Underappreciated Historical Armors: BRIGANDINE, and Steel-Mastery review

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I think I paused at the perfect moment: https://i.imgur.com/dgEZTTk.png

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/RogueVector 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] greetings i'm chad and if you're familiar with my content you can probably tell i'm wearing something different than what i usually wear which is actually the subject of this video that is the brigandine what is the brigandine some of you might be asking well it's a very popular and effective type of medieval armor that is unfortunately overlooked in many adaptations of the medieval period whether that's in fantasy or if it's actually based in a historical period especially in the periods where the brigandine was really popular so often it's completely ignored like it never existed which is a crying shame because the brigandine was actually one of the more prominent armors in the period in which it was used both for the average soldier and even nobility so it's time to try and bring the popularity and awareness of the brigandine back into the mainstream which is the purpose of this video now you also might have noticed i'm not wearing my glasses because i just i wanted to make it more of an authentic experience but how authentic is it because some of you might be questioning how accurate is the kit that i'm wearing well i'm going to get into that later on in the video okay the detail but before i go into that i'm going to be talking about the brigandine generally what it is how it's made how prominent was in the medieval period as pros and cons and then i'm going to be talking about what i'm wearing here and to briefly touch on it not in detail but to briefly touch on it now i need to give a shout out to the manufacturer that made this kit which is steel mastery you see still mastery contacted me and offered in exchange for one item from their selection a simple shout out and they're very clever in doing this because usually a single item does not come near the standard values of a proper sponsorship or shout out but when i went to their website i i saw that brigandine specifically this curas and i was like oh i like that i really like that and i was like all right uh send me that one and then after getting it i've liked it and i love it so much and i've been so impressed that they're not just gonna get a shout i'm gonna give them a full review okay and a massive recommendation so well played still mastery well played because on top of them sending me a brigandine when i went to the website i also purchased out of my own money the pauldrons and the braces and an additional gambeson on top of the one that they they're sending another gamson but then i bought another one on top of that because i like so much and some shoes so i made a customer out of me right and uh so anyway shout out to steel mastery great products and overall really impressed with everything i've received for them and i'll go into more into that later on the video when i do the full review of this thing and also bring down uh how historically authentic plausible or even accurate it might be i feel like i need to put my glasses on because that's just me i like shad is you know wears glasses now uh and so so how out of places i mean not wearing glasses because it feels like i shouldn't wear glasses when i'm wearing you know authentic enough kits uh because these are of course modern glasses does it break the immersion somewhat uh i don't know let me know in the comments right so a couple of weeks ago when i first put on this kit i posted a photo just to share that hey this is looking pretty good right and interestingly there were an a decent number of people like look obviously a small minority compared to everyone who commented but there were enough people who were saying why are you wearing studded leather half of those seem to be just trolling making jokes and fun brilliant i'll have a good troll okay i can be a bit of a bit of a troll myself at times but then the other half legitimately seemed to think and were being serious that this was studded leather and that alone has confirmed a decent amount the suspicions i've had in the misidentification of brigandine with the rise of the fantasy trope armor studded leather because when you're looking this and you don't really know any better it's fabric it's not metal okay and it's got studs and so i mean leather can be tanned and given a certain color and so studded leather and there are a lot of images of bringing dean in historical medieval artwork and so it's very easy to understand how people could have misidentified it and i really think this is the genesis the cause of the false historical armor known as studded leather which is so popular in fantasy particularly dungeons and dragons but no this is not studded leather it is brigandine and some of you might be asking what is brigandine if you are not aware of it it is a type of metal armor okay and it's actually a really clever ingenious type of armor and as i mentioned was really popular in the medieval period so why is it clear clever and what is it specifically so underneath this fabric surface are metal plates segmented metal plates that have actually been riveted to the cloth itself holding them in place now why would you do something like that well there are a number of reasons which actually kind of speaks to why brigandine was so popular historically first of all it's actually a lot easier to make small metal plates than a full singular sheet there are less chances of failure during the manufacture process the smithing process and if there is a failure if there's a crack or something like that you don't need to throw away the whole thing you just throw away a single plate and you don't lose too many resources so already we're seeing a lot of benefits in terms of just making the thing and the making process is actually a lot easier because when you're making a solid piece of metal it takes a lot of hammering to get that shape in place and then you have to measure it to the person you have to make sure the thickness of the metal is uniform and sometimes thicker in the front areas and thinner on the sides and then make sure these plates interlock really specifically with these other large plates and there are a lot of chances of failure contrast that to a brigandine which is made out of metal plates and the size of the metal plates can vary and i'll go into more detail about that when i start to talk about the different types of brigandine and also the bit of the history of how it was developed but just talking about the thing that is made out of smaller plates in terms of getting it fit to the right person is not necessarily the shaping of the plates but where you rivet them onto the surface which gives it the figure and size that you want which is a much easier process just going through that logical process we can figure out pretty clearly that the brigandine was both easier to make and therefore cheaper because something is easier it takes less time to make therefore less manpower it's more affordable but this is confirmed in the historical records as well because a briganding was worn by more common types of soldiers indeed it was actually fairly popular amongst archers the other little factoid that kind of reveals that brigandine was more affordable or used by people who had less resources the fact that most of them not all but a decent amount open at the front now contrast that with a solid metal breastplate they usually open at the sides and because of that they're much harder to get in and out of indeed you usually need the help of a squire to wear full plate harness but i can confirm this for myself because the brigandine opens at the front you can put it on by yourself pretty easily i do admit getting the pauldrons attached a little bit more fiddly but not every brigandine actually had pauldrons or braces attached and the types of pauldrons and braces i'm wearing i will explain this more in detail are less representative of the more common types of additional arm leg attachments that accompanied brigandines historically but very often the brigandine was worn as a chess piece by itself and i've tested that out already in a previous video to this where i'm shooting my heavy war bow and i wanted to see what it was like shooting in just the brigandine curas and it didn't get in the way at all it was incredibly comfortable to wear just with the cure ass and i was even able to do a speed shooting test with the warbo with wearing the brigandine so range of movement didn't get in the way at all and i can really see why an archer would be happy to wear it and would want to wear it because of the extra protective value but in addition to just the chess piece it was also common to have pauldrons attached to the chest priest brigandine as well as full arm attachments so this is what the underside of the pauldron looks like and as you can see metal plates that are riveted to the fabric on top now when that method is applied to say a full curase what you gain out of that is a greater range of movement in comparison to a solid metal curase one of the detriments to that is that it has far more compression okay but tell you what i mean this is very resistant still if i'm hit with something really heavy it's going to transfer more blunt force because there is no structure holding the brig separated okay uh but what i gain out of it as i mentioned free to move have a look at the sides how they can bend and compress and look at the front when i bend over like this and i bend back like that there is a wider range of movement and i find this particularly useful with arm movement because one of the signs of a well-made briganding and i've actually noticed a distinct difference between the one i'm wearing and other models i have seen this is one of the things that attracted me towards this model in the first place is that the side connecting arms okay from the sides to where it connects and straps over the shoulder cuts in and that's exactly what you want because other models i've seen from the side they just kind of went up they didn't cut in like this if you can see that there and because of that that meant when you wanted to move your arms forward it would dig into the sides of your arms but because this one hat doesn't i have full range of motion look at that full range of motion and arms now i can actually raise my arms even higher when not wearing the pauldrons so adding the pauldrons and the braces restricts my movements a little bit more but it doesn't like look at the range of movement right here okay that is pretty full though there is a right there that's where it stops okay and because of that you know i can touch my face and everything but i could actually bend my arm further without it on but still this is like effectively full movement with very little resistance but the design of the brigandine actually helps out an additional step because let alone just having the right kind of proportions there is actually additional flex on the sides where they can be pulled in so right here regularly without the braces i can fall bend my arm and grab on the sides of the brick can't do that there but the sides will compress in and out maybe you can see it when i do this okay see the chest front compressing when i put my arms together and then flexing out if this was a solid breastplate it wouldn't do that i wouldn't have that additional freedom of movement with my arms which is particularly useful if you're shooting a bow i would say because there's a lot of action of moving arm around across the chest and then back and then across and back and so you want that extra mobility honestly it helps another big benefit of the brigandine is the fact that it'll actually fit more sizes and i can confirm this with this model specifically as well which of course would translate to other similar styles is that right now i'm wearing a very thick fully padded garment underneath this brigandine granted was not nearly as common in the 15th century to wear a full gamersin like this and the gamers and i'm wearing is a hundred or more years out of style okay i'm wearing an older style gamba scene so that there is a bit of an anachronism but it's still historically plausible and once again i want to talk about the difference between historical plausibility and historical accuracy later on when i'm reviewing the specific brigandine but because the games i'm wearing is so thick it actually makes me a few sizes bigger than what i am without it and i've worn this brig with just a linen shirt and it fit me perfectly because i just tightened it up a little bit got the overlap a bit more and it was flush perfect fit and now the same i can't tighten up as much but because i have more room to move fits me perfectly and it's fully closed okay so this is still fitting and the overlap is complete you could jam a knife in there like with with a lot of effort which is clearly one of the weaknesses of brigandine is getting something through or in between the plates where you simply can't do that with a solid breastplate but you shouldn't assume then that people always went for a solid breastplate over a brigandine in that instance because there are countless medieval artworks of what looked to be higher nobility wearing brigandine okay and i can only assume they're doing that is because they're fine with the trade-off they like certain advantages that the brigandine offers and they're okay with certain disadventures that they don't get in regards to full plate and remember cost is a big one but also that freedom of movement is huge as well but there's another really interesting element that i think plays into this and that is fashion because brigandines by the very nature of their construction they are made to be fixed to a fabric lining you can pick any type of color you want on the surface you have and and because of that dang they look good like when i was deciding what type of armor i wanted to advance to in my own kind of kit progression yeah i could try and save up for a harness a full plate harness it would cost heaps and right now i can't afford it certainly but even when i can afford it i like the look of the brigandine better i think i'm going to stick with the brig because they just looked so dang good and for me at least i prefer the extra mobility the extra freedom and size okay i get a bit more flexibility out with what i'm wearing underneath i like the greater range of movement and its protective value is still phenomenal okay a brig is way more protective than a male horberg okay now oftentimes and this is far more represented in the art are brigandings worn with male underneath for myself too heavy if i was ever gonna combine mail with a brig it's gonna be on an arming doublet with only male sleeves i really don't think i need the extra male layer underneath solid metal plates and and so in terms of protective value that's only going to offer a small marginal increase in protection for this reason cuts are not going to get through solid metal plates like this in terms of blunt force impact male has no structure at all so it's not going to protect you anymore with an additional layer of mail underneath this thing for blunt force the only additional increase it might give is for piercing attacks if you get something in between the joints of um you know the brig in between the plates or you know the front opening okay mail might do the thing because in terms of just pushing through mail very difficult you need a wind-up to actually punch through mail and so that could be the only reason i can kind of think of why you'd want to wear mail underneath a brig and that would be more a more exceptional situation i know if you're in the situation where you needed mail under the brig you wish you would be wearing it because you'd be dead otherwise but for the most part i from what i see i'm very happy with the level of protection this gives me like this is solid as anything like it's like no wonder people felt protective when wearing this and one of the last obvious benefits about the brigandine over other types of armor far easier to repair think about this okay now in terms of plate it is possible to dent and even punch through some of the plates usually the thing that's punching through will get stuck in and won't have additional penetrative power to actually do lethal damage and it and that kind of penetrates about that far and so even things that punch through wouldn't generally kill someone wearing plate like this okay but say that happened you would obviously want to repair that hole but if it was a solid metal plate how are you going to do that with the brigandine you just replace the plate the small plate replace it with another re-rivet it and you're good to go okay and in terms of replacing the fabric it's a lot easier than replacing steel so this is far more repairable and easier to do maintenance on than a full plate harness so big advantage once again the other thing you should understand about brigandine wasn't actually one or the other oftentimes brigandine was combined with solid plates either that was solid plate pauldrons that so these wouldn't be brigandine plate pauldrons like i'm wearing it'd be solid plate without the fabric on top or other parts of the armor that was on the either the arms or legs that would be solid plates so there's a bit of mix and matching i do feel brigandine should be considered in a more equivalent range to full plate because of the pros and cons it's not just full negatives which makes it worse but it's more affordable so that's why people wore it no people who were nobility that had money chose the bringing dean and therefore i think it should be considered on a more equivalent plane understanding those pros and cons okay because i'm not saying it's better in every regard i'm saying it gives certain benefits that full plate harness doesn't give and it should be represented far more in fantasy but absolutely the historical periods that are trying to show it and so if we look at one of the more you know recent examples the movie the king with the big final battle of agincourt there's any place to have people wear brigandine it was in that battle right there it's not a single one in that whole movie okay i actually mentioned that when we see the knights lining up it wasn't in the battle vagina call when i mentioned this in my review but before that i do mention like why aren't people wearing brigandines okay so we need to bring it back into popularity because it's so darn cool the brigandine not only is it really effective they look awesome like seriously and this kind of then is leading into the next part in terms of the different types of brigandine and the styles because what i'm wearing i i particularly like but this isn't what representative of one of the more common brigandine styles which have thinner tapered waists p they are referred to like the wasp thin type wastes in actual fact the curas i'm wearing here is a more representative of the transitional types of briggs between the armor that they are based from or they developed from and that is the coat of plates so you can kind of see the logical progression here from mail when you had it just a male horberg solid plates were attached to them and sometimes worn in conjunction with it if it was pauldrons or other things like that and then someone had the bright idea of fixing those plates to fabric or leather facing and by the way yes leather can be on the surface of briggs and the leather isn't the main protective thing it's the metal plates the leather is only serving as the surface holding them together and so the coats of plates generally had much larger plates sometimes just full straps like there okay and as they progressed and the transition happened into the brigandine the plate started to get smaller that's the general kind of pattern that we see and a good example are the coats of plates and brigandines that were found at the site of the battle of visby we see a wide range of types of coats of plates and also brigandines or brigandines that are in a kind of transitional period there where we see plates that are nowhere near as big as others sometimes plates that are about the size of that the one i'm wearing which is about that yeah big to even smaller plates and the smaller plates which are like little kind of you know rectangular tags almost are actually the types of configurations that we find on some of the later styles of brigandines especially the ones that have the tapering wasp thin waist so the curas i'm wearing isn't based off of one of those types in actual fact the one i'm wearing is based off of the chalkus type 2 brigandine and i actually found this in my own research to try and find the type of brig that it was based on but then i reached out to them at the you know still mastery of the manufacturers uh to confirm with them independently not saying anything you know what i was looking at they said yeah this is uh one of their interpretations of the chalkers type ii and there are a couple of different interpretations that you can make of it because it's in a bit of disrepair unfortunately and the chalkers type 2 is considered an early 15th century brigandine but far more representative of the brigandines of that period are the ones with wasp thin waist and made with smaller metal plates but they're not the only type either there is actually it's like do you call this a brigandine some people do some people don't it's a type of brigandine that's actually made of almost solid plates okay and they're riveted to fabrics and they usually have a singular line of rivets rivets that go in a kind of semi-circular way down to the sides sometimes those brigs are opened at the front so it'd be easy to put on if you don't have any help but there are other briggs that actually seem to be just solid plates or made out of only a couple of solar plates an upper one and a lower section and there is very little difference between that and a full metal curas apart from the fabric on the surface and so do you call that a brig it's a type i would say it's a type of one and it goes to show you how fashionable people really thought the brigandine was with having colour on the surface and so they even started to do that with armors that were pretty much equivalent to just solid plates they put fabric on the top they made rivets in a certain pattern to look stylish and stuff because you should never underestimate the impact fashion has in nearly every walk of life especially armor so the brigandine needs far more love and appreciation than it is currently getting in every adaptation of the medieval period but it also depends on which point of the medieval period you're adapting okay because coats of plates you're looking at 14 centuries when they started to come in and towards the end of the 14th century is where we see the transition from coat of plates to the brigandine and also transitional type of models that you see me wearing and in the 15th century you also have transitional types like the traucus type 2 and also the more classic representative one of the wasp thin wastes and also the kind of full plate versions but in terms of fantasy well in fantasy you get to be anachronistic and you can mix and match far far more which actually kind of leads into the next part of this video which is talking about the specific kit i'm wearing a bit of a review and also again shout out to still mastery because in terms of the price point okay this is easily one of the better models i have personally found for its price range there are far more expensive ones that you can get get you know find people making which are as accurate as possible to the models they're based off of but that's not to say this isn't as accurate as possible to the model it's based off of either okay but in terms of quality and cost well there's a there's a difference there but i really am impressed with the quality that this is in the in the price range also now it's not to say it's dirt cheap it is you know costly the curas just the curas by itself is 316 euro no 360 euros sorry that equates to 416 usd and about 580 australian which is still a hefty sum to fork out i do admit and that's not including the pauldrons or the braces that's just the brigandine curas by itself but in terms of other brigandines in this price range this still mastery one is really good quality i've been fully impressed and they and because of that they're getting a much larger shout out than what i ever previously agreed to because i'm just wait as good as good and when i'm happy with you know what i get there you go you know so once again well played so as i mentioned still mastery actually let me know that the curas is specifically based off of the chalkus type 2 brigandine and picture right here and there are a couple of different um interpretations of that one in terms of the plate configuration some people say like there's like if you look at the picture there's only three layers of plates underneath the armpit but if you actually have a look at the fabric okay there's rivet holes in the fabric there indicating at least an additional layer of plates if not two more additional layers okay so trying to go off the evidence uh this is the version that they made and i'm really happy with it there are a couple of small things that um i'm a little concerned about this part of in in my review in terms of the rivets to the fabric okay um the braces are going to be fine because there's not a lot of movement in terms of the chest piece where there's going to be a lot of move and sometimes a lot of stress on these rivet points i'm worried that the fabric might actually pop you know or rip around the rivet and the rivet will kind of separate from it now so far there hasn't been an issue so i guess time will only tell i do intend to be wearing this for quite a while going in the future it's probably going to be my main outdoor video kit because it's just awesome right this specific kit has actually raised an interesting discussion i've had online about the historical accuracy of it and what the term historical accuracy even means now some people have criticized the brig to be not accurate at all thinking that all briggs had to have a wasp thin waist and that is completely incorrect okay it is not confirmed in the artwork or the historical surviving examples in fact we have several examples of front opening brigandines that do not have the tight tapered waist that seems to be more iconic or classic to the 15th century and the chalkus type 2 is exactly one of those models and so by looking at the you know surviving example and this reproduction talking only about the curas now not the you know um pauldrons and braces the uh the curas is a very faithful reproduction from what i can see and for being so faithful in its price range very impressive the other concern i have is that there is an internal lining on this one uh we don't know if there was an internal lining on the chalk's type 2 and the stitching that connects the internal lining to the face is thin and the stitches are very separate and i'm worried they're gonna bust open and so just for quality suggestions i would say you might want to make the stitching you know tighter and stronger just to make sure there aren't any uh rips or tears in that regard but what about these other pieces like the pauldrons and the gambeson because again this raises an interesting question on what is historically accurate because i have usually used that term in a more loose application if it was historically plausible that means it's a type of accuracy like meaning it's essentially accurate enough and i've always casually referred to that as being accurate but some people have raised an important kind of distinction where something that is plausible doesn't necessarily mean it was accurate and it could imply the incorrect idea because if something was plausible or possible that doesn't mean it was prominent or representative and that's significant i do feel because a good example is uh say swords and vikings when you see viking reenactment in my own observation this doesn't speak to every reenactment group and i'm not trying to be critical here i just see a lot of swords in viking reenactment when historically swords are actually quite rare okay they were more expensive and more prestigious the main weapon vikings use was the spear and then the axe okay swords should not represent 80 of the weapons that you know a viking group is using but that's generally what we see and so is did vikings have swords yes absolutely that is 100 accurate but did every viking have the sword no that would be inaccurate and so we see a bit of an interesting contrast here of what actually is accurate because what i'm wearing here in terms of the whole get up the whole kit is historically plausible okay these pauldrons are an interesting kind of thing to discuss because they are based off of this image right here now that image requires interpretation because the proportions are a bit they're off they're different okay the head's too big in comparison to the body so therefore how big are the pauldrons then because on the image the pauldrons clearly are coming down to the guy's shoulder but is that the correct size in proportion to his body or the correct sizing proportion to the brigandine and his head and sorry it's going to take a little bit of interpretation now still mastery went for a bigger version these ones and honestly i picked these ones because of their size i liked the look all right and i like that they were more protective in on top of that and so i kind of like they went with that interpretation were they smaller well we don't know we ultimately can't know it's it's a it's an artwork but we do know from other artworks that brigandine style pauldrons could get very big like have a look at these other examples so this is definitely historically plausible but we don't know if it's a hundred percent accurate okay now the other thing to consider is how likely would it have been if portraits like this existed in the medieval period would they have been to be matched with a brigandine like this we don't see it representing the art what the art gives us we can let the artwork inform us of what the trends were what was more popular in terms of the armor configurations of the day and in terms of uh historically accurate kits that's the type of accuracy you should aim for if you're trying to be as accurate as possible to follow the trends that we see in art to know this is what is more representative so we don't over represent things that would be far more unlikely or uncommon even if they are possible and it would be wrong to say it is historically inaccurate and that was kind of my pushback when people were saying it was historically inaccurate but i did listen to them and say okay i can see what you're saying as well it probably isn't right to say it's completely historically accurate even though in casual language i generally would have called it accurate because it is far far more accurate than it is inaccurate if that makes sense and that was easy enough for me to just casually say yeah historically accurate and this goes the same with my gambeson it's possible okay an older style gambeson with um depending on what period i'm representing this early 15th century yeah it's possible these um pauldrons would have been around they're more representative of later styles because they're matched with the latest style brigandine but it's possible okay uh but what's what's far more possible is if it was the mid 15th century you had a rig curas like this which of course there were hand-me-downs and you know armors that were 50 years old easily that people were still wearing and then he just got you know more modern style pauldrons and attached them and you know so that's that's actually not much of a stretch at all now briggs were worn with gambeson but it's not as common as what we see male in art okay when briggs are being worn it's either with a linen tunic shirt or male and uh i have found one or two images that okay that that looks like you know a type of uh gambeson but it's also the later style gamers and it's not the earlier style i'm wearing this is just the only one i'm wearing but the other thing this is this is where um if you're going to impose a modern kind of fashion sensor aesthetic in your kit uh makeup you should be more open about saying this is a more historically inspired fantasy kit okay because in terms of fantasy i'd be happy to step in the witcher universe fully like this and this is a very very historically inspired kit if not 100 accurate it is historically plausible enough so i've already mentioned how comfortable this one is and i'm really happy with the quality and the price point okay now in terms of the weight the the curas by itself weighs about eight kilos which is actually considerably lighter like it's not impactful at all wearing it by itself though oh wearing everything with the pauldrons and braces uh comes to about 11.5 kilos which is interestingly enough very equivalent to my male horberg the male horberg by itself not with anything else on top of it is 12 kilos flat okay and so that's the interesting thing i personally wouldn't want to wear a full male horberg with this brigandine an arming doublet with male sleeves that i'd be more willing to consider other than that i would actually go for a gambeson if even if i was in the medieval period if i had similar preferences based on my comfort level and the weight that i find uh far more manageable this is it right here okay i wouldn't actually want to go too far above it because i would like to maintain my mobility okay my my range of movement and stuff by the way just because i did mention my horberg okay i want to uh realign an idea that is being pushed and i myself will push this a lot in our historical youtube community about mail mail absolutely was tailored okay in terms of tightness and stuff like that but to say that there were never any instances historically of mail being untailed and loose is actually incorrect now if we are wanting to show someone who has a lot of money um of course you would expect them to have properly tailored mail as we see examples of say in the morgan bible but his historical artwork of untailored mail with really open long sleeves okay so yes it was done historically we just need to put that in uh the proper context now as to why would someone be wearing mail that would not be fitted inherited okay uh there's one option didn't have the money to get it fit mate because mass production what if male shirts was just made and they didn't have anyone to match the size with so they put it to a standard size very much like most of the male shirts you can buy now they're going to be matched to a standard size not matched to your exact size especially you know arm width and things and as a result it's not going to fit exact snug okay and there's probably going to be gaps in openings so i just want to add that in interesting interesting thing because we're talking about armor here anyway the plates are one millimeter or 18 gauge steel uh it didn't have the type of steel i'm going to assume a mid-range steel i don't expect carbon okay or high carbon but a mid-range steel which is also very represented medium period as a matter of fact uh in terms i'll get a caveat that there wasn't just one type of steel okay steel was also on a spectrum in the medieval period and you have lower quality mild steels on armor as well as higher quality carbon steels and then there were hardened carbon steel armors and tempered so hardened and tempered carbon steel armors each one of those armors are going to have different performances based on their steel quality and so that's an important thing to consider so when i say you know mild steel or even just mild carbon steel is very representative yes it was but it wasn't the only thing you shouldn't expect all armors to be there for mild steel or medium carbon okay there's a range so once again overall really impressed really happy with the quality of this and uh i'm going to be buying more stuff from steel mastery in all honesty because some of the best quality stuff in the price range that i've been able to find myself so comes with a full recommendation i give you know their chest brig a glowing review honestly in terms of its accuracy and quality there were some little small you know things about the stitching and also how strong the rivets will hold time will tell in regards to that but what i want to do to end this video off i want to show you the range of motion i have with a sword okay and i've already tried this out briefly and it is full range of motion right here in terms of everything you want to do you know sparring and like striking sorry like maintaining different stances right um there is very little restriction none that impacts any type of movement i want to do with a weapon now it's not to say there is no impact like this motion right here where i was rounding okay there is there is a bit of stiffness and resistance okay but it doesn't stop me from doing the motion that i want all right and like right here through your hanging guard i can i can do it right but i can't raise my arms as high as i probably would like so there are those things to keep in mind because with any you know armor barring perhaps gambeson there is going to be a mild restriction in movement it depends on how much and if it's detrimental to the movements you need to do and what i'm finding with you know long sword i can do all the movements i need uh without too much of an issue and i attempted to test this with my long bow and discovered i was not in the physical condition to do so i was doing a bit of labor the day before moving around big sheets of plaster and my arms and shoulders were really sore so much so that i couldn't even draw the bow by itself without the pauldrons and braces on so trying to figure out how impactful wearing the braces and pauldrons on while drawing the bow was ultimately impossible because i was too sore to even draw it without them therefore i'll save that for another video and in the meantime i thank you very much for watching i hope you have enjoyed and of course please do go check out steelmastery.com they have a wide range of awesome medieval products and i can at least give the brigandine curas as well as the pauldrons and braces a glowing recommendation i'll put a link in the description i hope to see you in my next video and until that time [Music] you
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 1,282,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: medieval, armor, armour, brigandine, coat of plates, studded leather, gambeson, padded jack, akketon, aketon, middle ages, historical, reenactment, kit, impression, review, pauldrons, cuirass, metal, steel, brig, game of thrones, lord of the rings, witcher, the witcher, history, education
Id: WzhAhRZzCrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 41sec (2381 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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