Qualities of a Good Woman (Live)

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[Music] thank you for joining us for another power-packed message from dr. Myles Munroe provided by Monroe global incorporated and Monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message qualities of a good woman last week we spoke on how to be a perfect lady today we're going to continue to talk about qualities of a good woman we discovered in this precious chapter here given to us by the Holy Spirit good things about God's attitude toward women and how he believes that they are supposed to be how he has given us a criteria to live by so we can know what is a good woman I want you to sit tight get your notebooks take some notes in verse 10 it says a good woman a virtuous lady good wife a good potential wife is rare like rubies and pearls first thing we learned is that good women don't show up every week you got to look for them they don't show up on every block you have to dig for them like precious jewelry they're like rubies sometimes good women are discovered in not too good places sometimes the family situation is not the best but sometimes you find good women coming out of good good situations and good ones coming out of bad situations pearls come out of things like oysters rubies come out of rocks rubies come and jewels and gems come out of dirt put me wear them around our necks we put them a little leather pouches and hide them in the drawer but they came out of rock good things don't always come out of good so the young lady maybe your father's an alcoholic your mother's a lesbian but you could be a ruby don't let nobody tell you that your family determines your future or the environment of which you grew up in will determine which you'll be like that's a lie you can choose who you will be and what you will be because you have a will to do it and God will honor your decision decide to be a ruby we also learn in this passage that this woman verse 11 says her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value she brings him good and no harm all the days of her life and doesn't put pressure on him to get spoiled you know some women they just can't handle it they want to live like somebody else so they forced the husbands to buy her a home out of their budget that's sin that's not a good woman the scripture says here that a good virtuous woman will not force a husband to get spoiled we also discovered that a woman who is not a virtuous woman will put pressure on a husband to get involved in things that are not necessarily the best for the family some husband's got to go and steal to buy jewelry to satisfy a unsatisfiable woman the bible says that's not a godly woman at all a godly woman does him good all the days of her life verse 13 says she's not a lazy woman she works with her hands she weaves and she sews that the distaff verse 14 says she is like a merchant ship she goes out of her way to get goods for a family verse 15 says she gets the rider that's still dark and prepares and provides her a home she's not a lazy sleeper she doesn't sleep all day and walk around and live a a day of rollers she's not a bedroom slipper lady but she gets up before the Sun is up she beats the Sun up to provide for a home well apparently miss miss pilgrim gets up before the Sun is up I'm gonna check that I'm gonna call you home brother and I called you at 4:30 just check see she's up she better be up kid else you gonna have to repent he folks know from Rome you heard what he said right don't forget what he said I'm gonna give you his phone number in a minute verse 16 says she considers a field and buys it and out of our earnings she plants a vineyard but is estranged here God is encouraging women to get involved in real estate other women's faces in the home clean the children cook the food mop the floor and have sex that's not what God thinks oh of course your church may think that but what does God think God says a virtuous woman a good intelligent capable lady of God is a woman who can go and get involved in decision-making processes where she can accomplish feats of economic gain if there's here with the earnings she plants a vineyard this woman earns money and then she goes and invested again in agriculture this is a serious woman it's a good woman qualities of a good woman is a woman who doesn't just keep saying what you think sound what's your thoughts on it brother what you think honey a man wants a woman who could think believe me I'm a man a wise man an intelligent man would like to have an intelligent partner some men get tired of women always seeking for their advice I don't get me wrong doesn't mean that a woman goes off and makes her own decisions if you are married you are in a contract you are in what you call a business contract and when you form a company the the shareholders in the company are partners and what happens to the company benefits everybody or doesn't benefit everybody depends on what happens and so that's why you have what they call board meetings in companies for consultation on decisions now if we decide in our company that we're going to buy some land you don't go to put down payment on the land without consulting the company board of directors that's a board decision but it doesn't mean that you cannot go and check the land out and come back with a report saying the land is good land it's not swampy it's worth the investment and the price it's in the right location and the value will go up you can do that without taking the whole board out there and that's what a good wife woman is capable of doing she can go and check things out for herself and then come on gets consultation so that there will be peace in the decision she is an investor she earns verse 17 is going to pick up here it says she sets about her work vigorously everybody say vigorously put your hands up in the air everybody Bohannon just shake them see how vigorous that is that's vigorous alright you folks know pro room I hope you did that I saw you through the wall by faith she is not a woman who walks around my back sunny you know what tired cooking all these years you know this lazy mind how to do it is not that at me she is vigorous about our work we got some women who gets up and throw the sprayer off the bedroom rolling off onto the floor who tells the dog go get my slippers lazy women [Music] cooking grumbling off to the cooking putting too much salt in his mound and appreciate my cooking attitude bad you can always tell when she's busy being you see a clothes foreigner all over the floor you smiling this woman is a energetic woman I won't tell you something ladies the worst thing in the world you could do for a man of God is to be a lazy woman you have me a lazy eye understand why Jesus kept company with some women they were not lazy Mary and Martha man they were sharp ladies man you read the scriptures kept it says that they followed him and ministered to his needs they would cook for him and take food in baskets and follow him to the big Crusades vigorous full of energy every time the husband want to go somewhere I tie-in always try it man take some vitamin B or something but get some energy vigorously sets about her work she enjoys her work verse 17 says her arms are strong for her task you got it good to get strong arms don't die it too much hello some ladies diet so much thing that opportunities to get energies to minister to their husbands always dieting always on a diet I know some folks are perpetually on a diet their ministry is dieting its diet ministry and then they wonder why they're always tired your body is like a machine it needs oil and gas to run and you can run off air oh how sad it is you get up straight to be a good woman you understand I taking this slow verse 19 says enough verse 18 rather it says she sees that her trading is profitable and she knows good merchandise when she sees it some of your translation says she knows from which and ice is good now ladies and gentlemen I want to say this carefully some women do not know what they have now I am talking from experience now we know some men don't know what they have but also what surprised me in my years of counseling is that some women don't know what they have there are some husbands they not angels but they're not quite demons either and the women treat them as if they're they don't care I know some men will rob banks to provide pearls for her do all kinds of things to make her happy and only where is your for me that's all don't appreciate the men this woman knows that I'm rich and ice is good I think is referring to everything that she possesses including a husband she knows that she has a good mind and she lets him know it honey I got a good husband you are a good man oh how sad it is that women take their husbands for granted just like husbands take their wives for granted we shouldn't do that no your merchandise man no quality when you see it see women look around at other guys dressed cool and they think they cooler than their husbands but they're not don't let the cool guys know you there's no one better than your spouse I tell you this from experience no one's better than your wife or your husband and don't let anybody tell you they are when you find a person who displays the qualities of God you better hang on a good merchandise on those of you who are not married remember this when you meet good merchandise recognize it it may not come in the kind a package that you prefer but as good merchandise recognize good merchandise look for the characteristics of God and the qualities and virtues of the Spirit that's good merchandise verse 19 says in her hand she holds the distaff she's a spinner this woman doesn't only get involved in real estate and agriculture but she is also a seamstress I love women who saw their own clothes say Amen men save a lot of money brothers you know they got some women who can't even him their husbands pants y'all better repent and start learning this woman is a seamstress she spins not only that she make clothes she makes the cloth for the clothes that's the educated woman that's a sharp woman but I can't so learn learn it's a blessing you'll bless your husband if you learn to sew I tell you I buy my wife cloth every time it's a bunch of material just honey here I love you yet long she tell you I mean if I want a bride the dress she has on now she made they can't even get a shot of that my wife made this dress you see that ha and me in a beautiful you all know good stuff this woman is a seamstress she's not a lazy woman and she sews own clothes husband loves it for that he says she grasps the spindle with her fingers and she goes to town she opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy now this is something that is lacking in a lot of women they're selfish the woman of God the good woman has a quality of openness and giving there are women who feels that no one no one should walk on their copy look me in the face now I'm not gonna invite them to my house they can't do any of my carpet what an ungodly attitude don't sit on my chair sit on the floor Sonny hmm we don't want have anyone over to our hosts because those people they're not acting good clothes and good things come on watch those attitudes now the woman of God is a woman who invites the poor she opens up her arms they come come to my house no we buy a $5,000 carpet even that our kids walk on it with shoes take your shoes off tell me god says watch it you're gonna lose your copy also people are women are selfish sometime with their husbands now how would you see you married folks just tight see another one when talking to him you get mine hello I mean so much you want to pull everything to yourself you know someone stands up and blesses him and hugs him in the Lord and you thinking something dirty stop being selfish yeah husband goes out and you know talks to a couple of the ladies in the fellowship and you many gets home why you got to keep talking to these women - the guy's mind is not even on anything negative no ulterior motives but you know these selfish thoughts that's my husband and that's my man you mean my mom it's my manchild don't touch my man it's God's man and the Lord only loan you that man the Bible says in the New Jerusalem there's no marriages or giving in marriages so you even Egor know him as your husband in the resurrection that's mine don't look at him it's my husband you worried those kind of things terrible the selfishness that comes out but this woman of God opens her arms to the poor poor women and man can come to her house she doesn't run people away from her home doesn't say don't drink of my good cup get the old cups no when someone comes to you they come to you as the image of Christ and you give them the best cup in the house in that right Bible says if you give a poor man a glass of water in my name you give it to me why would you choose your enamel mug with chips on it to give to Jesus hello and your wedding furniture and your wedding dishes you hide in a closet that you don't use yourself I'll tell my wife get out the best let's see let's look at the flowers on it she is not a selfish woman she opens up her home to the poor so you're still a virtuous woman you still a good woman the quality of a good woman is that she's not tight she doesn't buy chairs and sofas for her sake she buys them for the poor what a blessing to buy an expensive city a beautiful couch and then takes somebody who think they does not deserve the best and sit him in it let him feel like a king bless somebody with a good stuff [Applause] how sad how selfish it is won't be a good woman buy the best and give it to the worst and then you'll elevate the mind of the poor the poor will begin to believe that God is a good god and he's a nice God and he teaches us how to appreciate good things she opens up problems to the poor I love this last product says she extends her hand to the needy she doesn't only invite him in but she feeds them she gives them things she gives things away I know there are people females especially they start up shoes hang on to your pants they starve shoes and they keep him there for years they don't wear them some of these ladies got dresses tucked away they haven't only wore them once I don't like the way it hang on me so they hang it up and they don't move it they leave it there for years and there are people sitting next to them who cannot afford to buy the kind of clothes they have but they won't give it away give away to the needy speaking of needy there are some women who don't know how to receive don't think I forgot you there are some I'm not wearing what she wore you better keep your mouth shut and appreciate God to give that's probably why you're still needy if you are because you're not receiving the blessing but it says she's a giver she gives away qualities of a good woman this next line blesses me especially when I think about women thinking that they are so delicate verse 21 says when it snows she has no fear for her household for all of them are clothed in scarlet underlined the word scarlet now when it snows it doesn't snow here so we wanted to say when it is stormy it's the kind of weather we have when hurricanes come or when the rain and thunderstorms began to be outside you don't take the mentality where I'm shaking if I go to side I'll melt I said this woman is not afraid of the snow or the cold and she also knows that a family are well protected she dresses them in scarlet now scarlet is a very expensive material that was worn by royalty in the day of Solomon when he wrote this so you are talking about a woman who believes in good stuff now some women don't care how they look but a woman of God cares how she looks and she doesn't just wear Croker sack she tries her best to get scarlet or close to it sometimes I wonder how some women expect for their husbands to introduce her to somebody else I'm serious some women I see her one DiMasi some men hide behind somebody that's not my wife man she just appears to be the imagine bringing a friend home to visit and your wife comes out like she just came from under a rock good morning oh hi you brought somebody a okay so y'all want something to eat it I'm gonna get my slippers that's the attitude of some women some men are afraid to take their friends home because he may run into a monster rollers in the here bags under the eyes fingernails different colors his woman is a sharp woman here in Proverbs she likes scarlet and she gives her children good clothes worse than that look nice why cuz they represent her watch this it gets better it says she makes coverings for her bed did not a word cover means she covers it up and she makes these coverings the personal touch do you know how much a man appreciates a handmade woven thing from his wife he gets a sense of pride she makes it herself and she makes up the bed I mean some women don't even have to make it the man buys the stuff and they still won't make up the bed they don't have to make it now the man presents it to them free yeah here's the slip for the pillar here's the the sheet and they still won't make the bed this woman doesn't only makes the bed she makes the stuff that she makes the bed with qualities of a good woman she goes beyond just what's expected or what's her duties or what she considers to be her ministry to her husband her husband is respected at the gate now why Syria Syria is he respected you got a read verse 22 and understand why it says this woman makes covering for a bed not only a bed though but she clothes herself in fine linen and purple now purple we know is a royal color in the days of Solomon as well linen is the most expensive material in the east this woman she wore the best do you know what I like I like to see a woman who looks just like God dresses nice cut sharp fixes are here that is becoming of a representation of God she walks distinguished she soo males exquisite she speaks with eloquence and wisdom and she carries herself like a princess and a queen so qualities of a good woman you read this he began to wonder you see some women say oh I'm a Christian bless God and they wear these long dark colours here all wrapped up with turbans long sleeve covering everything you know no earrings no makeup no nothing and the clothes the cloth they wearing is so thick looks like spread and they walk around [Music] just to the ground and they say I'm Holy Ghost woman hmm sure impress me and some women think that that is spiritual to dress strange so I'm walk around in all white white shoes white stockings white hat white dress white handkerchief white everything even white eyes and then walk around you know and how doesn't impress God see this woman here is a virtuous woman she's an intelligent woman of God and it says she dressed in fine a buddy's a fine it didn't say just linen fine I mean good guy fine glory hallelujah where she walks into the place everybody stops and looks and says Wow and her husband no they saying WOW and he just holds his shoulders at me him that's my guy that's my wife there he she comes walking in to a place looking like something crawled from under a rock husband can introduce her some men are ashamed I tell you ashamed to say this is my wife dress in a way that your husband will be proud to sit in the seat of the gate this man brags about this woman if you understand that the terminology is used here and was 23 you would appreciate what I'm saying when it says here her husband is known in the gate the city gate is the place the seat of government or as we would call it the seat of the judicial processes is the places where the people who were in charge of the city sat now doesn't mean they sat in the road in a gate the word gate here is referring to a system of buildings the walls of the city were bigger wider than this room three times over the walls were so bigger days to ride chariots around the top of the city walls thus the walls were like streets and in the walls of the gate is where you had a lot of the judges living a lot of those people who involved in politics lived in the gate that's where you did all of your business in order to get into the gate it was whether the hub of the economy was operating at the gate it's where all the merchandisers came in to do the trading at the gate you read the Bible carefully you normally find the blind man hanging around the gates because that's where the folks came in with the money to do all the transactions this man referred here in this passage is a man who is a businessman obviously probably is one of the high city officials and he is well known it says in the office now why does it bring him in the picture without dressing because when this man goes to work he don't want to his colleagues say I saw your wife yesterday boy she looked terrible rollers and I hear striking slippers down be in town Street man you are an official respected man in the city your wife is not helping you at all she's not an asset to you know it says he was respected in the game she carried herself in such a way that he was proud of her he was rejoicing in the fact that he could say to them that's my wife you see that dashing lady over there that's my sweetheart that's my darling wife the wife of my youth they were respecting him because of her it says where he takes his seat among the elders of the land he was a city of Fisher something that bothered me when I read this years ago was I was brought up in a situation in church where I always were taught that Christians supposed to be poor and that poverty was a blessing but when you read this you find that God's not into poverty at all this woman's wearing fine linen purple scarlet tapestry you know what tapestries man that is serious handwork and she was walking around in that kind of dress and an appearance now you see somebody dressed in real nice the first thing you say they can be a Christian and it's funny when you start looking good people start talking bad and that amazing listen ladies look your best dress your best and be the best and don't let anybody disturb your desire to be a representative of God and I appreciate women who have themselves a little bit by putting a little bit of makeup on I really do some need it some overdo it some put too much and then they look ugly but be reasonable and be moderate in your dress and then the way you carry yourself and you know put a little bit of a little bit you know red in your cheeks and bless yourself but I mean there are some ladies who think that being spiritual needs to look like a donkey they walk around longface bless God I'm a holy woman I don't wear earrings I don't wear lipstick it's of the Divine Book of Proverbs says a beautiful countenance lifts the spirit in that something when you look nice the people around you I lift it but when you look mean you depress them there was a lady in about this church where I used to attend some time ago and as little boys we should be afraid to even say good morning she was murdered somebody we were afraid to say good morning to her she'd look at you and she'd go and we wanted to say good morning but means run the way she looked repelled us but this woman was so dashing she'd walk around and linen scarlet she knew how to carry yourself verse 24 doesn't say she only make him for herself but she makes linen garments and sells them this is one busy woman real-estate agriculture merchandising now she's in the clothing business women should stay in the house not even with goddess and flying in the man brings home the bacon mm-hmm you know this woman's liberation thing is ungodly we're not talking about women's liberation we're talking about being the women you were created to be from the beginning you don't want to become equal in the man that's not your purpose you don't want to do away with the man's position that's ungodly God wants you to become the woman he created you to be so you could be an asset to the man woman this woman is a merchandising woman she makes the clothes and she sells them verse 24 says her business the big business read that man it says she sells to the merchants they say no little dress making at the house now if you make dresses in your house fine don't get me wrong but you see we get the idea that's the only place is supposed to happen but this woman sells to the merchants people that come in to trade to take back to the east to sell she makes them by the hundreds now how can one woman make all of these dresses you know she can this woman has a factory and she has ladies sewing for her she is a supervisor of managers what you're looking at she got people hired employed so you want me the clerk in the store start as a clerk but put your eyes on the manager position don't just settle to be a clerk for your life shoot for the supervisor say to yourself I'm gonna start as a clerk but I'm gonna end up running this place soon and then work with that attitude this woman is a is a manager or managers she is the kind of person who's not afraid to take responsibility you know I love to see these precious business women and men in this fellowship that encourages me when I see women starting their own businesses one of the things that bothers me is that the church sometime puts people down but then expects them to give how can a poor person give I pray that everybody who comes in the body of Christ would realize that they supposed to prosper they are different the levels of prosperity but they supposed to prosper this woman is a supervisor a leader she supplies the merchants with sashes and drapes she is clothed with strength and dignity I wanted to relate verse 27 to that verse 20 towards 22 rather to verse 25 she's clothed and fine linen and purple now what does that mean she dresses in good clothes but all of a sudden in verse 25 we find that she is also clothed with dignity there are women who dress nice but act bad one time I was sitting in the hotel lobby and I saw a lady come out of the elevator and she was dressed I mean fine and she sat down in the chair over in the lobby pull out this pack of cigarettes and start hitting she's that second on that cancer it and all of her beauty went up in smoke I saw an ugly woman I said Lord she just destroyed a whole image don't just look at the linen brothers and don't get carried away by the scarlet check the dignity see if they're the kind of woman that represent God that they they respect themselves they like themselves they appreciate the image of God in them the worst thing in the world the book of Proverbs goes on to say is a brawling woman you'll find that in chapter 3 when we get to it later on in the series but you say what is it brawling with a loud woman some women look nice but when they open their mouths yuck I mean I've seen some fine ladies and when they started cursing oh they became so ugly I was repelled dignity ladies a good woman has a quality of dignity what is dignity dignity is the way you carry yourself that is becoming of respect you demand respect without saying a word the way you act the way you speak the way you live the way you dress you demand people to respect you we hear the term often loose woman a loose woman is an undignified woman she has no self-respect many of you know these women I'm talking about you see them often see women stand up in the street cursing talking loud fighting dignity dress yourself in dignity somebody talked bad about you don't go to them and tell them all that's undignified have some dignity don't lower yourself to that person's level to answer them back keep your dignity intact you know dignity is like credibility it takes a lifetime to gain it on a second to lose it and once you've lost it you got to work another lifetime to gain it so keep your dignity some of you have made some mistakes in the past and you've lost your dignity but thank God Jesus Christ is putting you back together and he's bringing back your dignity and people now are beginning to see a new woman keep that dignity protected and guarded carefully and don't become someone who loses the respect and this verse 25 it says she lasted the days to come why is she laughing because she got the the plans all squared away to take care of the days to come she does not worry she doesn't go to the husband and says our child tell me honey how we can do this how we can do that how we can buy this how we can pay for that she's laughing other days to come she's not uptight about the future she's relaxed look at this passage when you read this you began to understand why I was 26 says she speaks with wisdom wisdom is what wisdom is from the mouth of God is Jesus this woman is filled with Jesus when she speaks people hear Jesus his nature comes out of her unfaithful instruction is in a town she speaks eventually speaks you can depend on her words it says she watches over the affairs of our household some men cannot do that we heard in the seminar gone this week by the teacher who shared he said you know some men run away from the home affairs they don't want to run the finances of the home they don't want to be responsible for making sure the bills are paid they want to leave it up to the woman I don't think that's God's Way this woman is so busy with all these other projects she must be a go-getter could you imagine a man telling this woman I'm too busy honey I don't time to look after these things could you imagine what that woman could tell him listen here Sonny you're speaking of busy I'm a farmer I'm a supervisor I'm a merchant I am a seamstress I own a clothing store and I'm still running the home this year but you know how can a woman run the home and still be out to work I don't know according to this woman she's doing it she does not eat and please underline this ladies the bread of laziness wow did you hear that she does not eat the bread of laziness idleness idle is doing nothing all day what this one been doing said no man normally telling check on the tables around you may find some mills and bones when you come on put your hands on the television you may feel it's warm you know there are many ways and find out what's going on could you see we we need to ask yourself are we idle areia idle person a good woman has the quality of industry she's not lazy now idleness also is is a situation where people sit down and they call up on the phone and talk all day their friends that's idle talk some women spend all day on the telephone gossiping a good woman doesn't have that quality she doesn't waste time wasting time she has what to do when she does it no wonder why this woman can't be idle look all the things she's involved in no wonder why she's accomplished so much if you converted the time that you spent gossiping into productive energy some of you would own factories and you'd probably be stronger because you'd save your breath but it's amazing idleness is a serious sickness that runs through the female creature I hope you got cured now men we also suffer from idleness the only difference is the women do theirs in the house and the men do theirs on the blocks we need to repent of being lazy and unproductive we need to take our time and redeem it and make sure that every moment we spend is productive in our lives for God as you began to close this this last chapter of Proverbs you began to see something about this woman they move away from her clothing from a business and suddenly it starts to talk about her position in the family he says a children arise and call her blessed her husband also and he praises her then it tells you what he says first of all her children begins to respect her because of the kind of woman she is says a husband praise her now most women love to hear good things from men especially their husbands and there's nothing wrong with that I think that's quite normal that's why the Lord has it in there but it says look what she has to show in order to get praise this man comes back home five o'clock in the afternoon after a hard day's work to greet him at the door is a woman dressed in a night clothes with rollers in her hair wrinkles on her face one slipper on and she says praise me praise you blessed are your rulers oh darling how wonderful are your eyebags [Music] the wrinkles of the spread in your cheeks are adorable no the man looks and then goes woman what's wrong with you that's not a praise man that's a downer then he crosses over the threshold of the front door steps in and clothes all over the floor and he starts nagging women what have you been doing all day and she says you always odd you in you never tell me anything good the guy's trying hard to find something good he trying hard checking on everything can't find it then he says well anyhow I'm hungry it's not finished yet Oh woman you can't even cook on time see you don't appreciate my cooking it says a husband praises her praises her when he comes home she doesn't come to him with a bill this woman she comes to him with more money here's what we earned today from the farm man any manner come on grinning glory this woman is a blessing to me I sold 2,000 dresses this week darlin oh honey I'm so glad I married you you are an encouragement to a man you are an investment in a marriage you are an asset not a deficit you are something wonderful you get up early before them up you go to bed and burn the candle woman you deserve praise are you a good woman don't answer that yet this is what he cries Oh notice the the : after her the colon implies here's what he says the continuation to thought he says woman many others have done nicely and Noble things there are many good women in the world there are some that are better shape than you there are some that are better jobs than you there are others who's here will make yours look like nothing there are those whose noses are shaped perfect there are those who got more better cars and houses than you but woman see when you win this man with the qualities of God he doesn't say that others don't exist he doesn't act like a fool he acknowledges their presence when another nice lady comes to him and she says hi there he says hello that's my wife over there and she is number one this man looks at his wife and he said now many others are fine and they look cute and they try and attract me and everything else but what does he say you excelled and surpass them all Wow what would you do to hear that Marsha glory hallelujah I mean what would you do to hear that Angie you hear that now yeah praise God that's that's the secret that's what you want to hear isn't it woman I work with some nice ladies in the office but listen you make them look like nothing man do you know when you tell your wife that instead of cooking one meal she cooks two instead of sweeping the floor once you sweep two three times I guess what I really learned from this is that there's nobody better than your spouse I mean nobody woman many others have done nobly I really want you to remember that statement many others we get the idea that when you get married like I said before everyone has vanishes that's not true brother when you get married you're going to discover that the ladies who you never used to notice are going to become noticeable and they will introduce themselves to you they will come out of their way to say hi there and you can ride your wedding ring all you want they don't care they're gonna get you so you better realize that the one you married excel them all I appreciate Beauty physical beauty I appreciate nice clothes and I tell people when they look nice I tell them but don't let when I tell you you look nice means I will marry you don't go run officers likes me I understand when it if someone's husband tells you you look nice don't think he likes you and wants to marry you this husband is a is actually appreciating other women here he is making it known that he knows there are nice women around but he is convinced in his heart no matter how they look how they dress how they walk how they talk none of them are better than his wife and men until you get to that point you are going to be in serious trouble and women make sure get him to that point obey the qualities of God laid out here and you will end up having a man who will be able to say to you there are many who look nicer than you physically but you are beautiful than all praise praise her and just in case you missed a point he says charm and beauty is deceptive and fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised beauty is vain he says charm is vain and empty beauty is passing so don't build your relationship on somebody's physical looks there was a story of a true story of a young girl in a Russian prison Romania brother and she was going to be destroyed for her faith in Jesus and the Communist soldier said to her we are going to cut your beautiful face of Merit and she said I don't care they got a picture of a young lady that they had done the same thing to Britt previously and they showed it to his there you see that pretty lady now this picture is the same picture of her and it was the most destructive picture you could see they cut her face in slices a beautiful young lady and this young lady smiled at the soldier and said I don't care I won't good I won't denounce Jesus because you see Sir the beauty of the flesh is temporary and everybody is ugly twice she said but there's a beauty you cannot touch no she meant was all of us are ugly twice when you are born the most ugliest creature in the world come on now look at me is a newborn baby you hear me if you take a picture of a two minute old baby you will think you are looking at a goblin is that right and then after a few weeks or so it changes the beautiful thing then when they grow old again all those wrinkles they have as a two-minute old baby comes back and then they die you opened the casket of Marilyn Monroe right now dig it up and look at it and you will see a skull probably with not even the worms want it anymore and people worshiped her beauty but she's a skull the Bible says here women don't pride yourself on your physical looks it also served beauty is fleeting because you see you see a nice young lady and she looks you know and fine and 120 pounds or 100 pounds and you real excited and got a nice shape hang on bread hang on believe me right married men hang on them slender hips going to grow in the wrong direction hear me I'm talking straight to you today they're my arms you think I sold you know delicate and so fine hang on they gonna put a little fat on them eyes are gonna turn baggy and not hear that you love so much gonna start changing color and after a while you're gonna wake up one morning ruin overlooking the bed of this thing and you're gonna say to yourself did I marry this thing no that's not what you married you married an image and the image changes every day don't build your relationship on physical appearance it's gonna change another thing about beauty is fleeting and I got it shortest one in you know when a woman meets a guy grab it grab it first time she looks her best you know most of them wear masks brothers watch it I'm talking sense here they go to a hairdresser and get personal attention when they come in to meet you they go get manicured spend three hours on their face when they are coming to meet you brother and when you see them you see a product of six hours of preparation and to you you think this is the real thing I say you're laughing brother I know what you mean and so you get married to this image thank you you wake up the next morning all the sudden you see this creature I mean all the colors go to the face they hear all messed up grease everywhere and you're wondering if that's what I married you gotta be joking let me go find my wife's butt be in the bathroom beauty is vain it's fleeting don't get me wrong ladies look nice but while you're looking nice whispering it's there it's in a really quite you know seeing quite all of it you notice I don't look like this in the morning when I wake up darling so remember get ready for tomorrow morning it's going to be a shock but you know if you got good character and good dignity if you've got the gifts of the Holy Spirit and under and the blessings of God in your character if the fruit of the Spirit is in you he won't even miss the face he would see the you that he married beauty is vain so be careful when you start judging people because of the physical looks love them for who they are in character he closes this by saying give her the reward she has earned and let her works bring praise to her where the gates where the man works Wow first of all it says let her let her work through bring reward that means she can only become what she is and she can only be seen for what she does and how she looks some women are not treated properly because they don't act properly so they get their reward summaries are disrespected because they are not self-respecting and so they're treated that way it says but let her own works praise her in the gates let let the men come to the work place and say brother I saw your wife yesterday she is one woman she is such a nice woman man she was helping the poor she was working supervising the factory you've got one of the best women in this whole city now how do you think that husband feels I mean you don't you don't even understand how he feels and he's not hearing it from her he's sharing it from people if people cannot come to use it but it Stanley the owner is a darling I mean I've watched her for the past eight years and her life is being consistent brother man you better realize what you got your merchandise is good that's right so you ready check it over he said is good he understand let homework speak for her you shouldn't have to tell people that you are a good woman they should tell you you are a good woman let your work speak for you don't tell people I'm a kind person let the poor tell them she's a kind person I say to you the qualities of a good woman are very simple they found in God a good woman is not a woman who gets a master's degree a good woman is not a woman who can take a body and influence man a good woman is a woman who can cause praise to come from her husband and whatever you do you unmarried ladies live a life that will exemplify Christ so that men will know you for who he is in you and not for what you have shown them of yourself let them be able to say I mean I might see you you remind me of Jesus these are the qualities of a good woman Dress fine but don't let it in there when it's all over let them praise you for your character in your nature the kind of person you are in Christ thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Munroe global possible please visit us online at www.atlona.com
Channel: Myles Munroe - Topic
Views: 322,895
Rating: 4.8566647 out of 5
Keywords: Dr., Myles, Munroe, Straight, Talk, to, Women, Qualities, of, Good, Woman, (Live)
Id: l5_uYptoUzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 5sec (4145 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2017
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