Maximizing Your Faith | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message from dr. Myles Munroe provided by Monroe global incorporated and Monroe we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message the last words that mark spoke to me I will never forget on Saturday we were in a meeting in my office last Saturday just myself and pastor Richard and Pastor Mark and a couple it was an interesting meeting at the end of the meeting everybody left and Mark and I were alone and he said to me with a big hug past I really love you and then he said I'm a happy man today I said you look happy he said I am satisfied now everything I wanted I have today I said what do you mean he said the last thing I've been praying for was for my daughter who came home from school to get a job and I am so excited that she just got a job two days ago and she starts on Monday he said that's what I've been waiting for I'm happy I'm a happy man I said you have a right to be proud of your daughters she said yeah he said I feel good and then we hugged and he said goodbye it's good to die satisfied it's good to leave with the sense that the Apostle Paul had I have finished what I wanted to accomplish I've kept the faith and so I feel like a very proud father and a very humbled pastor to have witnessed a happy man but I want to talk to you those of us who are still in the colony about life life is a mysterious experience first of all and I want you to write some of these statements down there are questions in life that we can never answer so please don't try to invent answers normally when there is a lot of emotional upheaval and trauma people began to certainly become prophets and prophetess and they start talking but dreams shut your mouth don't try to speak things you don't know anything about secondly there are things in life we can never explain so please don't try to be deep and try to impress people and try to explain the mysteries of life thirdly there are things in life you can never change we pray we fast we believe for a lot of things I'm not a boy I'm a man I've been living for 58 years even though you can't see that and I have seen almost everything that a human could experience I've been poor I've been attacked I've being criticized I be misunderstood I've been depressed I've been happy I've had much I've had nothing I've seen people born I dedicate people I marry them I counsel them and I bury them some I prayed for they got healed some I prayed for the healing didn't manifest physically some got healing and still died so there are some things you cannot change know your limit fourthly there are things in life we cannot control settle it now fifth there are things in life we cannot stop things like death and you can't even choose when it happens can't stop some things there are some things in life we cannot be responsible for and sometimes we take responsibility for things that we didn't cause and it actually destroys us because we walk away with guilt I want to encourage you and the thousands tuned in remember there are things you are not responsible for you not to come for your your children's lifestyle after they reach the age of 25 so if your kids decide to do some things don't sit around all your life depressing yourself as a parent while they having fun doing their foolishness you've done your part they got a decision to make let them live their decisions some boy decide to divorce you don't sit around all your life depressed what are they heaven and a second spouse you respond for them making a big mistake like leaving you get on with your life you are not responsible if your spouse died there should be no guilt I could have done more even Anu enough listen you're not responding for what happens in life sometime so learn to settle something so you can live and and have peace and number seven there are things in life we cannot exceed sometimes you spend all the money you could to get somebody medically well and it still didn't work you can't exceed that you try your best and then when you hit that ex that point where you can't exceed trust God after that one of the greatest statements ever heard in my life that helps me even today was in 1975 and I think pastor Richard was with me when we were on the campus of Oral Roberts University we sat in chapel one day and I heard dr. art roberts say this my spiritual father said and he was talking to everyone to students he said the way you want to live in life is expect the best and prepare for the worst and then he said do all that you can and leave the rest to God it sounded so simple but it'll kept me all these years so make sure we do what we can and then when we hit that point where we can't do anymore we have to look to God so I always tell people with the old people say in the Bahamas let God be God everybody say with me let God this time say like it really mean it loud let God be God some of us try to be God I've met so many people who think they are the Holy Spirit they want to explain everything they got a word all the time they got a prophecy all the time they got an anointing that they know they saw some a dream they had a nightmare they want to be the Holy Ghost they want to convict people to come to Christ you are not God so leave what is God's to God matter of fact let me put it this way write this down there are things only God can do so behave yourself secondly there are things only God knows so shut up yourself stop walking around telling me well you know mark shut up you know nothing but MA matter of fact you better mind your own business get your life straight because mark is being honored as a hero what if we can remember you get on with your life and don't try to be good why your host burning down boy you know I haven't dream last night I saw 666 stop lying let God be God there's some throwing things on the guard knows it's okay to tell people I don't know say it I don't know I want you to say that all week cause some folks can come to you looking for some answer and you can be trying to hold it you be try to be the holy ghost do you know many things happen in my life as a pastor and I don't know nothing about it and I go home and eat cornflakes enjoy myself because I'm gonna carry nothing that he don't put on me number three write this down there are things only God understands so please don't try to have a deeper understanding know what you know and thank God for what you know and number four there are things only God can explain so let him explain I need you to tell you if he wants to and if he doesn't it's okay leave it up to him these are important statements why'd you lose your job I don't know but a mosque I need a prophecy who I can marry I don't know and if I knew I probably advised him differently your little endeavor everybody say know your limit say it loud one more time tell somebody else know your limit that's right you are not God so have a good time on earth and let God be God can I get an amen take the pressure off and give God a praise right now he he is God he knows everything and that is why we need to learn to face life now the key to life is knowing a couple of things I'm gonna give them to you one you must know what your limitations are number two you must know what you are not responsible for number three you must know what is your responsibility some things you're supposed to do and number four you must accept that you know what you can and cannot do except that you don't know what you can cannot do and it gives you peace all of us will die one day so every day I write my obituary matter of fact I tellin you all but you all can say with me every day I hope you doing the same thing I encourage people some time to get involved in the church I incur purity note to get involved in the ministry sometimes we announce the me who had announcement this morning you know we need someone to cook for Commonwealth Day and some people could cook and they sit right there do nothing and when their funeral comes I don't know what to say I don't say well he always came to church that's it and he sat in that chair that's it they came here for 20 years I never got into sadness never served the body never did things for people they just appeared you are never remembered for what you did not do maybe this moment is a good moment for you to decide let me add a paragraph to my obituary let me get involved in every area I can in the ministry you could sing and you ain't singing your obituary is being depleted if you could cook and you ain't cooking there's a paragraph missing in your bitter area if you can work in the children's church or help the teenagers or work with the youth then there's a gap in your obituary where you could have been said oh yes she worked with the youth that you loved her but if you don't do that we can't say that ladies and gentlemen some things you cannot do but there are some things you could do do it let's talk about our limits a little bit again when trouble cones we try to sort things out ourselves first of all I want to talk about the kind of faith we have kingdom faith submits its limitations to the unlimited God when your faith is tested you must submit it to God Psalm 131 verse one says Lord my heart is not haughty that means proud nor mine eyes lofty neither do I exercise myself in great matters or in things that are too high for me no wonder why David was a successful man he knew his limitations this verse is a powerful verse I live on it since I was a teenager let me read it again David says my heart is not haughty the word heart that means mine in other ways I don't walk around with my intellectual prowess trying to impress people that I know everything and I can solve every problem and I can explain everything he said I'm not haughty in my mind secondly my eyes not lofty I don't look down at people who don't know what's going on as if I know everything that's going on I understand everything I don't even look down on people who seem to be ignorant of things that are happening as if I know everything and then he says I have not exercised myself in matters that are too high for me people ask you why you think that happened I don't know but we are tempted to want to be so impressive that we invent answers a lady came to me what is this funny last month can be just as pastor miles I had a dream about you I said okay you know me I don't want to buy a dream with me but anyhow I said oh I see she says I had a dream so you know there was this there was this our boat and it was coming down you know the harbor and then I saw thee to see girls you know and and they were flying over the boat and then I saw a big fish and the fish you know was falling the sea girls and she was complicated story she said what you think that mean I say I don't know there are some things that are too high for me ladies and gentlemen what is God's solution to all of these stress as we go through in life let me give them to you number one every problem is temporary say it every problem is temporary no matter what you going through is temporary including the grief and by the way if you're going through people acting strange around you all of a sudden just remember they are temporarily insane don't throw them away just wait till they come back around number two never apply a permanent solution to a temporary problem people go through spells life goes through spells so when your husband said I gotta tell the neighbor Charlie got a spell going on now I can be right here when you come back these kids doing foolishness you know running off with bad friends and going to product don't worry for them you don't get them covered the Bible says if you train them in the way they should go even if they act stupid for five years they will return the boy I saw your son Oded in the nightclub yeah money having a spell you'll be back so go to bed don't save on that go to bed make a big cup of chocolate and go to bed do not apply a permanent solution to a temporary problem whatever the danger is dangerous sometimes we make a decision because of pressure not because of purpose and we make sometimes a permanent decision because of the pressure and then later on we realize we want to reverse that decision and it might be too late make a note of this one the most dangerous thing in life to lose is not your money nor your friends nor your house nor your car the most dangerous thing to lose in life is your faith you know I was with the family of dr. Marc Bethel last night we arrived home last night 8 o'clock we landed went home dropped my bag my wife and I went directly up there with my daughter and we spent until 12:00 midnight and other plastic car was others were there Laverne others were there and I was having everybody share a little bit you know from the family and I asked Mark's brother to share and he said something interesting he said when I got the call that my brother Mark had died he said I almost lost my faith house what he said and I began to question God now when he said almost lost my faith my whole body cringed spiritually because you don't want to lose that let me explain why when faith is lost life has nothing left when you lose your faith you lost everything Matthew chapter 27 statement made by our King verse 5 so Judas threw the money into the temple and left then he went away and did what hung himself when you lose faith there's no other reason for living Peter and Judas had the same problem they both deny Jesus one got paid for it both of them could have been saved but Judas applied a permanent solution to a temporary problem you can always be forgiven say it see all of us could always be forgiven but if you think you can't be forgiven you apply a permanent solution he lost faith he self-destruct all of you watching this ministry and sitting here God sent me here with this message to tell you this nothing is as permanent as change and so be aware that change is constant can I say something to you very quickly and honestly and deeply I don't trust nobody I know sound bad I know I sound bad we do what I mean by that yes what I mean by that I don't trust mr. Harris to the point where if I don't see him I can't make it I don't trust him that deep because everybody is temporary are you with me your husband is temporary your wife is not permanent a change will come our problem is we live us if this ain't never gonna change so what I normally do is I imagine life without you come on I get this Revelation is important now I love you you know and I glad you here but I gotta imagine life without you just in case come on somebody that's wisdom [Applause] so I've already attended my wife's funeral long time ago more than once you laughing I'm serious cuz I have no idea what a month is what a day is I'm I enjoy every minute of it that she's with me but I have to calculate and anticipate the possibility that she might be recalled so I have to imagine life during that period I already went through the emotional experiences of how I would feel if she was in a casket and I was sitting there and Richard was preaching I already went to the feeling and when I went to the whole experience already so if it happens it doesn't impact me you know what our problem is we expect nothing to change and the only thing that we are guaranteed is change you know there me there'll be many worship leaders in VFL some of them in the insurance Church one of them in the nursery and I anticipate in them but the the important thing is to make sure when is your time you deliver change is inevitable changes what life is about do you remember when you used to weigh 120 no no stopping them stop stop stop to remember it sorry don't remember that anymore take the pressure off I looked at a photograph of me the other day with a fro oh shut up and I said to myself self that is not you I'm self said that is you change ladies and gentlemen change is beautiful let me tell you some but change all changes of crisis how many of you ever sat I went to the clothing store and you went to the size of the rack that you know is your size rosette I'm ok and you walk to that Brock and you won't stay to that rack and the rack is saying it's over move to the next section and you are binding that Iraq with you can i press you the name of Jesus you will you will in the neck it's killing you that's why I love this song you know I know chippie remember this song right I was born by a river in a little tent oh by a river I was born ever since it's been a come on Masha sing with me a long time coming but I know ooh Godhead gone for yourself seagrasses never die so they never change gotta come so get ready for it crisis as a result of change and some crisis is self-produced others are caused by things that you did not cause and so you didn't do some things but they happen to you and the greatest result of crisis has changed so the key to life is this mastering the change of crisis managing it properly i sat with dr. mark bevels wife last night and I went through step by step I said you and the girls got to manage this you can't run from it and you can't let it run you so you got a managed life you managed the crisis of change so that you benefit from it and it doesn't destroy you you have to expect change disappointment is only possible where expectation is present can you write that down please disappointment is only possible where expectation was present so if you want to minimize your disappointments in life you must minimize what your expectations so what I do in my life is I try to keep my expectations very low so that my disappointments remain very low that's why I tend my wife you know why I have to deal with the expectation do you know why you haven't bought your grave plot let me say it again they scare the spirit ok let me ask you a question again now it is cheaper to buy your grave plot now why haven't you bought it I know just why you from being down like me and being down we say if you buy it you can die but that's not true we have what we call this fear of expecting something to happen because I prepared for it when in fact if you prepared for it the disappointment level will be low when it happens real estate always cost less now change is going to come now there is a comment I want to make about crisis real quick because that's what death is to most people if not all of us it's a crisis and that's what we feel when we feel the impact of someone be expected to be there all the time to suddenly go that's a change there's no greater impact on human existence than change because a crisis is something you can't control it affects you and you cannot stop it so I call it unexpected change I have attended many of your funerals already and I do that protect myself so I could stand up with strength and comfort your family I can be here and be a strength as a leader I have to rehearse the future so they can deal with the present when the future becomes the present and you may do that with your life and with your children and and with your family with your spouse you must go through that now just in case so that when it happened you say Lord I'm ready you know some of you think I'm crazy but let me quote Jesus jesus said to his disciples he said listen to me he said they're gonna crucify me they're gonna bury me I rise the third day then he says and you will be persecuted and they will take you before the courts and they will whip you and they will imprison you and they will stone you and they will persecute you he says he says but do not be afraid for I have already overcome the system the world the Bible says the disciples became very sad why he rehearsed their future all they saw was what jail and prison and whipping and made imagine prophesy thou shalt our problems thou shall be put in jail thou shall be whipped thou shall be persecuted that's not a nice prophecy but read the next statement the Bible says and because they were downcast in their hearts they were depressed he said unto them be of good cheer I told you these things so that when they happen you will not be offended in me we don't read Jesus properly he said expect the worst so when it happened you won't be offended can you say I expected this now nothing can frustrate the enemy if the enemy put you in jail and you tell enemy I expected this you took away the power of the prison if you use the death of a person to be depressed as a church for 10 weeks you've brought a disgrace to God I told you your months a numbered I told you your days are numbered I told you you are like the wind like the flower the pears and going tomorrow I told you that not what happened why you bent out of shape for six weeks because you didn't expect it you didn't believe me he said I told you these things so that you would not be offended when they happen I bent in my own funeral and by the way I already saw who was there you better be there and I made a deal with myself if anybody come to my funeral without wearing a bright color I'm gonna get up out of the casket walk to you slap your face go back in the gasket lay down and die again I'll hide you for three weeks I won't tell us yellow tie pink socks I want blue shoes red skirt y'all don't coming up black I got high I'm telling you imma get up say you take that off why but this is a good experience we're going back to our government we being recalled for our reward the government is saying you've done a good job we don't mourn as those who have no hope you know when the folks was at the funeral that Jesus went to and they start crying you know what he did he put them out the Bible says so you all don't want me to get up and put your out I was telling dr. mark bevels family last night I said everybody need a vehicle at my mark was a flashy brother hello brothers I want all the men to ran fine you red tie blue tie yellow I want you to come looking as if this is a homegoing of a dignitary why cause if you have the victory dress like it oh no help me if Debbie ain't got no sting why dad can make you look gloomy the waste thing to do to a jailer is to tell the jailer I expected to be locked up you took away the sting the man told Jesus I'm gonna kill you Christ says for that cause were they born I mean you took a bit on the fella power right away what you expect to die he says you can't expect for someone to be a worship leader for 20,000 yes don't expect me to be your pastor forever we race that's quick busting my ass Wow let me say it I trust God yes hey hey boys a change say it loud Ecclesiastes chapter three of one first one read everybody go to everything there's what a season and to every purpose under heaven there's a time there is a season people come in seasons positions come in seasons even marriages have seasons there's a winter season when nothing waken you crazy he crazy I mean I'm working then there's spring all of a sudden stop talking to each other again then there's some who you got boy you got to keep your hand from each other they've been assets in don't touch me people are crazy to get a good seasons some time you broke some time to get plenty sometimes even get enough sometimes just get barely enough this seasons you don't quit life because there's a season to everything how many things there's a season there's a season when you can't find a job but you don't panic you go to your house cook rice and sell it to someone why do you and your job you don't sit around sitting over on a job do something bake cookies and sell them cuz everything is seasonal the seasons you have to outlast them that's why you make it your life you out last season's you don't quit in the middle of a season you know people would do dumb things like you know well it's winter now so I'll throw away my summer clothes you don't do that you keep your summer clothes why you have faith that summer is coming again can I say to you that we will be rejoicing again very soon we've been a endure and I like God your God say only for the night no no no no week we get this idea you know gotta we gotta mourn for a year what God says in the morning it over I mean the fella divorced you 20 years ago I know I saw him with a third wife already forget you'd mess up the tree are the times you still pray it good riddance exactly get over the brother he's a fool you don't know what he lost it's a seasons changes come and when the Lord makes a ship it's only for a season he's shifting things because he wants different moods and different environments so he shifts things there's a time to be born it says in verse two and there's a time to die we don't read that part the first line every purpose at the time yeah but at the time here to be born and die to the point is between born and die you better do your work on every tombstone there's two dates dates you is born the date you died the problem is they put a little dash in the middle that little dash is your life how big your dash is what your - gonna look like I've finished my course I kept the faith change is coming I'm ready to be offered he says fossil porn I'm ready to be offered way today he's I'm ready to be offered I'm ready to get out of here why I have finished my cause the study which is Mars cause was to take us into worship in the presence of God he's got a greater life he took many people in the presence of God he didn't just change the world he himself changed now ladies and gentlemen I want to remember this when you talk about change a verse that you probably read before Philippians 3 verse 12 and 13 says brothers I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it but this one thing I do forgetting what is what behind I stretch and strain toward what is ahead I press on toward the higher goal to win the prize which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus forgetting is necessary for moving you don't sit around saying well the way it used to be and we go miss this person and the way they used to do it forgetting what's behind you press forgetting what's behind you press your boyfriend your girlfriend left you before another fella your boyfriend so what you can do forget them and what you know cry for a couple of days now that's fine grab a couple days after that forget them he wasn't born with them say Amen somebody somebody needed that I know what that was but someone needed ed you know I had a couple of girls in high school who like me right here now so I thought I didn't marry them Hey praise the Lord the Lord delivered me I taught my heart was broke I was getting deliverance look at the next verse this verse is normally don't talked about Paul says forget everything behind right and the next place it says only the mature things like this immature people walk around with things for 10 years where to worship 10 years ago was good you know music oh shut up you are immature you are married to the Past forget the past mature people are able to say it was good I enjoyed it it was wonderful let's move on you got fired no problem tell him thank you very much it was good being with you all I guess I'm not about to move up your lehigh enough come on scream somebody might have handy hey I got a moving it higher you too low now God got a plan for me that you hold me down that was a floater now becomes an anchor I got to cut loose of you I got a move on up but we are so tied to preeminence we can't enjoy change some of you have not been promoted cause you don't want to be because the route that God has planned for you to promote yourself I'll be promoted you don't like the plan for example Joseph saw himself as a ruler sit on the throne and here he is in the back of calabash be planting corn but he had this dream now sometimes God doesn't tell you how he can get you to the next level but a change gotta come oh yes he will I'm ready to change start you fight to change cars okay now Joe Joe let me tell you now now hey here's how you gonna get to the throne okay Joe first of all your brothers and beat you up then they can tell if you're close then they can put you in one pit then they can sell you into slavery then you can go on caravan for five days to the desert then they can lock you up in jail then the woman can lie on you Joe's they tell you what let me just stick it in calabash be if you're going through a tough time right now it's because your change has arrived for the next level somebody use your faith and give God praise right now whatever you going through God has a plan for you that means this ministry is supposed to go to the next level if God recalls an ambassador oh come on somebody I'm gonna go home in a minute but I feel that knowing the God's saying get ready to move on tell your neighbor let's move forward faith doesn't quit what's sure don't panic they plan let me show you something maturity is measured by how you respond to change you know I was trying to marry you but I changed my mind I coming for my ring Wow what you gonna do now I'm eating for three years or all I can do is eat for three years as I matured you are how do you respond to change its maturity my answer would be yeah the chief bring any he'll come get it your coffee need a bit of help right here I can leave it on the doorstep you're gonna come inside thank God for faith your level of maturity is exposed by change as a church as a family as a community our maturity as a church is exposed by how we handle tests how do you handle sudden change exposes who you really are I put it this way and there's an interesting thing let me just wrap up my description I want to show you the scripture before we pray it says the maturity of life this is Bausman rose antidote to detroit maturity of life you want to put by this CD is a very important statement number one the key to effective living is the capacity and ability to manage and X the unexpected and the on the also the expected that's the key to life number two success is measured by your ability to maintain personal balance in times of turmoil placing those balance keep your balance number three maturity and life is measured by your capacity to respond effectively to tragedy and chaos that's how you measure your maturity in life it's it's not who you are in good times that test your maturity it's what happens when things don't work out or when something happens suddenly you didn't expect and so the the faith that we have in the kingdom of God is a faith that can handle the unexpected with balance we don't panic we don't quit we don't give up we don't surrender to the situation we manage it and manage yourself right out of it by the grace of God and this is the heart of the kingdom faith in other words the greatest challenge in life is to our faith tragedy and crisis shakes the foundation of your belief system and that is why doubt sets in now let me just say something about faith and doubt you do not believe something and tell you doubt it first this is this is a theology 105 it's a little heavier okay me say it again you cannot believe something I tell you doubt at first what did I say this is why your son and daughter have to test the faith you gave them because that's your faith so when they have to do their little you know break away and make their own decisions and act like there's everything you know and they get their own life that's important you did that too remember write this down nothing is yours until you understand it I can give you my information but it's still in yours it's still mine I just gave it to you you don't own it yet it becomes yours when you gotta test it to see if it works for you so your faith is proven by doubt faith means belief in other words the devil comes against you with tests to attack your belief he comes to test whether you believe what you've been saying all along and he hits you usually so hard that you doubt it for a minute and then you say like Peter I really don't want to follow you you know Jesus but we have discovered that you got the words of life in other words we already thought you were crazy but we can find our body else like you so we can go with you that's when the faith becomes yours I don't believe in God because my father believes in God I discovered God for myself my faith had to be tested ladies and gentlemen therefore the greatest threat to your faith is unexplained tragedy it's when you can't explain what's happening and you still got to believe when you become like job even though he slay me yet will I trust him that's faith real faith is and there's nothing left to believe on except what he said now that's faith there's no evidence around except what he said in other words the fright in tragedy is for your faith when death occurs when you lose a job and your company falls apart when the bank repossesses your house when you got to go back and rent one that stuff God is saying I'm watching you I you know I let you go are you checking something because when this thing turns around he's gonna be like job seven times wealthier you know let me tell you something what's this all about joke job is interesting I like job job become one of my best friends now because you see Joe helped me understand life God told the devil by the way the devil acts God to test you because the devil believe their job you know was not a member of be of em as a joke okay the devil came to God you need to book a job the first chapter says and the devil came to God and said to to God job only follows you because of what you gave him this is heavy and most of y'all probably have that same problem you here to get blessed this morning how about coming here to get tests this morning he says you only have job loving you because you get him blessed with all them farms and sheep and goats and his daughters his wife is happy and he says Lord I guarantee devil says I guarantee if if you allow me to touch the things and remove them he encase you to your face and God answered I know my servant Joe I wonder if God could say that about you right now in the midst of death and tragedy and losing stuff can God say I know my servant Cheryl I know my boy junior what if you can say that oh he ain't sure and then God said to Satan go take everything he has except you can't take his life nowadays and gentlemen you know I don't mind losing the house in the car but not everything does it take everything by the way whatever you have God gave it to you the devil don't give nothing and whatever the devil took from you God allowed him and whatever God gave you he can give you seven times more afterwards he got all the stuff what he gave you what do you give you yet so I got a feeling that when you survive this test you're gonna make everybody laugh that you ashamed anybody want to scream for a second there are people who talking about you right now but no right for them just tell yourself I going through this test I coming through this test I'm gonna make it to this test I'm gonna make it why because God made a promise when you come to this I'll bless you seven times more than you had anybody ready for seven times like hallelujah I say seven times life a seven times life a seven times life God says job will not break the devil killed all of his daughters killed all of his schedule he lost his farm repossessed don't keep dead no car in them days that's a karate donkey he lost the donkey's he had to walk catch it knee this wealthy man catching jitney everybody laughing and then job friends kicked in poor you still following their God and most of the book is about the three friends you know Nolan and all them had all kind of prophecy they said it was the Lord doing this because you are evil the Lord it because you ain't livin right God is laughing guys uh I doing this because I try and embarrass all your I want to show you all the yawning at no fake job got faith and the right proof aided by tests then when they finish justifying all of his problems the book ends like this and job said to his friends you are ignorant you do not know the Lord and David job said his voice and never forget his words he says do you think I saw if God for something that's enjoy Joseph's job says I served the Lord for nothing now that's faith if God heals my mother I believe in God then you can't go with me cuz I might need your mother today you can't serve the Lord for nothing and then job says because even though he slay me yet but I trust him I say to my free port family whatever you going through God is watching everything God knew what's gonna happen this week honey watch this he ain't gonna be marking up he checking y'all out let me see how you're gonna handle this let me see if your faith is built on a worship leader that ain't there he has aversive moment and when job had passed the test the Lord turned the captivity of choke and gave him seven times more than he had before readers versus me please out loud first Timothy six eleven read but you man of God free from all of this and pursue righteousness godliness faith love endurance and gentleness by the way each one that words describe dr. mark Bethel as a man when I read this every word reminded me of him he was gentle he had an endurance one day mark was in the office working and Mark fell over on top of the computer procedure they got him back up he said I'm okay I got to finish what I started endurance he said take me to church I won't sit in the back like I be in church some of you only got nothing wrong with you don't go come to church endurance and this means LeBron James two minutes left in the game the spasm hit him leg went like that fell on the ground crying they said but you can't quit now a brother you are BFF member hey Miami LeBron did something we need to learn they took him on the side they rubbed him down real quick with something and he was screaming in pain and it's did this he pushed the coaches on the side he's like oh my god let me get back why the game is over yet they never gave me over yet sometimes nothing working there's pain in your life it hurting you you want to quit you say / wait a minute they depended on oh come on somebody there are people depending on you endurance some of your sorta game he came in there limping and he said passing tell your neighbor passing write this down I got a new revelation from that night I wrote it down you know watching the game the Lord says play for the pain say play through the pain life ain't easy you have no idea what I go through they be up here no idea what we meant to do next up is this work it looks so easy we play through the pain it is the shot you shoot through the pain that wins the game and you know only the Miami fans are clapping someone say it again for the church again revelation it's the shot you shoot through the pain that's the one that won the game job says even though sleep God's a loose game point God's watching us this week he's watching you next month he's watching you in November play true the pain you know the guy the only guy that had the pain is the one who got the MVP I pray to the pain read the verse again but you O man of God flee from all of this and pursue pursue righteousness and godliness and faith and love and endurance and gentleness next verse fight not the devil don't fight the devil he says fight the good fight of the faith you don't fight the devil the devil is not your problem it's your faith he's after he wants you to stop believing and then he won as long as you still believe he hasn't won as long as you could say I am still here he hasn't won now you could say throw me the ball one more time devil thought the game was over you know I believe that the opposing team was so happy for that pain they would say themselves we got him now and I said Deb that's devil devil say oh we got you now yes sir you know one of them gone got him now the devil said I don't know we're in this game but guess what we gonna shoot through the pain we can tell going throw us one more if throws just throws one more let me shoot this thing the most valuable player in this church is the one sitting in your chair right now you are gonna shoot through the pain thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at
Channel: Munroe Global
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Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Id: QQFk9jErb9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 49sec (3949 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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