Why Men Need Visions & Dreams | Dr. Myles Munroe

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my focus tonight is going to be on an important simple subject and I want you to take a look at this subject write this down on top of your page please why men need visions and dreams why men need visions and dreams that's our topic for this session can you repeat it with me why men need visions and dreams why is it important for the male to have vision and a dream we're going to focus tonight on understanding the role of vision in manhood the role of vision in manhood I want to begin with a statement that may shock most people especially the women and that is this the key to God's strategy for ruling earth is the mailman God's foundational key for ruling earth from heaven is the mailman and Satan knows that as a matter of fact write this down the mail is God's foundation for the human family most of us as men have been taught that we are the head of the home and we normally envision that as being on top of the family I have come to correct that image the mail is not the top of the family he is at the bottom he is the foundation the foundation carries the entire house and when God created the human family he was building and constructing the human entity and God began like all good contractors he began with the foundation why did God do this first let me give you the big picture the Bible is really about a king a kingdom and a royal family and God's original purpose was to extend it his heavenly kingdom to earth that's what God wanted to do his strategy was to colonize earth with heaven he wanted to extend his invisible kingdom to the visible earth therefore God created you mankind as his sons to administrate that extension of that kingdom on earth through the program he calls Dominion God therefore created you and I to be a part of his government extension dominion over earth and the most important thing I'm gonna say is this statement write it down God's goal was to fill the earth with the culture of heaven that is what colonization does when a kingdom colonizes a territory it fills that territory with its culture when I was born in 1954 I was not born in a country I was born in what they called a colony a colony is a territory ruled by a kingdom that is distant away and that Kingdom impacts that colony with his culture until the colony looks exactly like the kingdom if you come to the Bahamas for example the kingdom that ruled us for over 250 nine years was Great Britain and in our country we drive on the left and side of the street because that's the way our kingdom drives we speak English not Spanish honest British English you know jolly well old chap hello because that's the way our kingdom speaks we drink tea four times a day because that's what our King drank four times a day in other words whatever happens in a kingdom manifests in the colony democracies do not colonize only kingdoms colonize that is why when the disciples asked Jesus what should we pray for and how should we pray his answer was very simple he says pray this our Father who is not on earth where is he in the distant country heaven holy is your name he says now pray thy kingdom come and thy will be done where on earth how just like it is in heaven he never prayed for you to go to heaven he prayed for heaven to come to earth one of the great mistakes of the church is in as reversed God's program it preoccupies itself with training people to leave earth when in fact the instruction was to occupy until he comes so we were sent here to fill the earth with the culture of God as a matter of fact let's just read God's Word concerning his mandate in Genesis 1:26 God says let us make a species called man in our own image and in our likeness why let them have dominion he says over the fish of the sea the birds of the air the cattle of the field and over all the earth and over everything that creeps upon the ground so now we know why God created man to have what Dominion the word Dominion is important because it is God's original mandate for you the word Dominion write it down it's from a Hebrew word Radha arm Adah and it literally means Kingdom it means to govern to rule to control to manage to master it actually means to lead God says all of you manage the planet for me dominate the planet lead the planet be in charge control the earth dominate the earth with my culture so God created us to have dominion over the earth therefore you were created to lead and it's your nature to lead that is why you hate to be told what to do you are wired to be in charge you are designed to be in position of management and authority but not over people as a matter of fact you may want to write this statement down man was never created to dominate other men but to dominate earth God was very specific as a matter of fact you and I were created to dominate the resources of earth in an area of gifting and this is very important God gave all of us Dominion but not over people that includes your wife the key to life then is finding your area of gifting for that becomes your domain every male in here was born to dominate a certain area of life with his gift that becomes your domain therefore discovery of your domain is the discovery of your personal purpose and your leadership when you find your gift and your area of purpose and your gift you become a person of purpose as a matter of fact discovery of your purpose is the source of your personal leadership everyone in this room was born to be a leader but not over people leadership has more to do with self-discovery than it has to do with controlling people as a matter of fact if you find your gift and you begin to master it you will attract people true leaders never seek followers followers are attracted to the gift of the leader that is why it's important to find your gift as a man you may want to write this down vision is a preview of your purpose now I want to share something with you that changed my life concerning discovering my purpose and how important it is for you as a man to find that gift what is the purpose for man first of all god strategy was to rule earth through his human family but his divine design of the family is the key to our success how did God designed the human family first of all he began with the male anybody say human write the word down human the word human is two words put together it's the word humors and it's the word man the word humans means dirt or earth dust the word man is ish in Hebrew and is the word that God gave to the spirit being that he made so man is a spirit being and human is the dirt and God took the man and put him inside a earth suit and call him a human so a human man is simply a spirit being in an earth suit your body is dirt now that's important because man is spirit and spirits have no gender you will never find in the Bible anywhere any reference to a male or female spirit it doesn't exist matter of fact one time they asked Jesus if the resurrection takes place what happens to a man who marries a woman who marries seven men and his answer was you are daft that means you are not smart he said don't you know that in the spirit world there's neither marriage nor giving in marriage for they are all like the angels they are spirits in other words man the name of this the spirit being has no gender but what God did was he took the first man and put him in a body and the first body God formed from dust the ground was a male and God just blew the man into the male so the male became the first human man on earth Genesis 1:27 says so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he what them that means man comes into mortals male and female models in every woman's body is a spirit man and every male's body is a spirit called man the host piece is called man but the first body God made is male because the male has to be the foundation of the human family as a matter of fact God created 6.7 billion people today and not a one of them came from the soil they all came out of one male God only made one human from the soil he never went back can I repeat that slowly god only made one human from the soil he never went back not even women came from the soil out of that one male body God went inside and pulled out a woman and then God told the woman to be the incubator for the man and he released seed and they fill the earth and 6.7 billion men and women later Adam is still releasing so the bottom of the human family is one human being and it's the male and God has never changed his strategy the male is the foundation of the human family now this is important to understand because God's mandate was to fill the earth with the culture of heaven through expansion look at Genesis 1:28 it says God blessed them and said unto them be fruitful and multiply replenish and subdue the whole earth and have dominion over everything that creeps upon the ground so God's demand upon the man was to fill the earth now Genesis chapter 1 is a summary when you read Genesis 1 it's a summary of creation chapter 2 is the details how God did it let me repeat that again Genesis chapter 1 is what God did Genesis chapter 2 is how he did it so let's read the details Genesis chapter 2 verse 4 says and when the Lord God had made the earth and the heavens and no shrub of the field yet appeared on the earth and no plan of the field had yet sprung up because the Lord had not yet sent rain on the earth why because there was no man to what work the ground I could stop here and just teach for two hours an hour important this statement is but let me suffice it to say that God refused for anything to progress because he didn't have a man to manage the planet wherever there's no management God retards growth you wonder why you ain't got no money because you missed managed to literally gave you you know why you ain't got no marriage you mismanage the relationship he gave you whatever you miss managed you lose write it down God will stop growth where there's no management as a matter of fact if you think about it God's solution to his problem was making a man which means that you were really created by God to manage his resources the Bible says there was no man to work the ground but now the next verse blew my mind it says and so the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground now there are two words in Hebrew in the process of making man the Bible said God created man and God made man the word create is the word assam and it means to form from something already something that is not there and the word to make is from the word isara rather and it means to form from the dust the word create is the word bara it means the form from nothing so a powder you came from something and a body you came from nothing the spirit part bra came out of God's Spirit he didn't use any materials around him when he created you to create means to start with nothing so God formed you out of his own spirit but your body the dust he made from the ground around him so your body can't in the dust but you came from out of God that's why you are spirit and your body is dirt never confuse your body with yourself absent from the body present with the Lord you see your body is just a house is a casing what's important is the first casing God made was the male I'm read what the Bible says it says he formed the man from the dust of the ground breathe entering the breath of life and man became what a living soul a living being verse 8 says now the Lord God planted a garden eastern Eden and there he put the man he had made this is very important God didn't allow the male to find the garden first God made the garden plan to God and then he put the man there which means that God intended for the man to live in this place Eden is very important to a male I'm going to explain Eden to you tonight in these verses I find God's purpose for the male look at Genesis 2 verse 15 it says and then the Lord God took the man that's the male and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and to take care of it and the Lord God commanded the man you are free to eat from every tree in the garden but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil for when you eat of this you will surely die and everything with you this statement has everything in it a male needs I have come tonight to show you that God has a very clear purpose for the meal and he didn't hide it it's right here everything in this statement is about the male he's talking to the male only the male is around the woman is not created yet the male is receiving all the information so let's take a look at this verse very important and you want to write this down first God says he put the man in Eden the white Eden is a Hebrew word which means presence Eden was not a place that's why they can't find it any more Eden was an atmosphere an environment no one has ever found Eden because Eden was an environment it was an atmosphere and that's what God created for the man to live in matter of fact when I did my research on the Hebrew it blew my mind the Hebrew word for Eden has five strokes and it means spot moment presence open door delightful when you put it all together it means the spot on the earth but the presence of God was an open door to heaven a delightful place that's why Adam never had to pray never had to sing never had to fast no altars no priest no process no nothing why he had a direct open-door direct to heaven he's walking in this wonderful presence that's where the mail was created to be I feel like preaching almost this is very important I remember God did not allow the man to find the garden it says God grabbed him and put him there why you were created by God to live in Eden you know when God every time God creates anything he always makes the environment first let me prove that when God was creating fish he made the water first when God's grading plans he made the earth first when cows grading stars he made a permanent first in other words he made the environment more important than the product he's still in get what I'm talking about in other words God made the water then he made the fish he'd made the soil then he made the plans he made the firmament then he made the stars he made the garden and then he made the man fish need water plant need soil starts these permanent you need Eden you might as well give God praise right now now listen to me if you take a fish out of water it malfunctions and dies if you take a plant out of soil it malfunctions and dies if you take a stop on the permanent it becomes a meteorite burns up and died if you take a mount of God's presence he malfunctions and he kills people I am pitching to nobody here this is why the devil has no problem with women coming to church this is why your church is for the last 200 years have been filled with hacks and skirts why the devil knows if a man ever gets back in God's presence the family will come back to order Oh help me that that's why God hates the worshipping man listen to me the devil hates the worshipping man that's why I dog tells you to lift your hands and praise and why when you start coming back to Eden the devil is nervous because he knows I'm losing the man I'm losing the man he's coming back to God's presence [Applause] the second thing God gave the man was worked this is very important and we going to talk about this tonight in a few minutes everybody say work the phrase place God put man was in his presence the first thing God gave man was work the word work is going to be our focus tonight God gave man work before a woman and work shows up in chapter 2 before the fall work is not a curse first you need God's presence and the second thing God gave the man was not a family not a wife work everybody said work say it loud shake the roof don't forget that word the third thing God gave man was he says take care of the garden the word care means to cultivate then God told a man to guard the garden it means to protect and then the fifth thing got or the man he says you keep my commands don't touch the tree now these important statements are critical and the last thing God said the man was the day you eat you would surely die write these down please these are very important to every meal every instruction here was never given to the woman she wasn't even around when God was talking to this man the male got six instructions one stay in Eden to work three care cultivate for God and protect fifth command keep God's commandment and six be responsible God told Adam everything is hanging on you what happens to the human race depends on what happens to the male what the male does controls the country this is why the devil is working so hard on the male even confusing about his own sexuality [Applause] this is why pornography is so strong in the male to corrupt him every advertisement targeted to the male is a woman's naked body or the breasts hanging out wad the devil is after you brother God told Adam the day you eat you wipe out the whole family he placed the weight on the male stay with me we just getting warmed up hang on a second write this down here's what I want you to remember number one the male is created first everybody say first first doesn't mean you are better first means you are responsible everything comes after you it isn't good to be first because when you first that means you got all the information that's why God never taught the woman anything why because the male is made first he automatically made the male the teacher number two the first thing God gave the mail was image why because the most important thing a male must have is a self image we have an image crisis going on in the male number three the first place star put the man is in Eden in his presence number four the first command God gave the male was to work and number five the second command was to cultivate number six the third command was to protect and number seven the fifth command was to obey my word now all of this is to you and to me the male this is our foundational responsibility this which means that the male must always pursue God's presence first and always pursue his work first and always protect everything under his care cultivate everything under his care and he has to pursue God's Word and obey it all the time that's a male's priority and let's break this down a little bit then what's the key to manhood the key to manhood is work I'm going to surprise you because when I did my research on this years ago it changed my life and that's why today I'm a proud father and a wonderful husband to a beautiful wife and she's here with me tonight actually out in the lobby because she can't come in I always travel with my wife she's my security guard the key to manhood is what work work that's the first command God gave man work he didn't say pray a worship work he put him in the right atmosphere and then he says work now if that's the first command God gave man then we must study what does he mean by work the work the word work is the word ever gone interesting word work and here's what it means first it means to become secondly it means to manifest thirdly it means to fulfill fourthly it means to reveal six it means to become yourself in other words the word work means to discover and become what you were created to be through self manifestation this is shocking to me you've been taught that work is something you do that's why they fired you in my new book out there on crisis I have an entire two chapters on the difference between your work and your job your work is not your job your job is what they pay you to do your work is what you were born to do your job is your skill your work is your gift your job they can fire you from your work they can't touch you can retire from your job you can never retire from your work because your work is your gift and God was telling Adam work look at the meaning of it become this is very important this word can be used toward let's say a seed if you have a mango seed in your hand and you say work you're telling the seed to become a tree with mangoes that's the meaning of the Hebrew word listen to the words in English Adam become become yourself that means God has hid in every nail an awesome vision he's supposed to become you are not supposed to go to work you suppose some manifests work some of you getting it see your work is what you are carrying that you were born to bring forth for your generation that's your work that's why your job is over temporary they can find you from that but they can't file you from being yourself it is important for a male to find his work why it's the first thing God told him become yourself manifests who you really are reveal your true self the average man has never discovered himself and that's why the women are confused let me take a little deeper can we go to deeper the male's priority is work so I wouldn't write this statement down very important the most important thing to the male is work why it's the first command God gave him that's why a man his entire life is tied to his work work is something you you do it's not something you do rather but something you become and therefore it's important for you to understand that work is your purpose your purpose therefore is the original reason why you was created you know the seed and apple seed was crated to become an apple tree am i right a bird ready to fly that's its work when a bird is flying it's working a fish was born to swim so when a fish is swimming it's working Tiger Woods was born to play golf when he playing golf he's working have you found your work you can never fire Tiger Woods never why you cannot hire a gift oh I'm talking to some of you man [Applause] you can't fire Michael Jordan the guy will die mr. basketball LeBron James my god born to shoot basket and no matter what you do he's going to succeed I wonder what your work is why is so important to find your work because your work is your source of your vision they put it another way vision is purpose in pictures when you see what you were born to do in pictures that's your vision for your life that's why your work is your vision and when you find your purpose and you see it in pictures you've discovered your vision for your life why is this so important for the mail well propers 19 says these words many other plans in a man's heart but the Lord's purpose will prevail God's purpose is more important than your plans look at the verse again many other plans in your heart but the Lord's purpose will work prevail in other words purpose is more important than plans purpose is more powerful than plans it will prevail over your plans and purpose precedes plans that means God had a purpose long before you was conceived you were born because of purpose not to find it there's something God wanted done that made you necessary so God gave you birth to fulfill something he already had planned that's why the Bible says we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works that were prepared for us before the world began you came to earth to do something that's already finished you were born to start it no that's too much okay [Applause] there's something God wanted done that God already finished he gave you birth to started so you're not here as an experiment you are here as an assignment you came to earth already with your work trapped on the inside prepared long before the world began you living with your work the problem is you're trapped on the job and your job can suffocate your work and that's why you're so depressed every Monday morning you go into a place that is not you I'm talking to somebody [Applause] we put another way write this down please the first priority of the mail is work and the mail is defined by his work the same way you defined a bird by flying and a fish by swimming and a seed by a tree it was to define a man by his work that's why when a man loses a job he loses his sanity his whole life is brought up in his work that's why men commit suicide and that's why men would go into depression when they lose their jobs because their life is tied to their work but the problem is most of what they call their work is only their jobs that's why God sent me you're gonna leave here free from a job and you're gonna stop your work in Jesus name can I hear an amen the male's purpose is in his work this is why a man finds so much fulfillment in his work and this is very dangerous because work is more important than woman in a man this is very important God gave the man work first then he made a woman in verse 22 he gave man working verse 15 then God said if not good for this man to be working alone in other words you supposed to know your work before you find a woman [Applause] this is why women are frustrated because they're living with a man who haven't found his work I'm going to tell you why that happens in a minute but write this down please your worth is in your work the male gets his worth from his work not from a woman it's your work that makes you worth 'fl I mean a man doesn't have an awareness of his work he feels worthless write this down then the male's value is in his work how valuable is a man he's not Fargo based on a woman he's living with women don't make men valuable their work make them feel valuable when a man loses work he feels he has no value that's why he beats the woman oh I need couple more days to talk about this what I'm saying it's very deep you got to really think about this when a man finds his niche hmm when he finds his pitiful life everything comes alive he feels important without anyone's approval when a man finds his work he doesn't need buddies to make him feel good oh I'm talking now see when a man's discovers his gift his work he doesn't need to hang over the boys anymore he found his fulfillment in his work the male's esteem is in his work a man finds his sense of importance and significance in his work I love what Jesus did the Bible says Jesus said these words over and over again he says I came to do the work my father sent me to do it is my work to work the work the father sent me to do I came to finish the work the father sent me to do I have fulfilled your work O Lord I came to work my father is working I am always working work work work work work that's why Christ was completely fulfilled he was in his work hmm now let me give you something that's very interesting work and women write this down it's very important every man I want to show you the relation between a woman and your work and here's why you get all your problems with ladies I'm going to give you some solutions number one the male was given work before a woman in other words you suppose already know your vision for your life before you marry a woman Eve met Adam with two things one in God's presence and two working haeppy love it I'm gonna say it again the woman's supposed to meet you with two things one in God's presence and two working remember working it's not something you do it's something you are becoming you already know what you were born to do you're becoming your purpose now you're ready for a woman I'm explain to you why in a minute God may work more important for a male than woman why number two the woman was created to help the man oh dear getting quiet now the Bible says I will make for him a helper now someone coming to help you you must be doing something [Applause] some of you men took a beautiful lady out of her parents home she had our own bed in that house refrigerator calm food in that house but you trying to be a man told her to come and follow you and marry you and you took her out of her parents home and tell her come to live with you and the Bible says she was created to help you and she married you and you ain't doing nothing [Music] [Applause] come on this time guys that's all [Applause] I'm feeling anointing flowing already I feel something happening here see let me tell you something some of you think the woman is the problem let me tell you some more women I know this kind of God says I will make for him a helper that means when God pulled that piece out of the man the word in the Hebrew is he built now really when he says the male is as he formed the form means to carve to build is different it means to shape that's why women are [Applause] when I came to the mill darkus man women here and they notice this is why a male find it very difficult to let a woman walk pass without him look she is built [Applause] that's why I can't understand how any man could be attracted to me look at this this is crazy I don't understand I don't understand [Applause] and if you notice God made the mail with no entrance anywhere see no entrance after exit no entrance calm down guys [Applause] God says it is not good for this man to be alone I will make for him what I help up now listen to me guys that means when God was building the woman listen carefully everything he built in her intellect intuition intelligence skill planning wisdom ideas you know all kinds of wonderful suggestions all that equipment everything she has is for you dummy [Applause] now listen to me this is why most men need teaching because when you meet a woman she comes equipped but when the man sees her he is threatened because he ain't got no project for how to work on [Applause] you're getting it so here comes this woman with all kinds of PhDs master's degree intelligence intuition ideas wisdom gold plan all the strategy and she come on she says hi there and you become intimidated by the thing that was made just for you and what do you do you call her aggressive gene aggressive she's equipped you call her aggressive cuz you don't know what to do with the equipment [Applause] you know most men marry women like companies hire people sometime you hire a person and then don't give them anything to do that's the most frustrating thing in the world is the highest someone and don't tell him what to do listen carefully this is very important that is why the first thing God gave the male was work because when a man discovers his work now he's ready for a woman who comes to help him with the work that if a woman marries a man and he doesn't know his own vision his own work then he has bought frustration in the house write this down a woman needs the male's work to be fulfilled she's a help oh by the way remember about 15 years ago I was teaching this principal to someone a group of people in Malaysia and after I finish it I was talking to some of the men afterwards and the Lord showed me subleases look he says a helper followed us now he says a helper comes to help you now if I want to lift this podium and I need help I either need someone just as strong as me or stronger am i right I'm trying to lift this I need help in other words we think the woman is the weaker vessel the word weaker in the Bible use once a women it means delicate it doesn't mean no strength the helper has to be either just as strong or stronger to help you with your work men consider women a threat because the men don't have any work for a woman to do so what do you have number for the woman is equipped to help the man with his work his vision and the woman needs a man who knows his work I advise women all the time I said look if a man wants to marry you your first question is not do you love me wrong question why cuz that's what the first thing God gave the male the first question of how much attacks a man who wants to marry him is where are you going I want to know your future show me your vision on paper why you asking me to follow you I wanna know where you going what are we gonna do together work before a woman vision before woman assignment before a woman your vision is the key to the woman's fulfillment my wife is the happiest woman in the world cuz when she met me I was already in my work where a man have found his work he secures the Peace of the woman a woman doesn't come to compete with you she came to complete you now let me tell you something about our women because God equipped them to help and they come into your life if you ain't doing nothing they're gonna help themselves they don't start their own businesses then I start their own project start their own ministry cuz you ain't doing nothing do you know what your wife is waiting for a plan when you leave this conference you need to go home with a vision for your family tell your wife honey I got a job but I'm working on my work right here I got this idea I'm gonna and by the way this is very interesting a female is an incubator I mean the woman whole entire body is an incubator God designed them that way that's why whatever you give a woman you never get it back the way you gave it you know an incubator is an amazing thing whatever you put an incubator is multiplied it's given life and you give it back to you let me say it again whatever you put an ending in an incubator it always multiplies whatever you give it it gives it life and gives it back to you incubators never keep anything they always take it in multiply it make it bigger give it life and give it back to you so that's why if you give a woman a sperm shouldn't get a sperm back she multiplies it gives it life gives you a baby you give her a house she multiplies it gives you a home you give her groceries she multiplies it give it life and give you a meal you give her a word to multiply this she gives you a sentence yes so you gain frustration multiply that she give you hell you can always tell what you've given a woman by what she's giving back to you [Applause] incubators she came into your life to what help write this down the woman is frustrated by a man who doesn't know his vision his work in life doesn't know what he's becoming that's why I appreciate manpower manpower is us hiding away for a couple of days and trying to grapple with these basic issues so we can save our women from frustration we need to be honest with ourselves saying I don't know what I'm doing your job it's not your work you got to find that work final what is my assignment what do i boom what is I born to do that's what a woman is looking for I put it to you that the most important discovery of a male is his work because work is the purpose for your existence and purpose is the source of your vision now vision is an amazing thing vision gives the male a sense of meaning in life if you know where you go in you have a sense of security and a sense of passion Manufacturing provides security and meaning for the female also because when she relates to you she came into your life to help you do what you're doing you should never marry a woman if you don't know where you going that's abuse of a woman she came to help you help you with what is the question and that's why these days are so important together we cannot go into the next century we're confused man your wife your wife is quiet but she is quietly frustrated because you you wouldn't tell her what we're doing what are we doing in this house she needs you to find your vision for her own sanity proverbs 29 says where there is no vision the family perish you know I could I could clearly say that mistress Jake's is a happy woman she was with us today she's serving us lunch and she was so happy serving us lunch why she's in the middle of her husband's dream now she has a dream but a dream is that it is in within his dream there's no competition no jealousy she's happy why he has provided a place for her to flourish [Applause] I told my wife the other day said you know if you go to work you can make somebody else rich so you might as well stay with me work with me to make me rich and when I'm rich you're rich where does your wife go to work it's the question what is your plan to start your own business so she can become a part of your dream and help you fulfill the family's dream write this down jobs prepare you for your work you were never supposed to die on a job he's supposed to die in your work jobs are always temporary work is permanent they can fire you from a job they can't fire you from your work your wife needs security and work is security I put it to you that vision is personal but never private do you see it there it says where there is no vision what the people perish it never says where there is no husband or no leader where there is what no vision people perish vision is more important than the person hears you a good man you a wonderful guy but do you have a vision for the family is the question can you show me a 50 year plan on paper for your family right now 50 years I have one can your sons say to you daddy is this where we go in I'm going to go to college and get education to help you get there he even give your children purpose when you find your own vision look at that verse again where there is no what vision you affect all the people vision is not private it affects everybody therefore vision is a source of self control it keeps you on one path vision is also the key to personal income for discipline it helps you discipline your life and I want to close on this is very important for men to understand the power of vision I am very concise with my life I know exactly what to do every day if you have no vision you are open game anybody can run your life it's a matter of fact without a vision you can be led by good things that are not right things and good it's not always right and we put it this way purpose precedes vision that's why I gives you God gives you purpose first and purpose for your life is the source of your vision as where it comes from and purpose is the foundation of your vision that's where you get it built from and purpose produces your vision vision is purpose when you can see it can you see the apple tree in the sea absolutely vision is a manifestation of your purpose vision is also the glimpse of your purpose when you see it in pictures vision is a conceptual reality of your purposeful living vision is purpose in technicolor all of you have seen your purpose but you can't believe that you because your society tells you don't think that big that's why God sent me to tell you believe what you're dreaming [Applause] I put it to you then that vision is God's deposit of his purpose in your heart he puts it there for you vision is purpose and pitches vision is a view of your end at the beginning vision is there for you looking at your future from it comes your passion a man who knows his work and his purpose doesn't go home and sit on in television watching television with a bee in his hand for five hours her man who has vision for his life doesn't spend his time just hanging around with the boys shooting pool your vision makes you a disciplined man I put it to you that vision is a preview of your finished future it's already finished that's why it looks so beautiful and it gives you the incentive to move toward that passion therefore a vision is seeing your true self and your true self concept you see yourself as God sees you in the end there's a verse of scripture to change my life and it talks about God setting your end before the beginning God wants you to have sight but never live by your sight the greatest gift God ever gave man another gift of sight but the gift of vision why because the enemy of vision is sight site is a function of the eyes but vision is a function of the heart never trust your eyes over your vision vision shows you what could be sight shows you it is always live by what you see with your vision not with your eyes the Bible says we walk by faith and not by sight vision contradicts your eyes I know things don't look good right now but God has sent me and and Bishop Jake's and brother loved to tell you look hold your head back up this crisis cannot last your vision is more real than your present reality don't trust your eyes you were not created to live by your eyes but by your vision that's why your hope can come from your vision reason why Barack Obama won the election it because he kept talking about a future he used the word hope you know whether you are Gates him or for him it doesn't matter he won why he was selling the most powerful thing in life vision hope vision is the source of confidence Joell says these words it shall come to pass when I will pour my spirit on all flesh why so they can jump and run around a building and fall on the floor some of y'all running tonight what's the purpose for the Holy Spirit it's a very important question why should he anoint you what's the reason for sending the Holy goes back to earth what did Adam lose are you thinking with me Jesus gave the disciples the Holy Spirit and he says I'm gonna give it back to everybody what does the Holy Spirit bring back to man not a thrill not a shock he's coming back with two things if you are old he'll give you back your dream if you are young he'll give you back a vision that's the case no matter what you say about this conference how unweighted it was how the power God was there and the presence of God was there the question is did you leave here with a dream or a vision that's evidence that the Holy Ghost was here Wow no matter how much you tell me that you've been baptized in the Holy Spirit the result should be a clear vision for y'all I notice it says the OL measure what dream dream now here's why the difference between a dream and a vision is very interesting a dream is a vision that cannot come back come to pass in your lifetime so it's called a dream let me say it again a dream is a vision that cannot come to pass in your lifetime so it's a it's a dream it's still a vision but it's a dream a dream is a vision that cannot be accomplished in your lifetime so you pass it on to the next generation if you are young it's a vision why but you're so young you can actually compete it in your lifetime so whether you are old or young it doesn't matter he gives you both back vision and one of the things he said that blew my mind listen to this as we prepare to bring this to a conclusion he says the handmaidens shall prophesy the women shall prophesy this is very interesting Bishop isn't this when I did my research on this verse it was shocking it actually has a strange context in the Hebrew it says if you're young you will have revelation you'll see the future if you old you see the future but if you are a female you will repeat the future now when I looked up the the context of the word here's what it means when a man tells a woman his vision she incubates it and every time she sees him she tells him what he told her back to him this is deep that's why it is called prophesy see you told your wife God told me to build this ministry God told me God - she said okay Prince alone praise the Lord and then after about two years you get discouraged you say this is this I did I miss car she says now wait a minute didn't you tell me that God told you that you had she stopped [Applause] now most men when the wife comes back and prophesized back to them would they told the wife the men call it nagging dark closet prophecy don't tell her shut up she's doing her job she's telling you what you told God told you give God a hand for good women come on give that have a good day so sit down for one second listen to this the purpose therefore for the spirit is to restore man to his vision unto his dream I want to pray and transfer the spirit of vision upon every man here tonight because I want to show you why your vision is so important I Isaiah says I am God and there is none like me I am God and I said the end before the beginning I say from ancient times what is yet to come I say my purpose will stand as we conclude this I want you to take a look at what God is saying here God says I said the end before the beginning and I say from ancient times what is yet to come I say my purpose will stand look at me for a second God says look I said the end of your life first I finish it first and then I back up and I begin your life watch him now he says he said the end first then he begins so whenever God begins something that is evidence it's finished so God doesn't allow anything to begin unless it's already finished so when your father released the sperm in your mother's womb 600 million sperms - toward the egg and your mother and God had to pick through 600 million sperms and he said I want that one guess who that was that was you why he says what I finished I wanted to start now I'm a giving birth now your birth is evidence that there's something already finished that you were born to start that's why the next verse says he makes known the end at the beginning he will show you your end at your beginning okay is it still wonderful so Gauss's look I'm gonna finish you first then I'll statute and when I stopped you I'll show you a finish so that's why you walk around every day with this big dream of what you want to do that's your end now at the beginning you broke but at the end your multi-millionaire and you can see the millions while you broke now you gotta understand God won't allow you to see what is not there so once you see it that's a fact the distance between what you see and where you are is called the plan so some point of view as a man to see your end if you meet a woman at the beginning don't tell her what you have at the beginning you ain't got nothing sure what you will have at the end and tell her help me get there baby help me get there baby help me get there when my wife married me I was broke in college had nothing but I told him my dream she believed my dream more than my pocketbook and now wow she didn't know she was getting married to a multi-millionaire I want you to go home and get your dream and vision on paper and tell your wife baby stay with me long enough cuz I promise you if you stay with me long enough you are gonna have your own seat in your own jet oh come on man dream it be just a little bit we have five houses on lease we're gonna troll around the world together sharing God's Word just David me I know my church only got 50 members now baby but I promise you if you stay with me God showed me [Applause]
Channel: Munroe Global
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Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, why men need vision
Id: pIoZ54zChgQ
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Length: 73min 55sec (4435 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2017
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