Medieval Fighting was kind of... Insane

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i put on 80 pounds of stainless steel armor and fought with knights [Music] but like surely you can't do that these days right that's something that's from ye olden times so no big deal i built a time machine very run-of-the-mill stuff you know science multiverse i don't really think that it worked though because it just dropped me in the back of a nice apartment complex but anyway that's where i met jeff now jeff loves jokes never mind no he doesn't sorry this is foo herd it's essentially medieval mma it's pretty intense and definitely no joke like seriously this is nothing to be joked about just pulled up a couple minutes early so i'm just gonna find some music so i can like get an historical european mood i guess this works i see a ton of super cool stuff i am so hyped right now anyway before i get crushed it's important that i learn the rules this is jared he's very scary but he's nice he's going to give me a run down to boo heard so on melee it's last man standing once you hit the ground yeah yep you're out of play so take downs are huge the other way you get people to sit down is pain compliance you know initially i thought you know because there's armor there'd be no pain it's kind of the only reason i signed up my wall of pain it's more like a dueling weapon you wouldn't want this in a melee it's all hacking bash okay probably you're going to want to go with something a bit heavy right this this is a falchion this is heavy this is this is crazy funny enough that's what my mother said about this whole thing too and these are all dull too everything's rounded see mom nothing to worry about the stabbing is what kills knights so the next step up this is a two-handed function this is what we call a choppy boy so this is my baby call this one fence plow through somebody that's probably a one-way ticket to the emergency room which is not the point of the sport no okay got it would you say the weight of this in terms of head to foot about 77 pounds of armor holy so apparently that's something you have to train your body for what year is the tire from um i don't know could you imagine the size of the horses [Music] 340 pounds it wasn't a like a 1400s tire though no no but picking up odd weights and implements is actually part historically medieval training he hit my joke with facts so the workout was something super easy that i totally didn't have a hard time with it all and now it's time to finally put on the armor my legs are shaking because it's cold not because i'm nervous okay sure that right over the knee yeah you need that to be in the right spot did you get it you're busy right now yeah okay this is all stainless steel so you're saying if i bleed it won't stain it of course okay good that's what i was worried about i have very stainy blood [Music] if this is where you engage we should respect your okay that'd be great so how much of this should i feel um you're going to feel it it's going to be it's going to be a thud you'll feel the force but you're not going to feel pain okay ready yep oh i felt that one big time yeah i bent it now i shouldn't have to say this but don't do this at home don't buy sheets of metal and hit each other with swords jeff barnes here is the head coach for the nc dire drakes we are not just like doing this stuff he knows what he's doing and even then apparently he can still be dangerous don't yourself don't get hit in the shoulder i definitely don't want to get hit again oh you're about to well hold up wait a i don't know yeah yeah i think you got it right behind the shoulders what you got in the gap you got me right in the trap at this point i'm contemplating everything do i even want to keep doing this that sucks i'm hoping that nothing's broken it's okay to throw shot it's okay to attempt to take down it's okay to do all that if you roll them down the hill they roll down the hill the fence will stop you will it could you imagine being in water yeah why is it stainless steel float no that's all i want i'm just worried about resting fighters ready fighter's ready [Music] so [Music] did i do this i don't think i did this so far i'm nervous but i survived the first round granted my teammate kind of carried but everybody back up however the next part was the scariest part yet but it's fine you can put it back on and fight [Music] so stop bye [Music] does it count if i can't get up either i mean you're both down so you're both dead got it it's right about here that i start to feel the effects of being inside of the suit and it's not how heavy the weight is it's something completely different and i totally forgot that jared warned me about this because once you have that 18 pound helmet on your is it 18 pounds that's about 18 pounds once you have that on your head and this is what you have to breathe out okay so full breaths are paramount because you've got a perched co2 out of your helmet otherwise yeah look at what they call helmet tear okay and then you just want to get out of the helmet better ready [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] stop by [Music] about to lose my breath not broken [Music] well that's better i got scary for a second you want to go again well we go again i'll go with once my breathing was already kind of shot so if i was gonna win this i had to play some mind games i just wanna take a second for you to get to know me so you don't wanna hit me too hard it did not work all right pressure as you pull me down it was just this thing went straight in my throat just got a buckle underneath that's probably the closest i've come to hyperventilating like what you just experienced is called helmet horror it's a real thing yeah yeah it is the claustrophobic thing yeah this moment of me being in this heightened awful state it felt like an hour but in all actuality it was like seconds sucks good stuff appreciate it thanks for that guys yeah that was really fun to experience and as my day is done as a night and i clink clank my way down the hill there was one last surprise that jeff had for me before i left so do i get knighted or oh no this is a sport do not cheapen my sport with your but on behalf of the dire drakes the palmetto knights this is for me yeah no way this is sick this is really cool thank you it means a lot okay as many jokes as i make like this is i think it's very clear this is very hard very demanding and it took a lot it takes a lot of effort a lot of skill to like be a part of this and do this regularly yeah thanks for watching um subscribe
Channel: Sensei Seth
Views: 1,676,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: knight fight, martial arts, history channel shows, armored combat, medieval battle, knight fight clips, sensei seth, muay thai, karate, mma, hard2hurt, sparring, kickboxing, ufc, boxing, sensei seth sparring, medieval mma, knights, medieval combat, armor, armour, buhurt, larping, ko, full fight, sensei seth vs, battle of the nations, medieval, buhurt best hits, sword, axe, battle, extreme, shield, sword making, battle axe, medieval weapons, knight, mixed martial arts, mordhau
Id: LadletnGzcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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