WHY SO HEAVY!! Elden Ring weapons

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[Music] greetings i'm chad and man i have really been enjoying elden ring lately i've sung about uh 50 hours into the game and there's no sign of me slowing down anytime soon and in regards to games that i really enjoy especially when they are inspired quite heavily on medieval history in regards to the setting the armor and weapons well i like to have a look at how well and accurately they depict those weapons in terms of their design but also how they are used now in regards to olden rings specifically i love the game okay there's so many points of praise just speaking generally about gamepl adaptive you know quality of these things that are so related to my passions but also this channel weapons and armor and stuff but if you'd like to hear my kind of broader thoughts of the game and overall well i will be doing a review on my other channel knights watch university are about medieval history and fantasy and all those good things and that's what we'll be looking at weapons and armor now if you're thinking that this is a bit of a pointless kind of endeavor because it's clearly fair to see and there are obviously many over-the-top exaggerated weapons and stuff like that well hang on it is still worth looking at it because when we do surprisingly i know i have found when i've looked at this there are some elements that they've done really well on where they have kind of hit it out of the park some of the there's some one in particular animation that is near perfect in terms of how this weapon is used and they also did a really good job of the design then there are some interesting little errors that they've also done in terms of classification terminology uh and then also some weapons are depicted being used vastly different to how they would historically and just flat out incorrect and it's really interesting just explore it and look at what they did right what they did wrong because honestly i would love it if video games got it all right depicted because elden ring yes it's fantasy but they are absolutely drawing heavily from history in many of the weapons all the base weapons and many of the weapons categories are very much historically inspired elder rings should be given huge compliments and credit for the attention to detail and respect that they have honestly shown the the the historical basis that these weapons and armor are founded on they are surprisingly accurate in design in many instances i'll be able to show specifics when we dive into uh the video game of how they're depicted and also how they use and overall yeah really good compliments and because it's so good i want to give them credit for that but also point out the places where there's been big errors and encourage even going further getting it done as good as possible because that not only increases immersion even if you are not familiar with the medieval setting how these weapons are used what's interesting is the more accurately they are depicted in terms of how they look but also how they are shown being used even if you're unaware of this stuff the more immersive it becomes because you can compare what the accurate usage is versus the exaggerated incorrect usages and the correct one always feels more real more sophisticated and i get will increase immersion even with people that aren't aware of it that's why i want to push it and encourage it and do this analysis so thank you for joining us and uh let's dive in and look at all these weapons in armor you know specifically before we dive into the detailed analysis and breakdown of the old and ring weapons and animations there's something my character needs she's feeling a little bit hungry so let's go visit this vendor see what food he has available vendor i am famished what type of food dost thou have available well you're in luck tarnished i just got my delivery of hellofresh free food while i'm adventuring it's delivered to me sir tell me more all you have to do is go to hellofresh.com and use 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accurately identified as a war sword another interesting thing this exact weapon that she is holding looks to be a copy of one that you can buy online and that weapon that you can buy online is also incorrectly called a bastard sword so that might be where they get some of the naming wrong they've definitely been inspired or just straight up reproducing good quality weapons that you can find online and the sword that this is based on is a decent quality one i've actually seen and held it in real life but it just goes to show you how you can get misled online and you take the information that you find just on face value the other weapons that they have are done really really well for instance the long sword which is called a long sword is pretty much perfect right it's a little on the small side and so perhaps this would be better to be called a bastard sword but overall the game does a great job in depicting historical weapons that they're based on with just a few errors in its naming so let's go through some of these weapons shall we we'll begin with i guess the smaller ones and go through in order the parrying dagger on profile looks great it's a bit fat but that's probably because of game design limitations to help you see it better but very accurate to a historical parrying dagger and in regards to its move set mostly fine it focuses on the slashing types of attacks there's a bit of an over swing there's no real thrusts with it though and so one of the big advantages with daggers is that you would often thrust with them but in terms of gameplay design it seems like they don't want to go too far with the versatility the types of animations so it gets predictable you can telegraph and it's just gameplay heavy attacks is just a kind of wide telegraph slash with more weight and power but behind it in an actual combat situation you would really want to telegraph this much but this is mostly for a gameplay mechanic the dual wielding dagger animations focuses on slashing once again very few thrusting which is you're missing out on some of the most deadly kind of attacks that daggers can be employed in but in regards to how these slashes look they're very fast and looks pretty cool overall so now we come to the straight sword category of weapons in the game and this is where i have some annoyance with just their categorization system because it also affects how certain weapons are depicted and how they're animated in the straight sword category they lump in both short sword arming sword and long swords all together giving them all the same animations and this just isn't how these types of weapons operate their weights are quite considerably different and you can do different things with them of course shorter and arming sword weapons are much easier to use in one hand than long swords and just the way that you're able to maneuver them is at a different speed there's a different tempo at play but if we have a look at the straight swords that i've found you'll see both short sword long sword they call this the broadsword but this is the arming sword and there's another you know type of long sword and yet the animation for each one of these weapons are identical and if you have a look at the weight that this character is throwing around into the strikes one it's very over swung and if we're just going to be quickly critiquing the type of animation for this weapon she's acting like this small sword is far heavier than what it really should be for its size or design and then if we switch to what they call the broadsword which is a actual it's a really nicely designed arming sword like it looks beautiful but the animation is identical and again too much overswing acting like the weapon is too is far heavier than what it really would be in reality i acknowledge the gameplay mechanic of needing to telegraph so you know your opponents and pvp can see what's happening and have a chance to block and everything but i do feel that there are ways that you can try and include subtle telegraphing without making it look unrealistic from a martial arts perspective very poor technique just watch carefully with the wind up and the over swing in this strike and most of the strikes with this weapon are over swung then you have the two handed options for each one of these weapons the long sword the short sword and even though they're called abroad so i'm calling the ceramic sword because that is essentially what it is and it's the exact same animations for them all which just do not make sense for such a small sword like this look at how much is swinging around way too much weight in it same with the arming sword and the long sword is the only one that you could mildly justify but you would need a much bigger long sword than what these animations are really kind of showing you could justify that she's just throwing all her strength into these types of strikes i do like it there's a well-timed executed and balanced step with each one of these strikes step forward hips step forward hit step forward hit they're just a bit too slow and cumbersome and it makes it feel like the weapon would be much heavier than what it is but this is nowhere near as egregious as some of the other weapons that we'll get to but this is a very common thing that we see in a lot of video games where the movements are exaggerated to convey both power and motion where it's really easy to see to the you know person playing it but i do feel we could achieve the same thing in terms of the gameplay purpose with more realistic and therefore immersive animations because there is one weapon in which they do it surprisingly well much better than i kind of expected and let's take a look at that right now it is the uchi katana which is basically an okatana or nadashi or a large tashi it is a large katana essentially a katana that's more suited for the battlefield and i like that they've gone for that the standard katana is actually is better suited as a backup weapon or one for self-defense so points there now in regards to the animations the one-handed animations kind of suffer from the same symptoms not as much but you know it's close as the straight sword category which as we saw includes arming sword length and long swords and there's a you know decent amount of overswing in some of them but still the stances are better especially the ending stances ready for a follow-up strike where it's there ready for a follow-up strike and again and so already we see some better animations in regards to real effective swordsmanship but the one where the animations just are basically perfect for this weapon are the two-handed animations so this is going to show you that the devs of the elden ring can just hit it out of the park and it's interesting that the weapon that has near perfect animations is the japanese weapon and this is from a japanese game development company because they probably have more sources or are more familiar with how this weapon should look like from the media and the general educational sphere that they're exposed to so let's have a look at these animations already you can see that they are much better in terms of where the attack ends it's not too over swung and it's ready for a good follow-up strike and one of the ending animations that i really like is the ending position of the second attack so the first one ends let's see that position right there see the ending position of the second one second attack is beautiful it's not over strong it's held at the high ready for a follow-up attack which does really well oh the ending position of the third attack is perfect as well just it's a very beautifully animated move set so if only we could have gotten such beautiful animations for all the historical based weapons and that's one of the reasons why i'm making this video to just kind of encourage if the devs ever see this that they've done a really great job at this areas for improvement to just add more immersion now you might be thinking how important is this there's a lot of people that don't know what historical sorts and ship or historical martial arts weapon-based martial arts should look like but even if you don't know it you get a feeling you can see the power and control and technique in an animation like this as opposed to animations like this where it's just more looks like wild over swinging brute force when you know european sultanship has such specific and sophisticated technique movements convey what is going on in the characters or the combatants head how controlled they are how well trained they are as well and also the properties of the weapon how heavy or how elegant it is my criticisms of the animations just get worse when we get to the next category of weapon the great swords because if you think the straight swords are overswung have a look at some of these animations for the greatsword now one-handed i could kind of agree that uh it's very hard to one hand a great sword and you would have a lot of trouble swinging like but even not as bad as this especially with the sword that we're holding here because this sword you can actually basically buy online it's a real sword that is made online that's what they've clearly based it off of and you wouldn't need to over swing to this level if you put heaps of strength into it yeah maybe you could push it to that but this character is acting like it's far heavier than what it is now when you apply two hands to this weapon that's when it goes overboard because two hands you're essentially doubling the amount of well actually you're increa not more than doubling the leverage you can apply to it but you're doubling the amount of strength you can apply to move this weapon around and it should not be as difficult as it is shown to attack with like have a look at this your basic it's like she can barely lift the thing no these animations are horrible for great swords this is just really really bad very unrealistic this is one of the big fails in the game like i said the game does a great job in some areas and an awful job in some areas i do admit it does depend on the size of great sword that you give the character because there are multiple great swords you get in the game yet each one of these they're not over the top as far as you can get with those the next category that we'll go to but the claymore it's the same issue because exact same animations claymore looks a bit bigger but it's when the two-handed ones it's like she can barely lift it this is simply not how you fight with great swords and greatswords aren't as heavy as this granted claymores are on the heavier side on the great sword category even historically okay but overall these are more elegant weapons you can fight with them in a far more sophisticated way you follow through with the momentum so unfortunately the great sword is a pretty big fail in regards to its animations could be much much better but if you think the great sword was bad let's have a look at the next category the colossal sword now i wouldn't have too much of an issue with this except for the fact that they've included this weapon in the category the zveyhander which is definitely in the greatsword category but they've included in the colossal sword category and as a result they are showing this vi-hander unbelievably heavy like truly the zveyender is a surprisingly elegant thin weapon historically they were heavier versions but there were a lot of far thinner versions and all the move sets that what i was talking about which should be more accurate to the great sword category apply to this vi hander but have a look at the animation that they're showing with this vi hander here it is like she is acting like this is a near unmovable piece of steel and the way that it just thuds the ground when she hits is so unrealistic to what this weapon is that like the true weapon historical zveyhander oh my goodness it's unbelievably incorrect and this is the same when we go to the two-handed animations she can barely lift the thing it is ridiculous now i don't have too much of an issue with these animations when we get to truly ridiculously oversized and weighted weapons like this kind of uh you know guts inspired from the anime uh berserk look how thick this thing is i could believe that this thing would be as heavy as we kind of see in these animations here and truly yes you would need absolute humor superhuman strength to be able to even lift this thing let alone use it but the fact that they show this sword which is unbelievably heavy to be equivalent to the uh zveyhander oh that's unforgivable i can't stand it at least i have a good thrust animation but ah this hurts this hurts my soul the rapist design is pretty much perfect it looks absolutely accurate it might be on the short side though actual you know historical rabies could be a bit longer animations are mostly perfect okay very thrust oriented we even have like you know the ending thrust has an interesting hand position which we see in historical mangles as well where she holds it kind of up now see that ending one where the fist is focused held up really good i really like that heavy attack mostly good like no real complaints there the rapier isn't as light as people think it's about as heavy as an arming sword and so the the weight of the character is kind of showing in terms of how heavy the weapon is this is all working really well so that was the thrusting sword category and then i have another sword category called the heavy thrusting sword which is mainly for the stock i haven't found the stock but i do have uh the heavy epi i think this is called let me just quickly double check the great epi or epay and they're showing that it's heavier the animations work pretty good i you know again not it not not too bad here the heavy animation is a slash you could get away with a slash but actually for like the stock category of sword historically most of them didn't even have an edge they were a dedicated thrusting weapon and so this would just be more like slapping him with a more blunted piece of steel not really sure on the heavy animation there we go the two-handed animations focusing on the thrusts really good love it the heavy attack though is again a two-handed slash so look yes you could have this if you had like in a stock with a cutting edge but most of them didn't and so that animation just doesn't really fit the scimitar's design is pretty good now the term scimitar is a more umbrella term for a family of sword like greatsword is an umbrella term for a family of larger swords and so the sword actually holding here is more like a shamsheer or killage but looking mostly good and i don't mind the animations where focused thr slashing animations with wide or long lunges are really good actually i really like it the animations kind of remind me of certain saber forms and so yeah i really like it and this is actually probably one of the better animations where the there's not huge overswing in fact the arm while the shoulder is always facing forward and so it's only the arm that's actually swinging behind but that's keeping everything mostly in position yeah these animations are really really nice two-handed animations are also pretty good there is some over swinging but uh i really like it now what's interesting about this category of sword this is in the curved category this falchion is in the same category of sword but actually has a different animation where the scimitar had more upward kind of slashes the falchion has more downwards slices and i don't mind that there is a bit more over swinging it makes it look a bit more crude but i do like the attention to detail that they decided to give a different animation to the falchion versus the scimitar and because i haven't gotten all the weapons in the game there's probably different animations for weapons within the same category as well as a result the two-handed animations for the falchion pretty good i mean there's some brute brutish over swinging on the second attack look at this one right there that's it's a pretty brutish overswing there throwing too much weight which you don't need massive amounts of force to do equivalent damage with swords or definitely enough damage in terms of the design of the falchion uh i quite like it you know the charge swing it there's a spin in there but it's all right the look of the falchion i quite like that's that's a you know beautifully designed fashion as well i'm going to give an honorable mention to the twin blade here because i've actually done a video on double bladed swords and you know i actually feel the double-bladed sword has an appropriate place for fantasy there is more utility to this weapon than what many people have said in the past because this weapon has get been given a lot of criticism as being utterly ridiculous if you want to know the reasons why check out my video i don't like the one-handed animations this would be a really awkward one-handed sword you would never really want to one-hand it but in terms of the two-handed animations you know hitting with both ends spin you can kind of get away with it but look it's a cool flashy weapon i explain in my video the best way that i feel you would want to fight with this weapon and of course this isn't the same if you want to see what that is like once again go check out that video but it's a fun weapon i like that they included it so now let's have a look at the axe animations now uh basic you know axe it's a bit on the large side for a one-handed battle axe of this type this is very much kind of like viking scandinavian inspired battle axe the axe head is very much on the thick side in terms of the animations what i find interesting is in some of them there's not as much over swinging as the one-handed swords i don't mind that it ends on a really heavy uh downwards cut it's an axe you could throw your weight into it the heavy attack animations are you know very over swung lots of telegraphing it conveys power so it's the same kind of thing that we see with a lot of other ones if we have a look at the two-handed versions of this weapon look less over swinging than even the long sword and some of this i like that in some of these animations looks like it she's using the momentum to continue the strikes where she kind of swings with it that's actually pretty good now in terms of the heavy attacks same kind of thing not too much difference even with a charge up one so lots of telegraphing with that version what's interesting is that this is a different animation between this axe and the larger ones these ones are slightly slower and is actually reflect because they are larger weapons but compare that to this one this one is slightly faster looks better in my opinion than the animations with these bigger ones but these axes in real life if they were actually real would be so insanely heavy you would barely be able to lift them so two-handed swings yeah not great but like i said this weapon would be so heavy it kind of suits but then we get to the great axe and look at the size of this thing it's absolutely ridiculous i get it it's fantasy it's for fun i actually like the over-the-top insanely big weapons in this game because they look awesome okay but of course we can't acknowledge that you would not even be able to lift a weapon like this in terms of the animations yeah this would be so insanely heavy you you know you wouldn't even be able to lift it but even if you could it would be something like that i i i could be i could be on board with these animations for one that is definitely this big so now we come to the hammer category which also includes one-handed warhammers and maces as well so looking at the animations for this club it's basically one animation just hit and look you know i wouldn't i would like some more diversity in the animation you could do some uh you could follow through with the momentum to get a bit more diversity because stopping this momentum there to just pull back into another swing so a lot of wasted energy where you could just go with the momentum two-handed same deal heavy attacks big hit nothing really to us praises just large telegraphing but throwing all your power into it switching over to the mace though at least we have a bit of a better animation set even though it's the it's funnier like when they have such vastly different animations is there a point in keeping the weapons in the same category like having that basic club in the same category as the other ones and the category is hammered i mean the mace is definitely not a hammer but like i said they get terminology muffled mixed in in this game now in terms of the animation lots of telegraphing lots of overswing look it's not great it's more weight based weapon but still don't like it i don't mind the um heavy animation where instead of pulling all the way back she kind of holds it up high for a big hit to hit like way too much telegraphing or over swinging with the two-handed ones don't mind the um heavy attack where instead of pulling it back she more holds it up and then hits that's not bad and pretty much same animations for this war pick here which is closer to historical warhammer actually uh so yeah it's basically the same except with this heavy attack she does pull the weapon all the way back and you know for if you're bracing ready for it but there's still too much telegraphing and then we have the flail and you know i'm not a fan of the flail generally like even running around like this this would be hitting aside and stuff but uh look it depict the actual design is pretty good the chain isn't long enough to hit their knuckles so that's good swinging following thr you actually do need to follow through with the flails so it doesn't actually hit you but you can just see how that flower head is moving it's not at being it's not moving realistically and sometimes it's just suddenly stopping too soon and it's not swinging nearly as much as it would uh heavy attack look i kind of like that there's a bit of a wind-up swing and then a big hit that's not bad two-handed flail yeah over-swinging telegraphing and again the weapon isn't as heavy as it's being depicted i do like this swing lined up though that looks cool so let's have a look at the hull birds in this and the design yes beautiful love it but the fact that they have even the possibility of using it in one hand or like how birds are particularly top heavy and so the amount of strength you need to be able to just hold it up like that without a second point of leverage it would kill your wrist this is pretty much impossible and even if you could pull it off it'd be so difficult you would not be able to put a lot of force behind it heavy attack i kind of like this one see the amount of bracing that she needs to do to even get the strike in because the hal bird would be so top heavy in reality this one is more realistic than many of the other other animations because a hull bird would be such a difficult weapon to use in one hand but let's see if that carries through to the two-handed animations where suddenly this should not be depicted so cumbersome and heavy because it's a vast difference in the amount that you can move this weapon around when you have a second point of leverage all right and so now looking at this main one-handed attacks they're not bad and thrusts you know i like that they're showing it uh hal bird is yes a thrusting weapon as well as a slashing one and then we go to the heavy attacks this is a bit harder to say because it's not i actually don't feel as they're showing it to be over heavy i feel that they're showing her putting more strength into the strike she's telegraphing too much but the weapon doesn't look overly cumbersome it's just that she's you know putting more effort into it the thing that i don't like necessarily the spins this one isn't too you could justify it because you're putting so much weight and power into the strike that spinning to complete the next attack can arguably you could argue it that you're not losing any more time and not putting yourself in any more danger except for losing sight of the opponent but i can you know give a certain allowance to spins when you're going with the momentum and you're not losing time i don't like the slight pause like right here there's a pause if you just continued it and i think you do it here that's much better you could get away with something like that if the weight and power is so great you can't stop instead of trying to stop the strike there and follow up with a an attack from the other side just going with it yes and in fact i like this charge up heavy attack with the hull bird i think it's awesome of course it would have been even nicer to see more historically accurate hull bird techniques such as one of the more correct stances where you hold it with the butt of the halberd pointed towards your opponent because some of them especially polaxes had points on them i really like the spears in this game and in terms of the design is different types they all look pretty good uh the starting spear which i don't have a basic spear nothing wrong with it i love that they have one spear that is essentially a sword staff and this is and you know i've got a whole video on the sword stuff it's awesome that they appear in this game and there's two type there's a spear sword stuff and then there's a hull bird sword staff as well and so of course this one has the hull actually this has a different animation compared to the other uh halberd as well up upward slashing again i like that they have different animations for different weapons even of the same type i think that's just cool but going back to the spear uh the animation is actually pretty basic with the sphere as just thrust this this is it this is the animations here three thrusts too much wind up too much over swing um you know you could throw this much weight and power into thrusts i don't think you need to telegraph this much though and then we have some you know these animations again there's a bit of a wind up but you could put this much power into them so they're not necessarily unrealistic and some of the other sphere types like this the partisan it's mostly accurate to um you know historical partisan it's not perfect though so some of the weapons are basically perfect replicas of their historical counterparts where this partisan no it's not great but it's okay so the spears are pretty good overall and look they even have a pike uh it'll be hard to one hand a pike like this because they'd be so top top-heavy but you know does the job now let's talk about the shields in the game because i'm a little divided in some ways they depict shields great in other ways they depict shields terribly in terms of how they're used most of the actual designs of the shields look beautiful there's a lot of different types of shields and oh i love that they have so many kite shields except that i'm still waiting to find a kite shield that blocks 100 physical damage because like come on like in terms of game places mechanics i need a kite shield that can block 100 of physical damage okay i'm actually playing a shield meta at the moment and i need a shield that blocks a lot and so i've actually been using the uh the tower shields the the big shields uh but see i'll probably be using i love the design of this you know big shield that's technically a kite shield but again not 100 physical damage what are you doing to me but just separate to that mini rant there's a couple of things that they do really good with it for instance the small shields the bucklers when you block she actually holds it out pretty far that's the way that you do want to block with a buckler what i don't like then is the fact that she basically lowers it completely when she attacks like she basically moves the buckle up behind us that's not you don't wanna you have a shield for a reason you keep the shield forward especially with you know buckler and sword fighting uh you don't just basically forgets that the shield is there now unfortunately this is the case with most shields when you're holding it out basically forgets that they're holding a shield when they go to attack and this is all shields even the big tower shields the character forgets that they're holding him and just goes to attack this is a very common error that they have with shields shields you hold them out you can attack with a sword and many other weapons while still holding the shield out in front of you you have a shield for a reason use it so as i mentioned they do this in nearly all video games one of the areas that i really like they didn't do it completely here in elden ring there are some weapons that you can use that you hold the shield out and you keep it there when you attack and so you keep the guard up when you attack with specifically thrusting focus weapons the rapier but my particular favorite the shield and spear and this is my current meta and loadout in my main playthrough at the moment heavy shield and big spear basically playing as a phalanx soldier and it's pretty awesome well it's basic it's just thrust thrust with shield but when you get the right ash of war where you can power up the shield and basically block everything it works pretty well in fact it's a bit of a game breaking combo i've been just smashing so many bosses way too easily far easier than it should be for a souls like game that's because you can cheese certain matters and just smash through it i'm going to be doing other playthroughs where i'm not doing such a kind of you know broken meta but part of me kind of likes that the spear and shield combo is so op because guess what historically it was op and so i'm okay with certain combos being op if they have historical foundation and basis for it because what kind of annoys me in uh uh elden ring is that there is one you know i combo which is pretty powerful and it's just not reflected in history and it's how powerful they made the uchi katana compared to other one-handed and two-handed swords because it scales a little bit better than say the long sword yet it has an inherent blood loss mechanic which just makes it oh unbalanced in comparison to the other sword uh in reality the uh you know katana of longsword length wasn't better than a long sword they have strengths and weaknesses both in their own regard and in terms of the mechanics of how they execute it in game they've made the uchi katana far stronger than what it is historically in comparison to other weapons that were can achieve the same purpose so in some ways i'm okay with op combos in other ways i'm not when they're not reflected in history but hey phalanx shield kind of formation yeah i don't i like it and so she lowers the shield in the heavy attack so i basically never use the heavy attack and i just power up and uh it's basic but man isn't effective and at least at least as i mentioned they have a combo where finally you can keep the shield up while you attack because that's what shields are meant to do so there's a bit of a win there we're almost done going through the historical weapons in ordering now i know there are more wacky unique weapons that i could comment on but i don't i'm far from having all of them or at least enough that you can get in the game that i could talk about hey if you like this type of video though let me know in the comments because when i get more in my playthrough more of the wacky weapons maybe i'll do a review of the wacky weapons in elder ring but before we get there definitely should talk about bows i am an archer myself i have a bit of experience in this regard and so in terms of how they depicted the bows well it's not bad i i'm not a fan of the basic you know um animations because look at how she's holding it right one it's not a full draw two you could never hold it full draw infinitely like they're showing here and three i don't like the sense it's all if you were actually to draw a bow like this you could do it with a light bow and we see that in you know olympic archery this is very much a kind of like olympic archery form but this isn't what combat archery would look like especially if you're dealing with a warbo she's not utilizing her back muscles or anything like that and so i'm not a fan of just the standard archery kind of uh shooting and this is the same with the longbow as well she's leaning a bit further back with the longbow animation but it's not great one of the things that i am a fan of though and that is the heavy or special attack that you can get with some of these longbows now in some of them it's just like a quicker thing but look at that look at the heavy attack this one i actually really like she is over drawing it to a crazy degree but i like that they show it see how she's leaning back with that draw in the bow leaning all the way back and then just letting it rip aside from the length that she's over drawing it this is a far more authentic kind of stance and posture that you adopt when you shoot heavy warbows the normal shots the normal archery of these warbows in the game should look more like this even with the regular shots and then they could do something they could do say an overdraw animation for the super heavy even though over drawing it to this level if the bow isn't made for it you'd damage your bow they wouldn't be able to maintain it heaps so this type of animation just drawing to the ear with a stance like that there are multiple stances you could do for you know warbow archery and then the heavy shot the special shot that you know takes mana you could overdraw it to that extent and maybe i'll still give it a pass but i do like that the short bow has the same kind of overdraw i don't like that they have the short bow doing inherently less damage than the longbow is there even a different category between yeah they have the light bow and regular bow when if you've seen my you know videos on the lost medieval bow and if the longbow is overrated i go into detail and you know showing evidence for that these short bows you know short recurve bows could absolutely be as high poundage uh as heavy longbows it wasn't the size of the bow that determined if that their poundage okay there are other factors that go that are involved with it so they fail in the categorization in terms of the damage like we see in all video games uh regarding warbows it's not the size but man i really do like the heavy animation shot see how she leans back like that and she's really putting weight into it it's satisfying i just i find this very satisfying watching it like oh yeah you can feel the power i made this point in my video about uh if you could shoot like an elf from a tree that the stance conveys power and the so many video games are just missing out i love that elden ring at least has one animation that shows the amount of power through stance and body language that some of these war bows could have so there's a big win for me and unfortunately they just failed in the regular shooting animations where it's just like very basic weak olympic archery style you know shooting when if this is a war bone no that's not the stance and she's not even drawing it to her ear or even her cheek it's pretty pathetic so big win and a big fail in regards to how archery is depicted in elden ring and lastly we have crossbows and so the design of this crossbow perfect beautiful you know another chef's kiss there are so many just beautifully designed fully accurate weapons in this uh game and in terms of the animation what's interesting about the crossbow it takes a separate kind of button you know command to load it which means it's going to be a slower weapon just like this and so i like that in terms of the how difficult it is to load it's depicting it to be way easier like for you know an actual battlefield or a castle defense it crossbow meant to be used in full-on war the poundage that it has is huge and the fact that she's just loading it with one hand that is not accurate to how powerful this crossbow should be it's either a pathetically weak crossbow to be able to load it like that or they are not depicting the animation correctly at all even on two-handed one it's basically the same animation and so that's a big fail with the crossbow in regards to that and it's the same with other crossbows as well just one-handed animation and shooting and this is the same if you two-handed as well and so that's where crossbows kind of sit in this game now crossbows are a bit hard to implement properly in video games because the the reason why they were used so much in warfare wasn't because they were more powerful than bose or faster than both to shoot it's because they were easy to train and easy to aim with and so maybe you could have a mechanic that crossbows were easy to aim with but it'd be hard to implement them in the game and one of the things that would affect crossbows real utility and fun to play in a video game if you had historically accurate reload times they the time it would take to reload them to get about equivalent damage to get out of a bow crossbows would become a very ineffective kind fighting weapon and i'm saying fighting instead of combat because in warfare because of the way warfare works you're in a unit formation you could employ a big perversion or pavis for you know protection while you're reloading it crossbows absolutely were a battlefield weapon but in terms of actual say fighting one-on-one fighting an individual a crossbow would be a terrible weapon because of its limitations and its length of reloading you can get away with bose because bose you can reload faster and there are ways to you know in terms of you can roll get distance and shoot and there's it's harder to get distance with bows in actual fighting but a bow in fighting combat one-on-one is still a vastly more viable weapon than a crossbow but just before i finish up on the weapons i want to give an honorable mention to their kite shield i already kind of did mention the kite shields but i think i want to mention is that i love that they gave it a center grip on the kite shield so when you block with it you just hold it up like that why am i giving it an honorable mention this is my favorite grip position on the kite shield it is historically accurate uh in terms of handhold positions the client shield has the most versatile handheld positions that we see in medieval art so there's many ways to hold a kite shield this is just one of the ways but it's my personal favorite way to hold a kite shield in kind of one-on-one fighting okay separate uh other ways that they can be employed it's very versatile it gives you a lot of control over it and that's the way that i made my own kite shield uh in terms of center grip in in this exact same way that we see in eldon ring and so i love it i think it's great so there we go as i mentioned at the very beginning eldon ring has done some things really really good better than a lot of other games and it's not perfect but it's certainly going in the right direction for how well it's done like the fact that they have a better animation for the heavy bow draw really happy i love that i think it looks so good it's just a good example of when you do things more realistically how much better it looks and more immersive all those things okay so thank you for joining me now i did mention i didn't get to go to all the you know weapons like the fancy exaggerated ones and everything let me know in the comments if you like to see something like that in the future if you want to hear my thoughts on the game overall just a general review do check out knight's watch i hope to see you there and of course i hope to see on the next video here on shadowversity so until that time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 327,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: U9zkxu9cBxs
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Length: 48min 48sec (2928 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2022
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