How Does Energy Work In Wuthering Waves? | Energy Guide

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hello beautiful people and welcome hi to the first and maybe last video on withering waves on this channel and when I say last it's because I am launching another Channel a second Channel that's going to be for now for withering waves videos realistically it's probably going to be withering waves and other sort of variety content and there is actually already a video posted on that channel that you can go watch right after you're done with this video I'll remind you at the at the end don't worry you're not going to you're not going to forb about team building in general but this video is going to be covering some of the energy mechanics and I decided to put this on the on the main channel one to announce the new channel you know easy way easy way to get a a couple subscribers to jump start the channel hopefully but two because I think that the energy system is pretty interesting and the ways in which it it compares to genin I think are going to make it a lot easier to understand so I think explaining it in terms that are very easily understandable for against players is going to make it you know very very straightforward overall and so let's get right into it in this game there are two forms of energy there is resonance energy and there's conto energy resonance energy is for your ultimate which you're going to see at the bottom right of your screen and conto energy is for your intro and outro skills which you're going to see at the middle bottom left of your screen right here in most situations you're going to actively want to build up energy for both of these things on pretty much every single character the thing is the ways in which you build up that concerto energy and that resonance energy are often different from one another which means that if you only focus on one of them it's very possible you end up not getting enough of the other so how does it work well pretty much everything that you do in this game is going to give you both resonance energy and conto energy if I use my ult just to you know empty my energy and then I go when I just start Auto attacking a guy I still have the old active but it doesn't really change anything you can see on the bottom left my conto energy is building up and on the bottom right my resonance energy is building up right now I have full conto energy and very far from Full resonance energy me if I swap out I get my outro different things that you do will generate a different amount of both resonance and conserto energy generally the main way the main thing to keep in mind is active characters generate both types of energy and off Field characters only generate resonance energy what I mean by that is when I use a character's abilities while they're on field it will generate some energy for my off Field characters so if we go back to hit some guys we see how much energy I have on my Mori mortify I'm calling him mortify I know that's not his real name I don't I don't care I think it's funny you look at how much energy I have and you look at how much Ino I have if I go on Gian and I start hitting you know I'm on him I I I I bash on this guy I generate both in turto and resonance energy and if we teleport out to make sure we don't trigger our intro skill on mortify and we see how much energy we have on him now right we can do some editing magic to compare it but you can see I didn't build any conto energy but I did generate a decent amount of resonance energy each thing that you're doing on field is going to generate a a set amount of both resonance energy and conto energy and unfortunately there's no one rule deciding all of it it's literally just a caseby casee scenario if you look at Gian for example and here I'm using withering Wii the first hit of his normal attack sequence to generate 0.92 resonance energy and 1.8 84 conto energy so in these things right in his normal attack sequence he generates two times more conto energy than resonance energy then you look at his skill his skill generates a total of nine resonance energy and 16 conto energy his intro skill generates 10 conto energy 10 resonance energy there are a few things that are going to stay the same no matter what one your resonance Liberation so your old itself will pretty much never generate resonance energy but it will pretty much always generate a pretty big chunk of conto energy your Dodges whenever whenever you dodge an attack and you get the perfect Dodge animation will not generate any resonance energy but they will generate a good amount right so if I use my ult so that it's all it goes on cool down if I start dodging incoming attacks and again we're going to use some editing Magics to make to make this very easy to notice but my conto energy goes up whenever I trigger a perfect okay can you just not completely miss your talk so I can get perfect Dodges please and thank you my resonance energy doesn't move but my conal energy goes up a pretty decent amount and then the last part of the puzzle is Echoes which do not generate any conal energy but do generate resonance energy sun when you put all of these together what you end up with is a system where generally your character's kit is going to have a very specific way that it wants to generate con energy and because there's no ways to generate conto energy from off field and because conto energy is not affected by energy recharge that way of building your conto energy is going to dictate your rotations it's going to dictate how you're going to want to build or to to play a character in practice from that you're going to look at how much resonance energy you're generating and you're going to decide on your ER requirements based on that and based on you know the rest of your team and how much energy the rest of your team is generating with their own specific ways of building their con turtle or doing damage for carries so let's take mortify as an example when you're playing mortify in a Gian team you are going to swap from Verina into him to trigger his intro or any other healer really but you you need to go from a character to trigger their intro because the intro is pretty important to generate the the his contral generation and because if you're like gian's intro itself if you're triggering mortifies outro by swapping into Gan you're already getting the intro that you need so you don't get anything from triggering the outran again other than making your rotation more complicated so his base rotation you would go from Vina not from Gian but I don't want to have to bother building my conto on Verina and I already have my outro on Gian so we're just going to go from gon but it's effectively the same thing we make sure we are in combat trigger intro use our ultimate use our e use our E Auto attack a few times and use our e again and we are now full Forte this is the most basic way of getting your getting your Forte built up on mortify now this is a double e or sorry a double Forte rotation wish um which does mean that he is spending a little bit more time on field than what his like minimum possible requirements would be so if we are looking at like the minimum possible requirements then you would use him on a weapon that can help generate more conle for him you use a mode Cadenza you get your intro you get your ult you get e e a few Autos me try to get your Dodge but the reality is as you can see right even with Cadenza we kind of need like at least three autos at High refine and kind you kind of need the fourth one anyways at low refine which leaves you in a situation where using a concerto weapon here because of his break points because he gets 18 conto energy from his skill and from his Forte at best what you're doing by using a weapon that generates conto is you're saving the e at the end you're not actually saving any normal attack time and the E itself has a very short animation where the end lag of it can actually be canceled by using your echo in other words you're barely gaining anything by doing a rotation like this compared to doing a three three skill rotation with two Forte skills what you're losing out on is your third skill your second Forte skill which not only does okayish damage right like it's not insane but it is reasonable if you have C5 it also procs as C5 so it helps build up your old damage but most importantly of all it generates 10 resonance energy and 10 resonance energy as it turns out happens to be a pretty big deal if we take a look at just that one skill that you're gaining what a cler that's a pretty reasonable amount of energy on your carry not just on your carry but also on your healer the way that off field energy generation Works in this game is you're gaining 50% of the energy generated by your other characters the elements don't matter unlike inin it's straight up just 50% of the energy that your character is generating is generated onto your other characters as well what that means all of this together is that doing a two four or a two skill with one/ four day skill rotation on mortify is going to be ever so slightly shorter but it's not actually going to increase your DPS because you're increasing your ER requirements on the rest of your team and on himself pretty significantly now there is a lot more to the basic rotation and how to optimize it in this team right if if I very quickly try to try to show it real quick so let me just make sure I start with ult up but no conno I like slightly more optimized rotation and I'm not including the Verina part of the rotation because realistically in practice the Verina part of the rotation is kind of just cringe and you just you just do it based on how the enemies are attacking you you generally generate a lot of conal from the on Vina but yeah so you do something like this Fury boils silence tell truth the as you wish you're wide open fear no more and you get your setup done like this and of course he he dodged he dodged my old initial hit but that's that and if you want to know how this rotation works and why it works and what I'm doing every single thing I'm doing make sure you go check out the video that I just uploaded on the second Channel link is obviously going to be in the description anyways getting back to energy mechanics and energy generation the fact that energy is generated by Echo is actually incredibly impactful so as I said earlier Echo actually generating or generate some energy themselves and honestly not every Echo is built the same some of them do a tiny little bit more than others so let's take a look at the goat of energy generation when it comes to echo which is the impermanence Heron if we just look at the data you're like okay there's 4.85 0.87 the 0.87 is on the hold the 4.85 is on the to that's not that much right this 0.87 is on every single hit and it hits up to 12 times which means you're generating more than 10 energy from your Echo itself that is also generating five energy energy to your other two characters on top of the 10 energy you gain from the effect itself this Echo kind of does a lot it kind of does a lot when it comes to energy all right so let's make sure that we are on no energy on the rest of our team so first we have to make sure we are aggroed because swap cancels don't work when you're out of combat and let's take a look another so we did get our like Unstoppable swap in attack which for Gian I believe is his N2 which gave us an additional 0.5 multiplied by ER so around 0.8 cuz I have like 140 yeah really hard to prevent that from happening when you're in combat so it's hard to show it like entirely by itself but it's it's small enough that I think we can mostly dismiss it so most of this energy generation is just from the Heron all and and the same for this and you you can see this is over a fourth of his energy and he has 120 all of this just from the Herod but yeah obviously this energy generation thing is mostly impactful on the Heron because it's the echo that generates the most energy but that doesn't mean it's not impactful on other characters so we've seen that your character's rotation is dictated by their conal energy generation and we've seen that you generate a decent amount of resonance energy from using your Echo when you put both of these things together it actually leads to are requirements that are a lot lower than you would think a character like mortify with no energy regen on anything from anything other than the two-piece so we have no ER past the base that you get from the from the energy set now I do get a bit of energy from his uh sequence two that gives him 10 additional energy and it actually is enough to bring us over the edge but one subset of ER in five of your Echoes is basically enough to make up for that Gap so just keep that in mind you're not going to just have no ER whatsoever you're very likely to have ER on one of your pieces at least so you enter combat luminous energy watch out you see Daisy Fury boils silence burn tell truth the side Inferno ready for battle unst leave it to me and obviously here I don't have enough ER in my Marina to use my ult again but as you can see when I swap back to my mortify I have my old just barely from the energy generated by my intro kill once I swap to him with no ER whatsoever without getting a particle from Kill just by hitting [ __ ] I basically generate all the energy back for my ultimate in practice characters like mortify just don't actually need energy recharge whatsoever energy recharge can help or honestly mainly if you're doing Holograms and you die so that you can get your ult back to do your first rotation properly but this is why Cadenza mortify is really not that good the conto energy doesn't shorten his rotations enough to be all that good and the energy regen barely does anything you should not be using an ER weapon on him you should be using an attack one or a crit one or a whatever but not ER and you should not be using ER main stats on him either you should be using damage right you should be using your your Fusion damage main stats instead does that leave us with any characters that actually want to build ER and the answer to that is yeah Mor and generally other characters that have very good energy generation and that want to use the Heron that generates a ton of energy for them so mortify and San are like the main two examples they don't need to build any ER but very often you're going to have characters that do want to build ER mainly that's characters that want to use their ult maybe more than once per rotation any time that it's up in this team right Verina needs ER because her energy generation just isn't that much or rather her conto energy generation is very good so you don't want to stay on her any longer than you than you need and her ult cost is very high and you're not using her on Heron you want to build a bunch of ER on your Verina but other than that characters like hav a rer for example where honestly if your ult is available every what's the cool down on it 16 18 yeah if your ult is available every 16 seconds you want to use it every 16 seconds characters like this actually do benefit from e are because rotations in this game very often end up being longer than the 20ish seconds you're used to if you're coming from genin the reason why they often end up being longer than that is because you have to build conto on all of your characters and when you have to build conto on all of your characters that means you have to spend more time on them you can't just do eqe on S so and swap out you can't just do bened burst e and swap out if you're doing that if you're doing mortify burst e herin and swap out he doesn't get his conero and you're losing out on way too much damage for that to be a good idea but yeah because of that you end up with rotations that are relatively long and you know with longer rotations you do more things you generate more resonance energy and it makes it to that characters that only want to burst once per rotation or that sorry that only want to use their resonance Liberation once per rotation like mortify like Gian don't tend to have particularly High ER requirements whereas characters that would actually like to use their ult whenever it's up if possible like Havoc Rover like tiia like sun teams that are more quick swappy like Jen and teams that are more quick swappy these sort of characters actually do benefit from ER you don't necessarily want to build ER as your main stat because you are sacrificing a lot of damage for it but it does mean that ER sub stats are very valuable yeah the last important mechanic I want to talk about when it comes to energy generation is how it interacts with teams that are more quick swappy like I like I very briefly mention so a team that is more quick swappy a team that doesn't spend all of their time on one character and that takes advant of constant swap cancels like many of the Havoc Rover teams has multiple advantages obviously it has a disadvantage of not being able to work with deepen or I guess amplify is what they're called now outro Buffs but it has the advantage of obviously dealing damage on multiple of your characters at once and so very very very at its most basic you use an ability you swap you swap back you use an ability you swap swap back one The Sounds you're in for and you just keep swapping like this and do a lot of your stuff right uh I I am still not completely used to uh to encour combos so don't look at that as an example of a very wellplay swap rotation but you get the idea and these are very nice like it's it's nice that you're getting the damage from both of them but also very importantly you're getting the energy generation from both of them at the same time right encore energy so if I use my ALT make sure I start with no energy and we just use our e normally we get this amount of energy but if we take advantage of swap cancels we get quite a bit more energy in the same exact amount of time that it takes us to do our to do our things and so that also decreases your energy requirements anyways that's going to be it for the Basic Energy mechanics if you you want to see more withering waves content check out the new channel in the link in the description I'm not sure how long I'll stick with withering waves I decided to do at least for my main account a no pull account that way I could Max refresh every day or like at least for a while and as much as long as I'm enjoying the game I'll keep making content on it but I I I did you know test the waters with a with a pole and most people or not most people but uh enough people said that they weren't really interested in withering waves content that I thought it was a better idea to mainly put it on on another channel right that way for those of you guys that aren't really interested in it it's not going to be in your in your feed other than this video which uh yes I am shamelessly using to advertise a new channel uh sorry about that so those of you that are interested go go support the wngland channel if you're not interested but you want to support anyway you can still leave a subscribe why not hey but yeah and I am planning on actually using the the the channel for other variety games once I do end up getting a bit tired of uh avoing way maybe maybe we'll put post some starwell stuff in there we'll see we'll see how it goes so go subscribe and I will see you guys in the next one bye YouTube
Channel: Zajef77
Views: 29,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YSRTG9gR4fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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