Undestanding Men And Women's Needs ❃Myles Munroe❃

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blender problems want you to follow me now see the problem is this he needs it but the problem is he doesn't want to feel like he's raping his wife most men feel that way they won't tell you that's what I feel they always got to be the one to initiate relationship and most of the time they rejected you judging my on the first time no problem click the second time he stops try taking the third time he's no longer interested in you it's that serious so he comes to bed turns his back to you watch TV for a while goes to bed and he's angry because he has to fight for something that is natural we'd a something listen to me carefully it's like a it's like a car you see brother very like a car okay your car ladies listen to me now your car needs what yesterday give it like gasoline no you drink gasoline no is it good for you no but it's good for who the car and you want the car to what function so even though you don't like the gasoline you got to give the car what it needs is you don't personally like it you should brand now I'm gonna tell you something because if you come up to a gas station you need gasoline and the station is closed what do you do you go look for another station let me tell you or something this is serious business I want admonish you women born-again full of the Holy Ghost put a sign on your station always open and put in an exercise premium octane on the men's a man a man don't want to fight for this thing I've talked to some men I mean literally comes to hundreds of them who say you know my wife and I have a born-again with deacons in the church but boy with it I'm having a tough time pastor - why I got a fight every time the sex is I'm tired fighting man and right away I know the marriages in danger initiated you want a happy husband initiate intercourse Jasmine set it up I give you a my my wife secret no my wife's secret 24 years of wonderful bliss she's a sharp woman with my wife smart I give the secret you get talks about it later my wife has a little thing she does she bought a blue bulb a little lamp a blue ball in the bedroom blue light special go home down Vicky's room make it off girl make it move right in and I'm coming home from a long day traveling from Japan wherever I'd tired walking that room and there's that blue light oh and she comes back immediately down wise woman it says a foolish woman tears a house down with her own town but a wise woman builds it up it's a joy to go home most men don't go home they go to another home what a tragedy ok man ok enough fun now it's your time the number one need of a woman is completely opposite here it is it's affection that no one did if a woman is what affection very important a woman doesn't need sex as much as she needs affection and love affection is not love affection is not sex rather most men believe that when they are completed with their sexual experience a woman is happy it's not necessarily true matter of fact many times most women are angry after their husband climaxes because she's not fulfilled because her need everybody need a woman doesn't want affection she needs it just like a car needs gasoline a female needs affection affection is not sex having sex with your wife is not an expression of affection is usually the results of it affection let me define it for you affection is the application of defects to produce an effect again affection is what the application of an effect to produce an effect in other words to show affection you got to apply something to the person and it has an impact and affects them cheap you give an effect that's why a woman needs to be told everyday by her husband I love you it's an effect every day 10 times a day you tell her I love you she needs that as affection affection is sending her flowers for no reason at all affection is holding hands with her in public walking through the mall that's an application of effect affection is telling her come sit near me again while we drive it you did it when you were courting what happened now affection is kissing in public in front of your old girlfriend come on and talk about affection affection is taken up for lunch for no reason any day the week effects are taking it for lunch I ain't gotta be no big lunch take it in McDonald's buy one side Mitch cut it now that's affection can you share this image affection is on your way home stomping on the side of the road pull on the side pick some bush put him in a coke bottle walking off the baby I thought about you on the way home here she'll keep that Bush for ten weeks come on lady talk to me that's affection affection is not expensive it just takes thought not man listen to me carefully do you drink gasoline no does your car need gasoline yes do you take it to the gas station yes do you drink gasoline would you drive to the gas station don't you guys why cuz the car needs and you need to cut a function for who you so you take it rare to get what do you like gasoline but why you take it there because the car needs it see you may say you're not affectionate we're talking about you you know what she needs you don't feel like stopping to buy flowers but you do it because after the car needs affection affection begins in the morning guys rolling over into bed kiss again say honey there are a million women in the world but ain't none come near you and you wake up no sex just kissing you get out of bed you run out of water for her in the tub it's affection affection is putting the bubbles and thing in the tub for her it's affection while the waters running you you go in the kitchen you make a little breakfast for her that's affection you bring it in the room before she gets up honey for all the years you cook for me this one's for you it's affection get them brothers they crying out now thank you it's a flexion they need that affection is soaping her back for her affection is drying off of the tub affection he's taking it to the car open the door for a wonderful woman better in the class affection affection kissing up before she leaves for work and before you need affection is calling every ten minutes I just called to say I love you hang the phone up you ain't got to talk long only takes three seconds Navin o'clock caller again I just called to say how much I can't hang the phone one o'clock I just called to say I love you on the phone up proper and I mean it from the a woman doesn't want that she least it's a need she needs it that's why marriages don't work your station is closed and he ain't applying effects perfection by a card for another reason no way for birthdays I write little notes to my wife it's a habit I got for last 20 years I read notes little notes you are the most beautiful woman in the world he met the most lovely blessing in my life he was such a gift from God you're the greatest wife you're the wonderful mother of my children little notes just in the piece of paper and I put it in the shoes all the shoes is put on your shirt so she'll go to pick up a shooter where I'm not even home and then she opens the box to put the shoe on there's this note and I'm in somewhere else you know it says no she called me up okay why can you come boom I'll be right there baby I'll be right there come on in the hands good stuff in it stop learning affection affection affection that's why the church has 50% divorces the church it's just about as the world why they don't get this kind of teaching in the church ii need of a male is what say love or you know you in trouble on this one day now notice I said he needs this what does this mean God designed a meal to be very aggressive why is found in the book of Genesis chapter 2 verse 15 God told the male to protect the garden so God designed a male to be a protective spirit which means he has to be aggressive now aggression is good you need to be aggressive to protect things that protective aggressiveness is supposed to be to defend the woman and the children good meal as that's why males are naturally competitive they like to compete it's the spirit of aggression and it's very natural and God understands it that's why a male likes to get involved in recreational things now a woman doesn't understand this a female loves Rick I mean a male's Val recreation a woman does it but a man needs it there's a difference a man needs recreation so you need to study your husband's recreation study and it might not be something what you like remember to gasoline you don't drink gasoline but you want the car to function so here's your husband he likes recreation maybe in sports or maybe in music or maybe in reading or maybe in traveling whatever whatever he likes you got to join in with him that's important he needs what recreational compact he wants you to be with him in it now this is my kind of that specially Christian women the 2spooky you wonder why most men will drop you off to church and then go to the ball game on Sunday study your your husband's recreations and join him in it if he likes a job good job and with it he likes to work out go to gym with her work out you begin to work out - if he likes to read you buy books read when he reads or tell them read to you me whatever he likes to do he likes music salon ask him what his music and ask him about why in accessing he talk to you very interesting when you join a man as recreation you talk to you matter of fact look at the second native of a female what is it see that's a problem a woman needs a man to talk to her the problem is she wouldn't put her 7 position for a man to talk my wife is so sharp man I keep talking because she said she's a smart woman that's why she got a good husband my wife knows I left a job in the morning I go jogging along the beach job keep your and leave my wife my wife faith man I said wait a minute so she bought all of her girls she jog with me for years I wanted y'all that she's smart me jogging ain't nowhere to go northern to do so we talking but she gets a conversation I get my companionship she gets that comes as I get my companionship I mean that means you meeting any I'm by the time for the jargon for hi for 20 minutes or whatever 30 30 minutes an hour we done talked for everything for the day average Christian woman you still watching this dumb game you've got this big man running us a little boy killing themselves you with this a spiritual you need to pay that's why you divorced that's why you divorced you didn't understand his need for that if you're smart what you'll do is sit with it and say no honey I don't understand what they do it why does he run there and stop there and do that and he's not talking to you average woman I need to see you now turn this game off now I want to see you now leave your need and come to me so he leaves but he's angry third deed of a man is what now let me explain this remember this is Rosa research and biblical principles the mail was designed by God to be motivated by his eyes a woman is motivated by her air about this probable progress 31 woman now my wife and I are going to be writing a book next year both of us read this book the book would be titled the proverbs 31 man you study that man that is also about that man and you study that woman she understood that man it says that she dressed in tapestry and fine you know I mean she was chin she knows how to put herself together he was proud to sit in the gate of judgment in other words he went to work Braga's and that's my wife man look at that woman whoa that's my wife he was proud to take her into public some men hide their I stay on baby stay home stay home stay o way at home a man needs an attractive wife so he can present her to himself so ladies it's not for pressure if you know that it needs that then supply that need look good all the time if you wear rollers in your hair let your rollers look dignified I'm serious about this I've seen women man God have mercy they go out to now go to the store slippers dirty clothes he and rollers press it off then I will walk with dignity you know Fella comes home from a hard day's work like what was the dog chef Ryan pine in the hand knife and one grease all over here come on man tracted way you know the bible's listen other balances are we ok is everybody ok can I go a little bit low Lebanon ok that's it watch this in the book of Genesis very interesting it says about a woman and a man it says for this cause shall a man leave his mother and father and cling to his wife now the word claimed there when I studied it it blessed me the word cling is the Hebrew word which means to chase after now this is very interesting the Bible says for this course should a man leave his mother and father and chase after his wife now it says chase your wife not normally you chase the woman you want to marry don't you guys you chase her and when you catch her you stop running right she stopped that's the problem she's addressing before you got married she always smell good before you get married she's on the best that's why you wanted to be around her you couldn't be mother you chased it and then when you caught her she stopped doing what made you chaser my wife is a smart woman I'm gonna talk about my I go I know mines I drop a man or a time my wife look better now than before we got married I mean they no hope for me I wake up I watch a sir hazel you're supposed to look better after you get married this yourself better after get married look better dress better smell better I mean make me make him look at no one with you but most women charlie done got him what I gonna go diet for I already got him but I gotta go duro too stuffy sure this does and you're wondering why the guy is coming home late because the view is not too interesting a mercy what is the woman's third need she needs this honesty and openness what does she need honesty man listen carefully women don't want this they need this it's fuel if you want a woman to function for you be honest with her all the time and be open tell her everything that you need to tell her and don't ever tell any other woman some you didn't tell your wife I say heavy advice no woman should know anything more than would you know be open with your wife she needs it a woman will grow when she feels she got your intimate secrets be honest with her did you get a plan for business tell you what bro tell her what a woman be honest a lot of women living in marriages and they feel locked out husbands talk to everybody else except them and they feel locked up and they are malfunctioning he'll be honest with your wife my wife and I have Thursdays that I belongs to us Thursday belongs to us in our marriage Thursdays Thursdays we don't see nobody we gonna date every Thursday 24 years Thursday we talk as we take I give her all that's in my heart all my plans for the future everything I'm thinking about some of the problems I'm going through difficulties and challenges I'm going through she gets to know this well I gotta be honest and open with her I know she needs that Jesus is the man the church is the woman you know he says to the woman cast all your cares upon me he says what I will keep no secrets from you I've told you everything he says she needs that and before whom a man needs what the message support means when he comes home he don't want to start over again with a busy day's work home supposed to be a refuge for a man a hiding place a cave to hide in a place where he can be away from the world that's so hard on him in his domestic support ladies he doesn't want this he needs it that means you need to go home right now and study your home and see if is a good place to come home to how's it look physically how does it feel psychologically how's it looking motional ii study your home is it a place where a man would love to stay and hide from the world most women make the house a war zone the guy works all day I mean all kind of stress on the job on the darker you know in the factory or whatever he comes on walks in she goes why you late baby why you smell like this wait a minute lady I'm trying to get away from that my boss was shouting at me all day I want to find somewhere to hide for what she's looking for I think Coco Kiev oh wow I might as well - stop - restaurant on the wheel it's no support here children running everywhere not safely come on Mia children still alive my wife is smart my wife when I come over she know I work hard that's under my work 16-hour days easy to meet 16 that was easy for me I wear double days easy and I come home she than the kids no give me daddy some time y'all go watch TV other day homework maybe dad she knows kids mean bother me what a place to go house always looks nice always looks first class have to go going home to me as a joy every day I can't wait to go home guys go straight home from work straight I love it what this safe that come to my wife stones she makes it a joy to be home no the Bible says a woman who's like a dripping faucet makes her husband sleep on the roof and the Bible says he sleeps on the roof because his wife is like a dripping faucet how does a woman destroy our home the Bible says with her Oh Tom you know the man needs when he comes on support you know honey you're the best husband anyone we could have I'm so glad you're my husband boy that's a good taste face to be a you know honey you don't pray every day but I thank God for the times you do pray God hears your prayer you did encourage him to pray instead of saying you don't pray now see that's the wrong thing to say as on encouragement he knows you don't break you don't brain that were you talking about everybody support say it now ladies Scott Disick support when he runs away from the world the home should be his hiding place so you go me think about it what does she need big one financial support even if she's working and let me explain how this works okay yes that is works in many cases sometimes you find a woman makes more money than a man that has nothing to do with who's the head of the home he is the head by God's design no problem with that so you must understand that a marriage and a family is like a business a business operates on partnership you and I are partners we go into a business we both what was put on what equal shares the shares go well into the general account welcome to the resources the dispersed Austin are distributed based on the priorities of the company that's the way your home's supposed to run also it doesn't matter who brings in more money it all goes into the general account and the man is responsible for setting the priorities based on God's instruction to be headed at home now here's what I mean that so written by my financial support your wife should never have to be under pressure to have to supply it should be at her choice a woman shouldn't have to have to work now she could nothing wrong with that but there shouldn't be that pressure she's not designed for that by God secondly there should always be in the family now listen carefully brothers this is very good advice when you set up your accounts there should be an account that is specifically for her only that's wisdom and you may deposit another count it need not be a lot of money but she knows that's hers she can do what she wants to buy give her her own checkbook for that account that's hers and every month you put something there for her she needs that she needs to know that there's financial support that she can control then secondly you need to give her the financial resources to do what you are asking how to do you tell you how to cook then you got to make sure this food you're going to clean the house and make sure that there is some cleaning materials there wherever you're demanding you must supply brothers you should see these women face from what I see right now they're going keep on going past aha yup keep on going am i right ladies it's not what makes the money it's how it is distributed she needs financial support a man needs what admiration and respect a woman needs what family commitment these are needs now a man doesn't want respect he needs it I'm going to give you something write down as we close and I want your ladies to write it down and in capital letters here it is a man does not need love very important nowhere in the bible does it ever say a woman should love a man it doesn't exist in Scripture because a man does not need love why because a man needs respect write it down a man interprets respect as love when a woman tells you she loves you it doesn't mean anything do you think about it but when she respects you you know she loves you Ephesians chapter 5 says this husband loved your wife it has a man to love the woman never tell them to love the man but it does say wise respect your husband same chapter because God knows what he made ok so the first problem you got right now ladies is what is respect see I redefine can had it wrong that's why she still ain't married she headed back would he's a little respect don't sing that song anymore she had him back would know she needed love she changed my how to write respect yours okay listen to me how do you respect a man I guess he has a secret the word respect ladies ladies now come on ready to respect means to speak highly of Wow respect means to hold in high regard keep writing respect means to praise the average man in this room gets zero praise zero it's not funny it's very dangerous it's very dangerous okay let me tell you what hurts a husband in this church here's what hurts the husband of this church you respect pastor Larry more than him you are not married to your pastor I know and I'm not naive I know it's tough to find something in him to praise I know that but the Bible says to do it what God knows how the car works a lady came to me years ago she's not Church none husband one of our there but one of our deacons and elders when they first came she was but coming to church by herself for years and I kept noticing she keep coming to church husband wouldn't come to church I asked her one day service husband he's home I said why don't I said he never is they didn't believe in God he never come to church we say he ain't a church I said why she said and churches for pastors nothing hit me hard so she was in imper meeting I went over to her I wrote a note to her husband we were just about to start premiering I wouldn't know to her husband as a sir I apologize for keeping your wife away from you I'm sending your wife home because you are high priority I signed it I said go home now go away from prayer meeting your husband is more important than prayer meeting go home she said pastor what you're doing I said you go home give your husband this right now she went home gave note her husband around Thursday I got a phone call from home from her she said my husband is talking strange I said what happened said her husband for the whole week kept saying I don't understand that man I don't understand that pastor no pastor does this no pastor sends people home and so he was been confused all week so next Sunday he came to church sadly in the back she was upfront she was growing smiley Oh for the service I didn't know he was there hi the end of the service I was shaking hands with all these people and she came up she said passed I said what's the problem she said he's here I said who is I said really I said tell him call me Jesus he ain't gonna come I said you tell him I want to meet him okay she ran back ran in the lobby where he was bought it man he was dressed you know t-shirt you know just checking things up and I walked down to meet him we met halfway I said man it's good to see you welcome and he said yes he said he said you all right you know you already man I said you mean I'm all right he says I like you he's a man you all right I said what he meant he says I've never say the pastor send people home I said but that's your way she should be home to cook for you and take care of you he said that's what I mean you see I've been in many churches my wife in me may not be in a church where the pastor saw me as being more important than him changed my life I said of course you are man she's married to you she should respect you he said you know I like this church next Sunday he was back sitting halfway the church how to on a shirt this time made an altar call came up gives life to Jesus Greece never lady came to me pastor miles that's it I said what happened that's it divorce can't handle no more the man's crazy is it all calm down calm down sit down what happened got him again sitting around he doesn't come home for the last six months my husband made coming on 1 2 3 a.m. in the morning sometimes he comes on 4 a.m. every night I can't take it he's coming home I don't know where years were sleeping with and she's going on Isis calm down I said your husband spin sleeping late out every night and he comes off as a year I said why don't you praise him she said what I said the Bible says to respect your husband he don't deserve no respect that's a no-good man sleeping with women say on the night I said lady the Bible says respect your husband even giving women to understand God knows everything so you said how can I respect him that's okay if you follow my instructions you'll be okay he said yes pastor whatever you say I said tell you what I want you to go home to your husband go to bed tonight when he comes in I want you to wake up go to him and tell him thank you for coming home she says what I said see you thought there was nothing to praise and for I said lady I get women in this church whose husbands never come at least this one comes I said and that's enough to thank you for present geez I never thought about that as it's why I'm the pastor you're the member she went home did exactly what I said he came around three o'clock she says she woke up she went to him she said you know I don't agree with everything you're doing but I want to thank you at least you come home to me and the children thank you for coming home I appreciate you coming home she went to bed good every night third night the guy came home drove a clock
Channel: Marriage Sermons Myles Munroe
Views: 539,669
Rating: 4.816318 out of 5
Keywords: Paul Washer, Mark Driscoll, John Piper, Rick Warren, John MacArthur, Bishop T. D. Jakes, Bishop Noel Jones, John Hagee, Myles Munroe, Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, Apostle Ron Carpenter, Bishop I.V. Hilliard, Pastor Bill Winston, Apostle Guido Raúl Ávila, Joel Osteen, Victoria Osteen, Ed Young, Andy Stanley, Bill Hybels, Prophet Manasseh, Craig Groeschel, Charles E. Blake, Bob Coy, Matthew McCauley, David Rosales, Cindy Trimm, yt:stretch=16:9
Id: sNa9ZGrhL-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 5sec (2645 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2015
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