CURSED Mall Ninja weapons

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[Music] [Music] channeling the power of the mall ninja but i'm missing something now we are ready to begin [Music] greetings i'm shad and if you've seen any type of content on my youtube channel you might understand that i am a big sword enthusiast i love everything about them and i love learning how to use them properly from historical sources as well as my own experimentation the thing is the path to true sword enthusiasm can traverse many different areas one more common than the others which is what we're going to be exploring in this video and yes we are going to be exploring the mythical the legendary maul ninja now the first thing some of us i if you're a sword enthusiast there's a very good chance that you might have actually trod the path of a mole ninja and i'll put up my hands yes i have been a more ninja in the past and so we shouldn't always look down down on it because it is an area that many of us need to pass through before we advance beyond it and there's a couple of things that help you advance like evolve achieve a higher level from mole ninja to true sword enthusiasm and some of those things are one learning actual martial arts not just claiming you know how to do them actually go to a martial arts club and instead of posing you learn how to do it properly and uh could be anything classic you know good effective martial arts hema lots of things so that's one important thing that i hope you get there the other one is also losing your virginity probably a virgin if you're a long ninja i'm married i have five kids okay i'm well and truly advanced past that the thing is though where does mall ninjuring come from and what is it you might be wondering are you familiar with the legendary mall ninja when you might have been off partying and stuff while you were off partying these men were studying the blade and so it begins first with the concept of the mall cop and uh the mall cops are generally people who security guards that take their job very seriously and they will patrol those malls armed to their teeth okay tactical vests and weapons everything as the people would probably take a little bit too far and once the idea of the mole cop became cemented in everyone's mind where it's like you're not really a cop you're kind of a fake up but you're posing as a cop but it's you know nice to try or this is where the idea of the mall ninja comes from and the thing is there's an there's a hard reality that everyone needs to accept and it's basically if you pose as any type of ninja at all and when i say ninja headband masks you know shuriken definitely that type of ninja that you're thinking of even like oh if i'm really good at and i train it and i study ninjutsu it's not what real ninjas were like in actual fact if you want to hear a really good discussion on it check out this interview that um matt easton from scholar got attorney has recently done with anthony cummins anthony cummins is a great researcher on what the historical ninja was like and he works off of direct historical sources and when you look at what the true historical ninja isn't really in a term shinobi is the correct term going back in the day yeah they're very different all right but they had a dedicated sword if you're ninja you just used a straight sword come off it right anyway so that's the thing if you've got a if you've got a ninja toe shut if the morton they just find out where you live you gotta move i'll better move you gotta move there's a there are levels of more ninjuring i i i i will acknowledge that okay but even i myself have done some videos on what the real ninja was like and again great resources is anthony cummins so uh there is this but granted there are martial artists who are far more serious and dedicated to it who are of like they're less mortal injury than the true male ninja to be a true mall ninja usually you don't have much experience in any types of effective martial arts though an argument can be said is like how effective are some martial arts they're also usually very unfamiliar with any type of movement or physical exercise so that's another good sign of mall and injuring just their general physicality okay can they do what they need to do now i have traversed the realms of mold and injuring but uh some people might accuse me of being a mortal ninja i have been one in the past i admit but no i've also studied actual martial arts uh if you need any evidence of it ask us about my headlock my neck still hurts so does my heart look there's videos of me actually engaging in serious sparring and stuff like that and anyway but also definitely not a virgin there is an important caveat that should be mentioned when looking at more ninja weapons and it's that a lot of these more ninja weapons actually trying to reflect a lot of the designs that might come up in fantasy and fantasy there are some very wacky designs sometimes really impractical but also there are instances where some of these impractical designs are justified from the fair the context of the fantasy world itself like magic and other things like might justify different weapon designs and so if you have a weapon that is like a super cutting weapon on every single edge regardless of if it has these weird shapes or spikes on the blade and everything and if it's made out of a magical light material you can get away with really eccentric exaggerated designs similar to some of the designs that we see in morning show ones and they would be functional in that world but when you make it in the real world and people make replicas they're nowhere near as functional and but because it's got the cool factor people then pick it up without understanding the true effectiveness and the proper design that's supposed to have to be functional and they just think it's awesome and they pose for you get the cringe factor as well and so a good example is say are the stormlight archive swords the shard blades the shard blades are often very exaggerated flamboyant designs but they're magical weapons and nearly every edge on it can cut regardless forgot spikes and everything is not going to get caught on material and everything and it's a good example of over-the-top designs that are logically validated in the world because of the fantasy i also kind of do that in my own book shadow of the conqueror because the swords are magical swords are called cynicals and that can justify strange and flamboyant designs as well and if you're interested in either of those books my own book or say stormline archives well i got great news for you because you can actually get access to them for free they're great books and if you want to just zone out zen and listen to a great book because sometimes you you want to if you're a more ninja you just have to meditate and listen to me a good story in the background everything well this video is sponsored by audible and you can get access to them for free really good deal seriously 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audible for sponsoring this video and now let's get back to mall ninjas so we understand the the concepts of all ninja where it comes from it's kind of someone posing and everything but then there are certain weapons that you can definitely see that are more ninja like weapons and as a sign of my mall ninja past well guess what i have kept some of the uh the legacy still the legacy surprise i still have some of those items with me let me show you a classic example of what you what is definitely a mall ninja weapon this right here i wonder if you've seen it before like the the some of the crappiest wall hanging overly designed purely just for aesthetic kind of things where this is such a classic mall ninja sword and i was one of the first swords i ever bought look i was young okay and i wanted to study the blade because all my friends are off partying and so a couple of like this is just a horrid thing um stainless steel sword very very blunt barely an edge on it so this is a 440 stainless steel all right uh overly designed and awkward to hold because you have this thing kind of sorry when you have something that is just they think it's cool yet it's functionality it's just garbage and it's just mainly just look cool because it's all about posing you just want to look cool and so another sign of all ninja posing trying to like one usually poor kind of laughing of cooler characters in anime and stuff definitely anime and making bad poses where they think they look tough definitely a sign of more ninja um and so yeah look at this thing it's like oh it's a knife in the thing with the knife nearly coming loose as well it's so cool it's got like shuriken hairpins in it so where did you buy that tremendous piece of crap whoa this was a good long time ago like i must have been i don't know 12 or something but it is it is a glorious piece of crap and uh more ninja weapon here but there are even grander examples of more ninjuring and we're going to go online and actually look through some of the greatest more ninja things but also like just for instance if you google search more ninja let's see what comes up just on the google search for more ninja you can see some classic more ninja right here like this image this is one of the greatest small ninja images you will ever find where uh how much you know practice with this individual look no shade on the individual because i've been there too this is a normal place of progression this is where a lot of sword enthusiasm starts where you just want to get cool weapons and you want to look cool with them and stuff well then you can actually start to learn how to properly use them but the this type of weapon particularly where it's locked onto their hand and you have these weird hand guys like it it's something you would see out of a resident evil film or something like that or it's just there to look cool when the actual practical utility is just awful and the design is weird like like see how the blade hooks in and after the curve like that would get snagged on things and and make a cut more difficult and stuff and uh well it's just it's really awful i mean what is this these abominations holy crap they're reverse butterfly knives they just have a butterfly knife opens up to let the knife come out yeah this one both the knives have to slide down past your hand to get it it is like look at how the blade stops curves in to give like this cool look but then there's no blade on that that part that cuts into the actual thing you've got edge and so if you're trying to cut something you're just going to get caught on this blunt part it's utterly like this design is awful and but it's to look cool it's like this is a classic mall ninja weapon like oh my goodness but to close it it has to go past your hand you have to swap hands to close it yeah you'd have to close one and then close the other oh oh wow wow um i have no idea what this is this is the type of thing we need ian from forgotten weapons to respond to a reactor he probably already has um but oh wow that's not real to me that's more cop not more ninja so his face has been blurred out to protect him fine but look at the pose right this is glorious small ninja and i think my outfit is very accurate to mall ninja thing you got the headband but it actually looks cringe but that looks like an early shadowversity video it does doesn't it oh look at these so these are classic crappy ninja toe which is like just carved out of this flat sheet of metal they then they ground an edge on it and wrapped up the handle but no that's a tactical ninja weapon because it's got weird cord on it and so it's just utilitarian it's awful and look at that golden plated blinged up thing interestingly enough that might still be able to do some decent cuts i think the weight distribution would help it out and even though it's got the like blade where it comes down and then curves in it curves in much lower down the blade because this thing we're going to be looking at some of these weapons and if they can be credited to having some measure of functionality well those are the more ninjas you need to watch out for because they might be able to actually do some damage what is that abomination [Laughter] oh my goodness i really hope no one thought that's a practical design because this is where the ball ninja stuff gets really cringe where they make something just awful right like that would restrict your movements look at the thing blade coming out near the bottom there if you bring your arm in too much or move movements you're gonna be cutting yourself especially if you ah that's just awful and then it's got like a knife sticking out front but oh my goodness but it looks badass right oh glorious mall ninja look at these shirtless men guys if you actually ripped okay i could i could then give it a pass but you've got nothing to show off there skinny guy with a six pack does not count yes skinny guy with six pack that those are not showing off gains that's showing off losses so much the point where your emaciated muscles can be seen oh gosh while they're at the mall they should buy some food i don't know why but i like this guy i like he's not i think he's not it's because he's not trying so hard he's just like look i'm just gonna wear my shirt my jeans and open pose of the sword this is like this is a guy that's on his way past molten injuring and is almost a sword enthusiast because sometimes you just want to show off a sword the thing is though it is a katana katanas are called just saying comes off a little bit weeb weebish saying okay okay so let's break this one down this i feel was made by some type of fantasy artist they just wanted to make something really cool maybe it's a ritualistic dagger or anything like that and and if it was just like this is a ritual dagger to just stab someone in their heart while they're on an altar or something like that from some dark thing i think fine you can go to town with crazy designs right but the thing is though there will be you know inexperienced people who don't know about practical weapons everything will see this and think it looks so cool and intimidating and they actually think that's an awesome knife it's like a shovel so in case you don't know do you know why multi like bladed knives aren't that great this is different to say tridents where there's literally a reason behind having multiple stabby things but on a knife like two stabs if you stab someone in a lethal area that'll probably kill him just as much if you had two doing it as one like it's overkill and then you're literally dividing the amount of force you can to penetrate someone or like your enemy right by two on the two blades and so it's restricting the amount of depth that you could get in a thrust a stab and are getting a bit dark here but it's true and if you really want to achieve lethal damage you need to penetrate the vital organs and having two things that needs to get through thick clothing sometimes you get caught on things it's very impractical there's a reason why historically if you look at medieval daggers weapons and stuff like that do you see many two bladed kind of daggers no but it looks cool and and then it's it's a very strong mall ninja sign when people aren't aware of just what practical weapons are how they're supposed to work and stuff like that and they're wielding it opposing with it like they're so cool and badass and this weapon is great when the weapon is just cringe oh boy that is very much more ninja territory we're just going to the uh ah mall ninja page here and so this to me is mall cop territory i mean i see the mall ninja aspect because of the star wars but i don't see too many swords there it's that's more more cop kind of stuff [Laughter] i don't know how to see if i saw a security guard like that i think that's awesome like did you want a security card who looks like that more than just you know a guy wearing like the mall cop outfit [Laughter] and see he looks like he could handle himself i wouldn't want to mess with him he's seen he's seen too many samuel jackson things and he's wearing them all at once so this is that kind of belongs though it's in a video game it's when people are posing and trying to be cool and tough when they're obviously not that's more ninja stuff does that look cool though i mean i i kind of do have philosophy add a sword to anything it does increase its coolness and so you know these these more ninja nerds i was one look like they are cooler than they would have been because i have a sword they do add a lot of cringe with it because they think they're tough once they have the sword cringe or is the weaponry it's a bit of both it's a union yeah if not knowing that the weapon is cringe makes you the more cringe the cringe of both the coolness of neither oh look at this collection of mall ninja weapons right here uh so look that would actually be an effective knife granted and it i think it's the bling that makes this small ninja territory like the the over-the-top you know color and bling and stuff uh the sword though like if we go back and replay this see that sword at the top thing that's very much a more ninja weapon it'll still be deadly but it's actually no i'm kind of kind of switching my view on that sword i'm kind of liking this oh see this look at this one look at that sword holy crap it's all blurred out though but that is like such a piece of junk oh that's all that is a an epic more ninja sword right there but it's only 22.8 21 oh and look yeah yeah you can get whatever those are the shoes crocs clobber knockers a discrete weapon core core i'm intrigued i want it i want to know what's going oh that's not a weapon though that's not a weapon i feel cheated that's a um magic trick tool where you know the magicians are that thing would be so thin and flimsy it wouldn't be able to do barely any damage at all okay okay if he was trying to say that's a cool weapon like a ruler that's totally more ninja he qualifies away if he thinks a piece of crap you know flick out stuff like that as no weight would be flimsy as all hell is a real effective weapon oh congratulations you are a mall ninja oh hey check this one out oh okay see the handle there are a lot of different versions of this type of sword and there's one that actually has like you know i gets curved guess what i used to own that version does that end with the curved plate i told you i was a more ninja okay [Laughter] that's great like funny thing right the one i bought was actually very sharp and then i went out and i was like chopping you know up trees and stuff totally more than you know he's chopping branches off of trees but that handle is made out of so many different parts and it's so poorly made it all just became really loose like this is like like awful like really poorly made uh bad steel and so i was like trying to be cool i could see it as like if you could make it a functional i could see like it would be a cool looking sword but they're not they they just fall apart oh yes oh yes this is a classic perfect ball ninja weapon oh wow look at this piece of crap now it's not to say i couldn't necessarily see validity with like like a a weapon that's a blade at the top and blade at the bottom because there's a question about how do you hold a knife do you hold it in the conventional grip or ice pick grip but if you get one that plays out it's you get the both best of both worlds there is some validity i'm not necessarily criticizing that i'm criticizing the shape of the blade it's awful like again see how it comes like it's like a classic morning design where they have a blade coming down and then they cut inwards and this hooky thing right that would get caught on stuff and restrict like drawing cuts and things like that and get in the way and look at the back curve where it's got like this big kind of circular oblong kind of cut at the back right if you stab someone that could get caught on the flesh and you wouldn't be able to pull your blade out or get caught on clothing and things it'll become awful and that handle looks oh horrendously uncomfortable oh my goodness this is a glorious piece of crap amazingly so and if anyone owns something like that if you're not owning it ironically for just shame on you you should feel awful about yourself you're a terrible person go and repent get on your knees and pray for forgiveness and i have as well because i haven't just stuff but i've gone through the process okay i've done it already very cool very cool right very cool i love more ninjas look i have a special place in my heart i understand i feel i understand them i feel i do hey more ninja axe that is that looks very very heavy and very poorly made oh yes i will put flails like one head not not the long-handed flails i think there are actually some flails that have more validity as combat weapons but flails like this i've already been critical of flails but this is like okay this is definitely a more ninja weapon one there's the dubious effectiveness of flails two see how long the chain is in the ball that that would actually be is long enough to hit your fist and your hand like imagine a spike ball like that hitting your hand oh gosh now you might say hey you just need to use it right that's always the criticism about nunchucks everything you just need a user right no no it's not about that in fact even if you're trained to uh limit or or lessen the likelihood that it can hit back at you and do serious injury to yourself it still has the capacity to do so and there's a chance that you can lose control of the weapon and it can still do damage to the user that just alone makes them garbage weapons all right and this oh wow this is next level cringe and the bling see how blinged up they are it's like as chrome color this thing's cringed next level they look like dog toys yeah they almost do don't they gosh this is awful nunchucks are so bad they're just awful like or they're they're an abomination of a weapon i like to look at weapons and ways to improve it how could i improve nunchucks well let me show you done upgrade complete a far superior weapon in nearly every way see-through no i hope that's just plastic beautiful handcuffed quartz look like i can see the appeal just uh as an ornament like it looks pretty you know a quartz see-through crystal kind of dagger it would shatter like under just the smallest amount of not sure it would definitely break under the smallest amount of pressure oh boy oh gosh that's awful and just defensive as a christian what that's oh wow the power of kristen knife compels you do you think this is the time to think of a uh vampire hunter would use you know because he could ward off the vampires and then it's a grappling hook as well and it's not a weapon like you could hurt someone with it but it's a crappy weapon oh all right what's this what's this this knife looks interesting flick knife double flick knife with this bad symbol oh hell yeah [Music] so all right all right to be real though that would be a really awkward thing to hold look at the the the ears of the bat head there that would just poke into your hand that would be so uncomfortable look i've already acknowledged that there might be some validity in a double-bladed dagger where you can hit on the bottom but i would be worried about you know just keeping track of it but you could you know do the give us a bit of versatility okay maybe i should do a whole video on analyzing a double bladed dag i've done double bladed sword why not double blade attacker do you reckon batman would use one of these things i think he would for the first time ever kill whoever had one because honestly that's awful oh look at this collection what a glorious collection you know what's great about it i can only see one sword amongst there that i do own check it out i actually still own some of these now i've done a full video reviewing this sword and there are elements of this sword that are actually redeemable and i've redesigned it to make it properly functional and stuff but as is this is a pretty horrendous heavy wall hanging piece of junk uh hey hey it was given to me as a gift i wasn't going to turn a gift or gift horse in the mouth all right but look i can see it right there in this image oh that's hilarious ah hey i've already admitted it i've admitted i've traversed the realms of the mole ninja i know them and remember we shouldn't look down because this is just the part that many people need to travel to become the true sword enthusiasts they love swords they're getting into it they think they're awesome and they want to pose them to look cool and this is just the natural process to tr to understand the true glory of swords and how awesome they really are and the true function and validity of them and uh oftentimes they need to be kind of de-flowered of their weebery and their katana worship and stuff and don't worry people like me are there to help them along the way so looking at this collection there's like one or two swords that wouldn't be horrendous but then there are other ones like it's got a ninja toe oh wow that's close i see a kit ray fantasy design one there that's a like a lot of the kit ray designs are over the top fantasy to look pretty and gorgeous but then some people actually this is such a cool sword and because it's cool it must be effective right in terms of functionality oh those those designs are not functional um is that a helmet on the left yeah oh that does not look like a nice designed helmet there is this weird thing right here it looks like it almost looks like a pick but then there's like a blade at the end is that connected that is oh gosh then you got this like klingony looking kind of dagger classic wall hanging over just look at the bulkiness of that this is a total fantasy over-the-top design and see how the blade comes down and just cuts in and you probably wouldn't have an edge there it's awful so there are there are definitely a lot of more ninja weapons in this picture that is glorious collection i love it hey cold steel [Music] [Laughter] oh man i love that guy i think he's great the cold steel grinder is great but oh boy that's like classic more so more ninjas okay they don't know how to be properly responsible a lot of the time and they want to do stuff that's cool and then they try and be awesome and there are some like all horrifying videos of some more than just seriously injuring themselves like cutting off fingers and stuff and they're like awful like where they think they're so cool and so great there's even one where i won't we won't put it up but i'll give you the account where these guys are partying and this guy thinks it's so great with a katana he can you like trust me i'm so good and so they get a guy to hold like i don't know a cigarette or a matchstick out of his nap and he would chop it in half from his mouth and he ends up chopping off the guy's nose it's like oh just don't don't be stupid with swords people be safe and learn how to be responsible with them and learn how to use them not only responsibly but also effectively as well so that's a big more ninja sign about being unsafe with weapons but that one is pretty unpredictable he would have thought it would have bounced back like that and it the blade full-on spins around and is going for him that's a that's a what do you call it um that's a feature not a bug oh wow uh it's true what an awful this that is 100 more ninja like that is glorious oh come on this is like a bayonetta you know a gun there were actually guns made historically look at my um sword gun video and i talk about some of these bladed guns that were made with a permanent fixed knife on it they they're real and so that one is not as impractical as people think that the additional weight makes it more difficult to aim but imagine trying to stab someone with it well if you run out of bullets you're better off having a blade on the bottom part it's a very small blade granted it's a little blade oh oh classic classic molding that looks like a larp sword though that looks like you like five years ago i feel offended by that i'd never drunk alcohol oh i didn't know how dare you like everything else maybe but the alcohol come on oh assassin's creed in real life yeah how i like that feature okay i'm sorry well it's cool just for the fun of it to cosplay and things it's not an effective weapon i've done a whole video looking at the assassin's creed knife and we do credit if you can do that with the the knife it gives it a lot more um range of motion which is important for knives but because it still fits the arm you can't really rotate if you're holding the dagger part down you can't really rotate your hand too much but they seem to have got the um spring-loaded mechanism out pretty solidly i don't mind that i wonder if you can accidentally trigger it though if you have your hand down that would be interesting you can do it an opposite way where you have to flip it out with your force and then just removing it thing is though this is actually legitimately cool it's nowhere near as much cringe like and so it is less born into territory more fun cosplay stuff um so i i like i said there's some supposed more ninja weapons i'm gonna give a pass i like this one come on that how can you say that's not cool because remember a true mortal ninja thing is something that people think is cool but is horrible in terms of its true effective utility look there are problems with it's really effective utility but it's not nearly as bad as a lot of the other designs in assassin's creed again go check out that video this i don't know if you pose with it yes if it's just there for ornamentation just something that looks cool i wouldn't i wouldn't call it a more ninja weapon um what's the cold steel guy doing he's like cutting something up with like a oh is that one of those hook knives yeah those things are everywhere i i really don't see the appeal so they have like a ring that you can put around your finger and that has like a hooky kind of blade onto it is this seems just nowhere near as good as like a well-made just knife that has more versatility in its use and is cutting cardboard cardboard is that supposed to impress anyone i'm gonna get a kitchen knife and do the same thing but it's so badass man come off it ah and it's like he's always reverse gripping with it like you could obviously hold the knife up but it seems to be like it's yeah it's meant to be made reverse grip and it's it's less effective to stab this is more of like a slashing knife which like stabbing is actually far more lethal with knives than cutting and so if this is like more dedicated cutting or also see why i just there are things that rub me the wrong way with that type of knife and you see it everywhere hey slide belt i don't know if there's like a i don't mind hitting knives i think hidden hidden knives can be cool oh hey god bladed throwing cards i have issues with the shuriken already with how pathetically effective they would be in a real combat situation the most you could do is just get a guy to flinch or to cover his face with your throat but they're not lethal weapons unless you can get like the jugular good luck with that like shuriken are just garbage weapons already and then playing cards look i could see the novelty but if anyone thinks these are cool weapons are effective oh boy oh boy and just making the playing cards ah gosh these are less effective than actual shriek and and sriken are already really bad okay we're talking about the classic ninja stars right the ninja throwing stars because at least they have points that can get stronger piercing damage on them right because these have longer flatter bladed edges if the flat of one of these cards hits a surface it's very rarely going to stick in it'll just bounce off you see how these ones are stuck in because the actual corners of the card have hit the tree because it's almost like the corner if you have a point it would penetrate deeper into the target this kind of design just makes it adorably worse what a garbage piece of weapon you could almost say using these weapons in combat would be a bit of a gambit what is that a gun attachment to another gun that's great oh some guy tried to attack someone with a sword probably oh finger knife oh wow that is ludicrous on many levels oh who invents like it's these are people who are just thinking about the rule of call without considering practicality utility at all and they fool people who don't know any better just because of the cool factor and they're like wouldn't this be great like try and stab someone with your finger your finger has so much structure and strength that you could really stab someone in and when you really press hard or hit a hard surface you're not going to break your finger at all or bend it back really like is that more effective than your fist oz hey what's this thing does it tell it show us oh it's not it's on the video i don't know i like him i like him this guy's awesome and the daggers aren't horrible they're just blinged up they've got the cringy bling on them but it's not a horrible knife oh sharp combat shovels i'm on the fence on those i would want to try one out i think hey i've killed a snake with a shovel alright shovels can be effective weapons so you know like even some of the military-grade shovels do you have edges on them and can be substitute kind of like backup weapons and they can be pretty lethal and so i mean think about a mace it's a stick with something a heavy striking thing on the end this is similar to that but it's got bladed edges on it i mean it would still honestly there's some validity and effectiveness to bladed shovel weapons that can also be used as a shell that's a useful tool and so this isn't interesting maybe we'll end on this where you might think it's a ludicrous idea when there's actually far more validity to this concept than you might credit and so i would not class these bladed shovel weapons as small ninja weapons [Music] hot take we'll see let me know in the comments below so tell me have you ever be did you pass through the at the time of mall ninja ring on your way to being a weapons enthusiast are you a more ninja now and if you are don't worry people like me are here to help you to to move on it it's it's a sometimes a necessary step but it's good to move on to it up past it okay get over the cringe you know get a girlfriend get married and stuff and and become a true sword enthusiast so looking forward to reading your comments below thank you for watching and of course hope to see you on the next video here on shadowversity so until that time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 1,291,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bkYmiZmCPwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 26sec (2486 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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