Medieval BATTLEFIELD weapons RANKED! Best to worst

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[Music] greetings i'm shad and did you know that there are some weapons that are better than others this can be a shocking revelation at times especially when people find out a weapon that they love is actually crap indeed i've been exploring that concept a little further lately proposing that there's actually a more objective standard that people adhere to even if they don't realize uh that basically creates a hierarchy in terms of effectiveness and this is according to a very like important primary um analyzing factor really and that is the purpose the weapon was meant for for whatever given context it's supposed to be used in because as soon as you change that purpose well the effectiveness of weapon suddenly could be much better than what it was in the new area or use that it's being put to so in this video specifically we're going to be gauging the quality of weapons the best weapons uh on on the classic kind of s to f tier lists and we're going to be using one of the most significant and important um i guess contexts that you could put any weapons to like if any weapon is going to be tested for its utility it's this wrong in which it becomes the most serious and that is the battlefield we will be gauging weapons on how effective they would be on the battlefield now this will uh by necessity exclude certain qualities in the consideration which will be considered in perhaps other videos if you guys are interested for instance best you know medieval weapons for self-defense perhaps best power normally for weapons maybe i i so there's a lot of um different scenarios that we can look at this consideration in but this one is the big one battlefield oh i thought of another great one best weapons for used in castle defense oh so that would be really fun so we're going to be diving in but i do just want to mention something which many of you astute viewers might have noticed and yes i have a new uh no gambeson i was gonna say bring indeed i bring it in on the mind because uh i have news on that front as well but this is a new gambeson with my schedule the shadow versus my my fuzzy clothing because i'm really rich now turn into like a romanian noble or something i i have a romanian noble and you'll do as i say okay so gage weapon tier list thingy this is obviously going to be the definitive indisputable list of weapons ever made obviously ever made yes i mean personal bias but no no absolutely not subject subjective yes subjective not to but it is the yes no not really correct yes but it is not really but it is yes not uh subjective analysis of the weapon t list indisputably that absolutely so what is it it's very clear and defined in my head before we begin okay i actually think a good way to help gauge weapons and this is part of my you know good web bad weapons video i forget the exact spot but it's according to that analysis that one of the main primary ways that everyone determines if a weapon is good or not is by comparing to other weapons meant for the same purpose and so we then are we're basically going to go for the best weapon one of the best weapons that we can consider go straight to a nest here to set the uh the top tier line this is where you would have to kind of reach to you know get an st class weapon and then of course we need to set the baseline um as the uh literal baseline for the worst type of weapons so um in regards to the worst weapons uh the worst weapon we could possibly think of i've thrown in one that's not really um a medieval weapon but it's it's such it's the best baseline i how could i resist so uh nunchucks straight right there fdm absolute crack that's the standard we're going for for the worst weapon and if it's worse than nunchucks nunchucks over the battlefield weapon though you take onto a battlefield you hit your friends yeah but that's why it's that's why that's the new baseline okay that's it it's it's right there uh so to give us the s-tier uh ceiling uh i think it it's almost without dispute uh one of the standards we'll be comparing it is like the polax okay polax is uh such a devastating versatile battlefield weapon now one of the things that we'll be uh considering in this uh definitive weapons tealist video is because it's on a battlefield it needs to have the only these weapons need to excel i like if there is a major failing in one of the areas that'll really pro you know make the weapon not perform well one of the things of course is effectiveness against armor that's going to be a big one and so the polax is up there as a result because it's very effective against armor and one of the things that isn't as much for a consideration is how easy they are to wear or transport there is of course a level where it goes obviously too much uh but still when people were committed to if a weapon was effective and they knew they were going into a battlefield they went through the trouble to bring it with them even when it became really you know cumbersome and difficult to transport some of these weapons like cannons now you might notice cannons aren't on the list even though some did exist in the late medieval period ballistic certain weapons the early types exist in the medieval period that were used in castle sieges and things like that this is uh classic more you know more stereotypically classic because really the old school guns are classic media weapons as well but the more stereotypical weapons we're considering here and firearms is just like well actually if funny enough maybe we should add the early firearm because there were issues with the early firearm which is why they didn't overtake the battlefield completely there is another tier that you might have noticed if because you're so so astute my audience i barely need to tell in fact they they do tell me a lot of stuff i learned from them there is a tear on this that is uh out of the ordinary it's uh yeah like after d you'd think it would be e but there's a wc what's going on well the wc stands for not water closet okay it's not a toilet it stands for wild card because there are certain weapons that are so ultra specific that they're just not going to perform well in many other categories of context even on a larger battlefield but they're really useful in the very specific purpose that they were built for and so for those who i would throw in the wild card with all that out of the way let us continue oh i forgot to mention who made the um uh brigade i was like this is my fancy freaking d just damn it's like i'm freaking dean out here this is made by still mastery they make some phenomenal stuff on the more affordable like out of the good quality stuff that you can find that is uh far more historically plausible and authentic than a lot of stuff that you'll find online in the affordable category still mastery is absolutely phenomenal and they sent me new gambeson ah i got it right then and something else that's really cool that i i just got a dedicated whole video to so anyway more to come on that back to the tier list we're ready to begin now the weapons are the underneath line there's no particular order um so but we might also actually is this is this alphabetical order yes i did it in alphabetical order on purpose arming sword are you uh bardi a b is it a c yeah wow i didn't even know you could read alright so straight arming sword and shield really good really really good uh but it's not as devastatingly powerful as some other weapons or as effective to get through armor and i'm trying to be mindful of other combinations but it's actually so yeah i would it's a really good combo especially that extra shield now we're going to be disregarding the armor the person is wearing we're just going to assume that they're wearing equivalents or similar armor as what you would generally find on a medieval battlefield uh so i'm going to give it an a i reserve the right to change whatever decision i do here because i am a very easily influenced individual because if i come to a later weapon that is like but it is better than this other one but it's not as good as the way i might have to like push it down and fit the new weapon combo in um but arming sword and shield is top top class but not the best all right so and then we just come to arming sword by itself so this is a it's a very good weapon versatile but uh you won't have the reach just by itself you don't have something to help you close the distance like a shield and so for that i would give it a b still good it's versatile decent weapon and king the badish now the badish is an interesting weapon like it's pronounced barter shade barbecue that's how i used to pronounce it then then i found out that i was pronouncing it wrong and anyone who produced like that is a dribbling moronic idiot i'm not giving my idea i was wondering but it's badish you're a bad douche i am a i am sometimes so this is a more renaissance weapon but we threw it in because it's pretty classic and it's like a giant axe giant axe is really good uh that's just a different type of head typically it's got like a like a cleaver cutting side and then a jutting spear type on the top so it's there's there are there are multiple forms of buddies yeah well done oz how did you know that i played video games oh it was mort hell wasn't it yeah yeah all right so you were just like i know the difference because you could switch out there to make yours like what how very educational for medieval weapons i do agree it's they just great job in fact we kind of just copied some of the jpeg images from with what our weapons in our tier list transform it's very this is transformative use okay buddies it'll hit really hard oh this is tough that doesn't have the range i can't decide whether a or s it's like is there a way to put it in the middle like in them i think just be look i'm going to chuck it in a for now i reserve the right to change my mind on anything when i get things wrong which is i think we'll only be out by one tier so i i believe most except of course the nunchucks because that's just indisputable barring the nunchucks which is so undeniably eftier i think the where we put a lot of these weapons could potentially have been one upper one down but i would like to think only within that range i overestimate my abilities so much our glorious leader projects certainty yes whether the confidence will help overcome all my other failures so many so the battle axe right great weapon like really high damage um this is tricky right because the battle accident shield i i yeah my instinct based on my study of medieval weapons throughout history it's a more effective battlefield weapon than the arming sword maybe not by much because the arming sword can still do things the battle axe can't it can outreach and it has much better thrusting penetrative power but the battle axe has pure weight and power behind it and so i think the battle axe could damage someone let alone just as easy as like saying wearing male uh just as easy as i'm sure but even more so even though the armstrong might have a better chance of penetrating depending on the tip i think i've got to give the battle ax an a over the regular arming sword just because this is a battlefield we're talking about and pure brute force it's really good it's more effective against people in armor than a sword like a sword yeah get through the gaps it's difficult and you sometimes have to change your fighting style half sword to get it in those gaps really leverage it down where a battle axe maintains the ability to just do damage from a full powered swing still especially on the head and if we had battlax and uh and arming sword i would almost put that s here if it had a so if i had a shield that would be stu oh yeah battle axe by itself i'd always give a balance shield i almost give s t we can have that in post like someone chuck it in post and throw it on the furthest edge so we don't block it with something else and we'll just right there okay battle action shield is uh just really really good and the shield helps it overcome a lot of its weaknesses especially in reach because it closes the distance and i i i'll be hard-pressed to determine who has the advantage in using a battle axe and shield versus a polax the polax is great reach actually i'll probably give the edge to the pollux but still the bad accent shield is really good because that shield can help block a lot of the uh danger strikes on pole axe and one of the significant points about the shield a polax can offend someone wearing even full plate armor quite effectively and so in those circumstances if someone in full plate armor is coming up against a person wearing a polax those are situations where they might want to shield a handheld shield on top of their armor as a defensive tool against the weapons that can still offend it even through their armor and so again that's why it just raises the battle axe and shield to so obviously you would have nuanced within the tears there's a lot of nuance in this whole discussion um so when i say it's in st i'm not saying it's perfectly equivalent to all other weapons in that same tier all right i would probably still give the edge to the polax just because reach and extreme power um oh oh the next weapon is the better cobain englishman englishman stay away from my accent is it is is it because is it is it is it bear ball but you had a good roll over here no that one was just beyonce we had wrestling around that was that was a totally frenchman um ester undeniably i like what i a lot of these the heavy gear pole arms are going straight to st because those were about like look at this the bill hook what the heck what the heck and so the bill in the line of uh yeah bill straight to st started out of the farmer's implement the bill to cut things peasant decided to use it in a fight like holy crap this is really good they were cheaper to make than say a halibut or polax but very effective had just like a really heavy cutting end but some really versatile things bells and whistles on a hook to hooking people in armor pull them off horses and things it was like the poor man's uh polax it was used by more you know peasant soldiers full battlefield is like a poor man's polax battlefield weapon and it arguably could just as effective really good uh allows you to plow the field and then sew it with blood uh yeah like bill hook definitely sorry we throw we threw in sub just for the like bull the bull whip um whips generally are a larger discussion but the bull whip absolute ftm people oh but you could wrap around people and horses and pull them down no no no clubs oh it's a stick stick good stick gosh gosh this is tough this is tough because it's not as good as the stick enhanced weapons like the mace right and so i would by necessity need to put the mace a bit higher than it um it is easy to make like i would put it if i could right in between a and b in all honesty right sitting between a and b um but i can't and so i would put it on the top end of b for battlefield weapons but the thing is it's better than an arming sword in battlefield like because of armor it is like a full heavy club oh yeah because it's better than an arming sword i got to chuck it up um it's here because they're look we have we have art medieval art of people using clubs even when they're wearing swords on their hip because they're that that gave them certain adventures that they thought were just better and so clubs are very good in the battlefield okay okay crossbow crossbow look i i think just it's an a-class weapon the crossbow like range gives you such a huge advantage on the battlefield and uh yeah like it's not good in melee but that's why you don't use it in melee you wouldn't really consider its use in melee because if someone was attacked you and you had a crossbar you would drop it and draw your sword right um and only in the most extreme circumstances would you try and use a crossbow in a fight as a primary melee weapon its consideration should largely be considered primarily in ranged and in that regard it is top class but rate of fire is where it falls down quite significantly um dagger oh my goodness people might be surprised with my dagger pick actually no i can't i all right i wanted to put it in str because the dagger is basically if you're unaware the primary armor killing weapon when i say the primary makes it seem exclusive let's just say the one of the most significant very up there armor killing weapons of the medieval period use on the battlefield but not as a primary weapon usually it was used when you were able to immobilize someone wearing heavy armor once they were down that's when you draw your daggers through the eyes or something but even when you got up really close you'd also pull the dagger because the dagger is just more effective in really really close combat especially with arm purse people even than the sword so oh but because of its other short fallings it's kind of a balanced look i was i think i was gonna over over emphasize its utility and just chuck it in st but then when you really balance against all its other flaws in this context the battlefield all right it kind of balances out it's really good in a specific use but pretty poor and a lot of other specific uses which pulls them on card wouldn't it you know you're right i think it might be fairer to chuck the dagger as a wild card battlefield weapon because it is it is crazy useful in a very specific use but pretty poor in most other uses and so to not think that it's just a really bad weapon by giving it a lower scale on the regular list i think it's you're right yeah wild card is better danex oh look hmm so you know how i said that there were like tears within tears the day max is a polar it's got crazy uh power and so i put it in the polar like it's going to go in sd but i would actually put it on the lower end of this here uh really um because it doesn't have the versatility of a lot of the other poll axes and uh so that's that's where i'd throw it the stock the a stock a renaissance weapon okay uh not really used often in the battlefield uh but this we threw we threw some you know interesting weapons in there that uh i know um it's a thrusting beast primarily against armor but has no real good cutting edge got some reach on it it's not really meant for battlefield like oh it's b or c for me let's chuck it in c for now but if there's a weapon that might it might push up or you know we'll see because i think an arming sword is just better for versatility sake on a battlefield than in a stock um or another kind of out of the you know thing um just so interesting to consider not really battlefield but the executioner sword i have a video on the executioner sword really cumbersome and unwieldy they were overweight for a reason to have greater chances of just chopping people's heads off but because of that it would be very cumbersome on the battlefield and you might say that it's a wild card no no um because that'd be very yeah there'll be execution moves if you want to do that it could excel at on the battlefield but no that's not enough that's not enough for it to be wild card and i would almost give it a dj it's so heavy it'd be so difficult to use in combat all right so we might first d weapon uh hulk i am divided dlc but right now it's indeed fists this by itself is an interesting one because it's not just punching we need to give it this is really unarmed okay and with being unarmed you'd be surprised at how versatile your hands can be specifically in grappling and then you might also be surprised how often grappling happened on the battlefield more than you might think especially against people in armor because you needed to knock them on their rear ends to take him out and so because of that i'd almost give fists a c they're not the worst like that they have you can do stuff with with your hands okay and the grappling is a good one flail this is where my personal bias is coming in i don't like the flail they did exist never said they didn't and i'm not talking about war flails this is a one-handed flail do we have war flails look we'll give an honorary mention to a war flail put it in post editing on the side wall flail we don't see much on the battlefield either but i would consider it much better than regular flails look you can't spell flail without fail that's true and they can do damage but they're danger to the user it's unwieldiness and it's likely to hit your you know allies your you know people on your side especially if you're in a formation of some kind to me that makes a flail a d i would almost go as far as no it's not f because just because it can it can hurt they can do damage soaking nunchucks but it loses all of its power when you hit with it but a flail can hit like dude twice 10 times like as much damage as nunchucks like that focused weight depending on the flail there are some flowers with very small weights and i would and the the small weighted flails i'll probably put an f but a heavy fail the witch king lost to a girl because [Laughter] that wasn't a flair like you would lose to a girl period if she was so warfail look i'd be i'd give it a c i'd give a warfare let's see uh maybe people would like chat you should do a b and maybe there's a discussion yeah i'd have to debate someone maybe you could push me to that at the moment i still i still don't like some of the significant failings that exist in weapons that have loose connections so um it's all about kinetic linking driving force control and other things all right oh hey another another interesting gauntlet sword i i've made you know a prop gauntlet sword to get the idea of the movement and the limitations and i would ge i'll give gold a sort of c it's not it's actually not as good as an army army sword has more versatility to get the sword and better angles and striking positions and stuff um if if golden sword was like we gave someone a really significant advantage it would have become a more prominent battlefield weapon historically it was more of like a flashy gimmick that people showed out it was cool it had the cool factor and if cool factor was a consideration it would probably go up a couple things but it's not that's what i love about battlefield it's just brute utility okay you know the sad thing if coolness was a factor that nunchucks would have to go up no no no i think not look they they're a flashy weapon look i'm acknowledging for the broader appeal i don't think that like the flashiness annoys me now because it's a smoke screen for how bad they are and uh but anyway the glaive it might be a controversial thing it's a pole arm so you're thinking yes tear right it doesn't have thrusting give it like all right all right maybe is the is the glaive as good as a danax i don't think it is i don't think it has as much power as a danax like cutting power the dance is just a brute force weapon it has cutting power and potentially more reach maybe more versa oh this sounds tough i would get look remember how i said the day next was like the bottom it obvious here i would put the glaive at the higher end of eight here it's very equivalent it's hard to pick with a good argument i could be pushed and up i would need to hear that my my instinct at the moment is er top of 80 golden dag the golden dag classic midi well when i say classic it's an iconic medieval weapon but not broadly uh we don't see it in many areas i flemish i believe used the um golden dagger a lot and i was actually more employed for kind of like urban warfare still some type of warfare look it's a club it's a it's a spiked club it doesn't have the reach of a of a pole arm oh this is hard this one's uh is it better than it i wouldn't i couldn't say it's better than a glaive i couldn't say it's better than a glaive so i think it's in the top tier of a uh but much better than a well oh that's tough the thrusting they use it uh they even used it to stop horse charges at times ah the horse charge thing it's like a movable like pike back oh okay i think i think it goes in a st god and dag is a beastly effective weapon very yeah great sword yeah gotta put greatsword nest here it is the uh like what the ultimate battlefield sword okay it is the pole arm sword right it's um is it literally called a war sword there well in in the uh you know sword enthusiasts sphere warsaw has kind of evolved into a category between greatsword and longsword um i like i have a couple of swords that i consider warsaw that's my big one uh i love war swords because they're still wearable and you could add a stretch put it in like a self-defense you know wearable category i would it's not as good great swords have just power reached um they're not as brute force as people think they're actually very elegant uh slender weapons but um yeah definitely great swords are awesome hull bird yeah i mean is there is there any argument with that total sdr i think we're gonna have a lot of st weapons here probably more sta weapons than any other category because you know one of the things i love about the medieval period is there's just the sheer practicality that they applied to many things they were very practical people in a lot of look i'm not saying they didn't do things for reasons outside of practicality like fashion stuff like that but at the end of the day practicality often won out especially on the battlefield there's like if there's a weapon that's top that's just brutally good we're using it it became really popular and it's because there was so much conflict i think like a lot of a lot of decentralization a lot of different kingdoms lots of wars there was an arms race people developing their best effective weapons they just the thing that was due like useful and as a result even weapons that might look cool didn't get a lot of prominence and i i actually bet there's probably a lot of weapons that some you know medieval morning just like it's just so cool i'm using this like it was cracked on picked it up all right hammer warhammers warhammer it's not just that i love warhammer yeah but anyway the one guy didn't put a picture of a space marine there when he said warhammer okay okay so you know what i'll do here we need another edit thing warhammer by itself a tier warhammer and shield estia okay uh because it's lack of reach um it just like the warhammer by itself against these uh um pole arms it just wouldn't be able to compete but like the the axon shield if you give a shield to warhammer that enables you to close the distance it suddenly becomes like an s-tier combo warhammer is better than a club just by itself it's better than a club so it would be top of estier um beating out clubs but it's just it wouldn't be able to compete against the big the big pole arms did you do this did you do this katana all right all right uh look just be fair honest i would probably put the katana can cut through anything this would this would upset people that hate the katana and upset people that love it i just i won't be able to win with it but this is the truth all right the katana isn't a terrible weapon but it's not like in terms of battlefield it's not great against armor okay it doesn't have a really fine acute point it's actually only most standard katanas are only about as long as a standard arming sword i'll give the arming sword a higher er like it would be higher than the katana in b tier um because sorry paul not as great reach not as great against armor still a good weapon okay and if we were discussing self-defense then i think the tier might be different but for battlefield yeah and look the katana wasn't using battlefield just like arming sword by itself okay so uh it has its place on the battlefield and the medieval term i i have just started to use medieval to refer to medi maybe like european medieval but there is an academic use of medieval that just refers to time period and so people often can refer to the japanese medieval period um so in that sense it's a medieval weapon pretty age sure the edo period yeah they do they do and i think it's probably better to use their distinct periods because using medieval gets confusing because in common language medieval is so identified with european and that's what i just like to adopt the most common use of language to be better understood by most people um now there is a bit of an unfair thing right the katana is a more later period japanese sword in in in a lot of the battles that you could uh put in a similar time period to media period there was a more battlefield kind of oriented sword of katana design the tashi and there are larger katanas like the okatana and stuff like that um the nodashi i believe is one as well uh the zambatou which i like ezadar is almost like the great sword version of katana and those ones i would put higher because they're more designed for battlefield they have more power behind them and reach what about the canabo which is like the japanese war club that's a big club i would it's almost like a golden dag but a golden dag has just some elegant versatility to it with that spike remember how i put the cotton bag up because it could be used against horse charges the canavo wouldn't get that i would put the canarbo in but it's a great club i would put it in 80 honestly uh maybe post editing just honorable mention to the kanabo um and i can really annoy people think i have a bias against um asian or any weapon outside you know there are weapons outside in asia that i flipping love okay and there are weapons in europe that i look what i did to the flail it's cause the nun shots man yeah i must hate asian people exactly it gets so buttered um but look the canabo total at weapon right and the yuri that's the japanese spear i believe i would like that's a spear well we'll get this spears the spear better be on the list oh is it yes all right we'll get this for you all oh right longbow longbow so maurice like this should be well oz get rid of longbow and replace it with warbow because when people over focus on the longbow they start to penetrate an idea that longbow is the ultimate uh medieval bow when i've made a video on it all right well no okay it's a uh there's a lot of nuance in the discussion but any high poundage bow which includes the high powered what are you smiling at us it's like in the hands of a british man it's an atm weapon it lands for a frenchman it's an 80 eddie warbow right like of high poundage is s here totally totally and the edge that has well actually it's a tough discussion between crossbow and warbow crossbows you don't need to train at people nearly as much to get devastating power and decent enough range with the crossbow the longbow's problem is training people for the strength and skill to use them and i say i mean warbow really high high-class warbows so you might think that the training and ease of use brings crossbow and longbow to a closer line but the rates of fire that warbows can maintain over crossbows give them the edge to me and the their ability to out range crossbows more often also given the edge and so a warbo total sta this includes the short recurve warbos that exists in the medial period video exploring so many people are unaware that that medieval europeans had really high powered war bow equivalent short bows it's not the size of the bow but how much power you can get out of it long sword long sword ah look you might think this is biased but honestly the long sword is a better battlefield weapon than a katana in my mind it's got better reach it can cut depending on the design but there are many designs of long swords that can cut easily as well as a katana better against armor okay and uh it is an a tier weapon and look this obviously marries into a lot of things because arming sword and shield i'll probably give the edge um like a full-size shield but if it was just arming sword and buckler that's a that's a far closer comparison to a long sword because you got more leverage and so more power and more reach um and so it's far more equivalent to the a-tier weapons i think that's fair definitely oh the mace the mace look same with the warhammer honestly it's an a tier by itself i would give it s t with mason shield post editing mason shield right there ahaha the man catcher what's the man catcher have you heard of the man catcher well guess what i guess i did it for you just just those people i do have another video on it because this is a channel about many weapons not just many people just look i i talk about weapons a lot okay medieval things you medieval stuffs and yes i do have a video on the man catch if you want to learn more about it uh this is a wild card this is totally a wild card because it's uh very ultra specific this is a very is a weapon made for a very specific purpose and it excels in that purpose but it's pretty poor in many other uses um what's it for punching men catching men and maybe the odd woman if you find them attractive enough uh but oh yeah man catcher maul them all eight here just going off instinct okay um oh look you could argue me to st but i'm just going with a right now falchion and messer by itself same as arming sword all right if you gave it a shield it would go up one all right but surely it has a much better cutting capacity yeah but less thrusting capacity and they're not heavy weapons they have weight distribution which puts more weight at the end on on just in the average weight of swords of that size they're actually not heavier than swords like an army saw or everything like that but the concentration of weight puts a bit more of a concentration on the end but they're not unwieldy weapons they they're more like razor blades than axes and i get so annoyed when people like come i and maybe because i used to back in my early days all right give me give me some some charity i was i said that as well but then i learned i was wrong and i corrected it the machete though surely that's the closest to the machete on there yeah and you love the machete i do but like i love the arming sword it's it's bt you can trust me on this one i will i'll the frying pan the frying pan no wild card what's that because it is super effective at what it's meant to do cook food yet maybe not as good you could still use it in other weapons and everything it's definitely better than nunchucks samwell's gamsu using that and he saved the world and that's right honorary wild card mention a partisan look de ester i would think kind of lowish end of this here because not as much brute force as a polax or hull bird still it's it's got reach all right so pike yes pitchfork you know i'm going to give it a c i'm going to give the pitchfork a see uh i like better than uh um a stock or flail more reach it's not dead it's not specialized for battlefield but it's adaptable you can use it like yeah look yeah i'll give it a i'll give it a c quarter stuff c for now i'll give you the quarter stuff and see all right rapier and ducky here's an interesting one hmm rapier was used on the battlefield good against armor uh if you can find the gaps i'm talking about um verse 2 it wasn't like this combo isn't a dedicated like more iconic battlefield uh weapon style it's for self-defense where it would be a different class but because armor and battlefield and brute force i i'm in between b and a i'll throw it in b for now oh about rabia by itself just rape you by itself um [Music] that would almost put raper and dagger up to a but i don't think it's enough i think rapier and dagger is top of b rapier by itself bottom of b saber or scimitars like uh the classic curves kind of swords uh b so in the same kind of realm as messes falchions arming swords scythe scythe so there's a bit of a fail against i'm sorry like there should also be a war scythe category i did what you gave me so scythe by itself is an awkward weapon but usable but i'll give it a c but a war scythe like a scythe by itself you have to say is a uniquely awkward weapon it wasn't made for combat all right because of the angle and edge it isn't like a war pick and you might be thinking it's like a 200 war pick that should go all the way up now ah it's more cumbersome but as soon as you change that scythe head to up all right that's between a and s so a war scythe is between a and s i can't all right for because post editing will put it in i'll give it a top of a okay i'll give it a just because the scythe blades are really really thin they're super sharp but they're somewhat fragile because they're so thin and they don't have a huge power behind them uh robust to just go all the way through so that's my reasoning short bow you did get this of mort howe because people put like there shouldn't be a longbow war short bow category that no they're sure so no longbow short bow it should be warbow hunting bow regardless of size warbo both short and long all right uh just as powerful as each other in fact the short shorter like smaller wall bows have unique advantages over the longer long bows look at my video you're wrong i think that was meant to be recurve and i put short bow because i used the picture from the short bow so recurve just consider it a recurve bow where's it going yeah look it depends if it's a warbler or not because there were there were hunting wreakers and there were vary curves so again that that's not the defining thing this one is new new thing there that's not the shop it's the hunting boat a hunting bow on horseback uh um and it goes nest here no not if it's still a hunting boat it needs to be need to have recurve no oh even if it's uh look i'm gonna chuck it in b for now um just because if it doesn't have the power to do the range like even a crossbow will be better than a hunting bow i got because we're assuming the crossbow is a is a war straight well you know it's it's got the power the poundage in it for warfare okay whereas uh this is a hunting boat it's not actually a you could use it in war but it's not dedicated for fear like a war bow is and so because of that it's b um and if like recurves do you have a unique advantage i get what you were saying and so a recurved warbo which existed in both longbow sizes and short bow sizes have small advantages not enough to throw it in another tier it would just be on a higher level in st i'd say spear is it indisputable and like spear is without a doubt ester totally sword breaker wild card that's a while it's not really a battlefield weapon you could use it in the battlefield it's renaissance weapon not medieval but we're throwing in there because you know so iconic uh but it's meant for a special specific purpose we have sword staff yes oh we yep we got room this is a very adaptive kind of grid technology but a sword stuff is a pole arm and it's got the range it's got power thrusting yeah sort of stuff is s-tier war dart that's not what they looked like oz that's like a medieval looking that's the that's a roman thing that's very funny what is this called it's a roman type of duck that's not a did you not watch my video on more dancers they're like giant arrows picture like a javelin a staircase size of a javelin put a bigger arrowhead and bigger fletching on it and you have a war dart um b you could argue me to a with a war dart it's just i think the ammunition is a problem you would run out of them but if you were to throw out ammunition just it's what is its utility by itself and disregarding i would then put it in a okay um but you can't like you could use it in it's not as great as a spear by any means because of reach and the strength of the shaft and thinner smaller shafts but if we would consider it honestly actually it's a bit of a wild card it's really good at what it's meant to do just like the wild card category is meant for but its use outside of that is pretty limited and because of its ammunition problems award art is a wild card war pic okay so a couple of things if it's a one-handed war pick uh it would be the same as uh um the hammers and things um and so where's the yeah so 80 by itself war pick and shield s tier two-handed war pick is a vector corbin essentially and it's already an str there we go look at this well like the 80 weapons are close to the st ones but what what we also see just because medieval right the there are it goes down in like this elegant kind of line where it's they have more of the uh effective weapons and the less of the ineffective ones because guess what ineffective weapons were rarely used on the battlefield now granted some of these ones are wild cards like medieval people didn't have the gauntlet sword to our knowledge or mine um and you know we threw in some uh some other ones here and there but here we go that is the list battlefield weapons mostly medieval uh which is better than others and uh as i mentioned this is objective indisputable so if you disagree with me you're wrong all right i sound so douchey i'm just doing it for fun okay you're not a douche shad it's part of your charm ah all right so hey if you like these kind of videos there's a lot of categories we can do as well so how will i know if you like them smash that like button i feel so cringy please graciously press the like i my children need to be fed i'm starving uh leave a comment all right that i appreciate i love interaction actually the comments are great share the video and if you like what i do on chadversity you could support me on a patreon or subscribe star that was a massive help because uh i have people that depend on me oz would be homeless help us it would be a great help appreciate you guys thank you for watching i hope to see you on the next video here on channel city so until that time farewell [Music] you
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 306,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O9ZhhL8FGzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 27sec (2967 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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