Undercover | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | The Force Of Favor

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all right how many of you have been keeping up with the conversation on undercover honor Authority favor how many of you have no clue what I'm talking about you're like I don't know what this is let me know okay we have been in a month month-long teaching on the subject of honor the subject the subject of authority and the subject of favor and the science to what we've been learning is that you have to live situated for the favor of God and the lifestyle that that's called is the lifestyle of Honor and that's not just a church thing doesn't matter that's not just a church thing so I don't want you to dismiss these principles and act like this is something you're supposed to do on a Sunday honor will escalate you and advance you in every realm of your life honor will move you places professionally honor will do things and heal storylines in your family we've been learning a lot of very powerful principles about honor and one of them is that you can do it without the cooperation of another a person a recipient or place does not have to appreciate your honor for you to be consistent with it you can be honorable even if it looks like it's not penetrating or moving whoever or whatever is on the recipient in because if you're honoring to be honored that it's not genuine the Honorable can be honorable in all circumstances and doesn't mean you have to sign up for abuse doesn't mean you have to sign up to be walked on it doesn't even mean that you don't have to have the right to views or experiences but it means that honor is the lifestyle it is literally the code of conduct for the kingdom in the kingdom of God we live by a code of honor we an and we don't just honor up we honor sideways as well we learned a very powerful principle decide his whole day started I came out the door swinging about the subject of Brotherhood have you heard eight o'clock now and and I I was dealing with sisterhood I was dealing with Brotherhood and I was coming after the lunatik mentality that God ain't called you to walk with people you are a couple of years from the crazy house I guarantee you that you will spin your life in a rubber room if you've not resolved that you're supposed to do life with other people the Bible calls it the Brotherhood and there are honorable laws about the Brotherhood I believe the Brotherhood makes better husbands I believe this sisterhood makes better wives one of the things that we learned earlier was that a nagging woman has no friends if your husband is the recipient of your nag it means that you had no other female counsel to vet your experiences and your views with so they could teach you how to see it a different way we learned the same about brothers who are bums men hold men into accountability different from women and so your man should have minute and I can say you're lazy you're not applying you you a procrastinator when a woman takes on that even if she's right he dismisses it as a nag no matter how right she is but when men make that stuff uncute then what happens is they take on a different responsibility or a different response to that so the Brotherhood is important to God it'll help you in deliverance it'll help you in freedom and I really think it grieves God for Christians to be indifferent toward your need for Brotherhood or your need for sisterhood without it in your life you don't have an opportunity to learn honor consistently you see when you walk in sisterhood and you walk in Brotherhood you are always having to learn how to love many of you think you're getting closer to God when you're distant from people and that can't be true because Jesus said the way they know you belong to me is about how you treat them so if you're not doing good with people then you're probably not doing good with God I even said that you can't be spiritual and anti-social the fruit of real spirituality is a healthy social life that's the fruit of it in fact I should be able to look at your professional life and see how spiritual you are you should not be failing professionally failing at your social life disinterested in vacations won't go and get some cucumbers on your eyes you know amen you have no social life in the name of spirituality that is not spirituality it's misery and there is a such thing as Christian misery the god you serve don't want you to have a life amen the god you serve told you you can't go to movies hallelujah amen help us some I said get a life they don't like that gospel but that's why people are in seeing they think that being holy means that you have to be lifeless now I'm not telling you to have orgies and get drunk and eat weed brownies and all that stuff I'm telling you to get a life and many of you I'm telling you this how to devil get you the only life you know is in bondage so when you get saved you like what does fun look like in righteousness we used to go to the strip club we used to do all that and my definition of fun came from the devil so what happens is when you're trying to live right and it looks like the first thing God took was your fun when you get bored you instantly go back to the fun devil cuz the holy God was boring but God wants you to have a life they prove it John 10:10 defeat therefore cometh not therefore but to steal and to kill and to destroy but I am come that you might have and that get on the cruise go on the plane have a friends brunch uh go look at an art gallery if that's your thing go golfing amen do something once a month your assignment is to have a friend day and if you around me and I find out you're not doing I'm a rebuke you and here's why the brotherhood grows you this sisterhood grows you especially when they serve the Lord okay all right amen to God at 10:30 I preached discerning the evil of jealousy and I had to confront it head-on because jealousy is a powerful manifestation of dishonor you cannot honor a person whose life you desire a person whose reputation you desire a person whose relationship if you are jealous of me you have dishonored me so train yourself to see whatever you are jealous of you also dishonor because you're basically saying they're not good enough or worthy enough for what they have or hold they are and you're the better fit so you've dishonored them point one point two is you've also dishonored God coz you're also saying to God whatever you've given me or however you've made me is insufficient funds sir so jealousy is the fruit of insecurity can we say that together jealousy so here's what you have oh here's what you have to know you cannot be holy and remain insecure you're not doing yourself any service by ignoring your insecurities we don't have to know why they're there maybe they make sense maybe they don't but if you've got insecurities if you've got intimidations then you have to start to deal with them because if not the fruit of it will be jealousy when jealousy is full-blown it brings forth murder I mentioned this in 1030 because I'm sick as heck of it the holy goes don't call Christians to set up other Christians yeah the Holy Ghost don't inspire you to be a conspirator to aid in or publicize the downfall of anybody else there is no such thing as a Christian tabloid as there is no such thing as a godly inspired gossiper you can't have those in the same life those are all anybody that starts a character assassination campaign against anybody guilty or not the root of it is jealousy and from the sound everyone o'clock got a lot of jealous people in it it's jealousy jealousy is tricky because it manifests in a lot of different ways we even found the scripture go back and watch it where it talked about how jealous people give demonic wisdom and y'all didn't even know there was such a thing there is a such thing as demonic wisdom and many people who give it are giving it from a place of jealousy I'm gonna talk to you today about the force of favor the force of favor favor is not just an event it's not just a spirit it is a force God will put the force of favor on the man on the woman on the nation on the family that does it honorably favor is an unexplainable force and it is walked in or accessed by the man and the woman or the people that live honorably honor is going to be complicated because your journey to favor should not be an easy one you see your character is fixed in complicated situations easiness and and and and things that lack difficulty don't do very much for character but difficulty really has powerful contributions to how you are in your character whether it's your perspectives of people your perspectives of life your perspectives on your timing on your pace difficult situations allow for you the opportunity to grow in your character how many know when life is going easy you don't have much to figure out but it's when life is going back relationships are challenging that you have to go within and start to address areas of your character and I was studying the issue of the favor of God and it's God's transformative power to snatch you from run realm through the next that's the definition I want to use cuz I said so it's God's transformative power to literally snatch you I mean violently aggressively move you from one realm of anything to the next it is the force of favor it can find you professionally it can find you relationally it can find you spiritually the favor of God and God is so bad when it comes to favor he told Moses listen I will show favor to who I want which means that people don't have to like it they don't have to understand it they don't have to agree with it when God favors you he does not ask for a board meeting about how he's going to do it he does it without the agreement of the people around you but the caveat is that you have to live compatible for favor and that lifestyle is called honor go to Genesis to add before I go there write down this scripture I'm gonna go through Genesis 6 but I want you to write down Luke 2 in 52 Luke 2 in 52 I preached a message in London called the silent years and I talked about how the beginning or the genesis of any sending is how you manage the silent years and what you do during the times where people don't know you over you're not who you are and the concluded that is Luke 2:52 when the Bible says and Jesus grew and Jesus grew in stature and gained favor say favor with God and man now that means that favor with God should be your goal let's say that together favor with God should be my goal said again favor said again because what happens is many people can work live pay bribe finagle for favor on earth and if that is done criminally or without righteousness you can be on the wrong side of the hand of God if it's done out of pride or deceit or mockery the real healthy route to favor is to find favor in heaven when you find favor in heaven and you live in that favor that that standard of character then men have no choice but to honor what God is on it when God is honored something men will honor what God is honored it won't be all men but it will be some men and you don't need all men to honor you if a thousand broke folk don't like you if one wealthy person decides to like you you don't give a nickle word for dog meat about the persecution from public aid what you care about you don't want to have Church today is the one person who had the power to promote so you don't need favor from everybody the favor of God when it comes on your life the seasons will instantly change you will literally watch everything around you change everything from the conversations you need to now have from the decisions you need to now make from the boundaries you need to put in place from the deadlines all of the changes so if you get whiplash and don't adapt well and change you're not ready for favor because favor and change are synonymous with the Spirit of God blows on you your world is going to radically change if you have you ever know somebody who experienced the blessing of God and it just happened so fast that they didn't catch up and character or catch up in faith or catch up with that God will favor you and it will ruin your old world Jesus grew in favor with God and man now you can long as I got King Jesus I don't need nobody else all you want there are people that are both saying they're not that have the power on earth to advance you there are kings some Saints I'm not that have the power to platform what God has been doing in you you need the favor of God Hey if you have anything going on in you I wouldn't do it in my own strength because the opposite of favor is doing it in your own strength glory to God it doesn't matter how pretty your resume is it'll be prettier with the favor on it I don't care how many degrees you got favored we'll talk louder than a PhD and an EDD and a SIA T favor will come upon a GED and make you make more money than those with a PhD you've got to live for the favor of God the favor of God will take you from the whole house to the White House and it take you from the don't house to the governor house you need the favor of God it's God's reward listen to a life lived in obedience do you think you're going to live sexually chaste in front of so many sexy people and go home and not meet your own needs and God ain't gonna reward you with favor do you believe that God is so unjust that he won't reward your decision for righteousness see God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him every act of obedience will be rewarded it may not be rewarded in this season but it will find you in another he will favor you don't you let the devil tell you holiness don't pay righteousness won't pay off glory to God don't you let the devil make you feel like you ain't going ever it will and i'ma tell you this I got to get to my scripture and when you cash in you're going to realize why it was necessary that you do it as late as you did that it happened when it dinner and how it better that you live past it and you live constricted because God is giving you the character for the coming days when favor hits your life it'll all make sense elbows somebody who still use blue grease and they have and say when favor hears it all makes sense go on tell her when Fay come on find somebody who line about the edges the baby here I tell him when paper hits you it's gonna all make sense wow I'm just gonna all make sense it's gonna all make sense he's done all since every tear hide every anchor every know every yes embryo to call every breakthrough everything is La Mesa [Applause] I got a whole scripture but I feel like I'm supposed to encourage you stay in there if you live is how I feel I'm running if you're living holy I stay in there just telling me to stay in there if you paying your time right stay in there stay in there stay in there it's gonna make sense ooh [Applause] Bible says favor is a defense book of Proverbs as the favor of God is a defense it's like a wall it'll prevent you from having to experience certain things ever again I'm trying you ain't getting evict it no more you ain't getting laid off no more you ain't getting kicked out no more those days over ah Pina come Garros pathetic oppa you have seen the worst already nobody's gonna demote you again nobody's gonna catch you out again you will not lose your home again you won't live in a car no more the favor of God is gonna put an end to the season of suffering get her snappy people say pay the paper my soul love you it'll never happen again those days are done those days are over you are being swallowed up by the supernatural force of Faina [Applause] sit down please oh yeah favor the favor of God God's favor will do everything from change deadlines to make lines smaller the favor of God go to Genesis 6 I got two minutes to do this I'm gonna do this in two minutes guys I feel like rolling on the floor because if you think you've seen the favor of God now you ain't seen if your world is still intact that ain't the favor of God it's the blessing of the Lord but when favor comes it changes how you live your world is gonna be messed up but this time it's not going to be the devil you are used to surviving in chaos now you gonna have to learn how to swim in this favor he's gonna turn your world upside down and you're going to have to walk different and talk different and plan different and choose different speakers you don't even have to dress different the fiber I'm working in here the final [Applause] somebody's talking about you right now you in here 73 59 and somebody's talking about you right now believe me you've been being honorable forgiving your enemies not retaliating there are people in different area codes saying I remember whatever happened to come God's about to put you up in the memory of Kings having the memory of those that have the power to bless and the power to raise and the power to hold back screams hyah Genesis 6 Genesis 6 verse 5 I'm gonna just read this and the Lord saw is the Genesis 6 in the amplified the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth and that every imagination or intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually and the Lord regretted that he had made mankind and he was deeply grieved in his heart so the Lord said I'll destroy mankind whom I've created from the surface of the you have not only member the animals and the calling things the birds of the air because it grieves me to see their sin I regret that I've made them verse 8 but Noah found favor in the eyes of God when God calls you to live differently do not despise it there are people who can't get over the fact that God has taken you a different route either from the others around you or even from a route you had chosen but God deals differently with the man or the woman that he is stored favoured for the secret to this is that Noah must have been living opposite from how everybody else was now you cannot just be the exception in one case and not be the exemption in another in other words what you're choosing to stay away from and what you're choosing to say no to and what you're choosing to discontinue and what you're choosing to do when everybody else is out on a Saturday night and you single and good-looking you ain't as ugly as you used to be and you're on your face speaking with tongues reading your Bible and you left I'm a grown woman I'm a grown man why I'm out there do you realize because you made yourself the exemption the next season gods don't make you the exception when chaos comes when disaster comes up the whole nation can be in debt and you wanna be making it rain money does grow on trees in the light with the favor of God he is a do it differently do it differently do it differently he's taking you a different route he's taking you a different route be okay with having to be the different route oh it's a trend so get married now before you got a job but it's okay to be 50 and get married in righteousness now listen listen listen listen I know I'm not to make you mad I know that you wanna hurry up and buy that house but it is still a boss move to be 40 and oh no what I'm trying to show you is sometimes the directives of God will take you outside of what you think is ideal but there is something called longevity that this generation has no value for you want it quick but you don't want it to last you want it now but you don't want it to endure and when God makes a man wage for what he could have now or should have now is because he wants him to enjoy and longer than those that snatched him because they were impatient they were proud of and they were arrogant he wants to make [Applause] in the next chapter I gotta hurry this up the favor of God listen opens a conversation with Noah Lord I wish I had more time we see in Chapter six God tells God says I'm sick of everybody they all get on my nerves I'm gonna kill them all except for you I'm not gonna do that to you I'm going to allow my judgment to hit every place but your house I'm gonna do it differently with you I've called you differently you walk differently before me in the next chapter God says now go and make you an ark of gopher wood but I'm going to sing a flood upon the earth you're not ready for me yet because favor will determine the vocabulary of God to you God had never told anybody nothing about an ark no boats existed before this time but the favor of God allowed God to entrust Noah with a language that had not even come upon the earth you want to be rich get to the solution before everybody realizes there's a problem you got to be the first to figure it out the future is in the hands of people who beat the rest to the outside start to tomorrow's problems favor whoa have you thinking during crisis and not being victimized by you God's language to Noah empowered him to prosper in the flood buildable buildable build the boat and no was that cool sure why is that a problem he was never like what is the boat what is rained why would it destroy us unprecedented phenomenon but favor determines what God trusts you with when a man or a woman is trusted with the future it's cuz not only how they live differently listen to me they have learned to hear differently I really believe that for many of you entrepreneurs many of you pioneers God is giving you a trained ear it's not gonna be luck luck as for the devil dawn is giving you favor and a part of what that looks like is you're going to have tomorrow's answers today not another disaster will come to you that you are not prepared for who am I talking to her in this Baptist Church God is one to brace you with his favor for whatever is coming in the next season he builds it he builds it he builds it Reese and what impresses me is that he does not have a fortune 500 company he didn't tell Noah I want you to go and get you about a thousand men call the Levitical order because this wood is heavy the favor of God heightened mo Noah's human Camila capabilities he had to be capable of doing what most men were not and the brother was 800 years old first of all 601 of them we don't even live to be hunted and yet several centuries old this brother is more strong more vibrant more intelligent than the entire planet I'm trying to open you up to what favor is it's not just about somebody giving you another loan favor is about stirring look the potentials and the capacities that are within you that you don't know I even there and then if that weren't enough God tells them now bring your family I don't like them but I like you y'all I can't even fool with each other but I like you and because I like you I'm gonna give you several passes to bring them and then two of every animal you like bring them all and because of what me and you got going on I most spy the rest of them the favor of God when Gabriel showed up to marry in the New Testament he'll marry blessed are you among women for you have found favor with God she was not rich at this time she was a teenager at this time she was a virgin they hadn't consummated yet praise God's powerful name and yet God told her you have found favor with God then the Holy Ghost comes on her and impregnates her with a supernatural thing favor will not just determine what you have favored will determine what's in you what's given to you there's a lot of you I want you to hear this about the Spirit of God the devil wants you to think you're overwhelmed because you got too much to do but what's really happening is you are in the first gestational phase the first listen listen listen trimester a favor Ava is gonna manifest in your life and trimesters and when it first comes in you're gonna have to carry it and be morning sick you're going to have to carry it and not know how you're gonna pay for it you're going to have to carry it and watch people market and have to defend it and stay in the house sometime so that you don't miss Carrie and then when it becomes obvious now you're gonna have to determine who needs to be around you who the godparents are going to be who you're going to entrust with that and then when it's time to push you're gonna now have to choose your midwives you're going to have to choose who you're gonna let see you that nekkid while you're going from travail to triumph going to happen in different sizes Joseph found favor in every circumstance he was in and what y'all don't realize about Joseph was that he was always number two he was never the leader at any point in his life not at any point under the Baker under Potiphar under the ruler of the jail it says about seven times and Joseph found favor and Joseph found favor and Joseph found favor here's why he was betrayed in the formative seasons of his walk with God so because the pain of betrayal is so powerful what God does is give you signposts of what he's doing and where he's taking you by allowing you to find favor in any circumstance you at now the reason this does not excite you it's because you're hearing me speak this and you're intelligently or you're interpreting it through the language of Christianese but let me bust your bubble flavor ain't favored if it only exists in the church how I feel you mother cat favor ain't favor if only Saints can give it God has a way I'm making the right sinner love you don't like that gospel God that most of the saints you know broke anyway God will make unbeliever love you and not know what again they'll look at you just I just like something about you he's just our aura he's just like okay what it is but give me access to where I'm going so I can show the glory of God I don't won't favor just from charge people y'all are fickle church people are cutting Summa base you'll find somebody else to be a favorite in a couple of years but if I can get favor that extends in the church out the church I won't faith in Hollywood fame and Washington give me a little bit from Satori I need a few potato farm Lord give me faith in Utah like horses praise God I just want my life to be an instrument and assigned to people of what God does well I believe holy and what God does like live surrender and what God knows you're a man who tells the devil no and lives out his yes paper comes on you remember God made the King love Esther people who are religious would be like old you got to be careful y'all know I manifested this morning about retirement I don't want to go there no more maybe if you went on Church people to enable you to retire you might want to stop what you're doing right now God there listen help me prophesy to the person next to you and tell them this there is so much more in you saying tell them this you are more than what you're known for you ain't see nothing when I tell you for most of you God has just gotten started God ain't even flexed yet he just keeping you alive fader is about to come to your life favor has psychological emotional social repercussions which means that as it is getting ready to hit your life you'll know it because God starts working on those dimensions of who you are God is going to instruct you relationally first Oh y'all don't want to hear me oh yeah yeah yeah how many of you have God been dealing with about your social circle I mean that's the first realm of practice for favor because God knows what's coming to your life and it would be unwise of him to let favor hit you our leeches are around here so he's gonna take you through a season of teaching you what loyalty looks like because he wants to surround you with people we're gonna be with you when you're rich and when you're broke up with your whole and when you come up when you're sober and when you answer he will stable people around you so sometimes God will withhold favor until you have the right crowd then he'll start dealing with you emotionally when you're getting ready for favor you're gonna be like why am i crying so much why am i crying I'm sick of feeling I want to think about that let the past be the past but although it's just a sign that favor is coming up and God don't want you using it to get back at nobody he wants you heal for real he wants you safe to stay he wants you free so it - laughs you've been out here God's been trying to get you home forgive this person release that person get delivered from rejection dogs not just trying to make you a better person he's trying to set your life up to receive riches and honor and glory and grandeur he wants you to be a vessel of honor God is concerned about your emotional self he doesn't want you using favor to medicate life so he'll make you put in the due diligence to repair breaches in your heart breaches in your soul and sometimes it'll hit you all at once be encouraged think it not strange he wants you to be whole coz when the glory hits you he don't want you to drop it to fight battles that I'm not yours to fight you don't want you to drop it to take on debates that are not your concern when he positions you as a prince you know what you coming down for the peasants but he's gonna deal with you emotionally your emotional well-being is extremely important to the favor of God on your life it is very important because again favor is a force that means it ain't no such thing as soft favor when favor hits you it's hard BAM you are all of a sudden like whoa whoa last year I was trying to figure out how I was gonna eat dinner this year I got several franchises and I'm trying to figure out who I'm gonna feed can I give you a word God's about to reverse your problems you about to have a new set of problems if you were trying to figure out how to pay your rent ah now you're about to be a landlord he is about to take what the devil meant for evil [Applause] the favor of God it is a dangerous thing it is a convicting thing it can take time off your process it is important to live honorably because above all it communicates to God that I can handle favor hey I can handle favor I don't have a problem saying yes so nurse silver no sir coz I can handle failure I'm not gonna show up on time i'ma show up before time cuz I can handle favor I'll tell one of my sons today all great leaders do more than what they are required if you live your life just doing the bare minimal you're gonna be broke forever nobody remembers people that meet standards we all remember people that exceed them if your workday starts at 8 I challenge you starting at 7:30 ain't no penalty for being before time there's only a penalty for being too late you got to start to adjust your behavior your habits your character to living like somebody who's going to walk in the favor of God because if I had the power to promote I'm not going to promote the average I'm going to promote the one that's willing to do more than most every great enterprise owner is impressed by those who do more than what they have to do that's how you live for the favor of God in every area of your life how many apologies you've got to make make them y'all know y'all are you ready for me don't sit there be victimized and count the apologies that you do make you a list of the ones you owe if I were you I would get on God's good side I'm a humble myself so much I'm a humble myself too I start calling myself Pilar and clay i'ma just cut my name is clay don't call me nothin apologize to everybody excuse me mr. mailman if I've ever dishonored the Postal Service forgive me please vodka come on you're not ready for me how look if there is a such thing as lower than low imma get real low because the Bible said God looks for those that are low Annie he takes on the job and you got to stay fit no it is I promise you it is because you never find an unprepared person favor favor is always for the preparer and the way you prepare is by being okay with your requirements view at your job and God is like I want you every day your your your supervisor is mean as a chicken on on on her period you will do it differently I got no other choice but to be real today you will walk up to that mean Scarecrow and every day you will reward you will buy her lunch yo ain't ready for favor you too democratic but this it's not going to feel like favor until God makes you do something unfair if God gives you an instruction you like birthday like this but then you're not ready for favor God will be like ain't he don't like you I want you to go and buy him dinner I want you to go and honor him I want you to celebrate the mess out of him that's when God starts building people to handle the favor of God by when a man's ways please God even his enemies will be at peace with him the favor of God will shut your enemies it will shut him right up they can argue with you and your attitude all that but they cannot deny your promotion portfolio live for failure how many you got an evil boss but none of y'all wave your hand up here I mean seriously I have seen people in professionally abusive situations where bosses either for racial reasons or gender reasons are extremely abusive to people I challenge you start honoring that thing and it doesn't give it permission to exist it actually kills it and you will find that even if God does not allow you to be promoted here I guarantee you your starting salary and this place is gonna be your beneath your God is trying to switch you see God has a way of rewarding what you did in other seasons God will reward you in one house but what you served in another it will bless you at one job for how integral you are see just because this was the place of your pain don't mean it's the place of your promise they don't have to be the same place God has a way of remembering what you did and honor and get in the season that's to come but you got to live for favor I'm praying all around this room let it hit let it hit the leaders let it hit the workers let it hit the seekers let it hit the young let it hit the old let it hit the signal let it hit the merry let it hit the husbands let it hit the wife let the favor of God the force of favor let it come upon this house strong even from the north from the south from the east from the west from the caves from under the earth from the waters let the windows be open let the doors be opened let the country be made let the percentages change that the classifications change let me favor I'm Conda come upon this house and let it be a sign that your hand is upon it your word is in it your presence is in it let your favour come powerfully in this place and we commit to glorifying you with it and honoring you in it and blessing you with it in the name of Jesus Christ find four people and smack them and say I command the favor of God on your life go ahead come on tell him do it till I command the favor of God in your life open your mouth tell your brother to get Oh believe it can I command the favor of God on your life I just get ready for it live for it praised for it we're shut the phone oh pay for it cuz if I be God's man it's coming and it's coming violently it's coming harshly people are gonna look at you oh is that every devastation that the devil had scheduled for you will be turned around by the redemptive hand of Jehovah and it's going to become your entry point for favor your latest disaster your latest disappointment your ladies letdown is going to qualify you to sit at board rooms to have conversations and to be entertained by people who have the ability to bless come on that is so that is so that is so the favor of God is coming to your life if you believe it go crazy for five seconds Oh uh no favor [Music] babe [Music] oh that feels good I heard the voice I like that go ahead keep raising him come on your tears are about the time to laughter he's about to check your shank and give you honor for your trouble coming on your life going crazy boys and might you believe it you get dog real praising along top I thought you believed it lose yourself you ain't that cute get ready for paver [Music] get that is my payza about to be in some movies you got to get trapped into some peeps that's gonna give you [Music] [Applause] [Music] he is come he is come I said he is God he is God he's God he is God we're not trying to fidget nothing else huh God is about to pray for us and is go ahead all the logistics you got to replace your hell with the who he is come [Music] if you are in this church and it's your dream to run for political office prepare yourself I'm encouraging you to get ready the Bible said that when the righteous are in authority when the righteous are in authority favor is coming to you for those of you that want to be the principal or want to solve the issue or want to be the department head get ready to start living for favor be the kind of employee you are God is going to situate your life so you can have what you say I'm telling you the Spirit is coming things are shifting the princes of the earth being rotated around here [Music] the favor of them so may not come in the form of a microphone may not come in the form of a trophy but God has a way of favoring you so much where men see you and glorify your God rise and shine for your light is come and the glory of the Lord be risen upon the Kings will come I feel like throwing is that you're here Kings will come Kings will come to the brightness of your eyes the last season you had to dim it down but I dare you to shine come on let people know unsaved and celibate a professional I'm a double man swore that I am NOT a shy what should I [Applause] [Music] if you review if you don't hide your salvation God will make sure you think people have been trying to put you on blast when God makes up his mind to turn in the direction of a life nobody doubts who did it nobody does and you have not even seen God take his turn yet you know how in chess or in spades everybody goats until you played a right hand it is the turn for God to play his hand in your life the devil has had his input your curses have had his input it's God's turn come on look at somebody say it's God's turn look at somebody say it's God's turn look at somebody say it's God's turn up and he's about to show favor to you he's going to show favor he loves the fact that you pray to Him he loves the fact that you say notice he loves the fact that you were willing to lose it all even just to try he's not just a moment I wish I had a church I said the Bible [Music] live holy I said live holy please God don't feel punished by your standards God is preparing you for failure obey quickly repent easily honor your leaders God is setting you up for favor and it's not about what men are doing the saying it's about what heaven is working on behind the scenes slap somebody up side [Music] come on place it one more time she get ready for Congress get ready for the Senate would anybody bother your beard get ready to be CEO get back to BC all get ready Seattle [Music] [Applause] [Music] you've not you've not been we've not been facing all this for no pre point be encouraged it is for reason and the reason is favor when you go home and you are reminded about a circumstance that's been bothered you tell your heart take courage my soul courage this is for ease and the reason is not unknown the reason is God's not gonna let you down but he's going to blow your mind would the thing she's got planned for you the plan of God the plan of God for your life is beyond your wildest dreams it is but you've got to live in favor prepare for it and it will blow your I mean [Music] if you we'll sacrifice your preferential sometimes one of the hardest things to let go is your personal preferences and God can't do what he wants to do if you're fighting to have it to see it to do it to walk in and how you want and some time is God's love to not let you see it some of you ought to just thank God that he did not give you what you thought you wanted I'm about to have a meltdown as are some of you some of you better give God praise but not giving you but not giving you what you asked for are you being honest why am i come on you are the playes God but setting you free from the design the design I will work a work in your days I'm just hearing him gloat in my spirit I will work a work in your days that you would not believe it though you were told hmm if you've spent the first season of your life in despair it is only right my Bible principle that the ladder is going to be greater [Music] say they won't help me I said your ladder is going to be greater than the former and gods going to gather the glory of the ladder and the former house the glory from the past and the future are coming in one harvest just relax and overhead and the favor of God get you know it's not for naught I promise it's not for nothing it's for a reason praise and praise him I just want this is gonna seem real inappropriate we're gonna open the doors of the church but if you're in here and you've been fighting hard to remain sexually pure and you just feel so for you but the devil is walking up to you like you may go go get you some and you've been holding it together I want you to take you ten seconds and listen I don't judge you if the person next to you judge you they ugly anyway amen but some folks celibacy is the only option I'm talking to the cute people they're celibate by choice well praise His name if you've been holding it together keeping it on ice go ahead and praise him right now - don't say vuc hi my chin is off those are crazy lady I said well I promise I don't respond woman that revives every woman every Solomon man [Music] [Music] [Music] shut up Orissa storming up gone and he took up I can't even 28 out of pies and if you ain't clean praising if you wanna be hallelujah titles coming [Music] I know it's hard I know it is hard it ain't easy living sexually pure but God is trying to get you to stay clean so he can keep your emotions out of a mess and help you concentrate for this new favor it is a good thing to live sexually pure for this is the will of God even your sanctification bless you I know there's a hard thing to praise God for I'm sure some of you are used to shouting for not catching nothing some of you need the shotgun I wanted to give it up and didn't the Holy Ghost help me you are telling the truth glory to God I'll be praised I see a nation of men and women live in sin or walk walk again and walk again go meet a lady I've been walking in great help and my god since I'm Patti to you they're gonna add it away [Music] - Adriana - they'd be proud of God you checked me out of this hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] their bodies if that's what you have to do but see the flavor [Music] become more mature [Music]
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 49,225
Rating: 4.9070597 out of 5
Id: dJVSc-9X_dQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 18sec (4038 seconds)
Published: Tue May 01 2018
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