Best historical armor for a fantasy adventurer? FANTASY RE-ARMED

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and now let's get to the video get out of this ratings I'm shot and I want to talk with you a little bit about the best armor a classic medieval fantasy adventurer would want to wear because it's an interesting subject when we look at the classic fantasy adventure they generally wear armor more defined by their class or role and that doesn't really makes it what look it makes sense to a certain level okay our fighter or warrior going right in close combat it makes sense you would want to wear some heavier you know more protective armor but that does discount a very common thing that happens in adventuring that all fantasy adventurers actually need to account for and its travel okay it's funny you don't generally roleplay traveling a lot and unless you get that random encounter and you stumble across you know bandits monsters or whatever but generally the travel side of things just it's just kind of ignored and then put aside when in actual fact that traveling would constitute the larger amount of I guess time that would be filled by an adventurer and when we take that into consideration the type of armor that would want to wear would also actually be affected and so let's take a look at this let's say let's try and break down all these parts okay I hear all try and take roll into consideration a bit but also functionality and all usefulness and what the adventurers do most often okay traveling the difference between a regular medieval person and an adventurer is that the adventurer is generally actively looking for trouble and traveling through areas that are far more dangerous and so it makes sense that they would want to have some level of protection especially in the random encounter a chance sorry if they are traveling through more dangerous areas would they want to wear armor well we can get a kind of you know close comparison from history when we look at medieval armies and when they traveled did the regular soldier wear their armor when they were marching nurseries yes and no there are examples of soldiers carrying their armor such as this depiction on the Bayeux Tapestry where we clearly see the male being carried and not worn and there are other instances where soldiers marched in their armor and this could be due to the fact that the poorest soldiers couldn't afford a pack animal and simply had no other way but to carry them and the best way to carry armor is wearing it or if the likelihood of sudden battle is very high but the conclusion that I'm drawing from looking at different references is that it's preferable to not wear the armor while you're marching if you don't have to again it seems like the pharisee venture are they have higher chances of running into trouble and so especially if they're going through a haunted forest or an enchanted forest and there's monsters that could come you know upon them at any time yeah they would wear armor now a realistic thing to apply for this in fantasy role-playing games and stuff is to actually have your players get fatigued much quicker what if they're moving over long distances wearing their armor to account for the fact of them are get attacked so is there a type of armor that is more comfortable to wear and you could wear it over you know traveling a long distance and there is a Khorsandi you might not be surprised what my conclusion is about this it's the gambeson Jemison out of all the armors is the most comfortable that I have ever worn I haven't won every single armor in all of history so if you guys have some suggestions about armor that's actually far more comfortable to wear and is very effective please do share them in the comments I would love to hear them now gambeson it's linen armor in case you didn't know and it's far more effective than people think it's not invulnerable okay depending on the sharpness of the blade attacking it is usually quite good at stopping if the strike from passing through all the layers and a sword or other you know comparable weapon would only you know have high chance there's a person for a gambeson and each strike if it is insanely sharp I'm saying sharper than a razor sharp okay you know the armor scraping all the hair comes off without any issue as sharp as that or if not sharpened but the thing is swords really retained that level of sharpness for a very long time okay soon as you get that sharp after the first few swings the first few times you put it in this cabinet out it will lose that keen edge it'll still be very sharp chop off limbs and everything but it won't be a super sharp sharp enough where you could chop through jamison with each hit jamison is very effective that's why they wore it historically and because it is so much more comfortable you can definitely wear it for longer periods of time more so than male okay and then that's not even looking at plate armor which is adds a additional level of awkwardness inconvenience the weight is actually kind of comparable male between plate plate is superior defensively but in terms of awkwardness like sitting down and resting in it that in that sense it is more awkward than male there are some detrimental things that you should be aware of about jamison i have made a whole video on the gammas and it's definitely worth a watch okay to give all the information but one of the things I'll point out is heat advantages if you're playing in a medieval base setting generally it will be in a cooler kind of environment cool enough to wear a gambeson you know for a long periods of time not like Australia doing that but people might say how what about leather armor cause leather armor is so prominent in fantasy and yes it is a prominent was it as prominent as it is depicted in fantasy historically no it was not not in my opinion there are some people who disagree with me perfectly in their rights to in my opinion no in ear is prominent for our many many reasons there are videos on the subject that I've made and just going back to the utility side of things I actually feel garrison is far you know beneficial it's better for an adventurer than leather armor regarding the travel things Jamison is simply more comfortable okay it can be more flexible there's more padding so you can rest in it far easier and if you're in a colder environment if I'm not talking about freezing but still even in freezing here you know environments this would still be useful the just colder environments especially during the night the game is it'll be so much better than leather so in actual fact I do feel the garrison would be the quintessential the iconic a fantasy adventure type of armor than any other type of armor we would actually see you would need to take into account how effective it would be not like you know role-playing game statistics right it's like I only got what plus one hour plus - not now people need to rework how it works in role-playing games and I think you need to make a whole video on this so I will it'll come later so that'll be have to be a subject for another video because how gambeson would protect you against you know unique kind of creatures like with larger hits maybe a bite from a dragon or dire wolf perhaps goblins orcs and things like that's actually a far more sophisticated subject then we might realize but the thing that most people probably don't understand is that overall gambeson is actually really effective armor and it could actually offer very substantial and effective protection in many you know circumstances against many types of fantasy creatures when I say substantial I'm saying good enough it will never be perfect okay and we do understand that honestly mail is better than gambeson and plate is better even on top of that but for how much garrison costs compared to how much protection it offers it is honestly the motor it's the best in that regard absolutely and you can wear it for much longer periods as times over much longer distances to be travel how would gambeson interplay with heavier types of armor especially when we now consider the different roles that many different fantasy adventurers want to fill so when you look at like you know the classic rogue or anyone who wants to maintain a high level of mobility the gambeson is perfect for them in actual fact they would probably want to only remain with jamison and not explore things like you know well an actual fact mail and also plate you can still maintain a high level of maneuverability there the difference okay why you would not want to wear you know heavier armor on top of Jemison by the way the garrisons that you wear underneath like mail and plate is usually thinner than a gambeson that is made for just toll protection by itself that's an important point to consider and remember but going back to the reason why you might want to avoid mail and plate is not necessarily maneuverability but for how long you can fight in the armor because metal armor Zhai heavier alright that you will tie a quicker wearing them then not and so if you are a type of warrior that needs to maintain you know fighting ability for longer periods of time and you don't have room to rest because of course people in history did wear heavy armor and fought in longer periods of times but they needed periods of rest in between the fighting and so oftentimes the people on the front lines would you know move back and be exchanged with people I'm going to take the front lines and so fighting and large-scale battles actually very sophisticated I think the Romans had it down really well but with adventurers okay if you have a party like six you know plucky heroes and stuff dude don't call us plucky that get assailed by some type of monster to be kind of hard for individual of interest to take a rest bite all the others are still fighting for their lives and stuff like that everyone kind of needs to be hands on deck and in that regard if you don't have to say a hike higher Constitution you might actually if you wanted to incorporate this into the rules fatigue far quicker wearing heavier armors and so armor types in terms of the heavy armor types shouldn't really be determined by maneuverability you can do cartwheels you can climb you can do flips in plate armor but you can't keep doing those types of activities for a long time period of time so instead of it being done by move ability it actually makes more sense for armor to be determined by Constitution of your fitness level interesting thought there is the noise factor so if rogues to sneak they probably would not be wearing you know plate or mail for that matter again in factual fat Jamison would be softer and quieter than Linda our know when leather armors made has made into hardened kind of plates that are fairly stiff and rigid and will make noise when clattering against each other and other things so a classic growing lit up I'm kind of doing the leather armor in this video but I'll refer back and all that stuff oh yeah the classic rogue wearing leather armor now it should be wearing gambeson because it suits their role and what they want to do like a thief much better yeah it's still the interesting thing that are kind of finding their regards to this if you didn't want to you know sneak around too much and you had a good Constitution even if you were relying on more I guess agility and stuff like that look I'm not saying armor is like it you're wearing nothing okay it will hamper your maneuverability a little bit but nowhere near as much as many people suppose you can still do all those flips and stuff and so even those you know finest warriors that rely on agility they would actually in reality be quite okay wearing mail and plates in their fighting styles if they can maintain their energy for the length of the fight that is needed so this would be character classes like a classic Ranger they should be perfectly happy in heavier plated types armored barbarians it depends there are cultural things stuff like that and I made a whole video on if the way to kind of make a classic fantasy barbarian be realistic in the sense that they don't wear much armor and actually really comes down to that wanting the desire to fight for a very long period of time fitness okay be having your skin exposed to the air to cool down and sweat and all those things that's all into a good video worth of watch and the Rogues that aren't necessarily fees and don't want sneaking and okay but like to fight in an agility kind of manner again heavy armor is still a fairly good pick for them the thing is though the traveling okay and so this is when we go into the exploration the idea of what about the frontline fighters people that really want to get in there and having heavy armor it would be hugely beneficial to them the simple answer is there if you wanted to be realistic traveling over long distances would fatigue them much quicker it's very awkward and there would be they'll have to require some fairly extreme circumstances to them to get to the point where they are traveling in in mail and the plate for days on end okay like there anybody if they're traveling after I half a day wearing this stuff traveling be getting so fatiguing so heavy very heavy it might collapse geez I gotta take it off and you're in the situation where then you're not wearing that heavy armor and you'll be wearing something more manageable like gambeson or even a thinner leg Ambersons underneath and even if you're an inch in the forest or you're in a dangerous area yeah you know you're in goblin infested territory you have to take that into consideration but when they get to say the dungeon and look there's ways to make dungeon s kind of scenarios I made a whole video on it but I didn't really don't like the classic cliche fantasy dungeon because it's very unrealistic but when they get to there the actual place where they know there are monsters behind that door or something like that of course absolutely they would definitely put on the best armor that would help them survive okay and if they're not going to be sneaking and they know there's going to be quick kind of encounters everyone are actually wearing much heavier protective armor if they can afford it then what we generally see armor being so strictly defined by you know the character class with when in actual fact if that character class is fighting and then it end if they're using agility or not far more character classes filling many variety of different roles would be wearing much heavier armor and if there isn't an in world explanation to explain why the magic users can't wear armor they absolutely would be okay but we know like with Dungeons and Dragons you know it interferes where their fine movements the arcane spells spell failure your chance that you get depending on the wrong type out it doesn't really exist in advanced D&D 3 and 3.5 that was anyway depends on the version that you're playing but there are really cool ways you can explain why magic users can't be wearing armor and I was actually talking with my friends who are signed up with the shadow versity discord going through different ways you could nullify magic and you know through the discussion we all kind of had an interesting idea that the iron usually burns Fae type creatures in more traditional kind of settings a great great book setting that actually employs this kind of mechanic really well is Patrick Rothfuss 'as the Kingkiller Chronicle starting with name of the wind and Wise Man's Fear beautiful book series and yet I really have that burning fade creatures thing in there and you kind of take that idea it's a more traditional fantasy kind of trope and apply that more fully that art like iron also nullifies magic and imagines user can't cast their magic if they're actually touching iron so it's interesting idea the other idea you could you know apply or give this restriction so imagine users can't wear armor would be that if the magic is an energy type that needs to you know leave the magic users body and stuff like that that I am just simply blocks it it's true solid and they need a way of sight like really thin loose kind of you know Rose materials or just wear less clothing for the magic to you know leave their body and then take form in the spell that they're casting so these are ideas that you can apply that our more realistic okay they kind of take some logical steps and stuff which create good setting elements but without those things like I said magic users would absolutely want to be wearing heavier armor especially if they can't you know use weapons as well as other people I still want protection and you know one of the main things that magic users would want to carry with them big honking shields okay even if there was a restriction in place like the magic leaving the body or steel iron Ullah fiying magic and stuff like that shields often made out of wood okay and so having a big shield protecting these more vulnerable kind of carries when I say vulnerable because they don't know how to use weapons but they're really their offensive capacity with firewalls and stuff is huge well I actually think you know a shield would be one of the more common and beloved companions to most magic users in a fantasy setting him you know what type is shield I think you know what time is your our high shield of course but I look any other type of lime shield that can protect our body really well again if imagine users are fighting another magic user okay and there are fireballs being lobbed at them something they can give them full protection makes a lot of sense and so again best type of armor for like adventures shields are at I've armor and I think shield suit magic uses really really well and that is even if there is restriction on metal other types of armors for them to you know actually just wear over their bodies so there are some really cool ideas that you can kind of come across when you try and explore this idea in detail and these are some of my thoughts I'd love to hear some of your thoughts in the comments hello so just to quickly recap traveling over long distances something quieter more flexible and comfortable gambeson absolutely if you're relying on agility and stuff like that you can still wear heavier armor that still makes sense heavier armor metal armor specifically makes less sense if you're wanting to sneak or fight over a longer period of time and maintain your energy okay because you will tie a quicker wearing heavier armor and if you're a magic user again shield really really good so there we go guys thank you for watching I hope you've enjoyed it's a really intriguing in-depth you know kind analysis here a lot of fun so I hope you have enjoyed I hope to see you next time and until then [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 780,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: armor, armour, fantasy, adventurer, adventurers, dnd, dungeons and dragons, d&d, medieval, middle ages, equipment, paladin, fighter, barbarian, druid, party, plucky, heroes, hero, wizard, rogue, sorcerer, cleric, ranger, leather, plate, studded, female, historical, history, quest, castle, castles, sword, swords, game of thrones, lord of the rings, skyrim, knight, magic, enchanted, anime, top ten, top 10, goblin slayer
Id: Ldys1pxojBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 02 2019
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