How to Be a Perfect Lady (Live)

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[Music] thank you for joining us for another power-packed message from dr. Myles Munroe provided by Monroe global incorporated and Monroe we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message today about God's woman what it means to be a perfect lady the rare wife what I'm going to talk about is rare breeds the perfect lady the kind of people that are hard to find and I trust you one of them ladies men some are you were going to nod your head and say [Music] others are going to say good lord but all of us are going to grow alright we're going to learn proverbs chapter 31 one thing I like about the Bible is the Bible does not pull punches and the bible does not apologizing does not apologize for being what it is the truth and so I want you to right now chip away all your old traditional learnings I want you to root up all of the old wives tales and burn them I want you to collect all of your historical unprofitable denominational garbage and I want you to stuff it in a bag and put it right next to the chair where you're sitting because we're going to throw it all away in a minute and I want you to just lay yourself bare to this word I want everybody to get a Bible if you don't have one sit by someone or as one I want you to get a pen and some note paper and I want you to go through with me what God says is his woman a godly woman you are not married you are a know in the right place at the right time you are going to see what you are supposed to be those of you who are married I hope you are not in shock when I'm true but I want you to look at the word I am going to walk on some toes don't put your shoes on leave them off I'm going to rebuke some people with the word the Bible says the Word of God is good for rebuke I'm going to correct some of the misconceptions that have been floating around God's church we are going to dispel a lot of bad teaching and replace it with the word of God the 31st chapter of Proverbs beginning at verse 10 introduces us to the rare lady it says a capable as the word virtuous means a virtuous woman is hard to find he who can find her he's blessed she is far more precious than rubies of pearls jewels the virtuous woman is like rubies the word virtuous wipe this down means intelligent capable and good-hearted intelligent capable and good-hearted now first you gotta get out yourself on my intelligent God don't have no stupid fool intelligent women man I mean the proverb start off laying the groundwork we talking about intelligent women now intelligent women don't roll in the street hello now somebody who have a lack of intelligence do that intelligent people don't wear their feelings on their sleeves they not easily hurt intelligent people do not carry news you leave that for foolish people intelligent people don't dress silly looking at me over there no floral check your clothes I mean intelligent people carry themselves in an intelligent way and the Bible says they're not common in the virtuous woman the word virtuous also means capable now let's rest a minute capable means she is not a hand ringer who sits down and says I can't do anything a capable woman capable means the ability to cope that's where you get the word capable wrong she can cope with anything by herself she doesn't mind if the brother opens the door for her but she can do it by herself if she needs to I will listen him [Music] see what some women call being well-mannered should be interpreted as lazy you understand they need to move a bucket from point A to point B and the waiter he comes home to move it now you're not virtuous you're lazy you are not capable but a virtuous woman is capable she can handle things if he doesn't paint the house paint it yourself man I love to see a woman get under that car hood and take them spark plugs up we got some lazy women and they call it good manners capable virtuous a woman who is intelligent this is a woman who doesn't sit back and just look at soap operas I know every name in Days of Our Lives hello she is a an intelligent woman she reads intelligent books knock mills and bones all the stories are the same all they do is change the name that's a dummy woman who goes through those things every week an intelligent woman wants to know about the world affairs she wants to know what God's doing in the history of life she's an intelligent woman she doesn't buy the Enquirer to get gossip material she's too intelligent man for that stuff she reads the Bible she gets the word virtuous women are intelligent capable gals hallelujah for godly women when they walk into a room everybody goes quiet because they look dashing know intelligently dressed and groomed when they speak they're not brawling and loud hello they don't throw their bodies in different directions they are intelligent capable women the way when they open their mouths wisdom leaks out and it infects the hearers a virtuous woman by the way she Israel don't forget that I love what the scripture says about this woman it says this woman the question is who can find her read it that's what it says in verse 10 who is he that can find her in other words a woman like that but a span you got to look for them the words find glory the word find means you got to seek listen to me brothers [Music] I get you know flow room that's pretty low do you understand me you don't just sit back on the blocks and they show up hello you don't find them hanging on the streets two o'clock in the morning they don't come on strong and try and sell themselves hello they don't leak first they hard to find you got a dig under all kind of stuff to find them now the ones who are not virtuous they are advertising they easy to find they they won't display sometimes they display too much but they display the Bible says but this woman you better look for this one nor if they don't just show up for that a woman with a good heart an intelligent you usually find them hanging around God if you want to find them they got to go close to God you got to look for them anytime a woman comes on too easy to you brother I'm tight she's probably not a real one nobody cuts a women who don't care about their integrity they just throw themselves at men they look out of mind and they get all carried away and they throw themselves on it a vicious woman is reserved she is intelligent she is not loose [Music] see hard to find very difficult to find her sometime you gotta wait for 28 years to find her but when you find her ruby's this word she is precious than rubies but the Hebrew word Ruby here is a pluralistic word in the Hebrew and it means all sorts of precious jewels she is where as a ruby or a fuel now you don't pick up jewels in the yard you don't walk on the beach and pick up jewels rubies don't show up knocking on your door so here I am matter of fact most of you the last time you saw Ruby there was a glass between you and it we're stuff precious and rare and I look at these beautiful wives directors up on these fine husbands I think of Reggie Wilson a ruby something that is created over a long period of time rubies are usually created under pressure I listen young women rubies don't just show up rubies have been in the making under the Earth's surface for hundreds of years when those gems are chipped from the rock in Africa when those diamonds fall apart in those mountain cliffs by the ice chipping of those diamond workers you are looking at thousands of years of creation working under pressure to produce a diamond a movie what I'm trying to say is good women don't just happen they are results God's been working on them for a long time they don't just slip out of college and they made it good women don't just trust nice good women don't have good face a virtuous woman is a woman who was being chipped into the character of God it takes so long to produce a good woman that God says she's like rubies there's a long time sometimes we see these gals show up real quick low-cut dresses walking real since you're trying to attract a man though so sluice walking around with with no bra someone look me in the face man that is not rare that's common it's rare and you find a woman who the Lord has been working on for so many years I mean she's been through some stuff that she can offer you advice she's been through the Ruby process she's been to the pressures of the times and the earth blessing to marry Oh Ruby yeah so brothers don't don't jump at the ones who wink the common mine hey buddy blinken alright everybody brings but not everybody got character not everybody got bridge here everybody has got good shape and good looks and funny here and nice eyes but what's but the character character is not something you're born with character is something that is created over time anybody can be born with a nice nose they can be born with perfect lips but check what's coming out of it gotta be careful the lips you kiss may bite you far above rubies and pearls far above rubies and pearls hidden you know what I like about pearls pearls are normally created in the most unsuspecting places how would you like to be created in a conch shell with a conch how would you like to spend all your life being molded and created into something pressures as a pearl in an oyster shell and all this gucky stuff around you I think that's beautiful some of you young ladies have been brought up in homes where it wasn't too nice but that doesn't mean God won't create a pearl out of you maybe only feels like a conch shell slimy and everything maybe everything's not nice around it but right in the midst of that God can ship a beautiful pearl out of your life and you can drop out of that Shara all the slime is and you will be a pearl in the sight of God God would create something beautiful out of nothing beauty of God's creation a woman of which here verse 11 talks about her attitude toward a mate this way gets a little rough the heart of her husband safely trust in her confidently and relies on and believes safely in her so that he has no lack of honest gain or no need for spoil now hang on he said this woman this virtuous capable intelligent lady it's not the kind of woman who makes her husband first of all uncomfortable he is trusting safely when she dresses he don't want to be worrying if she's going to show too much he is comfortable when he sees coming too short to meet him with some guests he don't dare wonder if she's going to dress appropriately he's comfortable when she goes out by herself he don't want to worry if she's going to see another man he's trusting in her he finds safety in her words he don't have to worry if she is going to say the right thing when he represents her she represents him she can speak for him glory she can make appointments for him he trusts her he feels safe with this woman are you a virtuous woman can he trust you when he comes home from work do you come staggering to the door that rolls in you here slip us all over the floor smelling like fried fish and he just so happens to bring a guest home can he trust safely in you keep smiling ladies keep it up Kenny Kenny lay back and say I know my wife I know she she'll be alright she it's fine with her or you see you're always on edge wondering what she's gonna say how she's gonna take this how she's gonna respond to this maybe she react I don't know what you do probably I shouldn't do anything is he always so on edge and so insecure that he cannot have peace he's still with anxiety he's afraid to tell you something good because he always respond bad can he trust in you oh it gets good here it says he can trust in her safely and confidently so that he has no need of spoil now this is serious folks this woman does not put pressure on the man write it down he don't have to feel pressured to go on fine spoil the word spoil refers to goods we know there are some women who put so much pressure on their men that the man basically got a steel to buy her what she demand every dress she sees she wants every style that come out she wanna wear every car the Jews has got she wrong she won't move out of this neighborhood she didn't want to be with these folks no more pressure pressure pressure God says this woman read it this woman for him she makes it possible that he has no need to go look for spoil how often have I heard men cry to me she wore jewels again want pearls I can't please this woman you ever heard that before that's a common statement what he's saying is that pressure mine God said that's an ungodly woman I want a dress I just brought you one yeah I wore it once it's old now it's pressure we want a crown you can't afford one I don't care get it pleasure God says you're not a virtuous woman you're not my kind of woman he says here her husband trusts in her and he has no need to look after spoil some men are worried that they're not pleasing their wives because the wives make that pressure come upon them some men they sit for days wondering how they gonna figure out to buy this birthday gift and they go into debt borrow money to please a woman who cannot be pleased pressure I tell you gonna walk on some toes you look quiet this morning spoil he has no need to go run after things well honey better join them you know they got a new car the neighbors yes I know well we got this all rickety Rick and I'm tired driving around but this car tyre always going flat me and this Buffalo making noise I'm gonna get taxi you drive it press you on this guy what does he have to do he basically got a robbed man that's no help a woman should be an asset to a man you read the next verse that's exactly what it says it says she will do him good all the days of his life not one day will she be a humbug she won't be a nag she won't be pressuring him do this do that buy this brighter I want this I want that they doing that let's do it no it says she's doing good she would be a comfort and an encouragement to him all the time every time all day for the rest of his life how many of you women can look me in my eye and say that's what you're doing some days some men afraid to go home good look they know what they're going to meet at the front door I mean they are afraid they go home praying in tongues lord help not to be mad at me I know I'm late an egg she's not a comfort to him this woman a virtuous woman does not put pressure on a man I'm talking to you single ladies you start going out with somebody and all of a sudden watch yourself you start putting pressure pick me up at a certain time he comes late P growl you sit on the side a car hug Dorinda and keep quiet all the way home he asked you anything wrong no did I do something you know if you did right you mean you should have seen you the day before right up under the man's it just the sky you know hold it on the steering wheel and you got him all squashed yeah I know then you stop manipulating the guy putting pressure on him the Bible says a woman of God does not force a man to go and get spoiled by me jewelry take me for dinner Pammy dress get me a car buy me a house let's get some new furniture I hate these curtains take him down I mean the guy can never rest every time he sees you do this I want this I want that no wonder why some men just need just to breathe they leave just to breathe look at me women hang on Christian women around the world and in overflow room watch the pressure careful with the pressure the Bible says a woman of God does not put pressure on the man to get spoiled now so maybe sherry got jewelry and Mary she got a car but you got your man and if they could sleep in their car fine but you got your man amen well you said aloud a man back there glory you understand this woman is not a pressure cooker she cooks the brush typical departs but she's not a pressure cooker a man can can walk in the midst of princesses and he won't feel uncomfortable because it's not you knows it's done is the best with his wife he could and she satisfied she appreciates what he does she buys her he buys her a Volkswagen if she thinks it's a Cadillac and she drives to make a Cadillac cleans it like a Cadillac and she's proud of she brags about the Volkswagen my husband bought me this praise God glory to God thank you Jesus amen she doesn't compare herself at other women she knows she's placed class without them she doesn't pressure her husband I know some of you women are wondering why is he gonna go with this verse 12 has read it it says she will comfort and encourage and do him only good underline the word only then I said that's a big order but a virtuous woman can do only good it's possible all the days of his life that she has life within her she will do him good she will give him pride when they go out together she won't rob him out at the table with guests around she'll do him good she doesn't cut her eyes at him when he spills the cream on the table she you're doing good can you talk about him and brag about him and encourage him make him the king of the house she'll doing good she wouldn't say to him you're him Abad in the front of people she would kiss him and say honey follow me take him in the corridor and fix is here that's like a king man he walks back in this thing she's doing good all the time wow what a woman you gotta be intelligent to do good all the time intelligent not just smart you got some smart ones but they're not intelligent they got academic education but they still stupid she would do him good she doesn't walk around and he's afraid to introduce juice other people hello and I said god bless your wife oh she's not here really not really here she's over there not here she makes him ashamed but a witch's woman doesn't good see justice appropriate to represent him she smells like the fragrance of Lebanon hallelujah and if she doesn't wear pearls around the neck they drop out of her mouth wisdom some of the most beautiful women in the world are the most empty-headed beings in the planet I was watching the Miss Universe contest one time and i sat there and i said to myself these are world wide material they asked everyone Tysons what is your hobby well my hobby yes you see I grew up playing basketball I said lord have mercy on us physically beautiful but ugly in character watch it brothers the rare breeds are hard to find they will always come in Nice packages [Music] rubies are usually found under dirt rock ugly mountains choppy hills covered with forests yuck but that's when you find diamonds sure watch yourself when you find a rose usually there's a thorn nearby we gotta be careful verse 12 says she will comfort him and do good all the time verse 13 says she seeks out the wool and flax and works with willing hands to do good to develop it this verse is saying this woman is intelligent capable not a pressure cooker and she's also not lazy everybody say lazy now some women are wired with laziness smooth they were born with it the Bible says the virtuous woman the woman of God is not a lazy woman she is a woman who seeks out flax and wool she goes out to find work know him she doesn't just sit down as it where he's the breadwinner let him do it mmm she goes and get some ham to put on the bread she is not a lazy woman and it says here she works willingly with her hands she don't work because he's gonna beat her she doesn't work because she's afraid of him she doesn't work because of threats and pressure she works because she decides to work this is my house this is my job this is my responsibility I wear do it some women cook because they don't want a grizzly bear show up in the afternoon it's not a reason to cook she cook because you love the bear says she works believe me with our own hands verse 14 tells us even more about her attitude toward wood it says she is like the merchant ships loaded with foodstuff she brings her goods from a far country some women they feel like they are so delicate that they Gordon the reindeer melt they spent three hours fixing their face and can't kill a fly but a woman of God is like a merchant ship let me tell you something about a merchant ship a merchant ship got scars all over the hull it has been through storms and icebergs it has been hit with rocks and planks in the ocean it has been through storms and weather that you couldn't imagine but it still brings the goods home and when you see those ships clear up near the docks there but those tropical laid it down big old containers with our food they've been through some stuff to get it here they don't care what it takes to get it they get it something else about merchant ships it says she is like a merchant ship she will go to a far country to get goods for her family the government of this country knows its responsibility to deliver for the citizens of this country the things we need to live a reasonably high standard life and so those ships will go to China Germany spend months on the ocean to bring back something that you want to eat in your pot in your kitchen they will spend all the money for for Freight they will get that stuff here because they want to feed the people in the country we import over 90% of everything we consume those merchant ships worked so hard and listen they are on schedule every time because they miss your stuff and if there's hail or snow if there is tidal wave or storm they still gotta come in because you still get to eat now women is that the way you are it raining I can't go up they just gotta eat whatever we got you haven't been through half of the stuff in life and you're always settling down doing nothing do you really love your family so much that you would treat it like a government treated citizens we will go to the ends of the earth to get the products that we need for our people is that the way you are a wife is that what you do do you go out of all of your way to make sure your family is taken care of how long some women don't want any scars little bruised here and they think they're dead then we cut here and Oh Lord here comes the glory listen a woman of God there's a woman who's tough man she's tough alright she tough we sit here listen to dr. Pickett and we praise the Lord while she teach us ask her a life story she's a witch she's an old merchant ship [Music] she has some scars on her she has a metal kneecap she walks around on faith alone being married and husband died was out a man for seven years kicked out of a church called a fanatic they called her a demon-possessed woman you let her tell you a story you cry and yet this woman we sit there and we laugh at the pearls that drop from her lips you're talking about a merchant ship where she speaks you talking about authority talking she can bring the goods home and deliver some of you young lady said then go I want to be like her really then get your rudder in order tighten up all of your masks get everything straight cuz if you don't be like her you got to go through some storms like a Richard ship to bring the goods home this is a serious woman verse 15 says she Rises while it is still night now wait a minute not only is she not lazy she's not a sleeper I'm on TV that in a minute just hold his shoes and she goes up before day rises while as yesternight to get food for our household and she assigns her maids their tasks now this woman first of all she is a leader whether down please a woman of God is a leader she has a leader spirit she doesn't lead the man she leads her responsibilities she's a leader she has people who are looking up to her how means people who work under her authority and it says she gets up early before the Sun comes up it still looks like night when she gets up she is a planner she gets up on plans the work for the servants this woman is an administrator a woman of God doesn't just says well however the old mop flops however the cookie crumbles that's the way it is she doesn't do that she doesn't say like sera que sera sera what will be will be she's not that kind of woman she's a camel who says what will be I can make it be you listening she decides and plans what she wants to see happen she's an administrator she's intelligent to see people don't walk in the house and work when they feel like hello I and how they feel like this woman is a woman of God man she got hair on her body she's intelligent and when she kept you're working for she puts them to task and she tells him what to do and they don't do it right should make him do it again she assigns to her maids their tasks and she wakes up while it is yet night now some women don't wake up until midday that's why they don't get their rulers out there's some hard-working women in this world some do get a 5 o'clock and 4 o'clock in the morning to work but there are others they won't get it nothing in the world husband always got to lean over and kiss him as a goodbye and all they say that's not a woman of God lazy people are not people who keep company with God God is a is a is a guy he's industrious he likes people who are workers who are excited about getting things accomplished you want to build the perfect lady don't sleep late some husband get up all the drink is a cup of tea drink it down got breakfast know why my wife didn't get up why just leave sell about eleven thirty young women set your alarm clock from now on get yourself in the habit of facing the day early when everybody else is sleeping she is up planning the task for the day she's a an industrious intelligent worker Mecca verse 16 it says she considers a new field before she buys it or accepts it it's good teaching MA this woman is into real estate her now notice she is the one who considers the field before she buys it she was like honey what you think sweetheart but not me she could handle it every let think I've got to run to your husband gotta run to your boyfriend God says a woman of God is intelligent she is able to to analyse and to decide on the judge if something is good some men get tired of hearing this what you think honey what you think honey what is your opinion darling what you think honey sometimes they just want to say woman what you think don't you think I mean you don't have a brain don't you use your head good Lord God gave you one with everything it's disturbing the mind all day at his job the faucet leaking honey what to do turn it off Oh Oh then you're calling back it went off you know I know woman you know everything stopped raining the Lee company will call him up their roof leak get what you want a man to do climb up on the roof and fix it put a pill and catch it telecoms every little thing called a man up in a business meeting pull him out the business meeting yes honey the Darrell got ran over every little thing you loose your mind god bless you with a good brain woman you an intelligent lady so women are sitting around weed until they get married before they buy some property hello man you were working and you saving your money invest don't let nobody tell no man tells you what to do you got an intelligent first class brain on your shoulders and you use it where's God let him eat let him eat you with some land already be a blessing to him then I said to the Union of Merit I love these young women who are involved in business oh that just gets me excited praise God because this is God's woman this woman is getting into real estate man it says here she considers the field she checks it out she doesn't just buy any little thing anybody comes knocking selling taught us another thing women got weakness in somebody come Avon thing down then they run to the husband I want some perfume for husband already buyer semester later last week you won't buy everything you see consider something consider it look at it it is reasonable to buy now a common system we want to be a virtuous woman this is your time Bible said this woman is a smart intelligent what she's able to make decisions to some women you know did that man or beat him up misuse and abuse them they let men talk bargain them and Curson throw balls and pots at them that's a dumb woman an intelligent woman first of all she ducks some just stand there to beat them man what are you going to live in that kind of situation I'm not telling you get a divorce but don't put your big body in jeopardy leave coupledom mama and tell this creature settles down to be a human its dome to sit there let somebody beat you and then call it suffering for Jesus you are suffering for Jesus you're suffering for yourself [Music] it says she considers a field before she buys it and look at the next line and not courting neglect of her present duties by assuming others with her savings of time and strength she plans a fruitful vineyard not only does she buy the field folks she farms it this woman is heavy man I like her glory she buy and she operate a business now that song here women you wait till he come with the whole you don't want get your fingernails dirty you then got a more manicured now you don't want get your hands in soil but this woman is a serious woman intelligent woman this is my field and if I don't plan in this field I won't get no crop let me plaid in my own field I bought it why kind of planet you know any man run into a woman like that it'll be a fool to let her go after all he's not just getting how many get in the field double blessing some women are a deficit two men write it down please pure deficits they don't bring nothing to the Union nothing except noggin and rally they capitalize on those things that's the major in school how do you win an argument but they bring nothing this woman is an asset to her husband she is a blessing to him she does even good hi I've heard men say to me better miles she's a burden so what do you mean she just sucks up everything I did liver just spins everything eats everything just eats sleeps all day honey takes all my money it's a deficit ma'am in a mine and a man wants a Reuben he got a look difficult to find him this kind of woman the Bible says she don't show up every week she doesn't she doesn't come advertising this is a rare woman some of your girls said not to say that's me child hang on me not y'all watch it check yourself first see if you are an i Gor pressure cooker I do have the attitude that you won't wear every shoe everybody else wear then you are a problem you want to change the dress every week look out because a man got to live with that whoa see we need to understand that a woman of God is a vesting to our husband she doesn't put him under pressure she's a good woman doesn't good all the days of his life he never I've already rush years all she do it right you know I think of my brother Stanley here you know his life is one of our diet sometimes we'd be in meetings two o'clock in the morning 1 o'clock in the morning trav o'clock at night man he goes so I thought I'm telling you why because he trusts safely in his life he knows that she will do him good all the days of his life that our hands are working things that are profitable and skillful she's an asset he's secure what a way to sleep brothers what a way to see what well my time is long I might take this right here next week but I want you right where you are dodge your self a question are you the perfect lady don't answer it just think about it no matter how you dress no matter what kind of perfume you use the amount of expensive your jewelry is are you the perfect lady that's what God's after a virtuous woman I want you to pray right now let's bow our heads together those in the old for room I want you to to bow your heads if you are a lady no matter how old you are I want you to think about what was said and you man pray for these pressures women God has given us all an example to live by we talked about the men what they're supposed to be and do know the women have their part to thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at
Channel: Myles Munroe - Topic
Views: 144,841
Rating: 4.842556 out of 5
Keywords: Dr., Myles, Munroe, Straight, Talk, to, Women, How, Be, Perfect, Lady, (Live)
Id: 21nfpSOZxk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 55sec (3415 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2017
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