A Man and His Sex Life Pt. 1 (Live)

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[Music] thank you for joining us for another power-packed message from dr. Myles Munroe provided by Monroe global incorporated and Monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message let me think of sex the first thing we think about is jumping in bed or some pornographic movie or book or something that you have seen or glanced at or perhaps even your own personal experience with this area of sex today my intention is to do a couple of things number one I want to define what sex is and what sex is not secondly I want to define the sex role identity of a man and thirdly I want to deal with some of the basic problems that men face in the area of their sexuality and fourthly we're going to look directly at the Word of God and see what God has to say about sex to us as men first let me get some honest open reaction and opinion I'm gonna ask you a question I want you to answer this question how did you learn about sex I want you to shout it out so all the brothers could hear that they're not alone alright I'm gonna point out you if you don't have all your hands up how did you learn about sex you may remain seated just short answers hmm you read what did you read what kind of books did you read how old were you when you read this book you're a teenager it was that your introduction to sex at what age early teens okay how did you learn about sex we want to be honest again so you literally participated in it you learned will you married no not matter how old were you then 19 but just a patient you actually experienced it let me ask you a further question how did you learn about sex before that and what you heard what'd you hear it from from peers and lose adults all right how did you learn about sex books and friends what kind of friends school mates what kind of books biology books y'all are so upright bringing some awesome guys telling the truth how did you learn about sex and all the female I would how old were you at the age of 15 how did she learn it you mean you physically got together she was an older woman and you were 15 years old that's how you learned about sex how did you learn about it hear about it before that from friends friends anybody else how did you learn about sex in the what kind of magazines Playboy magazines all right now we get into the truth of this thing how did you learn about sex through movies what kind of movies hmm pornography all right anybody else you said watch your parents well you see this fella now listen don't you worry this is our session we're gonna be honest in here okay how did you learn about sex friends friends and participation okay what are we getting a lot of friends here what kind of movies what kind of television okay so we're looking at movies that's where your basic introduction was about the idea of sex movies and okay anybody else yes sir trial and error how do I hope there were more trials and errors how did you learn about sex movies they take movies again how'd you learn about sex movies and friends boy I tell you anybody else listening to your big brothers yeah watching parents is it listening to adults talk okay anybody else anything else that we need to add here that's after you were saved I've after you as a Christian in Sunday school show you your name what section of the Bible Wow you couldn't be in my church when I was growing up okay now isn't this interesting that all of us grown men in this session and we look at this list and this is how we were introduced to sex now this tells us something is very wrong first of all no one said my parents no one mentioned my father no one mentioned a family discussion look at where we learned and got our information about sex every sauce that is listed here is not qualified to teach show me what breathe what do you read participation is that any way to learn about something as dangerous and precious peers that means they only know what you know schoolmates they trying to figure it out to biology that's just the technical aspects of the experience says nothing about the emotional trauma involved friends that's influenced based on the need for approval magazines that are all designed to make money by the publishers and not to instruct pornography what did they use therefore they use that to what no they don't show you how it's done they they use it to arouse people to participate in it but more than that pornography is really used to promote sex so that the industry could survive it has nothing to do an instruction matter of fact if you were to give yourself to pornography and to follow their example you'll destroy yourself and anyone else watching your parents that's no way to learn sex I know look at this one a lot of you said movies many men said movies I learned sex from movies now the very nature of movies is fantasy so if you learned your experience or your knowledge about sex from movies you are admitting that you are living in a fantasy world that is why you're having so much frustration trial and error this has to do with experience again someone mentioned participation trial and error both of these words of something wrong with them if you try something to meet you any sure if you were eros it means you're erroneous in it that means you you were not successful your brother's isn't it interesting that if us brothers here taught on taught one another about sex we have to teach one another about sex from where we got it from so we get perpetrating the very thing that we ourselves are suffering from I wanted to start off with that because I wanted to have you all realize that all of you are being reduced to the same I was introduced to sex through very insignificant insinuations a kiss on television as a little boy I began to read into that a man holding a woman close on the dance floor you began to pick up these these little tips of information that there is something beyond the clothes and then you graduate to friends in school and your peer groups when they begin to discuss things that they have seen you know said they have known or things that they have heard and then that begins to promote itself in the instruction through written material filthy magazines pornography and when you graduate to two films and videos you're really in trouble because that stuff imprints itself on your minds visually when you read pornographic material you have to create your own imagination from the words but when you look at something visually there's nothing left to the imagination and that becomes more than a strong hole becomes a castle and then we move on from there from actually wanting to participate and to try it and we get involved in that now whenever you participate in something you must remember that you are creating a capacity for it you can make a note of that in your notes whenever you participate in something you are creating a capacity for it whenever you create a capacity for something you have to fulfill the demand the only problem with biological and chemical capacities once they've been created they can never be filled by the by the amount that created it now if you can remember that it helped you explain drug problems biological and chemical demands are never satisfied by the first amount in other words capacities increase by youth a man and his sex life is a very serious topic and I want to approach this to help us deliver our sons from this list and that our children will not grow up receiving instruction from smut and from garbage like this I mean really we are sitting in this room because we are ashamed of where we got our information from but don't feel that at least me realize that we are the same and we could start from there and let's correct the problem physical communication is the most intimate expression in marriage most studies demonstrate that the majority of couples who get a divorce get a divorce because of sexual problems there was a study done by dr. Penn Opie in California one of the leading marriage counselors in the entire United States and as a result of his study thousands of married couples who had smashed up and ended up on the rocks he discovered four major reasons for divorce and I will try and remember to put them in order the first one he said is sexual problems the second one is disagreement on how to use leisure time did you believe that think about it the third one he says his finances and the fourth one is psychological maladjustment he rates sex as number one some psychologists rate sexist number two why is sex so high on the problem child I mean we are experts at it which it shouldn't be a problem nobody could could do sex better or more than humans and yet it's the major source of the problems we face sex is not manifested however in marriage sex is manifested in humans and I want to make a difference between the two you don't become sexual when you're married you are born a sexual creature so you have a sexual identity before you even enter a marriage so sex does not begin after you marry sex is in a child it's in a baby it's born with it it's born with the total potential to participate but the potential to dissipate sexually now what that means then is the minute you are born you've got to start understanding sex little children go through a tremendous learning process of sex and a lot of times if we could see in children's minds we'd be shocked at how far ahead they are already picking up things I've got little a little boy and a little girl and I mean I am trying my best to instruct them about sex in a very childlike way but in a very definite way for example my son and I are very close I make sure that he understands that there are things that a girl and things that are boys there are there are attitudes and thinks that that the the male factor is involved in and they're things that females are involved my little boy came to me and he says my mama's chest is bigger than yours his three years old what's he doing he's identifying sexual differences so I gotta say them I can't say didn't oh shut up this guy has eyes so I got to say to him yes and that's right we are different it's enough for him to go on for a few weeks months yes you know very different so you began to understand that okay you know 80 men are different from women boys are different from girls so he began to not see it as a strange thing because he got Authority from his father to believe that there's a difference and so sex is not manifested in marriage is manifested in humans God created us sexual creatures physically sex is not a hidden subject in the Bible nearly every book in the Bible mentions sex there are two books in the Old Testament that have sexual relationship as their themes the Bible is not down on sex but it is negative concerning its misuse in fact God is in favor of the oneness that sex brings God is the one who was in favoring the oneness factor speak period physically and spiritually God is after oneness God uses sexual union and marriage to describe the intimacy between himself and the church and so Christ being the bridegroom and the church being the bride gives us an idea of God's concept on how precious he sees sex he uses that a sin as a symbol to describe his relationship in Christ with the men and women however lack positive directive teaching on the subject and we have a blatant this demonstration of that this morning you know it breaks my heart that all of us have learned sex from these sources much of what you have learned and what your parents learned about sex is picked up and I want to put that in brackets picked up in an unwholesome context and it is filled with misinformation most of the blame for the lack of teaching on this subject rests with the church and the home the result is that we develop an impression about sex that it should not be discussed or talked about it's a taboo it's it's something that you just don't talk about we've gotten that message from our homes that sex is dirty we've gotten it from our churches that it is unholy have you ever heard a minister get up on Sunday morn and say a message today is sex I mean I believe people would not leave it'll shock him because people really are hurting they want to know but the church has decided somehow that it's not proper to discuss this but do you know God talks about sex more than just but any other subject and I'm gonna tell you why because God is the king of psychologists he is the is the the lord of psychology you know what a psychologist finally figured out we got guys like Freud who sat down and you got Maslow and those guys who sat down and for all their lives worked on figuring out what makes you tick they committed their lives to that what makes a man tick you know they concluded sex you say but I'm gonna bill your corporate exactly if they say yeah you're doing that because of your sexual identity there's something you you derive from that that is related to your sexuality and God being the chief of psychology the Lord the source of psychology if you read scripture you'll find and he constantly deals with the sexual role identity because he knows with sexual creatures we can look at some of this inscription find out where it shows up the concepts that the world have of sex are completely ungodly it's contrary to God the world says make love God says love it's one thing to know how to make love it's quite another to love sex is such a beautiful idea that only God could have thought of it sex is God's idea not man's idea can you make a note of that it'll help you teach your children properly sex began with God God came up with the plan he came up with the system and he developed the elements that make it work sex is God's idea God could have thought about it I know and he could have made it very uncomfortable to reproduce children I think sex is one of the greatest expressions of God's love for a man because it is said by those who have studied the human body that one of the highest pleasurable experiences in life is a sexual biological chemical climax it can hardly be compared with anything in the world and in the whole world as we know it the highest form of pleasure when they have interviewed drug addicts and who've taken heroin who've taken LSD and who've taken cocaine and hope taken all kind to say how did it feel as a man is nothing like you ever saw most like a climax it's like it's like an orgasm what they trying to say this is almost like somehow God who created sex made it so pleasurable that it was to be one of the highest forms of pleasure for man and yet today sex has become one of the worst enemies it is the cause of broken homes illegitimate children social programs of governments are created because of sex the abuse of children in pornographic movies our result of sex itself because the men who perpetrate it and create those pornographic movies were themselves victims of a society that produced them so something that God had this design to be the Huayra pleasure has become the base element of destruction and look at us we're sitting here and look where we learned it this conference is designed to change this list this is my dream it's a dream of all of you men it was God's idea from the beginning and he so arranged the world that he made it necessary in order to live and to keep life he also made it highly pleasurable even to sometime hilarious you know living joyfully with your wife he's a statement that Solomon made in Proverbs and it goes like this he says live joyfully with the wife of your youth and let her breasts satisfy you all the time and quote solomon live joyfully joyfully he's alluding to sex he said man enjoy this thing with the wife of your youth make sure it's your wife he says a letter breast satisfy you this very word satisfaction denotes that there is a craving in men we're gonna deal with that later on but we need to be satisfied there's a vacuum in the mail creature that needs to be filled by the female in God says make sure your wife feels there god blessed sex and pronounced his opinion of it look at Genesis chapter 1 please this is written at the end of Genesis 1 which means everything is finished the planets already rearranged the animals and the plants and the sea teeming with life verse 26 God created man and then he made man and then he blessed them in verse 27 and he told him go for it go and have sex be fruitful and multiply there's only one way to do that honey you don't be approval to multiply by osmosis you don't be fruitful and multiply by looking at one another across the room kid God is telling the man and the woman go for it and he said don't get up son fill the earth what now you got appreciate this man Adam lived 930 years so he was a teenager at 300 don't you get this after 40 we heading downstream at 300 items still going strong God it seemed as if God's intention was for us to enjoy this experience for a long long long time but what do we do we jump in the sack and jump out wipe the sweat off we don't understand God's comes in and then in verse 21 of Genesis 1 God says and God saw all that he had made not put in their sex 2 and God said and it's what God says it is not good very good no sex is very good now take that into the context that you see it in your family is it very good if it was very good why didn't your father tell you about it if it was very good why don't the preachers sit down and tell you about it they tell you about the creation of man and his spirit on his vessel but don't tell you about the other stuff that God created that is good like sex everyone say the sex is good because God's there so unlike the first three words and I am gonna read this into my own context here it says and God saw everything yet made you think God was watching Adam and Eve I don't know I'm gonna be a little mischievous I believe God was watching them and said that's pretty good God saw everything that he had made and he said that's very good these people are totally fulfilled sex to God is very good however everything in life God created that it said is very good operates by laws please write that down everything that God said is very good operates by Lords in order to fulfill their full potential under experience their highest maximize potential they have to follow the laws that he put with them so God created nothing without laws now if you get that right men you'll understand how easy it is to live straight God's not in the business of trying to trick you he's established laws and everything he created works according to laws he's established boundaries to everything right the next word on boundaries so then laws that means there are principles whereby things operate and then there are boundaries that means there are limits to their operation so just how the sea can never overcome the land and just our plants don't go down and just now the Sun rises in the east and just that gravity never pushes out put in so there's a law for sex and there's a boundary for sex can you appreciate what I'm saying so God's not against sex he's against violation of boundaries not only is God against violation of boundaries on sex he's an against violation of boundaries on anything that he said within a framework that's why man failed for example violation of these laws result in death devastation it's a matter of fact the consequences are so terrible that a man would learn the laws and the boundaries he realized that laws are created for our protection not for our restriction please write that down laws are created for our protection not for our restriction boundaries are established for our preservation not for our irritation we get God confused on his principles confused we think God doesn't want me to have any fun listen I'm gonna read a scripture that you gonna blow your mind in a minute God wants you to have so much fun it's unbelievable that God said it their God gave nature natural laws and boundaries then he created man and laid down his law and his boundaries for man and the law and boundaries are to protect man look at Genesis chapter 1 verse 16 and you read the entire chapter of chapter 2 we read Genesis chapter 2 verse 16 rather you look at verse 9 the Lord made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground and trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food in the middle of the garden were the trees of life and the trees of the knowledge of the good and evil a river watering the garden flowed from Eden from there was separated into 4 headwaters the name of the first was fish on the winds it whines rather through the entire land of havilah where there is gold underlying this gold the goal of the land is good and that God wants man to have all this well there is aramid aromatic resin we're talking about sweet-smelling scent perfumes and I mean it was a beautiful place to live this function and also there that means beautiful stones diamonds and emeralds like God wanted man to handle it here man take it and what does God do verse 15 the Lord took the man and put him right in the middle of that wonderful stuff and the Lord says it's yours this God want you to have fun yes does he want you to be wealthy yes did he want you to appreciate beautiful diamonds and rubies yes but what did he do afterwards he set out boundaries in verse 16 and the Lord God commanded the man you are not free to eat from the knowledge retrieve the night of good new but you are free to eat from every other tree just simple boundaries one tree don't touch handle all the others that's freedom that we could never ever imagine how great it was you talking about millions of trees and only one was the boundary man could have spent the rest of his life discovering trees and not touch that boundary man could have fished in those rivers that flowed from Eden he could have skin died and snorkel for million years discovering what's in those rivers and never touch that tree he says the day you do it you surely die I want you to know that that statement has to do with boundaries and limitations and principles Louis whenever you break a law of God something dies whenever you violate a principle of God something dies there are men who would force their wives to do all kinds of things sexually and you know people get into all kind of things preferences sexually and maybe we can talk about some of that but there's a question that people come up sometime when I'm teaching on areas of sexuality and they say brother mouse what do you think about oral sex and my answer is very simple the mouth was for food that's the law that's why God put teeth in it hmm just think about it's a law so if you understand principles and laws you can also deduce from them how to live when you violate a law of God something dies if you ever force your wife to have oral sex something died in that woman I can't explain what it is it's a violation people wonder why God wants us to obey his word keep his laws it's for our protection God wants us to enjoy sex so badly first of all God gave man laws to live in the garden did he give us Lois for sex same chapter verse 23 then the Lord then the man said this is born of my bone pressure of my flesh she shall be called woman she was taken out of man for this reason here's the law and the boundaries to become one in flesh this is the boundary than the Lord for this reason what reason only one reason to leave your parents and leave it a woman for this cause for this reason should a man leave his mother and father cleave unto unto whom you plead to your wife now if you notice in verse 18 she's a mate but in 23 she's a wife something happened between me and wife see you can make with anybody dogs do it all the time birds mate fish mate are we not created to mate you're created to have wives that's the context that's the law of God now we know that the minute that is violated something dies we are reaping the repercussions of it the last line in chapter 20 in verse 24 says and they will become one flesh can you just let me finish keep your questions until the end they become one flesh the boundaries that God has established for one flesh is wife and husband it disturbs me that many people in churches are now coming up with reasons why they could exercise their will in this area without the responsibility of being committed in marriage God wants us to enjoy sex to its fullest without any negative repercussions can you think about that a minute God wants us to enjoy sex to its fullest without any negative repercussions that is why he gave the boundaries and the Lord's let me give you an example young man you married how do you feel when you when you've had sex with your wife on the honeymoon how do you feel totally at peace you don't give anybody walk in on you it doesn't matter if people talk about what you did you don't care if anyone found out what you did the other way somehow within the laws of God there is so much freedom that it is better to go with his law you see when you violate God's laws the first thing that goes wrong is your peace and the greatest thing in the world man is looking for his peace go check the United Nations billions of dollars every year to support that building and the people in it to try and find peace and we can destroy peace just by a violation of a sex law how many people walk around looking over the shoulder to see if anyone saw what they did out of the law of God the Bible says the wicked man is always watching over his shoulder for he feels that someone is chasing him look a prophet is very graphic about things but it's saying is a man and he does wickedness he's always checking well then God God's laws are followed he gives us laws so we could enjoy it to the fullest not to restrict us why did God design sex to be in marriage I give you three reasons write him down number one two we'll create the human race God gave sex for that the scripture for that is Genesis 1:28 and God blessed them and said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the planet procreation the second reason why he gave sex is to seal a blood covenant between two humans that's found in Genesis chapter 2 verse 23 only for this cause should a man leave his mother and father clean to his wife and they become sexually in covenant that's what one flesh means it's an actual flesh covenant Genesis 2:23 the third reason why God would sex in marriage is so that it can be enjoyed to its maximum potential without repercussions now you need anything better than that gentlemen did you know that the covering of the females vagina has no biological purpose are you aware that doctors have not discovered yet why a female's vagina has a little skin born they born with the skin just a little thin skin covering the vagina there's no medical reason why it's there no biological reason why that they can't figure out what's this thing in for and do you know that they discovered that that little layer of skin has one of the highest concentrations of blood vessels and the only thing that comes from that layer of skin is blood government rather let's think about this God has gone through the design of our body look at them magnificent machines honey places on the female factor a layer of skin called the Panem and it's just there for no reason but blood and the minute you open the Bible God talks about blood covenant and from Genesis to Revelation the most favored Word of God it's blood every time there was a commitment between anybody in Scripture that a cut of blood covenant they say that the strongest bond of covenant is a blood covenant so God has designed the sexual experience the very act of cutting a covenant that is why you find serious words and scripture concerning having sex with anybody the scripture says if you have sex with a prostitute you've joined yourself to her that means even when you paid it of money and left you've left yourself with her God says to covenant I want to assure you that God wants us to enjoy he made sets of us to enjoy pleasure from it kind of Deuteronomy chapter 24 Deuteronomy chapter 24 we find an interesting scripture verse 5 if a man has recently married he must not be sent to war or have any other duty laid on him for one year he is to be free to stay home and bring happiness to the wife he has married now ladies and gentlemen that's God talking underlined that man is a seer scriptures show that to your wife show it to your boss send it to your government so I got married now I can't go in a Navy God says I got to stay home when I'm sex with my wife this word here to please your wife or to make her happy in the Hebrew it literally means to cheer up physically which means to caress and to sexually keep her happy imagine that God said this is this is the way to God this is can you appreciate this stuff imagine God wanted young men to enjoy sex so much that he issued a decree to ensure that it is done that's awesome the very thing we think God is against God's making provision for better provisions than your own boss God's not against sex you know why god knows that when a man gets married honey brother I tell you it's a serious thing the first 12 months don't look so holy now when you get married don't have you been mindful never the first year remember that first year you couldn't you couldn't see how good she'd be cooking coming she'd be washing you grab a come here honey leave the clothes leave him leave him he could do that later you're gone you couldn't wait to get over work I can tell you all the living to it now comfort dad my wife but I called into work and said we ain't coming in today God understands you see now here is the scripture saying that God is providing for pleasure in sex an entire year of nothing but cheering her up we should bring that back don't go to war don't have any obligations that keep you from your wife you go find that woman and stay with her for a year and just bless her notice and please note this it says bring happiness to your wife everybody say wife didn't say moving with somebody for a year and try it no trial marriages no temporary covenants he says you live with your wife and you only cheer up your wife another thing I note about the scripture is that God they stay at home and do it that doesn't necessarily mean the house what he's really saying is stay available see women are strange creatures and you got to go with their moods I hope that went for the cherry she shared in the next session about wouldn't men need to know about women he'd be able to share some of the strange things about women but you can understand why God says stay at home the final thing I want you to know but the scripture says you cheer her up watch yourself please write that down you see we are easy lost chairs itself up true love cheers the other person the God said your desire in marriage should be to make her happy you see it's amazing when you make her happy guess who wins you hallelujah somebody's give and receive that's the law of God whether don't violate it so sexual intercourse constitutes making yourself one flesh with another person and God says make that oneness with your wife let's look at a scripture in 1st Corinthians chapter 6 let's see God's comment on this thing are you learning something in this session listen to the Lord this is the Men's Conference this is eyes we gonna get this thing out we gonna handle it good to see you cotton with gradients chapter 6 verse 12 it says to the rest I say I not the Lord if any brother has a wife who is not a believer and she is willing to live with him he must not divorce her and if a woman has a husband who is not a believer am I reading Raven under Sonic 7 that's not like 7 sorry 6 sorry 6 Whitman chapter 6 verse 12 yes here it is everything is permissible for me I want you to take this scripture and don't forget it brothers everything is permissible for me that means I can do anything I want to do God can't stop me the Bible says it but not everything is beneficial see the next night I could take cocaine if I want to I could have sex if I want to gotten you're right it's not it's not the right to do things it is the understanding of its benefits that makes for good decision-making he says I can do whatever I want now he's not talking here just about you know spiritual power people thinking of enemies I could do anything in the Lord no he's talking about something really down to earth flesh and blood listen to him everything is permissible for me but I would not be mastered by anything you can masturbate but how you do it now you're mastered by Adam it's bossing you around isn't it I counsel people with that problem and I we all things are permissible I can do it if I wonder is it really yes I have to agree with them you're right but are you mastered by it no is it running your life I heard men say to me that they have to leave their jobs their desk go in the bathroom then the master calls you're second you are under the control of enzymes and chemicals you're just as bad as a drug addict and you need to be rehabilitated perhaps we need to start some rebuilding houses for people who masturbate in the church God says it's permissible but it ain't beneficial I think what's good about this verse is it doesn't say all things are pleasurable because it knows that a lot of things are pleasurable and still not beneficial if there's all things that permissible but are they beneficial verse 13 food for the stomach under stomach for food you get that straight it's not alcohol it's for food but God will destroy them both don't concentrate on these things the body is not meant for sexual immorality now do you believe that statement men do you believe what God said the body is not for it doesn't say you you can't use it for it simply says it's not for that now that's a law write down in your notes 1st Corinthians chapter 6 verse 13 a law the body is not for sexual immorality it doesn't say the body is not for sex I mean it was God who got sex started in Genesis so hey they gained sex he says the body is just not for sexual immorality now notice it's the body that is not oh come on God when a man goes to bed with a woman be it moral or immoral it feels good that's our justification and rationalization it feels good God and God says I'm not dealing with feeling good I'm dealing with what your body was made for it was made for sex but not immoral sex now notice it's the body that wasn't I'm gonna try and communicate this listen carefully it's kind of tough to communicate therefore something happens in the body when you have a sexually immoral experience I don't know do you understand what I'm saying if it's not created for it then something goes wrong when it is subjected to it it's like a car a car was made to run on gasoline if you put water in that tank that car will not operate something will go wrong with the engine it'll crack at the head they say now what does this tell us doesn't matter how good it feels something is going wrong in your body when you have immoral sex it shows up in the chemical changes it shows up in the in the the brain waves they don't work right it shows up in the estrogen the the the different hormones and the man's body and woman's body goes out of balance something happens to your body the guilt you know it comes from guilt comes from knowledge but now wait a minute knowledge is an abstract thing you don't feel your knowledge listen which means somehow that knowledge that you broke the law of God is translated into chemicals in the body and you feel bad knocking knowledge make you feel bad because your body is not made for sexual immorality what's your body made for the next line says it's made for God how many we thought God is a spirit can God use my body the statement is really saying look your body was created to be used in the context that God has laid out have all the fun you want in the context your body will never have a negative repercussion if it's in the context of God see how many of you men honestly could remember when you had immoral sexual experiences and how your whole body reacted to that you know I mean you felt terrible I mean you saw the woman you felt bad and hated there for a while and you even get to the point where your buddy I want to see you I mean what's going on your body's not made for it do you know that psychologists and scientists are finally proven that there there are a few things our bodies are not built to handle one of them is guilt the scientists the psychologists and psychiatrists have studied for years and they finally discovered that our body has no hormone know kind of enzyme no kind of chemical to handle guilt the only chemical that could handle guilt is the blood of Jesus hmm see if you get tired you could take some b12 your blood sugar goes up you got energy do you feel depressed they can give you some pills to increase the the hormones in your body and they can give you stamina but if you feel guilty take a pill your body was not made for guilt and that's what comes from breaking the law of God the next one says the Lord is also made for the body guess what God really wants to live in you and assist you in enjoying your pleasures could you imagine God wants to lay in bed with you with your wife God was to be one with you in all YouTube jesus said I'll never leave you nor forsake you will me one up second Kochi just outside the bedroom door I'll pick you up and I come out I'm gonna meet with my wife Jesus doesn't work like that we're going in this together you are the body of Christ let's go to bed the body was made for God to and the Lord made the body for himself so God's not against you having sex matter of fact he want to be there to make sure it's done properly why are we so ashamed of something that God so excited about you know brother John and I better Jolyon you know now we chat about our wives and we chat about you know but our sexual experiences RV we joke around I bet a day would come that we'll be able to talk more for you than that and say brother I enjoy my wife so much our relationship is so good man I just thank God for the ability to experience such pleasure without guilt just talk about the Bible says the blessings of the Lord make it rich and he adds no sorrow to it and that interesting even have a rich sex life without sorrow that means no guilt God want you to have it look at this next verse real quick it says here do you not know that your bodies are members worse 15 of Christ himself shall I take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute he's talking about sex never he says when when when should we do it can't hear you men let's hear the base come on never pauses never Tony wouldn't consider it he goes on to tell us why do you not know that he who unites himself in a prostitute is one with her and body boy has said the two will become one flesh but he who unites himself at the Lord is one with him in spirit free from sexual immorality then do you know that the word flee is one word in English but in the Greek language poor literally wrote this avoid it like a plague should write that down in this idea Bible that's it literally what he said in the Greek avoid sexual immorality like a plague what are you doing plagues you get as far away from them as you can you insulate yourself from them he said avoided like a plague all are the sins of man commits are outside of the body but he was sin sexually his sinning against his own body that's in the Bible friends he says man if you steal outside the body you fight outside the body you curses outside the body you know you don't unite yourself to someone when you curse them you didn't become one with someone when you slap them but then you have sex with them you can't have sex and separate yourself from the person that is why people can understand how you can go with a girl for a while and then you both decide to break it off but boy it is so much trouble to keep that broken the emotional trauma I'm telling you friends this thing is serious that's why relationships are so dangerous the body belongs to go on expose as it says do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you whom you have received from God you are not your own you are bought with a price therefore honor God with your body how do you only go with your body getting married having sex with your wife using your hands to worship God use those same hands to arouse your wife and God doesn't feel any different when you do both look as they bless the Lord David said lift up holy hands come on let's do it bless the Lord it's my high both of them bless the Lord stand him on your feet let's bless him come on use these hands say bless the Lord High which I might bless the Lord I lift up holy hands and bless the Lord I guess what those same hands God says arouse your wife you read a book of solomon man I thought solomon was trying to tell us God's not ashamed of sex it's his creation your body belongs to God twice you believe that it belongs to God twice because God says you were bought with a price so he created it and then he bought it she write that down you see you don't belong to yourself twice that's why it says your body belongs to God so even if you say well he just made me that I bought you two and the price was high it's God's property o man of the word we need some real men in Africa and our communities sexual experience will illuminate the truth about Christ if it's done properly about Christ in His Church no one can understand the deep meaning of Jesus and the church better than a man who has a good relationship sexually with his wife Paul at the same force is the only thing I could use to describe Jesus and the church is a man in his life the highest witness you could give is not preaching but loving you are like Christ loved the church sex is a physical sign of a spiritual fact the giving of oneself completely for another and to another today people are looking for sex without love for love without marriage and for marriage without responsibility I wrote a statement down last night because it's true people want sex without love love without marriage and marriage without responsibility they want free life to make love refer prominence hope you make a note of that let's make love that means you got to do something you got a perform making love then is a technical experience it's a technical function write that down making love has nothing to do with love that's why you can study a biology book about sex and never read a chapter of on love in the book he appreciated that you pick up a biology book and they tell you to show your diagrams how to how to have sex they talk about what happens with the chemicals when you have sex but there's no chapter on love chapters called making love with a chapter on love you see making love is technical it is so technical but it's amazing to me that even dogs cats fish and roaches do it you know that big shot if you make love that's any dog matter of fact some animals do it more sophisticated than you birds are first class they go through excellent rituals we need to learn from the dogs instead of jumping in the nests and getting it over with doves play for hours and days before they have sex they cool one another would another and they will one another for days they fly circles around each other no what do we do woman let's go already Brown finish wipe the sweat off and gone play baseball why it's a technical thing you see so what I'm really getting at is this making love is technical but loving is spiritual we magnify the things that roaches ignore we glorify things that dogs deplore dogs don't have sex until they and heat they deploy it until in heat and we write movies and pictures about it we think it's the greatest and we worship it and the wrote just say is that what you guys you spend four ninety five five dollars ten dollars for a dirty magazine the roach goes you could buy something better than that she's technical to the roach then they make you feel ashamed people go to those video stores and rent videos and they're uh wonders what are they so uptight about we all do it I'm a roach the cats do it and the dogs do it and leave I think what we've done is we've confuse sex with love and therefore are we a little bit can in our minds to love requires the abandoning of oneself to another the desire to please another the total giving not taking that's not someone asked me a question when I teach in in Texas a few years ago they said and this is real interesting question they said what happens when a person gets married to someone who's an invalid oh it's paralyzed what kind of sex like do they have in that amazing question I'm sure you thought about that and the answer is very simple you marry for love not for sex you start there and pleasure can be derived in this physical body in a million different ways other than the normal way that you are thinking right now thirdly people can find fulfillment completely in one another without having a technical experience like you so much glorify because their relationship is beyond the bed and to me that's his real relationship anyone who gets married because of sexual reasons have already planned their destruction programmed their failure because sex itself is on a curve climaxes peaks and dies and so will your relationship if sex is so important why does it diminish with age I guess what God expects is that as you grow these things that you enjoyed the first year but become less important and that the real relationship would begin to develop Casas don't give you the first year enjoy this thing finish now let's get on with the real relationship technical you know if sex used to produce love there'll be no one in the world with more love than prostitutes the highest rate of suicides they say is among prostitutes something's wrong somewhere so if sex produces love we got a problem in our societies sex has nothing to do with love really sex was given to God to help express love not to create it please write that down south' was sex was given to help express it in other words there are million ways to express love and sex just one over you don't build your life around sex that's not love sometimes a woman doesn't want sex she just wants you to sit there hold her hand talk to her she wants you to buy a gift or something she don't what of sex that's technical and you know every technical thing has to be maintained for it to operate properly I mean if you agreed that a car is a technical machine right got a go for repairs we got to change the parts you gotta grease it once in a while you got to keep it you know and in the proper Brunning condition and sometimes you even got to leave it in the shop for a while same thing with any other technical operation even sex sin I'm your wife she's not in a condition to have it she need repairs her body's going through a cycle understand its technical see alarma their times when she wants to participate in sex and you not and therefore a lot of wisdom of to be executed here and exercised because the Bible says your body is not your own sea belongs to your wife so you gotta realize that she has needs and you need to submit yourself and that's what it means when it's just submit and all those things to your wife you want to submit man you want it but how rare it is for a man to submit men and wife desires him I want to hurry low and give you a couple of problems that men facing and I want you to just react to them some of these are very serious I'm going to touch some very tender chords in you I've studied this and then I believe that the Lord wants me to give this to you I'm sure you're gonna walk out of here wondering why did I go in there I'll never be the same let me give you some quick thoughts about cultural attitudes sex so many is seen as a taboo we know that right but let me give you one point number one fathers really teach their sons about sex so the world and the media and peer groups give instruction we saw that today so the cultural attitude develops in a young man and that is you don't talk about sex to your son because we learn it from our fathers you know my father never talked to me about sex it's my brother you tell you never I mean my father's a good father it's my other brother here he never sat his dancers let me tell you about the birds and the bees and all he said is good learn to fly and sting will you find you know I mean that's that's probably what he's trying to say you know it's up to you so the the cultural problem is that we ourselves have not been given the freedom to express our sexual questions because of our parental situations number two mothers treat sex as a plague believe it or not this is real in your community mothers say things to their daughters like this now listen your honey yo you're married now and you're going on your honeymoon you are not supposed to enjoy it or she would say don't ever say to him you enjoyed it it's your duty not your pleasure these are serious cultural attitudes communicated to women from their mothers you are not supposed to enjoy it it's identified with prostitution rather than with God women in ask communities have grown up believing that anyone who any woman who approaches a man physically is a lewd common prostitute and isn't carefully our women have been taught that consciously and unconsciously my sisters I got7 ever and I've seen that happen in our home from my mother bless AHA wonderful mother love God filled with the Holy Spirit but mother I heard a say to my sisters don't be like them girls they loose going after men approach him and to approach men that's loose that's prostitutes that's that's that's common you don't want to be all my daughters to be common see and the the image that is developed is that it can help you make sense now of your situation is that the woman finds it almost impossible to approach the man for sexual pleasure I'm talking about marriage 99% of the women who who are married in this room - you know this from the fact that your wife probably never came to you and just fondle you and caressed you and said I want to have you terrific you know why it's not because it's God's will the understand is not because it's God's will if you read if you read the book The Song of Solomon the woman in there we had good teaching I mean she laid it on him brother she ran after him and bodyslam dinner did you read that thing she bought his thunder but she started rubbing his stomach and areas genitals his legs she said your thighs are like ivory your stomach are like bronze she says well she rubbed him all over I mean if he didn't want to do nothing stuff out of that I guess guess where that is in the Bible but what have we being taught our women have been taught a cultural problem the attitude is you never approach your husband you don't enjoy it did you imagine that yeah a woman is physically enjoying a pleasure but psychologically cannot accept it what a trauma so gentlemen I'm saying this to you those of you are married sit with your wife and say honey I'd be in a seminar let's talk now I know perhaps you've had some influences from your mama and whoever else but I want to tell you I learned some things that God created sex himself and it is God who said right here in Deuteronomy 24 that I must cheer you up that means when I cheer you supposed to up you're supposed to enjoy this you understand thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at www.atlona.com you
Channel: Myles Munroe - Topic
Views: 145,907
Rating: 4.8069215 out of 5
Keywords: Dr., Myles, Munroe, Straight, Talk, to, Men, About, Sex, Man, and, His, Life, Pt., (Live)
Id: dLYxdE2roII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 47sec (4787 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2017
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