My F2P Daily Routine! (highly recommended) Wuthering Waves

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today I'm going to show you the best and most efficient free to-play routine to maximize your time spent but first off let me say that wering waves has one of the best free to-play experiences in any gacha game I mean it legit has the strongest main character ever you can beat any content in the game with him or her and you can get anything you want in this game as long as your patient so the first thing that you're going to do when we log in are the daily quests so if you go here we can see a few quests and the first one that you guys should do is the daily Quest this one right here it gives you the most points and it's usually pretty fast you just have to like fight a few monsters so just do that real quick all right and we're here let's just try to do this super fast with our ultimate and G that's it guys so if you go to our dieses now as you guys can see we only need 100 points to claim all of the rewards so let's just do that really quick and this is why this is so important guys like look at this fre XP and you also get some free asteroides which is good if you want to get a few characters or weapons credits XP materials and also a free Echo this could be a five star echo or a four star depending on your data Bank level or and if it tells you to complete something like here or defeat a boss then you can just go there so what you guys can do here is just complete the Ted field and once you're done you don't have to claim the rewards as you guys can see I'm running away from it and if I go here my da is I already completed the mission so yeah don't waste your W plates on the challenges or the bosses just do them and then run away also guys if possible then please complete all of your Milestones I mean if you don't Max this then you can't Max your data bank and the rewards are pretty good all right guys the next thing on the list is our wave plates so for me I think I'm going to use them on the double drops today cuz this is the last day to do it and I kind of need the double Union XP cuz I want to reach Union level 40 as soon as possible I'm going to do this there you go as you guys can see Double XP and double drops there we go number two and the last one for a day so I still have a few more left and here it depends on you you could either use it on asending your character like getting the Ascension materials or get the materials to level up your skills so I think I'm going to start farming this cuz I'm going to be level 40 tomorrow you need level 40 so I might as well start fing this now I wouldn't recommend the Ted Fields yet cuz they're going to be buffed in the next version on 1.1 either do your skills or your B challenges so yeah guys it doesn't really matter as long as you don't let them cap and by the way guys if you're doing any 4G challenges or anything where you want to claim rewards then make sure to always do the highest difficulty cuz then you get more rewards from them so there something that I do daily and that is to get all of the or from the Tiger's mall it's pretty fast I just run around in a circle and then when I'm done with that I just teleport here and then run back and then I'd call it the day so why am I doing this I'm doing this for a free craftable four star weapon the XP materials and the skin materials oh by the way guys this show unlocks after you the quest here in this area so yeah just complete all of the quests in this tiger small area and yeah enjoy your free forar weapon and after I'm done with that I usually try to get like a few B Cycles that I need like I still need a few more dreamless and for a dreamless guys just do the easiest one cuz I I want the Echo and the echo depends on your data Bank level and not your Ro level or challenge level so yeah all right so I'm just going to speedrun this until I get the Echo and then call the day okay I wasted my old but let's just get the echo there we go and we don't even need to claim the rewards we can just like get out of here and then I can do this all over again until I get the echo that I want next thing that I would recommend you guys to do is to form the open world echo or at least the three cost ones especially the electro ones since there are only two enemies that drop the electro damage bonus Echo the Heron and the flest so I guess I'd recommend you to at least Farm These two but if you're trying to farm a certain set then you can usually go to the datab bank and then Sonata gallery and pick a set that you want just click on the enemy and detect them you also get crafting materials from the enemies but yeah this also depends on how much time you have that day if you have a lot then you can also visit your friends world and clear the echoes in their world too or if you guys don't have any friends like me then you can join my Discord server and usually find somebody there who's trying to farm Echo too and there is an efficient way to farm Echo I made a video on it so I'm not going to go through all the steps in this video otherwise this video would be too long next are the events make sure you guys always do them these are usually fast and short missions that you can do every day with some really good rewards like asteroids and some XP materials or skill materials just do them guys they're quick and easy so I was just doing my dailies and I checked the event stab and guess what guys there's a new event so this is a event that you have to do daily otherwise you'll miss out so you log on and then you look at the survey tasks this changes every day so this is the first day and you can get 20 points for doing these two you can usually see the points amount if you click on on the server points so I got 20 today 10 each and with that I got 200 asides which is a lot and one five echo of my choice so I can pick whichever set I want with whichever damage bonus that I want so this is really good if you want to build your DPS character and you're really unlucky so if we get 20 points every day then we should need a whole week to complete this so yeah make sure you guys do this every day otherwise you'll miss out on the rewards and then there's also the event you have 13 days and you have to do seven tasks this also refreshes every day and the rewards are pretty good so make sure you guys do these two once a day when you log on just like an extra daily I'm pretty sure they added this event cuz people were complaining about the low amount of tuners that you get and Tuners XP so yeah guys always check your event stab cuz some of them are time get like that one and you won't be able to compete them if you log on too late like on the last day always check your event stab the depths of The elusive realm is one of the most rewarding things in this game especially because you don't even need to build characters for it you can just use the trial characters and let me say guys the rewards that you get there are just insane I mean you can even get two free Five Star Echo there with any Elemental damage bonus that you want so you can just check them here so just pick the one that you need one by the way guys this here is a trap it's not a five star Echo it's a skin for it so yeah don't be fooled so yeah the first thing that I would buy here are the five star Echo and then the tuners and then you can buy whatever you want after that the Holograms are pretty good too make sure you guys fight all of them at least once you don't have to beat all of them but just fight as much as you can cuz the point shop is pretty insane too like look at all of the stuff that you can get here so the tower is something that I would only recommend if you're confident with your teams and they're built pretty good I me this resets every few weeks so yeah make sure you guys always like do them even getting a few stars is enough to get the as rewards and to buy stuff from the shops I mean the shop is pretty rewarding so at least try this once next thing on the list are the ores you need them to craft weapons and guys the craftable weapons in this game are really good I mean I legit use one for my gon it's this broad blade here and I'm really happy with it so just pick a weapon you like from the ORS for it and enjoy it this is also really good if you're unlucky with your summons and don't get any good weapons like me like my luck is just bad and also don't forget to get a drop from the weekly bosses cuz you need them to craft weapons just do the weekly bosses at the end of the week and you should be good you can also convert the ores to XP materials if you're running low on that you can use the interactive map for all of the or locations it's going to be pinned in the comments make sure to always craft food items I'm running low on them so I'm going to craft this this is the one that I recommend it's really cheap and it's worth it I me boost your attack and attack is pretty important in this game also don't forget about the healing items they're pretty useful too I mean the podcast it just tells you to use consumables so yeah you better use them and if you don't have the stuff to craft them then you can just go to the grocery store here and then buy the materials there this guy has everything you need make sure you at least do your battle Pass Daily they're pretty fast and as for the weekly you can do them whenever you want throughout the week I mean the rewards are really good especially if you're free to play so yeah always keep an eye on them and do as much as you can next by the time you're watching this there might be more story quests so make sure to always do them they give the most XP and also the as stes are pretty good too so yeah do all of your main story quests until you don't have any left make sure you guys always do your exploration and I know it seems like a lot but trust me guys it's not it's enough if you just do like 30 minutes to an hour of it every day if you guys want to know the fastest way to complete your exploration then make sure to watch my video on it I explain the easiest the fastest and the most efficient way to do it so yeah enjoy the rewards and it's best if you guys do it now cuz the map keeps on getting bigger with every version So eventually it will get too much if you don't start now something to note is that you don't have to do everything that I just mentioned just do whatever you can it's your account and your time but I would at least try to do the daily Quest and spend all of my vets every day if the video was helping then make sure to leave a like And subscribe
Channel: Krow
Views: 93,641
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Keywords: braxophone twitch, wuthering waves, is wuthering waves good, is wuthering waves f2p, is wuthering waves f2p friendly, wuthering waves guide, wuthering waves new, new wuthering waves, wuthering waves news, wuthering waves update, wuthering waves livestream, f2p wuthering waves, how f2p friendly is wuthering waves, how f2p is wuwa, how f2p friendly is wuwa, is wuwa f2p, is wuwa good, is wuwa worth playing, is wuthering waves worth playing, Braxophone, F2P Daily Routine, Routine
Id: WbEXOsfa5Ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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