Amazing Grace | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | It Wont Be Long

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and I've been preaching the grace of God and throwing myself violently into the understanding of grace from the old to the new testament and what it means and I've been really really really amazed at what I've been learning about the grace of God if some of you like well what's the big deal why now because when you realize how deeply entrenched you've been to understanding something one way even God then it takes time to labor and doctrine in Revelation to get that stuff out of you so we are in a fundamental restructuring our theology and our core beliefs about what God does what God says and what God is doing the people of the Lord said Amen so I'm gonna take a brief deviation and kind of give you something that is on my heart prophetically I have never seen this scripture before I have never preached this scripture before I have never paid attention to this before but this is the word of the Lord to you concerning the month of May I'm going to give you the prophetic decree over your life in the month of May now I don't preach like a teacher I don't preach like an evangelist I don't preach like a pastor so the words I'm speaking to you are gonna start moving immediately around your life in very uncommon ways you're going to start noticing strange introduction strange exits strange changes in the space and the speed of things around you it's just going to be a supernatural season and I feel that the Lord really wants to address a lot of you about what's supposed to happen in this second quarter sometimes God will allow chaos in the first part of it so that you can have clarity in the second part of it and it may feel like things are falling out of control but what God isn't doing is allowing you through chaos to see everything for what it is because he does not want you building the wrong way it takes chaos to produce clarity can we say that together it takes chaos to produce clarity sometimes before it all comes together it all falls apart you find yourself trying to rear ekka guys is around you so that you can do the right thing with it amen so I want to just kind of walk you through this scripture this man of God right here very handsome gentleman pastor Kendrick Oakley from real life church and he's been around for you we actually have a real crazy grace story I'm not ready to go public with it yet so just let me heal a little bit we go in next couple of years we'll go forward but yeah it's a crazy story you know it'll bring a lot of healing to a lot of people I think and I've got a deal with some book writers maybe we should co-write on how this thing is done it's interesting so he's one of the only people in last four years that I've apologized to sorry but the only people I've ever called and said oh I was wrong and I got dealt with about him on my face right here in worship so we'll go public soon but just treat him good amen I ain't telling you what I did ain't your business but pretty I love you it's a beautiful story Amos the ninth chapter I'm going to be starting in the 13th verse and because I feel like it if I can't move past verse 13 and flip down that my mother Lizzy just forgives me because this thing is about to win me out Amos 9 verse 13 but that's only half the instruction I want you to put it up in the message version Amos 913 in the message version i'ma hit it and quit it cuz then we got to go and minister to some people y'all ready aim I want everybody matter of fact yeah put that up in bold letters I want you to see what God is saying to you Amos 9 and 13 in the message version here's the first thing that it comes out saying yes indeed it won't be long Wow sorry look at somebody saying it won't be long now it won't be long now turning somebody else it won't be long now it won't be long sad not done let me finish reading this yes indeed whoa it won't be long now this is God's decree things are going to happen so fast your head will swim one thing fast on the heels of the other you won't be able to keep up everything will be happening at once and everywhere you look blessings blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and the hills Jenny this is what makes me have a fit baby are you looking at this right here sugar pan might look at what the Lord is telling you I'll make everything right I want I wish you I don't even got to hollow this out make everything right okay he's gone make it right okay they this is decree number one for you when I make everything right again you're gonna rebuild ruined cities then you're gonna plant vineyards and drink good wine that's business then your work your gardens and eat fresh vegetables and I will plant them them the people plant them on their own land that's the curse of rent they'll not be seated glory to God put out hallelujah up rooted from the land I've given them God your God and the word of the Lord is already blessed that's all I've got for you it won't be long now it won't be long now really quickly Amos Amos is the first prophet whose book was named after him it was a very first one Christ sugar and a part of what makes this crazy is that Amos has the most unconventional prophetic calling of all of the other prophets in the Old Testament Isaiah had a dramatic when Ezekiel had a dramatic one I Elijah had a dramatic one but here's what makes Amos is calling dramatic and traumatic he was a shepherding prophet an agricultural prophet and when the Lord came the biblical word is to him he said I was neither prophet nor priest and the hand of the Lord called me they're a major part of his prophesying was to Shepherds because it was similar language to his workforce here is the word of the Lord to you are you ready and this is for you Elmo the person next to you and have a whole fit ok God is about to use skills from what you thought was a dead career I said it's about to use the language of a dead career the skill said that you picked up in a career trajectory you're no longer on and he's going to use it for conversation in your calling if you feel like your career die I want you to give God some crazy cuz it's about to be with Daddy he's blowing mouth-to-mouth on your career hey miss is a picture of somebody who studied one thing was trained for one fare bought into one thing and then snatched into another he's a picture of somebody who was groomed by his parents to be a thing coached by his peers to be a thing and then the call of God hidden and when the call of God hit him the first thing that went was his career possible mo Correa first thing to go was his career trajectory the security of what I'm going to be employed and actively doing was the first thing that left when the call of God hit him but when he starts to prophesy the revelation God gives him uses the language and the lessons of his career now they are several in you that went to school for something investigated something had a love for something and that was your world then all of a sudden the call of God hits you he started cleaning you and you looked up watch me and you are in life drama you like what do I do and what I learned over there what'll I do with this degree what do I do with that degree it won't be long now I said it won't be long now you're going to see why God use that thing to training Bogey's calling you to slap somebody say [Applause] in destiny in destiny there's no such thing as a dead career in destiny there's no such thing as pointless training what happens is God starts to train you before you know how he's going to use that stuff and then before you get too good at it I praise your name he starts to consecrate you so you don't worship what you're learning so you'll be on the road to becoming a supervisor or manager or this or that and then God will save you seemingly out of nowhere but he always saves you at the middle point before it's too far and he saves you at that point so that on the other side of success you realize that you don't have the right to use your skills for what you want to use your skill to I know you wanted to be a psychologist you're still gonna do that it's just gonna be in a different way I was dead set on being a judge and when God took that I was depressed but what I learned is I'm still a judge I've got a gavel in my head every time I'm reaching and the safe fire anointing of God is upon me to deliver people prophetically you're still using those skills you resuscitation is coming to your career path I said resuscitation is coming in the month of May God is broing on what you thought was a pointless endless career trajectory and he's gonna begin to highlight what she learned he's gonna highlight how you were trained he did it for Moses he did it for Jesus Jesus turned my to plumb this rock I'll build my church so we had to be a carpenter what were you going to be before you knew who you are find that because God's gonna start to pull those skills up it is not a waste encourage three people around you tell them it wasn't a waste I know come on I know you feel like you got pointless debt and FAFSA that you all and you can't do nothing with these credit hours I'm telling you baby girl I'm telling you son God's about to use all them credit hours one connection can make them credit hours make sense maybe you didn't end up with the paper but you ended up in purpose secure the bag God is about to do something in you let's go check your life the chapters 1 through 8 God is judging he's judging Amos is prophesied during the time of Babylonian captivity he's judging the word captivity there is a very special word that means I God will allow you to be limited and ruled by an army or nation that is wicked there is something on the other side of limitation and you yes you say put your weight on it say put your weight on it I am you have been in a season of limitation it has not been punishment it's been a controlled environment captivity was one of those things where God would allow enemies to hold Israel and it would seem as though they were going to implode because they were held in one space but there is something called a holding pattern I was in the clouds couple of weeks ago and I don't have all the patience I need all the time and so the stewardess got on and said please fasten your seat belts we're having a little bit of turbulence and we're supposed to land in about 15 minutes so I whatever it is about planes that make you go to sleep I don't know what they inject them Vince with something uh it seemed like soon as we take off I'll leave my body on the where I'm at but that 15 minutes became 20 minutes that 20 minutes became an hour that hour became four hours later and although our target and our landing spot was right beneath us for our own safety the Weathermen had to keep us in a holding pattern and so we weren't going forward and we were going backwards we were just waiting in one round watch me until it was safe to land now whether that lack of safety was what was going on on the earth or what was going on in the plan I do not know but what I do know is I would rather be in a holding pattern then land in danger I'm here to tell you in January to May you've been in a holding pattern ain't felt like you was advanced but not necessarily reversing but I'm here to tell you is clear God has made sure that whatever you land on is gonna bring you to your destination one through eight is judgment chapters one through eight is refinement chapters one through eight is wisdom he that has an ear hear what the spirit saith unto the church be very cautious about not having the type of appetite you should for wisdom be very very cautious about how you respond to wisdom one of the things that's wrong with this generation is they have an indifference to wisdom one of them hearts that says I can do with it or without it but if you intend to prosper if you intend to be wealthy if you intend to be multiply listen and proceed well when God says to you I'm gonna make you wealthy what he's saying to you is I'm about to find something to make you wise when God judges a thing it measures it assesses it resituated and so an aim is one through eight God is measuring measuring measuring measuring assessing you are out of balance here you are out of line here you are ahead of me here you are behind me here that's what the judgment of God is it is not judging to destroy it's judging to resituated after that wisdom situation there is a release of everything that judgment prevented in the context of this chapter there were some promises that God had that could not be released until they were measured now let me break this down and get old language if you feel like from January to May that you can get up from nothing that things were happening crazily to you things were happening unfair you were having to shut up you will happen to hurry up and forgive you happen to be swerved by folk you were having to be undermined and under look and or lied on and or cheated on and or wrongly mission if you were doing any of that oh is God using that I'm gonna answer you he was using it to gain contact with the stuff in you that's still accessible to hell for example if you still have the propensity to fight battles that are not yours to fight to begin to attack things that are not yours to fight that he will allow the circumstance justlet to reveal the soul when you're comfortable you don't know what stake the soul is in but the circumstantial things make the soul show itself now here's what this is important prosperity is a soul issue prosperity is not a gift issue it's not an intelligence issue it's a soul issue you are in health and prosper as your soul prospers many of you want to be rich you just don't want to be restored and God has a priority his money his relationships his influence ain't going nowhere he's here from everlasting to everlasting so he will seemingly withhold the thing until you are able to stand up under the weight of it hear the word of the Lord God spoke something to me that changed my whole understanding a promotion when I used to think promotion I used to think money I mean ever heard of words say you got to get promoted but in the Bible promotion is more responsibility when God promotes you he gives you more to do he entrust you with more it's a bad sign when God is trusting you with less it means that somewhere in your life you proven unfaithful when God is calling you into promotion he's going to increase what you do and what you're called to do for him in Chapter 9 he's talking about Babylonian captivity and then here's where it turns he says right before our verse I will restore the tabernacle of David if pain don't do nothing it increases praise I don't have the time I said if pain if fear if crisis if chaos don't do nothing it should restore worship pastor David I'm reminded that we don't have very many praising apostles anymore apostles who want to reign and rule but not many of them have the mantle of appraising apostle I believe what God is raising up is men and women who immediately respond to painful things by praise who immediately respond now this is a thing when I was younger I was a huge praise of Sam I were to run all around the church and last four days have asthma attacks I need me got asthma I would run I would fall and then they started to mock me day but they were get all hey go again there aren't you stopped pastor and what happened that thing got the place and a spirit of heaviness now came on my life so I stopped praising and I started sulking for years one day I was in the All Nations worship assembly I'm the spirit of praise broke out and let's start doing all kind of crazy stuff and I realize my praise was coming back now that wasn't the good news the good news is after I started praising I started prospering I noticed a connection the more God trusted me with rock God can trust appraiser he can trust the worshiper so he says I will restore the tabernacle of David because it's been brought down I will bring my people out of intellectual worship and observe and worship and judgmental worship I will bring my people out of that and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna raise the tabernacle of David that's the tenth call I don't care that's the tenth call yes I'm sweaty yes I'm sitting by you yes is too hot but if you don't get up out of my way I'm about to give you a whole cunning here's what David said to his wife I know this is annoying but God gave me what used to be your father's he transferred your legacy to my and if you're not careful I will add to look bit on more undignified than this now listen don't ever call yourself a king if you can't praise mikkel said look at yourself disrobing yourself is that how the king she said absolutely he said because the Lord gave me what used to be your daddy's praise will give you positions you're not prepared for I'm trying I got to go home I want some smother I said praise will give you positions that you will not prepare for listen men of God if these women of God don't won't raise a man run right past em and find you a woman they don't dance with you and shy with you but they think raises diffident leave them two days but you better run Forrest run [Applause] I'm a praise worship I'm a crier I will run all over this place mess up all of my clothes because the Spirit of God has a habit of transferring stuff from darkness to the lighter from bondage to freedom from brokenness to wholeness and praise is how I communicate that I'm in compliance with whatever he is - something about that praise and worship is gonna escalate things things are gonna start moving real quick praise that's what's gonna ground you but after I've grounded you with hallelujah and grounded you were thank you Jesus and grounded you and Lord you're worthy that's a part of what praise does is grounds the heart when you don't feel like it and you give them what the Bible says it's a sacrifice of grace that's the praise that says I really don't feel like any of this my world don't look like none of this my heart don't feel like none of this in fact my fears have been much louder than your voice lately but I will bless the Lord at all times his praise will continually be in my mouth you got to say it and do that stuff when you are in psychological conflict about what's going on around you and if you do it long enough your soul will settle up he'll pull you from sinking Sanna into the land of gratitude I need to the land of focus and when you do that you can trust to a fast pace favor grab your neighbor real quick in the name of Jesus they don't believe you [Music] [Music] ladies will settle you praise is the seatbelt to the race car when you get in a race car it's not safe until you put your seatbelt on but every hallelujah every act of Thanksgiving every offering you just gave there's a seatbelt now get ready you are about to take off and it's gonna be so fast Amy said it won't be long you're gonna have so many blessings you said your head was going to swim you were confused about what was it happening now you about to scratch your head about why everything is happening it's all happening at once it's all happening at once it's all happening at once it's all happening at once I prophesied that over every faithful woman every faithful son it's about all there are instructions the theme of the word is it won't be long now but here are your instructions as this stuff happens you have an obligation to number one rebuild waste cities God is not interested in making you famous for no reason the Spirit of God spoke to me something really riveting the other day I was before my face on my face crime before the Lord he said son the devil is most afraid of your influence and I didn't understand exactly what he was saying but he said to me one of the things the church has lost it's not TV it's not airplanes it's not even healing its influence it's that power that has the ability to turn the heart of Kings he told me that what he was doing was gaining and releasing a realm of influence because that's how everything in the world changes there's a lot of celebrity people celebrity famous things that don't use the weapon of influence and the reason why we've not been trusted with it is because we only use it for people who are like us I know the sacrifice that comes with what we do because my assignment is not to influence the influenced I'll leave that for them my assignment is the influence of the Kingdom Kingdom from generation to generation to the ends of the earth for the next century I know my destiny its influence and what God wants to do with all that he does with you is rebuild waste cities now you may or may not be the mayor you may or may not be the aldermen but you've got to consider every person you engage as a personal world to change you got to look at the person next to you you got to look at the person behind you as a world to change hear me all nations when you go around being braggadocio about being world changes it's not talking about the planet do you know what the greet weren't all your apostles learn this the Greek word for the word world is the word a on you know what it means age you've been called to go to all of the age God never told us to go to all of the planets he told us to go to the end of the world the age in other words recapture the dominant forces that controlled the age to the ends of the earth the world the age the AR rebuild waste cities something around your needs to be rebuilt there is a new language or a new thing that the Lord spoke to me and I'm these are instructions for you the new language that the Lord spoke to me baby is philanthropy is legacy you can say man but I would rather you receive it if you don't do anything with the wealth or the resource that God has given you it is a misdemeanor it is a crime against God to be prospered and not become a liberator I quit I give up I told God I will never again try to use the anointing use money use language and creativity just to help church people I'm done I resigned and I sign up for world-changing everything any environment that God gives me where I'm in the heart in the place where there is a man or a woman or a boy or girl that has decided against light I'm going to shine there philanthropy is legacy if you want to be remembered by your love funky cow so be it or your dumb lamp or your banana pudding recipe then you go do that but philanthropy is legacy what are you doing for your in your retirement time see in the kingdom we don't retire to rest in the kingdom we retire for a new assignment you have to rebuild the second thing that he said to do I'm almost done with this you now need to plant new vineyards Amos is talking this way because of how he was trained can you use whatever God is doing around you to plant something new can you use a skill can you use what you know how to do can you use what you were trained to do to plant new skills now don't get it twisted entrepreneurial ism is not for everybody no matter what they say some people just don't have it in them to be the guy at the top but you don't have to be the guy at the top if you're smart you'll be like Joseph and be next to the guy at the top i Papa saw a new anointing on administrators right now I loose a brand new anointing on those that aid and assist make a grace come upon support leadership and may a strong power to advance and Excel come upon you number two Joseph was never number one Daniel was never number one but he didn't have to be cuz he was number one at being number two and the same grace came upon him I don't know who I'm preaching out of ego right now I don't know what I'm preaching out of fear and pride if you have the gift of helps it's one of the ways that God can harvest you it's about who and what you've been assigned to help you're insecure and you let people prophesied to them insecurities and coach them insecurities and make you think you're supposed to be the CEO when you actually a better CEO plant plant part of the problem with this is the only thing we think needs to be planted as churches schools need to be planted hospitals need to be planted clinics need to be planning tea everything needs to be planted and there is a realm of planting that God wants to come out of your resource and as you plant he wants you to drink good wine that means the fruit of what you planted cities take note of those that solve problems one of the reasons why they ignore the church is cuz we come begging you meet your mayor your local representative from the first thing you're doing is asking for deals and discounts on stuff but God wants to situate you to solve the stresses of the rulers around you to have prophetically reveal formula about the direction of a city or territory then it says they'll work their gardens and they'll eat fresh fruit after you plant there's an anointing for effectiveness in your work load your work labor I believe what the Lord is doing with many of you is allowing you to accomplish more in less time by working deeper if you take for example a project a book etc and you say I'm going to give myself nine hours to finish this but you're scrolling typing googling eating chances are if you stop that digital distraction you could probably cut your effectiveness down to half the time if you learn to concentrate on the thing that is before you undistracted work produces at a powerful level and many of you have this you're just not using it at the level of concentration that you need work that garden men of God your wife is a garden your wife is a garden and you're a dummy if you don't work her part of what that means is that you are missing money if you don't cultivate that woman women are natural natural money magnets they can do things that we can do in attract favor just like that which is why you have to get married for favor to find you some men are broke because they don't affirm their women work that garden woman of God your house is a garden think it not strange your husband ain't bipolar he not moody and crazy there is power in a peaceful environment don't be stupid and walk around your house in your little funky gallon all day and leave the socks everywhere and the food everywhere there is so much power watch me and a woman who governs the atmosphere of her home you're not being a maid what you're doing is you're mastering that environment when that man comes in that environment the stuff that God put in him comes alive because that's how God created him God was not working on even when he created Adam Eden was finished and he put Adam back because he knows that Adam can only produce when the house is clean oh they don't like this Mike I said Adam can only produce when the house is clean you lazy ping you I wish I had to help in here you can be an anointed woman change in the world and still make your bed you can get your nails done and wear red bottoms and still make some biscuits you need to regulate that room woman slap somebody say work that garden it is a psycho retainer that the man she's the woman has a garden he kills her he does not listen he does not use his words to take away that's not gardening he uses his words you better hear me knucklehead to create lanes and his wife she becomes a masterpiece of yours you're able to look at her as she is and here's what I do every season you sow a different seed in her if you try to grow fruit by force it's fake I'm preaching much better I'm taking now I said if you try to grow fruit by force it's fake you plant seasons see a seeds and then you water many of your women are in rebellion because you're trying to force her to be what you need and you don't even know who you are yet work that garden work that garden how does that look upon so tell her girl I see you doing this you are really great at this I think you should spend your time more here you are more profitable this way you and if you do that whether you realize they're not the words of a man decrease the stress of a woman actual mama has you feeling berry white come on I'm telling what I'm telling you words decrease the stress of a woman something as simple as baby it's okay okay have you ever seen a woman worried about something and you just got the power it's okay sweetheart come here it settles the whole thing now you may not know how the heck is don't be okay but you gotta speak that thing that be not now you're gonna figure it out hands okay I'm just telling you it's don't be okay [Music] say where's your garden women I'm giving you wisdom you you have the power in you to foster environments of peace they're very if you think a lazy man is something there are few things worse it is six o'clock in the evening if you don't get that bonnet off your hair [Applause] I just got home from work this is stressful I can't focus like this so a part of you as a woman being in control of the piece of your home is how you look when he sees you you'll have a crack you go out with your ladies and put on your all black and your stiletto and then I gotta come home to you in these jogging pants and basketballs short cuz you relax this is why I can't produce I'm too busy being distracted by what's going on with you work that garden put you a look candle on Tori they don't like this in clean that house get that man space to think you'd already know men got a Dede they can't sit in one place and focus on more than one thing so help them buy clean and situate it the devil has done a very powerful thing and making women think to be professional they have to be negligent there's a lot of women who go into professionalism and they abandon their homes and because of that men can't produce at the same rate now I'm not blaming you for males like a production I'm saying you're not being the best woman you could be water each other I water you you water this and if you if we water together Oh Lord they'll all go change now when that happens your next instruction I'm done is God will plant you you'll plant you and he'll plant you in your own realm this is why you will never again compare yourself to anybody else God's calling you to your own lane can I speak to you prophetically one of the most profound discouragements of any career any calling any Church any ministry any idea is looking around to see an example in finding nothing it's very discouraging you're trying to figure out how to do this and how to do that you like who's doing it and there are many of us who have destinies that are literally carved out for unique spaces in history it literally means you'll be in your own land and what you need to do if that is you is pool lessons and wisdom from several sources but do not replicate anybody the devil will have your heart and the place of discouragement cuz you don't have someone to replicate but you don't need somebody to replicate you need somebody to revel 8 you don't have to be like me I can speak into who you're supposed to be we don't have to look for people to copy I can be inspired by anything I'll plant you in your own land here's a clothes and you will never again be rooted one of the most important things you can do for your life hear the word of the Lord it's become stable you know what the devil is after your stability he knows that the key to your fruitfulness is never being able to feel at home anywhere never being able to feel like this is it or like I can exhale or belong or be your stability is a major key to your prosperity if God thinks that your prosperity is going to disrupt your resolve and make you unstable he will withhold it he wants you stable let me give you a few examples of that what I'm talking about stability I'm not just talking about doing the same things in the same way there can be changes of rhythm and routine I'm talking about how you feel about where God has you in warfare what the devil does is unsub set your resolve if you know that you are walking in obedience and this is where God called you to be this is what God called you to do this is what God has put before you then you have to make sure that you keep your heart focused every day and wanting to be where God called you to be if you are in an assignment and the majority of your assignment is spent lusting over what's next then you're not gonna be faithful to what's in front of you if God is giving you this assignment the best way to fail it is to not want to do it stability you need mental stability you need relational stability one of the hardest things in the world pastor Helen to do and I'm one of them so I understand the plight is to be friends with moody people how many of you are admittedly Moody I know it I'm aware be honest come on this is a great place I'm a gang of Jews I'm one too listen if you are a supporter of a moody person it is selfish of you to think that their mood is because of you I can't get no help in st. agnus say put your weight on it if something is bothering me it may not have anything to do with you sometimes my moodiness reveals your selfishness sometimes you just got to love me enough to get out the way I'll be back in a couple minutes doesn't my I'll be back in a little while [Music] gifted people have to fight for stability talented people have to fight for stability creative people have to really really fight for stability at the end of this prophetic challenge of famous he says you won't be uprooted again because you know why this is what prevents any of this from happening forever I can open windows open doors give you milk give you honey but if you are an unstable creature then what happens is this event cannot become a lifestyle see God is not just calling you to have once in a while favor it's supposed to be a way of life for you and a part of how you prove to God that you can handle it is you do your own due diligence at being stable and a part of being stable is admitting when you feel unstable how do you just do that you say it like this I'm not in a good mood anyone there easy I'm not feelin you today
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 56,965
Rating: 4.9203858 out of 5
Id: GC3-tcubM1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 7sec (2827 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2019
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