Amazing Grace | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | The Dangers of Pride

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James the fourth chapter this is one of the most complex passages of scripture in the Word of God and we're gonna examine it today while you're going there I want to give you a brief recap this morning we learned that one of the things that the grace of God does is show you the depth of the darkness you were capable of to reveal the trajectory of your destiny he reveals how bad it could have gotten so that he can show you how good it's going to be and then he reveals also that the key to a great work ethic is the grace of God and one of the major hinge points that we landed on this morning was that the Lord delivered you from the works of the law so that you could work better now here's what I mean when we delivered from the works of the law you're not working to earn salvation you're not working to earn love you're not working to earn any of that the only gospel is justification by faith say yes but there is a grace that comes on you when you come out of the works of the law and there is a grace that helps your work ethic here's how we know that to be true Paul told them I was the least of all the Apostles and I worked the hardest but yet not me but the grace of God that was working in me you're going to notice this change and don't miss this or you miss everything I say once you stop working for identity you start working from identity there is a difference we're not working hard to become a thing we're working hard because we are a thing and and the results are different if you get that you get deliberate from undue and unnecessary competition it is very important okay you your hard work doesn't make you see be seen any differently in the eyes of God but if you resolve who you are and how he sees you you will start to work differently not because you want to get somewhere but because you love him and if you love him you don't tire out final thing I want to share with you prophetically God told me concerning the all nations worship assembly that this is the type of stuff that movements are born from you look at the great movements of the past and the great movements of the world mini Pentecostal movements you're dealing with Azusa and the birthplace of a lot of the denominations at you and I see but the Lord warned me about this and he told me that one of the things that has gone wrong historically with a lot of those movements is that they don't inject grace they become something they weren't supposed to be and they don't add grace and when you don't add grace you cannot endure so because of that they end up trying to achieve in the flesh what could have been done in the spirit because they don't build a grace culture around the whole organization if anything is to last a long time you've got to put grace in it you got to put grace on the leadership you got to put grace because there's not an absence of strategy a lot of those groups and organizations have profound business men at the head of them so they have strategy but there's a difference between having strategy and having grace you have to be gracious and then you'll have more strategy does that bless anybody in here even in your business planning don't just get a bunch of good ideas pursue the grace of God and God will begin to do something no I'm not gonna say that God will be gonna do some things that will blow your mind several years ago there was a legislation that comes out at this offends you sue me there was a legislation that came out where there were certain business owners who were Christians who didn't want to sell wedding cakes or anything like that because they didn't agree with the sexual orientation of the people purchasing their cakes and stuff my attitude is I'm not trying to save your money so I don't care what's going on with you if you want to be a customer how are you going to Christianize customers I know as a preacher I'll lose my preacher card for that I paid my feet is here okay what God you sir I'm not you you are a customer now if it goes into a conversion then fine but my motive is not to save your dollar cause your Dahl ain't got a soul y'all keep missing money by building businesses for church people and you don't realize they just as broke as you if you building a business off of Facebook it ain't real stop [Applause] I feel a chill in here think I feel a chill James chapter 4 in the English standard version I want you to hear this is by the Spirit of God verse 1 what causes quarrels and causes fights among you is it not this that your passions are at war within you you desire and do not have so you murder you covet and cannot obtain so you fight and quarrel you do not have because you do not ask and you ask and do not receive because you ask wrongly to spend it on your passions you adulterous people do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God he's talking about worldly ways and viewing one another therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God what do you suppose it is to no purpose that the scripture says he earns jealousy over the spirit jealously over the spirit that he has made to dwell in us verse 6 now this this one scripture wears me out all the time and I can't even get to the B clause in it because I just love the way this opens up but he gives more grace I love conjunctions and additions and I love that therefore and and whatsoever and I love the but and I love thereunto because what it does is it addresses what was stated before here he addresses the problem and then he answers by saying but he gives more grace come on as long as you are alive you got a chance to turn this thing alert around stop somebody say you can still turn it you can still turn it oh yes but he gives more grace listen therefore it says God opposes the proud he gives grace to the humble submit yourselves therefore to God resist the devil and he will flee I want to talk to you today about the dangers of pride the dangers pride it's all fun and games while you're talking about getting away with stuff but everything changes when you're made to humble yourself I felt like we are on the verge in this church of a humility revolution and it's very very very hard it's not easy to do that when you humble yourself especially in the name in the context of personal rights and personal defenses humility is not something that is always attractive but what the Apostle James opens this up by telling us is there are certain things that can only be traced to pride he lands on the subject of pride which is not always arrogance when you're teaching about pride what you hear is conceit but there is a pride that's not always obvious most of the powerful pride ain't got nothing to do with people being flashy or how they look most of it is in your decision-making the Bible is very clear that pride is idolatry that stubbornness is idolatry but it's the one area of Christian character among the gifted that we don't desire to be delivered from and I and stubbornness is another one of them and when we started making stubbornness a personal character attribute we miss the truth that we can't be a worshipper of our own view and God at the same time so for a spirit-filled believer it is not cute to admit that you're stubborn and to not want out in the same way you want an out of drug addiction or sexual sin you ought to want out of stubbornness because here's what it does to you it imposes upon your life a dangerous and flexibility and it sends signals to God that you won't make a turn even if he has so if you are stubborn you can't be led support the person next to you and tell them if you are stubborn you cannot be led I didn't hear you telling me if you are stubborn you cannot be led now this is very important because your destiny is Direction specific and if God can't get you to heed and hear directions he cannot lead you and it's a dangerous thing to have a God God they love you and can't leave you many of you are under persuasion that because he saw her he leads you by force and it's not true that's why he needs your yield and he needs your submission chains list several things as the fruit of pride number one you cannot seek quarreling and fighting and not have pride oh god it's gonna be one of them okay alright okay like you know I'm not scary I'm getting so I don't care you can't have a quarrel and a fight and try it not be somewhere involved here's what happens in pride pride proves the point by proves the point pride don't care about the person pride will prove the point immediately when you've gone into that type of conflict and it's moving to a coral which is a flesh brawl and a fight what's happened is you have done the opposite of what the Bible says which is to prefer one another before yourself I know you'll want to hear that and you have put your opinion above the well-being of this relationship of this person and the reason you can't prosper is because you full of pride now there is a such thing called be angry but should not and until you master and mature in your ability to have an emotion that does not control you it's an indication of pride people take me off all the time but there's a war after the initial emotion about your decision-making in the emotion some of you think that the presence of the emotion is the justification of the action but you can feel something and not do what you feel I'm gonna snap the face out of a lot of folks but I'm not gonna become carnal just as you are [Music] I feel a chill in here that spirit of pride will have you gone long the Bible say endless genealogies it's more and that's why the Apostle Paul was so powerful what he was coming up against in a lot of his churches was not just their religions it was their pride and people have pride for a lot of different reasons but you see the presence of calling and fighting and directly attach it to pride now verse 2 talks about how desire can be rooted in pride it is very important to realize and be sober about why you want what you want I'm gonna say that again it is very important to be sober about why you want what you want very many people want achievement pay attention not to retaliate at their childhood resentments I feel you taking very a lot of people want to achieve to prove to audiences that are no longer bad that y'all were wrong and when you want you achieve to prove the point you lose the achievement just as quickly as you got it because it was not rooted in obedience it was rooted in bad and for us who are the redeemed of God we achieve as a byproduct of what we obey oh yeah yeah if your achievement did not come on your obedience it was rooted in something else but it's good it's good God doesn't call nothing good until he sees himself in it I'm working at here I said don't call nothing good until he sees himself in it and if he's looking at that decision and looking at that career and looking at that relationship I can see himself [Applause] now if you're honest with yourself a lot of things that feel good aren't good so you can't use how it makes you feel to determine what it's going to do to you yeah it's quite today ah number three scares me Tory because it admits that you can actually pray and pride you can petition God in Pride you can go before the Lord and try to ask for stuff from a place of pride whether it is the pride of life whether whether it is the pride of your self any of that stuff he says you ask and you don't have and that's the opposite of every prayer scripture we've been taught Jesus told us if you ask in faith you believe you receive it if you're touching your greed if you're buying you lose but all of those prayer principals are given based upon a premise a purposeful humility that's what the Bible says listen he okay here you come that cometh to God must believe watch me that I can't hear you that that who not that you are your your prayer posture has to be I'm petitioning you because you are what I'm not and I'm not gonna act like I am but you are by using a bunch of fancy-pants words to manipulate you to manifest something from me I'm calling you our Father cuz I'm humbling myself as your son now if I was preaching about sex and money preaching about cars and gifts y'all be running around here having mother paying fits we have created a despondency towards humility think about how much around you is based in self-promotion and there is one thing in one line about being honest about what God called you to do and another thing about pushing yourself and degrading other people in order to do it see real promotion is from humility it's not from projecting who you are against another person and the people of the Lord said a man he says you acts wrongly cuz all you want to do is spend it on your passions which means are you come on inhale everybody because I know I mean I got to give you me today exhale some of the things you're passionate about is episode of pride you can have an uncrewed fire passion don't act like just cuz you excited about it it had to come from God but there is no greater deception than an open door y'all need to be not as excited about an open door and more excited about what the heck and who the heck is behind it the devil is opening up a lot of doors you need to be discerning about what's behind that it might not be favored at all it might be a trap to ensnare you by the passions of your heart several years ago the Lord spoke to me something that changed my life he said I'm blessing the kingdom like never before I started dancing he said I'm about to give them businesses on the level they've never seen I started young he said I'm about to give them houses and land and blocks and cars I ran around the church he said but I'm doing it to smoke him out I'm proving that it was never me they want they wanted stuff out of me but they didn't want me I'm giving them over to Mammon by smoking them out success we know where your devotion is if you can handle success and remain submitted we know exactly where you are if you see achievement as an endorsement of bad and poor character pride verse 4 is also scary because he calls him adulterous people now he was not contextually dealing with married couples he was talking to people that should have an allegiance to God and they cared because they have an allegiance to themselves it's based in pride now in verses 4 through 5 I know you're bored but I don't care he compares and contrasts our character with the character the world I'm gonna say that again he compares in contrast our character with the character of the world he says if you do things the way the world does them if you find yourself under their character policy then you're gonna make yourself an enemy of God listen to what I'm about to tell you the only policy in the world is pride the world has no more policy it is all in preservation of flesh so because and and there is nothing that heaven loves more than the smell of burning flesh when you look on your social network and it ain't no different from somebody out there we've got a problem now and you can be a friend - I love sinners one of the things the Holy Ghost told me to pray is to help me love sinners more so if that offends you I'm always be around crooked and crazy we're looking blunt smoking or do you have it I'm gonna spend the rest of my life loving sinners and you can be okay with that Oh fine another Church it's not changing God told me if you will pray to love sinners deeper I always send them to you I'll always entrust them to you and some of your party to pray that over your own self because the reason you don't love them is a church that don't love why they do that it everywhere but we preach you enterprise disciple you enterprise and make you feel like your journey has to be all of theirs or else they're not gonna I love laughing and ninjas that put other people in hell who do you think you are Oh ain't no gospel let's say get wanna get left I feel your trigger now you don't mean that you get to be crooked it means that you got to crucify yourself and not use your testimony as the testing point but somebody who's lived through what would it kill you talks about jealousy this is where I get to my point pride is so dangerous Lachelle cuz there not only restricts prayer there not only restricts relationships it not only restricts evolution I was dealing with one of my sons today about his business he felt like his business was not moving and I said it's because you're not you see one of the keys to successful business strategy is personal evolution if you continue to evolve as an individual so will your strategy and approach to business if your business is not productive I doubt that you are where's all nations that's what I want to know wait [Applause] the key to successful business is personal evolution you should be changing if you've got the same attitude the same character as a 30 year old as you did at a 20 years old something is off you can't have a successful business if you're 50 acting like you're 19 you must be willing to evolve and grow and a major part of that maturity is choose it was worth your words what I'm learning as God matures me is everything is not worth your words you got to choose who the end [Applause] [Music] did you hear no have you heard have you seen no I heard that [Applause] ignore to come upon you and anointed a powerful authoritative ignore may that be a new part of your warfare strategy mister choose was worth your words and to decide that I have the power to ignore you listen especially before I get found in pride see the danger of pride is that it puts you on the devil's territory and when you in his zone anything can happen to you you've got to be conscious of this not only does it restrict all of that you know the most dangerous thing pride restricts grace personal pride gets in the way of additional grace the possible James says he gives more grace to address to arrest to reverse to uplift to empower to change all of that but here's the key you must make the daily decision to humble yourself I said you got to make the conscious daily decision to submit that heart at the altar submit them thoughts at the altar submit that tongue them choice words them phrases you got to submit that volume you get to submit that's my girl come on you got to submit that volume you got to submit that appetite come on y'all you got to submit all of that your rights to your personality you got to submit all of that to the altar and it refused or to here's the warning will into a broke ask me why when God sees you plowed he is obligated to bankrupt you he has to cuz he's not going to prosper the pile the Bible say he pushes them off [Music] [Music] now you saw we did here's where he changes it when you if you draw nigh to God he will draw nigh to you now here's where we went wrong again I'm just correcting a bit of your theology when we say draw nigh to God I have a higher self aha draw nigh to God you like I bow my knee John no you draw nigh to God by the act of humility i'ma say that again any act of humility is a step closer to God that means that act of pride is a step back from him you don't draw nigh to God by by turning away uh-uh-uh-uh-uh water or whatever or any of that it's not about what you do in the service it's about your ability and your desire to humble yourself on your own without having to be told to without having to be coached - without having to be convinced that is necessary I'm making a destiny decision to humble myself now I wish that they taught me a long time ago that humility was the key to destiny I thought it was getting good at gifts and getting good at leadership and getting good at strategy and what I missed out was all of that can be where it is but humility is the accelerator if you want to go faster humble yourself if you want to go longer humble yourself if you want to go higher wider deeper the key issue Milutin here's why when God sees pride in you he has to kill it he has to and he will arrange for things around you I heard that Holy Ghost to make sure that you are aware that there is pride now here's where it gets tricky if you got a relationship God will put his hand on one area to highlight your pride in another it's not always gonna be the same stuff you put his hand on your mundi to deal with you about your marriage here's why when people are broke they listen better don't want me here that chaos they're like okay I'll do anything to get out of this and God was like BAM that was me I took the job that's how you bound it and it didn't reverse I did it I did all of that cuz you wouldn't talk to me about this a lot of what you consider hardship maybe God trying to get your attention and you won't come out of hardship until you ask the Lord what are you saying and if you go in humility he'll tell you I don't like this here's where it goes deeper if you got relationship there are things that when you're not as mature God will allow there may be some things about you that he's oh that's not that bad but then you'd be like worshiping in and opening the eyes of my heart and running around and climbing up the wall and you say dangerous stuff and worship that's why I don't play with that stuff when the worship leader says lift your hands and surrender and tell the Lord yes you think he's not listening to that because music is on it every time y'all you lift your hands and say Lord take my life take my decisions I surrender there are angels recording all of those vows that you think are empty because they have music God is not just romancing you to a rhythm he's taking notes in the moment that he has your heart and he's gonna call you on account to it that following week it's easy to surrender to the lyrics of a song when that accountability shows up in life you like why you prayed this stuff over you you gave him permission to do what he wanted to do you said take my heart and take my mind and take my friends why are you complaining now all the grace you need is by keeping that heart low and it will be unfair but you gotta stay low and it will be intense but you got to stay low and you won't want to fight but you got to stay low and you don't think it's unfair and they're moving to promotion and you're not moving and you got to stay low you will be in this church and say I've been here long and you got to stay though you won't see who works and said I can't believe they got money for that and I didn't you got to stay low because even though men may forget what you did heven keeps good records and the accounts in heaven are accurate you got to work harder at keeping that heart low the Holy Ghost said Matthew Lewis Stevenson the third I said yes sir he said I'm entrusting you with history I was silent it's looking around my belly I don't really you know I said nobody said how low can you go if you can get just a little lower God will create openings in you that you didn't know we're there he will trust people with you money with you you won't need a bank you'll be one you got to stay grace to the humble because you're quiet I'm gonna give you this turn to job 41 we were shouting last he will carry other yeah he gonna carry you right on through pride another interesting thing about pride is that it can manifest as insecurities many people that struggle not with chemical depression but with a spirit of heaviness a part of the problem is too much focus on the self you spend time and just set up always thinking about you and what you got and what you're done and what they do there's so much self meditation that it has to be rooted in pride now Joe 41 verse 1 take me back to great men and women are born for the time telling you how to last because guess what try to ruin your marriage try to ruin your business Clyde will ruin all your relationships it's created to do that it pushes people off there was that and people don't know that that might be what you're giving off but there's a signal from the heart that gives off stay away from me don't commit to me don't connect to me pry can you draw out Leviathan let's see who this fish is read the Bible can you draw out Leviathan with a fishhook uh-huh or press down his chord with the tongue with the court read or pierce his jaw with the hook will he make pleased to you will he speak to you in soft words one of the ways you can identify where good old Leviathan is is a refusal to check volume and tone I'm telling you our refusal to adjust the tone your words are not more powerful because you yell you can be the same shrew the same direct the same artist by night rooting your vocal cords trying to go on a screaming match hmm will he make a covenant with you to take him for your servant forever this is showing us that whatever this thing is is a covenant breaker you can't do well in covenant and have unchecked pride in your life because what covenant requires is humility to stay in it that's why you are not ever ever marry a proud man if a man pursues you I'm gonna talk to the daughters now since all y'all man and you noticed that there is pride in him he is showing you his financial future cuz God's gonna keep that man humble by hook or by crook it's a covenant-keeping spear oh okay y'all ready to be dismissed alright let me about it yeah now verse 5 will you play with him as with a bird or will you put a leash on him for your girls which means that you may also be able to identify this joker with how it behaves with females and I'm not just talking to males some of you women walking around here come out women is caddy and messy and I get along better with boys you are battling with a strong identity crisis cuz you're judging women like you ain't one and the root of it is we'll traitors bargain over him will they divide him up among the merchants what does that mean if you know what Leviathan is they're always on a trade off it looks like this I don't wanna be bothered I will be Bobby I want to be Bobby you talk to her you talk to him you get over there know if people have to always delegate conversations with you you're not humble enough Oh God I said if they have to always find representatives to confront you that is the presence of pride because you might not like a person and they still could be right about you when you go into you better never tell me nothing I confront you about your job behavior your professionality you like you I don't tell me nothing cause I'm never you have a job so that still makes me write about you I'm not to help you your deflections don't change the reality of will you added your decisions stop deflecting and let wisdom land from whoever it's going to land try help me Holy Ghost look at verse 7 can you fill his skin with harpoons or his head with fishing spear so whatever this is has physical touch issues whatever this is don't like to be touched don't like to be held don't like to be hold number 9 you don't I hate about church people I got a lot of them but for the sake of time when a believer on unbeliever or whatever comes in and sits next to you and you start scooting your Lachie Tyler Stoll purrs like somebody can make real use of that two pieces of gum and a five dollar bill and my experience everybody in my life that's always tried to pre warned me about the crazy was crazy I wise enough I'm right now you got a warning here every week I got you right there you're crazy because you recognize yourself in them that's why you want to come and use this warning that's a means to get close to me but I know pride when I see it number ten no one is so fierce that he can stare him up who then is he that can stand before him who is first given to me that I should repay him look at this whatever is under the whole heaven is mine now look at this conversation here verse 12 I will not keep silence concerning his limbs God is saying when it comes to the bath and I break his limbs I'm gonna break his arms I'll break his legs look at this who can strip off its outer garment come near him with a bridle which means rebuke when you bridle a thing you halter you chastise it means that one of the ways you see Leviathan is that you can be corrected if you cannot be corrected you are not walking in humility and in every situation there may be at least one to two things you could do differently whether you're right or wrong but the willingness to be open to counsel and to be open to critique is necessary for those that want to rule look at verse go all the way down the verse I got a minute go to verse 20 no look at verse 19 out of his mouth go flaming torches and it's not talking about tongues of fire it's talking about insults slurs verse 20 and out of his nostrils come forth smoke as from a boiling pot and burning Russians oh my god Oh God if you have anger issues you really have pride issues you should have said a man earlier if you know you had anger but don't resolve that the root of that is pride you're going to justify your anger all the time who understands that I'm saying it's pride pride look at this the foes of its flesh stick together firmly cast him on him and immovable look at verse 24 this is what will get you his heart is hard as a stone if you have hard heartedness it's not just that people did this oh your mama did better your granddaddy did this if you have hard heartedness you are filled with pride you have all the Bible all the Scripture in the world from removing yourself from abusive patterns and people there is nothing in the word that says if I forgive you I got to be close to you so with effect molest you and your family yes forgive them no you don't have to go to their house see forgiveness does not imply the absence of a boundary so some of you won't forgive cuz you think it my forgiveness I have to lower my boundary absolutely not I'm gonna watch this I'm going to accept where you are you I'll do the one to change I'll accept where you are and I'll make the adjustment so that where you are can no longer break me and if you can't do that and you put the expectation but the anticipation for your family's adjustment or your boss is adjustment you have now incident to another realm of pride because now you said I'll forgive you as long as I can control your behavior no I'll change I want you to do nothing differently Bob I'll change I'll adjust your own expectations and you're not only hurt by your own expectations you are also hurt by perverse definitions there are things like the word support that don't mean the same thing to everybody the person next to you you support in certain ways feels love certain ways it would behoove you if you're gonna walk in a relationship with people ask them for their life vocabulary what is happiness for like what is friendship look like what is Brotherhood look like what do you want in a mentor what's your idea of a spiritual father how do I support you how do I assist you because if you lead that conversation right and you've got expectations that are silent what we don't do what you want us to do now you gotta put room in your belly but stop you never tell people it's all [Applause] look at this verse 25 I'm almost done when he raises himself up when he raises himself up when he raises there's a difference between being raised up and raising yourself up scroll down your facebook line it's a big portfolio a prize you took too long to promote me I've heard from ordained themselves cuz they didn't want to be processed when he raises himself up the mighty are afraid at the crashing they are beside themselves look at this this is scary though the sward reaches him it does no avail the Spirit of the buyer that will be sitting in the service like many of you are probably doing right now hear a word about pride and ping-pong it and assign it to the person next to you as if oh this is really good I hope so and so gets this it's scary to be in a place where we can pull the sword on you and you duck if you're listening to this world like I really hope my former pastor listens to this I sincerely hope my whoever listens to this you cannot delegate what's supposed to deliver you sit there let this knife fall on you and humble yourself so you can get grace to who listens to counsel when you respond well to counsel you prove to any authority human or divine what you should be trusted with when people deflect counsel it's the hard way of saying I've got some destructive tendencies you don't see it the Bible says watch a man that isolates himself secretly he rages against oh this generation has no appetite for wisdom because they so afraid to be controlled either you gonna have your rights or you gonna walk in this revelation the sward hit some button cutting Pearson I don't ever want to be in the place well I preach a word that I don't let work on me I don't want to ever be in a place where I lose my reverence before the Word of God and act like it's for y'all and not me I've got to be the first partaker but the thing I preach to you and be accountable first if I'ma be an automated next maybe your lack of vulnerability is not fear at all maybe it's pride when you are afraid to admit need but you still have me your rejection of help is a sign of the absence of humility Jesus never heals somebody who didn't admit it first and many of you are delaying healing cuz you won't say Jesus thou son of David will you come over here and help me mercy verse 30 say his underparts are like sharp potsherds you mean to tell me I can see pry then you're sexually OMG you mean to tell me that you're unregulated flirtation may not be you being nice at all it may be pride manifesting in your life watch me to play as many mind games as possible with people you don't intend to marry maybe this is not about you something it's about you stealing the affections of a woman who I don't be yours you turn my plight is the power line [Applause] so filthy hands off of my daughters you don't intend to marry them stop dating them what you're doing somebody who won't you you church boys break him and then we got to cast the devil out of him in spin off his time restrictive revisiting self-esteem and he already had no fathers and here you go as a potential one that's gonna help them start a new family and you full of wickedness you got to humble yourself and wait oh God but some of you men that's the word of the Lord if you like a fire put on hold until you know you're humble enough don't tell nobody got time to be waiting on you to grow up [Applause] [Music] his underparts unlike sharp potsherds watch this listen he spreads himself like a threshing sledge on the mire listen to me part of pimp culture is this is the same issue behind y'all's desire for celebrity it's about spreading yourself cuz you like to be seen here's a real truth either you gonna be seen or you gonna be sent but you can't be simply loving being seen every real assignment on your life requires that you hide behind that cross we didn't come here to hear flesh we didn't come here to see you you are an instrument and when you stand before God's people acting like you earned the anointing it's the devil's way of blessing them and killing you at the same time bow yourself [Applause] verses 30 and 34 I'm sorry verses 33 and 34 on earth there is not one like him he is a creature without fear I'm too afraid of God to say what I want to do what I wanted to go where I want to have what I want I stun you I have the fear of the Lord that's how I get the wisdom I need because the Bible says that it is the fear of the Lord that is the beginning of wisdom and some of you are reading more books and not becoming more reverential you got to become fearful his presence is in the room and you plan Goku we're crying and you checking in to make sure you let your former people know that you found your tribe humble yourself heaven is in the room and you want a timeline I have never seen so much cry like when men respond or not to the presence of the Lord this ain't no song this is a musical conversation between the holy of the unholy the perfect and the imperfect the divine and the kernel the strong and the weak the mighty and the limited and if you don't take full opportunity to get some work done in worship you're gonna miss the next wind of God we're worshiping and you thinking we're bowing and you disowning to see what a local witch is we're singing holy to him and you looking at who's up there try look at this verse 34 he only sees everything that is high this is the final point I went through all of that because the Bible never told us who he is into the last verse of top he calls him Leviathan what is this spirit he is the king over all the sons of pride if you study job 41 you got about 20 to 30 traits of a life without grace people always ask me where is it going what y'all gonna do next humble myself and believe God to tell me what I do not know as an intercessor one of the things that I learned is that when you go before God in your own strength he shows you his and it's not pretty you come to him in the assumption of your own ability he only responds to weakness he can do nothing with your strength this is why one of the first things I learned doctor okay o Lathika aalikoya prayer General in Africa taught me that brokenness is the only key to breakthrough when you pray in brokenness it's the easy way to get things to breakthrough you can get more accomplished with your tears and you can your tantrums some of you are having Tantrums about stuff you ain't cried over pride hardness of heart unforgiveness I mean willful unforgiveness you have to listen don't you let the person next to you the person behind you the person at your job or the person at your school get in the way of clear conversation between you and God you are not worth it if God is gonna resist me because of my feelings for you I will adjust what's going on here cuz I've got to be heard there I've got too much to do too much to see I've lead too much to be spammed by God pride you get offended beside you're going ain't coming to church for another year tell you something you can offend it broke and hurt at work you go you can offend it broken hurt at your family stuff you go you mean I want to be there but you're there we got to do a better job at humility it is the only way to get access to God's grace and that is my prophetic warning to us all if you want the grace of God humble yourself first and a part of what that looks like is this whatever you don't know how they do start asking god god this is what it sounds like lord untie baby hurt me so bad I expected this from her I expected that from her she picked me up from after school program and left me there with all them little bad kids I'm wounded now I'm 22 and I got low self-esteem because of what unti Debbie didn't want auntie Debbie said I'm mad follow this pattern I'm angry but I want to be like you so help me see unti Debbie the same way you see me I don't want to be on the devil's turf ninety Debbie say hey nephew come to my birthday party of Red Lobster's you have the right to say blank no [Music] [Applause] [Music] and they were pitbull prior later but you you don't have the right to walk in our heart that's not situated right before him keep that heart low baby keep it low crying out keep it low fight it out keep it low admit where you're we just keep it low don't let the devil trick you into a posture of self-defense that ends up being the breaking communication you think you're fighting people and it's the devil's way of getting you off the radar of God and you'll always have an opportunity to do it follow me as I follow Christ I do it daily part of my first prayer I felt the anointing what I said it just now first thing I tell them every day after I love you as I myself before you I'm a mere nothing without you I love getting that stuff in the atmosphere of my life so that I'm reminded that whatever he does whatever he says whatever he pulls me into was not because I smuggled my way into it it was because when I saw him I got low I saw him and found the childlike posture I saw him and did not want to oppose him I was too afraid of his strength to bring him my own so I got no I got low you stay low the grace thing is easy walking in it receiving in it I have found subtle pride in my heart by trying to figure stuff [Music] it's called visionary pride when God says do this and your response is how you have automatically put the responsibility on yourself he's not telling you to know how to do it he's telling you something to do if God gives you an instruction and you say how why or when you missed it your only answer should be yes I'll hear it I hope a lord I said what you talk it's just sick and I don't know who took it and I don't know who didn't but work on these hearts the hearts of these people the hearts of your sons and your daughters the hearts of business owners the hearts of ministry gifts work on us because we are definitely in need of more grace I feel gone we are in need of more grace than we've ever had in our lives and right now we are not enough we won't ever be enough but everything we are not you are and everything we don't know you so father again just because we humble ourselves before you believing that your show wasn't you teach us everything you want us to do everything you want us to be we're willing Holy Spirit to not be a foe of yours but to be a companion by following your every word and your every instruction so again the heart of this movement is before you keep us low so that you lead us help us to know that that's the only place we'll be safe in the name of Jesus come up with those hands together for the Lord I should put those hands together for the myth if this word blessed you standing up real quick if you feel like this is a prophetic word for you just standing up you ain't gotta come up here if you felt like at any point just stay around for a minute I said something I want you to put your hand on your own head [Music] if at any point you felt like while I was preaching God was dealing whether you were talking to you father in the name of Jesus I commit these men to you their lives their journeys their ministries I commend their potential to you I commit their future to you I pray as an intercessor right now for their children their grandchildren their great-grandchildren their great-great-great grandchildren I commit and I pray for their physical bodies that anything in their mind that may not be operating optimally because of pride and the interference of pride I'm asking that you would bring restoration to their life literally and let there be a crowning that goes on on the men of this church from the top of their head to the soles of their feet those that have felt helpless or those that are felt defined by what's happened to them or what they do and those that have been driven by force and even into performance anxiety thinking that the more they do the manly they are Lord nobody has ever went for very many of these men nobody has ever cried out to you but these men but today like loses I'm asking you God that you in with all your anger and with whole your rod and will the holy and do not allow these men to go under do not allow these men to fall but I pray for every one of them from every age that you would hold him Oh hold em up and do it for your name's sake hold up every single man hold up every married man and hear the prayers of the saints of God that have gone on for them and I declare that is and as they humble themselves that they will never have and they will never be in the way of what she wants for them now Lord blow their minds blow their minds blow their minds revive them and I pray father right now in the glorious name of Jesus that you would mantle these beings for Monday mornings reside them in their professional lives I revive him and then gubernatorial lives of the people help them to know that they were created to be slaves and those at the top of their heads with the way some of those who don't have women Lord send women to them better crowds of wisdom women that don't wanna ruin Burma and don't wanna round them up stand like a harlot of a wisdom round about their lives up in the glorious name of Jesus and as they'll read before you you make them strong upon man I declare you Victoria I declare you Victoria are you cutting I became Atari [Music] sit down ladies if this word dealt with anything and you stand up if you felt like God was talking to God put his hand on anything in your life now men tend to live up here y'all tend to live here put your hand in your heart I'm here in Melody's over you some of you have never had a father single for you I'm here in God sing anthems of your ascent before him father I lift up every woman in this room I little girl image I need to see for their bravery and father I stand between the porch and the altar asking that you will deliver every woman here from the sound of my voice from the spirit of their lives where fear is taking root because of disappointment or because of suspicion or because of danger pull it out from the root these are your daughters and you take great joy in raising them these are your daughters and you take great joy and from the back to the front those that have been in hiding because they're not secure with what you feel about them you your daughter's those that have been hiding up because they feel like they miss their moment to heal your daughters those that are better running because they feel like they're not effective without the right people heal your daughter I pray for every dollar in here whose father messed up I pray for every dollar in here whose mother didn't afirma and who didn't coach them I begin to undo the damage of Hell on the heart of these women up and help them to know that their greatest weapon is their heart it is not their attitude it is not their skills the heart of a woman Hey the heart of a woman aah when it can be turn in the hand of God it causes great harvest heals the heart of these women up in the strong name of Jesus I do something in their heart but from the spirit of grief break the spirit of bitterness I deal with the spirit of inconsistency in the name of Jesus not to go into demonic reeva it's a quote the mining laws every woman in here huh there's had a miscarriage of sin the grace of God to their wool every woman in here they struggle with abortion huh revive their conscience i reversed the spirit of guilty' every woman in here who's been raped or molested her break the power of sexual identity crisis up in the strong name of Jesus you are still a deliverer and you're still a restorer break open the follow browser in your daughters in the name of Jesus every woman any [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they were created with the capacity to give Messiah Jesus brand new diligent Chuck come upon every woman in here Wow them with the rubies of the spirit crowd them with jewels out crowd them up with the essence of femininity huh that helps him back to force their way [Music] to despise you consecrated here to be taunted you protected them up and you plant them up to be a woman of God who changes the world and sendeth totally Mara who won't suppress ever publishing them godly manner who will help God in their much what you called them to do from every so time deliver them [Music] [Music] a new quickening comes but what every woman in a brand new cricketer those of you mentally exhausted top those of you that are emotionally trained her rise [Music] backbone slip don't open that new windows and open up new open opportunity to mentors to watch the world [Music] believe the hands of the Tama ha you will never be Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm telling it is if it's slow come on ladies each other back you are Utah we may pop something ha because of what's on the winger let's talk here's how to suck forgiveness the way and your job is kitty told me the phone ah welcome on the fire-god hit me women the fire the fire [Music] come on let me go get what should be thy rest there's been a long journey you've lived a hard life dogs get around [Laughter] [Music] come on come on you are not often often you are not at all not at all set up you are not at all fitter you are not at all [Music] [Music] yes Lord we off of ourselves we humble ourselves it sucks Jesus both it's us Jesus picks us Jesus we want to be made whole yes we want to be pleasing huh we want to be pleased we wanna be pleased we wanna be pleased we wanna be pleased we want to be pleasing us we wanna be pleasing come on go get what you need all over this building the Jesus don't let my enemy having it don't let the devil devour me don't let the plant worker don't let the pond work up but do it do Jesus [Laughter] whoa Oh grace girl you are a grace girl you are a grace girl you have a gray stone you will a grace girl you want grace shut up you are a great girl you grace go [Music] [Music] [Music] come on get what you need I'm not rushing you get what you need come on God is doing something just get what you [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 75,555
Rating: 4.8838949 out of 5
Id: M_CTsjwOzjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 16sec (4336 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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