance energy to your character that has the Echo and and half of that to the rest of your team cuz that's how energy generation Works in this game if you want to know more about energy generation you can check out the video on my main channel in which I explain the energy mechanics what that means is that this Echo ends up actually doing a pretty good amount it does a good damage generates a lot of conal energy and a pretty good amount of of resonance energy right 10 hits each 0.83 so 8.3 resonance energy from this Echo alone right so yeah so you still get all of your energy even if you SW cancel it now one thing to keep in mind for flst is you have to hold until you have fully swapped so what I mean by that is there's a bunch of Echoes that have a different effect if you hold them if you tap them and for most of the other Echoes once the game has registered that you have started to hold you can simply stop holding and it will still do the hold effect with flus you have to make sure that you swap before you release your Echo button otherwise it's just going to register that you stopped holding and then it's and it's going to stop doing the beam what that means is that specifically if your flus is on your character that's on the second slot and you're playing on mouse and keyboard if you want to swap cancel from 2 to one and you want to use flus like that you're going to have to use your queue and then reach all the way over to your to your one button without releasing your queue and so I would highly recommend if you end up using a character with flest on your second or third slot I would highly recommend re binding your Echo button to something other than Q so that you can like very easily reach all of your all of your swap keys without a problem because that is something that I have noticed when I use flest in any case all right flest is really a very good Echo and it is going to make it into the very good tier now what's the problem with flus what what's the like what's the downsides that make it so that it doesn't make it any higher than this mainly it damage is entirely single Target what that means is that in some situations you'll get all the value out of B but in a bunch of situations while the echo or sorry while the flus beam does go through the enemy so technically it's not single Target especially considering how bad the auto targeting is in this game getting your beam to go through multiple enemies is going to be rough and most of the time enemies aren't lined up in a nice straight line either so it's generally not really going to happen which means that offensively whenever you're in a situation where there's a bunch of enemies it's generally only going to be hitting one maybe two which means that in the damage Department even though it has big numbers practically it doesn't often actually do as much as you'd Hope on top of that even though it is swap cancellable it also does mean that you need to adapt your rotation to have a moment where you can use the Echo and then swap out and for a lot of characters they already have a lot of stuff they want to swap cancel and adding one more required swap cancel in your rotation is going to make your rotation longer so being swap cancelable is an upside but needing to be swap canell to be good is a downside that the summon Echo don't have because of their very very short or non-existent animations next three costs I want to talk about we can talk about the S feathered Heron I'm not a huge fan of it I think mainly one the for cost for arrow set is actually pretty good and two enemies just don't do a lot of special skills special skills are stuff where like their eyes glow red and then they do one of their special attacks but a lot of the time one they're kind of just going to like the the ACH for example it just flies away when does its special attack so it's hard to land this and actually interrupt it but also having an echo just for that when you actually have other really good Alternatives doesn't really do that much now for a transform Echo it does have a very short animation which is good but even then even that shorter animation isn't really I mean it's not instant uh it also often puts you in the air which means that you're going to have to be a little bit more vulnerable for a little bit it is swap cancelable but it's not uh necessary to swap cancel it overall it's a fine Echo but it's going to go in not a great idea for most of the time you're not really considering it but maybe maybe towards the top of it because if you do get to cancel the special attack it does feel pretty good next up I guess we can talk about the Rock City Guardian it has a very similar upside to the the Heron which is that it can it can interrupt a special skill it's also a counter but really it's it's it's longer cooldown counter and it's an ass set that actually already has a pretty good active Echo and then on top of that in patch 1.1 and obviously if you don't want to see any leaks whatsoever you can skip ahead a little bit but in patch 1.1 we are going to get a new spectro set Echo that that has a very strong active uh which is going to be probably generally better than morning eggs and that's really going to reduce its value so again right I I might as well put it in the not a great idea tier cuz like I I still think there's some situations where you can consider it but it's not really a major consideration next up you have the Havoc Echoes and for the three cost honestly none of them are worth considering the uh healing side Echoes I actually want to quickly talk about because I want to quickly say that you shouldn't use them I've seen some people say oh because the chasm Guardian heals you you get to activate the 5pie Sonata effect of the healing set which gives you 15% attack to your whole team and like yeah but also it itself is pretty ass and there's an active Echo that does pretty basically as much or almost as much as the five piece Echo just by existing so you're you never really want to consider this that's going to be it for the three cost which leaves us with the four cost the P resistance you know as they say and we are going to be looking at them holistically and what I mean by that is there's some Echoes that are actually good enough to change what set you're using we've already ranked the lamp illumin Myriad it's the worst for cost Echo maybe tied with another one it's not very good one thing that I haven't mentioned yet though is the Synergy between the bbor gealon Echo and any transform Echo as far as I'm aware it's not actually written anywhere so if the editors would kindly zoom in on what just happened I got hit by that but it showed a zero damage number that's because transform Echoes actually give you 50% damage reduction if I do the same thing without using the turtle and I just transform into into the [Music] Lumen I I get one shot cuz this enemy does enough damage to one shot me through 50% damage reduction but damage reduction in this game is additive which means that if you have two sources of 50% damage reduction you're invulnerable which means that transform Echoes aren't necessarily as bad as they look like at first glance if you know they they put you in a vulnerable position that being said because the Lumin animation is so slow it still doesn't really do enough damage to justify its field time but this is something that is going to to affect further Echoes but yeah right so it's it's using the 50% damage reduction from the borne shield and from the transformation uh but we I don't want to talk about the turtle just yet for now let's talk about the other uh the other four CA active Echo so the next one is The Inferno Rider and Inferno Rider is very interesting cuz The Inferno Rider deals a pretty good amount of damage and also it generates a pretty good amount of energy as well now it is a relatively slow animation but you can swap cancel it and still get all of the hits as soon as the cool down appears in the bottom in the bottom right of your screen on your Echo cool down as soon as a cool down appears it becomes swap cancelable and you will still get all of the hits what sounds right you still get all three hits now the biggest issue with it is that it doesn't really adjust its positioning if the enemies move which means that in practice very often it's going to end up just missing unless you're against very stationary enemies the first two hits will generally hit but the third one will very often miss Inferno Rider is one of those Echoes where like it it's very it's very close to being really good it is swap cancelable it does a very good amount of damage it generates a very good amount of energy but the animation is just just long enough that it doesn't feel the greatest to use and its Auto targeting and like lock on are just annoying enough that it's going to miss sometimes and just feel like [ __ ] when it does and because of that I'm going to put it and feels okay to use towards the top next up is the electro Echoes so both the thundering and the Tempest methis so the Thundering mephis is a six hit combo where you can only really swap cancel the last hit this Echo does a very large amount of damage it's almost almost 1,000 motion valume but it also has a very long animation which makes it so that much like the lampy Lumen it's just not really worth it like The Inferno Rider the Thundering meis does generate a pretty good amount of energy it can generate like around 15 energy before ER which is I think the highest of any Echo but that's coming at the cost of a lot of field time and when you're comparing it to like infernal rider for example that generates like around 12 energy it's a little bit less but you have to stay on field for so much less time now the final hit is still swap cancellable but it's by the time you get to the final hit you fall in asleep already because of that thundering meis is unfortunately just not the best it is still usable especially if you're more early game if you don't have very high character levels yet you don't have very high Talent levels yet because this motion value doesn't scale with your character level or your talent level it does scale with all of your stats obviously but so does the rest of your damage but the rest of your damage also has the additional layer of needing to be leveled up through your talent levels so early on if you're at Talent level three whatever your damage on the rest of your stuff on the rest of your kit is reduced more than your damage from Echoes so Echoes that do a lot of motion value by themselves gain a little bit of value but honestly it's not really enough overall thundering mephis is fine next up we have the Tempest meis which is the better of the two po cost option now the Tempest meis is an echo that actually warrants an explanation further than what it actually says right so what it says Is Res oriented Tempest mempis perform tail swing attacks followed by a claw attack the lightning strike summoned by the tail swing deals 102 48% Electro damage each time while the claw attack deals 175. 68% Electro damage after the claw hit you g a so if I just use it in the air we get the tail attack and then the claw attack the thing is and this is something that it doesn't say the tail strikes I mean it says that it summons lightning but what it doesn't say is that if you input the claw strike it will stop summoning lightning which means that if you wait to use a claw attack you will get more damage out of it in practice though that's not actually what you're going to be doing in practice generally what you're going to be doing with this Echo is you're just going to pretend like the claw attack doesn't exist going to use the tail attack and you're going to immediately swap out you will get four hits it's an echo that is easier to use and with slightly better AOE than the flest it does generate 6.4 energy which is okay the damage in AOE is a little bit better and that's really all there is to it it's also because you don't have to hold it right you just have to top it's a lot easier to use than the than the flest you can SW cancel it basically frame one let say that generally this is a bit better than flus in AOE and flus a little bit better than this in single Target but Tempest meis is still a pretty decent Echo I I think I'll put it up here for for the main reason that when it comes to the electro set you can have both a tempest meis and a flest in your build at the same time and you can use you can change which one your is currently in your active slot based on what you're currently fighting next up the monkey monkey is an echo that has a medium length animation that can't be swap cancelled too early because if you swap cancel it too early you lose you lose the effect right you'll get the first hit but not the second one but you can still cancel it relatively early you just have to wait until your first hit connects and as long as your first hit is connected you can swap out safely and that's still relatively fast right and you'll still get both hits it does a pretty good amount of damage it generates a decent amount of energy and the buff that it gives is actually very useful for Gian on top of that gian's rotations lend themselves very very well to actually being able to use your monkey right before his up time while still getting a a swab canceled in if you want to know more about those rotations make sure you go check out the previous video on this channel which was about team building and which had a pretty lengthy section on an example rotation with the gon mortify arena team but all in all the monkey is a pretty good Echo that's a very solid allrounder is going to go at the top of very good for me next up is a morning EGS and morning a is another example of a pretty solid allrounder the animation for it is overall quite quick it can be swap canell even earlier than the monkey can all right you you don't have to wait for the first hit but in exchange for that you're getting around six energy instead of around eight and you're getting a total of around 400 motion value instead of around around 500 so all in all it's kind of like the monkey where it's an allrounder that is pretty good at everything but it it trades some damage and energy generation for a faster swap cancel and a faster overall animation if you don't want to swap cancel it that is enough in my opinion to bring it about as as the monkey a little bit worse mainly because it doesn't have great users right now and because by the time it does have a good user and again if you're not interested in in in leak content whatsoever you can skip ahead but also you're getting by the time it's going to have a good user that good user will also have a better Echo option but even then it's a pretty solid Echo next up we have the Havoc Echo let's start with the crownless crownless is one of the worst Echo it has one nice upside yeah so my my base base Havoc damage 73.6 if I get it and and and dash out of it 85.6 so you get the damage from it instantly which is good it's a nice upside that also means that you can just swap cancel the first hit and still get the damage bonus right you'll still get the damage bonus if you do that otherwise you're if you're doing the full animation the animation is incredibly long now you can SL cancel on the last hit but all in all it's just not that great and more importantly there's an incredible alternative in the Havoc set that is also a for cost that is just pretty much almost always better than crownless I'd say the one situation where crownless can be better is if you're playing like solo dungeon because if you're playing actual like a Solo character you don't have anyone to swap cancel to then you have to go through the whole dreamless animation and you're probably just going to die if you do that and if you're going to have to dash out of an animation anyways you'd rather dash out of an animation and get some damage bonus instead of dash out of an animation and get nothing next up we have the true the true Havoc forecast which is the dreamless you transform into dreamless you go and when when you're not in combat that's how it How It Ends when you are in combat you'll then Dash into the enemies now dreamless has an advantage over a lot of the other four class active Echoes which is that very much like the morning eggs and I guess the Tempest mephis if you're only doing the first hit it is swap cancelable frame one you can just use it and then immediately swap cancel out and you will still get the whole thing on top of that it has a really good damage and it has really good AOE on top of that it also generates a a pretty decent amount of energy all these things together makes it so that dreamless really is one of the best echo in the game and it is going to go in the goat tier but we're not done yet we still have three more sets to look at first take a look at the turtle the turtle doesn't do that much damage it also doesn't generate that much energy however it's one of the echo with the fastest animation times and it gives you a team wide buff that both increases your damage and reduces the damage taken that lasts for a pretty good amount of time all of this to say turtle truly is one of the better Echoes you should be using it on almost all of your teams Turtle very Pawn however I've come to the realization that there is a support Echo that is better than the turtle and I don't mean that you should play it over the turtle because very often you're going to end up playing both I want to talk about the impermanence Heron the impermanence Heron is honestly just insane not only does it give you do 12% damage to the character you swap to which is to begin with kind of what you'd expect out of an an average like for cost additional effect but then on top of that it also gives you 10 resonance energy it also gives you up to 12 hits of 55% motion value each basically over 600 motion value it is swap cancellable incredibly early each of those 12 hits is giving you 0.87 resonance energy so you're on top of the 10 resonance energy you're gaining from the effect you're also gaining another 10 resonance energy from the resonance energy generated by the hit and five resonance energy to the rest of your team and it's on a set that you want on almost every single team with the moonl cloud set basically it's really really good now I think a lot of people don't realize that you're actually supposed to hold it and one thing that I think makes people think that it's worse than it actually is is that if you don't swap cancel it and you just hold it right it's kind of hard to to to to get all of the hits to actually connect with the enemies however if you swap cancel it it will auto Target onto the enemy incredibly easily because of that I've actually come to think that the impermanence Heron actually makes it above dreamless in the goat tier anyways now we only have one Echo left which you know everyone knows the attack set isn't isn't very good so like who cares right wrong this is the reason why I wanted to make this video the mech Abomination is really fing good it's so good okay so first I want to I want to I want to put an asterisk here currently the mega Abomination is bugged the lingering Tunes outro skill damage is not functioning correctly and the mega Abomination doesn't benefit from outro skill damage like it's supposed to I am going to be talking about this with the assumption that that is something they're going to be fixing soon at the very least by patch 1.1 that being said if you want to you know be sure you can always go take a look at this and most likely they're not going to remove it without fixing it so if this is still here you can assume that it hasn't been fixed yet and once it's gone you can probably safely assume that it has been fixed the thing is even with this bug it's still really good let's explain why if all you look at is you know the numbers on it it's actually going to look somewhat underwhelming it's around 50 and then 320 and then 160 so it's a little bit over 500 motion value which is good but it's not outstanding on top of that it's Electro damage which if you're playing a character on the attack set might not be the element of your carry right so you're not getting Electro damage main stat three costs to boost the damage that you're getting from your active echo on top of that the initial hit generates 0.7 energy and then the second hit is only 1.5 and the third third hit is nothing it's actually one of the active Echo that generates the least amount of energy in the game however here's what the animation for it looks like right so it's a very short animation it also can be used to interrupt an attack string so for example if you're playing Karo you can use the mech Abomination to interrupt your attack string and not have to go all the way to the N4 and N5 which are pretty bad during his ultimate and finally the AOE of it is massive it's pretty trivial to get it to hit every single enemy in the room basically and the reality is that very often that matters a lot actually getting good AOE on your Echoes is a really big deal because most characters don't have the best AOE on their abilities and being able to do a decent amount of damage in AOE just from your Echoes is going to make it so you don't have to focus as much on the enemies that are on the outside and you can focus on the tankiest target quite a bit on top of that wind if we actually group the enemies what you're going to see is that it has quadratic scaling right so it summons one little Mech Abomination for each enemy that is on the field and after a while they will explode but this explosion originates from every single Mech Abomination on the or Mech waste on the field which means if you have five enemies close together this explosion will hit each enemy five times on top of that once fixed the damage from it will be considered outro skill damage and the five piece lingering Tunes Buffs outro skill damage by 60% so this damage percent that you're losing out on from not having the right main stat on your Echo is already made up for but then on top of that if you are playing a character that is Electro you're getting an additional bunch and all of that paired with the fact that it effectively has no animation time and by far the biggest AOE in the game if you're only looking at like the size of the AOE it's not that much bigger than drainless but because you don't have to deal with the auto targeting right it just is a very large circle with the center just being where you are it's just really good it is going to make it so that all in all the mega Abomination is going to make it above dreamless and below Heron in my list the one thing holding it back is the pretty low energy generation that it provides unfortunately energy generation does matter a decent amount and having a energy generation from your Echo does mean that you're going to maybe need to get one more roll of ER in your substance which is not like necessarily ideal although and I am planning on making a video talking about stat distribution later one more R of VR may not be as much of a loss as you think if you look at the energy we're generating as you can see right is just a very small amount compared to the other Echo that being said it's fast animation means that you can use it and then generate energy on other characters or on on on the on the character without having to swap anyways that's going to be it I think I've ranked pretty much everything I wanted to rank I do want to like in the conclusion talk a little bit about the attack set right and again I am talking about this with the assumption that they're going to actually fix and make it work how it's supposed to people really underestimate the attack set right the 10% attack that you gain and then another 20% while you're on field if you stay on field one I I think a lot of people don't know if your model doesn't disappear you don't lose this attack buff so easiest way to show it is with Karo if I swap out and I look at his stats right he's at 1811 attack if I go on him and stay for the 6 seconds it takes to fully stock the set right we're at 19 1928 and if I swap out and then back in it resets right however if I swap out in the middle of a long animation and my model does not disappear here before I swap back in i i triggered his his his out draw which gave me an attack buff sorry I didn't I didn't mean to do that I'll go show it against the makech Abomination because it's thematically appropriate and so I'm still at 1928 I shouldn't have done that that's fine I could just allare no one right and I'm still 1928 and then I swap out and then I SW SW back in before the animation is over and I'm still at 1928 joint all right even though I'm swapping out even though I'm getting my swap cancels in I'm not losing the attack I'm gaining from the uh from the five piece attack set and on top of that I think a lot of people don't realize that a lot of these characters a lot of these carries like alaro have outros that do a really good chunk of damage now right now like like like we talked about earlier the set is bugged and doesn't properly always buff outro damage but once it is fixed this like almost 600 motion value is is a pretty big deal and getting 60% damage on this is a pretty big deal if you're looking at characters that can use this set that otherwise would be using Echo that are lower in the tier list for example Encore I'd say that with Encore it's kind of 50/50 which one you want to use I think they're both viable you will actually do more damage with The Inferno Rider and is going to be overall better but encore's AOE doesn't tend to be the best so getting some form of AOE through the mech is actually a pretty big deal in a lot of Chambers and then when you look at a character like tisia because she just does less damage than Encore the damage that you get from the echo itself is going to be a little bit more significant to her overall damage profile and I'd say that with Chia you're actually generally better off using Mech Abomination all this to say this is my overall Echo tier list just because an echo's a bit lower doesn't mean you shouldn't use it right like again Encore like you can ver feel feel good about using Inferno Rider it's it feels a little clunky but but once you get used to it it's not too bad I would try to stay away from the ones that are lower than that though but yeah that's it for the echo tier list let me know if you disagree with anything let me know if you think that there's an echo I'm underestimating especially if there's something that I haven't mentioned at all that you think I should have let me know in the comments below and uh I will see you guys in the next one bye YouTube [Music]
Channel: Zajef78
Views: 35,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aq4o-DCY84M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 31sec (2371 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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