Troubleshooting Your Walk In The Spirit - Kevin Zadai

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hmm [Music] [Music] so [Music] hello everyone dr kevin zeta with you with warrior notes and welcome to our evening session we i wanted to come to you and talk to you a little bit about your walk with god i got a bunch of crazy friends here we're actually recording this week here at warrior notes headquarters and i just want everybody to go around and just uh introduce themselves and uh because i feel a little drunk right now so i don't but anyway um i know we you know ryan brian bros he's a pastor in um charlotte at antioch church right so he says sorry so this is ryan brus and um he's with us and then who'd you bring with you you know you've got a bunch of crazy people here this is uh associate pastor mike cowan at antioch yes associate pastor chris lister chris evangelist yes and one of our board members right there jacob brown hi jacob okay welcome and then over here we who do we have here anna hi anna and uh we've got pastor wayne and lisa who has been with us for a while i've been coming to your church now for uh many years but so so uh welcome and you guys are going to be filming this week right we're going to be doing some filming and uh they're going to have awesome shows and we're uh we're just getting together tonight because the lord had spoken to my heart this morning about troubleshooting your walk with god in other words what are some of the things that you find uh hindrances to your walk with god there's so many different things that come against us during the day so i actually asked this group of pastors to to tell me some of the things that they hear from the congregation so when when they encounter certain things and with their people they they try to help everybody right but there's sometimes where uh you have these recurring things happen and that's how uh that's how we resolve things is we find the recurring things and then we start to go after those things and start to answer those so i'm going to go through a couple of things it's kind of like a checklist of of things that that you might be encountering and the the power of the lord jesus christ is here so strongly here in in new orleans and we we had planned to do this weeks ago and uh we're not going to let any kind of hurricane or anything bother us we're just going to we're just going to do what god has asked us to do so i want to talk to you uh first of all about i just talked to some people um uh recently they're they're still encountering the enemy coming against them in a big way and and just so you know just just because you go to heaven or you have these supernatural things happen doesn't mean that satan leaves you go but see you have to teach him a lesson you have to be really blunt with him and you have to be very very diligent and and very persistent so almost be almost be like uh i would say predictable with the devil in other words if he comes at you then that's then then you're going to do a certain thing back at him and then he knows he's going to pay so what he's looking for is results he's looking for a response from you if you don't give it to him after a while these these demons they they start to think maybe i should go somewhere else and i say yeah maybe you should but they start to think well if a person doesn't respond and so uh i thank you all for for giving your input in these so i'm just going to go through these for for the next time that we're we're here spending together so just relax and know that the lord is going to help you tonight but there are certain things that you can do and i want to share my my perspective from from what has happened to me and talking to pastors and and all the the relationship we have all over the world with pastors this is going to help you make sure you call a friend or text them whatever let them know that this broadcast is going on right now and um this is god because he really visited me this morning wanted me to do this and i'm just so glad that i can come to you okay so one one of the things that the people that people are encountering right now is they they want breakthrough but they also feel like the enemy is delaying them and what what what god has for you is written down but did you know that satan can delay that and and uh paul had this happen to him the apostle paul think about this he said i've longed to come to you he was talking to i believe the corinthians he said i long to come to you but he said satan has hindered me and i thought man you know there's the apostle paul he's given up everything and yet he was delayed from doing what god wanted him to do for um you know almost a year i believe it was it was at least a year so how do you get through that period of time where you know god is wanting you to to do some do something for him and that or else he wants to do something for you but you feel like satan is coming against you and what i'm finding out is is that all over the world when i when i uh minister i'm finding that people just need to have have some sort of encounter with god and they need to to encounter the power of the holy spirit the problem is is that paul said that that that the same power that rose jesus from the dead is dwelling in you and that power that rose jesus from the dead will quicken your mortal body now that is what the the word of god says so i always tell people listen i said everything you need for life and godliness is is in you there's a there's a power that rose jesus from the dead in you you need to somehow get in touch with your inner man your spirit man and not allow your feelings or your mind to talk you out of things and get in there and and take a hold of the truth that is in your spirit because that's where the power that's where the resurrection power is i've never really uh you know when i took psychology in college i tend to take all kinds of sociology psychology i did i'd i had to take all those and i don't know if all of you out there if you've had to take those kind of courses but it kind of deals with social social things and it also deals with you with your your mind and understanding the way that people think and that but what what happens is is that we start to give the enemy power by using our thought processes letting our feelings run and we think that why is satan allowed to have this power to stop what god has for me and you get frustrated but see the thing that is is that you know if i could be honest with you if that is the case if i was to let to let my emotions run me and my mind run i'd be i'd be i'd be driving myself crazy every day over this so it's not just you i i mean if i would take personally everything that that is delaying what what what i know god has for me i i would be just as upset and um you know it would get in the flesh is what they call it so paul said that the corinthians were carnal they were uh they were flesh driven and so there's a there's a there's people that are just driven by their emotions and there's people that are driven by their the way they think so there's a mindset so like some people that you say something uh some people will take it totally wrong and and everyone else will will say that uh well you know i didn't take it that way and then you go around the table and it's like well you find out that just because you say something uh doesn't mean that everybody gets it or understands it and this is the way it has been with god's will we we we have drawn our own conclusions about god's will but see god's will is conditional based on the fact that we we hear the word but then we we take it within ourselves and then we're fully convinced not in our minds we don't like mentally just agree with the word of god we we have to grab it in our hearts and then that's where the resurrection power is so there has to be this transfer into the spirit realm and it's not just the soul realm so if you're feeling right now if you're feeling like there's a breakthrough coming but it's just delaying what's happening is is the enemy is really just throwing a fit because he can see in the spirit that you have angels around you he can see in the spirit um like right now just just as i'm talking i felt the power of god so strongly that i i i felt wavy and um you see you see all of a sudden god could come through just like that and and you could have us the spirit of wisdom and revelation come upon you okay this is what paul prayed for the the ephesians they were steeped in witchcraft in ephesus if you look in the book of acts they had a book burning which was all the spells all the spell books that these people had and i believe that some translations say was like fifty thousand dollars worth of of um these books that were burned now when they when these spell books are given to them by evil spirits see they have these incantations they have secrets say um once you burn those you might not remember all that information so they were really walking away from their witchcraft and um the demons that operate in certain people they have certain ways of doing things so the the demons actually reveal secret things that you can do and then they'll they'll work for you and um once you burn that book i mean you know you essentially uh are walking away from that livelihood if you're making money off of those demons and things like that so people people in ephesus they had to they had to have paul pray for them they prayed paul prayed that the eyes of their heart would be enlightened in chapter chapter 1 of ephesians in verse 17 it talks about the spirit of wisdom and revelation so here's what happens first of all god god is not delaying what he has already told you you're going to have okay so we know that but remember now paul was delayed from doing what god told him to do with the corinthians okay also jesus was delayed from doing miracles in his own hometown i mean can you imagine jesus actually goes to where he grows up and he is wanting to to help people not as a somebody that grew up there but he was coming as a messiah and he couldn't perform those miracles there well what was that that that was a hindrance because of unbelief and then so satan got into those people caused them to be an unbelief looking at the physical uh aspect of jesus not looking at the fact that this is not a carpenter's son this is this is a messiah so people people will always change with the spiritual atmosphere and i've noticed this that because people change i have been delayed from things that i knew that god was wanting to do for me so is that happening to you right now i mean because all these pastors here they they see this all the time with the people that they're in charge over there they're shepherds over sheep and um they see the the false starts like you get started and then you go really well and then like paul said to the galatians he said you know you you you started so well are you going to finish in the flesh what you start in the spirit you know who cut in on you who bewitched you who put a curse on you this is the things that paul said so the enemy this is what the enemy does he he he's he delays he cuts the momentum uh that he wants you to slow down he wants you to get caught up in the mental realm in the emotional realm so so i i encourage you not to let satan pull you away from what what god is saying to you and what i do is i just reinforce what god told me and it's usually just a couple sentences and when god speaks to me it's not like long sentences it's not these and vowels it's not king james it's not paragraphs it's it's usually usually he just says a couple words to me and then i take that and just like paul told timothy i wage war with those prophecies i received and i fan in the flame the fire so this is how this is how we get into breakthrough when we feel like the enemy is blocking us that's stopping us from uh what god has now i want you to know that there are certain things right now that that i'm supposed to have that that god has told me that i'm supposed to have and they it's been delayed because of people's disobedience like people don't obey what they're put they're supposed to do and because of that we we we have delays now we've we've had this happen even with our meetings and stuff where we were we knew that we were supposed to do a certain thing and we did everything uh that we were supposed to do but then it fell through because others weren't in agreement for whatever reason and it didn't work out and people change their minds and um you know so because of that it sets us back and then we have to re we've had to uh reschedule things and do certain things that i knew you know one of them perfect example is seattle you know i i spent years there my wife grew up there uh that's our that's our place we we love it up there we wanted the minister up there but i mean satan fought us in in in all different kinds of ways and you know i still believe we're going to go to seattle but it's been delayed for about a year now because of certain things situations that have happened but that that's not god doing that and so i don't take it personally i actually think well now we know that the seattle meetings are going to be some of the best meetings when we do have them you know because of that you know but um so don't get discouraged so i recommend that you also besides discerning discerning the power that's in you that rose jesus from the dead that will they'll overcome any kind of obstacle in your life i want you to also to pray that you have discernment there is a gift of the spirit and paul said you should pray that you have the the best gifts of the spirit you know in other words he said even pray that you'd prophesy because that gift will cause more people to be encouraged than that's like the best gift you could have so paul did say pray and ask for for prophecy so you can pray and ask god for gifts i mean it's it's the lord the spirit of the lord that actually gives you the gifts it's as a spirit wills but um you know i ask the lord i want to i want all the gifts of spirit to operate in me i mean they operated in jesus you know so i i want i want that okay but i want you to pray for the gift of discernment and this is why is because you if you can discern what's really happening here if you could see in into the spirit and you can see that this this the enemy is is doing this and then you can see also that there's angels that already assist you then what you do is you you flip it on that devil that's that's hindering your breakthrough this this causing a delay you flip it on this is what you say is it's like you know there there there is no power that can delay what god has for me and i just start this to say things i say you know i'm going to see this happen i'm going to be um in in this sooner than you think devil because you've pushed me in you've pushed me in to the glory now i'm going to god i'm running to god you know david ran to god all the time he always ran to god and um saul ran to the witch of endor saul tried to do things himself that king you know but david he he always ran to god when he messed up whatever he needed something he knew he knew where to go to and the these things will help you so you go through this these checklists and you see you see that it might not just be your faith might your faith might not just it might be something else i i know that we've had a lot of emphasis on faith but what if it what if there is no problem with your faith what if it's the fact that because you are doing what god asks you to do that the devil is delaying it and stopping it and you shouldn't like feel bad like you failed or something and you're frustrated i have i've had times where i didn't have don't know where my next meal was coming and i had no money and i was in college and i've had i i've had jobs offered to me where i was a security armed security all night and when i got the job they told me uh okay here's the keys to the whole whole college campus i mean it was like this big key ring and then the uh the guy at the cafeteria for the college he uh he came to me you know he doesn't know a thing he doesn't know that i ran out of money and i don't know he said um i just want you to know that uh when you're doing your rounds and you you i want you to walk through and i want you to check the whole area in the cafeteria and all the the freezer and the the food supplies make sure everything is is a proper you know and um he said and i want to tell you something anything in here any any food he said you start this grill up you start this oven up he said you can have any as long as you work here at this campus he said anything you want is yours so i had free food for for all those years and i i just would sit back there and say okay what am i gonna have tonight but see i didn't i didn't say anything to anybody but this man was a really godly man uh he he he heard from god he wasn't like a professor or anything he was he was just uh ahead of the food for all the students for the thousands of students you know and he would just mass produce food every day and um he was like more of a godly man than than a lot of the people that i thought were you know we're more sense of the spirit he was more sensitive spirit so he he's done he did several things like that for me so i feel like the lord knows your needs and he's going to take care of him and you need to encourage yourself but ask for discernment and ask for eyes that see and hears it here and then also don't take things personally when they don't work out and also remember that the same power that rose jesus from the dead is willing in you okay so that's that's like one thing that you can do to to troubleshoot your walk with god is that it might not be your fault right and you need to determine that if you know like i i want to know if i did something wrong so i don't do it again and i i always want to correct things so that that things begin to smooth out and work in my favor of course because of things that i've done wrong in my life if i've done something wrong and i need to change something if i need to come in out of the rain you know i wonder why i'm getting wet and it is well maybe i should just step out of the rain you know that's that's something that all christians need to do you probably encounter this all the time where you see people they come to you with the same problem over and over again and then you're like well you know what have you done uh to change the result because if you're still if you're still doing the same things and getting the same result maybe you should change what you're doing and you know that you know it won't happen again it's kind of funny but yeah we have to be told that okay so that here's another one here's another question that i want to address something you can troubleshoot uh your walk with god with and this is is how can i uncover any spiritual blind spots that i have in my life and this this is amazing because i have everybody i've encountered everyone whether they're saved or unsaved everyone has a blind spot it's just amazing to me about i meet very few people in my life that that don't have a blind spot in other words a blind spot is something where you know like when you look in your mirror in your car and if your mirror is not exactly set right for your car there will be a a when you take a glance if you're not set up right you'll there'll be a spot that you won't see if there is a car or an obstacle or something then then um if it's exactly in that one spot you you don't have coverage so when you look you won't see a car at a certain spot in your mirror that's because that's because it's not set up to see everything around you but there are cars there are mirrors that you can get that that are like i've had cars that are just they were just wonderful for that and they had the right mirrors and everything but this is the even even my people way above me that i consider like generals in the faith i've noticed as i study the things that they believe that there are certain things that they just didn't have the revelation on and they were they because of that they they didn't go far enough with what the scripture says because they just didn't have light on that and i was it's amazing how we all have these spots so how i do it is is that is that i actually i actually take every verse of the bible and i look at it word for word so i just take a verse i'm not like one that wants to just see if i can read the bible in a year if i can just learn a couple verses in a year that changed my life i would rather have that and that's what jesus taught me anyway so the blind spots are actually uh can be prevented it just seems like it might take longer but you know this is not like you're you're doing this uh this life just to see how much volume you can produce as far as memories memorizing scripture and studying and things like that jesus told me it's what you walk away with in understanding from reading the word that is what really changes you and she and helps people okay so to uncover blind spots jesus asked me to ask this question because he asked me this question a lot when he would talk to me he would say do you understand this are you are you getting this and he would say something and it's really weird because you would think okay i just agreed i agreed with him because he's jesus you know he said but i really didn't take it down in my heart and so i walked away not changed it's just a where to say well you can do that with the bible you can you can do that with counseling you could like okay yeah i know that but it's still not in working but it's like no no no the word the word of god always works you know jesus what jesus and the and the father and the holy spirit have written it always works that truth is there so blind spots are actually because we have not had revelation on certain things and so i've noticed like um for instance there was one you know the one one father in the faith that was a head of a college he he said it was okay to have a uh to be in debt in certain ways you know like to like you could own a mortgage on a house and things like that and um yet the lord jesus showed me that the word mortgage means mort which is death and gage which is grip so it's death grip so mortgage that doesn't that doesn't sound good you know to have a death grip and um why does it take 30 years to pay something off and um for the first 25 you're not you're not even paying uh very much into the principal you're paying into the interest they have it front loaded so that you really all you're paying hundred thousand dollars for a hundred thousand dollar loan something wrong with that yeah okay so he he said that that was okay to because that's just part of it you know you get a mortgage and then you pay it but see that's the lord's money and um like i don't want to pay a bank uh 300 000 for a hundred thousand dollar loan when you sell the house do you get the 300 000 out of it when you paid a hundred thousand for it well yeah only if you you did the roof and gold bars or something you know but i mean so there's something wrong right okay but this i i remember and i and i enough i remember pastor wayne you were you were actually like a year after me and that in that college at particular college and he might have uh said that to to your class too yeah and he was acceptable but see after a while that blind spot for me that was there was filled in when the lord told me look up the word me and kathy my wife we were looking up these words and i go oh man that's not good death grip is not good you know that's not a positive i didn't get a positive vibe off of that so okay so blind spots are are really prevented by allowing the word of god to come off the pages at you and come into your heart not mentally but but down in your spirit so the holy spirit has to take truth and and and you have to embrace it and you have to experience it and like jesus said to me do you understand i i know you heard me but do you understand what and an understanding to me is is transforming it's not not understanding is when it trans it changes you so i'm changed in his presence why because something happened with my reality something happened with not just the way i think it's that's part of it but it sh the change comes when you can implement that truth so these blind spots they have to go but see i'm telling you you a lot all of us have been told things that are not true but we've accepted it as truth and we actually live that way off of something that somebody said that's not even true i'm just i was just totally every time that lord jesus speaks something to me by his word and i see it i think what have i been doing all these years but it happens all the time and i've been to heaven you know and i'm thinking you know i know that you all out there are having the same problems you know so here's how you resolve this you you troubleshoot your walk with god in this area by by acknowledging everybody has blind spots because everybody has that human factor but the holy spirit wants to take you from where you are and transform you which is change but it's permanent so you don't have to revisit something again you you can know that like like in diving when i was a diver you know i knew as i got higher up like when i went to the higher uh heights for the the different uh levels of the diving boards that when you didn't land right when you didn't go into the water correctly it cost you a lot more if you started higher so like when you were up on a three meter board or then they had the five meter and the 10 meter board which is 33 feet up in the air and if you didn't like if you weren't just exactly right on your entry i mean you could see this on the olympics and things like that i mean i'm telling you what those people are screaming under the water if they landed wrong you know it's it'll take it'll it'll take your swimsuit off it'll do i mean it's just like it'll just it'll hurt you it's like it's like hitting in pavement and um but but uh but the entry into your the entry into the water is is very important as you go higher because there's there's a the the speed that you're you're coming down into the water is greater okay so if you have blind spots in and you um and you you feel like okay you still keep doing the same thing over again well how just think about this if you land wrong you remember that you remember like well i'm not going to do that again you know and if you like like how many times have we done the same mistake again thinking wow that's the first time was a mistake but the second time i'm stupid you know like you start saying okay because like how could i just forget the pain that i just went through on that but you do it again you know and uh this this is why blind spots are they have to end in your life and so god wants to establish truth in your life through the holy spirit he wants to take the word of god so i just take small portions of the word of god and i meditate on that and i do word studies and i i really concentrate on what is god trying to tell me here and if i don't finish the whole book of the bible in a couple months that's okay it doesn't matter because it's not it's just so you can say you read the bible in a year i mean you know really really if you got one verse and you're changed i think that that's that's a greater reward you know because you're you're you're getting rid of blind spots so remember that a blind spot is is when you don't understand something it's that when you you don't acknowledge that and you have no way of determining what's wrong and right and until you have revelation okay so we we walk by faith not by sight okay but your spirit sees 360 degrees did you know that like your spirit can see i have um i've blown people away because i can i can tell when somebody's walked up i know who it is that's walked up behind me and i've done this i've done this at work where i've i've uh i called the person's name and i knew who was behind me i've had people come up and hold their hands over my eyes and say guess who and i could see i could see through the back of my head who it was it just it's kind of crazy but see our spirit is like that so we really in the spirit we don't have blind spots but see we've got to learn how to to to get rid of misunderstanding and not not understanding truth we really are misinformed about things so even the people uh that are the generals in the faith they they don't understand everything and so the word of god is your is your hope the word of god is the the thing that that it's a it's the it's a god's plan for you to get rid of those blind spots but the sport of god has got to come out and be living to you okay all right here's another one this this might be uh this might be something that that uh you're going through too it's it's about uh not hearing god's voice clearly and i want to help you with that and troubleshoot that and in fact i just came out with a book this just a few months ago called you can hear god's voice and it's because did you know that the number one and number two questions that i have from the students and from the partners they are number one i want to know god's will how do i know god's will number two is how do i hear god's voice it's like the the people people want to know like what god's will is for their life they also want to know they also want to know um what god's voice sounds like and they they want to know what when god does speak like what is his will for my life so if it's hard i want to tell you something there's a lot of things going on down here now this is what i saw when i was in heaven i saw when i was in heaven that god's voice was actually clear and loud and i but when i when i was with him i could see that the demonic down here was so thick that it was it was muffling the sound of god's voice it was crazy i saw where demons were trying to get my attention so that i couldn't hear god's voice they were trying to get me off on on other things that were drawing my attention away and it was causing me to be numb so it wasn't it wasn't like uh i mean i'll be honest with you i know a freak people out when i say this but i freak people out all the time anyway but here's what i saw when i was in heaven i saw that if there was no demonic if the if the demons were gone off the earth that even crazy people could hear god even even even like uh i saw i and you know that doesn't go over well but i saw that i saw that um that isaiah 35 was absolutely true it says that there was a highway of holiness and one translation says that it's so holy that that if even if a fool accidentally found himself on it he would cease to be a fool it would just change him just because he got on that highway and i saw that that this is the way it is with god's path for us it's it's it's uh it has to do with establishing our walk with god on this highway of holiness but knowing that that without god without this this road this narrow way that we walk in that we we would just be messed up i mean i'm just being honest with you if it wasn't for god helping us we would be messed up anyway there's even people in the world i i mean it was crazy i never i've never shared this ever but i'm sharing it tonight i saw i saw that the people in the world that god loved people so much that there were people that were on their way to hell and god was telling the angels to help them out and the angels were helping and you're not going to know why you're not going to believe why it was because a grandma was praying for them and um they were doing that angels and god were doing things for these people only because someone had prayed for them that and that the angels god would like even in his mercy he would he would do these really nice things for people even though he knew that they wouldn't ever give him credit for or anything but i saw that happening and and god you know jesus told me he said we love we love people and we treat people as though they're coming here until their very last breath if they if they go to hell it's he said it's it's not because we it's not because of us we did everything we could do so so because of that i saw that god made it so that we can hear his voice but it's the uh the the spirits evil spirits in the world and then it's the voice of the world that tries to gain access to us to where we're like we're like preoccupied and that those voices become louder so i mean i saw that the media the worldly media it's all designed to keep you out of god's will and keep you from hearing god's voice it's totally designed to distract you and pull you away and and actually program you to be numb and and so i i it blew me away so when i came back i was already kind of practicing uh this i didn't even i went years without even watching tv i would fast tv and i also i also saw that if i saturated myself with an environment of of heaven by having the word of god playing all the time and then i would pick one verse for the day and i would just think about that all day just one verse think about all day just back and forth praying it out and all of a sudden i started hearing god's voice clear i got rid of all the other chatter and then the word of god kind of strengthened my spirit imagine that and it just rose up from within me and then i could hear uh god's voice what was interesting though is that when i was in heaven i saw that god's voice was in my voice and even in my in my conscience like my voice and my conscience that there was an element of my even in my humanity there was an element that was god-like i could see that in my spirit so uh the word of god seems to amplify that and correct anything so that i could hear more accurately so being in the word more will help you to hear god's voice so if you're having trouble hearing god's voice then then this is for you you need to focus on what god has already said that you know is his voice and then know that he dwells within you if you're a christian and so he he has a voice within you and the spirit of god is made your spirit a new creature in christ you're a brand new creature as it says in second corinthians chapter five so that's in verse 17. okay i'm going to go to the next one there's also some of you that might feel this way there there is a there is a release of the power of god so there is this place where you can release the power of god in the presence of god and it's really easier to do like in a worship session or like when you don't around you're not around people you're in a safe place you feel like you can release yourself to the the power and the presence of god but boy to do it at your job you know that is a big deal you know like so it's it's amazing and i went through this for years and i believe that's why the lord had me working in in public for all those years is because there seemed to be such a discrepancy when i would get into the worship worship mode at church or even at home you know listen to worship music and i felt the power of god and i was like so if i but then i would just get all freaked out being going out into the world and being around in my job and i'm like oh and i'm like i felt i felt like i felt everything that was going on in the spirit i was really sensitive i could feel everything and i was like and then it would just go away and it was like why what is wrong with me why can't i just have this that you know i all and it was weird i um even um when i would minister at different places i didn't want to leave i didn't want to leave my my prayer time because i knew that wasn't going to be as strong as like administering you know because i could feel the hindrance i could feel that people um were in unbelief they weren't grasping a hold of what was being said and or there was warfare so um i remember this just happened to me recently too where you all were with me and it was time for me to go out and speak and i'm like no i was feeling the power of god so strongly at his life i just wanted to like i was in a secret place and i thought i felt god's love so strongly in this power so at your job you have to learn how to practice the presence of god in and release that out of your spirit now this this was a a guy named brother lawrence practicing the presence of god right yeah it's a really good book but he was a cook and he learned how to uh he was a cat it was a catholic uh like a monk or a priest or something like that but he learned how to just washing dishes and things like that he learned how to somehow bring out within his with within his spirit release that presence and uh so i i actually just read that book and then i it took it took over two years i don't know why it took so long but i got to where people around me saved her unsaved they started feeling drunk they started breaking out in laughter people would start crying uh shaking but they weren't saved and um then then um i would have words for people at work you know and they have devils in them you know but i had i had word for them i started operating the gifts of spirit at work and then um it got to where now like now it doesn't matter like whether i'm um you know where i'm at i i can operate in that and i don't allow the circumstances or the environment around me to influence me i release out of me that that presence in so i you the the bottom line for the book if you want to you know it's not that expensive of a book but the bottom line of the book is this is that you can always have a psalm or a hymn and and you can sing in the spirit you can pray in the spirit uh softly to yourself and you just start to feel the movement of the spirit and you start having compassion on people uh around you and you start praying for people i would pray you know i had 137 people on on each of my airplanes and then we got bigger airplanes we had 175 and i would just pray for every person i had to say hi and goodbye to every single person that came on and left and i would just i would just pray for each person and and i would just believe that i was imparting something i would pray over their drinks that they ordered and when that when that that happened then i got promoted out of my job doing what i'm doing now but it's there is a transference from your personal time with the lord to being able to release that in the workplace and then you don't get tired anymore i worked a double schedule for most of my 30 years so i actually worked one one crew member's job and then on my days off i worked another crew member's job because we we could do a whole week's worth we flew 30 hours in three days and so that was a work week so i actually did two of those for years didn't i kathy yeah so i i um i we actually retired early because i had worked so much but i got to where i wasn't tired like like other people other people even they didn't even that the flight attendants and the pilots they didn't know how i did it but i said well i'm not you know i'm i'm living i'm living out of of of my inner person i always explain to him you know we're all spiritual people in a body you know i would tell unsaved people that all the time so it is possible to release it at your job so what you do is if you're a hairdresser or whatever you do you just while you're cutting hair you just you're praying for the person you're starting to transfer um you know if you work at a pharmacy or or wherever you work you know even if you're handing the bag to somebody you just you just pray over that medicine that that they'll be healed or that they'll know jesus i i don't have to always talk to people i sometimes just impart you know of that and um this is how you do it so this will help you in your walk with god if you're having trouble transferring that presence outward then just pray for compassion for people and then start to to see that jesus is not going to leave you just because you leave that you leave your prayer closet and go to work you know he's certainly going to go with you all right now this is this this uh next one i want to talk to you about about troubleshooting this this this actual issue with you with you that i hear so much you wouldn't believe how much i hear this it's gotten me so mad this is this is people that have been christians a long time and they have they can they have never i say that word never like it's hard to believe but i they have never felt god's tangible presence that i want to tell you something that makes me so upset because what that is that means that there is a demon that is harassing that person because there's no way there's no way as a born-again christian that you cannot sense those presence of god see and i use the word sense because see it's not a feeling and um you know our art our teachers when we when we were being trained they they said you can use the word sense because your spirit has a sense a discernment you can sense in the spirit things but you don't go by feelings but but just so you're clear here i'm not talking about feelings here because god is god doesn't communicate with feelings he doesn't he doesn't um he doesn't communicate in your soul he communicates in your spirit your spirit is the same substance that god is made out of so you have god he's a spirit so when you worship him you worship him in spirit and in truth so you don't worship him and this is what's so weird about it um i mean people are going to find this out when they get to heaven you know you know of course i offend people everywhere i go so i don't mind telling you this that 80 of church activity is actually in the soul realm and we call it spirit but it's not i just want you to know that like when you get to heaven you'll see that down here you operated on a lower level than you were supposed to because you didn't discern the spirit part of things and the soul part of things so people that don't feel god they that doesn't mean that doesn't mean anything to do because you i don't feel god sometimes but i sense him because why because i am a spirit and i have the spirit of god inside of me so if you don't feel god that's then that's because your soul doesn't sense god but it's impossible to not sense god in your spirit because he is a spirit and he's inside of you and it's always going to be that way so what has happened is a person who who doesn't feel god or or or have tangible presence is because a demon has through some sort of traumatic event has has entrenched itself into a person's soul not their spirit and they're blocked they're blocked and i like to go after these devils and then to tell you the truth this is this is uh what we do in the nobody knows this but this is what i'm doing in the services i'm actually like while i'm talking i'm actually seeing demons leave people but it's not like throwing them down and and coughing or choking or you know you have to get a bag or something no this it's in your soul realm and they bound you up so many people have said i i they come up and they say i haven't felt god in years and i just felt them i they're crying they're touched you know but see it's not their soul it was their spirit that that was released and then the soul just enjoys that you know so there is a soul part of it but it's it's a response to the spirit so it's not the other way around you don't like encounter god in a soul and then your spirit you have a spiritual experience with that you know it's the other way around so don't worry about feelings because if i went by feelings uh i i wouldn't even go outside my house because i i don't wait for me am i to feel like motivated to do something because i would never do anything i mean you know i go by obedience but obedience is by the by the lord telling me to do something i really don't feel like doing what god tells me to do but i know that it is the best thing for me to do it's the best route the narrow way is is not chosen by by very many people very few people find the narrow way but if god tells you to do something i don't go by feelings i mean that you know no one would do anything if they went by feelings you know it doesn't always feel good to obey god but it's necessary so this is why you have to crucify the flesh is why you have to have your mind renewed by the word of god but you do sense and feel god's presence inside your spirit and you know god isn't always fun but fun is a word that is here on this earth but god is full of joy i mean i might not be happy all the time that i have joy inside of me if i yield to it because that's a spiritual thing but happiness like you know okay so you feel happy because you got the car of your dreams but then um what what if something happens to that car then you don't feel happy anymore you know and then it's it goes like a roller coaster and so there is a tangible presence of the lord but it's it's deep in your spirit okay here's another one i want you to consider uh this one this one is is uh if you are dealing with spirits that have been harassing you for years and you're you're you're wanting to resolve this if you want to troubleshoot that that this is what i do if i if i encounter someone who has had these things these things for years okay years i know what's going on and it's actually very easy that the reason the reason that that demon is there is because he feels he has a legal right to be there so i i try to i try to inquire of the lord and of the person to find out why that devil would be there so it was interesting i remember this one time when i was on duty i was by myself and i had to arrest somebody and um they started manifesting devils and i out of my mouth you know because i'm i'm just like handcuffing them reading their rights then i'm going to call the local police to come and take them away it was weird out of my mouth i go what have you done to let the devil into you i'm like whoa i guess you don't say that to somebody you know but uh right away man right away like bam just like that his eyes went to slits like a snake and they started talking to me these demons started talking to me and um i told him to shut up and i asked the guy john his name was john what have you done and so he said well you know i want them and he started telling me like all the different things that they do for them and i said well you know you got to not want them i want to cast them out but they they they you hear them talking through you and um so he let me cast out i'd say 13 14 of them there was one left he was a strong man and he would not go and he was bragging he said that he doesn't want me to leave so i said john they said do you hear what he's saying he's saying you don't want him he goes yeah i don't want him to leave i want him he helps me and the demon's name was raspid and that i i that man went to jail with that demon in him and of course all his friends came back all those demons came back i'm sure he'd let him back in you know but it just it just goes to show you that that people have these things happening to them and you find out that after you've resolved how they got in then they um they they have to leave they have no legal right those i'm sure we all you know like i know you guys have encountered this but once you like once you address the demon and it knows it's got to go they is so upset just so upset with that we've had that happen a lot and um so if you've had stuff harassing you for years they they feel they have a legal right now whether they how they entered into your family line and your bloodline was was was some sort of of something that that someone did that allowed that to come in or if the person that that has the demon might have let it in themselves but demons are a sign i saw this i saw that they follow the bloodlines of the of the generations there to enforce a curse that's what they're that's what they do you have to break them you have to be rough with them and you have to tell them you know and if they don't want to go then you find out why they're there and it's nine times out of ten the person wants them so you have to say well you know you're you're gonna have to let this go and so but i feel like in in most people's cases that are christians the reason why they're being harassed by the devil is because of what jesus said jesus said the evil one is coming but he has nothing in me and that idea is a flesh hook it's the the greek word for flesh hook it has no way to grab a hold of your flesh so jesus didn't allow anything to be in him that could be hooked yeah so so if you're being harassed i will break it right now i'll break it over you and there'll be thousands of you set free right now but here's the thing you gotta you gotta allow the lord to show you why that demon was allowed to be there so that you can resolve it because i'm going to do this just in another minute but are you have to you have to be willing to change you have to be willing to seal it up are you are you willing to make an adjustment so that that devil does not allow to come back because you know when i cast out devils i i have to make sure that i've taught some because if i don't get to get all of you to understand that devil's going to come back no he's going to try to get gain entrance all right so i'm coming against every devil right now in the name of jesus i break every power against every christian right now in the name of jesus by the power of jesus christ himself the power of the name of jesus i command every evil spirit to let go right now in the name of jesus i take full authority over every curse every demonic spirit i break your power state and i drive you out you must go in jesus name foul line devils go in jesus name infirmity spirit of infirmity you go in jesus name spirits of confusion spirits of fear you go in jesus name right now you go hallelujah oh man deliverance has come to your house right now deliverance has come to you yeah it's your time it's time to be delivered it's time to be free he who that sunsets free is free indeed the spirit of the lord always brings freedom you're free you're free right now the blood of jesus is enough right now just yield to the joy you'll feel you'll feel a bubbling inside of you you are free see the devil has just come to harass you you're not possessed you're not possessed the devil is just harassing you because you're loved and valued by god and satan hates that so just go ahead and let those things go let those harassments go okay now make sure that the lord show and put yourself in a place where you can let him show you let him show you let make sure that you resolve this so that you know why it came back if you don't know what came back to just ask him to help you ask the father to help you to understand so that these things will not be able and permitted to come back okay all right here's here's another uh something else that i want to go over with you is how do you how do you fall more in love with jesus people ask that a lot and this is interesting because god isn't ever going to love you more than he already loves you okay jesus is never going to love you more than he already loves you but i understand what you're saying because you there's a relationship and and it involves this it's progressive i i get that but i wanted to say this because the problem that most of us have is that we don't discipline ourselves and enough to to know that god's love is beyond our understanding and that it really has to do with acceptance so if you are accepted then he has already planned on treating you the same way that if you were good or bad like in other words he loves you so whether you're good or bad it has nothing to do with god's love god's love is greater than that so like if i do something bad my dad doesn't cease to be my dad just because i'm a bad a bad son i'm still a son so god's love is like that he he uh he is not challenged like we are with with this so how how you fall in love with jesus more is it really has to do with discipline it has to do with allowing god as it says in hebrews that he he disciplines those he loves it has to do with discipline it has to do with with you allowing the father to dictate your boundaries so la love does not have to do with acceptance anymore because you're already accepted in the beloved now i know that this goes against like you you have to you have to relax into that you're already adopted you're adopted into into into the family of god you have adoption papers paul says we have the spirit of god that says abba father constantly the spirit of acceptance that means you are accepted it wasn't because of your behavior it was because jesus did this for you when when you didn't even know about it so you have the spirit of full acceptance in you okay so that is not what like like people interpret love by whether you've pleased god or you've not pleased god and um you know like you you might miss the mark today but tomorrow but tomorrow you you do better but god doesn't love you anymore okay but how you fall more in love with god it isn't a human thing it isn't falling in love with emotions and things like that it really to tell you truth is has to do with discipline but of course nobody wants to hear about this so i'll just go on right but see the thing that is is that that the thing the thing that most pastors want in their congregation is people with boundaries so like a police officer would love it to have a whole group of people in a city that had boundaries because then they wouldn't have to enforce or or inform people about their boundaries because they would just do them do it like so like like we we interpret we interpret love by certain things but see god has already established his love for us but now he wants us to walk with him but when that walk with him adam and eve didn't need to talk to a serpent they didn't need to eat from a tree that they were told not to eat from but they did because why they they went across boundaries that they weren't supposed to go across and because of that look what look where we're at now look what has happened to us it's all because of boundaries so god still loved them i mean he came down the next day and he said hey where are you like nothing was wrong cain cain he did what was wrong god came and talked to him they were out of the garden by this time cain was they were all outside the garden god said hey listen don't you know that if you do what is right in other words if you obey the boundaries i've already established he said it's going to be fine with you but if you don't he said sin desires to have you but you must master it okay god is telling him face to face in a fallen state hey you're about to mess up you've messed up but you're about to mess up really bad don't you know if you do write not if god does right he loved cain right but he needed cain to us to to go with the established boundaries god had already said there's certain things that we must do okay so how i fall in love with jesus is i obey him and it's so funny because that's what he said he said if you love me you will and it's and if we don't become like little children um we can't even inherit the kingdom of god so that's just the way it is so how i fall in love with jesus is i find out what he has said and then i honor that and um if we were if we were governed this way jesus said listen i'll sum up the law for you if you love your neighbor as yourself and you love god he said you have fulfilled the law all the law all the commandments if you love god and you love your neighbors yourself and think about it if you loved your neighbors yourself we wouldn't need laws because we wouldn't violate anything that would hurt anybody see the police have to step in because they want to bring back into the boundaries and in order because in a in a in a social environment we have to honor each other we have to we have to uh operate what what's called love and love is honoring each other thinking of others more than ourselves you know god did that he thought of you when when when um you probably weren't desirable he still did what was right for you he sent jesus to die for you he did this not over a feeling he did it over a need but he established these boundaries and this is how we love god we obey him it's not a feel-good message but it's all through the bible so yeah so how here's another one how um do i know if god is pleased with me see this is in the same vein we go by like uh but we feel like uh like for instance um i have done nothing wrong to deserve a hurricane coming our way but i could say well what did i do wrong right it's good that that uh that this is happening it's like well that has nothing to do with anything that i've done wrong or right what he wants me to do is go outside in my yard and start speaking to it and telling it to go away go back out into the gulf that's what he wants me to do that's what jesus did he rebuked he rebuked the sea he rebuked the winds he he told it to be still jesus didn't miss god he god told him the father told him to get in the boat go the other side so that's what they were doing he didn't do nothing anything wrong but then this opposition came and then you take it personally so you can't you can't operate purely on a human level with god and expect him to operate on his level with you and you to get it because he he's so awesome and he's a spirit so everything that he does is going to be spiritual now he can make things appear physically and he can he can give you uh feelings that that feel good but i you know those things are fickle because they don't they don't last but if you love god you obey what he says and then then then when when you when you have done what he's asked you do he's pleased with you so he said to cain he goes don't you know if you do right he said you'll be accepted so paul didn't didn't go by feelings because everywhere he went he was told he had to go to caesar and appear before caesar but he was in jail he was beaten he was shipwrecked it took years to get to caesar every time a prophet would come up he'd say okay the person who's wearing this girdle bound up is is going to be bound like this and you know but you must appear before caesar so i mean paul was told he had to go see to caesar in rome but it was years he spent years in jail i mean do you know he spent years in jail on the way to caesar i was in i was in caesarea where he was in jail for i i don't know it was over a year on his way on his way to rome i mean you know just can we just go is there a non-stop you know is there a non-stop flight but no it took years but so paul didn't didn't take it personally he knew he pleased god because of his obedience but he suffered for it so and these are these are not messages that are being taught but you know we suffer for obedience we suffer for doing what's right okay so god is pleased with you how you know he's pleased with you is you just do what he says and you don't go by your feelings and uh remember positionally you know by by what jesus did for you you're pleasing to god because positionally god's through jesus has fulfilled every every aspect of the law he's he's made you he's made you accepted this is this is the absolute truth okay uh here's another one this is a big one and this is probably everybody on the earth but how do you get how do you get over the pain of your past how do you let it go there's so many people that have hurts and have had things happen to them and here's how you troubleshoot that you you have to know that if you are hurt by someone who did something wrong to you you have to know that your you're you have the ability to actually be more punished than that person who did it to you if you let it and um you you've given them power if if you hold on to it and um so that person trusts me is not losing sleep they probably forgot about a lot of things i don't know if that's true for everything but let's just say that the person doesn't even think about you and yet you're thinking about them and what they did for you for years that's not right that's not fair and i don't think that anybody should be kept in a small place when someone else i mean i know people that we all have people we know that have done terrible things and they sleep at night i don't know how they sleep at night you know the things that i've seen people do i think how could they how can they keep operating and how can you call yourself a christian when you do these terrible things to your brothers and sisters i don't know but you give that power by not letting it go so if you are hurt if you are having trouble letting go of hurts from your past jesus spoke to me a lot about this when i was in heaven and what he told me to do was he said forgiveness is for is for your benefit yeah you got to release it you got to release that and you got to release that and you got to release that person let god deal take care of the case but you let it go you forgive you know they don't get away with it just so you know they don't they do not get away with it paul said that some people's judgment is evident it's instant uh that that it comes back the reaping and sowing but he says others it follows them the whole way until the day of judgment so in other words like some people are just like aaron aaron messed up he was he had done some some bad things the the priest aaron uh and he didn't get punished while he was in the office of the priest you know because moses needed him he had the priestly garments and he uh it appeared that he had gotten away with some of the things that are mentioned in the bible that he did but man i remember that day when moses was told to take him up on the mountain that he was going to die and as soon as that robe was taken off of him the priestly robe which was his call in the office he became leprous he would be he came down with leprosy instantly and died but see that was being delayed because of his office because a priest could not have leprosy that was unclean so while he was in his office with his priesthood garments he was kept clean but immediately that judgment came and so you just you just have to shed you have to you have to shed that and let that go right now so i'm just going to pray father i just thank you for helping the people that to turn let let them troubleshoot this father and just let you resolve this right now forgive just forgive your enemies yes just forgive pray for those who despitefully use you just release it right now yeah i guess so many people are being released right now in the name of jesus thank you father yes you can release it now says the spirit and i will take it and i'll throw it i will throw it in the sea of forgetfulness and i will heal you says the lord i will heal you yeah yeah thank you father thank you father wow praise god okay so here's a couple things that if you're not you feel like you're not growing spiritually you have to look at your diet you have to look at what you're putting in if you're not getting results out of something then you gotta look at what you're putting in okay so uh the the idea about troubleshooting is this is that for for instance in an aircraft it has about seven a lot of the complicated jets have like seven systems on the and then so there's at a panel where of those seven some of them are electrical hydraulic and some are fuel uh things like that they they will light up to to start to troubleshoot a situation if something's wrong with the airplane the there the panel will light up in the area that the system is acting up so you might not know what system is wrong but something's going on that you start to isolate it so this is what you do you you you isolate where the problems are and you i i troubleshoot it by starting to whittle down in other words get it narrowed down into a certain area so if you are feeling like you're not growing i would look first of all at what your what you're putting into your life so are you are you feeding yourself on the word of god are you yielding to the spirit and praying are you um are you are you do your eyes see the correct thing do your ears hear the correct thing what are you feeding yourself okay then the thing that jesus said that it's like not being preached but sometimes it's it's preached but it's being preached wrong but matthew 13 is is talking about the parable of the sower it's interesting that jesus you know it's it's in all the gospels i believe but do you know that jesus said this parable if you understand this parable you understand the deep mysteries of the kingdom you understand everything that has to do with the kingdom if you understand this parable this is this is it this is if you understand this you understand everything and the language is very strong and in fact if you if you read it in the aramaic and the passion translation it brings it out that the fact that if you get this you get everything okay but the emphasis in that in that parable is not the word of god the seed it's not the sower it is man's hearts it's the soil which is man's hearts so out of the four there was one that produced a crop okay so that means that we got we got problems with 75 percent of people's soil is something wrong with it and only 25 is right okay so this is this is this is how you grow in god you take care of your soil that's good it's good it's very good you you jesus said listen you know you take out the thorns you take out the rocks you if it's if if your soil's hard you make it soft there there were certain things that you could do you could take out the cares of this life you could you could yank out uh the love of money you could you could uh if your heart is hard you could you could do things to soften it up and you can become humble and broken and and you just tell the lord you know i i just need a touch from you i need to humble myself and pray and so you you tend to your soil this is how this is how i would counsel any person who would sit with me i would tell them i would look at what you're putting in to your spiritual life what you're eating and i would look at the receiving part of it what's happening with your soil what is it see soil wants to to do its job with a seed immediately but the rocks and the uh thorns they were hindrances there were things that were choking out the growth the the hard soil was not allowing it to take root okay so if you want to grow in god here's what i would troubleshoot i would look and see what areas of of of your life what what is it that you're you're feeding yourself and then what is the condition of your soil and i would i would take that and then what i would do is i would also because you need water i i would water i would water your soil with the spirit of god praying in the spirit and with with with quoting the word of god i would just let that river of life that's in you come out of your belly and i would just start yielding a spirit i just i just constantly prophesy into my world i'm constantly like telling my world this is the way it's going to be and this is what god's saying to me this is what god has said in his word and that's how i live you know it even says this doesn't say that we live by the fruit of our lips you know we we actually live by the fruit of our lives okay um another another one i would like to address is this if a person is always like wanting to to have breakthrough but they seem like they're not getting breakthrough or they break through but then it's not permanent what i found is is that first of all it's a process right so you you it's a process of getting to to to the end of yourself and knowing that god is is going to take you further however it's also i don't just want a breakthrough i want i want overthrow i want something permanent right so i want to like start ruling and reigning and i want to get to a place where like i just look i just look at a devil and it knows it knows i'm not you know i'm not going to go there it's like yeah no you you you leave and you they they don't they opt out i have uh been told by the lord that in these days to come that that demonic hordes will just opt out and not even show up that they won't even like challenge you i mean that's what i'm seeing in the spirit so i saw that that like that's that's how we're gonna live in the last days so it's not like so when you you say you're not having breakthrough what i found is is that you don't see yourself on the other side permanently you just want what you want is you want relief yeah right you just want relief you just but see you know people say like if i i like uh i want to um they tell me they want to be out out of debt but see they don't know what out of debt means out of debt means that that uh you everything is paid off and then all that extra money that was going out now is is actually staying with you and then you're helping other people but see what people say was they say well i just want to pay my bills like well paying your bills is not prosperity because that's just getting by for another month right so there's a mentality there's a mentality that you have to go from just breaking through and getting your bills paid to overthrow which means you own everything and then you take that money and and you you start to use it to help other people so to me it's not just enough to get your bills paid or to get out of debt like what do you do with the money then once you're out of debt what do you do with that money is is if if if you wanted if you wanted to be effective you would let the lord tell you what to do with it which he would tell you to help other people and then and then you start this flow the other way but but um so if a person's not receiving breakthrough i i i've just found i don't know about you all because you're all pastors but if you really sit down with them they don't see themselves on the other side of it it's like it's become like a permanent thing but see i'm not i'm not my goal was never to just get our bills paid my bill my bills needed to disappear they needed to go away and i needed to have that money to to uh to give out to other people and help other people with okay we'll take we're gonna take one more point and um this is this is interesting is how do i live in overthrow and i just mentioned that i just mentioned about overthrow and and here's here's what's going on right now see we're in a transition and it's really strange because for some reason there's no road map there's no road map about overthrow there's road map about breakthrough and think about the revival days and the tent meetings and things people just want a relief they just wanted to feel god well i don't want to just feel god i don't you know like we talked about feelings anyway because i'm finding that most people that that have these encounters at a meeting or something it just fades away sometimes before you get home and um you know on the way home from the meeting where you got touched by god they get your order wrong at the drive-through window and you're you're back to like you're back to your beginning again because you know you didn't get the big the big fries you got the little baby one you got tater tots or something you know and all of a sudden like what just happened your environment was just like it was that godly thing that godly touch so i i know this in overthrow that person at the drive-thru window cannot do anything except what you requested because god can take care of something beforehand if you pray in overthrow you say well we're going to pray for the drive-through window before we go through there there you go because i don't like tighter tots no and i'm serious you can prevent something ahead of time because you have time and you have distance in space so in this realm it's it's slow it's like it's really messed up in a way but also it's to your advantage if you're a spiritual person because up until the time they hand that bag to you at the drive-through you can change history you can change the result of it and and that's to me is overthrow overthrow is like no no i'm i'm i'm not playing by the devil's rules i'm playing by god's rules but he always wins so this has been really good um i just i just want to um all of you i just feel i'm going to get the the microphone here i just want you to go around and just share something really really short like two minutes each not 20 minutes each two minutes each and we'll just go around and just share something if you have something on your heart to share for the people and then we'll i'll close it out but i just feel like you know being pastors being ministers everybody here just uh if you have something on your heart because we only got through like half of the points here but um we can do this again anytime so be so be ready for an announcement we'll probably come back and finish these but you can troubleshoot your walk with god if you're having problems with certain areas you got to understand that we've got distance time space down here we got these these dimensions down here and it's really low level but as a spiritual person you have many more dimensions within you like your your spirit the spirit realm is so many more dimensions that i think you should start to see your life as being fun to be here not even just happy or joy but there is a challenge to being a spiritual person down here where you can actually jimmy with the outcome before it happens because it's so slow down here i mean to me it's like slow motion and uh i i can see where god wants to get in there with me and change things so uh with that being said go ahead uh pastor ryan what what do you have from the lord there and to talk about i think one of the things that i've learned from your ministry probably more than anything is because i'm 47 i've been saved for 42 years oh wow yeah grew up in church but the point is um my whole life until just a few years ago i can see how the enemies try to keep me in a small space and you use that term all the time and they're in what you talked about with overthrow and uh i i've you know it's true uh i can't remember a sermon i've ever heard on overthrow just to stay there it's fine to get your bills paid but there's more it's fine to uh get rid of that headache but let's get let's get the generational curse of disease off your family and so on and so forth and so uh i know just for uh knowing you a few few years is i don't want any longer to to have this narrow microscopic vision of my little world and just around me here it i want to focus on the big and great things that god has had has for me yeah and when you talk about going to heaven and seeing the great things it's like i want that too amen you know and you you talk about hey everything you read in here is for me and it's real and it's good it it breaks off that religious mentality that you have to stay in a small space to please the lord and and i just want to encourage everybody that's listening and watching you know to break out of that small space like i am learning and uh then when you break out of it then you then people sense that and they're encouraged and they do the same thing especially your family it's like a domino effect it starts to yeah affect other people pastor mike yes sir dean mike you know as you were talking about all those things and you touched on this it's there's a starting line that as christians we have to realize that the starting line is that we are spirit that god never called us to the soul life he called us to the spirit of life and all these things breakthrough deliverance healing overflow comes from choosing each day to live in the spirit like you were saying we can't live in our feelings every day if you live in your feelings if you live in all these things you just live a life of disappointment and god's disappointment is not one of the fruit of the spirit last time i checked but living in joy and peace and happiness and the power of god at work in your family and your children all those things come from first choosing to live in the life of the spirit because it's spirit to spirit not spirit to soul and we have to remember that we are a spirit and we live in a body and we have a soul but those things are the byproducts and because of the relationship and the love and the adoption that we have in jesus we are free to live in the spirit and when we choose that the power of god has no limits in our life just like you say no limits but it's from the spirit life not this whole life amen that's good mr chris pastor chris well i'm i could go anywhere but um one of the things that that you said tonight and uh just really minister me is getting off our own stuff our own world and there's such a world out there that's hurting yeah but sometimes the devil just you know focus on you and what your bills and your things and why your neighbor is dying and going to hell yeah and that's something that's really been ministered me and you just nailed it tonight is um you know we need to get it and to break through and overflow but then it needs to go and help other people yeah you know one of my most frustration thing is is being in church and power god's coming down you feel the presence of god i want to take that and take it to my neighbor and say hey there's something more than what you're going you know there's more to to god than what you have and that's just where i'm at i'm uh i'm you know exploding inside to get out and just love on people because there's a dying world out there you know that are really hurting and and uh to just i don't want to hoard it i want to go out and give it out so that's good thank you i will have to come back to it i'm still processing okay okay okay i just thought of like the one of the saiyans used to say hit the devil with a two by four and that's what i just kept thinking like everything you kept sharing and i'm like man i just want to get a 2x4 and hit the devil he owes us so much he owes everyone out there so much and we have that joy we have that victory we have the overthrow we can go further and i just kept thinking of that one of the first times you talked about hit the devil with the two by four so i'm going to get my two by four ready faster weight yes one thing that's definitely helped me a lot is the the friendship side that you have displayed um you know with the father and with jesus and uh i was meditating one time about um lord what are some hacks you know what are some glory secrets and he said to me something and it didn't seem right and then he said the page number and what he said to me was you'll go further with friendship than authority and i opened i think it was to exodus 33 where it said moses was a friend of god so everyone associated him with that was the dude you know with the halogen face you know what i mean like just let him have his way you know he's he's he's close to god yeah so i mean i just think uh you know going into that you know i no longer call you uh servants but friends yes that goes a long way oh that's good pastor i was thinking about how you know when you were talking about well because we love him we're going to obey him yes and when it all comes down it's just being obedient to his word and listening to his word and and allowing the word to work in us you know he you allow his word to become alive and so and in knowing that i mean he's got so much more i think we limit and say well i can only have this this promise but god's like every promise is yes and amen and there's so much more but we we we categorize well this is god will do it for me in this area but he's like i've got so much more why don't you ask me that's right ask of me and i'll give you this and i think a lot of times people um forget to ask and there's like record rooms and books in heaven and things in heaven where god is like will you just go up and receive what i've already done for you and that's where you have to really take the devil and hit him with a two-by-four and say hey i'm not gonna be denied what he has said and that's where the devil starts to get scared of you because then you start knowing your authority and saying you know it might look bad but i know what i know the answer and he is the answer and i'm not going to stop until i get it and people i just want to encourage people to just not give up if you don't give up and you keep on and you keep on and even when it doesn't look good just keep on you're going to get it amen amen amen um i was what scripture keeps rumbling around in my spirit is in colossians 2 and it talks about that in him of course that means jesus is dwells all the fullness of the godhead bodily and then it says that we are complete in him which is the head of all principality and power and i feel like that whenever we get together and we hear the questions that people it's like there's a the enemy's continually trying to get people are they're already if you're a christian you're already completing him and don't let the devil move you off that you're not uh like trying to get rich you're already rich you're not trying to get healed you're already healed you're already complete in him and like you're saying that authority when we realize that we're going to push people we're going to push the enemy off we're not going to be moved off our place where he has set us and so it's like a whole different motivation and i felt like too just it's about receiving what he's already done for us like just saying yes like we always talk about like how mary when the angel appeared to her and said she's gonna baby jesus she said be it unto me she let the word come into her and i feel like that everybody who's joining us tonight if you would just tell the lord be it unto me according to your word be it unto me what's written down in heaven i agree with you and if you're watching tonight or whenever this whenever you view this and you don't know jesus just say i receive you i receive what you did on the cross i repent it's that easy just let him love you let him come into you and receive that completion you know how cool is that we are completing him that's like huge oh yeah thank you okay so i'm gonna i'm gonna close out with a prayer and we're just all gonna pray toward the camera right now father i just thank you for everybody watching i thank you father that the power that is that rose jesus from the dead is dwelling in every believer watching right now and we speak life into your situation we prophesy to your world right now that the lord has plans for you plans for you to prosper and to have good success that to have an expected end that the lord is going to have his way with you and the heavens are opening right now over your head right now the lord is showing you he's touching you right now by his spirit right now we all agree that the power there's power right now going forth and breaking every demonic stronghold in the name of jesus and that the revelation that flows from the throne of god the river of god that the revelation would flow come up from within you into eternal life and that you would receive everything all the good things that god has for you in the name of jesus we thank you father right now you're touching people all over the world we thank you for the healings that are happening right now all kinds of healings that brain fog has left you there's all kinds of back pain that's left you there's all kinds of blood pressure blood pressure problems high blood pressure i break that curse in jesus name right now i thank you lord people's eyes are being healed right now and i thank you lord that that homes are being restored that relationships are being restored i thank you lord god that callings that that that are being confirmed right now callings and elections are sure that the lord is calling you to the ministry he's calling you to to to start a business he's calling you to to start to draw out the plan that he's given you and god is going to do mighty things that the spirit of the lord is totally willing right now receive from your heavenly father right now he loves you he loves you and he will accomplish all those good things he loves you right now in the name of jesus thank you lord for helping your children to troubleshoot their walk with you that they see that they know a spirit of seeing and knowing come upon them right now in the name of jesus we all agree that there is overthrow not just breakthrough but overthrow in your life that the lord has dominion he has full authority and he's coming in and he's going to live with you and your body's going to be healed your bank account is going to be healed your family's going to be healed your body's going to be healed hallelujah no more pressure the lord is releasing the pressure all that pressure that's being put on you the lord is healing you right now those people they're being used by demons and they're pressuring you i break that power in jesus name you just be yourself the lord loves you the way you are he loves you he loves you he made you he loves you thank you father thank you well thank you for joining us tonight and we will be back again we'll make an announcement when we're coming back but god loves you and we will be praying for you just remember that this life is very short in comparison with eternity do things that will have eternal value remember to thank the lord for all the good things that he has done for you we'll see you next time god bless bye-bye many people have learned to be generous givers but more than ever god is calling you to become a good receiver as a special thanks to our dedicated warrior notes partners kevin would like to share this first ever partner only offer the revelation in dr kevin zadai's newest books receiving from heaven and you can hear god's voice we'll build on each other to position you to receive from the heavenly realm god is a spirit and he wants to take what is from his realm and give it to you you were made to hear god's voice in these two books dr kevin said i will reveal heaven's reward system whereby god rewards you as you diligently seek him and supplies all of your needs according to his riches learn how to walk in your authority as a believer as you partner with god to fulfill every page of your heavenly book order this exclusive partner-only offer and you will also receive kevin's brand new ultrafire cd this cd will create an atmosphere of holy fire in your home where you can encounter the heavenly sapphire order today kevin's brand new books receiving from heaven and you can hear god's voice along with his soaking cd ultrafire for a donation of 35 u.s shipping included to order call 888 340-1460 with offer code 1004 or go online to offer god is not limiting you he wants to partner with you and cause you to walk in the power of the holy spirit on the earth continually receiving from heaven [Music] [Music] um [Music] you
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 83,015
Rating: 4.9158721 out of 5
Id: oz5lyO8qouE
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Length: 98min 27sec (5907 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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