What Happens When You Reach Level 50? (Wuthering Waves)

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I know what you're thinking MOA you're only level 48 and2 how are you going to get to level 50 you'll see I wanted to start this video today because weekly bosses are about to reset and while we did run three of them in the last video I wanted to run three more so we can get a better sort of rewards comparison so we're going to do that we are going to start getting a nice chunk of 2,000 XP here from our daily quests boom that made almost a difference we do have to figure out which bosses we actually want to and uh we should be able to actually get these crit rates over here which I really want so for my gon we need the bells mortify also needs the bells Vina also needs the Bells but I do care about this secondary team still as well CCH Charo also needs the bells okay yeah she needs the feathers that's right so yeah I think we're going to do two turtles and one dreamless it shouldn't matter which weekly bosses we fight anyway we are just focused on how many of the main materials we get here watch this dude get absolutely deleted holy hell I have also been working on my echo quite a lot so my units are like getting decently strong finally anyway first run here as far as I remember it was just two now so even if it is just like two now guaranteed insane how many turtles we need though I might show you all my builds and stuff in a different video but that's not really the focus of this one rewards yes it's just two again I think if we get six twos in a row we can kind of confidently say yeah it's just two now oh is that finally the one for my Arina it actually was we actually got a five star healing bonus turtle look at him I've been trying dude but I can't get a five star healing okay again not the point of the video but I'm kind of hype I want to give that to her real quick I kind of just feel like maxing it out immediately as long as we get like energy regen in there it doesn't matter I guess we should have checked to see if we get energy region somewhere I don't care oh my God I care I care a lot anyway rewards uh two yeah okay well we know that now we must be almost now right oh god well here's the thing I'm actually just going to be back in a couple days when we're closer but uh yeah it's Sunday currently so I wanted to do the weekly bosses anyway see see you so here we are 2 days later we definitely still have a ways to go here but at least we are 49 again let's hit our dailies first and that should do it so nice start off here with a 2,000 XP I mean we're over halfway already so it shouldn't be too painful this time and we're probably going to do a little bit of everything just to get a bit of a refresher I know I'm going to need so many of these once we hit character level 80 so these purple drops actually do drop somewhat commonly gold however don't remember ever actually seeing a gold drop here and I've run this domain quite a bit we need this material for two different characters so we're going to do like three more runs here see if we actually get a raw gold I do of course want to save some runs when we're level 50 as well to see you know the difference so yeah I mean we did get another raw purple so yeah they're pretty common maybe like 50/50 chance you get a purple and then it's pretty consistently around the same lower grade material and another purple maybe they're even more common than I thought and and while it is of course a lot more boring I think we're going to have to spend a lot of wave plates on shell credits cuz I know we're going to need a lot now no purples this time we got like a high Green Drop I guess but yeah I think by now we have a decent idea those three runs really didn't do that much to our XP bar there but what else we want to do like I'm not sure I'm going to do too many world bosses because I'm pretty much prepared already for both of my teams as far as these materials are concerned and I want to save the few we have to do for level 50 cuz I already know these rewards it's two to three of these currently yikes I don't think that's even going to be enough for my main team to get them all up to level 80 and then 1.5 million shell credits I've been running too many tcid fields and have been neglecting the basic resources I would like to at least have 2 million credits going into 50 but I think it's more important to start with the XP potions cuz I'm quite sure right now that's not going to be enough so I'll do a few runs here to start we cannot drop Blues anymore which means some runs are actually worse than the previous ranks somehow overall I think you're getting more like this was a good run we got three Golds four purples we're going to do two more for now and come back to it once we hit Level 50 if necessary cuz I really have no idea how much we're actually going to need next run a bit worse two gold four purple and last XP run for now again pretty mid drop 24 also I think this time I'm going to wait to actually raise my resonators until we do a little content at 50 just to see how much harder the enemies actually are without us getting a power boost first I never did that previously cuz I'm just like excited to actually raise my resonators and get them stronger so that's the first thing I do so yeah I'm not going to bother with energy cores they drop exactly the same as the XP potions don't really need need to test any difference there as far as Tassa fields are concerned I do want to talk about this for a second I would say the main materials are the premium tuners here and they are always 15 currently so I don't feel like it's really important to test this too much there is a variance on the sealed tubes you get but I don't think that's that important because I feel like unless you're the player to max out all your Echoes before even rolling them you're going to always lack on the premium tuners as opposed to the sealed tubes if you're running tacid Fields where are we currently 87 out of 1300 okay yeah we definitely need quite a bit more runs here let's start with Five Shell credit runs and see where we're at 1.9 so two more runs and we'll hit 2 million and that should do it so after all those runs how close are we it didn't move it didn't move at all still over 2,000 to go but we do indeed have 2 million credits now so that's good we'll see how fast we actually eat through them once we hit 50 yeah since we kind of did everything that requires wave plates except boss challenges but I explained that earlier I think we're just going to spam some XP potions cuz I don't think we have enough I don't want to do Taz cuz I'm assuming right now we will get a decent chunk more tuners once we hit 50 whereas farming shell credits you know we would get 4,000 extra per run which I mean could add up but it's still like not a big deal and I'm assuming the XP potion rewards wouldn't be that different either but yeah since we refresh six times already we're going to have to start dipping into our Crystal solvents we should have enough and then we should still have enough to also you know play around at level 50 and we can at least talk about the rewards here 2 three 2 three 2 4 I mean our weapons do need to be raised as well we only have six premiums and uh well 120 Advanced but I think we we will need at least a few more two 4 two 4 and I think this will be the last run here we are getting pretty close so I think it's time to do a bit of math we got two four there oh wow okay we are actually way closer than I thought 12670 out of 13,000 I'm going to check the Pioneer Association first see if we don't have anything to pick up there ooh we actually do have a couple of things to grab here we're pretty close to Gorges of spirits three and we also get a little bit of XP for every chest we open so it's more than just the Pioneer Association stuff that one was stupidly easy the heck gee look at all those we're 30 XP away one big chest or like three small chests and we got it oh that gave me 20 we could just go back to the Pioneer Association but I'd rather hit Level 50 with that chest right there so let me defeat these enemies real quick first do not disturb our special moment here and there we go d let's go Soul three phase 6 level cap whatever it said there we go level 50 now the question is we needed 13,000 XP from 49 to 50 what is it from 50 to 51 I am assuming not a big jump but we'll see yep 13.1 now not insane but yeah next upop is 60 which is the last important milestone in weaing waves for now at least at 60 we could Max our characters I assume there will be some levels after that but they don't really do anything so all right there was no special quest to do this time we are just straight up rank six now we should already have upgraded rewards from everything I know I do need one of these Mech Abominations so we're going to uh try and kill him his upgraded self versus our not upgraded characters all right so yeah we are fighting level 75 Mech Abomination here yeah we're just going to do our typical sort of rotation here get more to burst in there do a couple e oh no okay there we go we can go to gon do his ultimate and uh just start wailing on him really he is dying really fast still but I mean this is a pretty insane team so it didn't really feel much harder all right but how about rewards do we get maybe guaranteed three now I mean it is three doesn't really say much with one run there we do need one more of these for calaro so doesn't really matter I guess on this guy we're not actually starting with ultimates and stuff so it probably definitely will be a little harder here yeah we actually have like no conserto energy for our dude now so I'm not going to do his holy hell he oh my God he does a lot of damage and I can't avoid for crap we got to do is burst oh no oh thank you for okay we can swap out now and do that hopefully he just dies now that would be preferable yeah okay he's broken and I think he will be dead before he he he gets back up dang though lot of damage all right next rewards here three again I'm not sure it could it could be guaranteed three that would like line up to everything else as far as we've seen from World bosses start out as 1 to two then guaranteed two then two to three and I don't know like that's just patterns that would seem a little generous though to already be guaranteed three like max level ginin you're still at 2 to three we would actually need one monkey run to get the 24th of this material because we have two Arrow characters I think this is going to be the last one we do though if we get another three then I mean it doesn't really say anything concrete but I would at least assume three is more common than two now get parried by a tiny girl yeah uh it's still three so I don't know and uh sure let's do one run on the weekly bosses if you remembered from the beginning of the video these were previously just two period there was no chance for three so if we even see a three from any of these guys then that would be cool all right we got the rotation going now I think his first form will be gone here in a second probably uh but then we have another one to deal with yep oh let go of me you bastard yeah damn that was really unfortunate don't think we're even going to be able to defeat him before he gets back up oh yeah this guy's level 80 okay we're at a bit of a disadvantage but it still wasn't too bad I mean as long as you have a Healer and what do we get ooh three there we go I really can't imagine it's guaranteed three now I definitely need more Turtle materials than anything else but we have six already currently so we're only going to do one on him uh yeah but the turtle as always definitely the easiest of the weekly bosses in my opinion or maybe I'm just more used to him I don't know and two okay so it's two to three now like the previous World bosses I guess it kind of makes sense these are very special materials and you really don't need a lot of them anyway at least in the beginning I think we will start needing them for like every skill past a certain point my gon is uh hurting pretty bad I probably should have healed before coming in but we I mean we do have Arena all right rotation all set up I mean dreamless is getting shredded here pretty bad but unfortunately only got broken once everything stopped happening so don't think we're going to be able to do that probably uh we can get one more burst here if we don't die oh no what is she doing I don't I don't remember this this has never happened before my my gon's dead that was crazy I've always killed it before that happens so that was pretty cool to see actually all right but yeah enemies are definitely harder not like impossibly harder but there's a difference and the final weekly boss gives us three wow okay we may have gotten a little lucky here by getting two threes but you know definitely two to three now okay I've waited long enough it's time to actually raise my characters see what the costs are like as well uh yeah we're just going to start with Gian so 40,000 to actually Ascend him once that's a chunk already there the leveling up though I think that's what's going to be really expensive and how much xp do we need 200k but also over half a million XP not counting the Goldens it's using half of our current XP so yeah that's quite a lot there he is got a few stat bumps there let's go and move on to his weapon as well of course oh no eight eight of these Golds are you serious I'm glad I ran a lot of those weapon domains but Jesus Christ let's go to synthesis and see if we can even make eight I mean we have a pretty good amount of the small grades but man we ran it so much less than I thought we would like we might have enough just for Gian but uh yinin also needs these yeah we can make 13 but eight of those are just going to the weapon that is crazy we're going to just get all 13 I think we'll just have to farm it a lot more also we did get a few chunks of shell credits from like this event that's going on so I want to start around 2 million credits to get a better idea about what the cost is from jumping but now we're at about 2 million shell credits after ascending gon leveling him up and ascending his weapon oh boy we'll probably need a lot more weapon materials as well thankfully like on some characters weapons aren't that important so another quar million shell credits okay so yeah gon's main stuff is done but that's not even counting this I really do want the crit rate we have exactly enough of these to get it so they're each 100K I think I can hold off on these for now just the 4% attack but I really want the three crit rate and I would like to raise like almost everything here as well but Jesus Christ we don't have any materials so we probably will do some weapon runs just to compare rewards but I think for the bulk majority of it I'm just going to be doing it as we progress from 50 to 60 so that's the most important stuff with Gian done let's go ahead and move on to mortify I also find he is pretty important we might save Reena for later though there is his Ascension we're going to level him up as well oh no I think we're going to barely have enough for just a third character damn son another quarter million gold we're already down to 1.3 and we're not even done with our second character yet we did get him the static Miss from the level 45 weapon selector uh oh God okay Golds must be like at least a little more common right in the forgery challenge oh wow I almost just one-shotted them with uh gon's like intro burst attack thing well I definitely feel like he's stronger already okay but we did get two purples maybe at least one purple is guaranteed now that would already uh make it less insane you know the the the amount of materials we need here I want to do at least two more runs and try and get like a better idea about the reward upgrade decent amount of damage decent amount of damage there okay we still did get at least one purple still no gold in sight uh we're going to do a couple more runs yeah dude that was the uh intro burst attack is kind of insane it was like I don't know 30 40K something like that already down to 16 cubes so yeah we're going to need to start like trying to balance the content we're doing uh we did get one more purple okay like one more if one purple is at least guaranteed now that's fine I would have really liked to see a gold by now though and still no gold and still just one purple lower grade drops seem to be almost the same as the previous all right one more run and still no Golds okay it's a little better I was just expecting at least one gold out of those like four or five runs we did I mean we didn't start with nothing but let's see how oh wow barely enough just for the weapon whatever dude I did not think it'd be this expensive we also need some tailored Rings those are just enemy drops so we can Farm them you know without using Wave plates but we don't need these that often but I barely even had enough of those okay uh sure let's do it oh yeah and now we have to do this as well yeah we don't have enough to get one more weapon I mean maybe barely we'll see there's that thankfully calaro doesn't even have a weapon he just shares with geons so I don't need to do that for Vina since it's this expensive I'm going to leave her at 70 for now honestly and I'd rather focus on Yan and calaro like my main second team starting with ascending her oh that's right mortify needs these since the week did just reset I'm pretty sure the pharmacy restocked those mushrooms I hate farming them so much I know it's a waste of shell credits but I hate farming them they're so annoying I tried once yes thankfully they are back I forgot how many we needed I'm going to grab 15 cuz we'll need some more later anyway all right so getting yinan up to a second to last star here as well and we're just going to is 57 enough 29 oh okay that means we're going to almost be able to max out calaro as well just with the XP potions but that was very close and we're going to be completely out of XP potions now if we're not out of freaking shell credits first we're already at 700 K uh but oh wow look at that we needed every single XP potion we had left but we can get him up to 80 damn talk about perfect we have two Blues to spare left over you know the healers or or the defensive supports in both teams eh I I can leave them till later under half a million left and we'd still need to do yin's weapon I mean we can at least Ascend ver youa we have the stuff to do so so we're going to go and do that we'll probably Farm the XP potions later we also do have the stuff for gunon so sure we're going to get her up as well it only costs like that 40,000 in the materials we already had and the funny thing is we haven't even touched traces besides just these two for gon yeah I definitely wouldn't spend any wave plates on a tacid field now since I actually really need tons of materials for everything but we are going to do one tcid Fields real quick just to see if we get an upgraded amount of Premium tuners I've mostly been running this one cuz it has the moonlit Cloud set and I feel like that's a good set from for multiple units and probably will be for multiple units in the future as well so I mean I don't really run the tossed fields for the echo they drop it is a nice bonus though and I haven't really had to farm that many Echo just outside of doing tcid Fields so it's a nice bonus but I mainly doing it for the tuners and the sealed tubes yeah t field is definitely going a little slower than usual as well the enemies are a little harder here all right let's see here I'm going to guess 20 is it 20 it is 20 okay cool uh seel tubes and stuff I think are more or less the same maybe get a tiny bit more of these as well most importantly two tune chances per t field which is something even though it still feels a little lackluster because every time I use two tune chances I end up getting deaf and HP but if the rate of five star Echo drops increased I don't really notice it because yeah I mean I've I've gotten three to four before and now we got a two so this could be based on your data Bank level and we just got kind of unlucky by getting two Golds and two purples sure let's go to XP see if uh this has gotten upgraded we literally do need some really not that urgently to be honest cuz it's just our healers left but still I want to see what kind of upgraded reward Wards we get here so we're probably going to do three runs since we'll need to use two more cubes anyway first run here we get three and four if this is the lowest now then it' be okay but I'm pretty sure we've already gotten three and fours last rank so I don't expect massive upgrades here it just never is but at least something show us a five gold and then I'll be happy next two to four what okay we got two Golds this like didn't change at all H maybe we get like one extra purple or something uh well I'll do one more run but damn a very small upgrade if anything and two again okay dude okay so yeah if we can take anything from this like if you have extra wave plates use them here because the rewards almost don't change starting from like level 30 basically and as you saw with all these materials but probably especially shell credits we need a lot like getting mortify Fusion damage bonus over here we wouldn't even be able to finish venas like special traces here we don't have enough shell credits so yeah um something I'm going to have to just be doing in the coming days I suppose farming shell credits and weapon materials mainly I think the biggest upgrades were the weekly and the toset field though cuz you can only do three weeklys per week and you can get three now it's pretty good uh tacid Fields I mean you jumped from 15 to 20 premium tuners considering it's still a small amount five extra is a lot also Overworld if it's really guaranteed three now that's really nice but we only did three runs I really don't want to spend more especially because I don't need to right now but I would guess it's at least more common to get three if not just guaranteed simulation challenge actual F tier like nothing changes here almost so yeah forgery unless we got unlucky it's just an okay upgrade I assuming a purple is guaranteed now but it was pretty common before so me especially since we still didn't see any Golds from All Those runs we had to do pretty small reward upgrades across the board overall let me know what you think though in the comments down below dropping a like or subscribing to the channel if you enjoyed as always greatly appreciated as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 117,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wuthering waves, wuwa, wuthering waves level up fast, wuthering waves guide
Id: LOC7sCtk8YA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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