The Necessity Of A Name Change

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father your presence is here tonight and that's all that matters and we thank you Lord that the entrance of your word gives light Lord the thing that is consistent in life every city every state every year is you tonight we thank you that your consistency is in the room we are not shocked at your faithfulness but we see your hand again here tonight as your word is preached let it go forth like a hammer do something today that takes decades of the process of midst deliverance and move them into destiny by the declaration of your strong word we trust you to be who you always are the we love you tonight in Jesus name Amen rich did this and is here turning the light up I had to restrain every ounce of my physical self from elbowing my role because God always gets to glory and I feel like tonight somebody needs to be reminded that in spite of it doesn't matter whatever the details are he's going to get the glory my heart needed that tonight how many of you believes that let's put this in the room called his exalted the devil is defeated and I've got the victory come on do it again God is exalted the devil is defeated but I've got the victory about one last time like you got the Holy Ghost God is exalted the devil is defeated and I've got the victory now come on I need you to take 10 seconds real quick I said take 10 seconds real quick and give the man some praise come on praise hell not that sound the other one it makes everything beautiful it is time he'll get the glory glory come on hallelujah through the Lord I will not hold you very long before we sit down I believe in honor and I want to honor has been done already and established in the house but I think it is appropriate to honor the life of this man and woman have gone [Applause] we we have not begun to see and what the Lord is going to do with both of them and I'm elated to be in their lives they see me as a father and that's not something that I take lightly because one of the things that I know is that if that is who you are God keeps father's on their faces and Paul said in Galatians 4 again I travail for you until Christ is formed in you so my commitment beyond the money and the preaching and all of that is I am in lifelong intercessor I'm going to stay on my face to make sure that you have this shoulders big enough for the responsibility that this is going to take put those hands together again for the Whitaker family and you can be seated all over the room and the presence of the Lord I know it's late and I don't want to be before you very long I honor i esteem all of the members of the clergy tonight the fine folk gives everywhere that you are a whisper to pastor Michael Green who have never had a conversation with this time last year somebody mentioned a statement to me that I googled and found out a whole story and that statement was and we offer no resistance to the will of God and that is something that I say to myself every day now so thank you kind sir for however you were a part of that story in this place I honor you Genesis the 32nd chapter really quickly to all the campuses in network affiliates hey y'all I love y'all but we're always hungry and for real food praise God amen Genesis 32 verse 22 through 31 I'm going to read it as quickly as possible and we'll preach through this and if you need some directional assistance Genesis is right after the table of contents praise the Lord those of you have your iPhones should be there already and we will not wait on the others and he rose up that night and took his two wives and his two women servants and his eleven sons and passed over the Ford Shabak verse 23 and he took them and sent them over the brook and sent over that he had and Jacob was left alone and there wrestled with a man with him until the breaking of day and when he saw that he prevailed not against him he touched the hollow of his thigh and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of joint as he wrestled with him and he said let me go for the day break it then he said I will not let you go except thou bless me and he said unto Him what is thy name and he said unto Jacob and he said thy name shall be called no more Jacob but Israel for as a prince thou has power with God and with men and has prevailed and Jacob axed him and said tell me I pray thee thy name and he said where for is it that thou does ask for my name and he blessed him there and Jacob called the name of the place Peniel for I have seen God face to face and my life is preserved and as he passed over Penuel the Sun rose upon him and he halted upon his thigh Father thank you for this in Jesus name a man I'll figure out a title for this by the time I'm done but right now we're going to preach it through I am an extreme lover of the Word of God it is my best friend and when leaning into the structure of both old and new testament books I have found a very consistent pattern and I'm going to start full speed ahead with this for you if the fruit is the future the root is the family and that means that the first place god starts to develop futures is in the context of family family is a technology of God that God uses to arm a story with the details that it needs say yes it is not coincidental whatever the story is behind your birth that you were born to whomever you were born to whether they were present or not they are deliberately the genetic carriers of certain skills that you need for whatever your purpose is we've got to have a different talk about the subject of family and my text opens up like many of yours where we are beginning to see a turning point from a traumatic family background I oft enjoy talking to gift and bin and women to find out what the families story is because based upon how bad it is I can tell how great they're going to be when you look at greatness as some suppose what you're seeing is the attention of it and the pedestal of it and you're seeing the opportunity of it but what is not visible to you is what was necessary for that greatness to be born in a family story I cannot tell you how many preachers are talked to who experience pain at the family level how many musicians I've talked to that experience pain at the family level how many of you based upon the volume or the lack thereof in the room are the product of a dysfunctional family story let's talk now and I realize that this is a sensitive area because in the african-american context you can call me out of my name we can fight it out and we can dupe but don't you dare say nothing about my mama and depending upon the story you might be able to slur the daddy but we protect the family even if it's not real and so there is a tendency and there's a commitment to family stories gone wrong to not deal with whatever the realities are so that the family does not appear as dysfunctional as it is but before I go into my next point I want to encourage you that the trajectory of your life can be estimated by looking at the mess you were born into now listen to me if you come from a church family mess you might not be able to clap your hands right there but I came and I was born and I was incubated into a mess already in progress this is why I believe in creating context for men to receive deliverance it's because 90% of the stuff that you battle with in your mind in your members are in your body may have already been predetermined in vitro you didn't just get here learn stuff there but in the belly something was already being coded into you listen that gave you an inclination and a possibility that you would continue whatever the destructive agenda was that was attached to your last name we've got to start to dig into now some of the gunk that's gone on behind us so we could understand the rhythm and the power of what is before us now I got another point after this but will you lift your hands and repeat after me my father's gavels can go to hell come on say it again my papa's Devils can go to hell come on say my daddy's demons will not avert my destiny come on Church you do not have to live with the aftermath the after of you ain't even gotta live with the stuff in the blood I believe that God can deliver hereditary disease if you step outside of the bondages of band banda and set yourself free from the family tree this story opens up with the trauma and the background and the historic story of a family you got strife with a mama and a daddy and that strife between a mama and a daddy situates them I feel good there towards caring unevenly for a child now before you understand why this is significant it is a gross mistake to parent each child the same if there are different callings and different purposes than the ministry of mother and father because there are ministries need to be adaptive based upon what they discern in the child I'll get there most of you have some rejection now cuz families parentage you like you was your sister and they talk to you like you was your brother and they thought that consistent parenting was being the same with every but the way God designed that thing is that they would discern a purpose and parent the purpose until the person was ready for the purpose I'm talking again you are not just called to be parented as a person before we develop your personality your profile is a purpose and here's why you were a purpose before you were a person as a matter of fact you could only become a person because you were a purpose therefore your purpose is older than your personality and this is the reason why one of the stumbling block in the way of your purpose is how you the family it's the classroom of the future the family is the is the beginning point the premise of how you know who you are and what you what you've got to do and now typical to very many Old Testament stories because I bet you did not realize that the majority of our Old Testament is the progressive events through several families of nobody who would break a cycle between family dysfunction and family you didn't even realize at the very first murder was in the context of a family and it had to do with one who had a better relationship or quality all three and another one and then you don't realize that the Bible said that the same mama for the victim and the victimizer we've got to deal with some of this dysfunction I know we came here to launch a church but I believe what God is trying to do is create a family so you can come into a family concept family order getting a Reese what family did and did not do wrong so you got a dysfunctional family story now that is kind of alienated the guilty one now I know that this is an unfair side of this because we always like to preach texts like this as if we were the victim but what happens when the story is developing around the guilty one what happens when you're the problem what happens when you forced to take responsibility for the circumstance around you I know you want to turn my pocket every time something goes wrong it ain't got nothing to do with them sometimes you're the root of the story and you're the problem with the turn and you bear within you there's certain things that have helped us a story go off and go wrong and so we're not landing in Genesis 32 off of somebody who was wronged necessarily we're landing on the criminal in the store but it will be honest no you want and just say I remember when I was the one that was wrong and just because things happen to you does not justify your lack of responsibility from the condition of your inner man you do not have to be what happened to you there very many people bigots suck in such a way because now the events of their life have altered their identities and we see right here God is about to lean in on the guilty he leans in in a very unique way and in it I find a pattern where now he is running from his brother because he literally thinks he's about to die he thinks his brother is going to do something and he's sitting here and all of this unworthiness here we go and we find a trajectory of what God does when men are aware of their own unworthiness now we know the story that he was the criminal he was born in a mess of family story but something started to change in him and something started to happen around him where we see now he is trying to seek a different way to approach it and so we find a a real strong pattern here where he is trying to amass wealth to repay and right the wrongs that he's done and at the conclude which is where we lean in he is walking now with a bunch of people not just to just a make-believe psychological assessment if you've been traumatized by family chances are you don't behave well in the context of company I'm coming but here we see a difference of variation as it were well if I were mad at a power broker and if I got hurt by family I'm not going to be mr. popularity I'm probably going to be at home in myself I'm probably going to trust myself I'm probably going to be the most transparent with myself how about the Bible say he is traveling at this point with a company of people and he served turns and feels like what might be to his face so now we got to open this up to verse 24 which says this the shift started to happen in the life of Jacob when he was left alone I take a deep breath I'm about to talk to you about something sensitive it matters how you leverage your lonely moments most people in the world get ensnared because when you are lonely you are not irrational when you are lonely you are not calculating consequence when you are lonely you're not thinking about who and or what will be changed by what you do in and with your loneliness I believe Satan knows the power of a man or a woman that pills alone this is what he works real hard to alienates you and to isolates you when you're battling in yourself loneliness when it's given to the hand of God I love your word can you be the hallway from the last level to the next loneliness does not always have to be the lurking place of your adversary sometimes it can be the opportunity to concentrate you for where you are about to go next and I know this is not something you want to shout about but some things can only happen when you are alone some things can only occur when you are alone I know that we think of victories and achievements and stories of championing come from public yesses public yes it's our week yes god only leaves in private yes because if you can't go to church you understand what it is to scream yes and saying that yes but the hardest thing may be the desire is saying in case the mind may be as long but it's the lonely yes I could run off here I said it's the secret yes it's a private yes that gives men authority and there's a lot of people that are weightless in the spirit because they say yes for applause but they don't say yes unto agony and sometimes the yeses will open up your life to painful things he was alone and this loneliness became the connection point from one level to the next what I mean is that you don't get out the last level without a moment of loneliness to prepare you for the next level you got to know what it is to be around yourself can I preach this but because you need to be self aware in order to beckon change you need to know what's going on in you and around you in order to understand why it was necessary that you change when people resist change it mainly is because they are unselfish and God puts people in moments of what looks like isolation but it's actually concentration was to prepare them for what he's about to do next but good news is if you feel alone now the good news is if your friends have been acting funny now the good news is if you don't feel like you fit in now get ready there is an appearance of God getting ready to come to you and it's gonna be very timely you know why because the last version of you is going to be the you that they are offended with they're not gonna even know the updated version because you then pulled around and did the right thing with so loneliness when God is Lord over your loneliness the only other place to go is the next level the next level the next level after he was found alone he started a physical body to body combat with what is then seen to him as a mysterious figure in previous encounters Jacob was familiar with the angelic and they were always the start of new chapters so the lessons of that is whenever anything new been born of God the policemen the Guardians those that monitored that are the angels of the Lord when when when there is a birthday on earth it went the day you came here the Angels have gone they were assigned to your life started to get active uh-uh-uh when a new thing is born in an area what makes sure that it has the strength and the wherewithal to get where it's supposed to go is that the angels of God are there watching the Word of God and making sure that there is no interference so this was not an unusual thing he was used to the supernatural but this type of encounter was going to be different now pay attention to me what we really do need not just in Virginia but in Chicago in Utah and Wyoming for whoever lives there we even needed an Idaho Potato we need houses houses flexibility but if I can't be visited by God I'm probably not going to tell we need houses that are the habitation that will welcome him moments in God's presence what we say Come Lord this is yours we need preachers who are not gonna preach up against the presence of God we need preachers who are going to show their church what it is to be the worst of leader by humbling himself messing up their clothes on the floor we got to be like they come out of our King Lia's state to show them real leaders our praise we need spices for the encounter if you look around and make a casual assessment of the churches of America unfortunately prophetically we're going less and less inclined to the encounter because what the devil told us was that encounters don't grow people and what the devil told us is that if you have too many encounters you got to have this orderly but I'm here to tell you if we're gonna recon and pull her from under this behemoth spirit this lunatic thing happening in our nation we're gonna have to have room for the encounter how many of you remember the encounter that changed your mind how do you remember the encounter that change your appetite I remember my favorite encounter was not a dream or vision but it was the baptism of the holy ghost and it wrecked my life in a wonderful way and I believe God is finest stretcher this place out for men to come here and meet God it is unfortunate that in some cases men don't come to church to meet God they don't know that it's possible and so this this place here this lonely place opened the door it opened an opportunity now for God to introduce himself in two dimensional ways you will know when you've really been visited by God when things start to break I can't get help back there I say you will really know the dance is not the sign of it the car is not the sign of it the man what his ugly self ain't the sign of it the woman will have fast hell she ain't a sign of it the likes and the shares on Facebook it's not affirmation and/or approval of the fact that God is with you I can always tell who's been with God who's limping around me if you're not loving with a lamp reaching with a lamp sewing with a lamp building with a left you cannot lead we need some limping leader oh we need some limping news I need to know if something's happening to you but to change you this loneliness creates this room God comes in and he starts to wrestle he gets body-to-body on him he sees if he has any boundary issues now I am an Abbott lover judge me if you will of boxing this last match embarrassed me I went into seven days of grief and fasting I just took off my sack off because I was embarrassed for that fight I loved WWE I remember when my mother told me that wrestling was fake I said Satan the Lord God rebuke you how can you be a woman of faith and not believe in this but whenever we're dealing with a wrestling watch this we are not dealing with distant contact when you're dealing with karate or jiu-jitsu you can't even arm wrestle in distance what I'm showing you is that God wanted to get so close and not just on the man but on the story not just upon the man but on the history he wanted to get so close on him that he felt like he was struggling can I preach like I want to don't you ever again put your mouth on a struggle that are not afraid those that have a mighty God but is there any strugglers in the role come on don't lie to me you ain't always not one at that kodiak a night weight always [Applause] and it's gonna be the struggle that is the embryo for the next realm of straight people say I'm a struggler I'm a struggler I'm a struggler come over get some I sell my struggler come on somebody else I'm a struggler humble yourself you a nice get-together it should look like I am a smuggler there are days that I don't want to do this I must struggle up there sometimes I want to tell God here am I sitting here moments when I'm faced with pain and I've got to wrestle with the God that told me because if he's Paul makes me do it in the name of Jesus may you receive straight to struggle may you receive power to struggle don't give up keep the fight because the future is on the way he was a struggler he was a struggling what I love about this Anthony is that God was not offended at Jacobs capacity to struggle I don't think God was disrespecting the action was probably impressed come on struggle with me I'm not trying to kill you I'm trying to form yet [Music] the book of Job is proof that when God is trying to promote you you're gonna think he's trying to kill you he got up on him oh look at you wrestling like that come on buddy and all of a sudden when this struggle got a little stronger God said hmm what can I do to make sure you don't hide this moment what can I do to make sure that the feel that you were let the liar that you were let the pimp and the whoremonger that you were that's where I need to do something listen to prove that this next change is irreversible personality this next change is not temporary this next change is not situational this next change in you is not conditional God is trying to bring some permanent changes in you because you award your practice if you don't understand the power of changes now so he's sorry he breaks him and now jacob jacob after he acts with his blessing he bless him and in the old testament you know the history l have to go to this with you the blessing was the sign of authorization and a fixation to coming favor you were blessed and received and acknowledged based upon the blessing that was on you this is one men didn't bless with the left hand they messed with the right it was considered the sign of validation son of my right hand the blessing Jacob accent bless me and I'm not going to let you go I got to get to this next one but I think this church is gonna be some people that's gonna be the kind of people that won't let go I don't care how long it takes I'm about to hold on to this thing until I see why I had to live through the hell I went through got to hold on to this thing until I understand that the things about myself I hate are the things that God wants to use I've got to hold on to it to understand that it's the stuff that I hide that does gonna use to bring me in healing I've got to be the kind of a people like this is I'm not letting go of this in the name of Jesus I lose the word of God to everybody on the verge of letting go everybody that's been tempted with letting go come on Zion all temptation ain't got lips tips and hips some temptation is quit and run some temptations get outta here but I want to hear somebody to say I've come through too much so get in 2020 let go I'm holding on to it I've got to see the plans of my mama I'm holding on to it I've got to see the fruit of this fasting I'm holding on to it so he held on whenever wherever I'm almost done have you ever thought about why a God that knows everything asks you anything you know like Adam where art thou as if he didn't know Peter do you love me as if he didn't know the question of God is for the probing of the heart of a man God asks you things because of what you need to know not because of what he needs to know he would not be a good counselor if he did not guide you through self-discovery and assessment so whenever God says Adam Adam where are you in a cuz he knows cuz Adam don't know now Elohim lands in after training his boy for the next dimension and he says what is your name what is your nature what is your version and your understanding of yourself see the name in the Bible was nature you were named after a seasonal because of a moment and so God was trying to touch the place Jacob was trying to keep from remembering but it's the stuff you won't let God touch that's gonna become the greatest snare of your life and sometime God will reach in just before daybreak to touch the stuff that hurts the most skin shake of what your name is was a reminder of where he came from King Jacob what's your name is was a reminder of what he did to his furry brother King Jacob we came from was a reminder of the mama that boromma and the daddy that concealed what he was saying is this you will not walk into your future until you surrender your history I will not trust you put the mess around responsibility if I can't touch the pain that brought you here to begin with you've been running all your life boy we pass it here before you cross over and I've got to deal with the way you don't deal with it it's gonna build time release and when Israel is reigning you're gonna fool around and let Jacob come back up and mess up the stuff that you're supposed to do here is the deeper meaning of this parable there is a you that you don't know yet yeah it's if you're Billy you don't know everything that's about to come out of you because the deepest levels of your potential are seasoned base what that means is that when the season changes that's gonna allow more of you to come out of here the only people who ain't got another person in them are those that have settle and become stagnant and become tormented but Jacob was the one who was created and the Bible says Israel was formed and your future it's not just for who you were born to be your future is for who you were formed to be my name is Jacob I come from this and I come from that and these are the statistic likelihoods of my success kind sir perfect now here is where we get to deliverance anybody in here believe in the casting out of devils now that's one thing but sometimes the only thing more powerful than the casting out of Devils is the breaking of curses because the curse may have been what signaled the devil to beat it to begin with here is what God did lord have mercy what God did you we read it so fast that we didn't realize that after that fight God broke a curse because he told them you will not call yourself this anymore now that may not mean nothing to you if your esteem is where it needs to be if your self-worth is where it needs to be testimony is already over but there's some people in this room that's quiet right now because they cannot discern Israel inside of the life of Jacob but I could shout off the fact that God told that boy don't call yourself that no more God is about to call you some stuff that ain't nobody ever called you before if you don't believe me go to a virgin named Mary in the city called Nazareth he walks upon to her when they were calling her a ho and callin her a virgin but she walking around her girl you got to pray for the Saints and behold the angel of God comes in and says blessed are thou among women he called her the reverse of how she felt and God is so good and so loving and so kind aren't you glad that God ain't like his people aren't you glad that God don't see you like they see you aren't you glad that God don't see you how you see you and when you're about to walk into a new season he gonna tell you stop calling yourself that I feel some moving room there stop calling yourself that you will no longer be known as this you will no longer be known as that you will no longer be traced by the behaviors that boy you will no longer identify is this the future demands the change of a name the character the nature you will now be called Israel for as a prince you have wrestled with God and found favor with him because you were a prevail this is the stuff Prince's Armada broken stories traumatic families loneliness levels here is the deal even your new success can traumatize you if you don't spend time preparing for the complexities of success for example for those of you that are about to get your tax return money ain't gonna be no strife around you you're going to find family members you didn't know you had people are gonna want to bro you and since you you you'll never really know the real complexity of success until you have a dramatic life change and you now got to discern the motive of everything in everyone the lottery if I were to ever want it win it I would get a nose job and change my name because it's all going to come out of the Woodworks the light attracts the books so if you're not changing at the rate of the manifestation of your calling you may look at a brother and miss the Beast in him you may think she's a sister when she could have been on assignment to seduce you so the ability to cognitively recognize what is around you ain't got nothing to do with what's around you your word is life to me what's going on in them it's not the real point it is are you changed enough to recognize when something has shifted in your relational landscape for example if you are afraid of snakes then it means it's your power is your ability to see snakes we don't run from them but as long as I can say that's a snake and not a dog that might discern it now let's create it around my protection so that I can believe Luke 10:19 behold I give unto you power to punish and all the power of the enemy if you can see it you're safe but your ability to see it is gonna be based upon what's going on in you sometimes when things happen around you your inability to see it correctly is what's going on in you life has given you a lens that makes you miss stuff makes you marry the wrong people go in partnership with the wrong criminals I mean you sign deals with stuff and and and believe people because of how they promote themselves when you have a changed man and when you are a changing woman and you are constantly in stuff to allow who's in you to come out then you're going to develop the sensory sensitivity to recognize what is good and not for you now I know this is a pastoral thing for you because most of you were taught to be so self-sacrificing for the sake of people who may or may not be there but you've got to grow accustomed to the changes that God is doing in your inner man cuz he knows what's next and he knows what's next even when you don't he has formed you for the thing that is next down to him telling you to go to a gym down to him telling you what classes to study God does not give a random instructions he's not a lonely God he's not telling you stuff cuz he ain't got none else to do so today's instructions is tomorrow's Authority and God will start teaching you stuff today now you're gonna have to employ tomorrow so you've got to get used to changing Peter was inside a sign in the whole time Paul was inside of saw the whole time Israel was inside of Jacob the whole time but the difference between who you are and who you're supposed to be is whether you like changing and it's not an issue of personality it's an issue of genetically psychologically mentally emotionally upgrading to the best you can I just say this respectively all nations worship assembly if I can borrow this from you in every city it's in is in competition with no thing and no one I don't know why folks think we are threat the only thing we're competing against is our last version of ourselves you will never be able to say its verses nobody what we do is just change and change and change and then when we're done change it we change and change and change and there are some things God only trusts people who have learned to change if you are the same as you were this time last year you cannot monetize on any of the gifts and callings that are in you because the next skillset means the stewardship that came from learning how to change if you don't feel like God is talking to you about what's next you may need to go back and revisit what you did not do last because your last season's obedience becomes your new Caesars instructions and if God is quiet it's the Holy Ghost way of saying I said what I said I told you what to do and you just opted not to do it but when you I'm not afraid of change you are quickly obeying because you know somebody's life is in your obedience so you're not standing or sitting in a church that this is this is this is the consecration in the ear of Jeffrey Whitaker that that would extract him like David from among his peers and I want to say it is painful to be anointed in front of your brothers thank you fall to you declare the Samuel Samuel grad David he was anointed three times the first of them though Samuel put all in front of his brothers walked away and left David with the pain of having all of his brothers stare at the oil drip fresh and then you got the heart confession of David in front of his peers it's been prophesied that he's a prince and in David's heart he's like I didn't ask for this don't think that the anointing that flows on any head in here was something that was prayed for very few people pray and said give me more of it no no no most times it happened to us and then we grew into what was dripping upon our heads and so then having to fight and argue with folks and things upon the oil is not puts an immense no pressure upon the soul this is why it's hard for preachers to be friends they think that everybody asks for the oil that's on them just like you didn't ask for your struggles you probably didn't ask for your strengths so what we need to do is all change so we can celebrate the skill in them that we don't have now that's that's where you got to shop because if you want to have you old you got to throw yourself in another man's and the way God prepares you for yours is he watches how you handle bears so I guess we'll call this the necessity of a name change because it is absolutely imperative that if you're going to the future you cannot be referred to by the pain that bore you the process is the same but the purpose is a little different and the more you obey God unto change the closer and closer you get to destiny finally my brother and I submit this to you destiny is not a matter of desire you cannot rub Jesus three times like a genie in a bottle and say I want my destiny I want my destiny I want my destiny destiny is unlocked one decision at a time and those decisions now form disciplines that God entrusts your destiny upon and everybody in this room has a destiny scream yes but most of you are not disciplined enough for it God does not entrust destiny to undisciplined people he's not changing you because he don't like you he's changing you because you got to be disciplined now make some adaptations you got to talk differently you you you have to behave you have to react differently you got to respond differently you've got to do the opposite of what's comfortable and and and you got to release your preferences and you got to surrender you know what was crazy upon me I read the scripture in the book of Matthew where Jesus said take my yoke upon you and learn of me for my yoke is easy my burden is light and I always thought that was a Salvation issue what I'm learning now is that's a daily issue you got to get on your face before your family issues and say god this is your problem you got to look at your bills and say god this is your problem you got to look at your building fund you're butch ain't fun and you got to look at your program and your people and say Lord what are you going to do about your people God is always interested in using everything around you to make you need him more so if you're not changing on the inside they'll bear very little movement on the outside when you're changing in here all the time then what's gonna happen is God's gonna send you into situations that need change and here's why change people change the world the only way you can call yourself a world stranger is if you are K was going through changes change there is a power that hits the belly and when it comes on the inside of you everything around you changes and unchanged city beings there are unchanged people in it the person next to you is a world we're not trying to change the earth I'm not changing grass I'm changing stories and so because I'm changing personal worlds I've got to get used so beckoning the Spirit up change in the heart and the mind in the confession in the belief system church people in conclusion it's very difficult to convince them about when they're wrong you got to prove it and preach it and show it to them and then even if you have proof if they trust their teachers more than the content they will overlook accurate content because they don't trust the teacher and a lot of what we believe that's wrong was because of how we revered who introduced it to us first but there are people that we love that was dead wrong on doctrine it's the reason why we've been sending women to hell for pants with nobody wore pants in the Bible so a good heart can freeze bad doctrine you got to be willing to admit when you've got it wrong so they're women going fording healing because they ain't got church clothes not getting a lunatic spirit dealt with in their mind cuz they ain't got church clothes what in the wildest charge girls religion has ruined us mainly because we're not changing and there are people who get great joy out of saying they don't change it's a guy in a friendly theological debate who told me I'm like God I change not and I said well the only difference between you and him is you didn't die and raise yourself again if you use a white towel you'd be just as humble as everybody else you got to be willing to lay your dogma down for the sake of dealing it was before us and the bite that is before the local church now is we're preaching questions that nobody's asking and then blaming our lack of grope on the new guys on the block when the real truth is we should be changing internally in the heart level and then I think we need men and women of God who can admit I was wrong with that I taught you this for years oops forgive me sue me but we're going into the future I think if we saw that type of humility hurting people with see safety so there is always a need to change your name I'm concerned that if you are the same ten years from now you miss God and if you're the same so will everything around you be but in order to bec in that around you you've got to be a changed person and you got to contend for your change some of you should see this as a warning to play one of the things the devil has as a goal for you is to stop you from changing your sin your relationships that agree with the ol you you'll send you and and because God set this pattern in the earth the devil replicated it whenever God wants to do something new in your life he'll bring a relationship whenever the devil is trying to do something new in your life he will also send it through a relationship I tell my church when God wants to do a new thing here comes an old flame God told me about a month ago in our church service warm the people everywhere because the devil is trying to revive also times you know he knows the power of revival too and there are things around you that you think or in you that you think is gone just because it's quiet but nobody's making noise when it's sleep but the enemy is waiting for is for you to walk close to your purpose and then activate something in your belly that you never got the courage to give us so you got teddy bears in your house matching outfits tattoos of old lovers still on you you want us to believe that you change but God is about to in this season of your life highlight your limp assure you that you ain't who you used to be now it's going to be offensive to those around you that need you to be unhealthy [Music] because their relationships that you formed when you were the broken you that when you get healed the need for those relationships will no longer be there and you're going to realize that you are more changed in what you know because the first sign of change is that unchanging people walk away from your life and if they want you to feel guilty for how you're changing they'll say stuff to you I know the real you but the truth is you don't know the real me you actually know the old me and if any man be in Christ [Applause] so yes I'm acting brand-new cuz every day he's changing me in every dimension he's changing me you're not just changing your dance and your tongues your memory is changing because in order for God to give new vision he's got to deal with bad memories he's changing you in every dimension of you when you're done to be raining saving moving as a changed person father I'm asking tonight in this room that you would give birth to something a power and authority that changes storylines I'm asking that you would increase the anointing upon this place for change advocacy father I lift my voice in intercession tonight for the man and the woman in the room that's trying not to change that's afraid of what change will cost them that fears that who you've made them to be is about to mutate for the sake of their ministry those that don't have the faith for the change those whose families prophesied that the change is going to kill them I'm asking for every man every woman every boy and every girl that you would give them grace for this next change power for this next change sent intercessors for the next change sin Watchmen for the next change give them a safe place so that that change can be continued my god now in the name of Jesus of Nazareth send your fire - so ties to organizations so types of people are so ties to places so ties to hold beliefs so ties a whole confession us and break the cohesive binding up best natural people on transfer city of fire on every life in here those that have been intended for their own restoration into the place of destiny that you've gained for them let's change not just be something that said out of the mouth but let it be a power around my eye so that men and women enter into people they cross over into their destinies so do we bless you with the change that you're doing in our lives and we will not fight what you're doing to us next we will not fight now you wanna smoothness but we will [Music] we will heal [Music] have a were through [Music] the spirit of counsel is about to manifest in your life in a tangible way you will find that as you're hugging or sitting next to people are asking questions that the easy regulation of the mind and the heart is transformed God is going to do something in your soul this year that breaks the final residue of inferiority it's not insecurity but it's a subtle level of I'm not worthy and I don't want the pedestal life but the Spirit of God is going to give you such a revelation of the inner man and the consistent blows upon the heart but it has been that since you were a little girl that you would easily discern damaged hearts and sometimes you felt crazy and were even called crazy because the state of the heart was different from the sound of the song and the state of the heart was different from how powerful the preaching was but your eyes are about to be opened not just in dreams and visions but in Diagnostics of the inner mana you're going to be able to easily identify causes and root systems now the father says don't feel like your revelation of family is not as important God has burdened you for family foundations and family formations and you've often felt like that's not as deep and as mystical as other topic matter but God's gonna use your understanding of family as the weapon by which curses are broken it's going to be the vision of God for the family unit that pulls men out of addiction and I see your family battle with the years with a curse of addiction and thoughts about to give you the power to break the strongman call habit and the strongman call control he's gonna give you the way to see them the bellies and the appetites and the fears of people of what God is doing in you next but through the Ministry of fasting and prayer it is a Ministry of fasting God's gonna give you the courage to create a space for confession father anoint these ears now you you already put your hand on her eyes now I'm asking you to open these ears make the Word of God naked before her unveiled the mystery of the scriptures to her so that she can repair the souls of men easily and consistently in the name of Jesus come up with those hands together for the Lord all over this building come on you can do better than that put those hands together for the Lord the warning of god that i'll leave you it corporately is your friends your support system should be changed advocates because the opposite of a change advocate is a change adversary and if you don't have support for change chances are you will not change the relator this means that you cannot find yourself in intimate relationships with people that host the thing that wants to kill you it's not personal it's a matter of focus for example if you have a crack cocaine addiction it is probably unwise that you frequent the crack house to visit them you love a lot of people that host things that want to hurt you God's gonna give your heart grace so that you won't tear while you're trying to change in the name of Jesus don't allow these people to tear my god don't allow the enemy to rip them don't allow the lifes to come to ruin as they attempt to obey you in the name of Jesus help them to see that this obedience is necessary for what you're doing next hallelujah we bless you but the necessary place come if you believe and know God is trying to change you I want you to lift up a voice a shout of praise for the change come on even if you don't you're going to change [Music] [Music] we welcome a change of vocabulary a change of language for many of you it will be a change of scenery but a change a powerful one and the and a change that is here reversible you will not be able to undo what God does to you next it is a permanent change because it is prophetic in nature it will be permanent and we will not apologize I feel that in this building so strong those of you that have been forced to say I'm sorry for what God is doing in your heart one last thing in the name of Jesus may the power of Man pleasing the Bible said the fear of man brings a snare and I sense in this room of people pleasing spirit God's trying to break your fear of rejection your fear of abandonment your fear of Jesus the power of men in this place in this nation of people I said Sal if you left oh stop changing four hills if not change makes you mad get ready to say wow it stays in your face every day [Music] all the way all the way I got to go I filled it all the way all the way I set all the way all the way all the way so stop in the middle come on let's go all the way in the middle you can't just change enough to be saved you got to change enough to be useful God is trying to encourage somebody in their own deliverance we're going all the way I don't care how long you've been fighting that thing well how long that thing has been fighting you tonight God's releasing us energy so that you can go all the way will you just slap three people and say I'm going all the way I'm going all the way [Music] oh you don't mean that I said that somebody's hands going all the way all the way all the way sell all the way Jeff come get you the Church of your Pike some of you in here think that God delivered you from nicotine and gonna leave you broken your money I said all the way he's coming for every snare and bondage God is not gonna do 1/2 shop on you and I don't know who I'm talking to but some of you had faith to change this but you don't have faith to change that what God's giving you a determination tonight everybody in here that's been fighting for their change scream if you believe this Fraser because he that hath begun a good work in you come on before he does it for you he sat at you in India check all the way actually all the way we're going all in is your wife here wish yet wife come in all the way all the way all the way this word is for you all the way all the way all the way all the way all the way and it's going to be frustrating for a while because people are expecting that you explain are you you're still trying to figure out and you were pretty comfortable but the hand of God just slapped your hold on your career he just slapped something about school right on yeah and God said to tell you I'm still taking it to the same place we're just going a different route Father grace right back from the hard place grace right there put the lonely place grace right there for her definition of success oh yes grace right there well their deadline that changed grace right there I heard the Lord say if you give me your calendar you will walk in your calling I wish I had about two people in here that meaning I'll give you my calendar I'll give you my deadline I'll give you my timeline you can have my contacts you can have my contract all the way and do not fear well there are the Lord told me it will not come now you whatever the genetic traits are that have haunted women in your family it's not coming not you you don't have to anticipate it you don't have to expect it you don't have to pre worry about this thing that you expect to happen particularly during pregnancy it will not come now you this is going to be a season where you're changing beautifully and the joy of the Lord is coming back to your life come on give the Lord some praise all over this room we are I'm done you're going to need change advocacy people that walk with you as you change come in Jeff and get your church father I'm asking who we I almost don't want to pray this over here sit in the hard cases send men and women dead on arrival [Music] send the type of impossible stories send it to train him send it to show your faithfulness send it to show the strength of the gift of God within send it father continue to give him miracles not just physical but help him to heal men's stories may his testimony oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes give him the emotional fortitude for confession there is a species of men and women in the seven five seven that have been afraid to confess they fear judgment they've their field ridicule but God's gonna make this a campus full of confession it's going to be that men and women come and admit what bishops did to them what pastors introduced to their lives and it will be that through your preaching and even through your teaching that you will reverse the enemy's plan for whole stories yes even the purity of the eye is coming back for God's gonna anoint you strongly to make men's eyes single and it will be that men and women that are tormented in their members in their body in their lives will find healing as you worship healing the final thing that I want to impart to you I hate to do this you are one of my sons who takes impartation very quickly I see it often but the Lord told me in part the fathers weep there is a week coming upon you you will know days of it and it won't be weeping for what's wrong it's going to be weeping until Christ is formed in those that are signed to you it's going to be the type of apostolic Pauline cry that brings men out of their own curses the type of thing that happens in your belly when there is a devil inside of your people harassing the gift of God in them and it will be that you will do more in men's hearts by your willingness to cry for them than you will ever do by your willingness to preach to them well there have been men and women all over the world that preach to people they will not cry to but I'm getting ready to change the paradigm even in this place where your preaching will be confirmed with the power of the weak the power of the tear the atmos taluk agony the reason why Jesus left his side open so that the doubters could put their hand in let this thing be there let this day be like a wave and break the authority familiarity in the name of Jesus every assignment from Virginia that still sees you as a little boy we service a fire you will not lose your destiny in the prison's of familiarity authorities [Music] they will literally come in smelling like they're weak they will come in and not even realize how disjointed they've been but the Lord says son I've made you a limping leader a man who has really changed because of that that's gonna trust you with the broken like he did it for me if you will love the poor you spend your time amongst the broken he will rule among the princes you will be brought to tables that you've never dreamed of you will look back and see the faithfulness of God in your life and for your children and it will be that you will be the first to achieve very many things that first call in first anointing the kind of favor that's coming to you can only be found on your face but do this thing in here it will be so uncontrollable that you will be watching award shows you will be watching movies and the weep of the Lord will come upon you your ability to sense the brokenness the way it worked in Jesus was a groan that moved him to compassion Lazarus could not have come alive except Jesus felt something in him he groaned and then he went but there was a resurrection after that there will be great tore stories and your legacy will never be in buildings they will be in the hearts of men the singing of you I'm looking at your the days of your retirement and men and women will testify that had they not cross paths with you they they would not even know who they were you re a a soul of deliverance when the New Testament apostles had walked the streets the only reasons their shadows could heal was because they no longer belonged to their own shadows and so there's Authority in your shadow it will be strong it will be wise it will be powerful father now sin real armor bearers [Music] and those that don't envy him those that don't disrespect the anointed said him men and women's sons that see who he is in the bigger picture may he never be exhausted by people's demand his space and place the cup bearers are coming the cuff eras are coming the cup bear is a-coming and you're gonna lose some some of your friends won't be there in a couple of years but it's a small down payment on the size of the thing I've called you to it and the grand scheme of things did to will be and I see that you have a I don't know this naturally but that something there is a concern for Mom something's happening right now you've been heavy about it that's gonna answer your prayer it's going to be a sign a sign for the family and it's going to be strong and your prayer before the Lord had been I don't want to ever fail my family I don't want to fail them you're going to be a stellar stellar representation of a balanced man of one that doesn't spend too much time at the office and not enough time it plays even the things that you have in your heart for playdates and dates with your babies it's going to be a beautiful reminder even to them that following God pays everybody does not ruin everybody we give you praise father for this story and this life you got a word in Jesus name come up with those hands together for Jesus [Music] all the way all the way coming all the way a change is happening the change is happening a change of career change of plan but it's going to be gone let him do this there's even going to be some minor changes in how you function and flow here but it will be the change that God ordained in its destiny for you and you're not God is going to change your definition of the word man he's going to break that definition to show you that broken men do it better it won't ever be in your strength but grips you grace will come upon you and it'll make you mighty and what you need to do for the Lord don't be afraid of your own broken space is going to be the thing that gives men and women great breakthrough we bless you for completing this work and the strong name of Jesus and the strong name of Jesus all right well god bless you time ago and I'll owe y'all is that all you want me to do okay all right I'm oh and I didn't get up in the off frame my five thousand will be here tonight so god bless you I love y'all this [Music] the most fancy to be all about the building
Channel: All Nations Worship Assembly VA
Views: 44,784
Rating: 4.9316516 out of 5
Id: HE-2FFgfy-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 41sec (4661 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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